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Magazine Names

Pop Forever I chose this because the title instantly tells the reader what the magazine is going to be about. The word ‘pop’ helps the reader to understand that this magazine will contain pop music. The word ‘forever’ encourages girls to buy the magazine to keep the pop genre popular in the music industry. I would like to make sure that the text for this name is in capitals and in bold, this is because it is eye-catching and stands out. I would put this text in black with the ‘o’ of ‘forever’ in a pink heart, this is because it includes the main colour of the magazine in the title whilst eye-catching.

Pop Fever I chose this name because it encourages the reader to buy the magazine. The word ‘pop’ helps the reader to understand that this magazine will contain pop music. The word ‘fever’ is telling the reader that they love pop (are addicted to it) therefore they have a ‘fever’. I would like to make sure that the text for this name is in capitals and in bold, this is because it is eye-catching and stands out. I would make sure that the text is in a pink, this is because it stands out and it includes the colour scheme of the magazine

Top chartI chose this magazine name because it symbolises the pop genre. This is because pop at the moment is the most popular genre of music in the music industry. Therefore they have ‘pop charts’, the word ‘chart’ helps the audience understand what the magazine will be about as the ‘pop chart’ exists. I would like to make sure that the text for this name is in capitals and in bold, this is because it is eye-catching and stands out. I will make sure that this text is in a purple, this is because it includes the colour scheme of the magazine. I will also incorporate a music symbol behind the name, this is because it instantly tells the audience what the magazine will include.

PopI chose this magazine name because it is very simple yet effective. The one word instantly tells the reader the genre of the magazine and what type of articles it will include. I would like to make sure that the text for this name is in capitals and in bold, this is because it is eye-catching and stands out. I will make the text a black colour with a pink heart for the ‘o’ this is because it will attract my target audience as they are girls who enjoy pinks and purples.

Music Made MadI chose this name for a magazine because it incorporates alliteration which is attractive and is unique because not many teen magazines have alliteration. I feel that this name is different yet eye-catching. I would like to make sure that the text for this name is in capitals and in bold, this is because it is eye-catching and stands out. I would like to put this text in pink, this is because it is very attractive and is normally my target audiences favorite colour.

Popular PopI chose this magazine name because it is not something which people would expect t see on the magazine because it says ‘pop’ twice which is funny and young teens will love this idea. I would like to make sure that the text for this name is in capitals and in bold, this is because it is eye-catching and stands out. For this name I would like to have it black with the names ‘pop’ as a bright pink because this make it eye-catching and instantly tells the audience what the genre of the magazine is about.

Mind MapName: Elizabeth Plumb

Candidate Number: 2049

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Pop ForeverI have chosen to use the name ‘pop forever’ for my magazine. This is because I feel that it is attractive and instantly tells the reader the genre of the magazine. Pop Forever connotes that pop music is a popular genre for teens and young adults. The biggest genre of music is pop, therefore including this in the name will attract people to the magazine because they like that type of genre.

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Magazine Content

• Cover story about the latest X-Factor news, this is because this show is very popular with my target audience for my magazine, and the judge Cheryl is the most popular judge on the panel who is loved my most young teens.

• Cover story about new albums, I will include this because the artist is popular with the target audience and will be interested in the new song/albums.

• Cover story about One Direction, this is because this group is one of the most popular groups in the world with young teens, who are my target audience.

• Cover story about high street buys, this is because my target audience are young teens who are very much interested in fashion and what celebrities wear so they can be able to wear the same clothing as them.

• Posters of celebrities, this is because teens want to be able to have the ability to tear out a poster which they can stick on their wall which will be of their idol.