Download - MINKS AND MINING. THK MONEY MAKKET. G SJ LITERARY … · which,ns FrancisHart&Co.,hasdonesonunli ad* mira'ilo printing. Th-beauties and niceties of its work,it maysafelylie predicted,

Page 1: MINKS AND MINING. THK MONEY MAKKET. G SJ LITERARY … · which,ns FrancisHart&Co.,hasdonesonunli ad* mira'ilo printing. Th-beauties and niceties of its work,it maysafelylie predicted,

LITERARY NOTES.Onlv tbe MS. of the first volume of Tuniloa-

WseaTa BBtoblaajsyhj is complete; tbe rest of it is

a collection of fragments.Anthony Trollope's story of "Mr. Scarbrtronth's

Family," now appearing serially in dd Tbs 1""

Found, was completed before his death. It is one of

the cleverest of his navels, and preseuts a striking

itiuily of a depraved and Bataba* man. Mr. Trol¬

lope's "Lnnd-Leagucr-*" is, it 1* now stated. Bf***

tically complete. Only on insignificant portion ro-

BtatM un wi itt. ti, and that itortion he hud car fullyn.apited out, after the fashion winch he ever rtdopt-ted wfib his stori. s. Life has* just republished in

ono instalment thOM chapters which it bud pre¬

viously given.Forthcoming copies of Thc Cnn tba* fare to contain

some attractive eiia'iivings ol'famous protnits of

tome of the most noted beauties of the eighteenthcentury.

Mi.«s Louisa Alcott record* in Thr Bonton BB*aT*atfJBaaweaj f.'uriffcthnt lier first story tlleasht ber £.">and lier aiBOBBI (J10, with a rcqu st for more of her

proi'nic'iiiti'.s. "One af tho meintata of mv

life," she ruhK "is that in which, ns 1 tnuL-ed to

school on a wintiy day, my eyes fell upon a largeyellow poster with these delicious words :

' Bertha,1a new tale, hy the author of The Steal PrnaaiKtuuns,' will appear in The Suiurdiy Eiunhnj Ga-

tttte. Iwasln'o; lt was futter cold; poontajMtledBM] I IBB BIBI IBliJ afraid I should hr recognized;but there I eteaJ feuding my eyes ou the fascinatingaaaater, cud saying prr.u ly to myself, in aha words

of the Vincent ('rummier!, 'This, this M fame!' day my pnpils had an inuul«ent teacher; for,wh'.'.c they e.niggled with the.r iiot-hook", I wuk

writing immortal woiks. atul when thej dronedout the multiplication tablo I wa* counting up thc

uoble fortune my pen WM to tarn for nut in the

dim, delightful future, that afternoon my ulster*

made a pilgrimage to behold this lamons placard,nud rinding it torn by tho wind, boldy stole it,ond calli'- horne to wave it Uko a triumphal banneriu the bosom of the excited family. Tho tatteredpaper still exists, folded away with other relics of

thooo eariy days, f»o hard and yet so sweet, whenth* tin t small v ..tories were wou, and tb* enthusi¬

asm of youtl len, romance to life's drudgery.Mr. Theo. L. l)eV:nne has fit-en liio mime to the

fiini with wbicii hehas long been connect d, amiwhich, ns Francis Hart & Co., has done so nun li ad*mira'ilo printing. Th- beauties and niceties of its

work, it may safely lie predicted, will oul- increasenuder tbe manng nientof this accomplished printer.Miss Emilia l.nzum*. who is naturally an ardent,

If no! always a forcible. p.irti.«nu ol her race, baa pro-

part d fat tiie. uext number of Ila CeBfevf au articleon " 1 bo Jewish Problem."

Mr. Howells is dcilared by tbe reviewer of TheSt. Janusr* Gtiztttt tobe, iu "A Modem Instant I." MPitiless as life jtseli ; an iuexoraule sequence rub s

his character*. As ii piece of artistic work tba critic

thinks that the story cannot easily ba taraaaaed ;

"but that is not enough to make it agreeable. Ke-ali.sni is a fashion pow, and American reuliam loveslo deal with broken aud imperfect lives. Better,sometimes, a icuIimu of noble live.*."A Bayer, ou German political leaders in the Febru¬

ary Harjnr is by many i&tefaetina,portraits. A sketch by Mr. Keinbart af Prince von

bismarck ta peculiarly strong aud charatteristi..Mr. Whinier is anatol bv a writer ia tba fortli-

coiuin/ BmWptr us saying that Hawtb iruo onlyonce mentiout'd the " House of tho Sereu

Gables" to Lim: "and then bc saidthe story wa* about half finished, aad, to use I.isown von's," nu; urned Whittier vitli a peculiar1smile, '" it darkens damnably,' "

All the raie and beautiful editions of Rabelaisdisposed of at tbe sale of the .Suudeiland Libraryhave gone to French Mimetote"The New Abelard,' ) r.S > .crt Huchauati'e latest

novel, i* said to deal wno r.-hgious questions.

Ncto PnblicauonslaEMBY BOLT & CO



WALKER'S POLITICAL ECONOMY.By Francis A. WaIBs*. President ef toe Mesaachusetts in-

¦ntute of'Iethnology, late suueriuicntleut ot th? Ccusu*.

(Vo'.uinc V. of Ihe Ameilcau Science Series.) B2 2">.

Piesldent Walker's sassasmtml work* on "The Weps*Question " and on -M ney." cot tos;.ealt sfbt* piont stm.s-

tic*! At.aaot Hip I'liite.l Btft'.cs. have fitfen lum a imminentposition un both sides of tbe Atlantic, in r .Dtrlhnttug theBBBBMS woik lo the " American Bstlam Series/' a* Limes to

1 ear uot cnty (Sieito-aers showO in his wiitin,-*, out

tue ei|erieiiieof many year* a* tejchei ol | economylu tlie chair he occupied at Yale before BSeSfBtag tbe presl.(.(.my ol (be Massachusetts Inslitute of Te, nnuio v.



rnic!; pobtaoi PAin, atc

The four preceding noinueraof tins pepaBB aerie* of Use.lui Handbooks can atUl tte sent by niall tor OOo.

Adares* THE TRIBUNE,New-York.


_JnstriultorLFor Boys and Youns Men.City.

A SCHOOL FOB BOYS..Privett tuition,afternoons. Thom*,* Reeves A**, 14* W. MBb BB

CENTRAL PARK SCHOOL, Kinrii.-h andfIBMral. 61 Cast 7^tb st., reopen* septemlter is.

Thorough preparation for collette or businss, For circular*.Ac, Kidress ittv. lt L ll HNET1, Pnaclpal. _


Mi. 5 EAriTTWENTY-sECONlt ST.. corner of Broadway.Twenty acvciilh year.

jW'ceiYC* ntl a*re* and prepare* for collexe or business.Tba totyBaan asa* atv*' a- hool centrally located, itimmt

r .ipnu satur floor, li* t, lilith celled sod well-v,ntll*te>l.t'lieclaltii'* h,l;i|ii)t ts »oik Advisory t'ommlUne, 1,1.

hi aiy. uuai lei ly written eiiiiniiitttoii*, isp<;tlnir l.u,titer andAiu.iiiil ( licmais al l'lttiiuu'j and Handoiph'a and

Bb* I'ltte I;,ti.'* Nataiai e. ** Lexlncnon-ave. _


KeUliliahed XHH.PnvertntindeBt.JOHN H. HAYS, m. rr

ill OPENS HEIT. 4. 18SiA r.oarcUtjjr: Hchool ol the hl?he»t «ralj. w'.ioss thres f.dl

end. »ud acrupuiyiuty followo 1. ls tn nioul U at an early aa*.lin intellect ot yontii by ac,euee, (be will by*#i'A aulta*feeling*or rtliqUm; n*v*r *'tiriti ir, the*,, Uiree<r*itrequisites.imtr.ietiou. lUoltUa*. riilr|>x wiuie Ottlastorevery profess.on.

Sit listed on Wallington Uelgrtts, auoiit ton miles up rnHi..'.sun, it l.* reAdie o>- ni' sut.i Avenue Bievaaatl it..iiti16.')t' Tai rtatces are always In vf.iitu,^, .r. oy n,nelr ii ttl-Sealion, tlie *u|i.nritendtiit meets tue arrival .tf ri/ rr nu.

A ii >>ie beautiful aud healthy-il toe.uti au ii nluttnoe co n-

Biand.iiKtht) most dell^tittul scenery-or rnor,, attractive -mr-

roni.'t.nj's.sre ntl found alia*" tho fir fi-j bank* of UtiJlii.l *on.* aro uti'tsisUv hu.nella*.

'ineteaie[.,rtr ai-ree of laud'tcl n it, shaded aa I' i-

tersi'cnd \,f ont grove*, affording ampi* spice (or /U/.ju.unit*. .Piench. i**ruian aud SpiMsti s;i t leiAl'l'I.V l-'Ulti CAl'.VI. J lUik

DBEPABATOBY SCIBNtlFIC SCHOOL,JL Mailiaoii-arf. and lit* for th ft School of Minas,ISavcti*', -s'licbclil. aiok, amt iec.iinR.ii iir.ifciatiun*.Ca***»*lu Architectural and Maeaaoiaal UrawluK.A.CthlN', iitteEugiJeoi'Coi'pd, U. S. S., Sud PrJ.'osior at

Watra) Acade uy.

ITnivcisitv G i-unifilar School, 1,481 Broadway,*U r.f»r 4'id-tt. i4iith vear.i Primary, Couuiisrcial andClass,.y! L)ci)*iMSBM M- M. II.Cur. W.n. Akin, i'l.Lu.ual*.

For Botii Sexes.Citv.MISS M. A. CLARI

French »ud English school for Yoansr Ladles an 1Children, lo/ Bat Bitb Bt.| pub.u; school uiolUud* einpioyeil

Art Schools.City.

MRS. LOUISA B.CULVEB tull receive piinils.Itel Monday, Oct. 1(1, lu IIBAWI NU. Oil, and WATE lt

CULOK 1'AI NI !«(», si 11.1. 1.11 b., KLOWKKHsod USU.OCA PL, CHINA P.MN'llNtian 1 IM'.i'OllATlnN.



Tor Boya and Tountr Men.Country.

ALEXANDER INSTITLTE-Military Board-lux school. While Plains, N. y.

Pnucip 1 Oj K. WILLIS. Ph. D.

BLUM'S Ei/ieliunu'Siiiistalt.Boys preparedfor collette or buslues*. S300 per annum. For catftlojrue

Bad relercnc** apply lu Dr. i'. W. BLUM, n»llevUie. .\. J.

BOYS and YOUNO MEN private.) fitted torooUe*:*. Conditioned or rejected eandldftle* ooaoriea.

Ittiunieror Winter, -st t iul I {.-. li,* r1. U'VI' J\SS.

COI TAUE HILL SCHOOL, POUGHKEEP¬SIE. N. Y., prepare* Dor* fur Cul lees, and Hov-

.mi.toiiiscnesil and u,r it, is mus. JOHN Mil.EV. I'ltui lusl.

H"IGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY,Worcester. Mass. 27th rear. For lull tntormation*p-

|UyM)('. ll METi Al.!', A. M.. r*upertnt«udnnt _lf>EEK>KlLL (N.Y.i Military Academy..ForJT ctrculars add rea* Ucl. C. J. WltiOHT. A. M., Pnncipal.


Foritoy*. S600 a year. UENHY TATLOCg, Principal._

FENaNSYLYAJsIA MILUARY ACADEMY,iTieaiAtr, Peuu. l>*rree.s confeiT-d. Winier Term opens

-.unary 10. Apply to COLONELTUEO. I1VATT, Prealdeut, and You.... Moa.0___-t_*f_

GOLDEN MIIaL Si'miiiatv for \oiin_. ladle).,UnilKc].'"-!. i uti'i. Miss I.Mil.V N LIX)."..

pKN.N&YLVANlA MlEM ARY ACADEMY,I Cl.csiir. I cnn. rivll tnirluei-riu.-', licmi-tiv, I'la-s'.ts,l_i._r:is_i _.> i-iifri'.e Cul. THOO. )t VATT, I'I-

SUMMIT MILITARY ACADEMY, Sinmnit,_-- M. J At.rttEI) N. It'l.I.Kit. Principal. Patrons.luionii Archei N. jiartiu, :i-lHi Ftae-aLi John II. J an*nelli-,raq_. 2 Wall-»t,; U mu Unliii, esq.. 1_» Pearl st.. .New-Yorklily.THE HOPKINS GRAMMAR -vCHOOL. Kow-1 Mavin, lunn prei-aier-"ludeiiU. for College. Trus¬ties. ,i lTi-.-_.l--u' T. I). Wooleey, K. W. Mlake, LI, D-. I'm-

! i'. A. Tliaeher. II. C. Kiusslev. A. M. A. ... Twinuuf.1.1.. ii.. FroteaaurH. __. baldwin, l'lon-a-ar J. W. Dibbs. Ad-iraaaw. u CCBlIINO. Heeter. _


ErajY.-Teeim rvpportuallte. for .itt student., lo inraiica

rauliliv: itieclal drill tel ii.ic_w.trl herat students admittedand ol&->-_l_eil at anytime; n<ic-«m nation foi a-', ml "ilea.

btV.'TlllN C. HIIORTLIDOA A. _L,I lim vaid Coile.i* graduate). Media, i -ua.

Ter Youris* Laxlios.C___n _r 7.

COTTAGE SEMINAR- FOR YOUNGLA'-11> Pr rm. I liirl v-v, eu i Annual session

ort :;_...;.,. i... letti. On Philadelphia ami Ile..Uni; it. K.. I

tulK'.i " n I'l.I ...i- .lill:.!, v.-iih tii'f.K.i .c* i. .¦" Sew-Yor_*by ttoniul Brook route. Hom" .-omi.nt-, parental oiscrillua,¦lld tb.n.'.'li Wort . !r_r.tit builn.ii>.'-* al. convenience;larra ai oonda au.t io aiton areli hnowa foi hoaaty and bealla.lui i...ii:ie__t.. n.l.l. ... i.KU- U. Hi'TLi-ll. A. M.. Pun.

DREW LADIES' r-KMINAKy. Caiiiicl. N. V.ll"ii-.--hl:c. Ihorvttjlh, jio_.--siie. Sew illustrated-tl*

rater, wit* all parti mai U___JltUH (X OllTtsx, H.

HOV.r. INSTITUTE toryiuiiirrl Plies 1 ____*/«loira. 21 Tj 1.vim Iborouftl cn-.' of si ul... ¦_.

erix-r-v' -..( ii i-r IV Mi- .-.'.'. M K I'i \ V. Pr.ri int.

EW-CANAAN INSTITUTE FOR YOUNGi.._!ij___r exnerleaeedtaaehent mi-ircr-. United.

Address Mis. L. 1". AY hhs.atm canaan.Cobb,

Fer Bo__ Sex<__.Oo«___UFF

A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL., ll mil.r.Inna Hew-Yet*, childi.-a r.oeive a uuld r'1 care.

Uta, ii. _*. MtiiiK.-.;.!. Uii.u-ser, i+i._

UOOKIaANJJ COLLEGE. .Nynck-on-themw. Both sixes, gitb. Bead fer eatak-saa W.H., A. M._

COUTH JERSEY INSTITUTE.I-** ll KT li. .I.T;")*.. c.v. li¦'.i-

Both sexes. Fall earp, el ueehei i InatraeOea thonnrt.Music. Piiiiitinc. Drawing. OUnate ¦lld; varr ii-ait.i/.Be.iU. M-iUlliibei li. Address Tl. 1_. I'llASlC., iVimi, ....


A GOOD SCHOOL.Ho« to And RI Si....* nu-I .id tex, .,.!.:.- ti. ¦-!... i. .('..ti 'in prefer,ed, with

other |i3itlc!llrirs. r!:e loni cn. .dence mid listl.fT-lsii I

ITUce*, ni Aicerlciii Behool IMUCab '* andi.u8ii.i..ii» ..-i.e u .-. .u.i ure* in ¦«'.« Uni ichoolalor 'heir clnl.firm t lii-u.m . snit In it'll! irent lafoneatlon frc.-, person f,wailed for ¦>___¦____ w. s inn n i.uiiokn, beurateiy,7 lilli ._.

PARENTS REEKING SCHOOLS tot theilI t Htl.UI-.K.S will lin tpre .pei-tu.i'-s .. I M ll i. 11'. ellltiT

In city ic '-..miir-v. tnliv. KM Y't-HCrtOOlI ANO COLLEGE I't'IiT..

dfsiKiuil io asuist lnucnts in MleeUn? eclio-ia At o-ka*.i !_.»-_.¦.. by mail, 0 au nc -,.-Ma-..-, upccial i ___o_.-ri ot

tacl.1- tn: .ilsii.'.1 liKATIf. lulu .__! freely alvon to uareat. ami'r. AIM.NUi f.n HUllOUIatS niel TKACH

lUc Huil-Uns, J'.r...ilwuy ai I li. -.t :.'-.v-V.,rk.


Dancm i -\caOctmc..

ILLKN DODWORT1TS/_ BOHOOIi FOI! DAMCIMO.No. 691 Jth ar*(tor particulars .aaa for di iul___ Dodivorth'a new I_»nccr*.

Muiu uml trirnrcs NEW, .l«s' iin'j,i«iit.«_U_ILEX MAI GREGOR-S

__V BOHOOl lui DA!tCI__a, 111 r.rh-ive.Prliutonnil hiss i, vi. r. ilay. m ... ii.-iiiara.

A T Ml-. TRENOR-i. At Al >!.\l V ol i O MINO",1\ i. ntwB.v sml ;c_.l h|.

Lessons even-iliiv ami t'vtiilriir. Mei I __f lr. niar.

DK UARMO'S HamM in dancing meei! Montlriy an.l Tliin-i1hv evenly.* ut r-tan.lsru Hall,

1.471 Broadway._p HARVARD REILLY, M wtor <>r Oaocincr,1 . No. r.7". " cur. lTt__*»t_,opoe_tte VTln l-.-r Hot*..classes will reeeauaenee Mmutiv Oetoier ld, HiA Ku*

I*, meiii ni Vewport, it. L,eloaai )it .UsrL1'. _. ...r.l-,....t... s;»-ni. '.»r i-'.r.iniar.


ABLE and BooompU__ji .1 profeaaarg. tatong(ovarni nea, lecturer!, coatpialoafl aad housesreiier.

aappUed by ..ll-s m. J. VOU-N t. Auierivau ami Koieijo..-' AK' -i'.v. -.. I'liii :i r-'ji'iro.

Sunaiicnc lUtintfO.-Females.

Al..Sv.pilish cooks, hiiiiidi-eaM-s, f.crTti.innon\evii.:,.er*. <-.siiit.eiia.ids. waitresses. Ki ie li

ii'.lils, mir-.".. Ae.; teal illulia, ii...tlciXOtW, faiinbuiils .ul______eeeplea. i)t!...i i..r Aiaencaa« -al ..ooa pii.t.-.i

in i.m .Inn ami li.ii.riicea; :i,a>i nlher -WisU_lll.ooksrli Ell OB. 1". ALL O lt IH**KOLU

\TMLLt, ERSTROM'8 SweJiab, Prench and-rV oermon E&ploraieatO ;i " ladle, -rill 'irei _apab_a i.s. Isuii'licrises wallu-si.-s. i-lt_r-ni.»iriml I. mliriils for irvneral tciusewoik men male a ri ants, bul ors,roo.uicu.Ac. Mi.Li. A EKSTHOM, No. 17i_ Leiluittoa-ai. ...... :;1H., Niit-Yo k._\N ENGLI8H WOMAN and DAUGHTER

_*\ vii .li 11).Ullin lOsetber; motlier os Iiimst .ceper: tlanarh-tOt lo Cpa-.le Ol laktal tlitl.e . lial.'C; Ile. iflll .11.1fui.f1 of; Hi.itf.u'lily :. 1 itu-; reference. .Ity or

e..nn;i v. a Uti rem WA Ititi-:.., Tilouue t'|.towii ti ttl ce, LSUMi>Iu:i(lv.ay._/ -HAMBEKMAID.-Sootch ctri aa ebanber-\j li.ald anti vr. itrcKS In purni.. fninliy. r -oo letei. uer-,

fail or addi e.a. lill Weal 8*ith-sl. hist door front

PUAMBERWORK, HOUrtEWORK WAIT*V.,. OOK -, .... nv . it .1 Proteetaal plrlsami c..uni:), lor very nn-lnute wa-eii. Aline Pitnii.S-Tam iiiiM.'. BUBEA I , i.s' tb avo.4dooiaal.ove lOth-at.

C'OOR iScr..i.y a Iii i-r!;i. s conk; ixci-llentI baner ; ... iii tin tim OOXttO w.siiiiii;; best city ii-furences,

15- i.. si 2tjth nt one Ulgln up,/*ii(iK iniii WASHING..I.y" u Bret-olaaa\J oikik. oi io laooaraa washuuii the Mei .ity lefeieanea.H.! fur Ui.te t'.ai' at i Mulni-au i-.__.-i-, '... twi-ni luih .uti

C"OOK..Hy- a Protestant Oroman in eitheri Iiy .ii-. ».iIQ i, ii -vlllun, to ntsi.t n|ih Ihe washlli.

kmi h.iiiinir. aoodetty refereaeee, i'M .Vent I7iii «i.

jaTXERAL IH)i;SK\VOUK.--lly ;i joans"* .-.I: vi I,, lim iivi-vl out in u boaitllii^-iiousc. Call al _i4.Baal el-ttt-.i. __

/.KN hi.A I. HOUSEWORK by n woman. 25,va with refereace. KT. bTBPIIBM'H liTlLD. .-17

HOLSKWor'.l.. COOK, LAUNDRESS, fcc.*-**Ly a cajiahi.; BweBei unt air u.i ot woik. ls n.-a t »

ij. i aul linties;, to children Bn__ei.__i_d. eera of aillkai.d n u.lnR lintier, city or iruuiilry. 1_71_ Uth-aie., betmenli'ihauu lsth-ata,_JIOUSEWbi-K..i'tV il |. sjl. I lilli' Minn.HiA M(eout i.y lin Qty. l-'lU Last .'-th st.; lu.june lathe

H0U8EW0RK or (Mill.D NURSE..By amiddle-alert woman, ii. 1 lat-ave

I AlNl.l.i.-sS iiml CHAMBERMAID..By aXi \eiy ca. «t,!e TOiinir w mau wlih to-st r< ffieiir.«; notn.i.inl iii mOiX en-i.i iii la null. sn. arni ini.!. Hil, <li..:i.t.i-rnial.i sml waitirss; kimi i" cn..inen; Hinter, hilliest au iv:!.In.- city ur countiy. t »11 al'_. J lilli avtr. btlwe-i l.lli mi.l1 .t'l-lla._VEW-YORK EMPLOYMENT BUREAU,al NO .Lil Wi Kt lilith »t -Walteia . tMt I." II, l'S.lelitl«,

i. .m.!..ii nial.I.i anti Kills lor neutral lui-.iscivoik, tu illy rn

cu mni.

NURSERY <-OVEI.NEss, fec-lly an Amati-1. carr xiii as nursery Kove.'iitn. or iturw mni assisi willit riane, i ti erk nu. make hei self generally useful, l'k.m i 1,1at III Wt ft ri.o al top Mi.ii

"VU-.-*-., Ide..By ni American to take ruoli sf iii viii I inly aid aaaal la tba .lu're. el the house; isa.i.e.1 liou.i'ktt-;..! alni newel, suiuli niriir.eiivaleiii. Li t lark_--i>ii--ii ._

Vl'I'SK. l!y ti i'lol.-stiuit ilium', Iii- (.nodiv cltv uctiinii.imiall m either fur u ur sick nurse toa ratty, .nmhi .:iIm

URSE imf! SEAM8TRKSS..By aoompetenlio ru i.. aaweaad eiamberaull; (.issi city rater.¦. ... \\ .si liuii.t.. im Boor.

MUR.SE and PLAIN SEAMSTRESS. By aiv reaucAmerlean liri: tan ire well rccouiuiendcd. callm Ml Wee. ii.i-st., met tim.

1>I__3PECTABLE Scotch woman with .mk. i-hll.lX, »iiiiariii a:*.: a iii'.iiin. 3-» I Vvst -nth si .¦

tween rtli ali'! In ate..


SEAMSTRESS..By n perfect Qerman lady towuik by Ihe ilay as sestn.tresss or as Urm

mm dieaamaker. M. H.. Adyortl-eiuent Ofllee... Ka-t inti st.

\\rASilJNCj.Hy a woman, to ilu al home «ir"v Ko out hythe day. Mis. DONKEIXY. HS Eaat



Sitnotions DJautco.lilalcs.CCOUNTS INVE8- KfAlKD, ___>ok_

l opened .uti cIoimhI J. ll. rs.. V. .. lim ,\ HI. .N -,

OOKKEEPER..Bvnt>ioroiiKh I. ..*¦_.!...-.,. i.

AUilKftH B-, P. o. box A. Ml. N. Y.

pOACHMAN and U8EPULMAN.. By ¦V.1 Hni-iie, iinii i-lautls horse* uni i-.aru.iie.. ko'«i driver,aober aud luiiuatrious: Kouvi lunn ia-1 pltot ci

n'lj. ellon lo no hli... 1 dUtaaoe in tho country. Call or addri.-ifor thrive dais, IM :ifl ave._

POACHMAN anil GKOOM.-Bj a llist-rliiHrs*_- colin ed man uiidurst.ii!t-i ail L. auchesof the husluoMcapable city urlier etHctiy tompeiaie ; nut afiatd of mukmodel ate vi aves, llrst . lusa etty rift rrmr». Address COACH¬MAN. B. D. W 44!t Vih-aye^_POACHMAN and OROOM.--BJ uuEiikIi.Ii-V. man. ape Vi... ninKle towu or irouiitrv. A_<lri-_-ii1'rlv.te-viabu s. lui t.a-i lnth st city.

I^ARMKB, OARDKNERor USEKULMAN.-I Kv a.lenna.i. inldiile-a.ed can work and want, workwbeieheraii ue .i-nei*j|y useful aa antere has bad __:uiv

j.e_ii» praitlnil iiperlcace. Address I-HANK llAHMrt,ill'.,ni'- .lillee.

/JJAKDENEK..By Hn.t-clai's man; boIxt,VI honest and Industrious; capable of tttkinx i'liai_e of .nyKeutleuiau'. pince. Call or andrus. P. K., JI7 Kaat lltth-.ttoot alala

f-jTl-UENi-iTt and FAUMEK.-By a lirnt. InnsVI gardeuer and far.err uui.ertit.iids both In .11 iin|rlu min wile a KO" 1 dali Jtwomnu; IksI illy Ol . ouuiry ref-fieiieei. A .lilies M. ll. K. Tribune I'i towu Offlcc, l.'i,Mil way.IM.S IK V M A N~or USlO;TLMAN.-ByJ. youuR ui .n .ge 26 yeara : eiperiniirnd and not afraid ofhan! wink: eau iiiinlsh rood ieiu.ii.ea. Adilrrss cnnMills -C.:AV _-NY. 184 NeL-ou >t, KrookiTn._WATCHMAN, PORTER or OriEFULMAN.v v .Br a Mobor. reliable mau. In hotel, atora or private

family; nu.i.-r" drlvtii. and care of horrie.; winni;* in

wora for uiodcraic salary; eight year.' r.leieuiaa, A_d:e..Wl__-0_-. Uni 17, mbuueOfllee. I

MINKS AND MINING.'/t-K*r,*T. J*n. 0-P. a. of hnsine s to-day wa* ilouo in

liniiu: stock0, and prices generally were a littleelter. Elko at'ractcl some, attention *t 10aj2tents. Chrysolite again WM helter at 1.40, amilolunson after 1.13 was steaJy at l.'-'O. sierraIranilemsc lo i.'.lO. Tb* low price stocks weie

rcnerslly 1 or 2 cents higher..TheDeadweooMeira Minina Company lat tofared a iliviil-ml el fiiO.tKM) fm- the month el'De-ember, itaviihle at tho oihee pf L<enistii ry & Hu«-m, agents. No. IK Wnl:-.*t.. BB JauuaryKt, Transfer hooks clo-e na January 15.

* * i.r. i at rn*. Ml Ml* kxcha vam

|.A- I, lt Mt**.*"-- jSHARM *Ot,»

as...0,.e-;!Hlshlfx)W-,Kln. Ara. j N. Y.r«rs«t. pbnat pSETssti v \ **. Kx-


,l1ce .:.I l.t'o l.UOi Lao. l.lW| IOU; OBI'JO ,'a'o| M ,80 faJM S.oOUVt .Itl .'.'4 .il, LUI*'1 , ...

telleUt*. l.r.ii 1.6) Ho l.m IrfM.1-.' .1.". .i:. Ai lon hf""lo 4'. ,88 sh 1.100

.:.-, .os .91 ;'.'. loo

.oa .os .on ea IJaa1.4U 1.40 1 tlc C40 »O0! 1,(MHIAM .*¦' 48 .4;t, 700, 00.01 .ul .ul ..'4' 7'i" _^..

lu lo .00 .1(1 1.801'.ia .so .lt .lt teioe.&.-. .:.7 ¦:¦.! .nts; 1.700

ti ;.i p :.'¦ i' .-'i '¦¦." ....JO4.7a *'-'. 4.7: 4.7s iihiIa c. lAue 3.115 --ii'" ooo07 .na .0,1 .071 . 1, ..w .611 .r.ti ... loo.ic' ea .o'-' .02! 600,.40 .40- .40 .401 ....Ioil at e:t .0*1 10^.ld .17 .1:, .17; 300,60 Xl .HO .HO 6011ni ,14 .lo ll .... 30<'

.ea .ea 10 1.41 49 .40 -- 100 1,7*504 .ot .ui .en .... too

]ai,mis nu lH.itti 18,00] .... HUM) ii.f.n u.'iu; .... *-"1,7;t .70 .71 .7« BOP".,ii ii .ia ai eiM' 8,300uti .cu .09I .off! ....; Lent,,03 .flt .OBJ .0,"i| .... leo.,.7 .07 .071 .071 ...J Ito

Lilli IM I.'.'tl I.BDl 5.1 'Ul 4.lido2.20 2.401 '.'.-.'O '-'.40 .... Mug.ot .ti ea as .1.700; 400.Oil .03 .OS .OS l.oOtSH .ail Bil 11 i.siHii soosa .20 .sa .aol 100.10 * ...

.08 ,tst .OW .ofi! .... SoO

.13 .11 .... M'HJrt.-.'.-, :i.j.r a.'.'* 3.2:,:10

.;;.. .BJ ..1 tn .tm'lOO .... 200

nntlaroclnnnlelis I«»hat Pittstrora_Inlwi 1.'jlma-m.till-,*.1 Ile.011. Virzinl*.Towen.¦ Cnn.nrefca Cen.,

"allier'le Sleet.' Hariet .in]i| striftrt .

iiani) Pita* .Ires! l.u»i.«ni.Ireon Muauitiii*... .

ItrtenUB.Inti;._to*oaaa*aa*..aeroa**.SMTllMCon..uti.' Calal..itu* rut.1,un:.,iHiv nml ,.:tl.1 ltii'in tteiie.(ettfe BeDa lal".ninnis, aii'l Millar....Wmia' Kl.^pliant.Uaw* nun.letta***eon.l'-ira '.rJii.Ir..¦jutn I'.ci.i .

Itst* Line. Noa 1*4miro runnel.ft rim l"l mn.a,..

iKcsrnr*.'1.1.1,1 cen.'an swater.riama. . 1.001 1.00 IOU

r,.ui*a,'c*:>.- tu-.H.-. 36.710 C8.705

'Hcilrr ia_tslsfMJaTO PSJCIl Oa OAltTOKMA STnrgh.

San I'.tANCiicti. Tuc.iilay. Jan. 0. le***tsatnnlBV. Today, hatnnlay Tn-iUr.

ii-i-ii. '-'tsMstlrttn. 8

IlKl*. I'* *<u\;i/f. -a "'rfj.,.lim. 1 iji.i Sierra Nevada.. 'i\ Stjslil.iruUa_. 'is *« S iTcr Kmr. lgh»|.;i.-. IS 1 %, I ni,to (on.8 2'*un* Vlmni*. S V Wales. »t«¦..meka Oa* . io Yell ,w Jacket. 1 1Csetiaqaw. :'i« Isvat* . O'* H"»;.,ul. la* I lurry. \\ 1** Bi.lea. »i« ..

imus "*t ".! I "mt I'lihlo. 4 "i\tale aa* .level****. 1 1 >«. Albion. iHt 2S4sn 11 Vim. 2"s 8S4J_Ititirion at .113,9084*1 was received in

;. ty yeatoettoy beta tba atina*At a mee in ir ofthe sfo,kim.(leis nf tli« Tar lor¬ia n us Gold Minmi? Company bold yesterday, the1.H.,wi; « cent!,'iiicii were oleeted tr.iatce* mr themaning year: O. D. Baesell, bf, B, Hranafortl. H.

1 eraroed, J. (J. Mendy ami Jnhu U, Marion.BM Tient meeting of ihe trustees tint nld

il'.ict rs were recode 1 as follows: O.I). Kussell.treaiuV'Bti M. H. limn.foul, vice-president mnlsilten .lend, ut ; J. (J. M; oily, ferrel.iry ami trcas-

iryItccemher sliinnientsof bullion from Pacific eui*,

.linesara relent il hy fib Sun Iran BM t*fl/| Ct*BaafS, Januury % as f.llnws :

al«. Ain't Tt)t»l.VhIIi loii«.>ll(lat«l. D.e.'.-l 81.2U8 H8 gtl.I"- f*

.: n al .....1) c 88 ¦'¦ "*"' <m li 7;,s 11O

baieatira Des*. W'J 4ti l' n. 1t.Ilsiy .ll 0 « ''-' BO 2«,4 1 HO.alitiiiiilj.1 r. ;m 2477 07 8,47707ni,.nit.'at»*1 Vlri'lnU I>f. :M> ).'.t.n til In ie¦-!, .Ins JD l.l**4 lt 74o,|i.lust.. .Dee.Sf joiski.hi Hi.1114 h;»

s't.rifieinlii-llf.In. .'* !'7'ei7r.l11.Mr.lier 1H S It'.l ...I .'I.

.tai . I" ) 2i.2 OO 22.4.(1 I'e. .'I lfi.fHH VI 76ftiiow Jatket.Itec Ai) H.l.'fioO B.1!


[NINO STOCKS BECOMING ACTIVE.Bl ..1 Tb* Mining H-iur.! Dirt r* eiecated and arl

.a. c* neille bj ^ 1(. IHwlHiLM * .> »;t Itr,,*.lw*y


W. Blt! si'i . U 1.1.1 s,i 67 e.r,,.i,lw*y(liili I; ni ilii -, III Mi w K Kl*,. Mi,

JtoOM Ml, TfclH .vr III ll |i|\<l, 11 4 sn. "Ai el.. N*w Viii*. )

PUK ANNUAL MEE 11NU ol the ttoek-1 lu1.dei .* In. lin-tlc tl,,;, al 1 us'..-*.* for the riisnliia! )ur\lll Oe li,.,I al : .if ultic.. nf 1 i,ut uui,iauy ont-alui.U), Januaiy.t. IBMNU* will open at 3 p rn. ami will elaa* at I p m. Transfer

,.i .1* mn be 1 .'.*>.i ..11 Jaima!/ '.' atid 1. .1 JanaJAM).* I-. His f;u

_M'cittaryJi ln.K AMi .M.lUM'iIII lill I.n l.K iMiTuiSII.AI'i

. MlSIS.. ( |,M1.1MI* tn- AHUOXA, 1

NC* V.ilK. Dec .2, 1«W SVUV. ANNUAL MEETING of the ttock-1 h....I 'I* ,.l tb* **«»»* na url c.,n, pani, « | ,r tb* *l*< Hun nfIHrcetit'* si tl the transaction ol ¦nbotbri tnnttir.slebiiaaghl bi tat* nani ¦eetiaa, wu. 1m- beM at the ofa,e olii,-cuiniiany. >>o. 44 l'raiiat u.i *I>adBJ Taatorj LS, Bl I

i. m. ii. ii. mi oma rclary.

ajClp tJJitniclt.INOELL'8 TURKISH, ELECTRIC AN!>il human ItATIis. Ci !.>.*.liirt!>ii ate, want y.mnAn,t it'un nu ii Bad win,. I,, mn': .1, .tu,trills or .railu.-ii.-a|. nfl nd. Bl**, i",t. Mini all

Dicco iUiik ng.ADVERTISEMENT^ FOH THE NEW*J\ roRK 'I tum \>. c. ti ur i:i:< i.i\ i n a i inl I- row \ oKCIt ls, Ne, l.j:, HioaU* Iblrte.Lia! st., MIS W**l 'I vt. ii'i iii 1 *,., miner J.l;'lif,'i .«**.

lat li li't.'.', cornel ni,,.i*iiiiaro, 7i.o imi.ial,', '.M.i.r ri.rtlsc.i'.itli *t ; il- ll." lt ntl.I M Salli, i.Nf*, l.isi s'nl -.:,i»iH> I'lii, lava, rrwm (inn luin.lrcl to H p. m., st i "<t,lar rnOce IStSa

IbREHaSMAKER. A rnropeteol nml nperi*"ci,i "ii draamaatoi aaal4 Ilka a f<w n..bbumii*bI*

by the ,tav a-y a aad III»erk linne *t linnie at i* .«iiiii -I ri ¦., .'i Baal .!*! »i.

Doini) nub NoomaEast 3.4-i,

ADVEBTIBEMENTr FOB THE M,\vJ\ rOUX 1 lilli! \|. W|f,I, Iii Itt I I l\ |) Ai lillUrTOWN OFFICI I,2a4 Broeslwjr, cami Tblrtil.lstat.. BOS w,-' ... ,ty il::,,1*1.. CBHUT I 1/rMii.iT*.-s"-'¦'- l.s*t Kniirt,sant)i ai fortier I'alia* *aa*i*. 7BO ThirdsTe^mnior Fttrtr-ssT-n"'*', ;' lbs HAitfin nlFn l*..Nus. 1,007 arni 2,:i'K1 I'liint iee. tornnr ()Be.riiiuilrr<l antitwentr-Ufth-*t.,uptit -> ;. il tr ..-rloeratea.

A TillH SAND ot Nnw-York'sbeal boardlna;-ht.nses, s;i:ulmeiila un,I betel*, net Til 'I Uti nt I:

Tllivn.i:- (lui DK; 25 cents al 'i»»*, NRW-YOBKMOWS i), I'D lietkinaii si


4 HANDSOME Kee.ind ll..or. with I..1.1.I. toJ\ |uit\nf min i«. in private family 1 excellent utilo;refereoeea, Mt Leslngtoa-ave. _

\NY lara* ojteratot in atocka doairiog aaielpis. <. n|,i,,wii.«|ii.odfarllltte*f01 timi* etlonnrbosl

niss mill ale enf inlier*. 11. ¦. addi af* i. Al RK.Na,Tritton*tjatowa miii -. 1.- Broadway_\T0. 7 ORAMERCY PARK.-One Mrjure andLs piivaie baili with t^,, BagtsinaiaaaubBrstelBssbear*.

PRIVATE Am. ti--in ramily, with few board-1 irs. ha* abeanUfal r,..iii aaaacoM Doorfnmt,nleeljfiirnlsle-tl haili ami rlo«*l (vmneeflagi sieatlesiir-.i :i irmit rmi'ii mit iitleint'U Icfcii in e. 4fjl.i-Mim-ion a>».__.>W EAST 201 II ST..A snit of rooms with»yO [i11\.ti«. lint!. tiMiiii; private tabla only or witin/utboard. .\ is,, iiujr:, toom*ioi rrentl

I i i HADISON-AVE.-With board of^uMn-.1 -wt: usu;.! cm-cIii mi limk pallor, also tunny frontrhui in Hui,i (Bears im,m. with KiiiO' fae

Weet Side.

A.TRUNK* moored, 'i~* oobbi iiniitcr-.. CROWE'S KXPKKHfc COMPANY. 7fl Weat SOtli-at.

70 \SVst tSthat, BUd '2 Caa! 1 lill*!._

A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY will letai\ larg* fnrnishtvi roon with board to ccuti'mrn omi- all

... 210 Wes] it, ar. near "thav*.

RESPONSIBLE partiea -<s\\\ fiiulaliandHoniclvfiirnlshfsil *ulle of rooms ttlth pnviiie haili ant closet

private tattle if desired; lefereacea aichanted 97 w. tBMIIi »I._UQUAIli: FRONT ROOM.-Hunny, lnr»;r,VJ (luselii, aluin,lam table, lioilicnisile |ia*try, Aiiicilcan fain-liy latitct inoiality reit ult eu. 'I'm ms uusl, rule, '^tj Weat2'tn *i.

1\ WEST 31ST-ST., near r>tk-ave..A hand-*./ .omely furnished lanny usttn for single ffntlonmn.

.J18T.38TH .iml -i'_'l>-sTS.,Qthand 6th-aTea.*9 I -llandsoniely fortilslied door, stilts uud slu«le toomsulih or willem nrirato ta'ole* bc«l riifeiciicea AI'M I.KV, 71 West .th H.


/|7| WEST 23U*8T.-LarBe well furnishedTil aijiiarr-room on pailoi tl. e.-, with nrat-claas boaid. ut.1- rat* jr,..

Jce Cream.Ero BT01T8 ICE CBS a \ \,

km:torn: BuafOJaaiJKM.YALWAYS PUnKandliKl.n

Individual BURKS OF ICE CREAK.or for FA I UH, PA RT I Kr*. Ac.


Trv then and jon will me nu olUer.niiPOTO:

305 4Ui.«T*., 1.2H8 Broadway, 75 Chatharatt, Jt/J-and 453 I'ultonii, Brooklyn,



177/. ar.s'p.n.iL list.

Allon A T. I*.A fi '.II. pi¬ll. Air I., prefll. c. ll. AN...cedar P.e.I .St I. AND.Can. r-onih.

a a I...<..<-.*i a

1 ¦¦ea _- Hill...lio 2o pref..,I)o. Isl pref

C. II. AQ.CR. LAP.rhlc. A AitonOBLP..M AODo pref.

r.A N. \V. i_4*iHo. pref . 1411

1-.. M. .)"! 1* ion*-.Ho. pref.

Lin. Bia. IC,Del it u. pictOut. low..Du. A h. rDei. I. * A ll. (.mal.II. A Illili!.! ttl.*,

r. i..flo. uref .I ..

Irv. A 1* II .,

Huns;. A lex. 78lt. .v Kt. J,i ..

ll. ami. J. pref ..

fireen Hay.I ..

ni Oeat.i itt .«I. ll. 4 W.| Bl1j_ * .".ft. Hirerl/one E. A W ...

I aim. ._ It ash.I. N. A. A C..luke *-"loreManhattan'om'.:an 47



¦Bl-. ,__¦--*_' l_t-ia_ vi;;-, I28_ 123arl1-iC,:, i_-.i_. 126*. ViC-A ViuU }'i-<\i'l.,. l-IO-V ltf'J-V-.*6-_ MO-ajlHiV!

,.:i. IB*. .._. W-S.fjJH. ii___ 11'_...; ir-", navii*. 112V

lax*. l<;iv v.'.x . IM14*V ny uti HOV

i d






127V '***- '-'"

I..'. , le'e. I08*| 21.100122 121'.j 122





io.*-»i: lo-v li m. los -'a ions., 109409^



." '. 45. 4ft'.:io17 _.6l)77ii700-V



i.t r





IS-I ¦*.


Man. I'.t, iiM.n lie., hM. AU 1st nf.M-TC 2.1 pifMel. Itv.Mich.fen.M. A Ht. I.M. B Ht I.prfMob A OllieM.K AT.Mo * l'.c.Merits <_ Ba...Mem. A «'harM. 1_ H * W..Do |iief.

N. V.CA 81 I.Il.i pref

rt o a -*t i.N. J CentN. Y. Ct A IIN Y. Her.N. Y. A V BNY I. I..A W.N.n l'.c.Do. niefY. 'I .? Vf

Ncr. vt- W'.piefOhio ""..nth.

ll ll. .1ohio A Mis.'ire. Tran*Ole ebor. LineI* I*. Ort o ...

pallal i-i-d. JI* Il rtKrx-ll A I'lltl..Kenn A .s.r. ..

il Bf. A o_...RI. h. A UsnI- li .'. U*. i'Bl I- .t 0. ...i

t I*. A p'f-1 I' M ,t '1Kt. I. A 9, V

li., niefHo 1.1 pref .1

loath Caiolia!Va Mt.llsn.lTol. De! .. ll

Cae-ell la

IV -I I,. a. _¦De prei

fl:uk A..I 1* le!Aniei. f*Mekm. H ralBf 1* Tel

. in niAro. Bl.

M. .

w. r. Bi .126V. Y APa Mailcl .ia! A I..II .ulr.iti i "isl.M rt.New CoalOn. A. Minil..n_"*r_ Minnc ir.-. M

...licit .li l Ol

¦jin. .ilvr prWM.n Isr.lMino 1 uunol



lllt.j1 144V 141 IllBa*, :._*._ siw











fl..(t_._88 *t

B-%1ll IN '¦_;iiiJ48I rt _.;ilIB-B10






1.00064*k 18,800


10_*_ 108«4 MW-,'-i

.". ¦'¦ViiCl

14-J__**.IO71m«! j

10-_i H.13.



.'.-_ I.


41)IH1-. U*.

ll»4 14%ni .'Ul,-.!i'_ __-|70 JO'SISO*, l'-li


Ifin*, r.oio ia.UV IB.KV, HU

thi, .s: i


WI |110IMI 1.0V

Itt1*-!t!382',Ml _?;








ll . M ¦ia1, mv

2.10040 '. .JO..Ml.i



9t*t<¦ ¦



21 I


i*_S isno ui

rci't I*!*. _*-.H.'.U .>.". I


124 IV!.-».fj W.i_

17 |j 37*..._. , ll-fl -I ¦» 10.900

ir'li 1MI


7.600I .Vi'

.f -I






24 ¦<40




.', -. <-,II40*.


ito lBliI,

la-j uri

61 U RH


40». IIB*_lot', 1U3-, lOSS '.url'




,51T' HI-,IH


IM IM42 42ita-. 2u.

ll I'i ls

I'll-n.'.7 ¦,




100nii40V 17.600











Total Mlei nf th« rUr

I'son iierUtereoIII.IMKI ,..118*.

V s 4* ll.i#i,iert-l 1007...lia. I

i.. sal "ii i KU.... .lle-%

_JO.\/f.. 4.Yf> _U.V_r .ITOt'KS.

Biink o' ( iinimereolo lei

( .lillian. Hankia.uo

Ark.iif.-i* 7sCentral ll Mine[0, Bal ... fl8,000 1":i.ihx..17sb.nnn l:>4.01.1 . 1

L Heel v li anoJ.IHHI .... sis,

(halium lt Lina:. (MMl s

Atlantic anti I' o nt :>i

I r ¦ i wm.HM

4 non 103tan.da r-oiitharn

i.i iiu.r84,000 M

CB Bl l'.nl Muami o i in4.IHM ... int7,000 ! ¦;

C .» ul.).. He l'.nl;iimhi ><

r jtiil fi

i.iruo lo;^frl..^ ll

.-.¦e. sn a nbobo

<' lt I A I'm ti-1MI7..'..O.KI l-.'-.l,


I !, Bal BM _| elI 'und1 DOO 101

_*.i'r Our A yulnTa| l-.'.l',

flt ve.i Tola .'uii.ll'.'i-,

fi pt ni r.i.i. m.

Hr, M .« M 1st.' |21

Dei. ami HO latt till

1 ......

'.'.omiPen A llioilr Im

3,000.. 107-41)1 1 Ull.l ll I eil '91

1.II.HI ll.Ito ml.ilLeo II I

B T.nnV. A Oin.'16.000.. 4'H_

1 oo.I . 40Knit *.\ url li A Hl.t

4 li m

13,000J.LOO4,0<'0,1,000l.ll'lll.. ...

iii Weatam Jdlo.ono ic.',

Han I Bl Jo8 ...i.

1.000..o.'int ao n tai

n, i.,Kan I'

I.ehltfh * Vf n eon Sf I. |< MIT A NAMenit-wl f.i.inha dir

ft.U<M).. 108-1 7.IKIO.los;-,Bia A HIL lal Tex Pac iut. I, (inte

il a 4 non. f..IllWI ' 1.000:..i." c ... in -. lei... [-rifle litsontimcft i:4.0 ii. lin'.

... li"iP ..'I_c

'.' Cl ..... lol ,.l ;. i

10.0.K).7ft8,000 I

Mil I - .u.i Vi litIII .I.HI

l.i'oo ¦¦ '. i iii. ii Ped iinstMetrofHillUii lit m.ii*

\\ il.n-h (lei lt 0.1,0-0 -o

trVabaeb -si* l'afChicago itu-

.8l*B8.000 .loflij \ Cai sp,., ui tttI

lt .¦ divinion8A.U00 .*l\._l'<IO ._ll»

11.IM-I 8li4lli.OOO. 84 Ij...ono. -1",-l.UsNI..4%.Iihmi. mr,ll.ooo_ H4-.,

10.000.... -.

I.IHIOMo Par .

loo*.Mo P. li'-."jMei A I 7.'71__V>-_ l-l ri

M.i.U- A Ullin.J,l ll lenl'too...

1,1N \ A -t -.


1 ". ll " . .New J .'antralNerta I'.' nie l ,i i hui's


32 ihhi 103*44UifOO lil-.- V,


Chu-it I, A X Oil)1 Ul

< h -i I. A N o Aa15,000.. inn ,

Hei Lack*Weet7.l!'.'710.000 IM

Intern! coup >|.h.mitl

Mil an.l St I* i.tth * i't w nu-H.IHHI .. ,


111.'il Ur. ,.o

uta.)I,ooo. lO'i ,

1 OOO .... lill

H \ A \l ital "...lilli I jioliiu In,Nevi -.'.t ill.OIHI fl l ki minmi un.".orthwe.l e. V |fl -st 1 amt I II lal

'¦."i|i ii.-I ,ii ..nu2."*Hi ion', 1,000 .lin

Nut lin. .-.I 1. B -.t 1. A I 51I.OOO i ir... an.l P 1st

Northweit an ...I 8,00 lo? -jll K'il'1 .. li'.Ml Ta.

'_'_.'"io. ur!',.


1X V < ont ral Ul n.

Ciiny.itl1.000 1 1

N V Klerale-i IntiJOuO.... 114*1

l'.4< 111li.ifOi. .44

12.000 ... .t.'i... I'.

I*.Rh Ina..11.1 A 1) I.i

1.,4,000 ..... MLf1..01111. 1'.,8,000. IL',', 10. ",i.. v,

RIchmoudA Dan

lO.IHIII. lil",lt l.trilll.. 1 U .1

7,i"'0 ion 111,000.. .Tr..laiui.-lllt. A .Vi»h ht 1* Mm mid M Ul

'.vu Mortaaarr .!* Dalmu aiion.lon1.01.0. oas 10,000 rn i-

f..0"'i.'.Cl TnleiliiA WM I.*.! '..doo.nisi.

'-.ono.1 l.i__Alaliain. l!_a, A

7.000Tenn ( oni'iniuiiseBeD-l...0.10 .41

Chea A Ohiolun.u.y

.... tVI*.tra] Paella I, u

U.IHIO lo_J,Ind Iiiimlrs Ut

I.ono lO'.'V..oilcan* Vj, Iv

H.ooo5,0011.ntl',10.000. 87I ooo.-17.4

lt \V ami UK'burxlaromaID.0.0.4410.01"). 44'.

T Hallie 3d nli'l.'.i OOO . ll).I'j

I st I' "ll...OOO.121





H., II ¦'. ll. new it'llim.. flo. (ldat'okll kl. 11 I.i a*s'(Jin ls, ni! -, 1!ItulTal.i, tt. V. an.l

Pillia, pnfdinnie! .1- nil tamil A Dael.

ciiit_,to<_ Atlantic1 lil. A 1'au. Hun.lui Ul inti;.Cont'iit Ctiu-ilrlnnlien, ami Uni, . SH

Deu.. Kin nunile.ntl W'Mtai n -

Den., It.o. A YVc.t.Ut inti;. 70

lue. A Ft. U.i'lint.v Para Maia, >|imi., Paa A ft. 3lin lit lula; lineIInt ruin... em, ut'' Kau. antiI lei (tell. Ulta... Mlfun.nil. ConaraMex. Nm _ 7i-iDe i'lef.Da Ut mtc. 4:1Ui nilli .lill limul!. K6Mich, an.l o. 111)11.. .0M Mink ii mt

atei.Newburg, 1). A c. 11)0. yief. 3Im lin nmo.. 10.vj. a M. v. jXV., Wis. A ll nf.

.l-l. .lill? .1 whenlaanetl naiit.l.ubi '.".

Iio.,f... 71UDo. .nb*, o. A W. Tl1,X. Y. mri "-erauton('ounfii ex li. _t a- 15

X.V su». A cf. ID

NY., sua tWHll.tratg. 78

N. Y, Hu*. AWeat, tlelien. 60

North I'aciflo dlr.t-rl-r. 02*4 93

tr. y.._, a. nuu

Hld.A,. Hill. AikmlNorth lurer Con lo! ', [0.'., V ,\ liie. nw eu.I

1..-ti lil In.-. 25VT. IVhii A O.

.J.! int;. Ill, 19li...Atlantic uni o'WiHt..i 111 um

*._''._ Ort gnu Improvom't H..30 ,i)ii. lat mtg. ... .'_.

.'. (ir. -.lum Line .le..1 ufa v.heii rainediii |i)i.r-liui'. l___a.uba.107

lin. .nbs: ex b. A .. 05Do. 110,000 hi k. ulhonda uml .tuck. BS

O:. 1 i'i nu. ii. 01*4

11 mi r»oada.. m __Ohm 1 en. Hiv. div.Ut mtg. limul._ Ol

olin. Caa uiv. div.1.Ill, .1 . ll'l

Plttabura vt Waa'n luI'eii.a Atiantlf llim. 1.1 mtg. biKith. A Dall, allen..lilia.

¦it. Jun .tr WoaiAinHi. Jo.. A i'ue. litmts. OH

tm Kau. -ind Nail.l.l mig. 60

Tulla and I'.il.liup..1 linml I I',

VI.-ktii'g ._ Meilil. rtli... Ut mig . mtijim ..I amb._5Ul tU. lille 4 'J-OjCam. A Mouth Am.Tel.105

Kit. il Illuuduafg. laltrem.ili, Hourn.

un.I lien. .

Out., Au. 30

Koely Motor. _>.lal. H|i|ln_f. 16M.K. AT. lu. .erip ..

Miituuiiiii, Coal Au. lt . I*.

Mellon lal.150










HIL,1-. i-jlill


rni*. l Si8110775


-lol.. H. ami D. 2dmtg. .a.. itauit>0<l

en. tN.Y..1

bomla.... 09 .. Water MT I.Lack. A Weat. Tsx. toa, tnc.ecrtp 40a. ..

C p. c. gtil.abtc.k.. 82** 82»« C. w. Klee foUfbt. 117 X&OPo., latmty.108 i_

V1.0MNO prices ot Boaro.y aroota.BOSTON. Tuesday. Jan. 9,188%

Yeiterdav To-dav Y**t*rdav. To-day.WaurPawer. 'fm V* OM Coloar.134 «a tl'* (1? A leo. lei 7* ..120 120Bosll dtKr1*7a.. fto'a ol t-1.0. H. tis.Ho 100AATopKIl. 86'« SHBoaAAI'. K.174 174l.o'ton A Maine 1 so 150ChicaarA<4'or..l2:i«* 123»4

Allonex MCO.N.. -fm 2'9(Viuniet .* Hecla.3ft'* 2.V2Catalpa.80 .flliaokiin. 15 15'aI'ewai.ioiu'wst**:) IO ld1*milner. 63 Stl-sSliver lariat. 6 5*aWis Cen K ll com li-'i

Ciaaaa*ui*ve.. 24>4 21U illlntA Flt ar pr* 8*1*. t»»Kaalern KR_3(5 3(5'- Osceola. 33 33flint.* Pore .war. 24 .ja*, Huron. 17» 1T*LllWRAFi.Smith 40 40 To). C.*»t.L1*t6* 48SUM Kuci'Bd 50^ ,1 I lol. C. A .tf. Lino 10** IQ1*

VLUSISU PRICr.S OF PUlLADKLPtlti. STOOKa.Reported bj John If. I) 1VB) I 00, 17,

ttl.;. Aa*** ha Aak'dCll-vt*. asw.188 Ml Xnrtb'n Paceo-n 44'* 44**United HK of NI. 18S ]88«» ' N''f. 8C«* 8(5''ailll... (W OO'el .NoitiruJ.t.1. Ita 544 64baamaa. 'j?1* §7%! Lsiurh N*r. IM bm,Kead'*-ifu'i iiior. Bf O'is, put*. Ht*, *Bef, lfl'« 1H>»Lelitjb Vailey.... OS r.'.'-j lisscnriii* H rt. 14 19Hit'fttawia*a.uref... 54 55 I'tiilaftiU Uria., lu1* 20

TUESDAY, J*n. 9.P. M.

Tho ofUcial statement, of the railway shipment*sail from Chicago bv tho six " p;;ol" linea oftio,ir, grain and provisions for the week eud-ing Saturday. January G, shows a de-BTaaaa from the preceding week of 4,070tims, and au increase of 13.003 tons

from the ehipnieuts of the sumo week of1H82. Compared with the preceding woek of thiayear tim railway* last iraak eui ried 10,7-18 barrelsmore of flour and 7,005 tons less of provisions, and5,447 iu"t less of grain. Thc totals were 58,720last week, against 03,070 tens the preceding week.I he ehatigos in tho ton-iagc of each railroad aro as

follows: Michigan Central lost 573 tons audLake Shore lost l.'JOO ton* (net loss to; system 1.832 tons); Fort Wayne loit2,117 tons ami Pan Handle lost 1,520 tons

(net lo** to the Pennsylvania system 3.073tons); Baltimore and Ohio gained 1,047 tony; undOread Trunk los! 802 tons.The following shows tho quantity of flour, grain

and provision* earned hy Cit vannin roads eait-wardfi'itti Clucaro during the week ended .Satur¬day. January 6. 1883:

cr*la, Provision*,It'll,. Flour, tn.ia of I ton* of

bbl*, 2,000 rs, 2,000 m.

Mtcrilitan Central. 61.557 '¦ 6.HMS I 1,,. Hbor* .' M.llia 11.813 1 8,090Kort Wayne .1 ;-.0.720 1.777 3,5*8Pan Hannie. 3(1,1)70 2,84(1 1,983Halt, and ohio ....| 3.418 I 6.4KS 040iirand Traat.i lo,flo9 3.318 805

Total, weft.11(50,40*) 30.721 I 11:7; 1



~5!U29Compared with the corresponding week of 1882,

Hie f.iiin.iirit for the ail " pool " lines ot lust weekshows an increate of 13,01)3 tons. I,ut the NickelPbtta Lino is reported to have taken hintweek alioiit 0,000 tons. The gains or lossesafaaehoftheatl "po.d'' lines on tho husine** oftho week of last year were as follows: MichiganCentral aniaadBtW lonaBad LaaeShete gained 4,020tons (Bat gain for the Vanderbilt system 4,420tons, or 17 per cent) ; the Fort Wayne gained1.0715 tons, and the Tan Hamil.- gained 070 tons(net gain for the IVnusylvania system 2,052 tons,or 11 per cent; the Baltimore omi Ohio gained3,159 ton*, or 101 Bag cent; and the GrandTrunk pained 1,789 tons, or 52 per cent.The following table shows the comparative ton¬

nage of each railroad in the articles named.flour.gram ami provision*.for th* week ended January0 and tha corresponding ataeh of 1M82:We»lc ended Jan. 6- 1882. 18*3. fdfferenc**.

1,rm. iou*. 12.7'.i') 1 .193 lue. 403lake Hliure, ton*. 12.7IH) 1(5818 lue. 4.02*Kort WaeiiMon*. 7,841 8.414 lue. 1,073Pan llan.Ue. lou*. 7,341 8.320 Inc. 979Halt att.1 Ohio, lou*. 1.331 8.774 Inc. 5.423Oran 1 Trunk, lona. 8,438 0.212 Inc. 1.78S)Total tone by Hll.week 45.030 68,729 In-. 1:1.6ns

T* daj la speculative circles gnat stress was laidniton the tseetaatt aaaaoarttoa made by ourexport*and lui'mi ts November, 1-sL', with November, 1881,which was piinted in this eehutB last Friday.Tor that nioiith the exports of merchandise ex¬

it e.Kd the imports J25,H0O,00O against an excess

for November. !S8i,of only 919.100,000. For theaaaaadiag three yaeaebetota l*'*! theexoeasof ex-

lunts of niereh.iniliMt over imports for the monthof November wa* us follow I: IshO, 835,801,310 ;

1879,908.930,7941 1878, 991^849*989.Stocks were dull and during tho early hours

were seeur.iigly stioiig at lia tunis winchwen- somewhat higher than last night'*li ii a* 1 ligurcs; but thero wore no special feature*developed and utter noon-tune pr,ces began to sag.A small rally oei Hired iluriutj aha last minutes of

baatneea, but prices geaet*lly at tho end were lowerman they were al yeeterdaj 'a dose. Neither la thcBari] advance nor in tho late deena* iu prices is

there any tlgalheanee.OoiamiBaal boadawere eal] moderately eatire,

bat prteee wera steady aftea ¦ deellaa of *e ea thebul* for -1 ¦**. Annexed BBB the closing quotation-:

ma. A»i*i. am. As«ei.cs fe****, ... lea o.i ir, ie i-jj ita ....

C 11.44* Hiii rsj li.c-j ii.i", li s. cir.;* IBM. IM ....

U.M.4>t hoi ooo.. 11 :i v-j Hiv if. *.*ae Si, l**7. 131 ....

U.atalMf rag.. llBaatlBH O.H. ear-B*. tess, isll-.a ti iiM7eou. liuij Hies C.-*-n un Lit ....

pr.aaats.... lo*** 108% Pia H. 110 lil

In Slate bond* I*BBeateo coiupriuiise issue were

Off2*aetd** Arkansas ."id 7s we.<. strong at fullUguie', and the Central Kail load issjio sold up tn 19.; 18. Alabama'!. ClaBI A, sold ;n *,;>, aad NorthCaroUae apeeial taxee at 7*4. Of etty baal alCeeaateree sold (19) al 180, and Chatham (10).1! 1 IO.Tha bunine*.* in railroad b ind aerated more than

.i usual i.umber ol iseaas, but t..-dealings outsideol thc sp. dilative ienues wile BBUtl| Of Krio sec-

t. 1.1 Bonaola thar* aara nestles) tho quotation is86 i" 07, bat lb* faaded Ba Bah] at !>o. Boase,\\ateitowii .itu! Ofdeaabarg Incotnee wein l$ -li's. Canada B*Bth*tB lifts wire steady at 00,New-Tork, Cldeago and Bl. Loins lusts were activeat B71*'af97*ai aad Cheaapeah >and oleo iiiv,K seri, s

H, tren ap *t at Bar's, tha earreney debts hoing oil

'* »t 93*0. 'entral of V'-.v-.Jeiso.v consols were

steuii.v tit loti'j. Ncw-Voiiv Ktaratod Bret* var*

steady at 11**8, aad aaeirapeUtoa inst* wore np :,4at t ?7' j. Sf. Lmis and Iron Mountain 5swere 4 bolter at 75'-.». Kasi rea**vlrajiaia and Georgia laeoaaea di liaad °8to m. Biehaaond and Danvillo Best* rose

j t's, >96% aad tea deaeata es were U higher atdi 'i. i.iiiiisv nie ami Nasbi ills general 0, adraneedfrom RS1* to !>;!,/nj'.. Reehester and I'ntsburgmcuiics were an i per eeal at 4.ri. Cbicaco, St.I,inti', and New-Orleans .".* sold el lOSVaod MutualUnion sinking fninia were off 1 per cent at .74. 84Paul mnl Omaha eonaolt were eaateret I07*y: KockUland*6esold at r~'."):,4, and Milwaukee.Lake8hontimi VVeetern hist* at Oiv<v!»s;'s. VVabaah leeeral9a Itara steady at HO, Kansas l';n iiii- consols were

U lower ai ion. lena aad PaeiSe lirsis, it oGrande division, were active and *t higher at ^I'j.Northern I'ucitic lirsts were strong at 1021**1 lOS1*,and Foil Worth and Denver Inst* were up 1 pi r

cent io 67.lim Suh-Tieasury to-day gained in balance

9818,984, uisfie ap by a coin mon of rf 101.103 lessii currency loss of 1147,719, Th* duy's transae-tious covered) Receipts, 91,228,890; payments,;«D07,t'()ti; enrrenet balance, 8)6,191,903; coin bsl-ance, rf H-,20ii,lo;i. Bonds to ihe amount of $02,-650 wire leiliti'iii, d. ninkuiir the total B*d*BtptloBof bondaol tho 117th and siibsequent calls ut tuisbub-lioasury 940,068,280. Money on cull nt theStock Kxchange rated ttaady at I a B per cent; thoprincipal bimiucrjs was done ut 5 per i cut, but at Blate hour the quotation dropped to 9 per cent. Thednmestloexchanges oa New York at tho placesnamed am qaoted as follows: Savannah, .* dis¬count n> 5H premium: Charleston,** discount to par;Nev Oilcans, conn;.ci, ta! rf 1.7."i./ ^1.50 (liscoiiut,hank par; 8t Lonia, BO cents iliscount; Chicugo,DOeentspremlnm; Uoeton, 17(930 cont* premium.The Cletirlng-Honso statement to-tlay i* as fol¬

low*: Exehaagea, 9120,643,578; balances, 80,300,-007.The Cmted States Treasurer at Washington to¬

day received 9407,000 National hank notes forredemption, laeeoatoflMreceipts weir 9399,857,uud the iutorttal revenue receipts 9883,1418.

'Ibo exports ol' men bundine from this port foi thoweek einilng to-diiy amount to rf7,310,0.: 1. against80,477,500 for the preceding week, and againstto,040,134forthe correaponding week ot ih-*L*.Vet there is no im ic,is-in tho Hiipply of commer¬cial bills, or ratherghey are alleugawod tn advaun,of the Sbipmenl I; so thal they do not appear in thomarket, ra day the terelen emhanasa were meanactive and rates were udvtuii ed. We revise quo-tationa for brnsinaaa aa follows. Hanker*' billa,94 is'i'j and 8-1 84*4 for long und short sterling ro-

speciivtly;5.2278 uud 5.10^ for fra lies; |:4>«j and'.Whi tm reichmarka; 39^* and 40 for guilders.

In London British consiils were steady nt 101 3 16and 101*| for money and necount le.sp.cuvelv.UBttod staten bouds were steady, with the quota¬tions for 44* ifi higher at 116 10-10. Americanrailways were r11 hiaher in snnotithv with jester-

vJS i.TeSfUTK>,i^ ,mt ".-** ****.«- dulL At ParinI iinch 3 perlicnte roae to 70..*.fi ira ur-., a Berlin diJPatch renorii that tl.e Imp-eriil Hank af G_____S_urmg tt. week .ained 14,400.000 niark.-XKVIlia Hom.!; iBaaranee Company of Now""rVt__i__.shea Ita lilty-iiiulh. ___...-a,,_n_,l ,(./,Wu Iinji it appc-aM that ita total nwt. _,...,,.¦!tof7ja_*_-S an.l that nfter SS nc as doC "

enrne. prainiuma *>_.,11.5.8U2 aa.i for a XrVVtoJ^T.tV iToiaud ""¦¦ *317,30fl' ¦.¦WJSde!.l!ir__'."i,C'1 '^fltM Frin Ff ¦*¦¦¦--¦ f'oinpauy BBB

No-ibr. ofmila.. leSl, H& 188S.Third weak in Uee.mb.r....«|0e31_ ^gS jjjgThe receipt., of Hour and Run -_ . _.- .

Atlantic port., .his Oth day _F_t£rj. V/reTP«-M,bi.."sar **>__¦ a. mBMJb:- 'SSS SHU ,» m('.ia. t.u-b. 43,130 1,480 i_S) ?21S2Rye, _u»h. 600 .

*"*° X8'*--*Barley, butti. 11,410 ...... .__*.* j;;^

Int.! tinah. 211,860 10l*..3*_ 34,050 10_/7_5Thefolio.«. ins. were tho rec.ii>-_ and at

aud from Chicago and Milwaukee to-lay :"

i.ooei_n_. ¦.hinm.nt*C.ieago. Bil--k.i. cm__._ muw.._**

Flonr.bbl.. 19,784 2-2,511. 81.070 81761Wheat, limn.... .9.727 3_.9_.. ""aA'tRcj *~VSv.torn. Oii.n.229,715 H.4G0 _40.4_8 *_>;.O.u. baan. 84.718 bono lm.floo 2 umlhie. limn. 9.370 600 2.748_¦B.ney. bush.... 63.871 37,004 28,013 26,'^Total bulb.... 443.406 87,171 .J.V.S. 34,154The; ahowa Mw export, (exclusive of

apeciu) fruin the port of New-York to furonti portsfor tlie week eudin. January I aud liuce the Ue-pinuingo. the year, aa compared with the corre-spouiliiii* periods ofpr.viou. year.

ISM. 188-2. l«a,3For tba woolf. |_.772,61ll 18940.134 17 349MlPreviously reported* 2,.",00,O"o 1.400,000 l.OooW)Total .ince Jan. 1.. $9,2f2.0__. ..7,3.6X3. 88,349,-.,.Estimated.


EUROPEAN FINANCIAL MA BK IE MI.OI.HOK Jan. 9.-12 30 p. m..Atlantic aaa uroat WMtora

llrst mfirtjraire trustees'*. M\; do. .eeoiid mort.fate, 16., ..rle. 41". New York ('antral. 131. Illluot. OnxX.rai. 14* _,: Reading, 'IH3,; Peun.iyli.uta Central, 02 *« New.Yurie. Ontario and Western, 27tg Milwaukee aud tst PaniI OllllU.ill, illl'l.

i.'.MHix. j.h. 9.2:00 tr. rn.Pan.* on.ite thr*.percent rente, at 79 Irani-. 70 centime, for tbe account.les '..., Jan. ri- « imi p. in-Atlantic aud Ore.t Western

first tn.rrrc.ito trustees' certificates, inV; do woo- mort.Kare. \0\i Erle. Iiy Illinola Ceutral. 149: Mllw.ukee andst. Paul common. 110; New-York, Ontario .nd Western27'»,


Lo..!;.)*.. J.n. 8-4 p. m..Paris advice, nuote thro, perrent rente- .1 79 fran*. 85 centime, for tba _a.oo.iit.Bk ku... Ja*. 9.Tho lauioment of the Imperial Bank tt

i.ei man i show, an inert .se in .peela of 14,400,000 nun k*.

Ll-ROPi-A*. MAU!.*..*.MVFnrooi.. Jab. 9.-Bacon. Cumberland Cit. 490.: Rh.rt

Ru, li)o.t. Pork. Primo I.M. 8-1.od: do U'eatorn. 79. Laird,Prime Western. 56 3d. . heeae. American Ch'-ics. «7.r__. Corn,7:ly>U\ for .Mureil old. Turpentine Spirits. 3d Od Provisions-I.ant. 18 .l-l i>er cwt (or American. Broail.tun. -f'orn. 7-HMforoltl .Mixed Western. Wheat. 92_*94ii xe.¦¦ cental for Cal.ifornlec.iib. 9'2il_.:.,05d for Bed Western Mprtn.r >_Odin,oilfor Uta Wintar.

_*].o reeeliit. of wheat for past three daya wera **5.00<)centals, including 2H..'.uo A ineriean.

LO.-DO... Jan. y.""-Dlrite Turpentine. i_fl'9d CalcnttaI.inseeti. 4l<vi oer ananer. Lliueeo Oil. __21 10 »_"'_1 D',per tun. Tallow 40/ per cwt KeOned Pt. .lenin, evilvf_.ii. oer gall.

IlAVur. J .a 9.wuoox'a Lard eloisa at tw traoc. 25centime, oer 60 kilos.AMWKkr. Jan. 10 franc. 24 centime, for

Vin.-Pale Amerle.n pata and 19 franc. 'ii centime. seuers.Win ni'. Lard. i.M ii ano. 00 centime, per 100 kilo*.

lin hm*: Jan. 8.Petroleum. 7 mark. 45 Dieu airs. WU.cox'. Lard e)o«ed at 50 mark. 00 pfennig, uer 110 kiioe.


TOTAL RECEIPT- OF PRODUCEPtrNorlA Kiter. I M tis OMA lt tUro sis.

Naw*. '.a. Tucdar. Jae. 9. 188S.15 FHeeal.!)'«« 600 Lard. te.... 1,609

160 Oroaoa, pm* 32M laini. len. 1 -*"_»047 <.____. b'_;a 1,218 lintier.p _. R.ani45 MMe., No.. 044 ¦Cheaao.p'k. 8,H_1

|,8f_ Hidea, bal*. 717 I) Hoaa.No. fl iaHS Hop., baie. 71 Klee, par... 129

1,197 ulg. 2,i'!t8i Ricec'Ubn *-.)48.1 I.e_r_'r. «_1» 1 ..'.)l_ *..rar. .ih n 167705 Mo... bale. vi) Hugar, bbl. 74 bbl*. 21.6,0 M'1' 1.4H.) _yrii|i, WiIh. 10OM.-il.rn.!. 260 CTarp,bb_- 1531 Hkin.. oXien 8

CMeal.b'n 80: Bp Tor bbla 308; ht.rcb. pk. 1,250Wheat. bublOD.5001 Oil, bbl.. 38 ! Hfrlne, pk*. 19< rr ,ti« l 4'.875 Olli.-akepk. 06 Tallow.p'k* 13»O.t..bu.b.. 45,130: O.L'br, bbl. 110 Tli.'co.lida 78Malt, liu.U. .i.a.Hj Hork. pkg*. 1,220 T'ba'oo.p'k. H9Barlov. H.250 Beef. pkgi. 289 Whl'k'y. bl. 140Pen. bn.b. 2.544 0*tm*t-, pk. ..,848 Wool, balaa._74

GENERAL MARKET REPORT.New-York. Tuesday. Jan. 9, .883.

ASHBB Ouiet bat steady; Pot., BJmu Pearls. 6-V.Uh...siWA.v: Kimi, with amati offering.; southern .nd

Wt-stern. 'Mlu 33c., aa to quality..'il id'O RY.Unchanged.... -lA-Dull | <!u.ya<iull, IS _¦ Ile.; Maracaibo. 26c.; St,

Domingo. J%_COTTON._»|iot I'otton quiet, .featly and unchange.'. sale*.

.-74 bale., all lor _|.luulug. Detlferedoo c-intiacta, 400 bale..llf.'.-nii- at the |H>ita to-day. 10,491 nala., again*, .ni milbait. Ulla day laat w,«k. and lii.0.-.7 balea last year, wuce-eui. r 1, :;.75;i.r>_ri. bales, again.' I,-__,_6_ Mine ii.ti.kIlast aeMoa. Ml.ttiung tuianda, lui-c. Low Mt.ll.lng ito.,_Hi|aCi Pee il Orviiiiary. 81*140. Futures nnatirateiy active,i.i-iug stemiv alan aovuice ol 7 t. il points . mitt. 92,.ix)

lisle., l'ri.eapald.January, io.i-sd lu .1 I'ebni.iy, lu 00Jiu.l Mann, to.-'.'-10.__r, April. lU.K5aiO.4D; May, 10.4HBlO.rtl Juke, _B.liaia.7li July. in. Auguft,lo."-s»l<i.'_i7. 1 losing pricer.January. i<) ">('« 10.IO F.brii.ary. 10.10; March. Fo.2tf-.10.80 April. 10.44 c. U 1.46; Hay,I0._.l.»_i.6.' June, lo..Lil ,72; July, lo.bJai...f>4, August.10. -'. Trnni/orablu ortiora, 10.10fil'il.Disi; .. .vf tiKi al--common Brick are trragalar

ami iiml: Pale remain firm; Lime, Lath ami ('erneut st._t_y;1.limiter iiitalerately a.'tlT.-. i-nnmun lian*. Brick., 18 'OartOo.Lg Pale, HT'nl-i Ccuieni, lilli); Lath.*j 4o#s>2-i..; 1lockland Lima, lllolor <'.uiriiou, and ll 20tor _*_B.e____fi -lute. n't--.*!, ami ll l<m>l 16.raapectlrely K.iatornSpruce Lumber, |IO_r*l») for Random,uih'^1.' .... J.n lor rspeclai. White and Yellow Pine l.uji-bar aud ilai.iwoo.1. quiet, Mall, slow ul 13 05 uer keg fur loh. GOL

1 1 muru nia___*j.i\i.-au giu.le. and descrintions wera duli, and yet a

burly ateady tune is tepoi te- throughout. Anthracite tjnotecl.1 vi'J '_>) l>.*.. Liverpool Hon-e caniiel,$l li tin. Gas. 18:No*T.a_i.e ilo. .iud, |37J'(Jlr tk-O-Ch -'temn, |3 T5;,

.in., ti) ld t-H, Cumberlanil amt. learUeldua.. 14 76 a!.. un.

( iitU'Klt.vOK ..TOCKS-Ilootn are easy. Imt otherwisetin- ttine ls .teatly ami a moderate traile 1* leian ted

'ir i' il. ..iMt, mo buner at Bc. foi' lair, ilemaudlm-pioiiiig; sale.. 600 tag. ex Catherine. 100 pf ex 1 arneHeckle, '.'il h\ Cyphieue* nu private tenn.. Options highei;

... nagi .Maiirh. '..-.-c 2.500 May, Oc.r Ititi dv>.. tuc.2.11 June, lioi and OOO Benteui-ier, O.-..).-.; Jai.u.ry, _>._>_.___»(.00,and rVuvu.iry, 5.7..a3-".. bid, Mlid axatl.-at!i!ii iteiirnnd fair Mle*. 1,OOO big. Maracaibo and 300 a. JMiviu.lil.i mi innate kruu, t-avaunia t|uoievl 7*13-:; Mara-hi tm. 7. tl -j.-.

DBOOB, Ac.Trade generally quiet and Kngll.h tbemlcala ami iiuinlne rainer weak, guouuon. lot..'.I.I el ill Millie CaSt'S. ODllllll. 14 25 IB JOblllng lotti...i.iiine. fl nil lo. DeaaaaMfli oil Peoperiinnt In till. VJ iii

_4Mla -tah. ll on a?l 66; bal .--'.a. ll 07>9«1 l'J>.iCaustic "soda. *_ 1_ .->«- 16 (or '," pei ___tj BleachingPowdar, |1 17 all 20; camphor, _---_i_c in bbls.j Ba_aa_iToni. |4Sit4i.e.. do. Copavla, 4hs ./.'.H.- Texas Miiake Hoot,I 7 a IM'.: fiei.liau, 15_p1imi.i ."sei.e.'a. 4 lrf4tV. for Weatem and

lol SMllllll.lU Iflnseng, ll in ntl Ht.FEUTILi/Kits -Kalull Hun. Bone and Muriate of Pot.

.sh, it-eak; ileiiiand on tue whole only motin ute: Mandatel'uia.h, 1174 per owt. for bo per cent j __aiuit n bolt».*. .;. per i»n, ttroUii.t Hone, $.._. _-*¦:,.._ :.,i per ton; Bonalll_a-k. +24 ti »--'l Soper ton; 1 ls.-..v..l Hum I2i'_ll2). i'h. s-

pliale tiioimd ll.Mk, |12a«12 io; DryMah rscrap, |_d-....ti, BO,rLOUR AMD MRAL-l'LOUK-Market ><r IO.-, better wltti

a ini-n|i:eiii__nd tor eiiori .u.i a lairly actite jobbing tradeIlium.y. Sales, 2-j,i«_. bbl., ol will, h 1 H,b00 bbl.. Were forexport pait for forward delliei v lucludlui; 7,mk) bbl.. CityMm Bx_raatB6 x..r.*-.50 l.-.K) bbls. N... 2. 12 i>.aaa .>o;¦_.-. isl bb... dupeiiino, ll) .n*.<_*j ,".".. i.m'O bbla. I.0W Orad.Kv ira.. $3 .nam 25, 4._tVi bbl.. Winter and "-prlugVVlie.t. Kxtra. mainly within the lanae, trill) .x).Qu.HM'oaa Mo. J. Ill LuOWl ;:.>. laucr ax reine,--tu 1..41 u.ic. 13 :i.a*3 75. latter extreme Common toKairli_.itia-.laia. a.l .0«*4 -1 .food lu ran. vd.., $L ,m,Sio.Ci._LUit.Ji lo liood Extra W.-teiu. lo ,n<r+4 40: Oood 14

i. i ce. B4 t.iae?-Ki; Common ui Kxrr. Knuml il,.j

Dino, 13 ..<__4 oo. tiood to cooics ao., il o6««d Uh cola-miiii hlxira MiunMoU, 13 704-14 60: clear, |_ tmati lb. nyeMiii'iie. $4 Te**. 2... Baker.' Extra, xiaftl r.traignt,i. Patent. So 75_lr7 40: .1. la.uri Common to

tali Kxtra. I3 7__i_4 >0; lioc.1 lo Very hot. e. .4 rt ._.*. 75;Patent .vinter Wheat i-xti-a, $5 Toa ST: City Mid Ei tra forWin lmiles. 16 ....C16 .« Mouth Aiaarica. |.-. Miami .'.).I'ateni. In.ina*0J.i;-Bartel uiui. (Jf till.UN IfLOlhilin. 1.1.:, a lim...Tklo evnoit J'fI uiiiu trane demau.t."-.I..-, .:nni I'muiuuii to Oood Extra, 14 '!0<-*$6, Oood ioClinlitV BO lii-*li 50, tuoiudlii. I,w 0 UU a. .01 exiroil forsnuiliein ile.Ue. v. plinne terms.RYE FLO I.'It IrmlyUinl and tuon, aotlre. s._hb, ihhj bbl. ?up«r_ine. |3 35«*S 85... Bi'i'KWHEAT Fl.ot'R in goixl 11| aud nullai *2 iii«|2 nfl, uialnl. fi50*1-00.COBB MEALqinet:riliiiiil sif.uly. r_sle_, 200 bbl*. Biuuitywlue, #.l (K>. quotedtit ..... ».l-.rOi Yellow We.tcrn. $.._--_3 75.FDllKiil.N FHCIT-. lu fair Jnl.'.ilug demand onlv. bnt

iit.tml alisuly ; New Laver Raislua. I- , I.o.Me. #1 is6_**l j»0|V.lentla. rtiafll.-s'.c.; New currant., 6".a5-V-i Turkl.liPrune., .New, tl^t_(iVc: l'«ri*goii. AlmoniJa, I5^*iik-.;

I 1*1 e I. a 41<f 9V v,v,,_^,,^.r, ,v ,- ,. ....... ....,__. _..__- ..

Hales uy auction, O.'.KiO boxes Mesalnn ami Palermo Ontncea,|1 iOmt'i OO and il.ot'l'boxes do., do. Lei..mis fi .6,1*1 50:

him boxea Looea Minu-aiel KmIi-Iii.. ll H7 _#**-. 50O boxe*1 i.ajeis, |9 t-U-BBI 32H). 'Joo bbl-- Ctiirauts, -V-, Wsltimer.nil l IN wura. -Market firm for t-a«Ii lot.; oiitton. 'aa, _imsci|ii. ntir InOXOOtOt tsfm the de-

cliua. uud a.u .i iced "«*V*_ »ml dosed finn al a wade uniier

the hlglit'fii iirie.a *.eiy m.Klerate azpetl .1. uiaud. Ii_rbt ny.Milling bu.siuea* and a larne trade on sp. e account ;

sal*. 2 M.'.iiOfin bush, future, 21ii,otMi i.uili. taah iibre.load. ter. Ity Milling, rcuialuuer for oxi-om. lucluaiug tn

giaal.Hl Wiuierlted at linc.*|1 I*>;\o. J _"ts51.. !_2Ii uo.**, BtaaoSnke^LllfciJij^fyammhs, __».<_¦)


Tvro-,owe.i -state. »o*S_e --o. 2 « au-d-, fi.... _a !..¦*__»*1 .No. 1 Brialit, 1102: Mica, a.loo tinah. 0¦Ira-elU___a_ta, about «JS..". ..BAB LEV MALI guilt. 1* edstate. _«».- '__*_.! Six n._e.l stale. BIMI 10: anada. Bl__lfl lg, all oil acaah basia.COKS-Market unaetled:opening 'a-.*,*", lower, .ub»equenlly ie.-ovenil fi om tue J^ciiue, and advaniod '.c., ilowug -rm at a abado uuvlo'U'-lnalie.l iiuolutlon.i fairly aottra eifoi t and moderate a*)m« tiem.nd, a large ou.lnes. In optlona: sales, A«40.iiotbu.lL future. 14*000 btiah. oaah, __el__i_| tuggedWeisin Mixed at OOsjiTOc. No 3, lil»0.*ae.; MMMixed, W.-HiasjC.; _*o. 3, tiO^SODUC In elev.tor; TaUgl71c runraded White, OOo. delivered , No. 2 Mixed J-CaaaryOM .a'aeiic. closing tH-V-. <io- Kebruary, «ti»-i-v«7,To.. /¦*»»lue 07 V.. do. March. tfOHi'_»«_l»«o.. closing OdV--MM00BOOv:. cloaiiig 60V; nu. Maj. 04<a_i04V.. tLOXLAI