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Page 1: Mobil Mission Pt. 1


EFP: Eternal Family ProjectCan’t wait to go back!

MOBIL 2011June 2011

Vision 2 HearEveryone’s Going Somewhere

SUMMER MISSION TOUR PT. 1It’s hard to believe that the first

part of our Mission Tour is over already!

But oh how wonderful it was! God

worked in some awesome ways!

We left on June 9th for San Pedro

Sula to work in Honduras for a few

days. Two of our teammates were

already there working with their church,

New Vision. So the rest of us flew in

and got settled at Flamingoes hotel.

Wow! What a great place to stay, with

wonderful food and an incredible view!!

Our work over the next couple

days had us meeting with Allison

Alexander’s girls at Eternal Family

Project and World Wide Heart 2 Heart

Ministries (pictured above). I personally

didn’t realize I had worked at wwh2h

several years ago! So it was great to

return and see a couple of the kids from

then and how they had grown!

We spent Friday afternoon at

Allison’s and wow! It was awesome

seeing those girls girls! We all fell

in love with each of them. It was great for me to see them again

and how they have grown under

Allison’s love and care! Sara White was

also there spending her summer

vacation serving the girls and Allison. It

was great to see her ministering in such

a way! I was proud to say she had been

part of V2h!

We hung out a couple of hours at

EFP playing and sharing a meal. Mr.

Gallo taught them Hide and Seek and

we all enjoyed working a few sign

songs together. It was a great way to

start our trip!

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Heart 2 Heart Worship ServiceFriday evening we went to Heart 2 Heart

church, where Oscar and Amy serve. They are

the ones who founded the orphanage and

church and were our main contacts in

Honduras this time.

We shared some songs in Spanish and

then I was able to speak (with Oscar

interpreting). At the end of the service I gave an

altar call and the Lord moved! 20 people

stood signifying they had given

their lives to Christ!I was really surprised to say the least! It

was amazing to see God move in that way and

I praise Him for using someone like me!

Heart 2 Heart OrphanageThe next day we went by bus to the

orphanage that Heart 2 Heart runs. They have

over 70 children there ranging

from infants to 18 years old. What was really cool for me was when we

got off the bus, I saw a kid that I recognized. I

had forgotten that I had been to this place once

before so when i saw him I was really excited.

In fact, the last time I was there I had snapped

a picture of him before we left and never

thought I’d see him again! And yet there he

was!! I pulled out my computer and showed

him the picture from 3 years ago; it was a really

cool moment. His name is Fernando.

We spent several hours there hanging out

with kids, taking funny pictures, and just loving

on them.

It was also their birthday celebration day

so we all sang to them and watched them get

their gifts and then we all had cake!

After a while longer of hanging out,

jumping rope, and taking pics, we left for the

hotel to grab our stuff for church.

What was really funny about this visit was

that we ran into people who were from SODDY

DAISY, TN! They attend a church less than a

mile from my house! And there we were serving

in the same orphanage! It’s a very small world!

The guy from Soddy was actually gonna

be speaking at the church this night. So we got

our stuff and made our way back. We

performed a couple of songs at the church and

the service went well.

Sunday morning came and we were

scheduled to leave early so we could pick up

kids for church but our battery and other issues

kept us in the hotel parking lot for over an hour

later. We finally decided to do as the Hondurans

and pile in the back of a pick-up truck! It was

certainly one of the highlights of our trip: 10

Gringoes in the back of a pick-

up!We ended up at church much later than

expected but they waited and we simply rolled

with the flow. We did a couple more songs for

them. Another amazingly funny thing

happened; when we got there more Gringoes

were there. In fact, the lady just happened to be

Aaron’s pediatrician from

Hixson! Simply amazing! She was there

serving at EFP (The girls from EFP attend the

church at Heart to Heart). I had been praying

for more connections in TN and now I had

them! God was working out some really cool


We went to a river after

church, had lunch and watched

several people (a few from the

orphanage) get baptized. It was a

great afternoon, playing around, swimming, and

bonding more with kids from the orphanage!

However, I did incur a minor injury. Amidst all

the horseplay, I lost two of my earrings and my

industrial go ripped. The kids were jumping all

over me and one grabbed my ear and ripped

the earring a good centimeter! Needless to say

it hurt! But all is well now :)

As I look back now, those were simply

wonderful days in Honduras. It was great

watching Mr. Gallo be so animated with all the

kids! It was a blessing to see all of our team

interacting with the kids at EFP. It was

awesome having Gloria around to help us

interpret what was being said! It was such a

blessing to have air conditioned rooms

( especially for Caulette and Yvette to recover

from their previous week of service). Our team

was working and serving well together and we

had already been seeing God do some cool

things! We left the next morning for El Salvador.

Transitions are not always easy but this

one was beautiful, albeit long! We arrived at the

bus stop after a really funny evening/morning.

We had mistakeningly gotten up several hours

ahead of schedule because of the time change

and setting our alarms wrong. so after getting

up twice, we made it to the bus stop on time

for our 7am departure.

To say the roads were narrow at times

would be an extreme understatement. To say

that our driver and other drivers were crazy at

times would also be an understatement. There

were times we were passing people and they

were passing us on curves and stretches of

road that only lunatics would try...and yet we


The bus ride was very long due to brake

issues and I’m glad he took his time with that

being the case! our 6 hour trip turned into 9

hours but we mostly fared well aside from some

horrible odors from the bus bathroom. I won’t

give any more details than that!

El Salvador June 13-28We were greeted by Jorge at the bus stop

and he and others car pooled us to the church

which wasn’t very far from there. We had the

first of many PriceSmart doughnuts and a quick

debriefing of the upcoming activities. Then

everyone was off to their host homes.

It was good to be in El Salvador now and

the anticipation of the skateboarding events

was certainly building up!

Over the course of the next couple of

days, we acquired materials for building the

ramps and we practiced some music quite-a-

bit to prepare for performing. The team was

doing well with learning En Su Victoria, whereas

I was simply unable to master it! (I will be

relying on them to help me stateside!)

All of our folks had been doing pretty good

with health but by the second day in ES, people

were falling out with illness. We were not sure

what it was but some people had some

stomach issues, while others had thrown up at

various times and then there were some with

fevers and aches etc. Aaron and “little” Carl

were both holding up like true soldiers with high

fevers. Even though we all knew they were

really sick, they worked hard. The next couple

of days they stayed home per doctor’s orders.

With a shot of penicillin and ample rest they

recovered from what was said to be strep


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Chapel ServicesMiramonte has a Christian School of which Jorge’s mother is

the principle. They asked us to perform in the chapels for the

students on Thursday and Friday mornings that first week we were


During the first chapel we shared with middle school kids and

God moved more than I really expected! After we did several songs,

and the message was shared, I challenged the students to really

take a stand for Christ. About 40 of them came forward

to signify their commitment to living more faithfully.The next day’s chapel was much like the first. we did some

music and a few of the team mates shared testimony. at the end,

there were about another 13 that stood for renewed

commitments! It was really awesome to see God moving in such ways!

Christian Deaf SchoolWe have been to this school before but it’s always nice to revisit

and see the growth of the school. It’s not far from Miramonte so

after the first chapel meeting on Thursday, we went to perform and

share with the students the Christian Deaf School.

As I walked into a few rooms, students began to remember me

( I guess a bald guy with earrings from America is easy to

remember) and they began to get excited signing my name and

saying they remembered me being there doing music.

We gathered everyone together in the courtyard and did a little

program for them. They all loved it!

Elevate ESOne of the main reasons we were in ES this year was to help

launch the skateboard ministry. As the week continued, there were

several ES skaters, along with Aaron and Buddy, who helped build,

weld, and prepare the ramps for Saturday’s big outreach event. God

had already been moving in the hearts of many of the local skaters,

shops and even other churches to bring this event together.

By Saturday everything was in place and ready to go! That

morning we gathered early to share at the homeless ministry,

performing a couple of songs, then serving the meal. Afterwards, we

set up for Elevate. Were we ever surprised! More than 400

people came out for this event! There were close to

150 skaters and the rest were simply people who

came to watch, serve and enjoy the competition. God moved in a big way, opening the eyes of many to see the

opportunity to reach so many people and revealing His power to

bring such an event together!

The Team at the Public Deaf School

Me and some of my friends at the Christian Deaf School

Some of the 400 people that showed up for the Elevate Outreach

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After school Elevate, Public Deaf School and Final DaysElevate had been a huge success and little did we know even how

much God had been doing! On Tuesday June 21, we had scheduled a large

group demonstration of Elevate for Miramonte. This was a great time to do

so since that day was also Go Skate day in El Salvador. The entire student

body came down for a two display of skating, sign language and

testimonies. Our skaters and a couple local skaters shared testimonies and

we shared with them about how we were offering and after school program

to teach students about skate boarding, help with physical fitness and raise

awareness to one of the fastest growing sports.

LIttle did we know that the Channel 4 News would be there! The crowd

was electric and the skaters did an incredible job of displaying their talent

for God’s glory! The news people did interviews with one of the skaters,

Jonathan Amaya, Jorge Campos and me.

That afternoon we had our farewell dinner for half the team as they

were scheduled to return to the USA. Our hosts and team were served a

wonderful meal, given lovely tokens of appreciation and a chance to share

our stories of how the trip impacted us. It was a glowing farewell.

After returning to our host homes, we anxiously awaited the channel 4

newscast to see the spot about Elevate. About an hour-and-a-half later

there is was a 5 minute story on V2H Elevate in ES! The

news did a wonderful job displaying our venue, purpose and intent. God

gets the glory! It was awesome seeing His work on TV

for free!

With half our team departed, it was a little more difficult for those

remaining. Not that we didn’t want to be there but there was a definite hole

as we all missed our friends and family that had just left us in ES for the

next 7 days.

We had a fairly busy schedule though, making a couple of visits back

to the Public Deaf School to perform, taking a trip for a day out to

Suchitoto, which is a village where the ES team does some ministry other

times of the year, and then sharing in some graduation festivities for Natalia,

one of our ES teammates.

Another God thing that happened was that Jorge and I were invited to

sit with their city council one afternoon and talk about Elevate and the work

we were doing in ES. After a short introduction and explanation, the

council offered to help us locate a building where

we could have an indoor skatepark! And they

would simply allow us to use it! They are currently still

looking for that place.

As our trip came to an end, it was easy for us to all recount several

ways that we had seen God move while in Honduras and El Salvador. I even

spoke with Jonathan yesterday about the after school program and he told

me it went very well with 10 showing up to learn and be mentored. Thanks

to you all for your prayers and support of this effort and mission! To God be

the glory for He has done great things!


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It hasn’t even been a week since our return

home and there are many things happening

even now! Two of the girls from the ES team are

here in the states visiting and traveling with me

for the next 2 months. Natalia, who just

graduated and Mayrita (Jorge’s sister), who also

graduated last November. They will be joined by

Gloria (Jorge’s cousin) July 10 when we all get to

Miami for George Camp! Pray for them as God

has allowed us and them the opportunity to

serve together here in the states! It’s a great and

wonderful chance we have as V2H to continue

to invest, mentor and allow God to bless

through us.

Elevate ESAs I mentioned on the previous page the

after school program is off and running.

However, we were unable to take the needed

boards and pads and helmets that we promised

to them on this last trip. We had some issues

with our distributor. But that has been cleared

up now and I intend to take them with me on a

return trip back in August.

Jonathan and others will meet with the

Elevate Outreach Today at Miramonte again and

will start the weekly Saturday meetings! This is

very exciting as they will begin building the

essential relationships in winning people to


Pray for the ministry there as it was only

two days after our large event that someone

broke into our storage unit and stole the tools

we had. The storage unit has been refortified

and the tools replaced but we need your prayers

of protection over the tools God has provided to

continue His work.

Lesa Bible TranslationOne of the things we all learned about

while in El Salvador this time was the need for

help with a Bible translation for the deaf. A great

friend of ours, Toni McAndrews shared some of

her vision and work with us on this project. They

have almost no support for this effort and I

would like to see the V2H WAVE Teams adopt

this project and help them with financing the

staff and translation! We can do

that! I’d like for each team to

consider raising at least $100 over

the next month so I can take it with

me and surprise them with a

boost to keep them moving

along. Sponsoring them

with another $100 a month

from V2H would also be a

much needed help. If your

team would like to adopt

this project, please let me


August RevisitI Have been invited back in August for a

couple of reasons. However, I would need your

help and financial support to make the trip. As I

have already mentioned, we failed to get the

boards, helmets and pads over there this last

trip. I need to deliver on that promise for the

program to function the way it needs to.

Furthermore, with the city council looking for a

building for us to use, another trip there would

afford me the chance to help them find a

location that would best fit our needs and

ministry usage.

Another very important reason for a return

trip so soon is so I can help in some training and

mentoring of our Elevate disciples, V2H Wave

Team and about 8 other American interns who

are committing to a year in ES with a program

called GAP. These students will be working with

a close friend of mine who has asked me to help

in some discipling and training as they step into

this new program.

Finally, the last but not least reason to

return is to be part of my family’s birthday

celebrations. Gloria (Jorge’s sister) will have her

15th birthday party, which is a very big deal in

Spanish culture. I have been invited to speak

and act as her “father” figure at the party.

Obviously it is an honor to be invited to share in

such an event!

So, I am currently making plans to leave

from Miami in August with the ES girls who have

come here. We hope to leave somewhere

around August 23 or so. I am asking for

your prayers and support of this effort.

Tickets and travel right now are about $350 RT

from Ft. Lauderdale. I will need a couple of

hundred more to cover the shipping of the

skateboards. Please consider and pray about

helping me get back this soon. I know it’s a

challenge on all of us in these times and


Thank you again for all you have already

done and for your continued prayers and

support of V2H and all the things we are trying

to do to win people to Christ! I plan to update

you with stories and testimonies from our

teammates as the weeks progress but I wanted

to get this update out to you now so you would

know all that God has done and is currently

doing! Have a great 4th of July weekend!



WHAT NOW?The plans and even what is happening now since we have gotten back from the Overseas Mobil Tour.

Jesus said “Go”. I

think He also meant “Keep
