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Page 1: Mistakes most commonly made gain e1 1º

Sentence with the mistake(s) CORRECTION

1. …but Asian adults are working in semi-slavery conditions just so companies can save some cents. a few.

2. …the business is now only thinking about benefits profits

3. …he gives a controversed but interesting idea… he gives a controversial yet interesting

4. However, alongside the book, we see that the recovering is being very complicated… throughout/ recovery

5. It is in this situations when you… these

6. I consider that Richard Powers wills to reflect the effects that capitalism has not only on particulars, but also… intends/ individuals.

7. However, we also have the Clare Inc, whose toxics are incrementing Cancer’s rate on people. toxic waste/increasing/ THE cancer rate

8. …for no apparent reason like family history or strong exposure to sun rays. other than

9. …capitalism is put in a bad way in the book criticized

10. …enterprises like Clare are way more concerned about… much more (way is too colloquial)

11. To conclude, I think business world should be controlled… the business world

12. The majority of Lacewood’s population worked in Clare or has to do something with it. had something to do

13. …cancer caused by chemical plants and to concenciate the society of the danger… society/raise awareness on the danger

14.Business is something that can be seen as a good and positive thing, but also as something dangerous. Richard

Page 2: Mistakes most commonly made gain e1 1º

Powers’ point of view while writing this book is the same. illustrates this dichotomy.

15. It provides with jobs to the majority of the town´s population provides the majority of the population with jobs

16. On one hand, Richard Powers writes about corporation growth On the one hand

17… Can affect society in a negative way specially when negative consequences occur especially. Specially=specifically, made to measure / Especially=particularly

18…what the author´s point of view on business-wise was… on business OR business-wise

19 … and fight for their ideal world, where profits could not consist in people´s harm and diseases would not / consist in harming people.

20 …prefers a little money than taking Clare down to prevent what happened to Laura to happen to other people from happening.

21. …making the conclusion that all these multinationals are disrespectful and nocives drawing - reaching - arriving to / harmful

22. The mixture of feelings was born wherever the great deal of a business’s influence should be left to the human character. arises / a great deal/ is

23. we see how unfairly it is becoming to keep up and compete… unfair