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Mining and Analyzing Social Media

HICSS 45 Tutorial – Part 1

Dave King

January 4, 2012

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Copyright 2011 JDA Software Group, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL

Agenda: This is how the slides are organized


• Part 1

– Introduction – Bio, Resources, Social Media

– Data Mining – Processes and Example

– Text Mining – General Processes and Example

– Predicting the Future – The Portmanteaus

• Part 2

– Sentiment Analysis

– Social Network Analysis - Introduction

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Copyright 2011 JDA Software Group, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL

Biography: Dave King

• Currently, EVP of Product Development

and Management at JDA Software

• 30 years in enterprise package

software business

• 15 years as university professor

• 14 years as Co-Chair of the Internet &

Digital Economy Track (HICSS)

• Long time interest in various aspects of

E-Commerce & Business Intelligence

• Tutorial topic primarily reflects a

personal interest and tangentially a

job(s) related interest.

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Personal Experiences with Analytics

• Taught applied statistics, math modeling & mathematical sociology

• In software R&D for 30 years – Optimization in the 80s

– Natural Language Frontends • NLI Query & CMU Robotics Lab

– EIS Competitive Analysis • Dow Jones and Reuters

• Verity Topics

• NewsAlert

– InXight’s Hyperbolic Tree

– Supply Chain Analytics

• In the case of text analysis and it’s practical application, often

audiences have been small, bewildered, and fleeting

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Mining and Analytics Resources


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Mining and Analytics Resources


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Mining and Analytics Resources


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Mining and Analytics Resources


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Mining and Analytics Resources: Web Sites, Online Books & Tutorials


• DM/Blog --

• DM/Blog –

• DM/Blog --

• DM/Blog --

• DM/Blog –

• DM/Blog --

• DMBlog –

• DM/Blog --

• DM/Blog --

• DM/Blog --

• DM/General --

• DM/General --

• DM/General --

• DM/Online Book --

• DM/Tutorial --

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Mining and Analytics Resources: Web Sites, Online Books & Tutorials


• TA/General --

• TA/General --

• TM/Blog --

• TM/Blog --

• TM/Blog --

• TM & TA/Blog --

• TA Tutorial --

• TM & DM/Online Book --

• TM & DM/Tutorial --

• TM Tutorial --

• TM/Wiki --

• SNA/Blog –

• SNA/Blog –

• SNA/Blog –

• SNA/Blog –

• SNA/Tutorial --

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Mining and Analytics Resources: Web Sites, Online Books & Tutorials


• DA/Blog –

• DA/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog --

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

• Visualization/Blog –

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Social Media Defined

Marta Kagan

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Social Media Defined: …Sort of …


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Social Media Defined: Actually, it’s 33 Definitions

1. Media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable

communication techniques.

2. Various user-driven (inbound marketing) channels (e.g., Facebook, Twitter,

blogs, YouTube).

3. Most transparent, engaging and interactive form of public relations

4. What we do and say together, worldwide, to communicate in all direction at

any time, by any possible (digital) means.

5. New marketing tool that allows you to get to know your customers and

prospects in ways that were previously not possible.

6. Platforms that enable the interactive web by engaging users to participate in,

comment on and create content as means of communicating

7. Consists of any online platform or channel for user generated content.

8. Digital content and interaction that is created by and between people.

9. Shift in how we get our information. Social media allows us to network, to find

people with like interests, and to meet people who can become friends or


10. Platforms for interaction and relationships, not content and ads.

11. Online platforms and locations that provide a way for people to participate in

these conversations.

12. People’s conversations and actions online that can be mined by advertisers

for insights but not coerced to pass along marketing messages.

13. Tools, services, and communication facilitating connection between peers

with common interests.

14. Online technologies and practices that people use to share content, opinions,

insights, experiences, perspectives, and media themselves.

15. Ever-growing and evolving collection of online tools and toys, platforms and

applications that enable all of us to interact with and share information.

Increasingly, it’s both the connective tissue and neural net of the Web.

16. Reflection of conversations happening every day, whether at the supermarket,

a bar, the train, the watercooler or the playground.

17. Online text, pictures, videos and links, shared amongst people and


18. Not one thing. It’s five distinct things:

19. Digital, content-based communications based on the interactions enabled by a

plethora of web technologies

20. Collection of online platforms and tools that people use to share content,

profiles, opinions, insights, experiences, perspectives and media itself,

facilitating conversations and interactions online between groups of people.

21. Platform/tools.

22. Act of connecting on social media platforms.

23. How businesses join the conversation in an authentic and transparent way to

build relationships.

24. The notion that social media is about the technology that facilitates individuals

and groups of people to connect and interact, create and share.

25. Any of a number of individual web-based applications aggregating users who

are able to conduct one-to-one and one-to-many two-way conversations.

26. Media channel that relies on listening and conversation, as opposed to a

monologue, to get your point across, make a connection and build a


27. Social media is all about leveraging online tools that promote sharing and

conversations, which ultimately lead to engagement with current and future

customers and influencers in your target market.

28. Social media: Evolution, Revolution and Contribution -by the ability of

everybody to share and contribute as a publisher

29. Social media is communication channels or tools used to store, aggregate,

share, discuss or deliver information within online communities.

30. Social Media is simply another arrow to be shot in a company’s marketing


31. Social media platforms make it easier to share information–usually online.

32. Any object or tool, that connects people in dialogue or interaction — in

person, in print, or online.

33. Wild, Wild West of Marketing, with brands, businesses, and organizations

jostling with individuals to make news, friends, connections and build

communities in the virtual space.


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Social Media Defined: If a Picture isn’t

worth a 1000 words, then …


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Social Media Defined


Online technologies and practices

for social interaction

enabling the sharing of opinions, insights,

experiences, perspectives and media itself

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Social Media Defined: Categories


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Social Media Defined: Unanimous Agreement


Marta Kagan

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Social Media is Huge: Users


200 Million: Twitter

100 Million: LinkedIn

750 Million: Facebook

Marta Kagan

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Social Media is Huge!


If Facebook

were a country,

it would be the

3rd largest in

the world

Marta Kagan

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Social Media Data: Research Opportunity


“Every day, Twitter

generates more

social network

data than the

entire field of SNA

possessed 10

years ago.”

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Social Media is Huge:

Usage and Content


Name Name

(Symbol) (Symbol)

kilobyte (kB) 3 kibibyte (KiB) 210 = 1.024 × 103

megabyte (MB) 6 mebibyte (MiB) 220 ≈ 1.049 × 106

gigabyte (GB) 9 gibibyte (GiB) 230 ≈ 1.074 × 109

terabyte (TB) 12 tebibyte (TiB) 240 ≈ 1.100 × 1012

petabyte (PB) 15 pebibyte (PiB) 250 ≈ 1.126 × 1015

exabyte (EB) 16 exbibyte (EiB) 260 ≈ 1.153 × 1018

zettabyte (ZB) 21 zebibyte (ZiB) 270 ≈ 1.181 × 1021

yottabyte (YB) 24 yobibyte (YiB) 280 ≈ 1.209 × 1024

10**N Value

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Social Media Data: Part of a Bigger Picture


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Social Media Data:

Ways in big data is creating value


• Makes information

transparent and usable at

much higher frequency.

• Provides more transactional

data in digital form, that can

be used to improve

performance across the


• Allows ever-narrower

segmentation of customers to

tailor products or services.

• Improves decision-making

through sophisticated.

• Improves the development of

the next generation of

products and services

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Data Mining: Defined


Discovering meaningful

patterns from large data

sets using pattern

recognition technologies.

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Data Mining: CRISP-DM

Data Consolidation

Data Transformation

Data Cleaning

Data Reduction





Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining











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Data Mining: General Data Assumptions





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Data Mining: Example


Affinity Analysis

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Data Mining: Example

1. Market Basket Analysis: Items for Sale:

Apples Bananas Cherries

2. Possible Transactions: With one item or a collection of items selected as

the Driver or Independent Variable

3. Objective is to empirically determine those groups of items that occur

frequently together in a set of transactions, producing a set of rules of the

form X -> Y.


1 A B

2 A C

3 A B C

4 B A

5 B C

6 B A C

X Y No

7 C A

8 C B

9 C A B

10 A B C

11 A C B

12 B C A


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Data Mining: Example


Standard Market Basket Measures:

Support: Rule’s coverage (% match antecedents)

N(X & Y)/ N(T) Example: N(A & B)/ N(T) = 2/7 = 29%

Confidence: Rule’s predictive ability (% consequent | antecedent)

N(X & Y)/ N(X) Example: N(A & B)/ N(A) = 2/4 = 50%

Lift: Predictive improvement (ratio of observed support for X&Y to support if X& Y

independent -- S(XuY)/S(X)S(Y) Example: (2 x7)/(4/7)(5/7) = .7 or 70%

Transaction ID Items

1 Apple

1 Banana

1 Cherry

2 Apple

3 Banana

3 Cherry

4 Banana

4 Cherry

5 Apple

5 Banana

6 Apple

6 Banana

7 Apple

7 Cherry

8 Apple

8 Banana

9 Apple

9 Banana

9 Cherry

10 Apple

10 Banana

1 1 1 1

2 1 0 0

3 0 1 1

4 0 1 1

5 1 1 0

6 1 1 0

7 1 0 1

8 1 1 0

9 1 1 1

10 1 1 0

Sum 8 8 5

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Data Mining: Example


Rule selection usually based

on minimum support & confidence

No N(XuY) N(T) S(XuY) N(X) Conf N(Y) S(X) S(Y) Lift Rule

1 A B 6 10 60% 8 75% 8 80% 80% 94% Ok

2 A C 3 10 30% 8 38% 5 80% 50% 94%

3 A B C 2 10 20% 8 25% 4 80% 40% 78%

4 B A 6 10 60% 8 75% 8 80% 80% 117% Ok

5 B C 4 10 40% 8 50% 5 80% 50% 125%

6 B A C 2 10 20% 8 25% 3 80% 30% 104%

7 C A 3 10 30% 5 60% 8 50% 80% 150%

8 C B 4 10 40% 5 80% 8 50% 80% 200% Ok

9 C A B 2 10 20% 5 40% 6 50% 60% 133%

10 A B C 2 10 20% 6 33% 5 60% 50% 111%

11 A C B 2 10 20% 3 67% 8 30% 80% 278%

12 B C A 2 10 20% 4 50% 8 40% 80% 156%



Min. Support 40%

Min. Confidence 75%

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Data Mining: Simple Example

But, what if the baskets were described in the

following manner:

– Jane bought a handful of maraschinos and a couple of

granny smiths.

– Harold purchased a bag of appls and 2 bananas.

– Bill paid for a pound of cherries but decided not to buy

the three durians because of their odor.

How could we automate the analysis?

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Social Media Data:


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Social Media Data: Commonality?


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Text Mining: Defined


Using data mining to discover patterns

in a collection of documents

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Text Mining: CRISP-Like Processes












Corpus Refinement

(Token, Stem, Stop…)

Establish the


Feature Selection

& Weighting




Text Data



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Text Mining Process: Sample Corpa

• Brown Corpus – first million word corpus compiled in 60s at

Brown U., 500 samples across 15 genres, each ~2000 words with

POS tags (Lancaster-Oslo-Bergen Corpus – British equivalent)

• Linguistic Consortium Treebanks – collections of manually

tagged and parsed (tree structures) of sentences from a variety of

sources (includes well-known Penn Treebank collection)

• Reuters 21578, RCV1 & V2, TRC2 -- collections (1000s of)

Reuter’s English & multi-lingual news stories classified into topics and

grouped into training & test sets

• Pang & Lee’s Sentiment Analysis – 1000 positive and 1000

negative movie reviews

• MEDLINE – An extensive collection of articles and abstracts

(18M+) used in a variety of biomedical and linguistic text mining


• WordNet® -- large lexical database of English grouped into sets of

cognitive synonyms (synsets) and interlinked by means of

conceptual-semantic and lexical relations.

• 20 Newsgroups -- collection of approximately 20,000 newsgroup

documents, partitioned (nearly) evenly across 20 different

newsgroups each representing a different topic.

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Text Mining Process: Corpus Refinement

• Tokenization —Parse the text to generate terms. Sophisticated

analyzers can also extract phrases from the text.

• Normalize — Convert them to lowercase.

• Eliminate stop words — Eliminate terms that appear very often (e.g.

the, and, …).

• Stemming — Convert the terms into their stemmed form—remove

plurals and different word forms (e.g. achieve, achieves, achieved –

achiev) [note: word about synonyms – WordNet Synset]

Tokenization Normalize Eliminate

Stop Words Stemming

Common representation of tokens within and between documents

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Text Mining: Feature Extraction & Weighting



Vector Representation ->

Word, Term, Token or Pairs-Triplets

x Doc Matrix

“Bag of Words, Terms 

or Tokens”

Words or Tokens are

attributes and documents

are examples

Token1 Token2 Token3 Token4 …

Doc1 1 2 2 4

Doc2 4 2 3 0

Doc3 1 1 1 0

Doc4 1 1 1 2

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Text Mining: Transforming Frequencies

• Binary Frequencies: tf =1 for tf>0; otherwise 0

• Term Frequencies: tf(i,j)/Sum of tf(i,j) in Doc K

• Log Frequencies: 1 + log(tf) for tf>0; otherwise 0

• Normalized Frequencies: Divide each frequency by SQRT of Sum of Squares of the frequencies within the vector (column)

• Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency – TF * IDF

– Inverse Document Frequency: log(N/(1+D)) where N is total number of docs and D is number with term

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Text Mining: Simple Example


Listening Post is an art installation by Mark

Hansen and Ben Rubin that culls text

fragments in real time from thousands of

unrestricted Internet chat rooms, bulletin

boards and other public forums.

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Text Mining: Simple Example


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Text Mining: Simple Example


Blogs “I feel”

“I’m feeling”


10 Mins


1 of 5000





Per Day















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Text Mining: Simple Example










Query Result <?xml version="1.0" ?>


<feeling imageid="-



sentence="i feel almost 100 better

aside from that weird sandy feeling in

my throat"






gender="0" country="united states"

state="maine" city="richmond"

lat="44.091522" lon="-69.801787"

conditions="4" />

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Text Mining: Simple Example

• i'm done believing you don't know what i'm feeling

• i feel so out of place

• i'm feeling healthy

• i never feel down when i'm with her

• i love the feeling

• i feel like i've been run over by a truck

• i feel so positive today

• i feel like a poor man's pin up girl


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Text Mining: Simple Example

• Input String (128925 chars; 24282 spaces) – "i have found to be helpful especially during those times when i am feeling

discouraged\ni have a 50km commute and just the lack of the sense of freedom that driving brings just leaves me feeling scared\ni seem to be feeling better mostly…"

• Tokenize (26465 tokens) – ['i', ', 'have', 'found', 'to', 'be', 'helpful', 'especially', 'during', 'those', 'times', 'when', 'i',

'am', 'feeling', 'discouraged', 'i', 'have', 'a', '50km', 'commute', 'and', 'just', 'the', 'lack', 'of', 'the', 'sense', 'of', 'freedom', 'that', 'driving', 'brings', 'just', 'leaves', 'me', 'feeling', 'scared', 'i', 'feel', 'noone', 'know', 'if', 'you', 'were', 'me', 'you', 'will', 'feel', 'the', 'same', 'way‘, …]

• Set of Tokens (3045 distinct tokens) – ["'", "'believe", "'d", "'en", "'encoding", "'feedlinks", "'forever", "'gets", "'http",

"'ismobile", "'isprivate", "'item", "'languagedirection", "'ll", "'locale", "'ltr", "'m", "'mefaked", "'mobileclass", "'mr", "'no", "'okay", "'on", "'pagetitle", "'pagetype", "'re", "'s", "'t", "'toned", "'url", "'us", "'utf", "'ve", "'yes", '0', '034', '039', '0aeverytime', '0d', '10', '100', '101',…]

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Text Mining: Simple Example

Corpus Word Length Sentence Length Lexical Diversity

We Feel Fine 4 17 8

Gutenberg Corpus

Austen-persuasion.txt 4 23 16

Bible-kjv.txt 4 33 79

Blake-poems.txt 4 18 5

Carroll-alice.txt 4 16 12

Melville-moby.txt 4 24 15

Milton-paradise.txt 4 52 15

Shakespeare-caesar.txt 4 12 8

Shakespeare-hamlet.txt 4 13 7

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Text Mining: Simple Example

• Eliminate Stopwords (175 words - 'a', 'about', 'above', 'after', …) – Set of tokens (12827) with stopwords eliminated ['ab', 'abit', 'able', 'abs',

'absolute', 'absolutely', 'absorb', 'abuse', 'accomplished', 'accomplishment', 'achieve', 'achieved', 'across', 'acted', 'action', 'activities', 'activity', 'actually', 'acura', 'add', …]

– Content (11896 or 45% of tokens not stopwords – 4053 with tokens starting with apostrophes and #s eliminated )

• Stemming – Stemmed tokens (11896) ['abdomen', 'abdul', 'abil', 'abl', 'abrupt', 'absolut',

'abstract', 'academ', 'accept', 'accid', 'accomplish', 'accur', 'accus', 'accustom', 'achi', 'achiev', 'acknowledg', 'across', 'action', 'activ‘…]

– Set of tokens in stemmed content(2283) ['abdomen', 'abdul', 'abil', 'abl', 'abrupt', 'absolut', 'abstract', 'academ', 'accept', 'accid', 'accomplish', 'accur', 'accus', 'accustom', 'achi', 'achiev',…]

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Text Mining: Simple Example

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Text Mining: Simple Example


Sum 416 94 90 89 83 80 80 76 76 75 … 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

Sum WeFeel like know time go think better way get good love … hear didn place almost comfort everyonsinc babi actual

3 comment1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 comment2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 comment3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 comment4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 comment5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 comment6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 comment7 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 comment8 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 comment9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 comment10 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

… …

2 comment1490 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 comment1491 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 comment1492 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 comment1493 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 comment1494 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 comment1495 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 comment1496 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 comment1497 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 comment1498 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 comment1499 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Document-Term Matrix

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Text Mining: Simple Example

Madness Murmerings Montage

Mounds Metrics Mobs

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Collective, macroscopic

trends which can be

scientifically inferred by

harnessing publicly

accessible data from

the Internet.

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Prediction: Characteristics





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Prediction: Sources


What we surf

Whom we “friend”

What we say

Where we go

What we buy

How we play

Easily accessible digital traces:

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Prediction: Sample Studies


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Prediction: Sample Studies





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Prediction: Infodemiology


Information + Epidemiology:

Science of distribution and

determinants of information

in an electronic medium,

specifically the Internet, or

in a population, with the

ultimate aim to inform public

health and public policy

Coined by Gunther Eysenbach, Univ. of Toronto

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Prediction: Infodemiology A Major Application - Practical


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Prediction: Infodemiology A Major Application - Practical



Regional, Weekly Syndromic Surveillance

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Prediction: Infodemiology An Alternative Approach


Text Mining of Worldwide Newswires, Web Sites

and Various Offline Reports

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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Aggregate Search Data

Monitoring and analyzing

queries from Internet search

engines or peoples' status

updates on microblogs for

syndromic surveillance to

predict disease outbreaks


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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Aggregate Search Data


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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Aggregate Search Data


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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Aggregate Search Data



Variable at

Time t













Index or





b0 + b1 + b2 + e


Variable at

Time t - n





+ b3

Standard Linear Prediction Model

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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Aggregate Search Data

“Detecting Influenza Epidemics Using Search

Engine Query Data” (Ginsberg et. al.), 2/19/09

• Aggregating historical logs of search queries

from 2003-2008, computing weekly time series

• Logit(P) = b0 + b1 * logit(Q) + e

– P – percentage of ILI physician visits

– Q – query fraction 45 highest influenza queries

• r is between .80-.96 for 9 regions


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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Aggregate Search Data


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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Aggregate Search Data


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Prediction: Infodemiology A Similar Application


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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Tweets



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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Tweets


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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Tweets

“Nowcasting Events from the Social Web

with Statistical Learning,” Lampos and

Cristianini, ACM IS&T, 9/11

• Text analysis of 50M tweets for 3 regions of UK

from 6/09-4/10 (303 days)

• HPA weekly reports of GP consultations with ILI

diagnosis correlated with number of “hybrid


• Average “r” of .911 71

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Prediction: Infodemiology A Major Application – Text Analysis


Tokens Lower



Words Stems












50M Tweets

3 Region UK, 6/09-4/10



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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Tweets





BoLasso - Bootstrap LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator

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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Tweets


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Prediction: Infodemiology Utilizing Tweets


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Now + Forecasting:

Predicting the present

by analyzing large

volumes of data that

can be used to

"forecast" current

events for which

official analysis has

not been released

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Prediction: Nowcasting Weather Envy


Within the next 6 hours …

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Prediction: Sample Studies with Search


Authors Date (Mnth-Year) Dependent Variables Explanatory Variables Model Results

Song, Pan, Ng Apr-10 Weekly Hotel Bookings in

Charleston, SC

Indexed Search Volumes from

Google Trends/Insights Jan

2008-Aug 2009

Log of Room Nights for Log of Search

Volumes - Charleston, Travel Charleston,

Charleston Hotels, Charleston

Restaurants, Charleston Tourism

Test various statistical models; all gave

reasonable forecasts. Best fit model

was Autoregressive Distributed Lag

(ADLM) with a lag period of 6 weeks.




Apr-10 Year-on-Year Growth Rate

of Monthly US Real

Private Consumption,

ALFRED db of Fed Rsrv of

St. Louis

220 Google Trend/Insights

Search terms related to Priv

Consumption reduced to 10

principal components for

montly periods from Jan 2005

to Dec 2009

Y-o-Y monthly URPC growth rates for 3

sets of regressors -- Sentiment

(consumer sentiment and confidence);

Financial (short term and long term

interest rates and S&P 500); Query

(combinations of principal components of

query terms)

Query term principal components

outperform standard Sentiment and

Financial Indicators. A combination of

two of the factors work best -- those

related to mobility and health care


Choi, Varian Apr-09 US Census Bureau

Advance Monthly Retail

Sales (general and

specific) and Travel

(Visitor arrival in Hong


Google Trend/Insight query

indices for categories and

subcategories related to retail

sales (general and specifix)

and related to Travel

Google Trend indices for query

subcategories related to (log values) of

overall monthly retail trade (NAICS

categories), automotive sales, home

sales and travel.

Simple seasonal AR models and fixed-

effects models that includes relevant

Google Trend variables tend to

outperform models that exclude these

variables. In some cases small gains, in

other substantial.



Q2-11 Official monthly

unemployment data and

housing price growth in

the UK from June 2004-Jan


Google Trend/Insight query

indexes for the term "Job

Seekers Allowance (JSA)" for

unemployment and "Estate

Agents" for housing

For unemployment, linear AR model

with query term, claimant count, and GfK

consumer confid. as exp vars; for housing

price growth with query term, Home

Builders and Royal Instit. of Chartered

Surveyors price growth balances as exp


For unemployment forecasts, claimant

count strongest followed by query term.

For housing prices, the query term was

much stronger than HBF and RICS data.

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Prediction: Sample Studies with Social Media


Authors Date (Mnth-Year) Dependent


Explanatory Variables Model Results



Mar-10 Box-office

revenues for (24)


Promotion tweets-retweets for a particular movie,

tweet rates for particular movie per hour, ratio of

positive to negative sentiments for the movie

Regression of 1st weekend box

office revenues by promotional

tweets-retweets, by tweet rates

vs. Hollywood Stock Exchange

prices, and 2nd weekend

revenues by tweet rates and the

sentiment ratio.

Promotional tweets are weakly

correlated 1st weekend revs. Tweet

rates are very strongly correlated

(min .9) and a stronger predictor than

HSX. Finally, tweet rates are strongly

correlated with 2nd weekend

revenues and sentiments improve

the forecasts slightly.

Gruhl, Guha,

Kumar, Novak,


Aug-05 Amazon Sales

Rank for 2340

bestselling books

in 4 month period

(Jul 2004-Aug

2004) and spikes

in these sales


Number of mentions of the book/author in over 300K

blogs whose postings that were maintained by IBM's

WebFountain project (over 200K postings/day)

Cross correlation of time series

for sales rank and mentions.

While sales rank is a poor predictor of

the change in sales rankings, a prior

spike in mentions predicts quite well

a future spike in sales rank.




Aug-09 Movie critic

ranking, user

ranking, 2008

gross sales,

weekly box office

sales (weeks 1-5)

Basic features that count movie references in blogs,

count movie references taking into account ranking

and indegree of the blogs where they appear,

consider only references made within a time window

before or after a movie release date, features that

consider positive sentiment; and combinations of

these. References based on blog data

set 11/07-11/08

Linear regression for weekly

rankings and sales data by blog

references and sentiment.

Minimal correlation between

rankings and references and

sentiment. Strong correlation

between references and gross sales

but week with sentiment. Strongest

relationships with timing of

references in weeks after release.

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Prediction: Any Guesses?


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Prediction: Idiom, a Sculpture of 10s of 1000s of Books


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Prediction: It comes in many Shapes but not Sizes



Gravity Mixer

Book Cell

Matej Krén

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Prediction: Culturnomics


Culture + Genomics:

Application of high-

throughput data

collection and analysis

to the study of human


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Prediction: Culturomics


“Quantitative Analysis of Culture Using

Millions of Digitized Books,” Science, 12/16/10.

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Prediction: Culturomics 2.0


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Prediction: Culturomics 2.0

• The tone of real-time consciousness reflected in the media can

be used to forecast broad social behavior.

• Combined three massive news archives totaling more than 100

million articles worldwide to explore the global consciousness

of the news media.

• Employs a large shared-memory supercomputer (University of

Tennessee SGI Altix supercomputer Nautilus with 1024

processors and 4-TB of memory)

• Using the tone and location of the reports, (claims to have)

predicted the outcome of the Arab Spring and the location of Bin

Laden within radius of 125 miles


Culturomics 2.0: Forecasting Large-Scale Human

Behavior Using Global News Media Tone in Time

and Space, Kalev Leetaru, 9/11

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Prediction: Culturomics 2.0 Based on Carbon Capture Report


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Prediction: Culturomics 2.0 Based on Carbon Capture Report


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Prediction: Culturomics 2.0 Features of Stories or Tweets

• Tone/Positivity/Negativity. Ratio of + to - tone (-

100 to 100)

• Polarity. Emotional charge (0 to 100)

• Activity. Intensity of "active language" (0 to 100)

• Personalization. Degree to which the writer

attempts to bring the reader into the fold (0 to


• Questions/Exclamations. Tweet tone indicators of

non-word items

• Geocoding. Location of story content


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Prediction: Culturomics 2.0 Features of Stories or Tweets


100M Articles from the:

New York Times (1945-05)

Sum. of Wrld Brdcasts (1979-10)

Google News articles (2006-11)

Sentiment Mining,


Entity Extraction

Nautilus Supercomputer Feature Scores


2.4 Petabyte

Network with over

10M entitles

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Prediction: Culturomics 2.0 Predicting Unrest