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Editors Comments (Rick Whitaker, Mission Pastor)I will never forget God placing me in a situation where the only option was to obediently walk in faith to see what He could do through my weakness.

Our plane landed in Iquitos Peru to begin a journey to our Urarina villages. As I was greeted by our missionary at the airport he asked me if I was ready for the “jungle” conference. I had already planned to speak to 2 or 3 spiritual leaders in the jungle for about 2 hours, as well as visit all the other villages. Somehow we didn’t communicate because he informed me that families from many villages were coming to a 3 day conference and some had traveled for 3 days to get to the conference. I had him repeat it again to make sure I understood. My only spiritual comment to him was… you’ve got to be kidding! I had mixed emotions of fear and failure. There was no way that I would have ever let myself get into this position… and God knew it. At the end of the three day conference God taught me so many things. He wanted this to be His conference, not mine. I would have prepared for weeks. Yet, I was amazed at the words he had me speak, knowing it was from Him. It ended up being another amazing experience in the jungle resulting in salvations, baptisms and discipling.

God takes us where we are and begins a journey to move us forward in our faith. Now, whenever I am faced with something outside my comfort zone, my thought immediately goes back to the jungle where I discovered that when God has a plan, he can use us in spite of ourselves. This experience is like a “faith” energy drink for the next adventure with God.

Without Limits: Faith Falling Forward is the theme of this edition of our eMagazine. When Peter got out of the boat to join Jesus walking on water, his first step must have been quite an anxious moment, but he was now on his faith journey. Are you ready to step out? Jesus will be there!

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4. Faith Can Move Mountains, Why is it Not Moving You? Pastor Barry

6. Transformation: Coming to Faith, Going in Faith. James Cloud

8. “Lean In” to Faith: The Journey Begins with “Yes” Gay Jeffries

1 0. Building Faith Without Limits: A Parent’s Contribution to their Children. Cathy Rucker

1 2. Alpha Center. Te r r y Wr i g h t

1 3. Global Media Outreach

1 4. Bihar: Christian Faith Surrounded by 100 Million Hindu’s. Robert Nosker

1 6. Study Buddies Becomes a Front Door to Finding Faith. R ick & Sher i Bul lard

1 8. Kid Zone

20. Live It! Simple Faith Doesn’t Have to be Complicated. Chuck Sims

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Pastor BarrySometimes Jesus says or does something so challenging that we, like the apostles, cry out, “Lord, increase our faith!” Such was the case when Jesus taught his apostles the depth of God’s forgiveness toward them and their subsequent forgiveness of one another. The mercy of God astounded them. They had never known God in this way, and they recognized their incapacity to grasp such knowledge of God. When we join God on mission locally or globally we often experience the remarkable. God is working all around us, doing incredible works of grace. In our daily routine we often fail to see the activity of God. When we do, what He reveals causes us to pray for increased faith. We encounter the depths of human depravity. We witness hearts hardened by sin. We see lives and relationships lying in ruin. We witness whole communities refusing to follow Christ as Lord. We see women and children sold into sin. God opens our eyes so that we will be the body of Christ reaching out to the lost. He invites us to join Him in the remarkable. We admit our human helplessness to make a difference in these lives. We cry out, “Lord, increase our faith!” We know that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) and experience the remarkable. Faith is not a gift that only a special few believers have. Faith is a gift God gives all His children (Ephesians 2:8-9). Faith is not an option for the believer (Hebrews 11:6). Think about it. Faith is the way that any and all are saved (John 3:16). If you are a child of God it is because of saving faith in Christ. The foundation of our faith is the Word of God (Romans 10:17). Remember what happened in your life. You heard about Jesus from His Word, you believed what you heard, and you acted upon what you heard. That is the essence of saving faith and the pattern for maturing faith. We hear the Word, we believe, and we act upon what we hear. God does the remarkable around us and within us. His Word establishes the foundation for faith and the means by which faith can grow. Simply stated, faith is nothing more than obeying God’s Word and believing that God will do what He says. Hebrews 11 highlights examples of extraordinary faith. What each of these individuals has in common is that they heard a clear word from God and acted in obedient faith to what they heard. That is biblical faith. An advantage we have over them is that we do not have to wait around for a “word” from God or a “sign” concerning what our Father wants us to do. We have God’s Word, the Bible. It clearly

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instructs each of us to engage in disciple-making (Matthew 28:18-20). When we commit to Christ’s disciple-making mission we become co-laborers with Him, thereby opening ourselves up to the growth of faith. We develop a new, appropriate perspective on His Word. His Word teaches us what God works toward. Matthew 28:18-20 commissions us to make disciples of all the nations toward God’s eternal goal of Revelation 7:9: “that all tribes and tongues and nations” will gather before the throne of Christ, to His glory. Faith moves out of the realm of private experience (what God can do for me) into the proper biblical sphere of being on mission with God. Our faith grows as we join God on mission. What keeps our faith from growing? Fear. Fear is the great enemy of faith. Fear tempted Peter to stay in the boat and fear caused his faith to falter (Matthew 14). What keeps many from trusting Christ as Savior and Lord? Fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of letting go. Fear of not being in control. Fear of what Christ may lead them to do. What keeps many believers from living on mission with God? Fear. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection by others. Fear that God may ask for sacrifices beyond which they feel they can make. Quite possibly, fear that their lives might drastically change. I am convinced some believers do not live on mission with God because they are afraid they might like it. It’s easier to sit in the shadows than join God in the light. But there are some, perhaps even many, who are ready to join God in the remarkable.Your faith can grow and become an active, vital faith. The first step of faith is the surrender of self to Christ. If that is a step you haven’t yet taken then by all means place your personal faith in Christ, who loves you and gave Himself for your sins. Believers, our faith grows as we pray and exercise the faith we do have. We know that the seed of faith lies within, or we would not be saved. Yet we are all too familiar with the failings of our faith. God encourages us: “be faithful in the small things” (Luke 19:17). Don’t wait around for God to give you a “special” calling or sign that He wants you to be on mission with Him. His Word clearly reveals that He does. You want increased faith? Start obeying what you already know God wants you to do. Share the gospel with your neighbor. Share Jesus with the waitress or bank teller. As we are faithful in “small things,” our Father will involve us in more remarkable things. We pray as the apostles did: “Lord, increase our faith!” We cry out. We yearn and desire deeper faith. We ask God to allow us to not be satisfied with what we have but to long for more. We hear stories about what He is doing, and we want to be a part of His great work. We grow increasingly dissatisfied with life on the sidelines. “Lord, increase our faith!” We cry out like the boy’s father in Mark 9: “Lord I believe; help my unbelief.” Give us, O Father, a divine displeasure with where we are and a holy longing for greater faith. Do you want faith that experiences the remarkable? Exercise the faith you do have and cry out for more. Be satisfied with nothing less!

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Coming to Faith, Going in Faith James Cloud

Growing up as a young boy I did not know or have faith. I was introduced to fighting, yelling and cursing as my parents continued to fight over desires of the flesh. As a result, my family grew further apart. By my teens my mother and father were alcoholics and drug addicts and were divorced. Living with my mom and always being put second to addictions, I had nothing to put faith in. I was left searching for the love I wasn’t getting at home. In that search I found drugs, alcohol, and anything else that would take me away from reality. By my early 20s, I was a drug addict and an alcoholic and ended up in prison. I had faith in nothing.

Years later I came to church, accepted Christ and found the love and true happiness I had been searching for. I now put all my faith in Him. Romans 1:17 says, “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written: ‘The just shall live by faith.’” Now because of my faith I am willing to follow His path of righteousness. That path has led me to minister to the homeless and to the mission fields of India.

Without my faith in Him I am nothing. With my faith I have peace and rest. With my faith I am 3-1/2 years sober, and I get to wake up every day and glorify God. I owe my Lord and Savior everything, and I give Him everything. Thank you, Lord.

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Mission TripsBIHAR, INDIA - Church planting and village evangelism. Dates: May 9-17, 2013, November 1-9, 2013 and February 7-15, 2014

SILIGURI, INDIA - Women working among those exploited in human trafficking and the sex-trade industry. Date: November 1-9, 2013

RIO CHAMBIRA RIVER, PERU – Church planting and village evangelism in the jungle. Dates: June 21-29, 2013, October 11-19, 2013, and March 7-15, 2014.

IQUITOS, PERU – Working with Abundant Life Ministries serving those exploited in human trafficking, drug addicts, prostitutes and the homeless. Date: October 11-19, 2013 with additional dates offered in 2014.

SEATTLE – Working with Pathway Church (a young church in Tacoma) engaging the community with God’s love and supporting and strengthening the ministry of the church. Dates: August 5-11, 2013

SLOVAKIA – World Changer event for students. Date: July 5-14, 2013

UGANDA – Church Bible Training and Discipleship, ministry with widows and orphans, village labor projects with afternoon times of sharing God’s Word. Work with an African Local Mission Team (throughout Uganda), and an IMB Team (which is based in Mityana). Date: January 2-15, 2013

Trip Contact: Mission Office – [email protected]

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Gay Jeffries

My first trip to India was very exciting. I was so ready to go! Barry had gone on numerous trips, and I was his prayer partner who took care of the home front, but now I was going. We basically had two teams: one was brothel ministry; and the other was a conference to teach God’s Word to new believers. I was on the conference team and worked with the women. These ladies dealt with persecutions on a daily basis: one woman was about to be evicted from the home she rented with her family because they would no longer put up idols to other gods; another had been beaten and thrown out of her family because of her faith in the one true God. There were numerous stories of many things these ladies dealt with that I couldn’t even fathom. Each day in my quiet time I would cry out to God and ask, “How can I help them? What do You want me to do?” Each day, without fail, God would direct me to Ephesians 3:20. Now I am a little hardheaded, and it took me more days than I care to admit to get what God was telling me. I would say, “God, I know You can do anything, but what do You want me to do?” Finally I listened…I can’t do anything, but God can do anything! I realized that India would only be changed through the mighty hand of God, not through anything that I could do! The morning it finally sunk in that it wasn’t about what I could do, a national man at the conference came up to me and said, “I want to share the verse that God has given me for my country, Ephesians 3:20”!The second trip to India was strictly brothel ministry for me. I had only briefly visited a brothel one afternoon during the last trip, so I must admit that I was excited, but

“Lean In” to Faith: The Journey Begins with “YES”

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apprehensive. Having adopted Ephesians 3:20 as my India verse, my prayers were basically, “God I can do nothing; I have nothing to offer these ladies who live in hopelessness, but You do!” I walk in faith and obedience to go and tell of a Savior’s love for them. So I went with the attitude of doing whatever the team needed or whatever God asked. That being said, it didn’t mean I wasn’t nervous. Not only is there a language barrier, but I have been a pastor’s wife my whole adult life. I wasn’t sure what, if anything, I had in common with these ladies who had been used and abused all of their lives or how God would choose to use me, but I chose to “lean in,” as Rick would say, and follow God. Before long I was sitting with a group of ladies and looking at their dog, because I also have a dog. We were talking about our kids and sharing pictures, we were comparing nail polish, and they wanted to know if I color my hair, because you know women just want to know those kinds of things. There were no barriers; we were just women made in the image of God laughing, sharing ice cream and fellowshipping. It just so happened to be in a brothel in India!

God has shown me that I don’t have to “be” anything other than willing to be used by Him. My eyes have been opened to a world of hurting women and children who are victims of a culture that looks the other way with regard to their abuse. I have to ask myself whether I, too, will look the other way, or will I be obedient to the One who was merciful enough to save me and share that same love with them? Indeed!...knowing that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I can even imagine in India and getting to be just a small part.

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Building FaithCathy RuckerVerse:  Matthew 25:36 – “I needed clothes. And you gave them to me. I was sick. And you took care of me. I was in prison. And you came to visit me.”40 The King will reply, “What I’m about to tell you is true. Anything you did for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the book for me...and indeed it is...for each of us because it is filled with passages that point us to grow in our faith by caring for others because of the great love Christ showed for us on the cross.  When a parent attempts to engage their child in applying a truth taught in scripture it is a wonderful effort on their part to begin a pattern of “choosing to live out” scripture which results in growing their faith.  Of course, the more time a parent spends in scripture, the more tender they will be toward opportunities that come along in which they can, as a family, care for someone in need.  Some folks say children are always watching and will do what we do and much to our dismay sometimes they will say what we say!  Are they seeing “faith” in their parents? Certainly parents should hope that being an adult who cares for others will compel their child to emulate that behavior too.   Whether it be capturing a teachable moment or modeling care and consideration for others, parents have a wonderful opportunity to be missional influences and faith builders in the life of their child.  From the young age of a toddler who learns how to share to the high school student experiencing their first mission trip, “mission moments” can happen at any age.  The

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Lord, for the heart of my child, please keep it tender to the needs of others.  May this life always reflect loving as Christ loves us. A-men

formula:  apply Matthew 25:36, 40 in multiple circumstances.  Consider sending  Christmas Cards to shut-ins or widows, adopt a soldier and send care packages and letters, give a friend a ride to church that would otherwise not be able to attend, invite a single Mom and her children to the park, and find a church home that embraces missions.  In the early years, local missions are a great chance to teach consideration for others, and for a low cost.  One real life “mission moment,” that a family led, was through their son’s little league team. They hosted a fund raiser called “Hits for Hope”.  The proceeds were donated to World Vision and used to build a water well, provide a year of schooling for 16 orphans, and purchase mosquito nets.  Although not all families on the team were believers, they participated. What a bonus to influence both locally and abroad! What kind of family do you want to be? Consider choosing a “family verse” that expresses your family’s focus.  Hopefully that verse will be a springboard for leading each family member to becoming intentional about growing their faith and “doing for others.”  Pray specifically for your child, considering their strengths and interests. Ask the Lord for insight on capturing teachable moments as they come along.  Consider consistently praying:

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Ephesians 5:11“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them” Are you aware Houston has the largest abortion clinic in our country? Did you know the city of Houston has the highest number of abortions nationwide? How has it happened? Our time, as a church, to engage in saving the lives of our children is now! God has stirred our hearts deeply related to what actions we are taking against abortion.

The need to encourage lifestyle changes within the Houston area definitely exist. Today God calls His people to minister within our community spreading the news that the bible is not silent on the personhood of the unborn. Little ones are creatures in God’s image. They were created by God and should be protected. According to Ephesians 5:11, we must take action.

Humble Area’s First Baptist Church supports the need for a Pregnancy Resource Center in Northeast Houston and is committed to assisting Alpha Center begin a ministry within our community. Plans are underway to ready a suitable property site which will provide the structural needs for operation. Alpha Center will provide a place where individuals can find compassion and help without judgment or condemnation. The center will be equipped to function as an evangelical arm of the local church and demonstrate the compassion and truth of Jesus Christ in practical ways to families and individuals with pregnancy related needs. Alpha Center will function as a non-profit organization maintained by the support of interdenominational churches, businesses and individuals within our community. It’s a place where members of local churches who are passionate about the sanctity of life can find a place of service.

God has charted our course and we believe it is our job to take action and live it out. Will you respond to the call with us? God’s call happens as we compassionately speak and show His ways to others. Faith comes by hearing. Will you be the conscience for our culture? For our community? As we speak and demonstrate God’s ways we provide the truth that allows His Spirit to open blind eyes to see. It’s a call to let your light shine in the darkness. Will you join us as we answer the call?

Terry WrightFor more information, contact Terry Wright at [email protected].

Alpha Center

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The Impact World OMs Have Made So Far This Year:


G l o b a l M e d i a O u t r e a c h . c o m

Visitors you gave an opportunity to receive Christ ------->  1,708People who indicated a decision to accept Christ ---------->  1,170People who you are disciplining in their Christian walk -->  2,053

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Robert NoskerMy very first experience of Bihar was in a place called Darbunga several years back. Rather than describe in minute detail what I experienced let me just tell you that since that day I have always referred to that place with an affectionate nickname: Hellbunga! How can I describe Bihar with typed words on a paper? You can’t feel it, you can’t see it, you can’t smell it. I am overwhelmed by the task! Overwhelming…hmmmm, yes that is a good word for Bihar.

Would it shock you if I told you that I do not like Bihar? People in my line of work aren’t supposed to admit to things like that, right? I have a good friend and colleague who claims to like Bihar but since he has lived several years there, it is likely he is not totally right in the head anymore. There is no use sugarcoating a description of Bihar. It wouldn’t last very long anyway because the flies would devour the sugar in no time. If you think I am exaggerating let me suggest the following litmus test. When God gets a hold of you and tells you to come walk by faith into Bihar (which I am fully expecting he will do to more and more of you if you take the time to talk and listen to those who have come over here already) go tell your nearest Indian acquaintance that you have decided to visit India and will be going to Bihar. Let me know what they say. Some real life examples of replies by Indian people to the statement that you will be going to Bihar are, “That’s fine, but if you do be sure to do a full body sanitation after you leave,” or “It’s not quite hell on earth but you can see it from there,” or simply “Nooooooooooooo!!!”.

Consider a brief rundown of the figures: 7 Bihars make about 1 Texas with regards to square miles, but it takes 4 Texas’s to equal 1 Bihar with regards to population. If those numbers don’t move you, think of it this way: pack about 1/3rd of the total U.S. population into 1/7th of the state of Texas and you will get some idea of the population density of Bihar. If you still aren’t impressed (or should I say overwhelmed?), go talk to Gary about his exciting experience of walking through a market street in Bihar a few years back. If you don’t know which Gary I am talking about, just look for the guy with a permanent expression of panic in his eyes. 105 million people and almost every single one of them

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are stumbling around in spiritual darkness so thick that it would take an act of God to penetrate it with light…which actually is Great News! God has already acted and continually acts on behalf of this forsaken, but not God forsaken, place! In the face of such lostness we can only proceed in obedience prompted by faith. God has promised that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God’s glory. His glory already fills the earth but it is the lack of knowledge about and recognition of His glory that is the problem. And this is where you and I come into the picture…

I said that I do not like Bihar, but it is not a contradiction when I say that I love Bihar. I love working in Bihar. I love my Bihari friends and coworkers God has connected me with in Bihar. I love working in a place that has been called, “the greatest concentration of lostness on the planet!” It is completely irrelevant whether I find Bihar appealing to my 5 senses and, by the way, it is irrelevant how you personally feel about Bihar too! God’s grace and long suffering in using me to reveal His glory in Bihar is what I should truly be overwhelmed with!

As I reflect on that, I am reminded of something Pastor Barry said to me one Thursday afternoon a few weeks ago. The Humble Team had just persevered through three days filled with serious annoyances to teach house church leaders the skills needed to prepare sound Bible teaching for their congregations. Thursday was the final ministry day before beginning their long flight back across the ocean. The Bihari leader we are partnering with had chosen 30 villages this year for church planting and we used the last full day to help further that vision. After driving out to a rural village area I dropped off teams of two or three people along the side of the road. This was a place that had not yet been targeted with the Gospel with the intention of planting new churches. After about 2 hours we eventually met back up and shared our experiences with what God had done. At some point in that conversation, Pastor Barry said to me, “thank you for letting us do that.” This was a simple statement but it was sincere and it impacted me. That statement of Barry’s captures exactly the right response to the privilege of partnering with our God to expand His Kingdom. God will use us if we let him. We just need to get over the thought that our comfort zones are the limit of where God can use us! Thank you Father! Thank you for allowing me to enter the ends of the earth to represent you. I am overwhelmed!

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14 / THE MOVE-

Rick & Sheri BullardA big yellow school bus pulls up in front of the apartments, parallels the curb, and stops.Nearly 50 children who will board it shortly, barely notice because they are busy chasing one another, playing catch and receiving “twirls” from a few HAFBC volunteers who will accompany them on the bus to the church.

Upon arrival, the kids exit the bus and race up the stairs to the children’s wing of the building to join another 30 kids who are brought by their mentors. The kids are greeted by high-fives and encouraging words from some of our most dedicated teen volunteers. Sometimes they run through arm tunnels.

Around the corner, Mrs. Laurie and Momma Shirley help them get seated at a table with a chick-fil-a sandwich or a hot plate from Italiano’s. Volunteers fill in the seats around them. Chatter and laughter fill the air.

Soon, dinner is over and tables are cleared. ZIP! ZIP! Back pack zippers sing and school work is pulled from the pockets. The next 45 minutes the kids get help with their homework from their Study Buddies. Along the way the love of Christ is shared with little ones who don’t yet know Him and special friendships are made. “This is my favorite day of the week” is often heard from the kids and Study Buddies alike. What a wonderful time for all involved.

And that’s not all! Following Study Buddies, the kids transition into AWANA time where the kids are soaked with more love and scripture. These kids, many for the first time, are introduced to the King who loves them. Several have made commitments to follow Him. Praise God!

Matthew 10:14-15

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”


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MARCH 2012 / THE


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Major mission opportunity right here at HAFBC!

Each summer our indoor playground becomes the most convenient overlooked mission field of HAFBC. Past summers have revealed that we have hundreds of unchurched families visiting our indoor playground by reservations made through our website. We have their name, address, phone number, email address, whether they attend church and the name of their church if they attend.

This is what we know; they bring their children to our church to play. This informal safe family environment is a blessing to our community and must be protected as an opportunity for HAFBC to reach our community.

Our Humble to Kids Zone mission team’s purpose is to extend hospitality and healthy conversations that could lead families from the playground to the Kingdom. This will happen through trained volunteers who are open to sharing Christ in natural conversation and inviting our playground guest to various ministries of our church.

Each mission volunteer will commit to a weekly time slot of 1 ½ hours a week, June 24 – August 23. There will be 18 time slots available for volunteers. Substitutes are encouraged to sign-up too.

Training is required. It is scheduled June 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the church with a light meal provided. If unable to attend please contact Sheri Bullard ([email protected]) for an individual training session.

Hum b l e t o

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Chuck SimsI have been a construction worker for thirty five years.  Through the years I’ve worked with tough men that would never let you see they are hurting or vulnerable in any way. I try to be kind, respectful and loving and easy to approach.  Usually after some time they say something to test the water with me to see if they can trust me. They want to know if I am going to condemn them or lift them up.  I try to show them what kind of person I am through my work ethics and my everyday actions.  When I know they trust me I then tell them Jesus is the answer to their problem.  I am able to share with them that me giving my life to Jesus is the only difference between me and them.  He has made all the difference in my life, my marriage and my finances. I know with these men you have to back up your words with your everyday actions and I try to always remember that.  Last year I had the opportunity to go to the jungles of Peru and the same thing applied there! I could not communicate with the people verbally because of language barriers but we communicated through smiles, a hand shake and a hug!  Whether you are on the job, at home or in the jungle, your actions speak louder than words!

1 Corinthians 13Chuck Sims

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