Download - MIDWEEK March 1, 2017 - St. Paul's United Methodist Church · 1 MIDWEEK March 1, 2017 LENT BEGINS TODAY We will start our Lent with a community Ash Wednesday worship service at 7

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MIDWEEK March 1, 2017


We will start our Lent with a community Ash Wednesday worship service at 7 PM at Dale United Methodist Church at

143 East Lake Street, with Tree of Life ELCA, St. George’s UMC and Immanuel & Friendship UMC’s. You don’t want to miss this

opportunity to worship in song and Word together! Pastor Karin will bring the message. Park at St. Paul’s if you like and carpool to Dale. There is

gated parking across from the church.

WEEKLY GATHERINGS Office Hours 9 AM – 2 PM Monday-Friday

Sunday School for all ages at 9:45 AM

Boy Scouts Mondays at 7 PM

Seeking Serenity 12 Step Meeting Tuesdays at 6:30 PM

Chancel Choir Rehearsal Tuesdays at 6:45 PM

Heartsong Liturgical Movement Rehearsals as needed

Handbell Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays at 7 PM

TOPS Meeting Wednesdays at 6 PM

NAMI 4th Thursdays at 7 PM

Fridays Pastor’s Sabbath

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Daisy Troop various Fridays

AA Meeting Saturdays 7 PM


TONIGHT Wednesday, March 1 Ash Wednesday Service Dale’s UMC, Middletown at 7 PM

Friday, March 3 JOY Dinner at Applebee’s & Play at Middletown HS at 6 PM District Leadership Training March 4 at Simpson UMC and March 25 at Elkton


Monday, March 6 SPRC Meeting at 6:30 PM


Sunday, March 12 Health Ministries Meeting between Services from 9:30-10:30 AM

March 17-25 Pastor Karin’s trip to Israel March 18 Habitat for Humanity Springlake Project from 9 AM- 3 PM

March 26-29 Pastor Karin at UMCOR Training Academy Friday-Saturday, March 31-April 1 Women’s Retreat Saturday, April 1 Spring Clean Up from 8-11 AM

Monday, April 3 UMM Staying on Par with God 9 AM Tee Time Monday, April 3 SPRC Meeting at 6:30 PM Tuesday, April 4 UMM Bible Study in Fellowship Hall at 9 AM

Thursday, April 6 UMM Golf Meeting in Fellowship Hall at 10:30 AM

Friday, April 7 JOY Event Dinner Pat's Pizzeria & Play at Everett Theatre for God's Power & Light's performance of "The Promise" (the life of Jesus)

Saturday, April 8 Easter Egg Making 8 AM-2 PM

Tuesday, April 11 UMM Bible Study in Fellowship Hall at 9 AM

Thursday, April 13 MAUNDY Thursday Service at Tree of Life

Friday, April 14 TENEBRAE service at St. Paul’s at 7 PM

Saturday, April 15 Habitat for Humanity Springlake Project from 9 AM – 3 PM

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to praise God in vibrant worship



The Power of Parable Series begins: The Good Samaritan and “Those People” FOCUS SCRIPTURES: Luke 10:25-42; Psalm 15

Please Wear your Name Tags! Our Yellow Hat goes to support Yesprin, our El Ayudante child

Worship Coordinator 8:30 AM 11 AM

Ushers: June Stemmle Paul Loder, Greg Apps, John Harmer, Todd

Korb, Alan Martin, Dave

Sydnor, Dave Pearl

Denis Shaffer, Dean Hatton, John Harmon &

Charlii Miller

Liturgist & Announcements Josh Reitzes Rick Pulling

Greeters Spencer Korb Don & Linda Mueller

Acolyte Spencer Korb

Com. Set-up: Kathy Chas Cathy Blanco 2 Chalices 1 loaf + plate

of non-gluten

3 Chalices 1 loaf + plate of non-gluten

Com. Servers: Carole Harmon

Angela Christian & Vickie Bush

Keith Sparks & Janice Thompson

Choir Com. Servers Janet Miller & Dick Leuliette

Young Disciples Brian McNelis Brenda Shaffer

Word in Song The Servant Song Richard Gillard

Flowers: Janet Rowley Ann Newswanger in memory of her husband on their shared birthday

Fellowship: Julie Packard Barbara Moore, Pam Whitmer, Karen Fitzwater, Helen Downes, Sibyl Pompeo, Janice Thompson

Counters: G. Guessford Ginny Guessford & Sharon Hunnicutt

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Blood Pressure checks & Pak-a-Sak This Sunday

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Dear Friends: We embark this day to emphasize forty days of Acts of Worship, Devotion, Compassion and Justice—in other words to get down and dirty, dead serious about our faith. As I pondered in worship on Sunday, are we trustworthy and reliable witnesses to a Jesus of compassion?


Do YOU/I/WE follow through on your promises?

Are YOU/I/WE humble?

Does our faith point to Christ or to us?

Do YOU/I/WE have any intention of being Christ’s light in the world?

Do YOU/I/WE even know a little bit about Jesus?

What helps us to be reliable witnesses to Christ is to observe Lenten disciplines. To make an effort. I was chatting with one of our young kids who was very serious in understanding Lent and the discipline of fasting. She asked sincerely, “What should I fast from?” We discussed several opportunities…one of which she exclaimed, “That’s too hard!” Which is exactly the point. Lent, while it can be JOY-FILLED, is not meant to be easy. It’s meant to be challenging. Lent is meant to take us out of our comfort zones. To push us toward new experiences, new awakenings. To send us back into the arms of Jesus.

It would be easy for us to sidestep Ash Wednesday and Lent altogether. I can hear and myself have had many excuses…

“The weather may be blustery or rainy for tonight’s worship. Hmmm, weather really doesn’t suit me.” Jesus is waitin’ rain or shine, bluster or not.

“The service is in a different place and that makes me nervous.” Invite a friend—we are going to a CHURCH. There we will receive a warm welcome and Jesus will be there, saying, “Don’t be afraid.”

“I might have to do something different and I don’t like change.” Scripture is clear in our Ash Wednesday reading of Psalm 51, “Create in me a clean heart…and put a new and right spirit within me…”

Folks, it’s time. God needs our repentance and the world needs you and me. My Lenten Challenge to you & practices I covenant to follow:

Prayer for at least one family in our church a day

Read a chapter of Luke a day [and when I finish the Gospel I will go back & re-read]

I will seek forgiveness from and offer forgiveness to _____ each day. I will renew friendships I have neglected. I will do something difficult.

I ask that you hold me accountable and love me through repentance. Won’t you join me this Lent and seek to be reliable witnesses? Much love, Pastor Karin

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Last Sunday, our Bell Choir – St. Paul’s Ringers -- presented music at both worship services. Thank you to the congregation for your show of appreciation following their presentation. Thank you also to all the bell choir members who have worked very hard at our weekly rehearsals.Their hard work and dedication has been and will continue to enhance worship at St. Paul’s. I am very proud of each and every of our ringers. They are truly a family. A handbell choir, I tell them, is one instrument with multiple players. One of the wonderful things about a hand bell is the many ways they can be played. Obviously, and most often, the bells are simply rung. On Sunday, the choir did ring, but they also included the following techniques in the preludes: marting,

damping, plucking and malleting. All are techniques that not only result in very different sounds, they also demonstrate that the art of hand bell ringing is as enjoyable to watch as it is to hear. Our bell choir members will tell you these techniques are fun to play too! To “mart” a bell, the bell is held about “two tacos high” or about 4-5 inches off the table pad and then pushed suddenly into the pad resulting in a stopped tone. If the music calls for a “mart-lift” then the bell is moved as if in a mart but immediately lifted into the air. This results in a bounced tone, a thunk followed by the ring. Damping is necessary in all ringing. To damp, a ringer takes the bell after ringing it and presses it into one’s body or the table pad and stops the tone altogether. This is used to keep a clean melodic line and not letting the sound get muddied up by too many tones overlapping. Music may, for effect, tell one to “let vibrate” resulting in those overlapping sounds, all for a special effect. Some of our bass ringers were ”plucking” the bell. They grasp the clapper inside the bell between two fingers and then throw it down toward the table, the opposite side of the bell, resulting in another stopped tone. Perhaps the newest sound we heard this week was “malleting.” The other techniques – marting, damping and plucking--do not require any special equipment beyond the bells. Malleting, on the other hand, does require special mallets that are designed to produce the desired sound effect on the bells without doing any damage to the bells. They can be held in the air and struck, “suspended bells” or left on the table and struck, which we did Sunday, “table mallets.” The mallets used on Sunday were borrowed from Bells of the Bay, the community bell choir that I direct. Going forward, St. Paul’s needs our own mallets. It is another investment that will help to complete the equipment for our ministry. Perhaps you can help us. Each ringer needs two mallets,

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that’s 22 total. They come in different sizes for the different sized bells, each with different prices according to size. Here is what we need to purchase:

4 @ $22.95 each 12 @ $19.95 each 6 @ $14.95 each

If you are interested in “sponsoring” a mallet or a pair for each ringer, your gift would be greatly appreciated. If you or anyone you know what like to help us Please contact me at 443.786.9010 or at [email protected]. Look for us to be ringing again in March! We can’t wait, it gets in the blood!

Blessings, Shelley Reel

to deepen our spiritual walk with Christ

JOY EVENT This Friday, March 3 the JOY group is going to Applebee's for dinner and then to Middletown High School to see "Thoroughly Modern Millie" put on by the high school students. Sign up is in the Narthex for this fun evening. Two of our St. Paul’s youth,

Kinme Reeves & Caroline Rodriguez will be starring in this musical. It’s a MUST SEE!

Mark your calendars for Friday, April 7 to go to Pat's for dinner and then head off to the Everett to see God's Power and Light's performance of "The Promise" (the life of Jesus). Then on May 12 we'll have a pot luck supper at church followed by our very own Faye Green speaking on her new book. Mark your calendars and get ready for some interesting and fun evenings with lots of good fellowship!

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LENTEN SERIES & ADULT STUDIES Will be based on the NARRATIVE LECTIONARY, which covers the Parables of Jesus. Plan now

to attend worship each Sunday in Lent as we thoughtfully examine what we might learn from these ancient teachings.

ADULT STUDIES will also discuss the power of parable and will explore THE ORTHODOX HERETIC by Peter Rollins. Couched in more modern terms this little book offers some challenging insight into our understanding of Jesus’ teaching. Plan to attend!

What is the NARRAATIVE LECTIONARY? The Narrative Lectionary is a four-year cycle of readings. On the Sundays from September through May each year the texts follow the sweep of the biblical story, from Creation through the early Christian church. The texts show the breadth and variety of voices within Scripture.

They invite people to hear the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Moses and the prophets, Jesus, and Paul. Listening to the many different voices within Scripture enriches preaching and the life of faith.

The texts include the major episodes in Scripture. They are arranged in a narrative sequence to help people see Scripture as a story that has coherence and a dynamic movement.:

From September to mid-December the preaching texts begin with the early chapters of Genesis, move through the stories of Israel’s early history, the exodus, the kings, prophets, exile and return.

From Christmas to Easter there is sustained reading of one of the four gospels From Easter to Pentecost the texts are chosen from Acts and Paul’s letters.

WANTED FOR LENT: Five-seven homes for Lenten Bible Study: WE ONLY


Five weeks concentrating on The Parables of Jesus. We will provide a guide and get you started; you provide the place at your preferred time

beginning the week of March 5. We will help with inviting folks in your neighborhood to come for this one hour experience. We need homes in the following areas:

o Odessa

o Odessa National o Springmill o Middletown

o Drawyer’s Creek


Contact the office or check the sign-up sheet in the narthex if you are willing to offer this


40 DAYS of LENTEN ACTS Read the Gospel of Luke, which we will be covering in Lent. Make the commitment to read the Sunday scriptures before you go to worship. In the same

way that reading up on football players, opposing teams and coaching strategies will help

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you experience a game more fully, familiarizing yourself with Sunday readings will help you experience them in a deeper way in worship.

Each day experience a mini-challenge by going to the St. Paul’s FACEBOOK page for an inspirational quote and a practical task to keep your Lenten experience on point. Reconsider tithing: tithe your time, give 10% of your paycheck, tithe your grocery budget; when someone gives you money for a gift, tithe it to a church mission. Make a commitment to fast from insensitive, cruel and judgmental remarks about others. So, no gossiping or going down the Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or Snapchat rabbit hole. Write a prayer a day. Pick out one thing that you spend your money on, like clothes or a tall latté or a daily snack, and FAST from this during Lent, giving the money you would normally spend to the Yellow Hat or another mission here at St. Paul’s. Drop in on Adult Studies as we explore The Power of Parable Take something “on”—send 40 cards, call one person a day for 40 days to thank them for being in your life. When you first sit down at your computer or at the end of the day try a 10 minute guided prayer

at Post a photo each day on the St. Paul’s FACEBOOK page by following the busted halo

insta-LENT photo challenge at

We will have a Stations of the cross here at St. Paul’s on Good Friday. Spend some quiet time that day in our sanctuary.

It is perhaps easier to forgive than to ask for forgiveness—practice doing both each day of Lent.

Plan on attending Holy Week services including Maundy Thursday at Tree of Life & Tenebrae on Good Friday here at St. Paul’s. Put them on your calendar now.

Unplug your phone and turn off the car radio on your commutes which will help you to concentrate better & be more observant of your surroundings.

Think about a habit that has kept you from being whom God is calling you to be. With intention, give up that habit for Lent.

Spend at least one day or evening serving during Lent—serve a meal at Our Daily Bread, visit someone who can’t get to church, send cards to veterans, be creative!

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Try a little artmaking during Lent. Take 15 minutes a day and sketch an image that you can find in the Gospel of Luke—sketch the parables.

Carry post-it notes with you and leave a post-it note with a word of hope and cheer in a public place

Delete delete delete the junk of your life whether it is clutter or inappropriate texts

Come up with a Lenten practice of your own—40 days to get closer to Jesus!

HEALTH MINISTRY TEAM If you are interested in any aspect of Health Ministries, join us Sunday, March 12 in the sanctuary at 9:45 AM as we explore our mission and begin to map out some programming priorities to assist our congregants and the community. Ann Newswanger, Parish Nurse

SOLD: HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN DELAWARE Wesley theology calls us to engage and commit ACTS OF JUSTICE in the world. Learning about and preventing Human Trafficking is just one way to do this and is one of the issues in which The United Methodist Women is deeply engaged. Michelle Myers Wall is hosting the local screening of the award-winning film SOLD followed by a discussion on how human trafficking impacts Delaware, on behalf of American Mothers, Inc. The event will be on March 16 at The Everett Theatre. Doors will open at 6:30 PM

and the film will start at 7 PM. Tickets are $10. St. Paul’s has purchased a block of tickets—please contact the office if you want a ticket NOW as we anticipate that this will be a filled event. ONLY 9 tickets are left. SOLD tells the unforgettable story of a girl who risks everything for freedom after being trafficked from her mountain village in Nepal to a brothel in India. It is both a

call to action and a testament to the power and reliance of the human spirit. This event will raise funds for the Coalition on Human Trafficking and the Delaware Chapter of American Mothers to fight against and bring awareness to the problem of Human Trafficking. Human trafficking isn’t a problem of the past-it’s an epidemic in the here and now. NOTE: The version of the film being shown is recommended for individuals who are 15 and older.

UMM BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, April 4, 11, 18, and 25th at 9 AM in Fellowship Hall We have 8-10 men signed up but would like more to have a chance to participate. If you are interested, please contact Paul Loder at [email protected].

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WOMEN’S RETREAT FRIDAY, MARCH 31-APRIL 1 Bethany Beach and St. Matthews by the Sea UMC Registration $20 per person to come soon


OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS ROCK!!! We have so many awesome Sunday School teachers, sometimes it’s hard to keep up with them! So to help us, over the next few weeks we are going to shine the spotlight on our fabulous teachers and share a little about them so you can know what they are doing and hopefully learn a little more about them. Please take the time to get to know them a little better and to thank them for the awesome job they do on a weekly basis. IN THEIR OWN WORDS: JUNIOR HIGH TEACHERS

JENNIFER RODRIGUEZ I moved from Wilmington to Middletown 21 years ago and started looking for a Methodist church in the area to attend as I grew up Methodist in my hometown of Pitman, NJ. St. Paul's was the first church that I visited. The people were so welcoming and caring that I kept returning each Sunday and never made it to another church. I knew quickly that St. Paul's is a wonderful place to learn, love, and serve God. I have been a member for 20 years now and my 3 kids (Jordan, Alexa, and Caroline) have all been raised in St. Paul's. I have taught Sunday school for 19 years and am so grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow with your kids! In my spare time I love going to

the beach, reading, playing tennis, and riding my bicycle.

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BRIAN MCNELIS Many of you know that Brian is a partner in a law firm in Dover and you may see him leading Young Disciples on Sunday mornings at the 8:30 worship service. What you may not know is that Brian is a gifted author of curriculum, especially targeted toward our mid-high youth—he makes Bible study interesting and exciting. Brian is also the “science guy” for VBS and you may have witnessed some of his explosions for Jesus on the back parking lot. Brian has been with us to Nicaragua and is the husband of Kelly and the father of two gifted daughters, Hailey [in college] and Lindy [in high school].

JANET MILLER Hi, Friends! My name is Janet Miller and I have been a member of St. Paul’s for many years! I am presently serving as Lay Leader and try to assist the congregation and the pastor in as many ways as possible. As a former Director of Music, you can still find me singing in the choir, playing the flute, and working with the Worship Arts Team to help plan our worship services. These are all important contributions, but most important for me is to continue to learn, read, and discuss Scripture. So, I enjoy attending Adult Studies and helping out in Sunday School as a substitute teacher. Serving our community is also important to me. So, I am helping at Our Daily Bread and Silver Lake Elementary School. We are so blessed to be part of a missional church! Thank you Pastor Karin for getting us off our couches! My husband, Charlii Miller, and I have two daughters, Jenna and Christy, two son in laws, DJ and Ben, and 5 beautiful grands, Amber, Ashlyn, Jacob, Sam, and Olivia. We all enjoy living within a three mile radius of one another! My life at St. Paul’s is an important part of who I am. I love Jesus and am grounded in His Word. I pray daily for all my friends at St. Paul’s. God bless you. In His Joy, Janet Miller

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LENT IS HERE! Wow! Look at your calendar. The season of Lent is upon us. We have many exciting and thought provoking devotional practices to guide us through this holy time. You and your family will be able to pick and choose what best suits your purpose…or participate in all of the options. Typically, Lent is a time of sacrifice, or giving something up. It can also be a time of adding on or a combination of both. We will have opportunities to purge, simplify and share with others—item by item or bag by bag for 40 days. We will have devotional readings to delve into and acts of kindness to share. We will explore A Pocketful of Parables over the next six weeks with tasks and tangibles to collect. Beginning in Lent and carrying on throughout the year, Older Elementary through Sr. High students will have the opportunity to tangibly explore other faith practices as we seek to find common ground. Exciting times ahead! Stay tuned for details.

JOYS & CONCERNS: Please take the opportunity to go to the website ( to complete a prayer request—it is the most convenient, 24-7 way to get your concerns on our prayer lists. Please alert the office when someone can be taken OFF the list by emailing [email protected]. Submitting a Prayer Request is the best and most assured way that your request will be added to the mid-week and worship folder but for HIPAA reasons PLEASE get permission before adding. We do our best to keep up with the needs of our congregation, but we may not always have up-to-date information. If you or a loved one are in need of a pastoral visit,

please call the church office to schedule. RECENTLY ADDED: Dot Coleman, Jeraldine Mullins, Watts & DaFonte families on the loss of their sons, James Watts & Robert DaFonte; Neal Owens CONTINUED PRAYER:

Mark Jerry Emerson Laura Emerson-Geer Ike Guessford Bill Foster, Jr. Jeff & Kresta Foster John & Kathy Carneal Blake Crothers Matt Outten Kitty Hutchison Eugene Austin Bucky Buckworth Jane Ryan Jimmy Turner Blanche Bailey Stephen George Paula Long Louise Roberts Barbara Hatch

Ryan Whitmer Dennis Turk Alice Reed Thomas Gadaleta Jerry Emerson Jill Rison Dawn Knode Sharon Sweetman Joanne Tidwell Adam Lex Eleanor Cleaver Laura Lassiter Oliver Brian Wells Leila Siddique Butch Vanderwende

Candido Souras Kelley Jones

Mel Dernberger Ashley Gouge Kim McClain

Ankit Gohil Bun Slaughter Dick Vanderloo Kelly Swab Zoe Haupt Mary Ann Seal Mark Johnson Kristi Owen Thomas Lewis Phil Sousa Debby Kuhinski Jim McCall Robyn Allen Ginny Pickett Norm Herron Mario Semmler Kristin Jones Kayla Madeline Parker Chip Johnson

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Diane Jones Linda Pritchett Elaine Bramante Eric Blakely Aston Morris Hudson Haws

Bryan Kerr Paul Whittenberger Dennis Martin Pat Smith Justine Broehl Walt Leipold

Sheridan Outten Merle Ciesielski Jean Keane Bill Glass Maggie McCombs

Celeste Cox

BIRTHDAYSMarch 2 Gary Jones March 3 David Johnson March 4 William Douty Braedon Parker March 5 John Harmon

Alan Martin March 6 Ronnie Miller Ann Newswanger March 8 Gunner Whitehead

Wilmington District Leadership Training

Saturday March 4 9 AM-Noon Simpson UMC 907 Centerville Rd. Wilmington, DE 19804 Saturday March 25 9 AM-Noon Elkton UMC 219 E Main St. Elkton, MD 21921

All new and/or returning chairs & members are encouraged to attend $7.00/Person – Includes Materials Distributed at Workshop & Light Morning Refreshments

Workshops • Pastor Parish Relations (SPRC) - Rev. Joseph Archie, DS

Finance - William Westbrook • Small Membership Church - Rev. Jonathan Whitney

• Evangelism - Rev. John Dunnack • Worship- Rev. John Hornberger & Rev. Amy Peters Flyer & Registration


Wilmington District Lay Servant Academy Spring Courses for 2017

Tuesday, April 18* thru Tuesday, May 16 7:00 PM-9:30 PM St. Mark’s UMC, 1700 Limestone Road, Wilmington, DE

Thursday, April 20* thru Thursday, May 18 7:00 PM-9:30 PM Elkton UMC, 219 E. Main Street, Elkton, MD

Opening night registration begins at 6:00 PM, both sites. Registration Fees, All Courses: $35.00

Registration form and payment must be submitted by April 4, 2017 Make checks payable to the United Methodist Wilmington District.

Mailed completed form and payment to Registrar:

Karen Hayes, 4 Carsdale Court Wilmington, DE 19808 (302) 384-7175

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PLEASE HONOR OUR NEIGHBOR Cindy across the street at 407 Main by NOT PARKING in front of her home, especially on weekends. Her husband is handicapped and needs assistance getting into their home. She is working with DELDOT and the town of Odessa to get an “official” handicapped designation. In the meantime, let’s be good and gracious and loving neighbors!

Building Ministry & Church Calendar – If your group is meeting at the church please check the church calendar to ensure your space is reserved. Please contact the office if your meeting is canceled or needs to be rescheduled.

Pastor Karin’s email is [email protected]. The office email is [email protected] –please note that they are different.


TO ACCESS THE DIRECTORY go to the website and click on About Our Church > scroll down to Church Directory > USER NAME is member > PASSWORD is spumc

MIDWEEK UPDATES If you have updates for our weekly Midweek Memo, please email them to the office at [email protected] or place them in the Office mailbox by each Tuesday at noon.

PLEASE REMEMBER to fill out the Kitchen Food Medical Agreement Form if you are helping in the kitchen and handling food.

If you are using the Church for any reason, please check the calendar so there are no conflicts then contact the office to schedule. PLEASE REMEMBER to fill out the Kitchen Food Medical Agreement Form if you are helping in the kitchen and handling food.

If you are using the Church for any reason, please check the calendar so there are no conflicts then contact the office to schedule.

ST. PAUL’S STAFF Rev. Karin Tunnêll [email protected] 302-668-6685 Alice Mullins [email protected] 302-378-2420 Vicki Spence [email protected] Shelley Reel [email protected] 443-786-9010 Duane Dillard [email protected] Jeanne Hatton 302-378-1670

with acts of love & compassion

Deaf Outreach, Inc. [email protected] 302-827-3323

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The mission of Deaf Outreach, Inc. is threefold:

to provide residents of central Delaware, who are Deaf or hard of hearing, with a comprehensive access

point to resources and services that foster Education, Access, and Self Advocacy.

We have launched 4 tee shirt designs...orders can be made through March 21. All Shirts are $15. Three of the shirts were designed by students from the Delaware School for the Deaf (DSD), and the fourth is a relaunch of a shirt designed by Deaf Outreach, Inc. Shirts will be available by the 20th of April.

If you want your shirt delivered to your home, please add the shipping to your individual order. If you are affiliated with either Deaf Outreach or DSD, have your shirt delivered to the campaign director, and I will drop off shirts at the school to be distributed, or deliver them to those associated with DO. Please share this information and encourage everyone to place their orders early!

Gail S. Garner

GET YOUR PASSPORTS READY! NICARAGUA JUNE 3-11 to finish a church build

at Las Parcelas outside of León! We have been at this church before and will be completing the construction, painting and spiffing up, putting up fence, working with kids and preparing for the dedication of the church. More info to come. Contact Pastor T if you are interested. Another trip is planned for October or November for a church build at La Mejada outside of León.

ST. PAUL’S UMC GIVES AWAY CHRISTMAS OFFERING—AGAIN! For the fourth year in a row St. Paul’s has given away its Christmas Eve Offering to local and regional charities and non-profit organizations in the community. This past Sunday, February 26, Pastor Karin presented checks totaling $3,000 to:

Nicole Shuler-Geer, President of the Board of Victims’ Voices Heard, Inc. Kim Eppihimer of the newly opened satellite of Friendship House in Middletown

Kendall Reitzes on behalf of Camp Sunshine and Alison Windle, Executive Director of Neighborhood House

Page 17: MIDWEEK March 1, 2017 - St. Paul's United Methodist Church · 1 MIDWEEK March 1, 2017 LENT BEGINS TODAY We will start our Lent with a community Ash Wednesday worship service at 7


Victims’ Voices Heard is a non-profit organization that gives victims of violent crime the opportunity to meet with their incarcerated offender and teaches victim empathy to incarcerated offenders. Friendship House is based in New Castle County and is a non-profit, faith-based corporation serving individuals and families that are or are at risk of becoming homeless. Welcoming to all, Friendship House strives to serve as a sanctuary and stepping stone to those in need through the traditional spiritual ministries of hospitality, education, empowerment and community. Camp Sunshine is a retreat in Casco, Maine for kids with life threatening illnesses and their families. Neighborhood House operates on a foundation of Christian principles pursuing two primary purposes of guiding people to self-sufficiency and advocates for a comprehensive approach to community, economic, and leadership development with offices in both Wilmington and Middletown.

Links to the organizations receiving funds this year are: CBHECM ScholarshipsThe Conference Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry is accepting applications for our three Annual Conference Scholarships that are funded through our September Scholarship Sunday Offerings. The deadline for all applications is MONDAY APRIL 3RD. Attached below are links to the application forms or you can find them on the CBHECM page on the Pen-Del website for easy access. For any questions or to request an extension to the deadline, please e-mail the chair of the board, Rev. Bradley Schutt. Conference Merit Scholarship Need Based Scholarship Application Wesley Foundation Scholarship Application

McNatt Tag Sale 506 Main, Odessa

Saturday, March 4 from10 AM to 2 PM Sunday, March 5 from 10 AM to 2 PM

The sale we had a couple weeks ago was a success! The goal was to have friends and family of the

McNatts have first dibs on their belongings. I think mom and dad would have been pleased that so many

of their things went to homes right in Odessa. Thanks, Ann Baker