Download - MIDDLE EAST DAILY BULLETIN - ORSAM · MIDDLE EAST DAILY BULLETIN 24 MARCH 2016 NO: 2128 ... Ujjwal Nikam ..... 30 Iranian President to visit Pakistan tomorrow ...


Sayfa 1


NO: 2128 1. IRAQ, .................................................................................................................................... 4

ISIS uses modern equipment to attack oil fields in Salahuddin ...................................................4

Two Iraqis sentenced in Finland for posting severed head images online ..................................4

4,500 American and European ISIS militants killed in Syria and Iraq ...........................................4

3 scenarios before Iraqi Premier Ibadi, Observers .......................................................................5

Iraq training mission 'having impact' ...........................................................................................5

Brussels and Iraq: Battlegrounds in terrorists’ global war ...........................................................5

ISIS prepares its forces to attack 2 oilfields in Salahuddin ...........................................................5

Security forces repel suicide car bomb attacks in Iraq's Anbar ....................................................6

NZ Defence Force deployment to Iraq, likely to be below budget on cheaper living costs .........6

OPCW concerned about alleged recent chemical attacks in Iraq ................................................6

8 people killed, wounded in bomb blast in eastern Baghdad ......................................................6

Iraq says it's Launched Offensive to recapture is-Held Mosul .....................................................7

Iraq seeking Iran's non-oil economy feats ....................................................................................7

Iraq: Central government pushes for new oil deal with KRG .......................................................7

S. Korea offers $7 mln in humanitarian aid to Iraq ......................................................................8 2. SYRIA .................................................................................................................................... 8

John Kerry intensifies pressure over Syria ...................................................................................8

N. Korean militia units fighting in Syria – opposition delegate ....................................................8

Russia-Saudi Arabia Summit Planned, Syria to Be Main Topic - Moscow ....................................8

Progress made on humanitarian relief in Syria ............................................................................9

Syria regime forces close in on IS-held Palmyra ...........................................................................9

Mogherini demands progress at Syria talks .................................................................................9

UN chief arrives in Beirut; Syria talks to adjourn in Geneva ........................................................9

Tuberculosis cases decreased in Syria ....................................................................................... 10

Areximbank – Gazprombank Group’s employees collect assistance for Armenian refugees from Syria .......................................................................................................................................... 10

Lavrov says Russia-US equal dialogue on Syria helped to achieve success ............................... 10 3. IRAN .................................................................................................................................... 11

EC Secretary: US Untruthworthy, Seeks to Dismantle IRGC ...................................................... 11

Pakistan to ditch dollar in trade with Iran ................................................................................. 11

Iranian-Amercians condemn GOP candidates' anti-Iran rhetoric ............................................. 11

Greek min.: No impediment to expansion of Iran-Greece relations ......................................... 11

Iran says exporting 3000 MW power to Pakistan possible ....................................................... 12

Implications of Iran’s ballistic missile tests ............................................................................... 12

Italy's Rina Services classifies ships in Iran ................................................................................ 12

Obama pledges to help ensure accountability for 1994 Argentina bombing blamed on Iran regime................................................................................................................................................ 13

Iran unable to boost oil production without foreign investment — Lukoil official .................. 13

De Freige: Iran and Hezbollah Purposely Impair Saudi-Lebanese Affairs ................................. 13 4. ISRAEL – PALESTINE.............................................................................................................. 14

Sayfa 2

Israel warned Belgium about airport attack.............................................................................. 14

Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Five Palestinians In Ramallah And Jenin ............................................... 14

Israeli Soldier Wounded in West Bank Stabbing ....................................................................... 14

Israel's Ambassador Asks U.N. to 'Respond' to Nasrallah Threats ............................................ 14

Israeli PM Netanyahu hopes relations with Turkey to be normalized in April.......................... 15

Netanyahu: To defeat terrorism, we must be united ............................................................... 15

Israel, U.S. Working to Block UN Resolution on 'Black List' of Settlement-linked Firms ........... 15

Obama: Israeli-Palestinian peace not possible during my presidency ...................................... 15

Turkey’s TIKA to build housing units in war-battered Gaza ...................................................... 15

Gaza resident appears in court for hacking Israeli drone, family denies charges ..................... 16

UN: Settlements Root Cause of Violations against Palestinians ............................................... 16

Palestinian Syrians: Twice refugees .......................................................................................... 16 5. JORDAN and LEBANON ......................................................................................................... 16

Hariri slams Aoun’s claims on legitimacy of parliament ........................................................... 16

Lebanese Parliament Fails to Elect President ............................................................................ 17

Geagea Says Hizbullah Does Not Want Aoun as President ....................................................... 17

Nohad Machnouk Warns from Security Gaps in Beirut’s Airport ............................................. 17

UK provides additional funding for Lebanese Security Forces .................................................. 18

Ban Arrives in Beirut on Two-Day Visit ...................................................................................... 18

Syrian Refugees in Jordan Blocked From Assessing Health Care Services ................................ 18

Consortium bids for re-Routed Iraq-Jordan oil Export Pipeline: Source ................................... 18

Bou Saab Reveals $100 Million World Bank Assistance for Education Sector .......................... 19

Salam to Tell Ban Lebanon's Rejection of Naturalization of Syrians ......................................... 19 6. ARABIAN PENINSULA AND THE GULF OF BASRA .................................................................... 19

Crown Prince emphasises Bahrain-UK trade, services collaboration ........................................ 19

Minister of Foreign Affairs Receives the US Ambassador to Bahrain ....................................... 20

Mohammad Bin Zayed to visit Moscow on Thursday ............................................................... 20

US official explains what end of Iran sanctions will mean for UAE businesses ......................... 20

Al Zaabi delivers speech in panel discussion on women’s advancement in Arab world .......... 20

Crown Prince receives Ambassadors of Britain and Austria ..................................................... 21

Former Tunisian FM calls for Arab unity to keep security intact – Kuwaiti reiterates condemnation of Brussels attacks .................................................................................................... 21

Kuwait will not mediate between GCC, Iran ............................................................................. 21

Yemen warring parties agree on ceasefire starting Apr 10 ....................................................... 22

GCC confirms importance of Yemeni President's meeting with ambassadors of 18-member transit process sponsoring countries ................................................................................................ 22

7. EGYPT .................................................................................................................................. 22

Egypt expresses concerns over EU-Turkey deal on refugees .................................................... 22

Permanent security experts to be stationed at Egyptian airports: Russian minister................ 22

Ten new ministers sworn-in Wednesday as new Cabinet revealed .......................................... 23

Sisi Meets With Egyptian Intellectuals amid Rising Concerns over Media Freedom ................ 23

Egypt’s Suez Canal Earnings Fall for Third Month in a Row ...................................................... 23

If Egypt wants IMF deal, it needs to get serious about economic reform ................................ 23

Egypt rises after cabinet reshuffle............................................................................................. 24

Sayfa 3

Russia not ready yet to resume tourist flow to Egypt ............................................................... 24

Saudi delegation in Cairo to prepare for King salman’s April 4 visit ......................................... 24

Amnesty International criticises 'unprecedented crackdown' on NGOs in Egypt ..................... 24 8. NORTH AFRICA ..................................................................................................................... 25

Five terrorists among six killed Monday in El Oued identified .................................................. 25

Algeria’s counter-terrorism unit arrests wanted militant ......................................................... 25

Medserv results exceed targets by 38% .................................................................................... 25

'Hundreds of thousands' of migrants waiting in Libya .............................................................. 26

Morocco accused of violating UN charter in Western Sahara dispute ..................................... 26

Former Tunisian FM calls for Arab unity to keep security intact – Kuwaiti reiterates condemnation of Brussels attacks .................................................................................................... 26

Ambassador: Tunisia will ensure Russian tourists' safety ......................................................... 26

In chaos of Libya, unity government only adds to disarray ....................................................... 27

US "values" Algeria’s support to UN peace process .................................................................. 27

Security Council response needed in W.Sahara crisis -U.N. official .......................................... 27 9. AFGHANISTAN – PAKISTAN .................................................................................................. 28

Taliban commander declare Jihad against the group’s supreme leader in Badghis ................. 28

Several militants killed by own car bomb in Helmand’s Marja district ..................................... 28

Japan Contributes Over $80m To Help Afghanistan ................................................................. 28

Ghani Launches G7+ Summit in Kabul ....................................................................................... 28

Afghan forces seize Haqqani weapons cache near Kabul ......................................................... 29

Did Pakistan Decide to Buy China’s Newest Attack Helicopter? ............................................... 29

More than 130 Pakistanis being held at Moscow airport for over 8 hours: reports ................ 29

Pakistan Day celebrated at UN the first time in history ............................................................ 29

ISI provided huge funds for Headley's 26/11 operation: Ujjwal Nikam .................................... 30

Iranian President to visit Pakistan tomorrow ............................................................................ 30 10. TURKEY AND THE MIDDLE EAST ............................................................................................ 30

ISIS Aspirant from Japan Arrested In Turkey for Trying To Cross Over To Syria ....................... 30

Netanyahu expects April to bring normalisation to ties with Turkey ....................................... 31

Sayfa 4

1. IRAQ,

ISIS uses modern equipment to attack oil fields in Salahuddin

Badr Organization Leader Sadiq al-Husseini revealed, that the so-called ISIS used modern equipment

and weapons made in 2016 during its latest attacks on Alas and Ajil oil fields in Salahuddin Province.

Husseini said in a statement received by, “The latest attacks that were launched on

Ajil and Alas oil fields in Salahuddin Province revealed, that ISIS is using modern equipment made in


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Two Iraqis sentenced in Finland for posting severed head images online

Courts in Finland handed suspended sentences of 16 and 13 months respectively to an Iraqi Shi'ite

militiaman and an Iraqi army sergeant on Wednesday for posting images of them holding severed

heads of enemy fighters on Facebook. The two were arrested after arriving in Finland last year and

were charged with war crimes involving desecration of bodies in incidents in 2014 and 2015 in Iraq,

where Iraqi government forces are embroiled in war with Islamic State (IS) militants.

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4,500 American and European ISIS militants killed in Syria and Iraq

A recent report revealed, that 4500 ISIS militants out of ten thousand American and European

Jihadists who joined the so-called ISIS were killed in Iraq and Syria. The report said, “Almost half of

the western jihadists fighting for ISIS have been killed in Syria and Iraq,” noting that, “4500 foreign

fighters, including women and youths, were killed in Iraq and Syria during the battles, aerial

bombardments and artillery shelling conducted in the two countries.”

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Sayfa 5

3 scenarios before Iraqi Premier Ibadi, Observers

By the nearness of the ultimatum given by the Sadrist leader Muqtada al-Sadr to Iraqi Premier Haidar

al-Ibadi for the ministerial reshuffle, political analysts believe that Premier Ibadi has three

alternatives. The ultimatum for the ministerial reshuffle ends by the end of this month, March 2016.

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Iraq training mission 'having impact'

A government review of New Zealand's training mission in Iraq concludes the deployment is having a

"tangible and positive impact on the ability of the Iraqi Army units to take the fight to ISIL/Daesh". It

said the joint Australia-New Zealand training mission had trained more than 4000 Iraqi army

personnel and conducted three junior leadership courses.

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Brussels and Iraq: Battlegrounds in terrorists’ global war

The Islamist terrorists’ global war on the civilized continues unabated with Brussels, Belgium, the

latest target of an ISIS mass homicide. Belgian authorities report the coordinated terror bomb attacks

on Brussels’ airport and a city metro train station killed at least 31 and wounded almost 200 people.

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ISIS prepares its forces to attack 2 oilfields in Salahuddin

An informed source in Kirkuk Province announced on Wednesday, that the so-called ISIS prepared its

fighters in Hawija District to launch attacks on two oil fields in Salahuddin Province, while pointed out

that ISIS is strengthening its presence in Kasabt Bashir area. The source said in a statement received

by, “This afternoon, a number of vehicles and dozens of ISIS members were gathered

in Hawija District to launch several attacks on Ajil and Alas oil fields in southern Kirkuk,” adding that,

“ISIS strengthened its presence in Kasabt Bashir to be prepared against its approaching liberation


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Sayfa 6

Security forces repel suicide car bomb attacks in Iraq's Anbar

Iraq security forces on Wednesday repelled four out of five suicide car bomb attacks by Islamic State

(IS) militants on security forces in Iraq's western province of Anbar, leaving all suicide bombers and

six soldiers killed, a provincial security source said. The attacks occurred in the morning when five

suicide bombers drove their explosive-laden vehicles near the positions of the security forces in

Zkhaikha area, near the town of Heet, which located some 160 km west of the Iraqi capital of

Baghdad, the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

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NZ Defence Force deployment to Iraq, likely to be below budget on cheaper living costs

New Zealand's two-year military deployment to Iraq to train security forces fighting Islamic State is

likely to come in below budget because living costs at Camp Taji are tracking at about half the

estimated amount. More than 100 New Zealand troops, including trainers and those providing

security for the trainers, have been deployed to Camp Taji, near the capital city of Baghdad as part of

the Building Partner Capacity training mission with Australia. A review of the first nine months of the

mission has concluded it is performing well and achieving the objectives signed off by the Cabinet in

February 2015, according to papers released by Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee.

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OPCW concerned about alleged recent chemical attacks in Iraq

Director-General of the Organisaiton for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Ahmet

Uzumcu has expressed serious concerns about recent reports of possible use of chemical weapons by

non-state actors in Iraq including against civilians in Taza city, according to an OPCW press release

issued on Wednesday. "The OPCW has taken serious note of these disturbing reports against the

background of confirmed use of chemical weapons in Iraq. Any use of chemical weapons is abhorrent

and a violation of universally accepted international norms," said the head of the global chemical

arms watchdog.

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8 people killed, wounded in bomb blast in eastern Baghdad

A source in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced on Wednesday, that eight people had been

either killed or wounded in a bomb blast in eastern Baghdad. The source reported for

Sayfa 7, “Yesterday evening, an explosive device exploded near shops in al-Amin area in

eastern Baghdad, killing two people and wounding six others.”

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Iraq says it's Launched Offensive to recapture is-Held Mosul

An Iraqi military spokesman says the long-awaited military operation to recapture the northern city

of Mosul from Islamic State militants "has begun." The spokesman for the Joint Military Command,

Brig. Gen. Yahya Rasool, says Iraqi forces retook several villages on the outskirts of the town of

Makhmour, east of Mosul, on Thursday morning.

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Iraq seeking Iran's non-oil economy feats

Chairman of Iran's Strategic Council on Foreign Relations (SCFR) Kamal Kharrazi met Iraqi Vice

Speaker Humam Hamoudi during which the senior MP expressed interest in Tehran's achievements

in cutting dependence on oil revenues. Hamoudi welcomed Iran's experience in managing the non-oil

economy saying Iraq is after substitution oil revenues with alternative sources of income.

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Iraq: Central government pushes for new oil deal with KRG

Iraqi Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi on Tuesday called on northern Iraq’s Kurdish Regional

Government (KRG) to sign a new oil deal with Baghdad. In 2014, Baghdad and the KRG signed a deal

under which 17 percent of the federal budget would be allocated to the KRG in exchange for the

export of 550,000 barrels of oil per day to the state-owned Iraqi State Organization for Marketing Oil


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Sayfa 8

S. Korea offers $7 mln in humanitarian aid to Iraq

South Korea has offered $7 million in aid to help resolve the humanitarian crisis in Iraq, Seoul's

Foreign Ministry said Thursday. Iraq has suffered from a deepening humanitarian crisis since the ISIL

militant group began occupying large parts of the country in 2014. According to official estimates, the

number of people requiring humanitarian aid has increased from 5.2 million in January 2015 to 11

million this January. Of the total, 3.2 million people have been internally displaced.

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John Kerry intensifies pressure over Syria

US Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to press president Vladimir Putin on how Russia sees a

future political transition in Syria and the fate of president Bashar al-Assad. With a fragile truce in

place in Syria and warring sides attending peace talks in Geneva, Kerry wants to “get down to brass

tacks” on the question of Assad’s future, a State Department official said.

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N. Korean militia units fighting in Syria – opposition delegate

Two North Korean militia units are fighting in Syria in support of Bashar Al-Assad’s government in

that country’s civil war, Russian news agency TASS reported Tuesday. Asaad Al-Zoubi, head delegate

of the High Negotiations Committee (HNC) of the Syrian opposition, reported the presence of North

Korean militia units in Syria while attending peace talks at the United Nations European headquarters

in Geneva.

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Russia-Saudi Arabia Summit Planned, Syria to Be Main Topic - Moscow

Russia expects to shortly agree with Saudi Arabia on the dates of a planned bilateral top-level

meeting, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said Thursday. "We hope to hear some

suggestions from the Saudi leadership soon," Bogdanov told reporters, adding that one of the main

topics of discussion at the summit would be Syria.

Sayfa 9

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Progress made on humanitarian relief in Syria

The advisor to the United Nations envoy on Syria Wednesday reported further progress in the

humanitarian relief efforts in the conflict-battered country, with access to more areas, allowing the

delivery of medical kits as well as vaccines for children. Briefing the media in Geneva, Jan Egeland,

the Special Advisor to UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, said humanitarian convoys have

already reached or got verbal Government consent to reach most of the 18 besieged areas, except

Darayya and Douma.

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Syria regime forces close in on IS-held Palmyra

Syrian pro-government forces were poised to launch an assault to retake the Islamic State-held city

of Palmyra, as Washington and Moscow meet on Thursday (March 24) to discuss the fraught peace

talks. The Islamic State (IS) group overran the city dubbed the "Pearl of the Desert" last May, and it

has since blown up Unesco-listed temples and looted relics dating back thousands of years.

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Mogherini demands progress at Syria talks

The EU’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini met with Syria’s regime and opposition yesterday

(23 March) to underscore the urgency of a political solution in the country, especially in the wake of

the Brussels attacks. Mogherini came to Geneva, where peace talks are under way, following a

request from United Nations peace talks mediator Staffan de Mistura, making an EU call to both

sides that the flagging negotiations move forward.

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UN chief arrives in Beirut; Syria talks to adjourn in Geneva

The U.N. chief has arrived in Lebanon on an official visit that comes as the U.N.-brokered peace talks

in Geneva between the Syrian government and the opposition are to adjourn until later in April. Ban

Ki-moon is to meet top Lebanese officials and discuss regional matters. Lebanon, which has taken in

Sayfa 10

over 1 million Syrian refugees, also has a U.N. peacekeeping force that maintains security along the

Lebanese-Israel border.

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Tuberculosis cases decreased in Syria

The number of Tuberculosis cases in Syria has decreased in 2015 as compared to 2014, Health

Minister Nizar Yazigi has said. Minister Yazigi told SANA, in a statement on the World Tuberculosis

(TB) Day, that the ministry has achieved good results in facing TB adopting procedures for taking care

of the infected people throughout its specialized centers in different provinces.

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Areximbank – Gazprombank Group’s employees collect assistance for Armenian refugees from Syria

Gazprombank Group’s employees have collected assistance for Armenian refugees from Syria as part

of the campaign ‘You are Not Alone’ run under the patronage of Russia’s embassy and center for

science and culture in Armenia, the press office of the bank reported on Thursday. Yelena Markova,

advisor to Areximbank – Gazprombank Group CEO, is quoted in the press release as saying that the

bank pay special attention to socially unsecured categories of people, to those who are in extremely

dire straits.

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Lavrov says Russia-US equal dialogue on Syria helped to achieve success

The Russian-US dialogue on Syria on the equal basis allowed the sides to achieve success and more

effort is needed to work on forming a balance of interests, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

said at talks with his US counterpart in Moscow on Thursday. "I fully agree with what you said about

the Russian-American interaction and cooperation on Syria," Lavrov told US Secretary of State John


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Sayfa 11


EC Secretary: US Untruthworthy, Seeks to Dismantle IRGC

Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council (EC) Mohsen Rezayee said President Obama’s Persian New

Year message to the Iranians as well as US threats with regard to Iran’s missile tests show uncertainty

in the ranks of US government officials. Speaking to the state TV on Tuesday, Rezayee said the US

government has no intention to recognize the Islamic Revolution of 1979, arguing that they seek to

restore their previous hegemony and control over Iran.

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Pakistan to ditch dollar in trade with Iran

Pakistan’s media reported on Thursday that the country is preparing to ditch the dollar and use euros

in trade with Iran. The Express Tribune has quoted an the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) as announcing

in a statement that a plan has been prepared to enable Pakistani businessmen to open letters of

credit (L/Cs) for imports from Iran in euros instead of dollars.

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Iranian-Amercians condemn GOP candidates' anti-Iran rhetoric

The National Iranian American Council (NIAC) condemned Donald Trump and other GOP presidential

hopefuls’ anti-Iran remarks saying they would be disastrous. “We condemn Donald Trump, Ted Cruz,

and John Kasich for their pledges to undo the diplomatic efforts of President Obama and put the U.S.

back on the path to war with Iran,' NIAC Action Executive Director Jamal Abdi said in a statement

following the GOP presidential candidates' speeches at the pro-Zionist AIPAC Policy Conference.

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Greek min.: No impediment to expansion of Iran-Greece relations

Greek Minister of Shipping, Maritime Affairs and the Aegean, Theodoros Dritsas, on Thursday

announced that his country wants all-out expansion of relations with Iran, considering no

impediment on the way. Dritsas told Iran's Ambassador to Greece Majid Motalebi Shabestari that

there are abundant capacity for cooperation between the two countries in shipping and Greek

Sayfa 12

shipping and ports can play an important role in transfer of Iranian energy and goods to the world

markets, reported by IRNA.

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Iran says exporting 3000 MW power to Pakistan possible

Exporting 3000 megawatts(MW) of power to Pakistan is possible, the Deputy Energy Minister

Houshang Falahatian told IRNA on March 22. Without specifying the details, he said that the delayed

debts of Iran's neighbor power clients is about $1.5 billion. He also said that Pakistan hasn't

demonstrated a serious willingness to increase power import from Iran.

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Implications of Iran’s ballistic missile tests

UN Security Council Resolution 1929 (2010) Paragraph 9 states, “Iran shall not undertake any activity

related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic

missile technology, and that States shall take all necessary measures to prevent the transfer of

technology or technical assistance to Iran related to such activities”. Reports confirm that the IRGC

fired several ballistic missiles of the “Qadr-H” and “Qadr-F” types from underground bunkers in the

mountainous region in northern Iran toward a designated location on Iran’s southern coast 870 miles

away (Beirut, Lebanon is just over 900 miles away while Cairo, Egypt is approximately 1230 miles

away). The Qadr missile class developed in Iran due to sanctions limiting their ability to buy military

technologies from other countries is laser guided and has a range of 2000 km (1243 miles).

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Italy's Rina Services classifies ships in Iran

Italy-based Rina Services and the Asian Classification Society (ACS) recently classified the first two

general cargo ships owned by Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL), a major shipping

company in Iran. Rina is a multi-national group, which delivers verification, certification, conformity

assessment, marine classification, environmental enhancement, product testing, site and vendor

supervision, training and engineering consultancy across a wide range of industries and services.

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Sayfa 13

Obama pledges to help ensure accountability for 1994 Argentina bombing blamed on Iran regime

U.S. President Barack Obama said in Argentina on Wednesday that the United States has offered

whatever help it can give to hold accountable those responsible for the deadly 1994 bombing of a

Jewish community center in Buenos Aires. Argentinian investigators have blamed senior figures in

the Iranian regime for the attack, the worst in the country’s history.

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Iran unable to boost oil production without foreign investment — Lukoil official

Iran will not be able to seriously increase oil production without foreign investment, Vice-President

Leonid Fedun said, adding that global producers may take the decision on oil output stabilization

without the country. "This makes no difference as Iran will not be able to seriously increase output

without major foreign investment. Also, Iran’s domestic demand is very high, this is a huge populous

country. Well, they can add 300,000-400,000 barrels to the market, which is minor and more of

speculation," he said when answering the question whether global oil production may be stabilized

without Iran.

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De Freige: Iran and Hezbollah Purposely Impair Saudi-Lebanese Affairs

Lebanese Minister of State of Administrative Reform Nabil de Freige confirmed the government’s

affixed position and the hard efforts spent, especially with the present presidential vacancy. He

emphasized the difficulty and close-to-impossible chances of electing a president under existing

circumstances. “Obstacles remain, and are specifically posed by Hezbollah and MP Michel Aoun,” de

Freige said.

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Sayfa 14


Israel warned Belgium about airport attack

Israel was among those who warned Belgium ahead of the terrorist attack at the Zaventem airport in

Brussels, Channel 2 News reported on Wednesday. According to the report, Israel provided Belgium

with concrete information on security breaches at the airport, where the first of two attacks on the

Belgian capital took place on Tuesday, and claimed that "there are serious security deficiencies at the

airport in Brussels".

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Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Five Palestinians In Ramallah And Jenin

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Thursday at dawn, the West Bank districts of Ramallah and Jenin,

searched several homes and kidnapped five Palestinians.

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Israeli Soldier Wounded in West Bank Stabbing

An Israeli soldier was wounded in a stabbing attack at a checkpoint in the West Bank city of Hebron

on Thursday morning.

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Israel's Ambassador Asks U.N. to 'Respond' to Nasrallah Threats

Israel's Ambassador to the U.N. Danny Danon has asked the Security Council to condemn a warning

made by Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah against attacking Lebanon. In a letter he sent to

the Council on Wednesday, Danon said: “The time has come for the Security Council to respond

firmly against Hizbullah’s repeated threats against the citizens of Israel and its ongoing military


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Sayfa 15

Israeli PM Netanyahu hopes relations with Turkey to be normalized in April

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday that he hopes relations between

Turkey and Israel will be normalized next month, following diplomatic talks. According to reports,

Netanyahu told a press conference in Jerusalem that Turkish and Israeli representatives will meet in

April, which he said will mend relations between the two countries, which had been damaged

following the Mavi Marmara incident in 2010.

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Netanyahu: To defeat terrorism, we must be united

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says recent terrorist attacks around the world are "one

continuous assault on all of us" • Netanyahu speaks with Belgian PM Charles Michel to express

condolences and offer Israeli assistance in combatting terrorism.

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Israel, U.S. Working to Block UN Resolution on 'Black List' of Settlement-linked Firms

UN Human Rights Council to vote on Palestinian initiative calling on international companies to avoid

direct or indirect transactions with businesses linked to the West Bank.

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Obama: Israeli-Palestinian peace not possible during my presidency

US President Barack Obama admitted on Wednesday that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would not

be solved during his remaining time in the White House.

More Details:,7340,L-4782472,00.html

Turkey’s TIKA to build housing units in war-battered Gaza

The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) on Wednesday announced plans to build

320 housing units for Palestinians affected by Israel’s 2014 military offensive against the Gaza Strip.

The $13-million project will include construction of 20 buildings, TIKA representative Bulent Korkmaz

said at a project signing ceremony on Wednesday.

Sayfa 16

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Gaza resident appears in court for hacking Israeli drone, family denies charges

A Palestinian computer engineer from the Gaza Strip, who played a critical role in acquiring talent for

the TV show “Palestinians Got Talent,” appeared in an Israeli court on Wednesday accused of hacking

into Israeli military drones on behalf of the Islamic Jihad political party, government officials said.

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UN: Settlements Root Cause of Violations against Palestinians

A senior UN rights official says that the continued development of illegal Israeli settlements is the

root cause of a broad spectrum of human rights abuses across the occupied Palestinian territories.

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Palestinian Syrians: Twice refugees

As refugees continue to flee civil war in Syria, the road to asylum remains difficult for some Syrian-

born Palestinians.

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Hariri slams Aoun’s claims on legitimacy of parliament

Mandatory Credit: Photo by RAWAN/REX/Shutterstock (1274634a)Lebanon's caretaker Prime

Minister Saad HaririPrime Minister of Qatar visit to Baabda, Lebanon - 18 Jan 2011Lebanese

politicians, unable to resolve disputes over a tribunal set up to try the assassins of statesman Rafik al-

Hariri, have once again deferred to outside powers to try to douse a slow-burning political crisis.

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Sayfa 17


Lebanese Parliament Fails to Elect President

Lebanon will try again on April 18 to elect its president, after failing for the 37th time to do so.

According to former President Michel Sleiman, this situation makes the country 'the laughingstock of

the Arab world'. Due to lack of quorum caused by the deliberate absence of the deputies of the

March 8 alliance, which is led by the Shiite resistance movement Hezbollah, the Speaker of the

Parliament of Lebanon, Nabih Berri, postponed the election.

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Geagea Says Hizbullah Does Not Want Aoun as President

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed Wednesday that Hizbullah does not want presidential

elections in the current period or the election as president of its main Christian ally, Free Patriotic

Movement founder MP Michel Aoun. “At the strategic level, Hizbullah cannot coexist with a real

state in Lebanon … and at the tactical level Hizbullah does not want General Aoun as president,

although it cannot afford to lose him, which has pushed it to obstruct the presidential vote,” Geagea

said in an interview with Russia Today TV.

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Nohad Machnouk Warns from Security Gaps in Beirut’s Airport

Beirut- Lebanese Interior Minister Nouhad Machnouk said that security gaps in Beirut’s Rafik Hariri

International Airport are dangerous and grave and may be, according to Western reports, similar to

those that were in the Sharm el-Sheikh Airport and led to the explosion of the Russian plane.

Machnouk, who was giving his statements after meeting with Britain’s International Development

Secretary Justine Greening in London, stated that the Lebanese Cabinet is not taking these dangers

into consideration.

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Sayfa 18

UK provides additional funding for Lebanese Security Forces

Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood has announced that the UK intends to provide £13

million of additional funding for the Lebanese Internal Security Forces (ISF). The ISF provides stability

in Lebanon amidst regional insecurities from Daesh and the ongoing conflict in Syria. The

announcement follows a visit from Lebanese Minister of Interior Nouhad Machnouk to enhance ties

between Lebanon and the UK.

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Ban Arrives in Beirut on Two-Day Visit

U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon arrived in Beirut on Thursday on a two-day official visit that is expected to

focus on the issue of Syrian refugees, the third such trip since he came to office in 2006. He was

welcomed at Rafik Hariri International Airport by director-general of the Foreign Ministry Wafiq


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Syrian Refugees in Jordan Blocked From Assessing Health Care Services

Syrian refugees in Jordan are prevented from accessing health and other services critical to their

wellbeing, Amnesty International said in a report released on Wednesday.

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Consortium bids for re-Routed Iraq-Jordan oil Export Pipeline: Source

Iraq's oil ministry has received a bid from a Jordanian-Chinese consortium to build and operate a 1

million b/d crude oil export pipeline to the Red Sea port of Aqaba, a source close to the project said

Wednesday. The project is strategically important to Baghdad, providing an alternative export route

to the main Persian Gulf oil terminals, but foundered in 2014 due to security concerns in the west of

the country.

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Bou Saab Reveals $100 Million World Bank Assistance for Education Sector

Education Minister Elias Bou Saab said Thursday that the World Bank has decided to give around

$100 million of assistance for Lebanon's education sector. Bou Saab told al-Liwaa daily that the

World Bank will decide in the next stage on which projects to spend the assistance. “This is the first

tangible decision, which comes as a result of the London conference” that was held in February to

help conflict-hit Syrians, he said.

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Salam to Tell Ban Lebanon's Rejection of Naturalization of Syrians

Prime Minister Tammam Salam reiterated his rejection to the naturalization of Syrians after reports

said that U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon's visit to Beirut on Thursday is aimed at pressuring authorities in

Beirut to give the refugees the Lebanese citizenship. In remarks to An Nahar newspaper, Salam ruled

out any naturalization process, saying he would reiterate Lebanon's official stance on its rejection of

such a process.

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Crown Prince emphasises Bahrain-UK trade, services collaboration

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander

and First Deputy Prime Minister, today met the Lord Mayor of the City of London, the Right

Honourable Jeffrey Mountevans, at Riffa Palace. During the meeting, the Crown Prince stressed that

Bahrain’s commitment to enhancing trade relations with international partners is a key pillar of the

Kingdom’s sustainable development efforts, which prioritize citizens’ living standards and

opportunities for all.

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Sayfa 20

Minister of Foreign Affairs Receives the US Ambassador to Bahrain

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, received this

afternoon (Wednesday, March 23, 2016) H.E the Ambassador of the United States to the Kingdom of

Bahrain, Mr. William V. Roebuck. The Foreign Minister praised the historical relations between the

two countries and their development at all levels; reviewing means to strengthen coordination and

cooperation in various fields and at all regional and international issues; thus, contributing to further

enhancing relations between the two sides and to safeguarding security and stability in the region

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Mohammad Bin Zayed to visit Moscow on Thursday

His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme

Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, will visit Moscow on Thursday. He is on an official visit to

Russia. Shaikh Mohammad will hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on bilateral relations

and ways to expand avenues of cooperation between both countries. The two leaders will also

discuss a number of regional and international issues of mutual concern.

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US official explains what end of Iran sanctions will mean for UAE businesses

Business leaders have been briefed on the end of international sanctions against Iran and its

implications for companies in the UAE. Chris Backemeyer, the principal deputy coordinator for

sanctions policy at the US state department, addressed worries the private sector might have after

years of mistrust and embargoes following the revolution in 1979 and questions about the Islamic

republic’s nuclear ambitions.

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Al Zaabi delivers speech in panel discussion on women’s advancement in Arab world

Ambassador Obaid Salem Al Zaabi, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the United Nations and

other International Organisations in Geneva, has participated in a panel discussion organised by the

Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue in co-operation with UNESCO

office in Geneva on "Advancing the status of women in the Arab World.

Sayfa 21

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Crown Prince receives Ambassadors of Britain and Austria

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, Deputy Premier and Minister of Interior received

separately at the Interior Ministry here today the Ambassador of Britain to the Kingdom Simon Collis

and Austrian Ambassador to the Kingdom Gregor W. Koessler. During the meetings, they discussed a

number of issues of common interest between the Kingdom and the two countries.

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Former Tunisian FM calls for Arab unity to keep security intact – Kuwaiti reiterates condemnation of Brussels attacks

Former Tunisian foreign minister Taieb Baccouche called on Arab nations yesterday remain united, to

keep security in the Arab world intact. Delivering a lecture at Saud Al-Nasser Al-Sabah Diplomatic

Institute, entitled” Development of Regional Events and its Effect on International Relations,”

Baccouche said that “security remains the primary goal, as any threat to one Arab nation is a threat

to all.

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Kuwait will not mediate between GCC, Iran

A Kuwaiti official has denied any mediation role by his country in the standoff between Gulf

Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and Iran. Earlier this month, a Kuwaiti daily reported that

Mahmoud Alavi, the Iranian minister of intelligence, visited Kuwait and handed over to leaders there

a written message from President Hassan Rouhani pertaining to relations with the GCC countries and

an earnest desire to reach a settlement on regional issues without any foreign interference.

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Sayfa 22

Yemen warring parties agree on ceasefire starting Apr 10

Yemen's warring parties have agreed on a ceasefire from April 10 followed by peace talks, a UNenvoy

said Wednesday, March 23, raising hopes of a breakthrough in a conflict that has devastated the

country, AFP reports.

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GCC confirms importance of Yemeni President's meeting with ambassadors of 18-member transit process sponsoring countries

GCC's Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Negotiations, Dr. Abdul Aziz Hamad

Aluwaisheg has confirmed the importance of periodic meetings with the ambassadors of the 18-

member transit process sponsoring countries to Yemen, which was hosted by Yemeni President Abed

Rabbo Mansour Hadi at his residence in Riyadh yesterday evening.

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Egypt expresses concerns over EU-Turkey deal on refugees

Egypt expressed its concerns over the EU-Turkey deal related to the migrant crisis and asylum

seekers, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid said in an official statement issued

by the ministry on Wednesday.

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Permanent security experts to be stationed at Egyptian airports: Russian minister

Russian security experts will be permanently stationed at Egyptian airports to follow up on the

enforcement of security measures demanded by Russia in order to resume flights to Egypt, Russian

transportation minister Maksim Sokolov said in a televised interview Monday.

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Sayfa 23

Ten new ministers sworn-in Wednesday as new Cabinet revealed

Ten new ministers were sworn in before President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Wednesday, as the

outcome of the long-awaited cabinet reshuffled was finally revealed. The new ministers are those for

transport, justice, civil aviation, finance, water resources and irrigation, business sector, antiquities,

manpower, tourism and investment.

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Sisi Meets With Egyptian Intellectuals amid Rising Concerns over Media Freedom

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi initiated on Tuesday an open dialogue with more than 20

intellectual figures to discuss various issues of national concern, according to a statement by the

presidency. The participants were requested to form “working groups” to further discuss the various

issues brought up during the national dialogue. Sisi is expected to follow up with the groups’

recommendations a month from now.

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Egypt’s Suez Canal Earnings Fall for Third Month in a Row

For the third consecutive month, revenues from Egypt’s Suez Canal declined, reaching USD 401.4

million, Egyptian state media reports, citing new data released by the Suez Canal Authority. The new

figures showed that the revenues in January and December were USD 411.8 million and USD 429

million, respectively, meaning that the last three months have seen revenues fall by a total of USD

27.6 million.

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If Egypt wants IMF deal, it needs to get serious about economic reform

When Egypt’s central bank devalued the pound on March 14, it prompted some economists to

speculate that the government would soon approach the IMF for a loan agreement. But unless there

is a major change in thinking, such an accord seems more out of reach than ever.

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Sayfa 24


Egypt rises after cabinet reshuffle

Egypt’s stock market rose on Wednesday after President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi reshuffled his cabinet,

while Gulf bourses were mixed in the absence of fresh incentives to trade. The sweeping Egyptian

reshuffle appeared to focus on improving economic performance – banking veteran Amr el-Garhy

was appointed finance minister and Dalia Khorshid, formerly an executive of Orascom Construction,

as investment minister.

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Russia not ready yet to resume tourist flow to Egypt

Moscow is not ready yet for the resumption of tourist flow from Russia to Egypt in the wake of a

Russian passenger plane catastrophe in the Sinai Peninsula, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets

said Wednesday.

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Saudi delegation in Cairo to prepare for King salman’s April 4 visit

A Saudi delegation arrived in Cairo Wednesday to prepare for Saudi King Salman bin Abdelaziz’s visit

scheduled on April 4, an Egyptian official from Cairo International Airport told.

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Amnesty International criticises 'unprecedented crackdown' on NGOs in Egypt

Global rights group Amnesty International criticised Egyptian authorities for reopening investigations

into several NGOs for allegedly receiving funds illegally from foreign governments and institutions.

"Egypt’s civil society is being treated like an enemy of the state, rather than a partner for reform and

progress,” Amnesty said in a statement.

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Sayfa 25



Five terrorists among six killed Monday in El Oued identified

"Following the operation conducted by a detachment of the People's National Army on 21 March in

the province of El Oued (4th military region), which resulted in the elimination of six (6) terrorists and

the recovery of a large quantity of arms and ammunitions, it should be pointed out that the

dangerous terrorists are: +H. El Hachem+ alias +Hamza+, +G. Abd-Elmottalib+ alias +Abou

Elhammam+, GH. Ali known as El Soufi, K. Lazhar and A. Younes," the ministry said.

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Algeria’s counter-terrorism unit arrests wanted militant

A wanted militant was arrested Wednesday in the province of Ouargla by security services as part of

counter-terrorism, the National Defence ministry announced in a communiqué. "As part of

counterterrorism, a terrorist wanted by security services has been arrested today 23 March 2016 in

the province of Ouargla (4th military region)," the same source added.

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Medserv results exceed targets by 38%

Medserv has reported a profit before tax of €6 million representing an increase of 38 per cent over

forecast. Reported group revenue for the year was €42.2 million. The group said that its performance

in 2015 was attributed to a number of factors, including the strong business flow conducted out of

Malta in support of the ongoing operations offshore Libya, and to the performance of Medserv

(Cyprus) Ltd which continues to service ENI out of the company’s shore base in Larnaca. Finally,

engineering and maintenance services continued to grow in 2015.

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Sayfa 26

'Hundreds of thousands' of migrants waiting in Libya

French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Thursday that some 800,000 migrants are in Libya

hoping to cross to Europe. Le Drian said in an interview with Europe 1 radio that "hundreds of

thousands" of migrants were in Libya, having fled conflict and poverty in the Middle East and

elsewhere, adding that the figure of 800,000 was "about right".

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Morocco accused of violating UN charter in Western Sahara dispute

A United Nations official has accused Morocco of violating the UN charter and challenging the UN

Security Council over the closure of a military liaison office in the disputed Western Sahara region.

The UN said it had closed the office in Dakhla on Tuesday at Morocco's request and withdrawn three

military observers posted there.

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Former Tunisian FM calls for Arab unity to keep security intact – Kuwaiti reiterates condemnation of Brussels attacks

Former Tunisian foreign minister Taieb Baccouche called on Arab nations yesterday remain united, to

keep security in the Arab world intact. Delivering a lecture at Saud Al-Nasser Al-Sabah Diplomatic

Institute, entitled” Development of Regional Events and its Effect on International Relations,”

Baccouche said that “security remains the primary goal, as any threat to one Arab nation is a threat

to all.”

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Ambassador: Tunisia will ensure Russian tourists' safety

The Tunisian authorities are hoping that the number of tourists arriving in the country from Russia

will increase and pledge to take all necessary measures to ensure their safety, Tunisian Ambassador

to Russia Ali Goutali said Wednesday. "We are in a hurry to provide security for you and do not want

you to be exposed to the slightest danger. We pay special attention to resorts, as well as airports and

tourist routes," he said at a press conference in Moscow.

Sayfa 27

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In chaos of Libya, unity government only adds to disarray

It was meant to finally bring an end to Libya's political chaos and unrest, but the creation of a new

UN-backed unity government has only added to the country's disarray. Desperate to resolve years of

political deadlock that has allowed jihadists to gain an important foothold on Europe's doorstep, the

United Nations and Western powers have been pushing hard for the acceptance of a Libyan power-

sharing deal announced in December.

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US "values" Algeria’s support to UN peace process

"Exchanges on this issue are constant between the two countries," said the US diplomat in a news

conference inaugurating the American Week of Culture as part of the event "Constantine, capital of

Arab Culture 2015." The US "is grateful for the advices and the prospects of the Algerian diplomacy,"

said the diplomat.

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Security Council response needed in W.Sahara crisis -U.N. official

The United Nations Security Council must act to ensure Morocco's decision to expel personnel from a

U.N. peacekeeping mission in the disputed territory of Western Sahara does not set a bad precedent

for other missions, a U.N. official said on Wednesday. The controversy over U.N. Secretary-General

Ban Ki-moon's use of the word "occupation" during a recent visit to the region is Morocco's worst

dispute with the U.N. since 1991, when the U.N. brokered a ceasefire to end a war over Western

Sahara and established a peacekeeping mission, known as MINURSO.

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Sayfa 28


Taliban commander declare Jihad against the group’s supreme leader in Badghis

A Taliban group commander affiliated with Mullah Mohammad Rasool has declared Jihad against

Taliban’s self-declared supreme leader Mullah Akhtar Mansoor in northwestern Badghis province of

Afghanistan. The Taliban commander, Mullah Ghafoor Tufan, has accused Mansoor of working for

Pakistan’s Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) and murdering several Taliban leaders.

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Several militants killed by own car bomb in Helmand’s Marja district

Several militants have been killed by their own car bomb in Marja district of the restive Helmand

province of Afghanistan. Reports suggest that the insurgents were in the process of making a Vehicle-

Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) which exploded on them at the last stages in ‘Pinzam

Block area’ on Wednesday afternoon.

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Japan Contributes Over $80m To Help Afghanistan

The government of Japan on Thursday announced it recently provided a total of $21.3 million to aid

agencies for humanitarian and emergency assistance in Afghanistan - this in addition to the $63

million USD it gave the Afghan government to improve irrigation systems and rural access across the


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Ghani Launches G7+ Summit in Kabul

President Ashraf Ghani officially opened the 4th G7+ Ministerial meeting in Kabul on Wednesday and

said Afghanistan has made enormous strides over the past 15 years with the help of the international

community. But he said stability in the country was the responsibility of government and that all

Afghan leaders need to focus on reforms.

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Sayfa 29

Afghan forces seize Haqqani weapons cache near Kabul

The Afghan security forces had recovered a weapons cache near the country's capital of Kabul, the

National Directorate of Security (NDS) said on Thursday. The country's national intelligence agency

said in a statement that the cache had been recovered after an operation conducted by the NDS

personnel in Seppas village, outskirts of Pul-e-Alam, capital of eastern Logar province.

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Did Pakistan Decide to Buy China’s Newest Attack Helicopter?

Pakistan’s Army has for the first time publicly revealed the Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation

(CAIC) Z-10 Thunderboltattack helicopter during this year’s Pakistan Day parade, Defense News

reports. The Z-10 is the first modern attack helicopter designed and produced domestically by the

People’s Republic of China and been in service with the People’s Liberation Army since 2012.

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More than 130 Pakistanis being held at Moscow airport for over 8 hours: reports

According to a video and pictures circulating on social media, a group of over 130 Pakistanis

travelling to Russia is being held at the Moscow airport for the past seven hours. Television reports

say the Pakistanis, who are actually part of a group of traders, were travelling to Russia for an

exhibition when they were detained at the Moscow airport, along with a few people coming from

other countries.

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Pakistan Day celebrated at UN the first time in history

For the first time in the history, Pakistan Day celebrations were held at the General Assembly hall of

the United Nations. Diplomats from around 140 countries, UN officials, civil society representatives,

media and members of the Pakistani diaspora were present during the celebrations. A concert, titled

“Sufi Night”: Music of Peace was organised by the Pakistan Mission to the UN, and Ustad Rahat Fateh

Ali Khan performed in the concert.

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ISI provided huge funds for Headley's 26/11 operation: Ujjwal Nikam

Mumbai terror attack operative David Coleman Headley, who had been vehemently denying that he

had not been paid by Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, finally made a sensational revelation

before a court today that the ISI had massively funded his entire operation. Speaking to the media

after Headley's cross-examination, Special Prosecutor in the case Ujjwal Nikam said that the

Pakistani-American terrorist had made four major revelations in today's session.

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Iranian President to visit Pakistan tomorrow

At the invitation of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hassan

Rouhani, would arrive tomorrow (Friday) on a two-day official visit. This will be Rouhani’s first visit to

Pakistan as the president of Iran. He will be accompanied by a high-level delegation comprising

ministers, senior officials and businessmen. During his stay in Islamabad, he will hold meetings with

President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz. The leadership will have an exchange of

views on strengthening bilateral relations, particularly after lifting of the sanctions on Iran that has

opened new avenues for enhancing economic interaction. Cooperation on regional and international

issues of mutual concern will also be discussed.

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ISIS Aspirant from Japan Arrested In Turkey for Trying To Cross Over To Syria

A Japanese man attempting to join the Islamic State group in Syria was detained by Turkish officials

Tuesday, Turkish media reported Wednesday. The man, identified only as M.M., was caught while

authorities were searching a suspicious car in the Nizip district in southeastern province of Gaziantep.

During the investigation, the Japanese man confessed that he had reached the district hoping to

cross over the border to join the extremist group, also known as ISIS, in Syria, Turkey's Doğan News

Agency reported. He added that he was convinced to join the Sunni militant group after he met a

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Syrian person. ISIS recently claimed responsibility for Tuesday's attacks in Brussels that killed at least

30 people and injured over 200.

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Netanyahu expects April to bring normalisation to ties with Turkey

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday an additional meeting with Turkish

officials will probably be held soon to normalise broken relations with Turkey.Netanyahu said he is

expecting a normalisation in April after Turkish and Israeli officials meet for an additional meeting.

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*This media summary is prepared by ORSAM Middle East Research Assistant Firuze Yağmur Gökler.

It covers news and commentaries as reported by the national media sources publishing in the Middle

Eastern countries. The views expressed are not those of ORSAM and their inclusion does not imply

factual accuracy.

*Bu bülten ORSAM Ortadoğu Uzman Yardımcısı Firuze Yağmur Gökler tarafından hazırlanmaktadır.

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