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Minutes of Regular Board MeetingTuesday, February 17, 2015

Board of TrusteesKaty Independent School District

A Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Katy Independent School District was held onTuesday, February 17, 2015 in the Board Room of the Education Support Complex located at 6301South Stadium Lane with the following Board Members present: Joe Adams, Henry Dibrell, CourtneyDoyle, Rebecca Fox, Charles Griffin, and Bryan Michalsky. Ashley Vann was absent.

Others present: John Alawneh, Alan Anders, Bob Bryant, Christine Caskey, Joe Christoffersen, FredaCreech, Debbie Decker, Scott Donahue, Yolanda Edmond, Marcus Forney, Alton Frailey, Tommy Gray,Andrea Grooms, Tom Gunnell, Bill Haskett, Tory Hill, Bonnie Holland, Mark Hopkins, David Kendler, KimLawson, Brian LePori, Brian Malechuk, Sarah Martin, Kathy McDonald, Peter McEIwain, Fran McTigrit,Linda Menius, Lance Nauman, Sharon Nowak, Patricia Paetow, Kerry Rampelli, Darlene Rankin, SteveRobertson, Mike Robinson, Chris Smith, Regina Stephenson, Alan Summers, Lindsey Tigert, RhondaWard, Brenda White, and other interested patrons of the district.

. Call to OrderAt 5:33 p.m., Board President Bryan Michalsky opened the meeting.

. Closed MeetinqBoard President Bryan Michalsky announced that the Board was convening in Closed Meeting asauthorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government code Section 551.001 et seq.concerning any or all purposes permitted by the Act including but not limited to the sections andpurposes listed below. The Board then adjourned to Closed Meeting.

2.1 Discuss and consider Board approval for administrative one-year term, administrative one-year probationary, administrative two-year term, staff member one-year term, staff memberone-year probationary and staff member two-year term contract personnel. (TexasGovernment Code 551.074: For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment,evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or tohear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee.)

2.2 Discuss and consider Board approval of acceptin,q professional staff resiqnations and hirinqof professional contractual personnel. (Texas Government Code 551.074: For the purposeof considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline ordismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a publicofficer or employee.)

2.3 Discuss Board duties. (Texas Government Code 551.074: For the purpose of consideringthe appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of apublic officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer oremployee.)

= Reconvene from Closed MeetinqThe Board reconvened into Open Meeting at 6:51 p.m. Board President Bryan Michalsky called themeeting to order. Superintendent Alton Frailey verified that the provisions of Section 551.001 etseq. of the Texas Government Code were met in accordance with the public notice of the meeting.

3.1 Consider Board approval for administrative one-year term, administrative one-yearprobationary, administrative two-year term, staff member one-year term, staff member one-year probationary and staff member two-year term contract personnel. Moved by CharlesGriffin, seconded by Joe Adams that the Board of Trustees approves administrative one-yearterm, administrative one-year probationary, administrative two-year term, staff member one-

Board Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 17, 2015

year term, staff member one-year probationary and staff member two-year term contractrecommendations as recommended by the Superintendent.

Motion passed by a 6 to 0 vote.






Consider Board approval of acceptin.q professional staff resiqnations and hirinq ofprofessional contractual personnel. Moved by Rebecca Fox, seconded by Henry Dibrell thatthe Board of Trustees approves the personnel report as recommended by theSuperintendent.

Motion passed by a 6 to 0 vote.

Pledqe of AlleqianceJordan Holley, 4th Grade, Golbow Elementary led the pledges.


5.1 National Association of Agricultural Educators Lifetime Achievement Award

5.2 Ford Leadership Scholar

5.3 All-State Athletes

5.4 All-State Dancers

5.5 All-State Musicians

5.6 Career and Technical Education Competition Winners

5.7 Katy ISD Booster Club Presidents

5.8 School Bus Driver Appreciation

Open Forum

Laurie signed up to speak during Open Forum; however, she did not come forward when her namewas called.

Consent Aqenda

Moved by Joe Adams, seconded by Rebecca Fox that the Board of Trustees approves the ConsentAgenda as recommended in items 7.1 through 7.19.

Motion passed by a 6 to 0 vote.

7.1 Consider Board approval of the use of the Job Order Contractin.q (JOC) method and theaward of a Choice Facility Partners Cooperative vendor for the chiller replacement project. Itis recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the Choice Facility PartnersCooperative Job Order Contract (JOC) for HVAC Equipment and Service as the method forthe chiller replacement project, and approves the award of the contract to Hunton Services inthe amount of $1,137,900.

7.2 Consider Board approval of the proposal for awards and trophies. It is recommended thatthe Board of Trustees awards the proposal for awards and trophies as per the attachedtabulation.

7.3 Consider Board approval of the proposal for Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)Access Lines for VOIP PBX systems. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees

For videos of Board meetings go to Page 2

Board Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 17, 2015

approves the proposal from Consolidated Communications, Inc. (CCI) for PSTN services forthe contract period starting July 1, 2015 at the rates presented.

7.4 Consider Board approval of the proposal for wireless network upqrades at the elementarycampuses. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees awards the contract for wirelessnetwork upgrades at the elementary campuses to Walker Engineering for a total cost of$838,5OO.

7.5 Consider Board approval of proposal for lit and dark fiber services. It is recommended thatthe Board of Trustees awards the contract for lit and dark fiber services to Phonoscope LightWave, Inc. (PLW) as presented.

7.6 Consider Board approval of the proposal for internet bandwidth service. It is recommendedthat the Board of Trustees awards the contract for internet bandwidth service to CogentCommunications as presented.

7.7 Consider Board approval of closed campuses for intra-district transfers for the 2015 - 2016school year. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the list of campuses aspresented to be closed to voluntary student intra-district transfers for the 2015 - 2016 schoolyear based on enrollment projections.

7.8 Consider Board approval to use construction fund project savinqs for district-wide copierretrofits. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the use of $1.2 million ofconstruction fund project savings for copier retrofits throughout the district campuses anddepartments.

7.9 Consider Board approval of the proposed summer work schedule. It is recommended thatthe Board of Trustees approves the proposed summer work schedule as presented by theSuperintendent.

7.10 Consider Board approval of the proposal for the builders risk insurance coveraqe. It isrecommended that the Board of Trustees approves the proposal for the builders riskinsurance coverage.




Consider Board approval of the contract for property insurance. It is recommended the Boardof Trustees approves the proposal for property insurance from Lexington InsuranceCompany/Wells Fargo Insurance Services under the terms and conditions presented.

Consider Board approval of the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) CasualtyInsurance renewal pro,qram. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the2015 -2016 TASB Casualty Insurance renewal program.

Consider Board adoption of the Order callinq for a re,qular election of Trustees to be held onMay 9, 2015 and authorization of the Administration to provide official notice of the electionas required by the Texas Election Code. It is recommended that the Board of Trusteesadopts the Order calling for a regular election of Trustees to be held on May 9, 2015 andauthorizes the Administration to provide official notice of the election as required by theTexas Election Code.

7.14 Consider Board approval of the minutes for the Board meetinqs held in January 201,5. It isrecommended that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes for the Board meetings heldin January 2015.

7.15 Consider Board approval of an Order authorizinq the issuance, sale and delivery of KatyIndependent School District Variable Rate Unlimited Tax Refundin.q Bonds, Series 2015-C;authorizing certain Authorized Representatives to approve the amount, interest rates, price

For videos of Board meetings go to Page 3

Board Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 17, 2015

and terms thereof and certain other procedures and provisions related thereto; authorizin,qthe redemption prior to maturity of certain outstandin.q Bonds; levying a tax and providin,q forthe security and payment of such Bonds; appointin,q a Payin,q A,qent/Re.qistrar, aRemarketinq A,qent and a Tender Aqent with respect to the Bonds; and enactin.q otherprovisions relatin.q thereto, authorizinq the,qement of Bond Counsel and FinancialAdvisor to the District and the adoption of a Swap Policy. It is recommended that the Boardof Trustees approve the Order authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of KatyIndependent School District Variable Rate Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2015-C;authorizing certain Authorized Representatives to approve the amount, interest rates, priceand terms thereof and certain other procedures and provisions related thereto; authorizingthe redemption prior to maturity of certain outstanding Bonds; levying a tax and providing forthe security and payment of such Bonds; appointing a Paying Agent/Registrar, aRemarketing Agent and a Tender Agent with respect to the Bonds; and enacting otherprovisions related thereto, authorizing the engagement of Bond Counsel and FinancialAdvisor to the District and the adoption of a Swap Policy.




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Bryan Mi Rebecca FoxPresiden of Trustees Secretary, Board of Trustees






Consider Board approval of the February 2015 bud,qet amendments. It is recommended thatthe Board of Trustees approves the district's February 2015 budget amendments.

Consider Board approval of the January 2015 financial statements. It is recommended thatthe Board of Trustees approve the district's January 2015 financial statements.

Consider Board approval of the January 2015 check reqisters. It is recommended that theBoard of Trustees approves the January 2015 check registers in the amount Of $18,891,087.

Consider Board approval of the January 2015 tax report. It is recommended that the Boardof Trustees approves the January 2015 tax report.


8.1 Discuss and consider future Board approval of the proposal for network and wirelesselectronics. Mrs. Regina Stephenson, Director of Purchasing, presented. It wasrecommended that the Board of Trustees awards the proposal for network and wirelesselectronics to Presidio.

Information Item

9.1 Donated Items to Katy Independent School District

Future Meetings

10.1 Board Work Study Meeting - Monday, March 16, 2015

10.2 Regular Board Meeting - Monday, March 30, 2015


Board President Bryan Michalsky adjourned the meeting at 7:37 p.m.

Approved: March 30, 2015

For videos of Board meetings go to Page 4