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    Contents Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 2

    Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3

    Mobile Banking ............................................................................................................................................. 4

    Mobile Banking across the globe .................................................................................................................. 5

    Infrastructure for Mobile Banking ................................................................................................................ 6

    Future of Mobile Banking ............................................................................................................................. 7

    Mobile Banking in Bangladesh ...................................................................................................................... 7

    bKash Limited ................................................................................................................................................ 8

    Mission of bKash Limited .............................................................................................................................. 9

    Product and services ..................................................................................................................................... 9

    Benefits of using bKash Limited .................................................................................................................. 11

    Findings and Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 12

    SWOT Analysis............................................................................................................................................. 15

    Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 16

    Recommendations ...................................................................................................................................... 16

    References .................................................................................................................................................. 18

    Appendices .................................................................................................................................................. 19

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    Summary Mobile banking is gaining ground among the people in Bangladesh within a short span of time for

    facilitating its easy transaction services. Mobile Banking or m-banking is a substitute of

    general banking system. In this system all the banking procedure has been complete through

    the mobile device. Mobile Banking is widely using for the transaction of money in different parts

    of world. The procedure of mobile banking is implemented mainly through three different

    technological solutions, these are browser-based, applications, messaging- based application and

    client based applications. The government along with the country's central bank, is giving a greater

    focus now than ever before on supportive efforts to bring a large number of people under the

    banking channel by using mobile banking service as only a quarter of the country's population has

    now access to the formal banking sector. Poverty and lack of education and awareness are the main

    obstacles, preventing an estimated 60% of the population from having access to financial services,

    according to the latest annual report of the BB so without any doubt mobile banking can be an

    effective substitution for branch banking here. The Brac Bank-initiated mobile banking service,

    'bKash', is at present the country's leading service-provider in mobile banking. There are, in all, 16

    such service-providers, all of them being in the banking sector. bKash Limited is the market

    leader in the mobile banking sector of Bangladesh until now as it is affiliated by Brac Bank

    and its media exposure. Mass population aware of bKash and treated its service as sending money

    quickly and safely without muck paperwork. bKash took the first mover advantages in mobile

    banking. In this paper I am going to talk about bKash operation in Bangladesh, their objective,

    how they run business, what are the opportunities and challenges they are facing. I try to identify

    the core problem of bKash Service and try to give solution to overcome those problems and carry

    their business successfully. Mobile banking is untapped market and bKash has grab that market

    and there is a huge demand for this service and logically it should work well in Bangladesh as it

    worked in the nearby countries. But there is some drawbacks as people find it unreliable and unsafe

    and there is also allegations against some agents making delays deliberately to send money to the

    customers for their cash withdrawal in time and taking extra charge over the listed rate. bKash

    should monitor their agents properly through their network and ensure better customer service to

    retain their first mover advantages.

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    Introduction Importance of banking system in a developing country increases rapidly because of

    fast economic growth. It is quite impossible for any country to develop in industrial

    and commercial sector without sound banking system in moder n economic era.

    General Banking and Mobile Banking is one of the significant functions of the bank.

    Mobile Banking is widely used for the transaction of money in different parts of

    country. The procedure of mobile banking is implemented mainly through three

    different technological solutions, these are browser -based, applications, messaging-

    based application and client based applications. (Tiwari and Buse, 2007). The browser-

    based application is essentially a Wireless Access Protocol (WAP)-based internet access. This

    requires a compatible mobile phone which is WAP-enabled. The mobile phone is used to

    access banking portals through the Internet. On the messaging-based applications, the

    communication between the bank and the customer is carried out via text messages. For example,

    by using a registered mobile number, the customer sends a predefined command to the bank

    then uses text messages to conduct transactions with the bank. An example of messaging-based

    applications is the Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD), which has compatibility

    with most mobile phones.

    The massive improvement of technologies around the world brings an opportunity to

    improve the technological platform of banking sector. The goal of the extending service of

    banks with improve technology is to satisfy the desire of customers. One of the extending

    services with modern technological advancement is Mobile Banking. In this process of banking

    customer are allowed to access into the banking system in anytime from anywhere. The

    requirements for this process are to have a mobile device and mobile network connection

    (Al-Akhras and Qwasmi, 2011). The core benefit of this mobile banking is to reach to the

    people who do not have the access in internet banking or in normal banking procedure. It is

    mostly helpful for the people of remote areas (Laukkanen and Lauronen, 2005). According to

    Raseda Sultana, millions of people across the developing nations are relying on informal

    economic activities for their living and most of these people are from the bottom stage of the

    pyramid. These mass populations do not have the access into the basic financial services or

    the regular banking system. This mobile banking brings the opportunity for these people to get

    the banking facility. Now the reason why mobile banking is getting greater emphasize because

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    more there are than 4 billion mobile subscribers who represent 61% population of world.

    So it is the best way to reach among the biggest portion of world population (Sultana, 2009). Also,

    mobile banking needs less processing than general banking process. It helps the banks to reduce

    cost, requires less storage facility (Rose and Hudgins, 2005). Mobile Banking is also better process

    among all the other e-banking process. In internet banking there has the higher risk then mobile

    banking due to hacking system. Also to use internet banking people needs extra skills to use

    computer. On the other hand, to use Mobile Bank, customers needs to have the basic idea about

    how to operate mobile in daily life. So to use this mobile banking a great level of awareness

    is not needed to create. It is said that mobile banking is one of the best thing ever happened

    in the personal finance management. Through this process customers will keep them attached

    with the banking system all the time. This mobile banking is still in growing business. In some

    countries mobile banking is become very much popular while in some countries it is just

    in the beginning stage.

    Mobile Banking Mobile Banking is a term that is now a buzzword in the modern business world. Mobile banking

    generally refers to financial services delivered via mobile network and performed on a mobile

    phone. It is now a burning issue in the financial service. According to a news report in The Daily

    Star published in June 11, 2013 On average, Tk.125 crore changes hands through mobile

    banking. It is a systematic set of process that enable bank customers to have bank services through

    mobile phone starting from simple mobile handset Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) . Now a days

    mobile banking has increasingly become a necessary component of business strategy. For

    economic development. Due to immense advances of information and communication technology,

    mobile phone reached every corners of the world. It provide some attractive features for the

    customers than those offered by traditional banking system such as to open a bank account,

    depositing, withdrawing. Balance transferring and it takes less time than traditional banking

    system. In case of traditional banking system a fund transfer for instance used to take several days

    where as online banking made it possible to complete the same task within moments without

    incurring any cost. Online banking has one major problem which is customer needs to connected

    with online but mobile ban king has removed this barrier. Mobile Banking allows us to do things

    quicker, cheaper, more efficiently, and with fewer people. Although mobile banking has open a

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    new dimension in banking service as it is called banking in your hand but it has some limitation

    as many consider it as unsecured banking.

    Mobile Banking across the globe Mobile banking is used in many parts of the world with little or no infrastructure, especially remote

    and rural areas. This aspect of mobile commerce is also popular in countries where most of their

    population is unbanked. In most of these places, banks can only be found in big cities, and

    customers have to travel hundreds of miles to the nearest bank.

    Mobile Banking first introduced in 2001. From 2001 to 2006 there were only 10 Mobile Banks

    were in world. In 2009 it increased up to 25, in 2010 it increased up to 38 and in the middle of

    2011 this number of mobile bank increased up to 50. Surprising by the end of 2011 this number

    reached up to 140 m-commerce organizations. The major m-commerce boom has happened in

    African region following by Asian countries (Mayer and Klein, 2011). In African Nations,

    different mobile companies are coming with the m-commerce business. Orange mobile company

    is running an m-commerce business with brand name of Orange Money mobile banking.

    They are running this business in Mali, Senegal, Madagascar, Kenya, Ivory Coast and Niger. Since

    2008 they have signed up 1 million people. Though there are multiple mobile banks are working

    in African nations but the real impact has been made by M-Pesa. M-Pesa is a mobile bank which

    is a subsidiary of Vodafone. Only in Kenya, M-Pesa register more than 13 million customer, while

    in Tanzania, M-Pesa has 6 Million customers and in 2010 in total 670 million transactions

    generated through this mobile banking service. In Latin America potion Telefonica is giving the

    service of mobile banking in four countries. Among those countries in Brazil, mobile banking

    is establishing its place in good speed. It is believed that after Africa, Latin America is the

    place where mobile bank will have greater success. In Latin America only 35 percent people

    have bank account while 90 percent people have mobile phones. In northern American side,

    in USA almost 20% people are using mobile banking service in regular purpose. In Asian side

    mobile banking is also on the way of success. In Pakistan, where are only 14% regular

    banking subscribers in there already 500,000 customers are already subscribed with mobile

    banking ( In India till now 77 banks have received the approval for

    mobile banking ( Friedman, Thomas (November 2, 2010) try to give an

    overview of mobile bank usage in India and Pakistan. Telenor Pakistan has also launched a mobile

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    banking solution, in coordination with Taameer Bank, under the label Easy Paisa, which was begun

    in Q4 2009. Eko India Financial Services, the business correspondent of State Bank of India (SBI)

    and ICICI Bank, provides bank accounts, deposit, withdrawal and remittance services, micro-

    insurance, and micro-finance facilities to its customers (nearly 80% of whom are migrants or the

    unbanked section of the population) through mobile banking. This mobile banking is also

    successful in South Korea, Japan, China and Malaysia. In Japan, there are already more than

    1.5 million active mobile banking users and it is increasing (Goyal, Pandey and Batra, 2012).

    Maldives and Bangladesh are also joining in this race. Dutch Bangla Bank launched the very first

    mobile banking service in Bangladesh on 31 March 2011. This service is launched with Agent

    and Network support from mobile operators, Banglalink and Citycell. Sybase 365, a subsidiary

    of Sybase, Inc. has provided software solution with their local partner Neurosoft Technologies Ltd.

    There are around 160 million people in Bangladesh, of which, only 13 per cent have bank accounts.

    With this solution, Dutch-Bangla Bank can now reach out to the rural and unbanked population,

    of which, 45 per cent are mobile phone users.

    Though mobile banking have a greater success in world-wide it is not seen the success in the

    European region yet. Its already failed in Spain, Austria and some Scandinavian countries. In

    Germany, in 2003 there were 22 banks were giving mobile banking service but in 2006 it reduced

    into 14. It is believed that after the establishment of 3G service in all over the Europe, then mobile

    banking may have success in Europe (Scornvacca and Hoehle, 2006).

    Infrastructure for Mobile Banking Mobile Banking service can be provided in two different processes. One of these are Banks can

    directly give the mobile banking service towards the customer. In this process banks are having

    their own network system. On the other hand, in other process banks are using the 3rd party for

    giving this mobile banking service. In this process banks are having only the database system

    and the service providing duty is relying on the 3rd party (Goyal, Pandey and Batra, 2012). Now,

    based on these services providing process, service can be delivered in two different ways. These

    are application based (GPRS protocol) and the other one is SMS based. In most of the

    countries especially in the developing countries, SMS based mobile banking is using widely. It

    requires very low cost and low bandwidth and also it is easy to understand (Kabir, Sakib, Sazzad,

    Shahnaz and Fattah, 2010).

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    Future of Mobile Banking Based on the 'International Review of Business Research Papers' from World business Institute,

    Australia, following are the key functional trends possible in world of Mobile Banking.With the

    advent of technology and increasing use of smartphone and tablet based devices, the use of Mobile

    Banking functionality would enable customer connect across entire customer life cycle. With this

    scenario, current mobile banking objectives of say building relationships, reducing cost, achieving

    new revenue stream will transform to enable new objectives targeting higher level goals such as

    building brand of the banking organization. Emerging technology and functionalities would enable

    to create new ways of lead generation, prospecting as well as developing deep customer

    relationship and mobile banking world would achieve superior customer experience with bi-

    directional communications. Among digital channels, mobile banking is a clear IT investment

    priority in 2013 as retail banks attempt to capitalize on the features unique to mobile, such as

    location-based services.

    Mobile Banking in Bangladesh Bangladesh is 8th largest populated country in the world with around 161 million populations. In

    Bangladesh, almost 31.5% populations are living under poverty ( From this

    huge population only 13% people have bank account. On the other hand, there are almost 90

    million mobile phone subscribers in Bangladesh among them 45% are from rural areas

    (The Financial Express,6 June 2012).From the point of view of Bangladesh, the expansion

    of e-banking is opposed by the problem of institutional, infrastructure and regulatory

    problems. Absence of central networking system, unskilled people and absence of proper

    policies are lacking behind the whole system. Bangladesh Bank is developing countrys payment

    system but by that time all the banks are not able to improve their ICT system. In this scenario, its

    hard to reach to mass people with current banking system. From this plot, the concept of mobile

    banking emerged to reach the banking facility to the unbanked people. People also take this

    system as good one as 69% people believe this mobile banking has prospect in Bangladesh

    (Ahmed, Rayhan, Islam and Mahjabin, 2011).

    Mobile banking is a new banking concept in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bank is influencing banks

    to operate this mobile in a serious manner to reach to the unbanked people of Bangladesh.

    Bangladesh Bank believes that mobile is the easiest way to reach to the rural part of the country

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    with the banking service. Still now, Bangladesh Bank has given license to 23 banks (See

    Appendix, Table 1) to run this mobile banking operation. Among these, 14 banks have full

    Mobile Financial Service permission and other 9 banks have the permission for international

    remittance transaction only through mobile. According to a published article on The Financial

    Express on 08 March 2013, Some 3.0 million people make now the use of different services under

    mobile banking. There are about 70,000 outlets of mobile banking service-providers, making the

    services available to the users. The extent of such services and the volume of transactions involve

    a sizeable amount of money, between Tk 300 million and Tk 350 million, per day, according to

    the data of the Bangladesh Bank (BB).

    Bangladesh Bank issued a guideline name Mobile Financial Services for Banks. This guideline

    is working as a clear direction for those banks. From Bangladesh Bank report it is found the first

    mobile bank DBBL Mobile Bank has 172000 customers, bKash has 237000 customers and from

    others Mercantile Bank is close to DBBL mobile bank and bKash with 1392 numbers of

    customers ( In Bangladesh Mobile Banking is growing in a high speed. The

    amount of transaction through this service in each month is 1000 core taka and in each day around

    33 core taka. In per month the volume of transaction is increasing by 15 percent (The

    Independent, October 3, 2011). Under the service, any mobile handset with subscription to any of

    the six existing mobile operators of Bangladesh would be able to utilize the service. Under the

    mobile banking services, bank-nominated Agents perform banking activities on behalf of the

    banks, like opening mobile banking account, providing cash services (receipts and payments) and

    dealing with small credits. Cash withdrawal from a mobile account can also be done from an ATM

    validating each transaction by mobile phone & PIN instead of card & PIN. Other services that

    are being delivered through mobile banking system are person-to-person (e.g. fund transfer),

    person-to-business (e.g. merchant payment, utility bill payment), business-to-person (e.g.

    salary/commission disbursement), government-to-person (disbursement of government

    allowance) transactions.

    bKash Limited bKash Limited is a subsidiary of Brac Bank. It is a joint venture organization between Money in

    Motion, LLC, USA and Brac Bank Limited Bangladesh ( Its mission is to

    provide affordable, convenient and reliable financial service towards the customers. Its

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    technology platform is Fundamo (visa) ( It also has the Full

    Mobile Financial Service permission. bKashs mobile network partners are Robi, Grammen Phone

    and Banglalink. It is the only the mobile financial service prodiver which has one service

    menu for all the operators. In a short period of time bKash will reach to an agreement with

    Airtel. It has in total 22,000 agents all over the country. Still now it has the highest numbers

    of agents in Bangladesh. bKash Limited is giving the service of cash in, cash out, send

    money (P2P) and payment (payment through organization or in shop). It is offering free

    registration and also free balance, statement check and changing PIN offer. Rather than the

    authorized agents it is also available in all Robi WICs, Brac channel and Continental Courier

    channel. Its highest amount of daily transaction limit is 1,25,000 Taka and highest amount

    of monthly transaction limit is 2,50,000 Taka. Also its monthly highest P2P transaction limit

    is 25,000 taka. Still now, bKash is the most visible mobile bank in Bangladesh. It is running heavy

    advertising from the beginning. It is running its marketing through TV advertisement, Radio

    advertisement, billboard, Poster, festoon, leaflet, shop pointer etc.(Internal Document, 2013).

    Mission of bKash Limited By providing financial services that are convenient, affordable and reliable, bKash aims to widen

    the net of financial inclusion. bKash wants to provide a solution for Mobile Financial Services,

    built on a highly scalable Mobile Money platform, allowing the people of Bangladesh to safely

    send and receive money via mobile devices.

    Product and services bKash is dedicated to provide financial services through an extensive network of community-

    based agents and existing technology, including mobile phones. The overall value proposition is

    simple: a safe, fast & convenient way to send and receive money, make payments anytime

    anywhere and store or safekeeping of your hard earned money. bKash is a Payment System

    Operator (PSO) License holder, and is regulated by the Bangladesh Bank. bKash maintains proper

    documentation to follow Money Laundering Prevention Act 2009, Anti-Terrorism Act 2009 and

    Bangladesh Banks Guidelines on Mobile Financial Services (MFS) for Banks 2011, where


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    Cash in You need to have money stored in your bKash wallet to avail the services. So, before doing any

    transaction, make sure you have sufficient balance in your wallet. For putting money in your

    wallet, follow the steps below -

    1. Go to any bKash agent

    2. Let him know the amount you want to Cash In

    3. Write down your wallet number and the Cash In amount in Agent register

    4. Pay the amount of money you want to cash in

    5. In exchange, the agent will send bKash money to your wallet. Cash In done!

    6. You and the agent both will get confirmation message. Remember to put your signature in the

    agent register before leaving the counter

    Cash out If you have sufficient credit in your bKash wallet, you can withdraw cash anytime from

    anywhere. To Cash Out from your wallet-

    1. Go to any bKash agent

    2. Let him know the amount you want to cash out

    3. Write down your wallet number & the amount in Agent register

    4. Dial *247# on your mobile for bKash menu

    5. Choose Cash Out

    6. Choose From Agent

    7. Enter Agents wallet number (ask the agent)

    8. Enter the amount

    9. Enter your wallet PIN

    10. Done! You and the Agent both will receive confirmation message. Count the amount and put

    your signature in Agent register before leaving the counter

    Send money Send Money enables you to transfer money to other's wallet. Follow the steps below -

    1. Go to bKash Menu by dialing *247#

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    2. Choose 'Send Money'

    3. Enter the wallet number you want to send money to

    4. Enter the amount you want to send

    5. Enter a reference about the transaction. Do not use more than one word, avoid space or

    special characters

    6. Now enter your wallet PIN to confirm the transaction

    7. Done! You and the Receiver both will receive confirmation message

    Payment Customer can make payment from his own wallet to any small or big business entity who accepts

    bKash. For example, if you want to pay after shopping, use the following steps-

    1. Go to bKash Menu by dialing *247#

    2. Choose 'Payment'

    3. Enter the business wallet number you want to pay to

    4. Enter the amount you want to pay

    5. Enter a reference against your payment (you can mention the purpose of the transaction in one

    word. Ex: Bill)

    6. Enter the counter number (the salesperson at the counter will tell you the number)

    7. Now enter your PIN to confirm

    8. Done! You will get a confirmation SMS

    Benefits of using bKash Limited Fast

    bKash is dedicated to widening the net of financial inclusion among the people of Bangladesh by

    facilitating money transfer through mobile phones. bKash provides Mobile Financial Services

    allowing customers to send, receive, and pay money from their mobile phones.


    Send and receive money with minimal effort and cost. bKash provides the highest benefits to its

    customers at an affordable cost, enabling everyone to access the formal financial system of the

    economy. In addition to eliminating initial monetary costs involved in entering the banking system,

    bKash greatly minimizes opportunity costs such as time and effort required to access such services.

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    The service charges are minimal and there are no hidden costs involved. Open a bKash Account

    on your own mobile and experience how bKash saves unexpected and incidental costs for you.


    Money in your bKash Account won't be lost even if you lose your mobile phone. Every transaction

    is protected by your very own PIN and what's more, state-of-the-art technology provided by VISA

    ensures that your money is always safe and secure in our system. Your PIN is your Personal

    Identification Number that you create when you register for bKash. Each transaction you make

    needs to be authorized by entering your PIN. To ensure 100% safety of your own account, do not

    share your PIN with anyone. bKash places a high priority on protecting your information to assure

    that your transactions and data are secure with bKash. Our security and compliance practices are

    regularly audited to ensure that they meet the highest standards


    bKash users enjoy increased convenience of accessing their finances from their own mobile phones

    anytime, anywhere. bKash gives you the flexibility to perform transactions 24 hours a day, 7 days

    a week, regardless of time and place. "No queues no waiting"; the most convenient way of

    transferring money. Be it on a bus, train, launch, or anywhere else; as long as you have a bKash

    Account on your mobile phone, you can access your account and send or receive money in seconds.

    The bKash interface also uses a very easy and simple instruction based USSD channel.


    bKash is the easiest and safest way to send or receive money instantly on your mobile, nationwide.

    No matter where you are in Bangladesh, bKash is always with you. Our extensive distribution

    network with more than 60,000 Agents covering each district and Thana along with around 300

    BRAC Bank ATMs provides you with the nationwide reach and capacity that you need to avail

    bKash services at a close proximity. The service is supported by mobile networks of all the leading

    MNOs which enables you to access your bKash Account even from the remotest areas of


    Findings and Analysis After going through the details of bKash Limited I find out few major issues in which they can

    improve their service. Those are:

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    Cost bKash Mobile banking is allowed to access banking facilities at affordable cost. A positive aspect

    of mobile phones is that mobile networks can reach remote areas at lowest cost. But in reality they

    didnt cut any annual charge but per transaction you need to pay 2% service charge. If your

    transaction amount is small than it is ok. But if you want to transfer large amount like 1 lac then it

    will cost you more than traditional banking. Another problem is that when you cash in to your

    bKash account which is similar to deposit you also need to pay charge unlike traditional bank.

    Trust worthy One can trust mobile banking as traditional banking system. It has secured PIN (Personal

    Identification Number) code which is known by the user, and also has a check digit. But in

    Bangladesh traditional branch based banking remains the most widely adopted method of

    conducting banking transaction. The poor often have greater familiarity and trust with mobile

    phone companies than formal banking institutions. Furthermore a mobile handset can easily be

    adapted to handle banking transactions. But it is not commonly known by all. They customer may

    trust bKash and mobile operator but they have difficulties in trusting the agent with whom they

    deal with.

    Opinion about time saving Mobile banking, a real time on-line banking service is available anytime, anywhere throughout the

    country. So it can save ones time. People have not to wait by standing in a long line so it takes

    less time than traditional banking. But some people think it higher time consuming and some

    people think it takes same time as traditional banking. The job processing time is shorter than

    traditional banking but taking job order takes much time due negligence of agent or problem in the

    mobile message server.

    Interest in Mobile Banking

    Mobile banking is a new technology in Bangladesh, started from 31st March 2011. bKash is

    providing the service as a substitute of branch banking. One thing that lack here is bKash wont

    give you interest on your savings. This may drive people to rely on traditional banking.

    Convenience Mobile banking using system is very easy to use. Poor people are often not considered valuable

    customers by the formal financial sector as their transaction sizes are small, and many live

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    in remote areas beyond the reach of banks branch networks. Informal banking services such

    as microfinance and village savings and loan associations remain limited in their reach. So, mobile

    banking system develops to bring poor people into banking system. Instead of paying your

    electricity bill through bank you can now directly send it from mobile via bKash which is really

    convenient but again sometimes technical difficulties hinders convenience.

    Infrastructure support M-banking is beset with several infrastructural and institutional constraints such as

    inadequate availability of reliable and secure telecommunication infrastructure, absence of

    a backbone network, poor ICT penetration in the banking sector, lack of skilled

    manpower and training facilities. bKash has advanced IT support to run its business but the

    problem is in IT infrastructure of Bangladesh.

    Security The growth in m-banking services not only depends on technological advances, but also

    on consumer confidence in the provided services; therefore, legal certainty must be established.

    On the other hand as people carry the mobile device with them, it is very easy to hijack and transfer

    the deposited amount to hijacker mobile account. So, in the current legal environment most of the

    people do not feel comfort and secure to deposit enough in mobile account.

    Regulatory constraints Absence of supportive policies, guidelines, rules and regulations relating to e-transactions

    are barrier to development in m-banking Brac Bank Ltd. introduced mobile banking product

    named bkash along with Dutch Bangla Bank and Trust Bank Limited. But till now no interbank

    transaction guideline or regulation policy established among those. So, its not possible to avail

    the m-banking facilities of bkash through DBBL or TBL. As no supportive m-transaction policy

    is available its very easy to involve in money laundering activities.

    Problem in Money Transfer A phone call or a text message can make payments and money transfers. Customers are able to

    receive electronic money into their bKash accounts through salary, loan, domestic remittance, and

    other disbursements. They also can cash out the electronic money at any of the hundreds of agents

    assigned by bKash. Agents and users of mobile financial service provider bKash have been facing

    trouble in money transfer for the last few weeks. We're carrying out maintenance work that has

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    created temporary sufferings, Kamal Quadir, chief executive officer of bKash replied against the

    complaint. Quadir, however, claimed 95 percent of the users are getting bKash services properly.

    We are facing trouble for the past eight days. The problem becomes acute during the daytime, but

    remains better at night (12-7am) when customer turnout is scarce, said Sadequr Rahman, owner

    of Channel Enterprise, a distributor of bKash in Gulshan. It event become a new in the newspaper

    named news priyo on 20/09/2012.

    Mobile Banking Fraud bKash is accused of fraud mostly because of its dealer. According to financial express August 05,

    2013 out of 500 transaction 1 is fraud. a senior Rab official saying that 10-12 cases of extortion

    using mobile banking services are reported every day. Let us also consider the point that not all

    cases are reported, and assume that on average 25% of the actual cases are indeed reported. So, we

    are looking at about 50 occurrences of these fraudulent activities per day.

    SWOT Analysis To find out the viability of a particular product we may perform a SWOT Analysis of the product.

    This will analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges of the bKash

    Limited. For analyzing the performance of bKash limited the SWOT Analysis is considered.


    Mobile Banking is new in our economy. Only a few banks are now offering this service. Through

    Internet Banking Most of the banks are offering only balance information. Actual fund Transfer

    and fund disbursement is not possible in all the banks that are offering internet banking Services.

    Even though Dutch Bangla Bank started earlier but they couldnt enjoy first mover advantages as

    bKash came with a boom. Its promotion strategy make it popular and its service is also flexible.

    Another strength of bKash is its wide network of agents available along every streets. Good IT

    Support and user friendly.


    The system will have a problem with the identification of the individual who is initiating

    the transaction. In Bangladesh, the identification of an individual is not yet supported

    digitally. So there may be a problem in moving toward mobile banking era. Another weakness is

    their agent are independent so often they charge higher prise than listed. There are also complains

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    that they intentionally delay the service. Poor telecommunication Infrastructure often delay the

    system as their mobile system go down so agent cant send the money at right time.


    Non-branch banking is becoming popular in our country. Many banks are now offering non-

    branch banking facilities. A person can withdraw or deposit money in any branch of the bank he

    has account with. So moving to mobile banking will allow the banks to offer non-branch banking

    facilities. Mobile device is becoming very common to us. So a service offered through the mobile

    phone will be widely accepted in the near future. Moreover bKash has created high customer value

    in future which will help them to get more customers.


    People have concern about security and privacy. They like to feel their money with their hand.

    They actually dont believe in virtual money transfer. Furthermore a mobile handset may not easily

    be operated to handle banking transactions as most of our people do not have sound

    technological knowledge. Their IT may be absolute over time as it is technology based company.

    Conclusions Mobile banking using system is most convenient financial service. Majority of our people live

    below poverty line and often not considered valuable customers by the formal financial sector

    as their transaction sizes are small, and many live in remote areas beyond the reach of

    banks branch networks. On the other hand Informal banking services such as microfinance and

    village savings and loan associations remain limited in their reach. Mobile banking system

    develops to bring poor people into banking system. Majority of our target customers are satisfied

    with our service as it is faster, convenient, secure, affordable and nationwide network. bKash is

    the Pioneer in mobile banking system and I expect they will be able to hold the top position in near

    future by overcoming the complaint that raise against bKash Limited.


    Control and monitor agent: bKash limited is doing mobile banking through agents who played important role in customer

    service. bKash should arrange seminar, meeting or training facility to those agent so that they

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    can give better service. They also need to give them incentive so that they give better service.

    Normally bKash agent not only do bKash they provide a lot of service in a same shop with single

    person. Make sure that agent should give priority to bKash service.

    Increase service awareness: bKash is technology based mobile banking and many customer may not be aware to use those

    system. So bKash should make some demo how to get their service and put them in their

    website, tv, newspaper, youtube etc.

    Branding your service: Every financial institution trust is must to earn which can be earned by branding. bKash as a new

    brand and it should create customer value by giving better service and removing fraud from their

    service by following money laundering act. they can also engage is CSR activities to enhance

    their brand value.

    Lowering Charge: bKash should have incremental service charge policy higher the amount lower the charge which

    will give them more bulk transaction and more money. Their cash in service shouldnt be


    Act as a substitute as branch banking not as a support organization: bkash is a substitute of branch banking so they should move forward and try to give full fledged

    banking service in one umbrella, they can give interest on average bKash balance which will

    motivate poor people to save money.

    Continuous development in infrastructure bKash should continuously improve their service to remain in the challenging mobile banking

    sector and also to improve their service experience. Recently there is lot of problem send and

    receiving money through bKash due to infrastructure problem and bKash should consider this

    problem. They also need to give the complaint customer different gift coupon due to technical

    difficulties which will help them to retain their customers.

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