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Talk Wordy to MeTalk Wordy to Me

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My aim is to produce promotional materials for a campaign that aims to get people to talk to each

other about real issues.In an age where it has never been so easy to

communicate with someone thanks to social media, people don’t really talk about real issues and topics.

I am going to use philosophical theories and questions as a starting point for campaign.


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So far in my project, I have conducted research into numerous

campaigns for charitable foundations that aim to raise awareness about a

number of different issues.

I then started to do my own research into whether

philosophical issues or current affairs would serve as a better stimulus for conversation, as I

outlined I would do in my initial presentation. I did this in the form of questionnaires, which not only helped to prove my theory as well as give me a

target audience (ages 11-30, although it is aimed at mainly

the older people of this group).

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Finally after completing all of my research, I began to work on an identity for my campaign, including a name and a logo. Initially I

thought of a number of different names as well as taking suggestions, chose my favourite and then asked which people liked

the most.

The top two were Talkasaurus and Talk Wordy to Me. From

Talkasaurus also came Talktionary, and so for these

three I continued mark making and started to develop

logo work for each idea.

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Ultimately I decided on Talk Wordy to Me, because it worked well for the target audience and people seemed

to like it.

I have experimented with a number of different ideas/materials, including plans to use a laser cutter. Hopefully

this will develop into more work.

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Throughout this project I have also kept a diary that contains all of my timetables and crit sheets, as well

as a record of my thoughts and where I have identified I need to catch up on work, do more or try

out different ideas. I think that this has really helped as it helps me to get my project straight in my head, and when I’m a bit lost I can just look back at it to see where I can

do work.

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Week 4 - Finalise Logo design- Research into typographers- Start development for final

pieces (posters, bags, booklet, web design etc.)

Easter Holidays - Finish final designs and production

Week 5 - Printing and very last changes

Week 6 - evaluation and presentation
