Download - Mighty buyer pr1-en1

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“Once this Portal is online, nothing will be as it once was.

It will change everything”

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Launch autumn 2016, as the first global social shop


S t a r t 2 0 1 6

Huge Shop offers include over 200.000 articles from

over 300 brands

S e l e c t i o n

Generates an attractive monthly income by

marketing individual shop links

I n c o m e

The concept of community shopping allows products to be offered at incredible low


C o m m u n i t y

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of the more than 300 brands which will be available with the launch

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it’s about creating the tools so people take action

First of all in Germany, from January 2017 also in many more countries, interested people can register as license partner for a monthly license fee of 49 €

Registration to become a

license partner for a monthly

fee of 49 €. Establishment of

an attractive main and side



License partners can make

money in various ways.




The primary aim is to establish a strong global shopping community with our license partners, with hundreds of thousands license owners and millions of customers

Shopping Community

The acquisition of new license

owners and the generation of

customers will be rewarded


End Customers Acquisition



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20 09



„More customers means more order of stock and therefore will result in reduced pricing from suppliers.“

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it’s about creating the tools so people take action

5% bonus on shop links of direct partners and 4 further generations.

license owners earn money on each product that is sold via their shoplink.

Partners receive a bonus on 10 downline levels in a triple matrix, no matter who the partners were invited by.

Partners automatically participate in a bonus program, which considers all active partners in their downline.

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from the own shop link

Instead of entering the market as another big online-shop, Mighty buyer offers thousands of partners worldwide the opportunity to earn money with the shop and generate a small, big or even very big income.

Mighty Buyer is responsible for the professional operation of the shop, such as, warehousing, shipping and logistics, fulfillment, accounting, customer service, refunds etc. The years of experience gained from the team influences the trading of goods and established the very good connections to suppliers and business organizations worldwide with the entire shop. Partners can focus on gaining customers , who like to shop at incredible low prizes.

Active partners will get a personal shop link.


Mighty Buyer will not run a personal shop under the main domain which competes with its partners! This means, that final end customers will get access to the offers only through partner links!

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from the own shop link

Because the shop contains hundreds of brands from various product categories, the trade margins between certain areas can vary largely. Thats why all articles will be sorted into roughly 40 article groups, which will contain individual trade margins. License partners will have these lists available at all times in their personal backoffice.

Example calculation:

On one day customers buy via the shop link of a partner for a total of 530,00€. The turnover could look as follows:

WG03 210,00€ 6,0% 12,60€

WG05 85,00€ 10,0% 8,50€

WG07 180,00€ 15,0% 27,00€

AG07 55,00€ 35,0% 19,25€

530,00€ 67,35€

In this example the license partner would earn 67.35€ this day, just from 7 customers. In 30 similar days this license partner therefore would have reached a monthly income of 2000€.

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bonus on commissions of sponsored partners and their direct partners

Licence partners are rewarded, who actively help to expand the partner network and therefore help strengthen the shop community.

License partners receive a bonus of 5% on their direct partners shop commissions and 5% of the next 4 generations.

A 1 2 3 4 5

1 is a direct Partner of A

2 is a direct Partner of 1

3 is a direct Partner of 2

4 is a direct Partner of 3

5 is a direct Partner of 4

Example calculation:

Shop-Income from

Partners 5% Bonus

1. Generation 4 Partner 3.320,00€ 166,00€

2. Generation 13 Partner 10.790,00€ 539,50€

3. Generation 46 Partner 38.180,00€ 1.909,00€

4. Generation 170 Partner 141.100,00€ 7.055,00€

5. Generation 1.100 Partner 913.000,00€ 45.650,00€

Total monthly Bonus: 55.319,50€

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bonuses on 10 downline levels

Licence owners receive bonuses on 10 downline levels of the team structure in a triple matrix, no matter if these partners were invited by yourself or other partners

The triple matrix of the downline structure allows each partner 3 lines, however this is strengthened by the establishment of three further partners beneath these levels.

This means you can have 3 partners on the first level, on level 2 a max of 9 partners, on level 3 a max of 27 partners and so on.

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revenue through a triple matrix team structure

Here again the system supports licence partners, which are helping to establish a strong social shop community. For 10 downline levels the partner receives a bonus. This bonus is set by the fixed commission rate for each downline level. The calculation is based on all active partnes, who have paid the licence fee of the current month.

Example calculation for Level 2:

9 Partners x 49€ x 11% = 48,51€ Bonus

Downline Level

Max. Partner for Level

Return Rate

Your maximum Bonus

1 3 0% - €

2 9 11,0% 48,51€

3 27 3,0% 39,69€

4 81 3,0% 119,07€

5 243 3,0% 357,21€

6 729 3,0% 1.071,63€

7 2.187 4,0% 4.286,52€

8 6.561 4,0% 12.859,56€

9 19.683 3,0% 28.934,01€

10 59.049 3,0% 86.802,03€

Total: 134.518,23€

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On top of the sensational money making possibilities all licence owners automatically take part in a car bonus program. In this relation the numbers 111, 333 and 999 have significant meaning, as they are the active partners needed in the 10 level triple matrix.

The car bonus is rewarded each month provided the license owner has sufficient active partners. Active partners are only those who have paid the license fee of 49 € for this month. System count: The 20th each month at 23:59.

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In order to establish a fair bonus program, the 50% rule needs to be reached to gather incentives.

With the triple matrix system license owner have a max 3 direct lines. Therefor they need 111 partners for a car. 50% of the partners are allowed to come from the strongest line to gain the bonus (therefor 55 partners). The remaining 56 patterns must come from the other two lines.

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Alternatively to the car bonus, licence partners can choose to gain a voucher which is valued in the entire shop for the entire following month. 111 active members result in a 500 € shop voucher, 333 result in 1000€ and 999 result in 1.500€ shop voucher.

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The license partners receive a bonus for a successful team

establishment in the triple matrix. On top of the monthly

commission from the 10 levels of the triple matrix, each

license partner receives a voucher of 10%, which can be used

on the own shop link for the following month.

V o u c h e r f o r t r i p l e m a t r i x

1% of all license fees (49€ monthly) of the year go into a

bronce, silver and gold pot. With 111 active license partners

in a month one receives a share for the bronze pot, with 333

active license owners one receives a share in the silver pot

and with 999 active license owners one receives a share in

the gold pot. The pots are then divided equally

corresponding to the shares.

A n n u a l b o n u s p o t

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the management and its international advisors have a long term experience in leadership positions at manufacturers, consumer electronics, fashion business, the establishment of brands, in PR and public work and many more over the years. The development team consists of international IT experts, who are specialised in development of the “Next Generation Applications”. Furthermore the team has a strong knowledge in key areas, such as development of fashion lifestyle and e-commerce platforms, data security, big data, etc.

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