Download - Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.

Page 1: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.

Modern SlavesBy: Tim and Carter

Page 2: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.

What is Modern World Slavery?

• The 13th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6th, 1865. Many people believe that slavery doesn’t exist anymore, but that is not true at all. Slavery is still happening all over the world today. Slavery is even happening in the U.S. There are many different forms of slavery. This is one of the bigger issues in the world today.

Page 3: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.

Where is This Problem Happening?

• Modern world slavery is happening all over the world but it is worse in certain places. Russia and China are the two main areas for slavery. There are more than 1,000,000 slaves in just Russia and China today. Although these aren’t the only countries that have slavery problems. There are problems in Brazil, India, Haiti, and the U.S.

Page 4: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.

Who is Involved and Who is Vulnerable?

• Many countries are involved and many people. Many white people, or male’s are involved in this problem. The most vulnerable people to being trafficked are girls, African Americans, and children. People working 10 to 20 hours a day, 7 days a week with no pay and little food.

Page 5: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.

When Did This Problem Start?

• This world issue doesn’t particularly have a time when it started. The reason for that is because in some countries slavery hasn’t stopped at all. Slavery has been going on for a very long time. In some countries this problem is more recent but we are not for sure when it really started. This issue could be a forever lasting issue in the world.

Page 6: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.

Why and How Did This Start?

• This problem has started for many reasons but one main issue. The main reason people have started trafficking and keeping slaves is money. Employee’s cost money, so people just keep people as slaves so that they can make them work more, with little to no pay. They can have a lot of slaves that they don’t pay and just work pretty much all of the time.

Page 7: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.

What are the Historic Factors Behind This Issue?

• There are many historic factors behind modern world slavery, but one specific one would be the 13th amendment. The 13th amendment was the amendment that abolished slavery. But obviously that wasn’t enough because many people still own slaves and traffic people all over the world. We have had slaves for a long time. Slavery has never ended even though it is illegal.

Page 8: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.

A Different Point of View on Slavery

• In different places outside of the U.S., like Africa and Russia, slavery is a tradition. Slavery has been going on for a very long time in those places, and its like a tradition to them. In some countries slavery isn’t illegal so it’s hard to say if it will ever end there. No one knows if it will ever become illegal in those countries because it has been going for a long time, so it is pretty much accepted there.

Page 9: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.

What Will Happen in the Future?

• You can not say what will happen in the future since slavery has never completely ended. But the prediction for the future is forever pur say. There is a good chance that slavery won’t end for a very long time. It would, and will be very hard to stop slavery since it is all over the world. It will be a big issue for a long time.

Page 10: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.
Page 11: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.
Page 12: Modern Slaves By: Tim and Carter. What is Modern World Slavery? The 13 th amendment which abolished slavery was established on December 6 th, 1865. Many.




