Download - Modere Compensation Plan

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The modere compensation plan is a very unique business model in that is encompasses the $5 trillion dollar social retail industry.

Why is this important for you?

Modere is the first company of its kind to combine the $187 billion dollar network marketing industry with the $5 trillion dollar social retail industry.All future direct sales companies will be modeling what Modere has done.Timing is everything and anyone who sees the modere compensation plan for what it is is going to be very wealthy.

Let me be clear, this is not a something for nothing business. Residual income is not going to fall in any of our laps. No one had to sell me on Modere. I was what Nathan Ricks, a network marketing legend calls, a ’12 o’clock’. This simply means I am and perhaps you as well, the type of person that you cannot say the wrong thing to.

There is a saying in direct sales that you cannot say the right thing to the wrong person and you cannot say the wrong thing to the right person. I am the right person and as a modere social marketer it is my job to share my time, expertise and experience with those who come here and want freedom. The majority of people working regular jobs do not have freedom.

Their time is tied to their pay.What happens to the average employee who gets sick or cannot work? Their pay stops and this is the problem with having a job; even if you love what you do for a living. You are working for linear income. Income that only comes in by you trading time for a paycheck.

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Our school system here in America is not set up to teach people about free enterprise. The average college student here in America owes $37,000 in student loan debt upon graduation.

It is even worse in England where the average college grad owes $59,110 in debt. How many decades do you think it would take the average college graduate with 2 kids, a mortgage, credit card and auto loan debt to pay that amount of money off?

These are the hard facts employees who love what they do for a living must face. I am all for education and hold an undergraduate and a graduate degree in Exercise Physiology myself. I was fortunate in that it only took me 12 years to pay my college loans off and a trip to Afghanistan where I was nearly blown out of the building I was living in.

It was a humbling experience to say the least. We need to switch from a of paycheck dependency to one of freedom and that is going to take studying the modere compensation plan.

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The modere compensation plan uses what our school system has failed to teach our students. It encompasses the success principle of duplication. Modere’s compensation plan has to be the most lucrative business model anyone interested in residual income can get involved with.


It is mainly built on customer sales. If you have a customer who signs up under you and this customer signs up a customer under them you get commissions off that customer’s customer sells even though you didn’t sign them up yourself. This compensation plan is set up to help you succeed.

Here in America over 76 million Americans are struggling and this is supposedly the richest country in the world.75% of the population is living paycheck to paycheck. Good, hard working, highly educated men and women across this country and around the world are stuck in debt servitude. The modere compensation plan can break people free from this.

I can tell you that in 12 years of high school, 5 years of college, 2 years of graduate school and 15 years on active duty not one individual taught me anything about duplication. I was not taught anything about free enterprise or how to go into business for myself.This is why writing this modere compensation plan is critical for people that I know and to complete strangers who visit modere mlm from around the world.

Employees are relying on one source of income, their paycheck, and sadly far too many have too much month left at the end of the money.

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Modere’s mission is on clean living. They have nutritional supplements, weight loss, personal and household care products that are free from GMO’s and toxins. Wouldn’t it make more sense to purchase healthier products at wholesale prices rather than pay retail prices? Would it not make more sense to work the job you love or hate and supplement your income with residual income?

Residual income creates leverage and leverage means doing more with less. Here in the states we have been taught to work hard. Well, there are countless hard working, college graduates who are barely making ends meet who are giving all their paychecks to corrupt banks and bill collectors. It costs a minimal investment to start with Modere for only $49. Bill Britt, a legend in the direct sales industry, started his business with another company in 1970 for only $21.

He went on to become one of the highest income earners in the history of direct sales. How did he do it? Duplication.

This is a people helping people business where in order to get you must first give. I strongly encourage you to visit our modere countries page, select your countries modere website using promo code 078373 and become a modere social marketer today.Go into business for yourself.

If you watched the above modere compensation plan videos you will know this is an opportunity people should not pas up.Timing is everything. Modere has already paid out over $3 billion dollars in commissions to their independent business owners. This is a statistic that should raise the eyebrows of anyone who read this modere compensation plan post.

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