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  • 8/11/2019 Modelling Electricity Spot and Futures Price









    Boris ikoti

    Split, September 2014.

  • 8/11/2019 Modelling Electricity Spot and Futures Price


  • 8/11/2019 Modelling Electricity Spot and Futures Price





    Field of study: Electrical Engineering

    Study programme: Power systems

    Programme number: 232

    Academic year: 2013./2014.

    Name and surname: Boris ikoti

    Student number: 639-2012



    Assignment: Describe various models, market structures and functionality of power

    exchanges using several exchanges in Europe as a reference. It is also

    necessary to describe the derivatives market and the manner of functioning of

    market products such as options and futures contracts. Single out one exchange

    in Europe and make a detailed description and conduct a basic statistical

    analysis of prices in last 10 years. Conduct spot price simulations using

    simplified stochastic processes and illustrate a basic protection against risk

    using futures contracts.

    Application date: 03. March 2014.

    Thesis submission deadline: 15. September 2014.

    Thesis submission: 01. September 2014.


    Thesis defence committee Mentor:

    Associate professor, Goran Petrovi, Ph.D. Associate professor, Ranko Goi, Ph.D.

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    INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1


    ELECTRICITY MARKET LIBERALIZATION ......................................................... 2

    2.1. Liberalisation process .................................................................................................. 3

    2.2. Conditions for reform ................................................................................................ 10

    2.3. Measures of liberalisation and deregulation .............................................................. 13


    ELECTRICITY MARKETS ......................................................................................... 15

    3.1. Market Structures for electricity ................................................................................ 16

    3.1.1. Pool model .......................................................................................................... 17

    3.1.2. Power exchange ................................................................................................. 18

    3.2. European power exchanges ....................................................................................... 23

    3.3. European Energy ExchangeEEX ........................................................................... 27

    3.4. Spot market ................................................................................................................ 29

    3.5. Derivatives market ..................................................................................................... 48

    3.5.1. Futures contracts ................................................................................................ 49

    3.5.2. Forward contracts .............................................................................................. 57


    Option contracts ................................................................................................. 57


    MARKET SIMULATION MODELS ........................................................................... 62

    4.1. Stochastic spot price modelling ................................................................................. 63

    4.1.1. Basic statistical analysis ....................................................................................66

    4.1.2. Brownian motion ................................................................................................ 70

    4.1.3. Parameter estimation ......................................................................................... 73

    4.1.4. Mean reverting processes ...................................................................................76

    4.1.5. Jump diffusion processes ....................................................................................82

    4.2. Derivatives modelling ................................................................................................ 84

    4.2.1. Modelling futures contracts ............................................................................... 85

    4.2.2. Modelling options ............................................................................................... 90

    4.2.3. Economic application of simulation models ...................................................... 98


    CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 107

    REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 109

    SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 110

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  • 8/11/2019 Modelling Electricity Spot and Futures Price





    The electricity industry has undergone big structural changes over the last two decades.

    Traditionally, electricity companies were regulated or state-owned monopolies governing thegeneration, transmission, distribution and retail of electricity. In this regulated setting, power

    prices changed rarely and did so in a deterministic way. As a result of this restructuring,

    prices are now set by the fundamental powers of supply and demand.

    In these new, liberalized electricity markets, national and international parties have joined

    the formerly exclusive group of market participants, creating new risks as well as new

    opportunities for utility companies, distributors and consumers alike. Electricity wholesale

    markets are now the centres of an increasing amount of trading activity in spot contacts

    (short-term delivery of electricity). Because of the large price risk involved in trading spot

    contracts and the wish to hedge (price) risk in general, other contingent claims such as futures,

    forwards and options have been introduced to the electricity market.

    Thesis is split into two parts. First part, which includes the second and third chapter, lists

    basic steps of electricity markets liberalization process, explains various types of markets,

    lists the majority of European power exchanges and explains the structure of spot and

    derivatives market. Combining electricity trade of a large part of continental Europe,

    European Energy ExchangeEEX was used as a referent power exchange.

    Second part, which includes the fourth chapter, reviews simulation models used to model

    spot prices and explains models used to evaluate the price of futures contracts and option

    premiums. Several economic applications of simulation models are mentioned, both for

    business analysis and hedging. Historical prices from EEX exchange are used as a reference,

    specifically spot and futures prices and option premiums with delivery in Germany/Austria.

    During spot price simulations only stochastic processes were analysed. To simulate the

    movement of futures prices two distinct approaches were mentioned. One of which is a direct

    linking of the futures price with spot price and the other a separate and independent modelling

    of the futures price. Options are written on futures contracts and their premiums are

    determined by the characteristics and price movements of futures contracts and they were

    modelled using a well known Black 76 formula.

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    The current reform in the global electricity supply industry (ESI) is often presented as

    being a sudden change. Whilst it is certainly true that there are, in any one country, stepchanges of rules, regulations, laws and structures, that are commonly associated with a

    timetable of deadlines, they are in practice part of a continuum in which major structural

    changes took about ten years to agree, and ten years to implement and settle down.

    At high level, the reasons for reform are the growing belief, based partly on experiences to

    date, that by market orientation, the industry can be more efficient.

    Having begun as liberalised free enterprise in the 1880s, and fallen into municipal, federal

    hands over the next few decades, the liberalisation experiment began in 1970s with a partial

    opening of the generation sector to new entrants from whom the utilities were required to buy,

    and continued in the 1980s with the beginning of consumer choice. The 1990s saw the

    beginnings of competitive electricity markets with the growth of pool models, and the year

    2000 saw the first bilateral physical market with the New Electricity Trading Arrangements

    (NETA) in England and Wales.

    Change was then rapid with the proliferation of market opening and power exchanges

    across the world, and development of the market models for capacity, location and

    environmental factors.

    The journey has been broadly consistent in most countries and has been characterised by

    many elements, such as reform, liberalisation, deregulation, re-regulation, third party access,

    privatisation and unbundling. Many of these elements are now complete in many countries

    and at this point, the countries are considering the virtues and drawbacks of the new model,

    and in some places taking the market model to new levels of technical complexity.

    The challenge has been to open the market to competition in a measured and controlled

    manner such that each stage can be viewed in retrospect with regard to intended and

    unintended impacts. In doing so, there is the recognition that networks have a strong tendency

    to being natural monopolies, and hence that liberalisation and deregulation must begin with

    power generation and supply.

    If there is common ownership of networks and generation, or networks and supply, or both

    (as there is in a national monopoly), there is conflict of interest, so that the incumbent isincentivised to raise the entry barrier and excessively charge the new entrants. Hence, new

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    entrants need to be guaranteed free and fair access to power generation or consumption. This

    is by no means simple, even with the best will of the incumbents because the operation of

    power generation and of the transmission grid is optimised as a single entity.

    Hence to allow competition, it is first necessary to restructure the national monopolies intovertically de-integrated (unbundled) form, and for there to be some form of commercial

    arrangement between the unbundled tiers so that this arrangement can be followed by the new


    There are essentially three components to liberalisation in the ESI:

    Reduction of the role of the state, in terms of ownership, command and control,

    prescriptive solutions and direct cross subsidy.

    Creation and enhancement of competition by deregulation, vertical de-integration

    (unbundling), horizontal de-integration (divestment) and regulated third party access.

    Increasing choice for consumers and participation in short and long term demand

    management and responsibility to secure their energy.

    From an industry perspective, some liberalisation objectives are:

    Introduce competition in generation.

    Introduce customer choice.

    Deal with independent power producer and stranded cost issues.

    Attract private investment.

    Entrench universal service obligations.

    Promote integration of the grid.

    Reduce debt.


    Liberalisation process

    We have noted that the ESI is highly complex due to the special nature of electricity and

    that there is a very wide variation in key factors such as energy endowment and social model.

    There is no one size fits all, and since no policy maker can unilaterally impose a new model

    and design by committee is difficult.

    Therefore the ESI takes incremental steps. This is shown in Figure 2-1.

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    Figure 2-1. Planning small changes in a complex market [1]

    Most countries are undertaking liberalisation in some form, and the starting point, pace and

    scope varies in each country. There are several steps. The list below is in approximate order,

    but this has been different in different places.



    Ring fence chosen sectors. For example, nuclear, hydro, grid;


    Forced divestment and fragmentation of incumbent utilities.



    Further fragmentation.

    Further unbundling and opening to competition.

    Re-integration of some sectors and cross sector integration.


    Horizontal integration with other industries.

    Entry of financial institutions into the wholesale markets.

    Pressure on retail deregulation.

    Further deregulation of networks and metering.

    Revise model.

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    Unbundling is one of the foundations of ESI reform. It is the separation of the vertically

    integrated industry sectors in such as manner as to facilitate competitive and non

    discriminatory access of participants to means of operation and route to market for the

    products or services. At the highest level, the industry divides neatly into the four sectors:

    generation, high voltage transmission, low voltage distribution and supply.

    Figure 2-2. The unbundled ESI model, showing the four main industry sectors [1]

    It is clear, for example, that if a generator wishes to access the consumer market that

    without unbundling, a vertically integrated participant could easily deny access to the delivery

    of electricity.

    There are different degrees of separation in the unbundling processes that should be

    considered as stages.

    Functional separation This involves the separation of the day to day business and

    operation of the divisions. Whilst resources should be clearly allocated between the

    divisions, there is no specific requirement for the inter business arrangements to be on

    a commercial basis. For example, one could be a cost centre. However, the path is

    clearly laid open for full separation, since cost centres can optimise and prioritise

    effectively only if the services provided have clear monetary signals, thereby forcing

    the profit motive, a profit centre approach and then standalone businesses.

    Operational separation This involves separation of long term decisions, capital

    expenditure and operation of the businesses. This is a natural progression from

    functional separation, and the natural separation of board level decisions makes the

    path for board level separation.

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    Accounting separationThis involves the formal production of separate accounts for

    the different parts of the business. Whilst this requirement may at first sight appear a

    relatively straightforward one, involving capital expenditure, depreciation, core

    operating budgets and some form of financial arrangement between the respective

    divisions, the construction of full statutory accounts for each division actually sets a

    clear path for full separation of the businesses since all resources must be accounted

    for in one business or other, and all flows of commodity or service from one to another

    should be treated as arms length arrangements on commercial terms. In practice,

    journey from informal inter business arrangements to formal commercial

    arrangements is a long one and hence there are many degrees of accounting


    Legal separation The component companies are completely separate from a legal

    perspective, although they could be ultimately owned, in whole or part, by the same


    Ownership separationThis means no significant common ownership.

    As a general rule, partial unbundling of generation is the first step, by allowing and

    encouraging private new entrants. This can be regarded as stepwise deregulation. The next

    major step is the separation of the high voltage grid from the other sectors. The unbundling of

    supply from distribution is generally a late stage, and gradual deregulation of metering, and

    networks at their boundaries and various support services continues after the main unbundling

    is complete.

    Corporatisation is a necessary precursor to unbundling because the unbundled sectors

    cannot operate independently without being corporatized. Corporatisation is the process by

    which a publicly owned company with a public service franchise and purpose starts to behave

    like an investor owned company. This it self has many elements:

    The requirement of each entity not to lose money, with no cross subsidy from one

    entity to another. (Pareto optimality, applied within the firm).

    Migration of some long term and high level responsibilities back to governments. For

    example nuclear decommissioning.

    Public service becoming a requirement rather than a purpose.

    Preparation for unbundling by internal transfer pricing, and service level agreements.

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    Increased independence from the fiscal and monetary structure of the nation. For

    example, payment of taxes, payment for fuel.

    End of requirement to create labour.

    One of the first stages of corporatisation is by introducing formal arrangements between

    the sectors that will be unbundling. This includes payments for goods and services. The

    arrangement is shown in Figure 2-3. Each sector has cash inflow and goods and/or service

    outflow. Consider initially a centrally managed economy. This is depicted in Figure 2-4. In

    the extreme case for a closed economy with no money, then labour and natural resource

    replaces the tax required to buy equipment.

    Figure 2-3. Formal arrangements between unbundled sectors [1]

    Figure 2-4. Arrangement for a centrally planned economy [1]

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    Regardless of ownership, the state is the ultimate guarantor of ESI performance.

    Accordingly, governments have been reluctant to relinquish control in some areas. The main

    three areas are described below.

    Nuclear power This has commonly remained under national control because it has

    been considered that governments should be able to determine the amount of nuclear

    power generation in the future, that nuclear decommissioning funds can only be

    assured by public sector retention, that consolidation of nuclear power maximises

    safety, and that overall public interest with respect to such a long term issue as nuclear

    power can only be served by having national ownership and accountability through the


    Hydro powerThe case for public sector retention for existing large hydro plant forthe protection of public ownership of natural resources is not particularly compelling

    in countries which have been happy to privatise fuel and mineral extraction. However,

    the construction of large dams requires such significant trade offs between national

    and local environment that sometimes the public interest can only be best served by

    public ownership. The control of hydro dispatch is also highly useful for the system

    operator. In addition, international aid, commercial loans and soft loans in relation to

    large hydro schemes and the sheer size of the schemes often calls for a high degree of

    state involvement.

    National gridsNational grids are commonly retained because it was felt, with some

    justification, that the grids form the focal point through which the industry is managed

    in the short and long term. By maintaining control of the grid, there was de facto

    control on every other sector, and by maintaining control of the grid, it was possible to

    form a coordinated view of security of supply, and then facilitation of whatever

    construction is required to alleviate this.

    When state monopoly is corporatized, vertically unbundled and horizontally fragmented,

    then component parts can be privatised, one at a time, or all together.

    There are essentially three types of privatisation:

    Widely distributed, in which the share price is set low and there is a per capita

    allocation to the population.

    Public offerings, in which investors (both strategic and institutional) buy the stock.

    Trade sale, in which the whole organisation is sold to a single company.

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    The privatisation process is a very sensitive one, since the ESI is seen as a national asset

    and there is often a risk (perceived or actual) that the stock is sold at low prices to individuals

    and companies with political connections.

    The regulated sector is comprised of privately owned local monopolies, but has prices,revenues and/or profits regulated by government through the regulator. Deregulation is the

    process by which parts of the regulated sector are opened to competition.

    We have seen how the generation sector has generally been open to competition for a long

    time, and even when the dominant incumbent generator is regulated, generation competition

    is not usually classed as deregulation. Almost always, deregulation begins by a gradual

    opening of the supply sector to competition, starting with the very largest consumers, with a

    phased opening of the market to smaller and smaller consumers, and eventually residential


    The deregulation process leads to the existence of two distinct sectors the deregulated

    sector which is open to competition, and the regulated sector which has regulated prices or

    revenues. Regulation is applied to both sectors, but is more of a monitoring, guiding and

    policing role in the deregulated sector than a price setting one. From a regulatory perspective,

    the retail sector is the most important sector, since this is the interface between ESI and


    The presence of financial institutions should be regarded as a measure of success, of

    market reform. Financial institutions can enter the industry in a number of ways including

    strategic investment, loans, wholesale market trading and electricity supply. There have been

    several circumstances in which creditors have acquired the assets of power companies as

    collateral on default.

    There are a number of measures of success for ESI reform. In the light of these we must

    decide: if there has been sufficient market reform to achieve success and if the market has

    reformed substantially, then how should we adjust the model to improve ESI performance in

    delivering welfare, how to deliver further economic and environmental efficiency.

    There are a number of areas to examine, including::

    Priceswhat has been the effect of reform on prices, and what can be done?

    Consolidationhow much is too much?

    Demand management will market mechanisms eventually deliver this, or must a

    prescriptive solution be applied?

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    Datais the electricity meter flow data structure robust enough to recover from errors

    and to handle events such as change of supplier, occupier, or meter?

    Metering to facilitate demand management, should parts of the metering sector be

    regulated or deregulated?

    The macroeconomy how much do increasing prices resulting from environmental

    limitations affect the economy?

    The environmenttaxing externalities, or command and control.

    Security of Supply assignation of responsibility or mechanisms for security of


    Universal service.

    Cross subsidy.

    2.2. Conditions for reform

    Early stage reform, such as corporatisation, and high level administrative unbundling,

    provides quite different challenges to late stage reform, such as exposing elements of

    transportation to competition and the development of wholesale derivative markets. To enter

    each stage of reform, there are prerequisites in terms of will and capability.

    Generation capacity The implementation model depends greatly on the current

    generation capacity in relation to demand. If capacity is insufficient, then priority is

    fair market access rather than competition in generation. If capacity is excessive, then

    the divestment of ownership must provide current stability (possibly including vesting

    arrangements for stranded assets), both for the dominant incumbent and the new

    players, as well as a road map for both retirement and new build.

    Investment environment This is enhanced by stability of laws and taxes, mature

    local financial markets, freely traded currency, absence of hyperinflation and low

    country risk.

    Rationalised cross subsidies The cost of low consumer prices arising from industry

    subsidy must be recovered by taxes, either from the subsidised consumers, or other

    consumers. In this circumstance, new entrance is not possible, and the cross subsidy

    system has to gradually unravelled.

    The will to disaggregate the ESI from the national economy to some degree. The ESI

    can be a haven for employment in both the ESI and in the fuel sector.

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    A high voltage grid that is sufficiently present and reliable.

    The ability to collect tariffs for electricity, supported by the laws, police and courts,

    property access rights and disconnection rights.

    Supportable universal service requirements.

    Even in a fully privatised industry, the ESI is a collection of assets, existing property

    rights, right to build, franchises and obligations that has an inbuilt legacy relationship between

    private and public sectors that is de facto and informal as much as it is formal. These

    relationships built up incrementally as the industry developed, with a few step changes such

    as nationalisation and deregulation that in fact made relatively slight differences to this

    collection. The state therefore retains an intimate connection with the running of the ESI.

    The state is the ultimate guarantor even if companies in the industry fail. In developed

    economies, this is particularly important in the consideration of security of supply. The state

    has a remit to monitor the current and likely achievement of national and international policy

    objectives that are affected by the ESI, and to intervene where the delivery falls short or can

    be enhanced.

    Electrification (connection of the population to the electrical infrastructure) is seen as an

    essential development for welfare and economic growth. In the absence of a complete market

    for emissions or equivalent, the state must manage aggregate welfare by economic or

    prescriptive instruments.

    The state performs numerous roles, for example:

    The participation of the ESI in the fiscal structure of the macroeconomy.

    The setting of policy.

    Primary legislation (Acts of Parliament) to drive and control policy.

    The conversion of direct taxes to indirect taxes.. The management of those parts of the ESI that remain under state control.

    Consumer subsidy if the requirement for cross subsidy within the ESI is reduced.

    Corporate cross subsidy by taxation and concessions.

    Prices are not the only measure of the success of liberalisation, and that prices are but one

    outcome of political model and industry structure. We can see in Figure 2-5. that there can be

    a wide variety of electricity prices, depending on the degree of state subsidy, which itself is

    dependent on the tax revenue (and welfare saving if unemployment is reduced) from the ESI.

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    Indeed either the fully managed model or the open market model can in theory achieve low

    prices when pursued to its logical conclusion.

    Figure 2-5. The role of the ESI in the fiscal structure of the macroeconomy [1]

    Regardless of ownership, the government has ultimate right of control. To the industry this

    represents a moral hazard as well as a potential lifeline for ailing companies as wel l as

    protection for consumers. The government is the de facto ultimate guarantor of the industry

    performance in terms of the delivery of electricity to consumers.

    Governments can and do retain substantial influence of nationalised and other private

    companies. Such mechanisms include:

    SharesFull or partial ownership, golden shares (a share with significant voting rights

    but no significant economic value).

    Legislation Primary legislation (Acts of Parliament), secondary legislation (the

    detailed drafting of the Acts).

    Taxes New taxes, windfall taxes, change in tax rates, tax breaks, categorisation of

    tax liability.

    LicencesGenerally determined by legislation, moratoria, as soft mechanisms such

    as slowing down the on going series of permissions.

    Rules and regulations.

    Arbitrating and determining On disputes between different parties, and on

    interpretation of laws and regulations.

    Administration Slowing the operation of the company by means of enquiry and

    general administration.

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    Retained ownershipOf key sectors.

    Discretionary enforcement of laws and regulations, and implicit connection between

    ESI implementation of one policy and enforcement of a completely separate law or


    2.3. Measures of liberalisation and deregulation

    Since liberalisation and deregulation is a global experiment, it is natural to wish to

    compare the experiences across the world. There are many comparative indicators, some of

    which are listed here.

    Declared level of opening percentage market openness, pace of opening, import-

    export extent, presence of international commercial agreements.

    The planned year of full market opening.

    Price level of transmission network usage separate tariffs for energy and transport,

    within the country and with neighbouring countries.

    The way the transmission network is allocated.

    o Separated by ownership from other ESI sectors.

    o Legally separated as a separate entity in which other participants in the ESI

    may have a part ownership.

    o Separated at the management level from other ESI sectors.

    The way the market is regulated.

    o Regulated third party access, controlled by an independent regulatory body.

    o Negotiated third party access

    The existence of the Balancing market.

    The market share of the biggest / largest manufacturers.

    European Commission Directorate General, Transport and Energy Energy

    liberalisation indicators in Europe (2001) This considers the regulated and deregulated

    sectors separately. In the deregulated sectors it considers matters such as development of

    competition and development of the wholesale markets. In the regulated sectors it considers

    matters such as access and interconnectivity of networks.

    EU benchmarking studies These are published specifically in relation to the EU

    Directives, but are quite general in nature, and include non EU countries such as Norway. Thefirst, second and third benchmarking reports were produced in 2001, 2003 and 2004, and

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    focus on matters such as liberalisation timetables, roles of regulators, market monitoring,

    network access and tariffs, as well as other issues such as treatment of congestion,

    transmission investment, interconnection, cross border tariffs and balancing services.

    Centre for the advancements of energy markets (CAEM) Retail Energy DeregulationIndicator (2001)This considers specifically the retail sector. It has 22 criteria, each with a

    score of 1 to 100. Examples are:

    Is there a detailed plan for customer choice?

    How many customers can currently make a choice and how many have switched to

    competitive suppliers?

    Are there standard business practices and is competition in metering and billing


    Is generation deregulated and is there a vibrant wholesale market?

    How are customers integrated into the programme? Are they informed about their

    options? Is customer information disseminated to promote competition? Are

    customers encouraged to shop in the competitive market?

    Are utilities encouraged to offer new services and to cut costs for the transportation

    services they provide?

    Has the state commission adopted internal reforms to accommodate their new


    There are also a number of studies by consulting organisations, academic institutions and

    international bodies, and best practice guides.

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    Currently leading power exchange in Europe EEX (European Energy Exchange) combines

    trade for delivery of electricity to large part of continental Europe. Market operator is a

    private company EEX AG. With electricity other commodities and asset classes are traded as

    well, such as: power derivatives, guarantees of origin, natural gas (spot and futures market),

    emissions allowances and coal.


    Market Structures for electricity

    At the beginning of electricity market liberalization, previously monopolistic model is

    transformed in order to achieve a wholesale market at first and later a complete power

    exchange market. In order to reach a wholesale model, market is usually transformed into a

    single buyer model, and the retention period on this simple model depends on many factors

    within the country where the market is transformed. Single buyer model is characterised by

    the fact that producers only have one buyer to whom they can sell. This model is a natural

    step in the liberalization process, before moving to a wholesale model.

    Basic characteristics of a wholesale model can be summarized as follows:

    Partially open market with a limited number of consumers, defined mostly by

    the size of annual consumption, while other consumers are in the public service,

    that is, they are supplied by one supplierprovider of public service.

    Manufacturers independently contract delivery method and price of electricity to

    eligible consumers. Small consumers are supplied by the tariff system defined

    and approved by an independent regulatory body.

    Transition to a wholesale model requires significant transition costs and and

    additional costs of administration access to and use of the transmission and

    distribution network.

    Electricity price of risk (production cost, market price) are transferred mainly to

    producers and consumers, as opposed to a non-market system where risk is

    exclusively on consumers.

    In relation to monopoly system, wholesale model reduces political influence,

    though not entirely. The basic premise for this is certainly a well-defined legal

    framework and technical regulation of electricity market.

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    Wholesale model is always a precursor model of the open market (retail

    competition) in which all consumers are allowed to have a free choice of their

    electricity supplier.

    Basic versions of the wholesale model, based on how the electricity market is organised,

    are bilateral model, pool model, and their various blends. In purely bilateral electricity market

    it is assumed that market mechanisms, based on bilateral agreements between manufacturers

    and trading companies, will lead to real market prices of electricity.

    In all liberalized markets of Europe the goal is to achieve a fully liberalised power

    exchange. The exception is the United Kingdom (England and Wales) where market is

    dominated by a pool model. The following chapter explains the pool market model, while in

    section 3.1.2. focus is on power exchanges, showing the way how the market develops to a

    exchange model and comparing it with previous market models.

    3.1.1. Pool model

    In the pool model all producers submit their offer stacks into the pool, which produces

    stacks and then sends dispatch instructions. The pool itself is purely an administrative entity

    and takes no risks. The basic variants of a pool model are:

    Mandatory pool, generation is only allowed through the pool.

    Voluntary pool, generators can participate in the pool, or the buyer and seller can

    request dispatch to meet a bilateral contract between them.

    Pool system has been accepted by most Anglo-Saxon countries, predominant is the second

    option (voluntary pool). Mandatory pool poses many questions over the years related to

    market efficiency. In the UK (England and Wales) mandatory pool was in the 90s regularly

    referred as an exemplary example of an organised electricity market. It was abolished and a

    new system based on the model of a bilateral market was introduced NETA (New

    Electricity Trading Arrangements).

    Protection from variations in market prices is realized through short-term and long-term

    financial bilateral contracts (futures and forward contracts), but usually based on CFD

    principle ("Contract for difference").

    A contract for difference (CFD) is a financial transaction between two parties who do not

    necessarily have anything to do with the ESI. There is no explicit connection between the

    CFD market and the system operator, and there is generally no market operator. With no

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    explicit connection to the market, the system operator is not obliged to making changes to the

    index, and this gives basis risk to CFD participants. The transaction is in the form of a fixed

    for floating swap which are common in the financial markets. The transaction is as shown in

    Figure 3-1. The price F is fixed, whereas the price PPP is floating until the agreed

    indexation date is reached. This can be understood by regarding the swap as two separate

    energy contracts. One is the sale of physical energy at a fixed price and the other is a purchase

    of physical energy at a floating price.

    Figure 3-1. CFD as two separate energy contracts. Q is the energy volume in MWh

    The usefulness for generators and consumers/suppliers is shown in Figure 3-2. The

    generator A, if dispatched, receives the PPP from the system operator, and this serves as an

    index. Supplier B pays an uplift on PPP to pay for transmission, distribution and other

    services. The net result is that B always pays a net price of Q(F+uplift) and hence retains norisk to PPP. The risk to change in uplift is called basis risk. A, if dispatched, receives a

    revenue of Q

    F and hence is insulated from changes to PPP, provided that PPP exceeds the

    offer price into the pool.

    Figure 3-2. The net result of participation in the pool and transaction of a CFD

    3.1.2. Power exchange

    We have noted that with the exception of the change from bundled centrally managed

    (effectively a communist model) to unbundled centrally managed, that each structural step in

    the development of the ESI market is relatively slight. The growth of power exchanges is theslightest of all, but finally bridges the gap between electricity is a intractably complex product

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    for true competitive wholesale trading, to markets tradable by financial counterparties such as

    commodity traders, funds, investment banks and actively hedging consumers.

    Since not only do definitions of entities vary widely from country to country but from

    model to model we use stylised definitions for the purpose of these figures:

    MOMarket operator. Financial reconciliation only;

    SBSingle Buyer. Economic optimiser;

    SOSystem Operator. Managing the physical system from a starting point of physical


    PX Power Exchange Introducing agent, financial clearing house, physical

    notification agent;

    PNPhysical notificationAgreed volume submitted to system operator.

    In the simplest pool with no demand side participation, Generators submit offer stacks to

    SB, who constructs a trial schedule using consumption history and submits this to SO, which

    then manages the imbalance with positive and negative reserve and capacity contracts. A

    financial power exchange, not integrated with the MO, can operate effectively for contracts

    for difference in this environment since there is an effective market index. In the absence of

    the pool index the non integrated PX is vulnerable to index basis, definition, change of

    definition and illiquidity.

    Figure 3-3. Pool. No demand side participation [1]

    With the addition of mandatory demand side participation (no bid no energy), SB no longer

    estimates demand. Commercial mechanisms for demand imbalance are required. Figure 3-4.

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    Figure 3-4. Pool model with mandatory demand side participation [1]

    In the bilateral model, participants trade with each other instead of the single buyer. Since

    the bilateral contract is effectively a PN promise, then reconciliation is required with the

    market operator.

    Figure 3-5. Bilateral mechanism [1]

    The simplest power exchange is simply an introducing function between participants. This

    part can be played by brokerage companies which need not have more resource than one

    person with one telephone.

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    Figure 3-6. Power exchange, just acting as a broker [1]

    A formal power exchange (the standard interpretation of the term), acts as counterparty,

    and must therefore reconcile trades.

    Figure 3-7. Power exchange, acting as financial counterparty [1]

    An integrated power exchange (the most advanced model, figure 3-8.) submits

    notifications in relation to the net position from trades executed. If bilateral trades (not shown

    below) are required to be posted or crossed on the exchange, then the exchange is very

    similar to the single buyer but is driven to reflect market conditions rather than proprietary

    estimates. In France for example, bilateral trades are submitted directly to SO (RTE, an

    administrative division of Electricit de France) and trades with Powernext are submitted to

    SO by Powernext.

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    Figure 3-8. Power exchange, integrated with system operation [1]

    The basic commodity is the same in all cases a hourly (or other period) electricity

    notification commitment to the system operator. Power exchanges can differ widely in their


    Counterparty visibilityWhilst it is technically possible for counterparties to identify

    each other in some exchange models, the standard arrangement is that contracts are


    Auction mechanismThe exchanges generally hold an array of bids and offers from

    participants, that form the production and demand stacks. This can be published in full

    (with anonymity) or just the most recent trade, the highest bid and the lowest offer.

    Credit arrangements The exchange requires capital to maintain a very high credit

    rating, which is generally (but need not necessarily be) provided by participants.

    Trades also require initial margin and variation margin. Margin requires complex

    algorithms for electricity.

    Licence restrictionsAn exchange may be limited by rules beyond the exchange. For

    example, while a generation or supply license may not be required, registration with a

    financial regulator may be.

    LocationLiquidity is concentrated by trading at exchange hubs. Clearly, pricing is of

    postage stamp form within a hub. Exchanges can trade several locations at the same

    time, including locations in neighbouring markets.

    Live trading or day aheadWhilst exchanges are best suited for live trading, they can

    operate in batch mode in a pool-like manner. This is essentially a pool model with

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    demand side participation. Since pool markets produce high quality indexes (i.e. with

    high concentration of indices), then the index is amenable for exchange traded

    financial contracts for difference.

    Index construction and publication Indexes can be published and could be for

    example, the closing trade, a weighted average of trades near the close, an average of

    unaccepted bids and offers, etc.

    Financial derivative contractsFor example European options cashed out against the

    index, average rate options, multi-commodity options, time spread options

    3.2. European power exchanges

    The European Energy Exchange EEX is an electronic exchange based in Leipzig, for

    trading electricity and related products. Since its inception in 2002, EEX has evolved from a

    local to the current leading European power exchange. It is made up of several companies that

    establish international partnerships and thus a wider network to trade energy products. Market

    operator is a private company EEX AG. EEX is analysed in detail in chapter 3.3. (and

    chapters 3.4 and 3.5.).

    Figure 3-9. Main trading area on EEX [2]

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    Nord Pool market, the electricity market of the Scandinavian and Baltic countries, founded

    in 1993, is currently the largest spot market in Europe. Spot Market ("Nord Pool Spot") is

    organized through trade on day-ahead and intra-day markets. In 2013, the spot market

    recorded a trade of 493 TWh. Of the total electricity consumption of Scandinavian and Baltic

    countries, 84% is purchased on the Nord Pool Spot market in 2013. Until recently there was

    no derivatives market, but Nord Pool Spot in cooperation with the company "NASDAQ OMX

    Commodities" created a market in financial derivatives based on prices from the spot market.

    Figure 3-10. Nord Pool market [4]

    IPEX (Italian Power Exchange) is the Italian electricity market established in 2004. With

    the goal of Italian market liberalization, competition was created in the spot market. The

    volume of trade is not nearly as big as on EEX or Nord Pool markets, but it is constantly

    growing with a steady increase in market participants.

    Powernext is the French electricity exchange, founded in 2001, which offers trading on the

    spot market and the derivatives market. Spot market is organized by "EPEX SPOT" and

    derivatives markets is organized via the "EEX Power Derivatives." Market operator is a

    private company Powernext SA, which shares ownership with EEX AG in EPEX SPOT, and

    has a 20% stake in the "EEX Power Derivatives."

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    APX is a transparent electricity market of Great Britain, the Netherlands and Belgium,

    which offers trading on the spot market. In cooperation with the European Commission in

    2004, APX has launched a triple market coupling connecting the French, Belgian and Dutch

    spot market. Market coupling of the specified countries implies joint bids for sale and

    purchase on the spot market, taking into account the network transmission capacity of these


    Figure 3-11. APX electricity market [5]

    Belpex is the Belgian electricity exchange established in 2006 that offers trading on the

    spot market. An important feature of this exchange is associated trade of electricity on a day-

    ahead spot market with two neighbouring exchanges, APX Exchange in The Netherlands and

    Powernext exchange in France. The correlation between the prices on these exchanges is 90%

    which is the highest recorded market coupling of electricity exchanges. Belpex SA, the

    operator of Belpex Stock Exchange, is 100 % owned by the APX exchange.

    Endex ("European Energy Derivatives Exchange") is the Dutch electricity market

    established in 2002 with headquarters in Amsterdam, which offers only trade of futures

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    contracts of electricity. Participants of Endex exchange are manufacturers, distribution

    companies, financial institutions, industrial consumers, "hedge" funds, asset managers, etc.

    Omie is the operator of the Spanish spot market, and OMEL is the system operator

    responsible for the functionality of the network and consumer supply security. Trade ofSpanish futures contracts is lead by Portuguese company MIBEL. An important factor in the

    Spanish electricity market is lack of transmission capacity between Iberian Peninsula and the

    rest of continental Europe. Market coupling with the Spanish market would not have

    satisfactory results until the completion of additional transmission network facilities which

    would increase transmission capacity with the rest of Europe.

    EXAA is the Austrian electricity market established in 2002. The number of market

    participants has increased from the initial 10 to 74 participants from 15 countries. EXAA only

    offers trading on the spot market on a daily basis.

    PXE (Power Exchange Central Europe) is a power exchange of Czech Republic, Slovakia

    and Hungary established in July 2007. PXE offers trading on spot and futures markets.

    Trading financial futures is possible only for Czech Republic delivery area.

    Towarowa Gieda Energia or Polish Power Exchange POLPX is Poland's Energy Market,

    founded in 2000, which offers trading on the spot market and futures market of electricity.

    Due to the lack of liquidity in the futures market, futures trading in Poland Stock Exchange

    was discontinued in June 2006 and was reinstated in 2008.

    Figure 3-12. Average prices for first 17 days of NWE market coupling project [6]

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    With constant strive for connecting the electricity markets, on February 4, 2014, began a

    project to connect the north-western European markets - NWE (North-Western European

    Price Coupling). The largest four spot markets in Europe: EPEX SPOT, Nord Pool Spot, APX

    and Belpex and 13 system operators from France to Finland, successfully launched market

    coupling of the day-ahead spot market. Figure 3-12. presents the average realized prices on

    the spot market for different areas of delivery, in the period from 5 February to 21 February

    2014. With this project Denmark, a country that is located between two largest spot markets

    in Europe, achieved the best results, and the lowest price of electricity ( 28.64 for 1 MWh).


    European Energy ExchangeEEX

    As previously mentioned, the EEX AG is made up of several companies that establish

    international partnerships and thus a wider network for trading energy products. Figure 3-13.

    shows EEX Group and EEX AG shares in individual companies.

    EEX Group



    EEX Power

    Derivatives GmbH



    Commodity Clearing



    European Energy Exchange AG EEX AG

    EGEX European Gas

    Exchange GmbH




    Exchange GmbH


    Cleartrade Exchange

    Pte Ltd.



    Commodity Clearing



    Figure 3-13. EEX group [7]

    For trading electricity, the most important three companies are:

    EPEX SPOT SE Operator of electricity spot market "EPEX SPOT". Ownership is

    divided between companies EEX AG and Powernext SA. There are spot markets for

    France, Germany / Austria and Switzerland.

    EEX Power Derivatves GmbH Operator of futures market for Germany/Austria

    (Phelix Futures), France and Italy, and options market for Phelix futures. Operator of

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    physical futures market for France, Netherlands and Belgium. It is possible to register

    a base load futures contract for Switzerland, Spain, Romania and Nord Pool market.

    European Commodity Clearing (ECC) AG Banking company owned by EEX AG

    that offers execution of all financial and physical transactions on EEX. Guarantees the

    payment and delivery of electricity to all market participants. It offers registration of

    bilateral agreements on the exchange.

    Figure 3-14. EEX trading participants by country [3]

    Physical futures contracts at expiry are realized through physical delivery of electricity.

    Financial futures contracts at expiry are realized through financial compensation between the

    price at expiration and the price at which the contract was concluded, and can be implemented

    as a physical futures contract through the spot market. The total volume of trade with power

    derivatives on the EEX exchange in 2013 was 1,264 TWh, while the spot market recorded a

    trade volume of 346 TWh [3]. For comparison, the Nord Pool spot market recorded a trade

    volume of 493 TWh in 2013. Power derivatives and the number of market participants is whatmakes EEX the current leading power exchange in Europe.

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    Figure 3-15. Greater trading area on EEX [2]

    In following chapters, the structure of both spot and derivatives market (futures and option

    contracts) is explained. As a reference market EEX was chosen, because it has the greatest

    potential for expansion, due to well-structured derivatives market, a growing number of

    market participants and a stable growth of trade volume.

    3.4. Spot market

    Financial spot markets and spot commodity markets are generally well-organized markets

    in which goods and money are delivered immediately after the transaction on the exchange.

    Due to high transaction costs, the spot market typically offers only standardized products for

    trade in goods.

    Electricity spot market is not organized as a market with delivery immediately after

    transaction. Due to the impossibility of storing electricity, instant delivery is possible only in

    exceptional circumstances. Therefore, spot electricity market can be divided into two distinctmarkets: the day-ahead spot market and intraday spot market.

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    Trade at the day ahead spot market is organized on power exchanges under the principle of

    equalization of supply and demand for each hour of the following day. The offer comes from

    the surplus production that can not be sold in the long term. It is similar to the demand, as in

    the case of unforeseen loads and demand, traders and large consumers can purchase additional

    electricity on the spot market. In some cases, the manufacturer buys electricity because it can

    not fulfil its contractual obligations or if the market price is lower than the costs of production


    Trading products on the day ahead spot market has been standardized and market rules are

    the same for all market participants, buyers and sellers, which makes the market operator

    neutral during execution of transactions. Except various delivery periods of electricity, on the

    spot market base load (electricity supply throughout the next day) and peak load (deliveryduring peak loads in a day, depending on the market) are traded. The competition between

    producers, traders, speculators and large industrial consumers is achieved when the

    submission of tenders for the purchase and sale are delivered to the exchange.

    Figure 3-16. Offers for buy/sell of one participant at the day-ahead auction

    Each offer contains the quantity and a minimum/maximum price at which a market

    participant is willing to sell/buy electricity. Immediately after the expiration of the time for

    sending bids, exchange operator from all of the offers received, forms a supply and demand

    curve and publishes a determined price for each hour of the following day. Only offers for

    sale that are lower than the determined price and offers to buy that are above the determined

    price will be executed, and all of them will be matched at the determined price. This process

    is called a uniformly valued auction. Figure 3-16. shows offers to buy/sell electricity maid by








    10 20 30 40 50

    Offers to sell

    Offers to buy

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    one participant of the market for a specific delivery period. Each participant of the market

    must send their offers.

    Intraday market is a market for continuous trade and quick delivery of electricity. A trader

    can access the market when, for whatever reason, there is an immediate lack of power/energythat should be delivered. This situation demands a quick solution and intraday market serves

    for that purpose. Prices in this market are significantly higher than on the day-ahead spot

    market and mainly electricity blocks of one hour are traded.

    EPEX SPOT covers the spot market in Germany, Austria, France and Switzerland with

    headquarters in Paris and offices in Leipzig, Bern and Vienna. The market was created in

    2008 by merging companies, and related spot markets, Powernext SA from France and EEX

    AG from Germany. EPEX SPOT currently has 222 registered participants. The total trade

    volume recorded in 2013 was 346 TWh, while in Germany/Austria 265.5 TWh was recorded.

    Compared with consumption in Germany, which in 2013 amounted to 596 TWh, 40% of total

    electricity consumption in Germany was bought on the spot market. EPEX SPOT market is

    organized as a day-ahead spot market and intra-day spot market.







    6000 7000 8000 9000 10000

    Offers to sell

    Offers to buy




    Figure 3-17. Summarized offers to buy/sell at a determined market price and volume

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    Day-Ahead spot market is organized through uniform auctions at which all market

    participants send their offers to buy/sell. After the tenders are received and auction expires,

    EPEX SPOT summarizes all offers, and after equalization of supply and demand publishes

    the determined market price (DMP) and determined market volume (DMV) for a specific

    delivery period. An example is shown in Figure 3-17.

    Delivery periods for a particular hour, blocks of several continues hours, base load, peak

    load and supplies for the weekend are all separately traded or determined from a shorter

    delivery period. Auctions are held every day and end at noon for Germany/Austria and French

    area, while in Switzerland ends an hour earlier, and the results are published soon after

    (usually 15 minutes after).

    Figure 3-18. Prices for each hour on the Germany/Austria spot market from 2000. to 2014.

    Offers to buy/sell contain up to 256 combinations of price/quantity of MWh for delivery in

    one hour of the following day, while prices for 1 MWh must be in the range from -500

    /MWh to 3000 /MWh. Minimal trading increment for delivery quantity is 0.1 MW, and

    minimal trading increment for the price is 0.1 /MWh. EPEX SPOT is the first power

    exchange which introduced negative rates in 2008, starting with the day-ahead spot market in

    Germany/Austria. Negative prices are not a theoretical concept. The buyer on the spot market

    receives electricity, and if the price is negative, receives money as well. Figure 3-18. shows

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    prices from the day-ahead spot market in Germany/Austria for each hour of delivery from the

    creation of EEX spot market in Germany, from 15 June 2000. to 27 June 2014.

    Market prices move in line with demand and supply of electricity, which is determined by

    several factors such as climatic conditions, seasonal factors and consumer behaviour. Pricesare falling in the case of low demand, and falling into negative territory when inflexible

    consumer can not be quickly and cost-effectively turned off and back on. Negative price

    signals producers to reduce production and to compare the costs of turning the power plant off

    and back on later with costs of selling electricity at the negative price. Renewable energy

    sources (wind and solar power) also contribute to the decline in market prices in the case of

    low demand, because of their rights of first purchase and production dependence on hardly

    predictable external factors (wind and solar).

    Figure 3-19. German delivery zones with their transmission system operators (TSOs) [8]

    Location of delivery and trade of electricity on the spot market is defined by zones of

    transmission system operators. When sending offers to an auction zone of delivery must be

    specified in the offer. In France there is only one zone of delivery under the control of the

    French system operator "RTE". In Switzerland, there is also only one zone of delivery under

    the control of the Swiss system operato "Swissgrid". In Germany, there are 4 different zones

    with 4 separate transmission system operators: Amprion GmbH, Tennet TSO GmbH, 50Hertz

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    Transmission GmbH and TransnetBW GmbH. Austria has only one zone of delivery with

    TSO Austrian Power Grid. These 5 delivery zones in Germany/Austria form a single zone for

    the formation of the final price on the auction, or the same price for all zones.

    Trade with blocks of electricity is based on a combination of several hours of delivery.Offers must be sent to auction where the quantity of delivery does not have to be the same for

    each hour of delivery within the block. Offer/transaction of the entire block will be executed

    on the exchange for all specified hours of delivery in the original tender or it will not be

    executed. Trade of particular hours of delivery has a higher priority than a trade of block, as

    the price of blocks is based on the determined prices for delivery periods of one hour. Block

    price offer is compared with the realized volume-weighted average market prices of hourly

    delivery periods contained in the block. On that basis it is determined whether the blocktransaction will be executed or not.

    Table 3.1. Standard block offers and prices in Germany/Austria, 2014. [9]

    23. June 24. June 25. June 26. June 27. June 28. June 29. June

    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

    Middle Night

    (01-04) 23.14 29.1 28.71 29.57 29.77 30.28 25.78

    Early Morning

    (05-08) 28.57 34.48 33.79 34.56 33.68 28.05 21.78

    Late Morning

    (09-12) 35.03 50.6 44.87 45 44.2 32.17 28.96

    Early Afternoon

    (13-16) 36.25 43.75 40.11 41.44 37.56 29.67 28.54

    Rush Hour

    (17-20) 44.01 41.11 40.94 46.1 38.83 33.52 29.64

    Off-Peak 2

    (21-24) 40.17 39.04 38.92 41.7 38.85 34.68 33.33


    (01-06) 22.77 28.88 28.42 29.18 29.4 29.22 24.72

    Off-Peak 1

    (01-08) 25.86 31.79 31.25 32.06 31.72 29.17 23.78


    (09-16) 35.64 47.18 42.49 43.22 40.88 30.92 28.75


    (01-08 & 21-24) 30.63 34.21 33.8 35.27 34.1 31 26.96


    (07-10) 35.11 44.68 42.32 43.25 41.83 30.67 23.7

    High Noon

    (11-14) 35.34 49.45 42.93 43.06 41.69 31.37 30.67


    (15-18) 38.46 40.36 39.31 42.17 35.8 29.75 27.29


    (19-24) 42.74 40.18 40.1 44.07 39.64 35.16 32.86

    Sun Peak

    (11-16) 35.81 46.62 41.68 42.36 39.51 30.44 29.52

    Blok prices

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    On the intraday spot market, introduced in 2006, electricity is traded continuously up to 45

    minutes (Germany and France, while in Austria and Switzerland, 75 minutes) before delivery.

    Continuous trading is available for Germany, Austria, France and Switzerland, with similar

    rules and characteristics for all four markets. The most advanced is the German intraday spot

    market which rules and characteristics are discussed below.

    The minimum trade volume increment is 0.1 MW, with a minimum price increment of

    0.01 /MWh and allowed price range from -9999 to 9999 . With standard hourly deliveries

    of electricity and blocks for base load (from 1 to 24 hours) and peak (from 9 to 20 hours every

    day) load, on the German intraday spot market even 15-minute delivery periods are traded.

    Starting every day at 15 o'clock continuous trading for delivery the following day is

    conducted in hourly, 15-minute or block deliveries up until 45 minutes before the delivery.Besides the standard blocks of delivery, market participants can create their own delivery

    blocks consisting of several consecutive hours by choice.

    Continuous trading is very different from an auction mechanism. Trading is mostly done

    electronically. When sending a offer to buy/sell for a specific delivery period, price and

    quantity of delivery must be specified and if there are other offers to sell/buy at that price and

    with sufficient quantity, the transaction will be immediately or partially matched without any

    price determination by the exchange. Almost always there is an immediate best open offer tosell ("ask") and buy ("bid") at which transactions can be matched. Trader may decide that he

    does not want to buy at the current price and gives the order to buy at a lower price and waits

    for his open order to be matched, and the same goes for the opposite. There are several types

    of offers which can be sent to the exchange with different modes of execution. Offer types for

    the German intraday market are:

    Limit order Offer to buy/sell that can only be matched at the determined or better

    price, depending on whether it is an offer to buy, then the better price is the lower one,

    or offer to sell, then the better price is the higher one.

    Market Sweep Order Offer to buy/sell seeking the best deal in a given zone of

    delivery, but also in other areas and countries.

    10th MW Orders Bids for buy/sell of an extremely small volume of delivery from

    0.1 to 0.9 MW.

    Methods of offer execution are:

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    Immediate or cancel (IOC) The offer will be immediately matched when sent,

    otherwise it will be cancelled.

    Fill or Kill (FOK) Similar to the IOC with a difference that offer must be fully

    matched at the determined or better price. There should be enough volume for the

    offer to be fully matched, otherwise it will be cancelled.

    All or None (AON) The offer will be received by the exchange and will be fully

    matched at the given price or better, otherwise it remains as an pending offer on the

    exchange until it is fully matched.

    IcebergOne big offer which is divided into several smaller offers, usually with the

    help of automated programs for the purpose of concealing the actual amount of the

    offer, in this case the amount of MWh.

    Figure 3-20. Prices on intraday spot market in Germany on June 24, 2014th

    Prices on intraday spot market can fluctuate greatly depending on the needs for balancing

    the delivery and other unpredictable factors. Figure 3-20. shows the highest, lowest and last

    price of matched transactions for the supply of power by the hour in Germany on June 24. For

    example, the delivery of electricity in a period 08-09 hours, the lowest matched price is below

    30 /MWh, and the highest, is around 45 /MWh.

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    Difference in matched prices of 15 /MWh for the same delivery hour, which is 50% with

    respect to the lowest matched price, indicates high volatility on intraday spot market. Market

    participants can take advantage of high volatility for the sale of contracted deliveries from the

    day-ahead spot market at higher prices, if the delivery can be covered in a different way or if

    it is a surplus. In the case of higher prices, producers can sell excess electricity which they

    currently have available or if they failed to sell on the day-ahead spot market or bilaterally.

    Market participants, traders or consumers who have unpredictable demand and/or did not

    meet their needs to deliver from the day-ahead spot market or bilaterally, can access the

    market and secure a sufficient amount of energy to deliver. Excessive demand is often on the

    intraday spot market, and with it a higher price than on the day-ahead spot market for the

    same delivery period. With the introduction of even shorter delivery period (15 minutes was

    introduced in Germany and Switzerland) it is now more possible to better balance the

    unpredictable demand and production from renewable energy sources, and therefore the

    prices on the intraday spot market. In order to reduce price volatility in both spot markets and

    increase the delivery quality of electricity, market coupling has been introduced.

    Figure 3-21. Balancing price between areas with different supply/demand [10]

    Connecting a day ahead spot market mostly works on an auction basis, taking into account

    the transmission capacity between countries. In the lower price area the demand curve shiftsto the right, and in the area of higher prices supply curve also shifts to the right by the amount

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    of transmission capacity between areas. The result is a balance between price areas. Figure 3-

    21. shows an example of balancing prices between two day-ahead spot markets.

    Market coupling of day-ahead spot markets on EPEX SPOT exchange is held every day

    starting at 9:30 - 11:15 am. Delivery contracts of one hour are traded. Auction forms are:

    EPEX SPOT France to Germanydelivery from France to Germany

    EPEX SPOT Germany to Francedelivery from Germany to France

    EPEX SPOT France to Belgiumdelivery from France to Belgium

    EPEX SPOT Germany to Netherlandsdelivery from Germany to Netherlands

    EPEX SPOT France to Spaindelivery from France to Spain

    EPEX SPOT France to UKdelivery from France to UK

    EPEX SPOT Germany to Denmarkdelivery from Germany to Denmark

    Denmark to EPEX SPOT Germanydelivery from Denmark to Germany

    Market coupling of intraday spot markets between EPEX SPOT markets/countries is based

    on active and continuous linking offers to buy and sell, taking into account the transmission

    capacity between countries. Without market coupling markets in Germany, the visible supply

    and trade exists only between consumers, producers and retailers from the German delivery

    area (local area). By connecting the German and French markets, continuous trading for the

    German area has local offers and best offers to buy/sell from France and conversely, but only

    if there is available transmission capacity between countries. The aim is to decrease price

    differences between countries so there are no additional costs for the purchase/sale of

    electricity, or for the transmission of electricity between countries. In trading on the exchange,

    if both parties of the transaction are from the same delivery area, further delivery process is

    relatively simple. In the case of trading between countries, it is necessary, at all times, to

    amend the automatic transmission capacity between countries and an active communication

    between TSO of the countries. In both cases, the registration of trade and delivery is regulated

    by ECC AG (European Commodity Clearing) company.

    The total trade volume of 16.3 TWh on intraday spot market in 2013 is considerably lower

    then the trade volume on the day-ahead spot market (330 TWh). Hereinafter, day-ahead spot

    market will be considered as spot market.

    At the end of each auction on the spot market, certain prices for each hour are used for

    indexes that represent the price for a period of delivery in a given area. For the

    German/Austrian delivery area Phelix index is computed, as Phelix Base and Phelix Peak

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    index. Phelix Day Base index represents the base load for one day and it is calculated as the

    arithmetic average of all hourly prices (0-24) for delivery determined on the auction. Phelix

    Day Peak index represents the peak load for one day and it is calculated as the arithmetic

    average of the hourly prices for delivery from 8 to 20 hours determined on the auction. With

    daily indices, there are also monthly indices, Phelix Base Month and Phelix Peak Month,

    which are calculated as the arithmetic average of all daily Phelix indexes in the month. Figure

    3-22. shows the Phelix Day Base index as the average hourly prices of each day from 2000 to

    2014. Most other indices are calculated according to the similar or the same principle.

    Figure 3-22. Phelix Day Base index from 2000. to 2014.

    Market coupling has reduces volatility, as can be seen in Figures 3-18. and 3-22. Following

    the introduction of negative prices in 2008, the number of price jumps on levels over 100

    /MWh has decreased. With negative jumps becoming more rarer, the price has stabilized in

    the last few years on levels between 30 and 50 /MWh. Figure 3-23. shows the frequency

    histogram of Phelix Day Base index during the period from 2000 to 2014 with a sample of

    5125 prices. The histogram would be approximately normally distributed according to the

    Gaussian curve if there were no prices prior to 2009. Frequency histogram of the prices for

    the period from 2009 to 2014 with a sample of 2000 prices is shown in Figure 3-24.

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    Figure 3-23. Frequency histogram of Phelix Day Base index from 2000. to 2014.

    Figure 3-24. Frequency histogram of Phelix Day Base index from 2009. to 2014.

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    Phelix peak index should always be greater than Phelix base index because it is generally

    higher average demand for electricity from 8 to 20 hours than the average demand throughout

    the day. Appearance of the Phelix Day Peak frequency histogram is relatively the same as for

    the Phelix base index.

    Figure 3-25. Phelix Day Peak index from 2000. to 2014.

    With the increasing construction of photovoltaic power plants in Germany and the current

    installed capacity of 36 GW [11], during sunny days peak price is more often lower than the

    base price of the index. Production capacity of renewable and conventional sources of

    electricity is growing from year to year and currently equals 171 GW in Germany. An average

    load of 50 to 70 GW, share of production from renewables equals 25.4% and 74.6% from

    conventional sources. Increasing production capacity with insufficient increase in spending

    and the right of pre-emption of photovoltaic power has changed the way electricity markets

    function. Figure 3-26. shows the production from photovoltaic power plants in Germany in

    one day, June 26, 2014. Figures 3-27. and 3-28. show the percentage price difference between

    peak and base Phelix Day indexes. During the summer months, from May to October, there is

    less difference between peak and base index, and on sunny days it is often that peak index is

    lower than the base index. During winter months, the difference between indexes generally

    ranges from 5 to 15 /MWh last 5 years, with occasional jumps above 20 /MWh.

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    Figure 3-26. Production from photovoltaic power plants in Germany, 26 June 2014 [11]

    Figure 3-27. Percentage price difference between peak and base Phelix day indexes

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    Figure 3-28. Percentage price difference between peak and base day indexes last 6 years

    Peak and base index and block prices of delivery only take into account average hourly

    prices within a day, while the cost of hourly electricity supply can vary greatly depending on

    the market situation. Figure 3-29. shows the average cost of hourly electricity supply on the

    spot market for delivery in Germany/Austria in each year from 2002 to 2013. From 2002 to2009 price periodicity is revealed. Lowest price is at 4 am, followed by increase in price to

    day high at noon, a slight decrease in the afternoon with the leap around 7-8 pm and further

    drop of prices until midnight. From 2010 till today, price periodicity is the same as for the

    previous year, but with a smaller price increase during the day due to larger production from

    photovoltaic power plants than in previous years. The highest price is no longer during the

    day, but at night at around 8 pm. For the period from 2011 to 2013, price at 8 pm was around

    5 /MWh higher than the price at noon, while the 2010 price at noon and at 8 pm was

    approximately the same. Figure 3-30. shows the average cost of hourly deliveries in the

    period from 2002 to 2013, and separately for the period from 2002 to 2009 and from 2010 to


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    Figure 3-29. Average prices of hourly deliveries per year

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    Figure 3-30. Average prices of hourly deliveries

    Prices also vary depending on whether it is a business or non-business day. Figure 3-31.

    shows the average electricity price in Germany/Austria by days of the week for each year

    from 2002 to 2013, and Figure 3-32. shows the average price per day of the week for period

    from 2000 to 2014. Figure 3-33. represents the average hourly price by delivery days of the

    week for 2013.

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    Figure 3-31. Average price per day of the week

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    Derivatives market

    Due to high volatility in the spot market, market participants are exposed to risks when

    trading on the spot market. The most important are the price risk, counterparty risk and

    volume risk (ex. lack of liquidity in the spot market). With long-term contracts, which until

    recently were not present on most power exchanges, derivatives market provides market

    participants ability to protect and manage their risks. Long-term contracts bind contract

    parties to deliver electricity (the underlying), during a given period in the future (delivery

    period), and are known as derivatives.

    Derivative is a special type of contract that has a current value based on expected future

    price movements of the underlying asset. Derivatives are traded for:

    Hedging, risk management



    Market participants, producers, traders and large consumers, are using derivatives to hedge

    against risk. Futures contracts can be bought to hold a long position, or sold before bought to

    hold a short position. For example, the short futures contract can be used as a protection

    against falling electricity prices by fixing the price for delivery in the future (the futures

    price). Arbitrageur exploits the difference between prices in different markets on the same

    tradable asset class. For example, the simultaneous purchase of a contract for supply of

    electricity out of the market (bilaterally) at a reduced price and selling futures contracts on the

    market at a higher price. Speculators trade derivatives in order to achieve profit by taking on

    the risk of future price movements, thus providing liquidity to other market participants.

    Power exchanges use many types of derivatives, but the most common are:

    Futures contracts

    Forward contracts


    In addition to these there are many other derivatives, standardized and non-standardized.

    For the purpose of describing the electricity exchange EEX only standardized derivatives of

    EEX exchange are taken into account, while non-standardized derivatives, mostly bilateral,

    are not taken into account.

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    3.5.1. Futures contracts

    A typical futures contract is a standardized, portable and binding contract to buy or sell a

    specific amount of the underlying asset at a certain time in the future (the maturity of the

    futures contract) at a specified contract price (futures price). Future contracts are used mainly

    to reduce the risk future market prices by fixing the price to be paid/received for the delivery

    of the underlying asset in the future. The risk for a buyer or a seller of a futures contract is the

    same, because the amount of loss and gain of contract participants is the same (but opposite)

    at any given time until expiry of the contract.

    Expiries of futures contracts and the amount of supply of the underlying are standardized.

    The only debatable aspect of the contract is the current price to be paid for the underlying at

    some point in the future, or futures price. Contract Standardization is carried out in order to

    facilitate trade in futures markets.

    Future price at time t for delivery of the underlying asset, with the price on the spot market

    S(t) and the expiration of the contract at time t, is expressed as f (t,T). Payment (P) of a

    futures contract at expiration T is expressed as:


    To avoid arbitrage, from relation above we see that the futures price agreed at the time T,

    for the delivery of the underlying asset at the time T (instant delivery), must be equal to S(T).

    Any other price would allow arbitration, by buying the cheaper and selling the other.

    Having to pay the contracted futures price in given time in the future, there are no costs of

    concluding the futures contract. However, due to market conditions, the value of futures

    contracts change over time. For example suppose that the market participant has a long

    position for delivery of the underlying asset in the future at a market price of 100, and thecurrent market value of the contract is 110 . If market participant sells the contract at the

    current price, he will realize an immediate profit of 10 and will no longer have any liability

    in connection with the delivery of the underlying asset in the future.

    The value of each futures contract is recorded at the end of each trading day. This means

    that financial positions are valued according to current market prices as shown in the previous

    example. The difference between the price of the previous day and current prices are

    continuously determined. Profit or loss of a position is added to or subtracted from the

    account of a market participant. Since there is a risk involved when trading futures, exchanges

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    are using margin accounts that guarantee that contracts will be respected. Margin is

    determined by how much money you should have in your account when you trade futures

    contracts and is usually only couple or more percent of the total futures price, and if the

    position is in negative territory even more.

    Trading futures contracts on exchanges is relatively straightforward and ultimate delivery

    of the underlying asset rarely happens when the contract expires. Sellers and buyers usually

    break commitments by exiting their positions prior to the expiration of the contract.

    The above-described typical futures contracts differ greatly from futures contracts that are

    traded on power exchanges. In a typical futures contract underlying asset is being bought/sold

    and delivered in a given time in the future, or when the contract expires. Power futures

    contract expiration and delivery do not match. Instead of a specific date of delivery, electri