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  • 8/9/2019 Models of Consultation


    Models of ConsultationModels of Consultation

    PSY 755PSY 755School Consultation SkillsSchool Consultation Skills

    Lee A. Wilkinson, Ph.D.,Lee A. Wilkinson, Ph.D.,


  • 8/9/2019 Models of Consultation


  • 8/9/2019 Models of Consultation


    Mental Health ConsultationMental Health Consultation


    "e#nition$"e#nition$ a pro!ess of intera!tion %etween twoa pro!ess of intera!tion %etween two

    professional persons the !onsultant,professional persons the !onsultant,

    who is a spe!ialist, and the !onsultee,who is a spe!ialist, and the !onsultee,

    who invo'es the !onsultants help inwho invo'es the !onsultants help in

    reard to a !urrent wor' pro%lem withreard to a !urrent wor' pro%lem with

    whi!h he is havin some dii!ulty andwhi!h he is havin some dii!ulty and

    whi!h he has de!ided is within thewhi!h he has de!ided is within the

    others area of spe!iali*ed !ompeten!eothers area of spe!iali*ed !ompeten!e

    (Caplan & Caplan, 1993)(Caplan & Caplan, 1993)

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    Mental Health ConsultationMental Health Consultation(continued)(continued)

    +ey Chara!teristi!s$+ey Chara!teristi!s$ onhierar!hi!al and !oordinate relationshiponhierar!hi!al and !oordinate relationship Consultants and !onsultees viewed asConsultants and !onsultees viewed as

    e-perts in own arease-perts in own areas Consultant has no authority over !onsulteeConsultant has no authority over !onsultee .oal is to improve understandin of !urrent.oal is to improve understandin of !urrent

    pro%lem and to in!rease !apa!ity ofpro%lem and to in!rease !apa!ity of

    masterin this type of pro%lem in the futuremasterin this type of pro%lem in the future /rimary aim is to improve !onsultees o%/rimary aim is to improve !onsultees o%

    performan!e (does not fo!us overtly onperforman!e (does not fo!us overtly onpersonal pro%lems)personal pro%lems)

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    Assumptions in MentalAssumptions in Mental

    Health ConsultationHealth Consultation /sy!hodynami! orientation/sy!hodynami! orientation

    oth intrapsy!hi! and environmental fa!torsoth intrapsy!hi! and environmental fa!tors

    are important in e-plainin and !haninare important in e-plainin and !hanin


    2e!hni!al e-pertise of the !onsultant is not2e!hni!al e-pertise of the !onsultant is not

    enouh to desin ee!tive interventionsenouh to desin ee!tive interventions

    2he !onsultee is responsi%le for a!tion2he !onsultee is responsi%le for a!tion Consultation is one of many means availa%leConsultation is one of many means availa%le

    to an orani*ation for addressin dii!ultiesto an orani*ation for addressin dii!ulties

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    Assumptions in MentalAssumptions in Mental

    Health ConsultationHealth Consultation(continued)(continued)

    Consultee attitudes and %eliefs areConsultee attitudes and %eliefs are

    important however, they !annot %eimportant however, they !annot %edealt with %y dire!t !onfrontationdealt with %y dire!t !onfrontation44

    (rown et al4, 5001)(rown et al4, 5001)

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    Four Types of MentalFour Types of Mental

    Health ConsultationHealth Consultation Client6!entered !ase !onsultationClient6!entered !ase !onsultation

    Consultee6!entered !ase !onsultationConsultee6!entered !ase !onsultation /roram6!entered administrative/roram6!entered administrative


    Consultee6!entered administrativeConsultee6!entered administrative


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    Consultee-Centered CaseConsultee-Centered Case


    odel most often dis!ussed %y Caplanodel most often dis!ussed %y Caplan(Caplanian !onsultation)(Caplanian !onsultation)

    8o!us is on individual !ases8o!us is on individual !ases /rimary oal is enhan!ed !onsultee/rimary oal is enhan!ed !onsulteeperforman!eperforman!e

    nvolves no dire!t assessment of the !lientnvolves no dire!t assessment of the !lient

    .oal is to determine why !onsultee is.oal is to determine why !onsultee ishavin dii!ulty with the !lient and tohavin dii!ulty with the !lient and toassist with this dii!ultyassist with this dii!ulty

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    Categories of ConsulteeCategories of Consultee

    DiicultyDiiculty :a!' of 'nowlede:a!' of 'nowlede

    :a!' of s'ill:a!' of s'ill

    :a!' of !on#den!e:a!' of !on#den!e :a!' of o%e!tivity (theme interferen!e:a!' of o%e!tivity (theme interferen!e))

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    Critique of Caplans ModelCritique of Caplans Model

    .reat histori!al sini#!an!e foundation.reat histori!al sini#!an!e foundation

    for the development of !onsultation as afor the development of !onsultation as a

    servi!e delivery approa!hservi!e delivery approa!h

    ;or' has %een e-tended and reframed for;or' has %een e-tended and reframed forappli!ation in s!hool settinsappli!ation in s!hool settins

    :ess studied empiri!ally than other:ess studied empiri!ally than other


    "ii!ult to use when one doesnt have"ii!ult to use when one doesnt have

    psy!hodynami! perspe!tivepsy!hodynami! perspe!tive

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    Components of #uccessfulComponents of #uccessful

    !rgani"ational Consultation!rgani"ational Consultation($ut%in & Curtis' )($ut%in & Curtis' )

    utual adaptation 6 the e-tent to whi!hutual adaptation 6 the e-tent to whi!h

    innovations>!hane proe!ts 82 into the lo!alinnovations>!hane proe!ts 82 into the lo!al

    e!oloies of !ommunities, s!hools, !lassroomse!oloies of !ommunities, s!hools, !lassroomspredi!ts su!!essful implementationpredi!ts su!!essful implementation

    ?elevant system administrators should %e?elevant system administrators should %e

    involved support from administrators should %einvolved support from administrators should %e

    eli!itedeli!ited @ll primary sta'eholders must %e involved in the@ll primary sta'eholders must %e involved in the

    !hane pro!ess!hane pro!ess

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    Model of Colla*orati+eModel of Colla*orati+e


    (Curtis & #tollar' ' .//.)(Curtis & #tollar' ' .//.) 1414 "es!ri%e the pro%lem as spe!i#!ally as"es!ri%e the pro%lem as spe!i#!ally as

    possi%le4possi%le4 "es!ri%ed desired out!omes4"es!ri%ed desired out!omes4

    5454 @naly*e the spe!i#! pro%lem in terms of@naly*e the spe!i#! pro%lem in terms of

    resour!es and o%sta!les4resour!es and o%sta!les4

    3434 Aele!t an o%sta!le that wouldAele!t an o%sta!le that would

    sini#!antlysini#!antly hinder resolvin the pro%lemhinder resolvin the pro%lem

    identi#ed in step one4identi#ed in step one4 B4B4 rainstorm resour!es and a!tivities thatrainstorm resour!es and a!tivities that

    may %emay %e used to redu!e or eliminate theused to redu!e or eliminate the

    spe!i#ed o%sta!le4spe!i#ed o%sta!le4

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    Model of Colla*orati+eModel of Colla*orati+e


    44 "esin a plan that in!ludes"esin a plan that in!ludes

    a!!ounta%ility fora!!ounta%ility for !ompletion (who,!ompletion (who,

    what, when)what, when) D4D4

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    0eha+ioral Consultation0eha+ioral Consultation

    Chara!teri*ed %y$Chara!teri*ed %y$

    1414 Ese of a four6stae pro%lem solvin pro!essEse of a four6stae pro%lem solvin pro!ess

    operationali*ed %y three separateoperationali*ed %y three separate

    interviewsinterviews5454 @dheren!e to %ehavioral assessment@dheren!e to %ehavioral assessment


    3434 ?elian!e on %ehavioral intervention?elian!e on %ehavioral intervention


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    0eha+ioral Consultation0eha+ioral Consultation(0ergan' 112 0ergan &(0ergan' 112 0ergan &

    3ratoch4ill' /)3ratoch4ill' /)

    8our staes$8our staes$ /ro%lem denti#!ation (/)/ro%lem denti#!ation (/)

    /ro%lem @nalysis (/@)/ro%lem @nalysis (/@)

    2reatment (plan) mplementation2reatment (plan) mplementation

    2reatment (plan)

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    #tage 5 ,ro*lem#tage 5 ,ro*lem

    6denti7cation6denti7cation G%e!tives$G%e!tives$

    ost !riti!al stae of !onsultationost !riti!al stae of !onsultation

    Consultant de#nes the presentin (taret)Consultant de#nes the presentin (taret)

    pro%lem in operational terms with thepro%lem in operational terms with thehelp of the !onsultanthelp of the !onsultant

    @ssessment data>%aseline data are !olle!ted@ssessment data>%aseline data are !olle!ted

    whi!h assess relevant aspe!ts of the taretwhi!h assess relevant aspe!ts of the taret


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    #tage 85 Treatment (,lan)#tage 85 Treatment (,lan)

    6mplementation6mplementation Consultee implements the spe!i#ed planConsultee implements the spe!i#ed plan

    and !ontinues to !olle!t data to do!umentand !ontinues to !olle!t data to do!ument

    the plans ee!tivenessthe plans ee!tiveness 2reatment interity is monitored and2reatment interity is monitored and

    assessed at this staeassessed at this stae

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    #tage 95 Treatment (,lan)#tage 95 Treatment (,lan)

    :+aluation:+aluation G%e!tives$G%e!tives$

    "etermination is made a%out the plans"etermination is made a%out the plans

    ee!tiveness in resolvin the statedee!tiveness in resolvin the statedpro%lem(s)pro%lem(s)

    f ne!essary, the plan is modi#ed andf ne!essary, the plan is modi#ed and

    more data is !olle!tedmore data is !olle!ted

    f oals have %een met, !onsultation isf oals have %een met, !onsultation isterminatedterminated

    8ollow6up !onsultation a!tivities initiated8ollow6up !onsultation a!tivities initiated