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Kelsey TaylorHistory 141

Modern Latin AmericaAssignment 7

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Latin America’s Wars

Argentina 1820-1861

Provincials did not want to be governed by the Porteños

made them sign the Treaty of Pilar- created a federation within Argentina

Provincials defeated the Porteños and imposed the treaty

Provincial army: gauchos and the poor from the port of Buenos Aires

Unitarians consisted of the commercial class for their army

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Latin America’s Wars

Rosas became governor of Buenos Aires and as ruler, no constitution existed, only his word

There was an uneasy truce between the Provincials and the Porteños when Rosas started his rule over the future Argentina

General Paz was the first serious challenger to Rosas’ authority

Paz won control of 9 interior provinces uniting them in the unitarian league

Rosas controlled the littoral league

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Latin America’s Wars

The Great War

fought between the Uruguayan Congress and Rosas, Rosas was the victor

then the “coalition of the North” declared war against Rosas

Rosas won and emerged as a national hero

Still no peace between Uruguay and Rosas

France and Great Britain declared a blockade of Buenos Aires

Rosas was acclaimed the defender of national sovereignty against foreign intervention

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Latin America’s Wars

Between 1829 and 1851 Manuel Rosas dominated today’s Argentina

He was a very controversial figure: savior to some, arch villain to others

He ruled as an absolute dictator

He tried to prevent change to Argentina socially, economically, and politically

He left Argentina no less united than when he took control

When he got older, he lost his hold on the caudillos and that started his demise

After his rule, Justo Urquiza took over dominating Argentina and may be credited with having been the catalyst for Argentina’s transition from neo-feudalism to an emerging nation

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The Second World


The North American Free Trade Agreement was supposed to propel Mexico into the first world but instead it began an all out insurgency to draw attention to the plight of marginalized farmers

Mexico was revealed as more third-world than first

The rural-urban split in Mexico’s politics reveals that there are four Mexicos:

a northern region on the American border where dollars and pesos are interchangeable;

central Mexico, the country’s capital and breadbasket;

the indigenous, beautiful, economically destitute isthmus region;

and the “New Maya” region of the Yucatan, unevenly modernizing and overwhelmingly poor

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The Second World


The country without oil would be just another third-world agricultural backwater with populist leaders and the occasional coup

The country has potential to become a major energy provider and a diplomatic caalyst to finally achieve Bolívar’s dream

The people there are loyal to Chavez no matter what her does, for he has given them hope

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The Second World


It’s size makes it the continent’s natural leader

Takes up about half the continent, borders every country except Chile and Ecuador

Brazil is a magnet that attracts labor and investment from all sides

It has always looked multi-directionally, persevering in its quest to become the anchor of Latin diplomacy

Globalization has amplified class divides

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The Second World

Argentina and Chile

Argentina prospered for many decades under the mid-nineteenth century progressive liberalism of Presidente Juan Bautista Alberdi

Geographers and intellectuals view their country as a hemispheric rival to United state

Globalization has created new metrics for judging where a nation stands in the international hierarchy

Chile faces numerous bumps in the global marketplace, but so far it has managed them with confidence

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Grammy-winning Latina pop singer Shakira was born in Barranquilla, Colombia, on February 2, 1977. Her father is a Lebanese-American immigrant and her mother a native of Colombia of Italian and Spanish decent. Shakira began her musical career at age 12 and quickly captured fans throughout Latin America. She won the 2001 Best Latin pop Grammy for her "MTV Unplugged" album.

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Pies Descalzos Foundation (Barefoot Foundation) is a Colombian charity founded by pop artist Shakira in 1997. with the aim of helping poor and impoverished children. The Pies Descalzos mission statement is "The Barefoot Foundation work to ensure that every Colombian child can exercise their right to a quality education. Our model targets displaced and vulnerable communities by addressing their unique needs."

The foundations main focus is on aid through education, and the organisation has five schools across Colombia that provide education and meals for 4000 childre