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Question 1 to 9 : Identify the word that means the same Q.1 Puissant: A potent Correct Bpatent Cpolemic Dperfect Correct

Q.2 Bereave: Abear Bdeprive Correct Cderive Dpossess Correct

Q.3 Foster: A protest B request Cpromote Correct Dreplace Correct

Q.4 Recapitulate: Arefrain B reiterate C remote Dremind Correct Answer is reiterate Correct Answer is reiterate

Q.5 Levity: Aclarity Bjocularity Cparity Correct Answer is jocularity Dfamiliarity Correct Answer is jocularity

Q.6 Abrasive: A frail Bbenign Ccaustic Correct Dconceal Correct

Q.7 Generic: Acustomary Bmandatory Cprimary Correct Answer is nonexclusive Dnonexclusive

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Correct Answer is nonexclusive

Q.8 Chagrin: Adiscomfiture Benlighten Cabrogate Correct Answer is discomfiture D revoke Correct Answer is discomfiture

Q.9 Argot: Adialect Bconversation Cepilogue Correct Answer is dialect Ddialogue Correct Answer is dialect

Question 10 to 19 : Identify the appropriate word to complete the sentence Q.10 He is reluctant _________ make any commitments on such short notice. Ain Bto Correct Cof Dfor Correct

Q.11 The specific details _________ the programmes are missing. Aaround Bwith Con Dof Correct Correct

Q.12 She was perplexed _________ his reaction. Awith Bby Correct Cfrom Dat Correct

Q.13 He is worried _________ her well being. A about Correct B for Cof Don Correct

Q.14 After a one year stint _________ the army, Kishore decided to return home. Aof Bwith Coff Din Correct Correct

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Q.15 Although the situation appears hopeless, the police are still looking _________ the matter. Awithin Binto Correct Cupon Dafter Correct

Q.16 The author has been wandering _________ the streets of Hyderabad in search of real life characters. Ainside Bin Correct Cupon Dabout Correct

Q.17 We are not following the usual _________ of admission for physically challenged applicant. A standard Bprocedure Correct Cchannels D routine Correct

Q.18 Samir successfully cleared the _________ rounds of the audition. Aprevious B earlier Cpreliminary Correct Dadvanced Correct

Q.19 Most people prefer to read books _________ their free time. A during Correct Bwithin C into Daround Correct

Question 20 to 27 : Identify the word that does not mean the same as the underlined word Q.20 probation Aempirical Bpilot Capprenticeship Dexultation Correct Correct

Q.21 flatulent A inflated Bbombastic Correct Answer is corpulent Ccorpulent Dtumescent Correct Answer is corpulent

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Q.22 gaucherie A transgression Correct Answer is abstemious Bindiscretion Cblunder Dabstemious Correct Answer is abstemious

Q.23 nefarious Aimpassable Bexecrable Correct Answer is impassable Cdetestable Dabominable Correct Answer is impassable

Q.24 ebullience Aeffervescence Beffusiveness Cexuberance Correct Answer is ensconce Densconce Correct Answer is ensconce

Q.25 intonation Aaccentuation Binflection Caffectation Dlocution Correct Answer is affectation Correct Answer is affectation

Q.26 impugn Acontravene Badjure Cbelie Ddis Correct Answer is adjure Correct Answer is adjure

Q.27 perfidious A recreant Correct Answer is venal Btreacherous Cinsidious Dvenal Correct Answer is venal

Question 28 to 30 : Identify the appropriate verb form to fill the sentence. Q.28 We were unfamiliar with that area and _________ circling around the same neighbourhood for hours. Ahas been Bhad been Correct Care Dhave been Correct

Q.29 The whole team _________ in trouble, if the client cancels the deal. Ahas been Bare going

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Cwill be Correct Dcould have been Correct

Q.30 This team of Indian doctors _________ significant contributions into the field of medical research. Ahave made Bhas made Correct Cwere making Dwill be made Correct

Question 31 to 35 : Identify the appropriate phrase or word that means the same as the CAPITALIZED word Q.31 He wanted to LOOK OVER the agreement before signing the deal. A examine Correct Balter Cedit Dimprove on Correct

Q.32 They expected that the inauguration ceremony would COME OFF on time. Acontinue Bcancel Chappen Correct Dfinish Correct

Q.33 It is imperative to SET APART resources in order to deal with an emergency. Ato exhaust B to segregate Cto control Dto reserve Correct Correct

Q.34 He BROUGHT OUT the facts of the matter. Amanipulated Brevealed Correct Cexplained Drefuted Correct

Q.35 After the fight, he TOOK UP a friendly attitude towards the other boys. Aentered into Bassumed Cdecided Dmaintained Correct Answer is assumed Correct Answer is assumed

Question 36 to 37 : Give an antonym for the underlined word Q.36 Delectable A nauseating Correct Bmellow Cincongruous

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Dundefined Correct

Q.37 Equivocate Avocalize Bconfront Correct Crefer Drespond Correct

Question 38 to 45 : Identify the odd word out Q.38 A ping pong Correct Bpolo Cgolf Dcroquet Correct

Q.39 Acelestial Bseraphic Cethereal Dcorporeal Correct Correct

Q.40 Apalindrome Bseptuagint Clexicon Correct Answer is septuagint Dmalapropism Correct Answer is septuagint

Q.41 Averdant Blawn Clettuce Correct Answer is infecund Dinfecund Correct Answer is infecund

Q.42 A masquerade Correct Bunveil Cunmask Ddisclose Correct

Q.43 Apuerile Binfantile Cservile Correct Djuvenile Correct

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Q.44 A democracy Correct Answer is slavery Bdictatorship Canarchy Dslavery Correct Answer is slavery

Q.45 Aaporetic Bincredulous Correct Answer is unsuspicious Cunsuspicious Dleery Correct Answer is unsuspicious Sec 2

Q.46 Arun and Chandu can complete a certain work in 15 days. Chandu and Bhanu can complete the same work in 20 days. If the ratio in the efficiencies of Arun and Chandu is 2 : 1, then in how many days can Chandu complete it working alone. A36 days B 60 days C45 days Correct Answer is 60 days D72 days Correct Answer is 60 days

Q.47 Two natural numbers are in the ratio of 2 : 3. The difference between the squares of the numbers is 320. Find the sum of the numbers. A 40 Correct B24 C36 D94 Correct

Q.48 If 11 ¡Ñ 11 = 121, 111 ¡Ñ 111 = 12321, 1111 ¡Ñ 1111 = 1234321 and so on. Find the sum of the digits in (111111111)2. A72 B64 Correct Answer is 81 C92 D81 Correct Answer is 81

Q.49 In a class of 450 students, the ratio between the number of boys and girls is 8 : 7. If 65% of the boys and 70% of the girls appear in a class test, then what percentage of students doesn't appear in the class test. A 32.66% Correct B16.66% C45.23% D56.33% Correct

Q.50 A woman buys a certain quality of oranges at the rate of 15 for Rs. 12 and another quality of oranges at the rate of 18 for Rs. 16. She sells the mixture of the two at the rate of 6 for Rs. 7. Find the percentage profit/loss incurred in the whole transaction.

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A 19.07% Correct Answer is 38.15% B38.15% C41.51% DCannot be determined Correct Answer is 38.15%

Q.51 The age of a father and his son are in the ratio of 7 : 3. Four years ago, the ratio between the age of the son and father was 13 : 5. Find the age of father after 4 years. A 60 years Correct B54 years C71 years D48 years Correct

Q.52 Arun purchased certain quantity of rice at the rate of Rs. 25 per kg and another 40 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 36 per kg. He sells the mixture of the two at the rate of Rs. 40 per kg after gaining 20%. What is the quantity of rice bought at Rs. 25 per kg? A 8.6 kgs B 7.2 kgs C12.8 kgs Correct DNone of these Correct

Q.53 Sneha invested 40% of her income in shares, 40% of the remaining in the Mutual Funds, 25% of the remaining in the Post-Office. What percentage of her income is left with her? A34% B43.33% C16% D27% Correct Correct

Q.54 The sides of a cuboid are in the ratio of 1/3:1/4:1/2. If the surface area of the cuboid is 1728 sq cm, then the measure of its length is A 16 cm Correct B40 cm C 24 cm D30 cm Correct

Q.55 A fruit vendor buys 80 kg of apples from the whole sale market. On the next day, he found that 10% of the apples were rotten. He sells the remaining apples at the rate of Rs. 24 per kg. If he bought the apples at the rate of Rs. 20 per kg, then the profit or loss incurred by the vendor is ARs. 298, Profit B Rs. 128, Profit Correct CRs. 298, Loss DNone of these Correct

Q.56 20 men working 16 hours a day for 42 days can complete (3/7)th of a work. If 28 men are employed for 15 days to complete the same working 12 hours a day,

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then the work remaining to be completed is A 9/56th Correct Answer is None of these B 17/32th C4/23th D None of these Correct Answer is None of these

Q.57 Divide Rs. 495 among Jyoti, Sneha and Anuja such that Sneha receives 5/8th of what Jyoti receives and Anuja receives 70% of what Sneha receives. Find the share of Jyoti and Sneha. ARs. 160, Rs. 100 BRs. 200, Rs. 125 CRs. 180, Rs. 112.5 DRs. 240, Rs. 150 Correct Correct

Q.58 The sum of 6 consecutive odd natural numbers is 156. Find the second largest number. A 29 Correct B41 C33 D37 Correct

Q.59 Anup went to "Cowtons" to purchase some trousers. At the shop, he was offered three discounts of 50%, 49%, 10%. Find a single equivalent discount. A62% B54% C77% Correct D81% Correct

Q.60 A sum of Rs. 360 was distributed among 2 men, 3 women and 4 children such that a woman received as much as 2 children and a man received as much as 2 women. How much does a woman receive? ARs. 20 BRs. 40 Correct CRs. 80 DRs. 36 Correct

Q.61 The gender ratio of a country 'X' is 970 women compared to 1000 men. The population of the country X is 47280. Out of every 1000 men 550 are married. If a man is married only to a woman, then what percent of the total women of the country are married? A27.9% B45% C55% D56.7% Correct Correct

Q.62 A man purchases two Year-books at a cost of Rs. 720. He sells one at a profit of 20% and another at a loss of 15%. If in the whole transaction he gains Rs. 4, then the cost price of each year-book is

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ARs. 320, Rs. 400 BRs. 280, Rs. 440 Correct Answer is Rs. 320, Rs. 400 CRs. 300, Rs. 420 DNone of these Correct Answer is Rs. 320, Rs. 400

Q.63 Sneha had recently given the MOCK LTS in which there were 200 questions. For every correct answer she got 1 mark and for every wrong or in-correct answer she got (¡V0.25) mark. If she attempted all the questions and got 135 marks out of 200, then the number of questions she answered correctly was A152 B136 Correct Answer is 148 C148 D164 Correct Answer is 148

Q.64 The average salary of a DTP operator and a content editor is Rs. 6,000 and Rs. 10,500. If the total monthly salary of all the workers and the total number of workers is Rs. 1,50,000 and 16 respectively, then how many content editors are there? (Assume there are only two types of workers viz. DTP and content editors). A4 B12 Correct C6 D8 Correct

Q.65 If A = {1, 3, 5, 7} and B = {11, 19, 12, 8}, then find the total natural numbers from 1 to 32 which can not be expressed as the sum of the numbers from the given two sets. A 16 Correct B15 C14 D17 Correct

Q.66 The long form of periodic table, structured way of arranging the elements of the periodic table, was discovered by ¡K AJohn Newland B Dmitri Mendeleeve Correct CJohn Dalton DAvogadro Correct

Q.67 Acqua Regia is a very strong solution of concentrated nitric acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid in the ratio of ¡K A1 : 3 B2 : 3 C1 : 4 Correct Answer is 1 : 3 D1 : 2 Correct Answer is 1 : 3

Q.68 Lux is the derived unit of ¡K Aluminous flux

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Billuminance Correct Cinductance Dmagnetic flux density Correct

Q.69 Identify the name of the Indian doctor who pioneered the technique of test tube baby in India? A Dr P Venugopal Correct Answer is Dr Indira Hinduja BDr PK Dave CDr Prakash Kothari DDr Indira Hinduja Correct Answer is Dr Indira Hinduja

Q.70 Where would you find the National Institute of Virology? AMumbai BPune Correct CChennai DBangalore Correct

Q.71 Which of the following represents the expansion of 'P' in 'VPN'? APublic BPrivate CProtocol Correct Answer is Private DPrincipal Correct Answer is Private

Q.72 Which of the following chemical is also known by the common name of White Vitriol? AIron sulphate BCalcium sulphate CCopper sulpha Correct Answer is Zinc sulphate DZinc sulphate Correct Answer is Zinc sulphate

Q.73 Huntington's disease is caused by the malfunctioning of ¡K AKidney BBrain CLiver Correct Answer is Brain DPancreas Correct Answer is Brain

Q.74 We better know Calciferol as¡K A Vitamin K B Vitamin D Correct CVitamin P DVitamin E Correct

Q.75 Electric capacitance is measured in ¡K ASiemens BLumen Correct Answer is Farad CHenry

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DFarad Correct Answer is Farad

Q.76 Which of the following planets has the strongest magnetic fields? ASaturn BJupiter Correct CMercury DVenus Correct

Q.77 Which of the following is NOT a fungal disease? Adhobi's itch Bkala-azar Cringworms Correct Answer is kala-azar Dathlete's foot Correct Answer is kala-azar

Q.78 Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore are the founders of¡K AHP BOracle CGoogle Correct Answer is Intel DIntel Correct Answer is Intel

Q.79 Which of the following represents the normal human body temperature? ) A0K B273.15K C310.15K Correct D373.15K Correct

Q.80 The study that deals with fruits and their cultivation is called ¡K APhrenology BPhenology Correct Answer is Pomology CPomology DPsychometrics Correct Answer is Pomology

Q.81 Silicon Valley of the world is in ¡K ACalifornia BNew York CWashington DC DNone of these Correct Answer is California Correct Answer is California

Q.82 Which Indian would you associate with the invention of Pentium chip? AB. V. Jagadeesh BVinod Dham CVinod Khosla Correct Answer is Vinod Dham DSam Pitroda Correct Answer is Vinod Dham

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Q.83 This personality is known as Father of Java. Who are we talking about? ARay Tomlinson B James Gosling Correct CTim Berners Lee DNone of these None of these Correct Sec 3

Q.84 Which of the following aircraft was used by Anousheh Ansari for her much talked about space visit? ASoyuz TMA -3 BSoyuz TMA -6 CSoyuz TMA -9 Correct DSoyuz TMA -12 Correct

Q.85 Which of the following places in India is also known as the 'Manchester of south'? ATrivendrum BHyderabad CCoimbator Correct DNone of these Correct

Q.86 Which of the following days is celebrated as the World Commonwealth Day? AMarch 24 BApril 24 CMay 24 Correct D June 24 Correct

Q.87 Which of the following has the maximum contribution in the constitution of bones? A Fluorides of calcium BPhosphate of lime CCarbonate of lime Correct Answer is Phosphate of lime DPhosphate of magnesia Correct Answer is Phosphate of lime

Q.88 Which of the following represents the speed of sound in air? A330 m/s B332 m/s Correct C336m/s D340m/s Correct

Q.89 Which of the following instruments is used for measuring specific gravity? AStylometer BSpirometer CStereometer DStenometer Correct Answer is Stereometer Correct Answer is Stereometer

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Q.90 The statement that "Total energy radiated from a black body is equal to the fourth power of its absolute temperature" is ¡K AHooke's Law BCoulomb's Law CStefan's Law Correct DLenz's Law Correct

Q.91 Can you identify the year in which the famous battle of Waterloo took place from the given options? A1812 B1815 Correct C1821 D1830 Correct

Q.92 This country is the largest producer of Opium in the world We are talking about¡K AIran BIraq CVenezuela DNone of these Correct Correct

Q.93 Which of the following is the highest cotton producing country of the world? A India Correct Answer is China BUSA CChina DBrazil Correct Answer is China

Q.94 This country topped the medal's tally in the Commonwealth Games 2006 held at Melbourne, Australia. Identify the name of the country in question from the given options? ACanada BEngland CIndia DAustralia Correct Correct

Q.95 The year in which the first successful heart transplant of the world took place, was¡K A1953 B1959 Correct Answer is 1967 C1964 D1967 Correct Answer is 1967

Q.96 The chemical formula for Laughing gas is ¡K ANO2 BN2O Correct

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CN2O5 DN2O2 Correct

Q.97 You would associate Nobutoshi Kihara closely with the invention of¡K ATypewriter BWalkman CTape recorder Correct Answer is Walkman DCompact Disc Correct Answer is Walkman

Q.98 The Adventures of Oliver Twist is a famous work of¡K AG .B. Shaw BCharles Dickens Correct CJonathan Swift DJames Joyce Correct

Q.99 The President of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is ¡K A Abdel Aziz Duwaik Correct Answer is Mahmoud Abbas BSalam Fayyad CMahmoud Abbas DShimon Peres Correct Answer is Mahmoud Abbas

Q.100 Which of the following personalities is the first woman to reach the north pole? A Fran Phipps Correct Answer is Karoline Mikkelsen BKaroline Mikkelsen CJunko Taibei DBarbara C Harris Correct Answer is Karoline Mikkelsen

Q.101 Which of the following newspapers was started by Dadabhai Naoroji? A New India Correct Answer is Voice of India B The Leader CVoice of India DThe National Paper Correct Answer is Voice of India

Q.102 The process of liberalization in India started during the presidentship of¡K.. ADr. Shankar Dayal Sharama BR. Venkataraman CK.R. Narayanan Correct Answer is R. Venkataraman DGiani Jail Singh Correct Answer is R. Venkataraman

Q.103 Ancient city of Vaishali, was the capital of ¡K. AGuptas BNandas CLicchavis Correct DNone of these

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Q.104 Which of the following personalities is the founder of the Sankhya school of philosophy? AJaimini BKapila Correct CMadhavacharya DAdi Shankaracharya Correct

Q.105 International Women's Day is celebrated every year on ¡K. A March 8 Correct BJuly 8 CSeptember 8 DDecember 8 Correct

Q.106 The largest lake in the world by surface area is¡K. ALake Superior BLake Baikal Correct Answer is Caspean Sea CCaspean Sea DLake Titicaca Correct Answer is Caspean Sea

Q.107 Who discovered Proton? AJ.J. Thomson BEarnest Rutherford Correct CJames Chadwick DW. Roentgen Correct

Q.108 The headquarter of World Economic Forum is based at ¡K. AZurich BBerne CDavos DGeneva Correct Correct

Q.109 Yakshagana is a famous dance cum drama form that belongs to the state of ___in India. AAndhra Pradesh B Karnataka Correct CTamil Nadu DKerala Correct

Q.110 Sharan Rani is a famous name in the field of ¡K. ASitar BSarod CVeena Correct Answer is Sarod DSarangi Correct Answer is Sarod

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Q.111 Which of the following markets is meant for giving short and medium term loans? AMoney Market BCapital Market CStock Market Correct Answer is Money Market DNone of these Correct Answer is Money Market

Q.112 This famous economist is known for his famous work on the Principle of Population growth. Identify him from the given options. AJ.M. Keynes BDavid Ricardo CThomas Malthus Correct Answer is David Ricardo DAdam Smith Correct Answer is David Ricardo

Q.113 Principle of Political Economy and Taxation is a famous work of¡K. AKarl Marx BJ.S. Mill CDavid Ricardo DJ.K. Galbraith Correct Answer is David Ricardo Correct Answer is David Ricardo

Q.114 Which of the following is NOT a member of BIMSTEC? AIndia BBangladesh CThailand DChina Correct Correct

Q.115 The year in which Supreme Court of India came into existence was¡K A1948 B1949 Correct Answer is 1950 C1950 D1951 Correct Answer is 1950

Q.116 Who invented the Integrated Circuit for which he got the Nobel Prize in Physics? APaul Lauterbur BJack Kilby Correct CJohnn Roy Whinnery DNone of these Correct

Q.117 Which of the following years you would associate with the adoption of the Gregorian calendar? A1578 B1580 C1582 Correct D1584 Correct

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Q.118 Which of the following is also known as 'Eternal City'? AAthens BRome Correct CParis DBerlin Correct

Q.119 Train To Pakistan, is a famous novel authored by ¡K AMulkraj Anand B Khushwant Singh Correct CNirad C. Choudhary DR.K. Narayan Correct

Q.120 Fireproof is a famous work of¡K. AAnita Desai BRaj Kamal Jha CJhumpa Lahiri DHari Kunjuru Correct Answer is Raj Kamal Jha Correct Answer is Raj Kamal Jha

Q.121 Which of the following was NOT one of the major Axis Powers during the World War-II? AJapan BItaly CGermany DFrance Correct Correct

Q.122 He is also known as the Grand Old Man of Indian Cricket. We are talking about¡K A Lala Amarnath Correct Answer is D.B. Deodhar BC.K. Naidu CD.B. Deodhar DDilip Sardesai Correct Answer is D.B. Deodhar

Q.123 First Indian woman to have graduated from Harvard Business School was¡K AIndira Nooyi BNaina Lal Kidwai CChanda Kochchar DKiran Majumdar Shaw Correct Answer is Naina Lal Kidwai Correct Answer is Naina Lal Kidwai

Q.124 Bhartiya Jana Sangha was founded by¡K AVeer Savarkar BS.P Mukharjee CMadan Mohan Malviya Correct Answer is S.P Mukharjee DK.B. Hedgewar Correct Answer is S.P Mukharjee

Q.125 Khudai Khidmatgar was a prominent movement led by ¡K

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ASir Sayed Ahamad Khan BKhan Abdul Gaffar Khan Correct CMaulan Abul Kalam Azad DBadruddin Tayebji Correct

Q.126 Which of the following personalities advocated the Panchayati Raj in India? ALokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak BPt. Jawaharlal Nehru CMahatma Gandhi DSardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Correct Answer is Mahatma Gandhi Correct Answer is Mahatma Gandhi

Q.127 Which of the following represents the venue of the original Olympic games that started in 776 BC? AAthens BRome COlympia Correct DNone of these Correct

Q.128 Estee Lauder is a famous name that you would associate with¡K ACinema BCosmetics Correct CSports DLiterature Correct

Q.129 Which of the following represents the venue of 7th World Social Forum held in January 2007? ASao Paulo BRio De Janeiro Correct Answer is Nairobi CBrasilia DNairobi Correct Answer is Nairobi

Q.130 The official mascot of 2008 Olympic games , to be held at Beijing China, is¡K ATuwa BChika Correct Answer is Fuwa CFuwa DTika Correct Answer is Fuwa Sec 4

Q.131 In a certain code language PROVOKED is coded as EFLPWPSQ, then how would TOMBRAIDER be coded in the same language ASFEJBCSNPU BSFEJBSCNPU CSFEBJSCNPU Correct Answer is SFEJBSCNPU DSFEJBSNC Correct Answer is SFEJBSCNPU

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Q.132 Find the missing number without breaking the on-going pattern of the series. 228, ?, 203, 178, 142 A 219 Correct B213 C218 D215 Correct

Q.133 In a certain code language COMPLETION is coded as XPNOOFGHLO, then in the same code language LAUNCHER would be coded as A OBFMXIVQ Correct BOBMFXIYS COBFMXSIY DOBFMIXYS Correct

Q.134 Find the missing number without breaking the on-going pattern of the series. 17J, 15L, 7T, ? A22D B8V C18I Correct DNone of these Correct

Q.135 In a certain code language RELATIONSHIP is coded as SGOEYOVVBRTB, then in the same code language QUANTITATIVE would be coded as ARWDRYOABCSGQ BRWDRYOAICSGQ Correct CRWDRAOYICSGQ D None of these Correct

Q.136 A, B, C, D, E and F are six friends playing marbles. They have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 marbles with them (but not necessarily in the given order). The sum of number of marbles with A, D and F is equal to the number of marbles with E. Which of the following would definitely have the number of marbles greater than F? AB BC CEither (a) or (b) Correct DCannot be determined Correct

Q.137 If 17th June 1984 was Sunday, then 17th June 1990 would be A Monday Correct Answer is Sunday BSunday CThursday DSaturday Correct Answer is Sunday

Q.138 Five books viz. History, Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Geography are placed on each other in a shelf but not in the given order. Geography book is on the bottom position. History book is a place above Maths book. There are two books

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placed in between Chemistry and Maths book. Biology book is placed immediately above Maths book. Which book is placed immediately below History book? AChemistry BHistory CBiology Correct DCannot be determined Correct

Q.139 If FOUR is coded as 4 and EIGHT is coded as 5, then how would NINE be coded in the same language A 4 Correct Answer is 3 B3 C5 DCannot be determined Correct Answer is 3

Q.140 What is the angle formed by hour and minute hands at 7:45am? A37.5¢X B28¢X C32.5¢X Correct Answer is 37.5¢X D35.5¢X Correct Answer is 37.5¢X

Q.141 Find the wrong term in the given series. 35, 48, 143, 8, 65 A65 B143 C35 DNone of these Correct Answer is 65 Correct Answer is 65

Question 142 and 143: A pair of words is given below. Words of this pair have certain relationship with each other. This pair is followed by four parts of words. Select a pair of words among these pairs which have the same relationship as in the original pair of word. Q.142 Pentagon : Decagon AHexagon : Heptagon BCone : Sphere CRectangle : Octagon Correct DCircle : Sphere Correct

Q.143 BCE : GKM AACE : GIK B QSW : CEG CMNQ : SWC Correct Answer is QSW : CEG DNone of these Correct Answer is QSW : CEG

Q.144 Complete the given series without breaking the on-going pattern. BCE, GHO, QRI, ? AKLW BLMZ CPQU DABH Correct Answer is KLW Correct Answer is KLW

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Q.145 Heavy : Light :: Frigid: Acold Btemperature Cboiling Correct Dhot Correct

Q.146 If you are happy, you must clap. If you are not happy, you do not clap. AInference is definitely true B Inference is definitely false CInference is uncertain DInference cannot be drawn Correct Answer is Inference is definitely false Correct Answer is Inference is definitely false

Q.147 All red is blue. All blue is green. So green is red. A Inference is definitely true BInference is definitely false CInference is uncertain DInference is irrelevant Correct Answer is Inference is uncertain Correct Answer is Inference is uncertain

Q.148 Find the odd word out. Apsychologist Bpsychiatrist Ctherapist Dchemist Correct Correct

Q.149 The U.S. census is not perfect: thousands of Americans probably go uncounted. However, the basic statistical portrait of the nation painted by the census is accurate. Certainly some of the poor go uncounted, particularly the homeless; but some of the rich go uncounted as well, because they are often abroad or travelling between one residence and another. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument above depends? A Both the rich and the poor have personal and economic reasons to avoid being counted by the census. Correct Answer is The percentage of poor Americans uncounted by the census is close to the percentage of rich Americans uncounted. BAll Americans may reasonably be classified as either poor or rich. CThe percentage of poor Americans uncounted by the census is close to the percentage of rich Americans uncounted. DThe number of homeless Americans is approximately equal to the number of rich Americans. Correct Answer is The percentage of poor Americans uncounted by the census is close to the percentage of rich Americans uncounted.

Q.150 When the government of a nation announced recently that a leader of the nation¡¦s political opposition had died of a mysterious illness in prison, few seasoned observers of the regime were surprised. As the police captain in an old movie remarked when asked about the condition of a prisoner, ¡§We¡¦re trying to decide whether he committed suicide or died trying to escape.¡¨ The statements above invite which of the following conclusions? AThe opposition leader was probably killed trying to escape from prison BThe opposition leader may not be dead at all.

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CIt is unlikely that the head of the regime knows the true cause of the opposition leader¡¦s death. Correct Answer is The regime very likely was responsible for the death of the opposition leader. DThe regime very likely was responsible for the death of the opposition leader. Correct Answer is The regime very likely was responsible for the death of the opposition leader. Sec 5

Q.151 ¡¥Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act¡¦ was passed in the year A2004 B2005 C2006 Correct Answer is 2005 D2007 Correct Answer is 2005

Q.152 In India, the Maximum number of cases are pending in the A Lower Courts Correct BHigh Courts CSupreme Court DBombay High Court Correct

Q.153 An agreement to which one of the parties has agreed under coercion or pressure is Aa valid agreement Ba void agreement Ca voidable agreement Correct Dan illegal agreement Correct

Q.154 A legally binding contract can be Aoral Bin writing Cin writing and registered Deither oral or in writing Correct Correct

Q.155 A company can enter into a contract with another company through Aits directors Bits managers Cits Board of Directors Dany person authorized by the Board of Directors Correct Correct

Q.156 An agreement between two bookies to pay money to each other on the basis of the win or loss of the match being played between Indian and Srilankan Cricket Team is A valid Correct Answer is void and illegal Bvoid Cvalid but illegal. Dvoid and illegal Correct Answer is void and illegal

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Q.157 The law relating to torts as actionable wrongs was codified in the year A1872 B1885 C1955 Dit was never codified Correct Correct

Q.158 Trespass is causing unlawful interference with the ________ of the other. Aphysical body B movable property C immovable property Correct Dany property Correct

Q.159 Defamation is a A tort Correct Answer is tort as well as a crime. Bcrime Ctort as well as a crime. DCivil wrong Correct Answer is tort as well as a crime.

Q.160 An old, dead and dried tree near the main road fell upon the road injuring a passerby. If the tree was owned by the Municipal Corporation, the Municipal Corporation is liable for A negligence Correct BNuisance CConversion DThe corporation is not liable Correct

Q.161 Anything which is punishable by law is a/an Awrong Bcrime Cactionable wrong Correct Answer is crime Dtort Correct Answer is crime

Q.162 Criminal laws of the country does not apply to Athe President of India Bthe Governor of a State Cthe Diplomats representing foreign countries Correct Answer is all of the above D all of the above Correct Answer is all of the above

Q.163 Every person has a right of private defence to protect A His own life Correct Answer is his own or other¡¦s life or property Bhis own life or property Cother¡¦s life Dhis own or other¡¦s life or property Correct Answer is his own or other¡¦s life or property

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Q.164 A person who is abettor in a crime i.e. who instigated another person to commit a crime is Apunished Bnot punished Cpunished in the same manner as the offender who committed the act Dgiven a lesser punishment than the offender who committed the act. Correct Answer is punished in the same manner as the offender who committed the act Correct Answer is punished in the same manner as the offender who committed the act

Q.165 The least punishment under the criminal laws is Arigorous imprisonment Blife imprisonment Cimprisonment for 24 hours Dfine Correct Correct

Q.166 If you want to set up a company you have to contact the A Registrar of Companies Correct BCompany Law Board CNational Company Law Authority DMinistry of Company Affairs, Government of India Correct

Q.167 Taxes can be imposed by A Central Government Correct Answer is Any of the above BState Governments CLocal Authorities DAny of the above Correct Answer is Any of the above

Q.168 An unlawful assembly under law is an assembly of minimum A two persons Correct Answer is five persons Bfive persons Cten persons Dtwenty persons Correct Answer is five persons

Q.169 The law which removed the exclusive right given to the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) to carry on business in life insurance in the country and made way for the entry of private companies into life insurance is A the Insurance Act, 1938 Correct Answer is the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 Bthe Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 Cthe Insurance (Amendment) Act, 2000 Dthe L.I.C. (Amendment ) Act, 2000 Correct Answer is the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999

Q.170 All Plans formulated by The Planning Commission should be approved by; A President Correct Answer is National Development Council BChief Justice of India CParliament

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DNational Development Council Correct Answer is National Development Council

Q.171 A voidable contract is A Not enforceable by law Correct BEnforceable by law CNot a contract DNone of the above Correct

Q.172 Principles of Natural Justice corresponds to the constitutional provisions of. A Right to Life Correct Answer is Right to Equality BRight to Equality CRight to Education DRight to work Correct Answer is Right to Equality

Q.173 Delegated legislation is administered by ALegislative BExecutive authority CJudge DAll of the above Correct Answer is Executive authority Correct Answer is Executive authority

Q.174 Copyright subsists for; A50 years B40 years Correct Answer is 60 years C70 years D60 years Correct Answer is 60 years

Q.175 Who is regarded as ¡§corporate sole¡¨ A Prime Minister Correct Answer is King of England BPresident CKing of England DMember of Parliament Correct Answer is King of England

Q.176 A doctor has a __________ relationship with his patient APersonal BBusiness CProfessional DFiduciary Correct Correct

Q.177 A right available against world at large is called AIn rem BIn site Correct Answer is In rem C In personam DAll of the above Correct Answer is In rem

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Q.178 Which law ensures settlement of disputes in the industries in India AThe Industrial Disputes Act. 1947 BThe Trade Union Act.1945 CThe Factories Act.1947 Correct Answer is The Industrial Disputes Act. 1947 D Minimum Wages Act.1948 Correct Answer is The Industrial Disputes Act. 1947

Q.179 ¡¥Exculpate¡¦ means ATo punish BTo punish with imprisonment CTo clear from a criminal charge Correct DTo held guilty Correct

Q.180 A person who instigates another to commit the offence of AInstigation B Coercion Correct Answer is Abetment C Undue influence DAbetment Correct Answer is Abetment