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Sikh  Dharma  School  Expanding  the  Guru’s  Mission  in  Brazil  

Final  Phase      building  campaign  Furnishing  Plan  &  Gurdwara    

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Wahe  Guru  Ji  Ka  Khalsa,  Wahe  Guru  Ji  ki  Fateh!    The  first  Gurdwara  in  Belo  Horizonte,  Brazil  was  held  in  2008  and  since  then  we  have  come  a  long  way.  We  respecOully  carried  on  our  shoulders  the  beloved  Siri  Guru  Granth  having  in  our  lips  a  prayer  “may  we  always  answer  your  call  and  serve  your  Legacy  on  this  Earth  in  Chardi  Kala  and  excellence”.    Today,  I  am  humbling  introducing  you  to  Guru’s  Legacy  in  Brazil.  It  would  have  been  a  terrible  mistake  not  have  created  Miri  Piri  School.  Firstly,    we  would  have  denied  children  of  all  walks  of  life  to  receive  the  best  educaVon  possible  and,  secondly,  we  would  have  prevented  those  souls  that  once  served  the  Guru’s  House  to  reconnect  with  the  Guru’s  Light  in  this  lifeVme.  The  Sangat  in  Brazil  believe  that  through  the  Sikh  Legacy  we  can  have  a  future  of  peace  and  equality.  Sharing  our  universal  values  embedded  in  the  Guru’s  Teachings  through  educaVon  would  guarantee  a  spiritual  renaissance  in  Brazil  and  bring  hope  and  healing  to  many.    Our  prayer  now  is  that  every  Sikh  out  there  feel  inspired  to  join  us  in  this  endeavor  as  One  in  Spirit!        Dr.  Gurusangat  Kaur  Khalsa,  MD  PhD  [email protected].    

we’ve come a long way!

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Impact  hard  work  +  good  program  +  stronger  connec2on  =  greater  impact    

an  idea  a  challenge  an  impact!    back  in  2009  a  group  of  parents  told  us:  “where  are  we  suppose  to  send  our  kids?  to    catholic  schools?”  In  that  moment  we    realized  we  had  no  opVon  rather  than  plan  and  build  our  own  Sikh  Dharma  School  to  serve  the  sangat  and  the  community  at  large  in  Brazil.  108  Brazilians  in  the  spirit  of  Seva  joined    hands  to  face  that    Challenge.  And  we  are  victorious!  

Phase  1  campaign:    ü  casVng  a  Sikh  Studies    Curriculum  (SSC)  based  on  o  Gurbani  Kirtan,  Gatka  

and  Simran  o  Arts  and  Music    ü  4  year  test  of  the    Curriculum  with  small    children  and  adolescents    ü  fund  acVon  for    architectural  plan,  building  and  renovaVon    ü  CreaVng  a  strong  


 We  got  that  all!  

Saint Antony School|!SSC pilot for 12th grade!Result: 95% of approval at!university entrance exam.!sikh Studies introduced permanently at the school!as extra class activities!!!

Small children classes at Gurdwara in Belo!SSC pilot for 5th & 6th grade!Result: several children went to Amritsar to !study at Miri Piri Academy!!!

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Building  features      7562  ;2  hos2ng  a  beau2ful  school  –  2  to  9  years  old    

We  are  building  futures!    We  accomplished  the  creaVon  of  a  “home  outside  home”  to  welcome    students  and  Sangat;  To  bring  changes  and  spread  hope  in  the  future.  Ground  level  and  first  floor  Complete!        steady  &  sustained  


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we’re    alm    st    there!  

Final  Phase  fundraising      Opening  Miri  Piri  School  in  spring  2014  

Naming  opportuni2es  An  opportunity  to  create  las7ng  legacy    EXPENSES  $7,000  furnishing  2  classrooms  $4,000  furnishing  1  playground  $19,000  pedagogical  material,  toys  &  games  $4,000  musical  instruments    $6,000  furnishing  Gurdwara    Total  of  $40,000    Short  term  fund  goal    $25,000  (summer  2014)  

Initial Phase campaign!$1,4 million raised by the!sangat in Brazil!

2011-­‐2013   2014  

Campaign  milestones  

Builder’s  Wall  Gold  Plaque:  $15,000  |  Silver  Plaque:  $8,000  |  Bronze  Plaque:  $4,000    

 For  donaVons  hNp://  

For  US  ci2zens  donate  at  –  SPECIAL  PURPOSE  FUNDS