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Mikrokontroler AVR

Mikrokontroler AVRMikrokontroler AVR

Arsitektur AVR

Peta Memori AVR

Gambar ini AVR secara umum. Detail dapat dilihat di datasheet atmega8535.pdf4Register File

Fetch & Execute pada AVR

Set Instruksi AVRPengelompokan InstruksiArithmetic & Logic UnitConditional BranchBranchData TransferBit & Bit TestMCU ControlContoh Software Assembler AVR;My Very First AVR Project.include "" ;Includes the 8515 definitions file.def Temp = R16 ;Gives "Defines" Register R16 the name 0x0000 ;Places the following code from address 0x0000rjmp RESET ;Take a Relative Jump to the RESET LabelRESET: ;Reset Labelldi Temp, 0xFF ;Store 255 in R16 (Since we have defined R16 = ; Temp)out DDRB, Temp ;Store this value in The PORTB Data direction ;RegisterLoop: ;Loop Labelout PORTB, Temp ;Write all highs (255 decimal) to PORTBdec Temp ;Decrement R16 (Temp)rjmp Loop ;Take a relative jump to the Loop label

Flowchart Software Desktop & MikrokontrolerDesktopMikrokontroler

Reset & Alamat Vektor ATMega8535

Port I/O pada AVR

Register I/O

Posisi register dapat dibaca di ATMega8535.pdf halaman 29612Memori Eksternal ATMega8515 & ATMega162

Contoh RAM: 6264.pdf13Reset pada 8535

Timing Diagram Reset Eksternal

Timing Diagram Reset karena Brown Out Detector