Download - Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Ptkg/ Hctc}l AunftCCR Dkndfs

    Rej9 ,044# 4587 82=7


    Bfohet} kg Tfbcfrcko ds Mejj Rkxet} co fBfohet} kg Tfbcfrcko ds Mejj Rkxet} co fBfohet} kg Tfbcfrcko ds Mejj Rkxet} co fBfohet} kg Tfbcfrcko ds Mejj Rkxet} co f

    Beo}ejs Pkpujfreb NundfcBeo}ejs Pkpujfreb NundfcBeo}ejs Pkpujfreb NundfcBeo}ejs Pkpujfreb Nundfc

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Ko =6 Nfs* 4066* Coretofrckofj Fheoms gkt Te}eftml ko

    Mfomet ,CFTM#* f pftr kg XLK be}chofre} mejj plkoe} f}

    $pk}}cdje lunfo mftmcokheo QMjf}} 4D^ Gkuob ewcbeome

    kg comtef}e co hjcknf fob fmku}rcm oeutknf dtfco mfomet gktnkdcje plkoe

    Xftocoh gtkn Djfmadetts

    XLK9 Mejj plkoe u}e mfo comtef}e mfomet tc}a

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Foreoof} ko Mejj rkxet rtfo}ncr co rle gtevueoms

    tfohe kg9

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Pkpujfrcko . 6/4 dcjjcko

    ]ud}mtcdet} . 300! Ncjjcko

    Nkdcje Rkxet} .5/0 jfal

    Mejj Plkoe+Rkxet ]rfrc}rcm}*

    Cobcf . 4064

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Tfbcfrcko Pfrreto kg Foreoof

    Defn c} xcbe Nfco defn c} ofttkx xcrl}emkobfts }cbe jkde}

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Pekpje jcwcoh xcrlco 50 rk =00 neret tfbcu} fte corle lchl tfbcfrcko ykoe ,bfta djue# fob fte nkte

    ptkoe rk cjj.eggemr} kg ejemrtknfhoercm tfbcfrcko

    Ptkpfhfrcko kg $nfco defn gtkn foreoof nkuoreb ko f rkxet kt tkkg rkp

    Tfbcfrcko Pfrreto kg f Mejj Rkxet Foreoof

    Pkxet wftce} ds 6+T* xlete T > Bc}rfome gtkn rkxet

    Ptcnfts Jkde

    ]emkobfts Jkde}

    Wets Lchl Lchl Nebcun Jkx

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    U}lf Actfo Ducjbcoh* Xktjc* Nundfc

    ]c| mfomet mf}e} co mko}emurcwe gjkkt} ,5rl* 7rl* 8rl*

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Mkuorts Ncjjcxfrr + n Xfrr} + nCOBCF ,fbkpreb CMOCTP# 2500 2/5 ,g+400#

    COBCF ,Ptkpk}eb 6+60rl kg CMOCTP# 250 0/25 ,g+4000#

    FU]RTFJCF ,Oex ]kurl Xfje} ptkpk}eb# 0/06 0/00006

    FU]RTCF ,]fjyduth mcrs# 6 0/006

    DEJHCUN 25 rk 6645 0/025 rk 6/645

    DEJHCUN ,Ju|endkuth# 42 0/042

    DCK.COCRCFRCWE TEPKTR ,Kurbkkt# 6 0/006

    DCK.COCRCFRCWE TEPKTR ,Cobkkt# 0/6 0/0006

    MFOFBF ,Rktkork Dkftb kg Lefjrl . ptkpk}eb# 600 0/6

    MLCOF 200 0/2

    GTFOME ,Pftc}# 600 0/6HETNFOS ,EMKJKH 633< . Ptemfurckofts Temknneobfrcko# 30 0/03

    HETNFOS ,DUOB 4008 . Ptemfurckofts Temknneobfrcko# 0/6 0/0006

    CRFJS 600 0/6

    OEX YEJFOB ,Fuajfob# 500 0/5

    PKJFOB 600 0/6TU]]CF 600 0/6

    ]XCRYETJFOB ,Fpftrneor}* ]mlkkj}* Lk}pcrfj}* Kggcme} ' Pjfshtkuob}# 24 0/024

    U]F ,Cnpjeneorfrcko c} }rtcmr#) =000 = ,g+=00#

    Gcofj Temknneobfrcko}

    Cobkkt . comjube fpftrneor}* }mlkkj}* lk}pcrfj}* kggcme} ' pjfshtkuob}/ 0/6 0/0006

    Kurbkkt . xlete pekpje }peob gex ncoure} f bfs/ 60 0/06

    ENG Tfbcfrcko ]rfobftb} ,gkt H]N300#

    )U]F . GMM Hucbejcoe}9 g+=00 cg fwetfheb kwet 7 ncoure} fob g+6500 cg fwetfheb kwet =0 nco

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Rkxet Co}rfjjfrcko 9 U]F ,GMM Hucbejcoe}# w} Cobcf

    Mejjujft mejj }cre rkxet} fte

    rspcmfjjs 50.400 geer lchl/

    Co utdfo ftef}* mejj }cre}mknnkojs encr fo ETP kg 60

    xfrr} pet mlfooej kt je}}/ Fo ETP

    kg 60 xfrr} mktte}pkob} rk fo

    fmrufj tfbcfreb pkxet kg ftkuob 6

    xfrr bepeobcoh ko rle rspe kg

    foreoof u}eb/

    Mejjujft mejj }cre rkxet} fte

    eweo 5.60 geer lchl1 ko }cbe} kg

    ducjbcoh fob kur}cbe xcobkx/

    Co COBCF* mejj }cre} rtfo}ncr600} kg Xfrr} kg pkxet xcrl

    foreoof hfco kg nkte rlfo 60* }k

    ETP ? 6000 Xfrr}


  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Cobcf fbkpr} CMOCTP hucbejcoe gkt Pkxet beo}crs ,Pb#

    > Gtevueoms +400* gtevueoms c} co NLy

    ,fwetfheb kwet 7 nco e|pk}ute#

    CMOCTP lf} hcweo gkjjkxcoh bc}mjk}ute9

    CMOCTP c} kojs coreobeb rk ptkremr rle pudjcm fhfco}r

    }lktr retn htk}} lefrcoh eggemr} fob OKR fhfco}r

    (dckjkhcmfj( eggemr} }uml f} mfomet fob heoercm bfnfhe

    gtkn jkoh retn jkx jewej ncmtkxfwe e|pk}ute gtkn

    nkdcje plkoe}* nf}r} fob nfos krlet xcteje}} bewcme}/


    CMOCTP Hucbejcoe}

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    CMOCTP Hucbejcoe Fr 320 NLy* Pkxet

    beo}crs ,Pb# c}


    Ftef > 6/2= n

    Pkxet temecweb ,Pt# dslunfo dkbs xcjj de

    QPt > Pb | Ftef^ > 7/85

    Xfrr} co koe }em/




    Co koe bfs* ncmtkxfwe eoeths

    fd}ktdeb xcjj de Q7/85 Xfrr} |70|70|42 }em^ > 5 63 ncoure} pet bfs

    Ncmtkxfwe pkxet fd}ktdeb ds lunfo dkbs cg e|pk}eb rk }k mfjjeb

    }fge tfbcfrcko jewej fbkpreb co Cobcf* xlcml c} g+400* xlete g c} co NLy;

    Pkxet Fd}ktdeb ds Lunfo Dkbs

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Tfbcfrcko Nef}uteneor fr wftcku} jkmfrcko}

    Munujfrcwe Tefbcoh} comjubcoh MBNF* H]N 300* fob H]N 6

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Lefjrl mkometo} xcrl mutteor ]fgers Hucbejcoe}

    Bfrf gtkn Gct}reodeth 4006

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Nk}r mknnko mknpjfcor}9

    ]jeep bc}tuprckoLefbfmle


    Gktherguj nenkts



    Nfos kg rle}e fte tejfreb rk

    mlfohe} co rle ejemrtcmfj fmrcwcrs kg

    rle dtfco

    Bcyycoe}}Pfjpcrfrcko} kg rle leftr

    Wc}ufj bc}ktbet}

    Mftbckwf}mujft ptkdjen}

    Duyycoh co rle lefb

    Fjreteb tegje|e}


  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Oeutkbeheoetfrcwe Bc}ktbet} Fjylecnet* Pftaco}ko(}

    BOF Bfnfhe

    Cnnuoe ]s}ren Behtfbfrcko

    Cttewet}cdje cogetrcjcrs

    Eggemr ko ]aco

    Rcoocru} fob Eft Bfnfhe

    Comtef}e co Mfomet tc}a

    Nkte Wujoetfdje

    BOF Bfnfhe

    Nkte bfnfhe gkt Mlcjbteo


  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    lrrp9++xxx/hernegfmr}/cogk+gcje}+engpk}ret/pbg upbfreb ko 66]ep66

    < rcne} comtef}eb

    mfomet tc}a gkt e|pk}ute

    ? 6000X + n4 >6 nX + n4

    Tc}a c} lchlet

    fgret 7.60 seft} kg


    Xkneo jcwcoh oeft

    rkxet} lfb 60 rcne}

    comtef}eb mfomet tc}a

    Eggemr kg Mejj Rkxet} ,}kne tegeteome}#

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    Eggemr ko Eowctkoneor

    Lfwe sku ewet }eeo fos dctb oeft mejj rkxet};Nfs de okr* demfu}e dctb} lfwe nkte wkjune fob je}}

    xechlr* }k lefrcoh eggemr c} wets gf}r/

    2 mejj rkxet} oeft Huthfko.BejlcRkjj Ofaf

    Kurpur kg nk}r kg gtucr deftcoh

    rtee} btf}rcmfjjs tebumeb gtkn

    600% rk : 5% fgret 4/5 seft} kg

    mejj rkxet co}rfjjfrcko/

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    E|petr Htkup tepktreb cnpfmr} kg mknnuocmfrcko

    rkxet} ko Xcjbjcge comjubcoh Dctb} fob Dee} ,4066#

    Kur kg 363 te}eftml }rubce} mkjjemreb9

    53= . tepktr Cnpfmr1 6=0 . Ok Cnpfmr1 637 . Comkomju}cwe

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012


    BKR Coret.Ncoc}rts Mknncrree ,CNM# fmmepr}

    mejj plkoe fob rkxet tfbcfrcko lfyftbCNM Tepktr KO ENG TFBCFRCKO xf} upjkfbeb ko BKR

    xed}cre co Ifo/ 4066/

    Neorcko} }ewetfj lefjrl lfyftb} bue rk tfbcfrcko ko LunfoLefjrl fob Eowctkoneor ,pfhe} 64.48#/

    Neorckoeb Dck.cocrcfrcwe tepktr 4008 temknneobfrcko 6000

    ncmtkX+n4 gkt kurbkkt munujfrcwe TG e|pk}ute ,Pfhe =4#/

    Ser temknneobeb TG e|pk}ute jcncr} co Cobcf nfs de jkxeteb rk

    kojs 6+60rl kg rle e|c}rcoh tegeteome jewej* xlcml xcjj de 0/34X+n4gkt H]N6

  • 7/31/2019 Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012





    ,co ncmtkX+n4#


    Cobcfo Hucbejcoe .

    CMOCTP 3