Download - Mineral Processing for Non Mets Section 1 V1.2

  • 8/6/2019 Mineral Processing for Non Mets Section 1 V1.2


    Mineral Processing (Extractive Metallurgy)for Non-Metallurgists

    Section 1 - Introduction

    Mineral Processing (Extractive Metallurgy)for Non-Metallurgists

    Section 1 - Introduction

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    Mining and Metallurgy

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    A ssumptions

    A ssumes no formal technical mineral processing knowledge

    However, some prior general mineral processing knowledge This course is a basic introduction to mineral processing and after the

    course you should be able to:

    Understand the effect of Mineralogy Understand the equipment and processes used Have basic process control knowledge Understand the structure of process flowsheets Effect of mineral processing on environment Understand the process economics Understand what the final products and uses are

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    Introduction to Mineral Processing (ExtractiveMetallurgy) Definitions - 1

    Metallurgy is the art, science and engineering of making metals and alloys in forms and withproperties suitable for practical use

    Physical Metallurgy deals with mechanical andphysical properties of all materials, i.e. Metals,ceramics, etc. (also known as MaterialsEngineering)

    Extractive Metallurg y- process of extracting/separating of metals/minerals from ores(also known as Mineral Process Engineering)

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    Definitions - 2

    A ll the above Involves industrial processes where the

    chemical or physical composition of substances are changed

    Is a combination of mathematics, geology,physics, material science, chemistry andprocess engineering

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    Mineral Processing Engineers MastermindProcesses to Produce Valuable Metals/Minerals






    O re Processing



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    The O re Preparation

    O re Preparation

    How and why?How fine/size fractions?Various Steps to follow?Extent and limitations?How do we model the throughput?How do we design and select the equipment?

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  • 8/6/2019 Mineral Processing for Non Mets Section 1 V1.2


    The Separation Process


    Separation principles?Techniques and methods?How do we model the process?How do we design the operation?

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    The O verall Mineral Processing Process

    Reaction Separate

    How much of what goes in and out?How do I control the process?How do I model and design the complete process?

    O re Processing

    Energy in or out

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    Definition of Minerals and O re Bodies

    Rocks consists of various minerals and there arethree main types of rocks: Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks

    Mineralisation of rocks occurs Minerals do have a known chemical composition

    and occur naturallyO re body is any naturally occurring mixture of minerals obtained from the earths crust after mineralisation that can be treated economically

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    Definition of Rock Types



    Type Characteristics Examples

    Igneous Rocks Formed by magmacooling and hardeningCan be acid or basicVery hard

    Basalt, Diorite, Granite,Rhyloite, A ndesite, Gabbro,Perodotite, O bsidian

    Sedimentary Rocks Small pieces rock, shell,plants and animalssettling on ocean/lakefloors.Million years - sedimentpressed and cementedtogether to form rocks.

    Usually very softy

    Gypsum, Rock Salt, chalk,Shale, Limestone, Breccia,Siltstone, Sandstone,Conglomorate

    Metamorphic Rocks Formed due to changesin existing rocks due tohigh pressures/temperatures and/ or chemical reactions.

    Slate, marble, gneiss,quartzite, schist

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    Examples of some well known mining minerals Pyrite Pyrrhotite Chalcopyrite Magnesite Magnetite Ilmenite Rutile

    A rsenopyrite Pendlandite Etc.

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    W eathering of Rocks

    Rocks at or near the earths surface are attackedby water and by oxygen in the air, and graduallybreak down

    The rate of weathering is increased in warmclimates and high rainfall

    Effects of weathering Hard rocks become soft and friable Particles of gold are "freed up" from the hard

    rocks that enclose them

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    Types O f O re Bodies

    Parallel to enclosing wall rocks Shear zone Sedimentary bed Contact

    Cross-Cutting the Enclosed W allRocks Vein Dyke Porphyry intrusion Fault

    Network Stockwork of veins Shears

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    Definitions of Zones within O re Body

    N ame R egion CharacteristicsO xidising O re Zone Surface and water table Completely weathered

    Soft and friableLaterite cap above thezonePrimary rock oxidised tosilica, iron oxide and clayas well as other minerals

    Supergene O re Zone Just below water table Enrichment due toleaching from oxidisingzoneIntermediate hardness

    Primary O re Zone Unweathered or freshore region

    Unaltered sulphidesilicates, carbonates andoxidesVery hardDepth of zonedetermined by drilling

  • 8/6/2019 Mineral Processing for Non Mets Section 1 V1.2


    Definition of Geometallurgy

    G eometallurg y is a cross-discipline scientificfield between geological characterisation of mineral deposits and their impact on mineral

    processing and recovery. The mission is todevelop new and improved integrated measuresof mining and processing attributes that can beembodied into ore body models, which more

    representatively reflect potential economicvalue.

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    Definition of Mineral Processing Processes - 1

    O re Processing - involves the use of physicalprocesses to manipulate ore particle sizeParticle T echnology transport and storage of processed materialS eparation and Classification Processes -concentrate valuable minerals using theprocesses of separation, based on ore properties

    such as density, chemical composition,electrostatic, magnetic or fluorescence properties.(froth flotation, thickening, filtering, thickening,etc).

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    Definition of Mineral Processing Processes - 2

    H ydrometallurgy - involves the use of aqueoussolutions to extract metals or compounds from

    their ores. Some of the hydrometallurgicalprocesses include leaching, precipitation of insoluble compounds, pressure reduction.Biohydrometallurgy is a sub topic of

    hydrometallurgy .

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    Definition of Mineral Processing Processes - 3

    Pyrometallurgy- involves the treatment of oresat high temperature to convert ore minerals toraw metals, or intermediate compounds for further refining. Roasting, smelting andconverting are the most commonpyrometallurgical processes

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    Definition of Mineral Processing Processes - 4

    Purification processes remove impurities andconcentrate the liquor (valuable stream). Solvent extraction, adsorption, ion exchange,

    precipitation, cementation, etc.

    R ecovery processes extract the metal from the

    solution/liquor (valuable stream) Electrowinning, precipitation, crystallisation,hydrogen reduction, etc.

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    Environmental Management

    Pollution the addition to the environment of any substance or

    energy form (e.g., heat) at a rate faster than theenvironment can accommodate it by dispersion,

    breakdown, recycling, or storage in some harmlessform.Cleaner Production is the continuous application of an integrated

    preventive environmental strategy to processes,

    products and services to increase eco-efficiency andto reduce risks to humans and the environment.

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    Sustainable Development

    ... means adopting business strategies andactivities that meet the needs of the enterpriseand all of its stakeholders today whileprotecting, sustaining and enhancing the humanand natural resources that will be needed in thefuture.

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    Metallurgical Flowsheets

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    Hydromet t

    Smelter Acid Plant

    U & Cu SX

    Gold Room

    Main road access

    Electricity supply - Port Augusta(270km)

    Concentrato r

    A Metallurgical Process Plant