Download - Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Page 1: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

German Aerospace Center Institute of Space Systems Space Launcher System Analysis Linzer Str. 1 28359 Bremen Germany


Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase Launcher Development

Vanessa Clark

Page 2: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Contents • Chart 2


PMP Modelling Approach

Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview

Mission Overview

Sizing Results Layout

Ullage Evolution and NPSP

Conclusion and Recommendations

> PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Source: NASA

Page 3: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Introduction • Chart 3 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Motivation Cryogenic Stages

High specific impulse; increase payload mass Cryogenic tanks: critical technologies

Typical integral structural role; large influence on overall design

Propellant management

Crucial functional role; highly sensitive

Saturn-V: Wealth of stage and flight data (e.g. AS506) Similar yet highly complex system

Source: NASA

Source: NASA

Page 4: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Introduction • Chart 4 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Propellant Storage and Management Mass





Y-Rings, Manholes



Fill and Drain Lines

Pressurisation Lines

Valves and Regulators

Pressurant Gas Storage

Pressurant Gas


Heaters, heat exchangers

Thermal Management

Thermal Insultation

Page 5: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Introduction • Chart 5 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Space Transportation System (STS) Preliminary Design DLR-SART Tool box has been developed for preliminary space transportation system analysis and design:

Fast computation time (seconds, minutes); modelling (minutes, few hours)

Simple Flexible Reliable Modular

Configuration and mass



Flight dynamics and control





Page 6: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Introduction • Chart 6 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Configuration and Mass








Page 7: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Introduction • Chart 7 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Configuration and Mass








Thermal heat flux

Loads, environmental conditions


New structural mass

Required tank volumes

Engine requirements, mass flow rates, mixture ratios

Page 8: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

PMP Modelling Approach • Chart 8 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Program Function Rapid sizing and layout of tanks (length,

mass, thickness) and lines (mass) The layout of the pressurisation system:

Simulation of the entire mission, including stage loads, thermal loads, engine operation and the logical control of the ullage pressures, including both pressurant gas injection and venting.

Page 9: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution • Chart 9 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

PMP Modelling Approach Models The calculation methods employed in the program

are 1-dimensional, and involve integral consideration of control volumes.

Liquid stratification: Heat flow over liquid-vapor interface Heat input through tank walls Liquid mass is divided in horizontal, discrete layers Heat conduction from layer to layer Sloshing implemented by increased heat transfer

coefficient between layers

Page 10: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution • Chart 10 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

PMP Modelling Approach Models Ullage pressure regulation simulated over the mission, with

simplified control logic enacted: Pressure maintained within specified operating window through

venting or the injection of pressurant gas into tank ullages (bang-bang style).

Valve diametres, delay times can be specified.

Currently, only ideal gas laws are considered, however real

gas law implementation is foreseen.

Page 11: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution • Chart 11 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

PMP Modelling Approach Models

Pressure rate:

Flow rate vaporized propellant (Hertz-Knudsen):

Mass pressurant gas: Internal energy ullage over time (no heatflow):

Gasmixture temperature rate:






VTp pgpgvapventvap











⋅⋅= − )(2

110 6



pgpg ′′⋅′′⋅′′


vvap cmUT



TcmTcmmU vvapvventvap ′′⋅′′⋅−′′⋅′′⋅′′−′′=′′ )(

Page 12: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution • Chart 12 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

PMP Modelling Approach Models

Ullage volume rate:

Ullage temperature rate:

Ullage pressure rate:

Vaporised propellant volume rate:





⋅−−++′′−⋅′′⋅=′′ −

)()( ,,


vapdrain mmV






p ventvapventprop ′′⋅′′′′




pTRZmmV ventvapvap ′′′′

⋅′′⋅′′⋅′′−′′=′′ )(

Page 13: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution • Chart 13 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

PMP Modelling Approach

Page 14: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution • Chart 14 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

PMP Modelling Approach Program Functionality Inputs: Geometry inputs

Propellant masses (ascent, descent, residual, reserve)

Tank type and design factors Tank initial thermal conditions

Mission history inputs Ullage pressure requirements Engine mass flow rate Flght profile (loads, external

temperature, heat fluxes)

Outputs: Static outputs:

Tank thickness, length and volume,

Tank, line masses, Residuals (fluid and gaseous)


History of mass flows, velocities, pressures, NPSPs, heat transfer

Ullage temperatures and pressures, evaporation

Page 15: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution • Chart 15 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Page 16: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Saturn-V and AS506 • Chart 16 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Vehicle Overview

Wernher von Braun; F-1 Engines

Source: NASA

Page 17: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Saturn-V and AS506 • Chart 17 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Vehicle Overview




Page 18: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Saturn-V and AS506 • Chart 18 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Vehicle Overview S-IVB Third Stage

9 x cold spheres for LOX pressurisation/re-pressurisation

and LH2 re -pressurisation

2 x reserve ambient spheres for LOX re-

pressurisation 6 x reserve ambient spheres for LH2 re-


Page 19: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Saturn-V and AS506 • Chart 19 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Mission Overview

Page 20: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Saturn-V and AS506 • Chart 20 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Mission Overview

Page 21: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Saturn-V and AS506 • Chart 21 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Mission Overview

Page 22: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Saturn-V and AS506 • Chart 22 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Mission Overview

Page 23: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Sizing Results • Chart 23 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Tank Layout and Plumbing

Page 24: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Sizing Results • Chart 24 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Tank Layout and Plumbing

Internal and hydrostatic pressure used for structural sizing

Page 25: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Sizing Results • Chart 25 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Ullage Evolutions S-II

Page 26: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Sizing Results • Chart 26 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Ullage Evolutions S-IVB

Page 27: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Sizing Results • Chart 27 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Pressurant Gas Consumption

Page 28: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Sizing Results • Chart 28 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015


Page 29: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Sizing Results • Chart 29 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015


Page 30: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Conclusion • Chart 30 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Future Work Comparison to empirical models

(mass; estimation) and high-fidelity tools (2D – EcoSim Pro; CFD)

Commonality of geometry models with e.g. strucrtural analysis program

Page 31: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Conclusion • Chart 31 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Future Work Improved ullage pressure control


Extension to multi-faceted pressurisation systems

Refine thermal models: Heat exchangers Heat flux between elements:

submerged lines and pressurant tanks; engine

Eclipse, solar beta-angle

Page 32: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Conclusion • Chart 32 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Overview of PMP provided

AS506 successfully modelled despite the high system complexity.

PMP can only be utilised by experienced engineers who are able to knowledgeably adapt the input parameters and select the most relevant and realistic program outputs and discard those which are invalid.

Source: NASA

Page 33: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution • Chart 33

[email protected]


> PMP > Vanessa Clark • Kick Off> 23.02.2015

Page 34: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Sizing Results • Chart 34 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Tank Layout and Plumbing

Page 35: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Sizing Results • Chart 35 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Tank Layout and Plumbing

Page 36: Modelling of Propellant Management Systems in Early-Phase ... · PMP Modelling Approach Saturn-V and AS506 Vehicle Overview Mission Overview Sizing Results Layout Ullage Evolution

Sizing Results • Chart 36 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Tank Layout and Plumbing Structural masses:

Static loads only considered; dynamic launch pad, gust or guidance and control system-driven stiffness requirements tend to be the critical loads.

Second and third stage estimates closer; the overall trend from the reference mass data: Reduced structural mass higher in the vehicle due to decreasing loads, The five F-1 engines act on the S-IC first stage with a force per unit area

exceeding the tank pressures. Furthermore, at the end of the first stage burn, the thrust to be

transmitted through the entire empty stage to the S-II LOX tank, where the largest fraction of the stage mass at this time point is centred.

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Sizing Results • Chart 37 > PMP > Vanessa Clark • EUCASS > 01.07.2015

Tank Layout and Plumbing Subsequent analyses for smaller stages

showed a lower mass discrepancy for tanks (maximum ±12%) and lines (maximum ±12%)

Valid range of stage sizes for mass estimations needs to be determined through extensive case studies