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8/8/2019 Mobile Portal User Guide 1/14


Mobile Portal User Guide

November 2010 

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Copyright© Copyright 2010 by Westec Intelligent Surveillance. All rights reserved. Electronic copy written,compiled, and printed in the United States of America. This document contains proprietary information

and is not to be distributed by unauthorized agents.

DisclaimerWestec Intelligent Surveillance assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that

may appear in this document. Though every effort has been made to ensure consistency and accuracy in

this document, any references to new or enhanced product functions, or to future release dates, are

estimates only, and Westec Intelligent Surveillance may change them at any time, without notice. The

information in this document is furnished for informational use only and is subject to change without

notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Westec Intelligent Surveillance.

TrademarksWestec Intelligent Surveillance, the Westec Intelligent Surveillance logo, and all Westec Intelligent

Surveillance product components and logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Westec

Intelligent Surveillance. All other trademarks are the properties of their individual owners.

General InquiriesFor information regarding this documentation or to inquire about receiving additional documentation or

information about Westec Intelligent Surveillance, contact:

Westec Intelligent Surveillance1234 Lakeshore Drive, Suite 600

Coppell, TX 75019

Telephone: 469-549-8600

Fax: 469-549-8601

Web Site:

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Table of Contents 

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1 Mobile Portal Device Requirements .................................................................................................... 1 

Mobile Portal Login .................................................................................................................................... 2 Logging In to the Mobile Portal ........................................................................................................... 2 

Site Tabs ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Accessing a Site ................................................................................................................................... 3 

Site Display .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Favorites List ............................................................................................................................................ 5 

Adding a Favorite Site .......................................................................................................................... 5 Removing a Favorite Site ..................................................................................................................... 5 

Site Selection Controls ............................................................................................................................. 5 Camera Selection Controls ....................................................................................................................... 6 Image Refresh ........................................................................................................................................... 6 

Refreshing a Camera Image ................................................................................................................. 6 Site Details ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Site Communication ................................................................................................................................. 7 

Calling a Site ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Index ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 

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IntroductionThe Westec Mobile Customer Portal gives you the freedom to keep a

close eye on your operations, even when you are on the move. Whether

you’re at home, visiting a site location, or somewhere in between, theMobile Customer Portal allows you to download images from any

camera at almost any of your sites. All you need is a Web-enabled

mobile device that supports a connection to the Internet.

The site is optimized to take advantage of extra features provided for

Web-enabled devices, providing you with both mobile access to cameras

and instant site communication, too.

Mobile Portal Device Requirements

The Westec Mobile Customer Portal is designed to work on all web-

enabled mobile devices that meet the following requirements:

o  Support for a continuous connection to the Internet.

o  Support for an HTML-based Internet browser.

o  Optionally, support for the tel Internet addressing protocol, as

described later in this document.

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Mobile Portal LoginYour Westec Customer Portal login credentials are required to access the Westec Mobile Customer

Portal. If you do not know your user name and/or password, you have two options for obtaining thecredentials, as follows:

 If you know your user name, but cannot remember your password... You can easily recover your Portal password if you’ve forgotten it, as long as the e-mail address that is set

on the Westec Customer Portal’s Profile Manager page is a valid address. It is this address to which your

password will be sent when you complete the Password Recovery form on the Portal login page.

1.  On the Portal Login page, click the Forgot Password? link (beneath the Password field). The

Password Recovery form displays.

2.  In the User Name field, enter your Portal user name. This is the same user name that you

normally use to log in to Portal.

3.  Click the Submit button.

 If you do not know your user name or password... Contact the Westec Client Operations team at 515-327-7200. Support representatives are available 24

hours a day to assist you with login issues.

Logging In to the Mobile Portal

Complete the following steps to log in to the Westec Mobile Customer Portal:

1.  Obtain an Internet connection on your phone or hand held device.

2.  Launch your device’s Internet browser.

3.  Navigate to the following address: 

4.  In the User ID field, enter your Westec Customer Portal user ID.

5.  In the Password field, enter your Westec Customer Portal password.

6.  Select the Log In button.

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Site TabsWhen you initially log in to the portal, two tabs are displayed:

o  Favorite Sites—This tab lists the sites at which a Westec iVR or DVR device is installed, andthat you have flagged as a frequently-accessed site.

o  All Sites—This tab lists all sites to which you have access and at which a Westec iVR or DVR

device is installed.

The specific tab that is selected is determined by the tab that you most recently visited. For example, if 

you most recently selected a site from the All Sites tab, this tab displays.

The sites that display on either tab are dependent on your login credentials. If your organization limits

access to groups of sites on a user-by-user basis, it is possible that you will only be able to view a limited

sub-set of all of your organization’s sites.

A limited number of sites are displayed at one time. If more sites are available than are listed on the

display, use the List Navigation links at the bottom of the list to display additional sites.

Accessing a Site

Complete the following steps to locate and access a site:

1.  Select either the Favorite Sites tab or the All Sites tab.

2.  Scroll through the list, and select the site that you want to access.

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Site DisplayWhen a site loads, the site number and site name display at the top of the screen. It is recommended that

you reference this information each time you load a site to make certain that you selected the site for

which you want to review camera images.

Refer to the following sections of this document for detailed information about the sections of the screen

and your options for navigating the Mobile Portal:

o  Favorites List, page 5

o  Site Controls, page 5

o  Camera Controls, page 6

o  Image Refresh, page 6

o  Site Details, page 7

o  Site Communication, page 7

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Favorites ListYou have the option to add each site to your “Favorites”list. Sites on your “Favorites” list display on the Favorite

Sites tab.

The Favorites icon to the left of the site name indicates

whether the displayed site is currently a favorite, asfollows:

This indicates that the site is not currently

available on the Favorite Sites tab.

This indicates that the site is currently

available on your Favorite Sites tab.

Adding a Favorite SiteTo add a site to your “Favorites” list, select the Favorites icon. The green plus sign is replaced with a red

“x.” Now, when you access the site tabs, the site displays on the Favorite Sites tab.

Removing a Favorite Site

To remove a site from your “Favorites” list, select the Favorites icon. The red “x” is replaced by a green

plus sign. Now, when you access the site tabs. The site displays on the All Sites tab.

Site Selection ControlsThe Left and Right Arrows allow you to cycle through

your sites. The list that you cycle through is based on the

tab from which you most recently selected a site. If you

selected a site from the Favorite Sites tab, you will cycle

only through sites that are listed on the Favorite Sites tab.

Likewise, if you most recently selected a site from the All

Sites tab, you will cycle through all sites to which you

have access.

Selecting the Right Arrow cycles through sites on the

corresponding site list in ascending order, looping through

again when you reach the top of the list.

Selecting the Left Arrow cycles through sites on the

corresponding site list in descending order, looping

through again when you reach the bottom of the list.

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Camera Selection ControlsWhen you load a site, an image from Camera 1

automatically loads. You can easily select a different

camera or cycle through all of the site’s cameras using thecamera controls, as follows:

•  Touching the right side of the image that is

currently displays cycles through cameras in

ascending order, Camera 16 through Camera 1.

•  Touching the left side of the image that is

currently displayed cycles through cameras in

descending order, Camera 1 through Camera 16.

•  The Camera drop-down list allows you to initiate

image retrieval from a specific camera. Selecting acamera number initiates the retrieval process, after which a camera image loads.

•  Selecting the Right Arrow cycles through cameras in ascending order, Camera 16 through

Camera 1.

•  Selecting the Left Arrow cycles through cameras in descending order, Camera 1 through

Camera 16.

Image RefreshThe retrieval time for the image that is currently displayed

is listed just above the Retrieve Images button.

You have the option to refresh the camera image at any

time. When you do, the Mobile Portal connects to the iVR

or DVR, captures all available images from the site, and

then loads the new image of the camera that is currently


Refreshing a Camera Image

Complete the following steps to retrieve a current camera


1.  Select the camera for which you want to retrieve acurrent image.

2.  Click the Retrieve Images button. The Mobile Portal connects to the iVR or DVR, and then

loads the new image.

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Site DetailsSite details are displayed at the bottom of the screen. These details include the following:

Field Description

Phone The site’s telephone number. Refer to the “Site Contact” section for additionalinformation about selecting this number to initiate a telephone call to the site.

Device Type The hardware model of your video recording device. Though there are a variety of 

Westec hardware models available, there are only two models that can be accessed

through the Mobile Portal: iVR and DVR.

IP The external IP (Internet Protocol) address of the DVR device. The IP address is

displayed for informational purposes only.

[No Label]  Indicates whether a site is actively monitored by the Westec Command Center.

Monitoring indicators are as follows:

o  Active Monitoring (C3M)—This indicates that a site is monitored by the

Westec Command Center.

o  Not Monitored—This indicates that a site is not monitored.

Site CommunicationThe site’s telephone number displays as a link that can be used to initiate a telephone call to the site

without dialing the site’s number. In order to do so, your phone must support the tel addressing protocol.

If you are not sure whether your phone supports the tel protocol, consult the documentation that was

provided when you purchased the phone, or contact the phone’s manufacturer.

Calling a Site

To call a site, select the site’s telephone number.

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Accessing a Site, 3

Active Monitoring, 7Adding a Favorite Site, 5

All Sites Tab, 3

CCalling a Site, 7

Camera Image, Refreshing, 6

Camera Selection Controls, 6Client Operations Contact Number, 2

DDevice Requirements, 1

Device Type, 7

FFavorite Site

Adding, 5

Removing, 5Favorite Sites Tab, 3

Favorites Icon, 5

Favorites List, 5




Image Refresh, 6

Image, Refreshing, 6Introduction to the Mobile Portal, 1

IP Address, 7


Logging in to the Mobile Portal, 2


Mobile Portal Login, 2



Recovery, 2Support, 2

Phone Number, Site, 7

RRefreshing a Camera Image, 6

Removing a Favorite Site, 5

Requirements, 1


Site Access, 3Site Communication, 7

Site Details, 7

Site Display, 4

Site Monitoring, 7Site Selection Controls, 5

Site Tabs, 3Site, Calling, 7


Tabs, 3All Sites, 3

Favorite Sites, 3

tel Internet Addressing Protocol, 1, 7

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