Download - MISSOURI STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION AGENDA ITEM: March … GrantMarch2019.pdf · Education, Office of College and Career Readiness, will assist with the presentation and discussion

Page 1: MISSOURI STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION AGENDA ITEM: March … GrantMarch2019.pdf · Education, Office of College and Career Readiness, will assist with the presentation and discussion




Section 161.610, RSMo



Action Item

Report Item

STRATEGIC PRIORITY Access, Opportunity, Equity – Provide all students access to a broad range of high-quality educational opportunities from early learning into post-high school engagement. SUMMARY The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act was signed into law by President Trump on July 31, 2018. This Act reauthorizes the Carl D. Perkins Act of 2006. This presentation will provide an overview of the new Act referred to as Perkins V as well as the plan for transitioning to the new requirements. PRESENTERS Blaine Henningsen, Assistant Commissioner; and Dennis Harden, Coordinator, Career Education, Office of College and Career Readiness, will assist with the presentation and discussion of this agenda item.

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Update on Perkins V

March 26, 2019

State Board of Education

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Show-Me Success


Presentation Notes
These are three strategic priorities for the Department. Our goal is to prepare every student to succeed in school and in life. And our three strategic priorities are access, opportunity, equity; effective teachers and leaders; efficiency and effectiveness.
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Presentation Notes
The Division of Learning Services is committed to supporting educators in implementing effective, evidence-based practices in Missouri’s public schools with the goal of improved student learning for every student in every school. The Continuous Improvement System and its Theory of Action underscore the primary goal of DESE’s Show-Me Success plan: All Missouri students will graduate ready for success. We are working to improve all schools.
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• Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act

• Signed into law by the President on July 31, 2018• Goes into effect on July 1, 2019



Presentation Notes
The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act also known as Perkins V was signed into law by President Trump on July 31, 2018. This Act reauthorizes the Carl D. Perkins Act of 2006. It was approved unanimously by both chambers of Congress, reflecting broad bi-partisan support for career and technical education programs. The new law will go into effect on July 1, 2019.
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• Year 1 - “transition year”• Submit a one-year transition plan on May 26,

2019 • Full four-year state plan due Spring of 2020

Overview (Continued)


Presentation Notes
Year 1 is considered to be a transition year. Our plan is to submit a one-year transition plan this spring followed by a full four-year state plan which will be due in the Spring of 2020.
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• Maintains focus on Career Technical Education (CTE) program improvement, flexibility, and data/accountability

• Continues with Programs of Study that started under Perkins IV

• Retains state governance structure• Continues with the same formula for funding

eligibilityRevised 3/20/2019

Continuing Perkins Points of Emphasis


Presentation Notes
Just to highlight some of the continuing points that are included in the new law are: Maintaining a focus on CTE program improvement, flexibility, and data and accountability. Maintaining a commitment to driving improvement through programs of study that began under the current law. Retains the state governance structure of the current law which means the State Board of Education is designated as the State Board for Vocational Education and is therefore the eligible agency. Continues with the same formula for funding eligibility for secondary and postsecondary public education institutions and charter schools.
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• Introduces a comprehensive local needs assessment • Data-driven decision-making • Significant stakeholder consultation • Updated every two years• To be submitted Spring 2020• Changes “local plan” to “local application”

Revised 3/20/2019

What’s New in Perkins V: Local Needs Assessment/Local Application


Presentation Notes
So, what’s new in Perkins V? The new law introduces a comprehensive local needs assessment that requires data-driven decision making on local spending, involves significant stakeholder consultation and must be updated every two years. To implement the local needs assessment, local Perkins grant recipients must evaluate how their overall CTE offerings measure up on: Federal performance indicators; Alignment to labor market needs; Size, Scope and Quality of programs offered; Progress toward implementing CTE programs; Recruitment, retention, and training of faculty and staff; and Progress toward improving access and equity. The new law replaces the local plan with local application which signals that while funding may be allocated to an eligible recipient via the formula, the funds are not a guarantee. Funds are dependent on approval of a local application and one that reflects the findings of the comprehensive local needs assessment and stakeholder input. Both the local needs assessment and the local application are a big shift as they require the engagement of business and industry, workforce development and others to make sure that CTE programs are meeting the local and regional workforce needs.
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• Secondary and postsecondary educators, administrators and other support staff

• State or local workforce development boards• Business and industry representatives• Parents and students• Representatives from special populations• Agencies serving out-of-school youth, homeless children

and youth, at risk youth

Local Stakeholders for Consultation


Presentation Notes
I mentioned the local stakeholders that must be consulted during the local needs assessment process and this is a list of those that must be consulted.
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• Increased focus on serving special populations• Three new categories of special populations students: 1) homeless youth; 2) youth with parents on active duty in the armed

forces; 3) youth who are in, or have aged out of, the foster care

system.• Focus on disaggregation of data

Focus on Special Populations


Presentation Notes
There is an increased focus on serving special populations which focuses us on access and equity for all students. In addition to the six special populations categories currently being reported which are Individuals with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged, Single Parents, Limited English Proficient, Displaced Homemakers and Migrant, three new categories of special populations students are: Homeless, Youth with parents on active duty in the armed forces and youth who are in, or have aged out of the foster care system. In addition, Perkins V focuses on the disaggregation of data by maintaining the required disaggregation by student populations, requiring additional disaggregation for each core indicator by Career Cluster, and referencing attention to this disaggregation and identified performance gaps throughout the Act to ensure equitable access for all students in career and technical education programming. As an example, our office is collaborating with the Office of Special Education through the recent hiring of an assistant director who is specializing in special populations and career and technical education. Alicia will be providing support and resources to school districts to ensure equity and access for all students and especially those considered to be special populations.
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• Secondary – a student who completes at least two courses in a single program or program of study

• Postsecondary – a student who earns 12 credits in a single CTE program or program of study or completes a CTE program if that program encompasses fewer than 12 credits

Revised 3/20/2019

CTE Concentrator Definitions


Presentation Notes
Federal accountability for Perkins continues in the new law. The law defines who is included in the accountability system by including a formal “CTE concentrator” definition instead of leaving this states’ discretion. The purpose of this change was so that reporting across states would be more consistent. In comparison, our current definition of a secondary CTE concentrator is a student who earns three CTE credits in a sequence. On the postsecondary side, Missouri’s current definition aligns with the new definition except for the CTE program that encompasses fewer than 12 credits. Overall, the new definitions will most likely increase our concentrator population.
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• Definitions that align Perkins with Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA)

• Expanded list of stakeholders for state plan development

• Spending funds for career exploration in “middle grades” (includes grades 5-8)

Additional Items of Interest


Presentation Notes
Perkins V aligns with Every Student Succeeds Act and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act through a number of definitions such as work-based learning, dual or concurrent enrollment, evidenced-based, among others. As with the requirements for local grant recipients, the state plan must be developed with an expanded list of stakeholders similar to those found at the local level but is expanded to include the Governor’s office. In addition, Perkins V lifts the restriction on spending funds below grade 7 and allows for support for career exploration in middle grades which includes grade 5-8.
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• Graduation rate• Academic proficiency (math, English and science)• Student placement• Percentage of concentrators in CTE programs

leading to nontraditional fieldsRevised 3/20/2019

Secondary Core Indicators of Performance


Presentation Notes
Like the current law, these are the required secondary core indicators of performance under Perkins V. The most significant changes between Perkins IV and V are the consolidation of two nontraditional measures into one, and the elimination of the technical skill attainment measure. In addition, Perkins V adds science to the academic proficiency measure so now we will be reporting on CTE student academic proficiency on Algebra I, English and Biology. As a point of reference, nontraditional is defined as individuals from one gender comprise less than 25% of the individuals employed in an occupation or field of work. Examples would be males in nursing, females in manufacturing.
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• A measure of “CTE Program Quality” Student attainment of recognized postsecondary

credentials; or Student attainment of postsecondary credits in

their CTE program/program of study; or Percentage of students participating in work-

based learning as defined in WIOA

Secondary Core Indicators of Performance (Continued)


Presentation Notes
The technical skill attainment measure is replaced with a program quality measure at the secondary level that requires states to choose to report on work-based learning, postsecondary credit attainment or credential attainment. States can choose only one of the three or they can report on all three measures.
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• Percentage of CTE concentrators who, during the second quarter after program completion, remain enrolled in postsecondary education, advanced training, military service, a serviceprogram, the Peace Corps or are placed or retained in employment.

Postsecondary Core Indicators of Performance


Presentation Notes
There are three postsecondary core indicators of performance. The first one is placement. This core indicator of performance adds two additional reporting categories which include a service program that receives assistance under title I of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 such as AmeriCorps and Learn and Serve America and the Peace Corps.
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• Percentage of CTE concentrators who receive a recognized postsecondary credential during participation in or within one year of program completion

• Percentage of CTE concentrators in CTE programs that lead to nontraditional fields

Postsecondary Core Indicators of Performance (Continued)


Presentation Notes
The other two postsecondary core indicators of performance are postsecondary credential attainment and nontraditional. Postsecondary credentials are defined in the Act as a credential consisting of an industry-recognized certificate or certification, a certificate of completion of an apprenticeship, a license recognized by the State involved or Federal Government, or an associate or baccalaureate degree.
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• Secondary concentrator definition• Sufficient size, scope, and quality• Secondary/postsecondary split of funds• Secondary quality indicators• Programs of study process development

Revised 3/20/2019

Key Discussion Points


Presentation Notes
Early work on transitioning to Perkins V has focused on the following items and we will be meeting with our stakeholders to discuss how we will address these in the state plan.
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• One year transition plan preparation• Multiple stakeholder meetings• Development of local needs assessment • State Board of Education engagement

Revised 3/20/2019

Next Steps


Presentation Notes
Next steps are as follows: 1. Transition plan preparation which will be submitted to the US Department of Education in May. There will be multiple meetings with our various stakeholders in preparing the state plan. Our first stakeholder meeting is scheduled for April 1 with educators representing secondary and postsecondary education. Not only will we have representatives from secondary and postsecondary education, there will be a representative from the Governor’s office, the Joint Committee on Education, and from Workforce Development. Development of a guide and inservice to assist local grant recipients in conducting their local needs assessment. Prior to submitting the four-year state plan, you will have the opportunity to review and comment on the plan prior to releasing it for 60 day public comment. Following the 60 day comment period, the state plan will be brought back to you once again for final approval prior to being submitted to the US Department of Education in April 2020.
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Questions?Dennis D. Harden, Ed.D.

Coordinator, Career [email protected]