Download - Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery for Herniated Disc, Ruptured Disc Spine Surgery in India


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Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery for Herniated Disc,

Ruptured Disc Spine Surgery in India

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What is a herniated cervical disc?

A herniated disc occurs when the gel-like center of your disc ruptures out through a tear in the tough disc wall (annulus). The gel material is irritating to your spinal nerves, causing something like a chemical irritation. The pain is a result of spinal nerve inflammation and swelling caused by the pressure of the herniated disc. Over time, the herniation tends to shrink and you may experience partial or complete pain relief. In most cases, if neck and/or arm pain is going to resolve it will do so in about 6 weeks.

Different terms may be used to describe a herniated disc. A bulging disc (protrusion) occurs when the disc annulus remains intact, but forms an outpouching that can press against the nerves. A true herniated disc (also called a ruptured or slipped disc) occurs when the disc annulus cracks or ruptures, allowing the gel-filled center to squeeze out. Sometimes the herniation is so severe that a free fragment occurs, meaning a piece has broken completely free from the disc and is in the spinal canal. You may have first noticed pain when you woke up, without any traumatic event that might have caused injury. Some patients find relief by holding their arm in an elevated position behind their head because this position relieves pressure on the nerve.

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What are the causes?

Discs can bulge or herniate because of injury and improper lifting or

can occur spontaneously. Aging plays an important role. As you get

older, your discs dry out and become harder. The tough fibrous outer

wall of the disc may weaken, and it may no longer be able to contain

the gel-like nucleus in the center. This material may bulge or rupture

through a tear in the disc wall, causing pain when it touches a nerve.

Genetics, smoking, and a number of occupational and recreational

activities lead to early disc degeneration.

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Herniated Disc Symptoms

Symptoms vary greatly depending on the position of the herniated disc and the size of the herniation. If the herniated disc is not pressing on a nerve, you may experience a low backache or no pain at all. If it is pressing on a nerve, there may be pain, numbness or weakness in the area of the body to which the nerve travels. Typically, a herniated disc is preceded by an episode of low back pain or a long history of intermittent episodes of lowback pain.

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Lumbar spine (lower back): Sciatica frequently results from a herniated disc in the lower back. Pressure on one or several nerves that contribute to the sciatic nerve can cause pain, burning, tingling, and numbness that radiates from the buttock into the leg and sometimes into the foot. Usually one side (left or right) is affected. This pain often is described as sharp and electric shock-like. It may be more severe with standing, walking or sitting. Along with leg pain, you may experience low back pain. Recommend using radiculopathy rather than sciatica since all leg pain isn’t “sciatica”)

Cervical spine (neck): Symptoms may include dull or sharp pain in the neck or between the shoulder blades, pain that radiates down the arm to the hand or fingers, or numbness or tingling in the shoulder or arm. The pain may increase with certain positions or movements of the neck.

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 Diagnosis is made by a neurosurgeon based on your history, symptoms, a physical examination and results of tests, including the following:

• X-ray: Application of radiation to produce a film or picture of a part of the body can show the structure of the vertebrae and the outline of the joints. X-rays of the spine are obtained to search for other potential causes of pain, i.e. tumors, infections, fractures, etc.

• Computed tomography scan (CT or CAT scan): A diagnostic image created after a computer reads X-rays; can show the shape and size of the spinal canal, its contents, and the structures around it.

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• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A diagnostic test that produces 3-D images of body structures using powerful magnets and computer technology; can show the spinal cord, nerve roots and surrounding areas, as well as enlargement, degeneration, and tumors.

• Myleogram: An X-ray of the spinal canal following injection of a contrast material into the surrounding cerebrospinal fluid spaces; can show pressure on the spinal cord or nerves due to herniated discs, bone spurs or tumors.

• Electromyogram and Nerve Conduction Studies (EMG/NCS): These tests measure the electrical impulse along nerve roots, peripheral nerves and muscle tissue. This will indicate whether there is ongoing nerve damage, if the nerves are in a state of healing from a past injury or whether there is another site of nerve compression. .

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Surgery for Cervical Herniated Disc or Ruptured Disc

• Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion (ACDF): The surgeon makes a small incision in the front of your neck. The neck muscles, vessels and nerves are moved aside to expose the bony vertebra and disc. Using special instruments, the portion of the ruptured disc that is pressing on the nerve is removed. After removing the herniated disc, the disc space may be filled with a bone graft or cage to create a fusion. Fusion is the process of joining together bone. Over time the graft will fuse to the vertebra above and below to make one solid piece of bone. Metal plates and screws may be used to provide stability during fusion and possibly a better fusion rate.

• Artificial disc replacement: can be performed during anterior discectomy instead of a fusion. Similar to knee replacement, the artificial disc is inserted into the damaged joint space and preserves motion, whereas fusion eliminates motion. Outcomes for artificial disc compared to ACDF (the gold standard) are similar, but cervical disc replacement preserves motion and perhaps avoids adjacent level disease, but this still remains a hypothesis and is not yet proven.

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• Minimally invasive microendoscopic discectomy: The surgeon makes a tiny incision in the back of the neck. Small tubes called dilators are used with increasing diameter to enlarge a tunnel to the vertebra. A portion of the bone is removed to expose the nerve root and disc. The surgeon uses either an endoscope or a microscope to remove the ruptured disc. This technique causes less muscle injury than a traditional discectomy.

• Posterior cervical discectomy: The surgeon makes a 1-2 inch incision in the back of your neck. To reach the damaged disc, the spinal muscles are dissected and moved aside to expose the bony vertebra. A portion of the bone is removed to expose the nerve root and disc space. The portion of the ruptured disc that is compressing the spinal nerve is carefully removed. The spaces through which the nerve roots exit the spine are usually enlarged to prevent future pinching.

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Post surgery 

Your doctor will give you specific instructions post surgery and usually prescribe pain medication. He or she will help determine when you can resume normal activities such as returning to work, driving and exercising. Some patients may benefit from supervised rehabilitation or physical therapy after surgery. Discomfort is expected while you gradually return to normal activity, but pain is a warning signal that you might need to slow down.

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FAQ - Spine Surgery and Treatment in India

What are the benefits of getting Spine Surgery in India?Spine Hospitals in India are equipped with the most advanced medical treatment. They have the most extensive Spine -diagnostic and imaging facilities including Asia’s most advanced MRI and X-rays technology. Personalized care and attention is provided with value added services besides results of world class standard at a very low cost affordable to all sections of society.

Which is the Best Hospital in India for treatment of Spine?India has not one but many better than the best hospitals for Spine treatment. Mail us your medical report and we will find the hospital most suitable to treat your medicalcondition.

Is it safe to get Spine Treatment and Surgery in India?The medical fraternity in India is famed for excellence, and leads in Spine surgeries. Thousands of Spine operations are performed in India each year with maximum success rate, making the safety obvious.

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FAQ - Spine Surgery and Treatment in India  What are the benefits of getting Spine Surgery in India?Spine Hospitals in India are equipped with the most advanced medical treatment. They have the most extensive Spine -diagnostic and imaging facilities including Asia’s most advanced MRI and X-rays technology. Personalized care and attention is provided with value added services besides results of world class standard at a very low cost affordable to all sections of society.

Which is the Best Hospital in India for treatment of Spine?India has not one but many better than the best hospitals for Spine treatment. Mail us your medical report and we will find the hospital most suitable to treat your medical condition.

Is it safe to get Spine Treatment and Surgery in India?The medical fraternity in India is famed for excellence, and leads in Spine surgeries. Thousands of Spine operations are performed in India each year with maximum success rate, making the safety obvious.

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