Download - Missouri Valley times. (Missouri Valley, Iowa), 1918-11-28, [p ]. · 2017. 12. 19. · up to 20c, |)er yd. HOSE Womens cotton Hose, black only, good qual ity, 25o value, only 12 l-2c

Page 1: Missouri Valley times. (Missouri Valley, Iowa), 1918-11-28, [p ]. · 2017. 12. 19. · up to 20c, |)er yd. HOSE Womens cotton Hose, black only, good qual ity, 25o value, only 12 l-2c

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All merchandise must go. It will pay you well to attend this {?ilfal Closing out Sale. Every article re-priced for quick clearance. You mijs act quickly. Never in all the history of Mo. Valley has such wonderful values been offered before. vThis is positively a bona fide closing oil sale. We are going out of business and want you to share in the Wonderful values'we aire now offering. You will never have the opportunity

' - ' • • ' • • to buy as cheap for years to come.

- . . i

RIBBONS All new shades, worth up to 20c, |)er yd.

HOSE Womens cotton Hose,

black only, good qual­ity, 25o value, only

12 l-2c ,

DOLL BABYS "Worth up to $1.00, in J

two big lots 25c and 50c

GLOVES ('niton Flannel Gloves

and mitts. Extra good quality, per doz.,.~r*Xv

$1-75 SE­

MENS TIES •Men's • four in hand

l ies, 75c, vnliH's

. .

HOSE SCIW Mens cotton hose, black and col'irs, 30a values

. 1 9 c ' * 4

KIMONAS AV omen's flannelette

Kiomnas, pretty floral d-'signs, values to $3.98

,J.n $1.39 . v tQp* *ff <• •<£ ?•> >

; SHIRTS;. Airhien's dress shirts

. in stock gf> •'! one price 79c

DRESS GOODS Ruv vour dress goods

now. Never will you be •• ne m i-vt siu'li values as im\\v It will pay you to i HI I in a supply'for next spring. You will he saving at least a half.

Blankets All blankets re-priced for this great closing sale., Be sure that you are here early as lots are small

••'---o "11 •-

$5-50 to $6.50 values, CLOSING OUT PRICE $4.45

• W^SSW" •

•Si. Wool Nap Blankets, the best on the mar­ket, $9.00 to $12.00 values. CLOSING OIT PRICE ; $8 45

Real Heavy Cotton Blankets, extra large size, $7.50 to $8.50 values, CLOSING OUT PRICE $6.95

Extra Heavy Wool Blankets, extra large siz.e, $11.50 to $15.00 values, CLOSING OUT PRICE $10.45

riMxMW% InM



If you ypu don't buy a dress now, and at this closing out sale you will positively regret it.

K ofbuying



Just thin such high class andise at ally low prices. Ml new styles, final closing out prices

$11.95, $14.95

and up

WW Dollars saved are dollars A A r made. Come let us put All UVCrSuOCS fCs you on one of our warm ser­viceable coals, coats of Bo-' * livip, >tloiir, broadcloth,salts plush, some lined throughout i r\ % &

others ha'f lined The season OUT. OVCrShOCS tOf newest st>lcs fur trimmed and • •

&'£. "F.::,1: men, women, chil-"ZTJ?** dreri- iOne buckle In 45 lit 75 !to ^ buckles, while ?17.«, $19.7S t||ey ,ast $|-29.3-29


A i l Men's

Women's and

Children's Shoes at un=

heard of prices

BLOUSES Pretty georgette blousl $5 95 to $8.95 valt to close out |4

DRESSES Children's dresses gingham and wool, close out 89cto5.f


Men's linen finish 15c and 20c values

v 9 and t2c

HOSE - >• *i Women's finejsilfc he $1 values, black colors, 10 close ouit ;


UNION SUITS All children's uniq suits left to be clos out at a fraction their worth.

RUBBERS ^ s Children's rubbers grouped for. qukk

39c Nove'ties A<1 Christmas noveltl carried over from l! year at closing 01 prices. . On4y a left.. ' jt'


L\ces Buy c htistnuisla now. All lace& at e ing out prices-. .

3c, 5cr 7c yd 'SILKS' , We have a few piecc of crepe de chine, t fefa, poplin aiid ge gette crere left in tically all colors. Don't let anything keep you from attending this FINAL CLOSING OUT* SAJJ5. Every

article must be sold in the quickest possible time. Be here early every morning. New bar-1 advise eariy jhoppl gains every day, ^ lr . T '



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J* ^ ;Si

I'f:7:'' » J

To A11 Telephone Patrons An Announcement


For some time it has been realized that with the increasing cost of all materials necessary to the proper maintenance of telephone equipment and properties together with the advances in labor costs, it would be impossible to continue to furnish, telephone service at the rates heretofore charged.

The Iowa Telephone Company has endeavored to meet all the extraordinary conditions imposed upon it by the unusual situation and at the same time hold its rates for telephone1

service as low as possible,

In order that o.ur employees may be more able to meet living conditions as they now exist, an increase in wages amounting

i-jl '-.j

1 * \ ij

$• "K

X* J * * *

% f\fi

• 'P'

In order to meet the financial requirements occasioned by j such a wage increase for our employes, it is necessary to make certain telephone rate adjustments.

This is to advise" y o u " D e M m l w 1 , Long Dis­tance telephone rates will be increased 25 per cent and in ad­dition Local Exchange rates will be generally increased- Such increases as are made in the rates for Local service will be shown on the December bills.

We believe it is unnecessary to say anything further in jus­tification of our action than to ask you to consider all the con-


I For 200 years GOLD MEDAL ; Haarlem Oil has enabled suffering , humanity to withstand attacks of kid­ney, liver bladder and stomach trou-

iles and all diseases connected with , the urinary organs, and to ,build up and restore to health organs weaken­ed by disease. These most - import­ant organs muBt be watched, becaus'e they filter and purify the blood ; un­less they do their work you are doomed.' ,

I Weariness, sleeplessness, nervous­ness, despondency, backache,stomach trouble, pains in the loins and lower abd6men, gravel, difficulty when uri­nating, rheumatism, sciatica and lum­bago all warn you of trouble with your kidneys. GOLD MEDAL Haar­lem Oil Capsules are the remedy you

need. Take three or four every day. The healing oil soaks into the ciells and lining of the kidneys and drives out the poisons. New life and health will surely follow. When your nor­mal vigor has been restored continue treatment for a while to keep your­self in condition and prevent a return of the disease.

Don't wait until you are incapable of fighting. Start taking GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil CapsuleB today. Your druggist will cheerfully refund your money if you are" not satisfied with results. But be sure to get the original imported GOLD MEDAL and accept no. substitutes.' In three sizes. Sealed packages. At all drug stores.

TIMES WANT ADS Wanted: Position by young lady. Good

references. Phone 237J. pn29

' Wantec^: To rent a house, modern preferred. Dr. W. J. Cleveland. nSO Phone 21

Wanted: A woman for general house work., Mrs. V. I. Tamisiea. dl Phone 240.

For Sale: Six H. P. gasoline engine in good repair. Will sell cheap. En­quire at Times office. pn30

For Sale: - Corn-planter corn. Chas. I. Clark, of Mo. Valley. t<v

whits seed 4 miles ne.



11 — J A


For Sale: Two yearling Duroc Jersey male hogs, subject, to register.' pd6 Bob Blackburn. Phone 27F12

For Sale: Winter onions, 75 cents per bushel, delivered. Phone 492W. n29

FOR SALE—A reed baby cab. In good condition, will sell cheap.. En­quire at office of Owen Engineer­ing & Con. Co. Phone 213. n26

together with the increasing cost of all commodities which you as well as our employees use.

' Q, Very truly, r. s.. \Y. *


fih 'For Sale: A 1918 model, Ford touring

car. As good as new. Enquire at i Times office. d2

For Sale: A one horse farm wagon, . I new. Can be seen at 1023 West For Sale:" Ei*hty a,cre

Huron street. Phone 173J. pdl th?ee miles nOrth-east ofModale. ""t MirJt V'1 Tile drain

through place. Part practically new land. Terms, part cash, time on bal ance. Possession Maich 1st '19. If not sold, will be forv rent after Jan. 1st. For price and particulars, write owner. E. H. Wade, 2514 Thomas street, Cheyenne, Wyo. o7tf

For Sale:—Two big, Phone 330 or 1.

straw stacks. Ed. Frazier,

»<y- >» ,=st1 f

count and start a new one. Thanking you in advance for your

'immediate attention to this matter,

a A. '•!. ' i

NOTICE TO PAY UP All of our outstanding accounts

Must be settled on or before Jan. 1st. There is no excuse for letting accounts run as everyone now is making money. If you turn in your Liberty Bond we will allow you $1.05 for every dollar your bond calls for. Mr , . ...

We are not asking more of you than Public Dance Wednesday N.ght the wholesale houses are asking of ™ere ™ l be a publ.c dance at the us. Thoy demand settlement within 10 * °*C hall, Wednesday night. Music to 30 day*, so please settle your ac-1 b>' Ebaugh's orchestra.

We have just received a large ship­ment of the fomous Harry Grey 'shoes for women. That is the kind of an Xmas present to buy—something

Dept. Store?useful in place of trinkets. If you Former Ega_n Store* want a nice pair of grey or tan shoes, o i-;1:- 'you better get them now as no more

can be had until spring, but we are ^ell supplied at present.

Fanger's Department Store.

For Sale: A late 1917, 6 pass. Jord por gale; x cheat MW. 3 doi. tourmg car. Good condrt'on. ^all puilets; Bpan 0f black dra£t hor8e8,

. for Mr. Ballou, at the Cold Storage, j * ' . +„ow.. „ w-i, , , „ „ , . , ' good ones; 1 driving team; a nign , ion week days or Valley hotel on , .. . , .. . n ; on grade much cow; new heating stove n ays- ' P , for coal or wood; a 1918John Deere

harvester; new . hand corn shelter;

Practically the entire resources of the one hundred acre Nash Factory were devoted from the first Jto the manufacture of Nash Products for $ul government and the war. ^ , -r ,

Thirty-seven million dollars' worth of Nash products were built for tn war, included in this were twelve thousand, five hundred and two-Qu trucks manufactured for military purposes. . ^

r. C. W. Nash, President of the Nash Motors Company,; has. been knov for years to thousands of motorists—in 1910 he was superintendent of tlj Buick factories and in 191C hc.d'aposed of h;s interests in the Genejral Mot Company—builders of Cadillacs, Buicks, Oaklands and Oldstnobiles an^ G. M, C. trucks of which- he was President and General Manager, to bui| his own line of Cars and Truck*.

In selecting a plant he decided on that of the.Jeffery Company^ which sixteen years, had built Ramblers and Jeffcrys and was considered the be| equipped plant in this country. •;

Mr, Nash has given' his entire time during the last four mcintljs. of the wa in charge of engineering and production of aircraft in. the ^rganiz£ aircraft department, under Mr. John D. Ryan, assistant Secretary of War.

Because our Government specified Nash Products and the ^Factory al9 during the war was building Nash products, there will be no delay in gettin into post-war production—a delay such as would occur were it necessarjt'4 change the factory equipment from a war to a peace footing.

This means ^ that from now on the powerful Na3h Six "with: perfect^ Valve-in-the-head motor and Nash trucks with their splendid war-time r for dependable performance, will be avaifablc in the nation's transportation service in rapidly increasing numbers, much io the joy of hundreds of Dealer who have been associated with Mr. Nash in the past—who know him—kho^ the wonderful factory behind him and know the wonderful quality of thd present product. , * - - •, , ^

When your Soldier boy returns, have & Nash ready, for him—iw^will ha^ a vivid remembrance of Nash performance on the fifeld of bottle and deserves the best in peace. . . ^

r . _ (

IFOR SALE—Two office desks, 2 of-j; f i ce swive l cha i r s , 3 o f f i ce up - ' right chairs, 1 type writer, new, *1 document filing case, 2 sections, j R O S E McLaugh l in , Phone 177W o r , 62. , n26

For Sale: Two mala hogs. Geo. Meade. nSB- Phone 45F31.

sulky plow; liBter; wagon, with box and hay rack; De Leval cream sep­arator, large size; stack of spring wheat straw; 1000 feet of scrap lumber. Call at home of' Ottoway Kiger in Calhoun, on Tuesday,' Nov. 26th.


Lost It? Use the


I > •' To make sure of delivery ORDER NOW

Beebee Auto Co., Logan, Jo' Phone 99 %

gash Passenger Cars: 5-Passenger Car, $1490; 4-Wssent Roadster, $1490; Sedan, $2250; 4-Passenger Goupe. $225ftl 7-PasseUger ClUr, $1640.' v * ' Nash Trucks: One-ton Ohassis* $1650; Two-ton (jhassis.' $211 Nash, Quad Chassis, $3250." F- O. B. Kenosha. ^