Download - Ministry of Cities National Secretariat for Environmental Sanitation Government of Brazil CONDOMINIAL SYSTEMS A response to the challenge of universal.


Ministry of CitiesNational Secretariat for Environmental SanitationGovernment of Brazil

CONDOMINIAL SYSTEMSA response to the challenge

of universal sanitation

available for download:, developed in partnership between Prof. Jose Carlos Melo and The World Bank

(December 2008)


Developed over the past 30 years to address unmet demand, and motivated by:

1. Sanitation as a basic need

2. Large scope of unmet demand– 2 billion people worldwide without access to sanitation services– 100 million in Brasil

3. Lack of an appropriate model for cities to address large unmet demand in a flexible manner, with reduced investment ability, and various urban contexts

The condominial model is not restricted to urbanized or planned areas

It aims at starting from different existing realities of urban occupation: suburban or favelas, neighborhoods without access

to services

What does “Condominial” mean?

An agglomeration of houses or lots located in close proximity forming an “island surrounded by streets”

In practical terms, usually characterized by homogeneity in structures and urban services, as well as socio-economic conditions of families

Can describe both poor and wealthy areas

Condominial sewers

Network of sewers that service a condominial settlement

Strives to be the most appropriate and efficient network given different topographical conditions or settlement patterns

– Includes innovative condominial arterials– Do not follow traditional layout– Location of arterials decided by users– Connected to trunk sewers

…in planned neighborhoods

…in un-planned neighborhoods

Traditional vs. Condominial systems

Condominial sewerage systems represent approx 50% savings in terms of:

•materials•extension of networks•installation

Condominial water systems represent approx 20% savings

The Brazilian Experience...Many cities have incorporated condominial sewerage and water systems

– Rio Grande do Norte– Pernambuco– Bahia– Rio de Janeiro– Brasília– Pará

...these systems provide service to all sectors of the population