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Mobile Robotics:A Component Based Approach

ECE 750 – T4: Component Based Software SystemsProf. L. Tahvildari

Yasmin Hovakeemian (20165205)Adam Bertrand (20144032)

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach



IntroductionRobotics & TerminologySensors

Proposed Robot & MissionCurrent Accomplishments & Future WorkSimulation and PerformanceRelated Research/Common frameworksReferences

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Introduction to Robotics

Multidisciplinary field that lends itself readily to component based software systems (CBSS)

Rapid developmentLow costModularity

Robots generally have the following three aspects:

Set of sensorsProgram of robot behavior (state estimation and control)Set of actuators and effectors

Robotics Fundamentals [4]

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Robotic FundamentalsSensors

Sensor classification [5]:Proprioceptive sensors (Internal):

Wheel encodersExteroceptive sensors (External):


Sensors can be chosen based on: Environmental constraintsObjective/purpose (ie: vacuum robots)

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Robotic FundamentalsRobot Taxonomy

Autonomous vs. Non-autonomousMobile vs. Immobile/StationaryPhysical vs. Virtual (‘Soft-Bot’ a.k.aIntelligent Agent)

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Robotic FundamentalsControl Architectures [6]

NASREM architecture:Sense, model, plan, act

Subsumption architecture:Layered control system

TCA architecture:Task-specific modules with centralized control module

LAAS architecture:Decisional (mission supervisor & task supervisor) and functional levels

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Robotic FundamentalsControl Architecture Characteristics [6]

Hierarchical vs. Centralized ControlFunctional vs. BehavioralReactive vs. Deliberate

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Why a ‘Soft-Bot’?

No hardware needed (cheaper)Can exploit advantages of component based software systems

Reusability & ModularityExtendibility

Time and Cost efficient

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Proposed Project

Goal:Build an centralized autonomous mobilesoft-bot using concepts from component based software systems to perform a specific task/mission

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Definition of Mission/Task

Autonomously navigate the proposed circuit as fast as possible.Avoid any obstacles in the way of the robot.Comply with any traffic signals on the course.

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


System ModelHigh Level Architecture

High Level System Design of Mobile Autonomous Robot


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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


System ModelHigh Level Architecture



Robot Motor Robot Steering GPS SONAR Laser Encoders State Estimator


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System ModelComponent Level Architecture

Does not show get/set and constructor operationsShows Current Accomplishments

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach



Currently, soft-bot mission (task) is to start and stop a random walkIn the future, mission of soft-bot can be adapted by simply changing the executeBehavior() method in the Robot class and environment.

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


MissionsState Diagrams

Random Walk in 4-walled environment

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MissionsState Diagrams – Cont’d

Figure 8 track mission with traffic light and stop signs

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Performance & Simulation

Simulation (Environment, Sensor Data)Performance metrics:

Time to complete missionSmoothness of trajectory/pathRobustness to noise in sensor data

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Analysis of System

Advantages:Reusability of codeExtendibility (add components as needed)Behavior can be easily adaptedNo hardware costs

Disadvantages:Need to simulate hardware components (can be complex)Need sensor data to be realistic and coherent with one anotherMay not necessarily match up with the real world

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Current and Future work

Current Accomplishments:Soft-bot with random walk mobility

Future Work:Add additional sensor capability (eg: Sonar, Compass, etc)Develop more complex environments

ObstaclesFigure 8 TrackNoise

GUI development (envision the robot in its environment with a mission)

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Related Research

Component-based robotics frameworks are available:

Maintain repository of components Emphasize extensibilityAllow for development of single vehicle to distributed and/or decentralized robots

Advantages of frameworks [7]:Formal organization of componentsUniform communication mechanism between componentsComponent reusabilityStarting point for amateurs

Example ApplicationDARPA Grand Challenge

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July 13, 2009 ECE 750 - T4: Mobile Robotics: A Component Based Approach


Related ResearchAvailable Component Based Frameworks

Sensor Simulator

Build-in 3D vision

EasyModerateEasy-ModerateModerateEase of use

Built-in Localization

Built-in visualization (GUI)

Open Source






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Since Robotics is such a module-based field, it can take advantage of organizational aspects of component based software systemsA number of available software frameworks for component-based soft-botsCurrent OO implementation of soft-bot capable of a random walk task

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References[1] A. Brooks, T. Kaupp, A. Makarenko, S. Williams, and A. Oreback, “Towards component-based

robotics,” in Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, August, 2005, pps. 3567–72).

[2] D. B. Stewart, and P. K. Khosla, “Rapid Development of Robotic Applications Using Component-Based Real-Time Software,” in Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’95). (Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A, August, 1995, pps. 465–470)

[3] P.D. Reiners, “Robots, Mazes, and Subsumption Architecture,” in IBM Developer Works, [online] December 2007. Available:

[4] T. Jones, “Open Source Robotics toolkits,” in IBM Developer Works, [online] September, 2006. Available:

[5] École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, “Course Notes for Mobile Robots Course,” [online] 2008. Available:

[6] A.A.D. Medeiros, “A Survey of Control Architectures for Autonomous Mobile Robots,” in Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, vol. 4, no. 3, 1998.

[7] X. Li, Y. Jin, and X. Hu, “An XML-driven Component-Based Software Framework for Mobile Robotic Applications,” in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications. (Beijing, China, August, 2006, pps. 1-6)

[8] L. Hugues and N. Bredeche, “Simbad: an Autonomous Robot Simulation Package for Education and Research” in Proceedings of The International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. Rome, Italy - Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences/ Artificial Intelligence Series, vol. 4095, 2006, pp. 831–842.

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References[9] T.E. Bihari and P. Gopinath, “Object Oriented Real-Time Systems: Concepts and Examples,” in

Computer, vol. 25, no. 12, pps. 25-32, Dec. 1992.[10] D. Miller and R. Lennox, “An Object-Oriented Environment for Robot System Architectures,”in

Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (Cincinatti, OH, U.S.A, May 1990, vol.1, pps. 352-361).

[11] C. Zielinski, “Object-Oriented Robot Programming,” in Robotica, vol. 15, no. 1, pps. 41-48, 1997.[12] J.A. Fryer, G.T. McKee and P.S. Schenker, “Configuring Robots from Modules: An Object-Oriented

Approach,” in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Robotics. (Monterey, CA, U.S.A, July 1997, pps. 907-912).

[13] C. Schlegel, “Communication Patterns as Key Towards Component-Based Robotics”, in International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, vol. 3, no.1, pps. 49-54, 2006.

[14] L.Tahvildari, “Course Notes for Component Based Software Engineering Course,” [online] 2009. Available:

[15] I. Crnkovic, B. Hnich, T. Jonsson, and Z.Kiziltan, "Specification, Implementation, and Deployment of Components", in Communications of the ACM, vol. 45, no. 10, pps. 35-40, October 2002.

[16] Carmen Robot Navigation Toolkit. [online] Available:[17] Player: Cross-platform Robot Device Interface and Server. [online] Available:[18] Webots 6. [online] Available:

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