Download - Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf

  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    2011 ANSYS, Inc. November 14, 20131 Release 14.0

    14. 0 Release

    ANSYS Mechanical

    Experimental Elatomer

    Mo!elin" #latic in ANSYS

  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    2011 ANSYS, Inc. November 14, 20132 Release 14.0


    The large strain nonlinear stress-strain behavior of thermoplastic exhibitsthe following:

    Strong hysteresis

    Rate dependence

    Softening after yielding

    rittle fail!re at low temperat!res and d!ctile behavior at higher


    Thermoplastics !s!ally show different material behavior !nder differentloading and environmental conditions. Th!s !s!ally one single materialmodel co!ld not be !sed to predict plastic nat!re. "ollowing slides will

    disc!ss the thermoplastic behavior !nder different conditions and #$S%Smaterial models which co!ld be !sed to model s!ch behavior.

  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    2011 ANSYS, Inc. November 14,



    %niaxial behavior o& thermoplatic

    &nder monotonically increasing !niaxial testing conditions' generallythermoplastics exhibits following behavior:

    Stress increases monotonically witho!t any softening after yield (sample 1).

    Stress softening after yield and then res!mes hardening (sample *).

    This is typical behavior of

    thermoplastics !nder !niaxial tensile


  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    2011 ANSYS, Inc. November 14,



    'ehavior $n!er (oa!in")$nloa!in" con!ition

    &nder loading-!nloading !niaxial testing conditions' generally thermoplasticsexhibits strong hysteresis effect which is followed by permanent (plastic)deformations. +hile considering plastic components' it is very important todetermine if there is any possibility of that component experiencing loading-

    !nloading conditions.

    ,enerally the reverseloading slope is not same asthe loading c!rve slope.

  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    2011 ANSYS, Inc. November 14,



    *reep an! relaxation

    reep is the tendency of a solid material to move slowly or deform permanently!nder the infl!ence of stresses. t occ!rs as a res!lt of long term expos!re to highlevels of stress that are below the yield strength of the material.

    t is more severe in materials that are s!b/ected to heat for long periods' and nearmelting point and always increases with temperat!re.

    Thermoplastic also shows creep andrelaxation behavior. f the material isnown to show creep behavior at

    operating conditions' it is alwaysadvisable to consider creep d!ringn!merical modeling of thatcomponent.

  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    2011 ANSYS, Inc. November 14,



    Available ANSYS Material Mo!el

    #$S%S offers range of material models which co!ld be !sed to model differentthermoplastic behavior !nder different conditions. hoice of material modeldependents on:

    1) xperimental data available

    *) 2perating conditions

    3ifferent models which co!ld be !sed are: Small deformation plasticity (lasto-plastic) ress!re dependent plasticity models (3r!cer rager5 xtendend 3r!cer

    rager) 6arge deformation elasticity models (7yperelastic) ergstrom oyce 8odel Rate dependent plasticity models (9iscoplastic) 9iscoelastic reep

  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    *011 #$S%S' nc. $ovember 14'


    orrect? model@

    Aey is to first narrow down all the material behavior !ser wish to incl!de for thematerial.

    List all the material behavior

    Brittle/Ductile/high strain elasticDifferent loading unloading behavior

    Permanent deformation

    Stress relaxation/Creep

  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    *011 #$S%S' nc. $ovember 14'



    *hooin" ri"ht mo!el..

    #$S%S offers vario!s models which co!ld help to describes the material behavior of


    7owever iss!e remains on how to choose the >orrect? model@

    Second step is to list all the loading conditions for which the str!ct!ral component needs

    to be designed.

    Cyclic/non-cyclic loadingLoading rate

    emperature loading

    List all the loading condition

  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    *011 #$S%S' nc. $ovember 14'



    *hooin" ri"ht mo!el..

    #$S%S offers vario!s models which co!ld help to describes the material behavior of


    7owever iss!e remains on how to choose the >orrect? model@

    "inal step is to list down the sim!lation ob/ective. This is very important steps since it

    also determine the material model.

    Stress !nalysis

    Life prediction

    Design "ptimi#ationList all the simulation ob$ective

  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    2011 ANSYS, Inc. November 14,



    *hooin" ri"ht mo!el..

    #s mentioned earlier there is no single >8aterial 8odel? which co!ld model all thebehavior described in the last slides. Th!s it is advisable to gather all experimentaldata and list all the operating conditions and choose material model. 6et considerfew scenarios:


  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    2011 ANSYS, Inc. November 14,



    *ae 1

    Str!ct!re is s!b/ected to monotonically increasing load where Stress increasesmonotonically witho!t any softening after yield. There is no reverse loading andtemperat!re variation is not m!ch ie. Stress-strain behavior is similar in the vicinityof the operating temperat!re.

    Mo!el +ecommen!ation (in increasing order ofcomplexity):

    1) Small strain metal plasticity (elasto-plastic):

    #ro: asiest to !se.

    *on: $ot advisable for large strains and may not be

    easy to define yield point.

    *) 6arge Strain hyperelastic:

    #ro: ncl!de large strain effect in the eC!ation

    *on: $eed more experimental data to properly definethe model.

    ;) ergstrom-oyce:

    #ro: ncl!de large strain effects

    *on: $eed more experimental data to properly definethe model and c!rrently no c!rve fitting in #$S%S

  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    2011 ANSYS, Inc. November 14,



    *ae 2

    Str!ct!re is s!b/ected to monotonically increasing load where Stress softening isocc!ring after yield and then res!mes hardening . There is no reverse loading andtemperat!re variation is not m!ch ie. Stress-strain behavior is similar in the vicinityof the operating temperat!re.

    Mo!el +ecommen!ation (in increasing order ofcomplexity):

    1) 6arge Strain hyperelastic:

    #ro: ncl!de large strain effect in the eC!ation

    *on: $eed more experimental data to properly define

    the model.*) ergstrom-oyce:

    #ro: ncl!de large strain effects

    *on: $eed more experimental data to properly definethe model and c!rrently no c!rve fitting in #$S%S.

    8etal lasticity cannot be !sed since DSofteningE reC!iresdecrease in stress-strain slope which is not allowed in thismodel.

  • 8/14/2019 Modeling plastics in ANSYS [Compatibility Mode].pdf


    2011 ANSYS, Inc. November 14,



    *ae 3

    Str!ct!re is s!b/ected to loading F!nloading load' !nloading slope is not same asthe loading slope and permanent deformation is present. t is ass!med thattemperat!re variation is not m!ch ie. Stress-strain behavior is similar in the vicinityof the operating temperat!re.

    Mo!el +ecommen!ation1) ergstrom-oyce:

    #ro: ncl!de large strain effects

    *on: $eed more experimental data to properlydefine the model and c!rrently no c!rve fitting in


    8etal lasticity cannot be !sed since DSofteningE reC!iresdecrease in stress-strain slope which is not allowed in thismodel and also !nloading slope is same as the loading

    slope.7yperelastic models do not show any hysteresis and th!scannot be !sed here.