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Microtask crowdsourcing for disease mention annotation

in PubMed abstracts

Benjamin Good, Max Nanis, Andrew Su The Scripps Research Institute


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• Rapid growth of text

Long term goal: improve information extraction from text


• Existing computational methods - are not perfect - need training data

pubs/year >100/hour

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Information Extraction

1. Find mentions of high level concepts in text

2. Map mentions to specific terms in ontologies

3. Identify relationships between concepts


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There is accumulating evidence that many non-expert members of ‘the crowd’ can read English well enough to help with many information extraction tasks - even in complex biomedical text

4 Zhai 2013, Aroyo 2013, Burger 2014

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Microtask Crowdsourcing

• Distribute discrete units of work (aka “human intelligence tasks” or HITs) to many workers in parallel who are paid to solve them.


Reported 500,000 registered workers in

2011 [1]

[1] Paritosh P, Ipeirotis P, Cooper M, Suri S: The computer is the new sewing

machine: benefits and perils of crowdsourcing. WWW '11 2011:325–326.

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AMT, how it works


Requester Tasks

AmazonFor each task, specify: • a qualification test • how many workers per

task • how much we will pay

per task • in this case, a link to a

website that we host where they can complete the task.

Interact directly with Amazon system

Manages: • parallel execution of jobs • worker access to tasks

via qualification tests • payments • task advertising


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How well can AMT workers, in aggregate, reproduce a gold standard disease mention corpus within the text of PubMed abstracts?


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Corpus used for comparison

NCBI Disease corpus • 793 PubMed abstracts

• (100 development, 593 training, 100 test)

• 12 expert annotators (2 annotate each abstract)

6,900 “disease” mentions

8Doğan, Rezarta, and Zhiyong Lu. "An improved corpus of disease mentions in PubMed citations." Proceedings of the 2012

Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing. Association for Computational Linguistics.

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DiseasePhrase is a disease IF: • it can be mapped to a unique UMLS metathesaurus

concept in one of these semantic types

9Doğan, Rezarta, and Zhiyong Lu. "An improved corpus of disease mentions in PubMed citations." Proceedings of the 2012

Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing. Association for Computational Linguistics.

• and it contains information helpful to physicians

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• Specific Disease: • “Diastrophic dysplasia”

• Disease Class: • “Cancers”

• Composite Mention: • “prostatic , skin , and lung cancer”

• Modifier: • ..the “familial breast cancer” gene , BRCA2..

Disease mentions

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Instructions• Task: You will be presented with text from the biomedical literature which we believe may help

resolve some important medical questions. The task is to highlight words and phrases in that text which are diseases, disease groups, or symptoms of diseases. This work will help advance research in cancer and many other diseases!

• Highlight all diseases and disease abbreviations !• “...are associated with Huntington disease ( HD )... HD patients

received...” • “The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome ( WAS ) , an X-linked immunodeficiency…”

• Highlight the longest span of text specific to a disease !• “... contains the insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus locus …”

• and not just ‘diabetes’. • Highlight disease conjunctions as single, long spans.

• “... a significant fraction of familial breast and ovarian cancer , but undergoes…”

• Highlight symptoms - physical results of having a disease!• “XFE progeroid syndrome can cause dwarfism, cachexia, and microcephaly.

Patients often display learning disabilities, hearing loss, and visual impairment.11

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Qualification task: Q1Select all and only the terms that should be highlighted for each text segment:


1. “Myotonic dystrophy ( DM ) is associated with a ( CTG ) n trinucleotide repeat expansion in the 3-untranslated region of a protein kinase-encoding gene , DMPK , which maps to chromosome 19q13 . 3 . ”

• Myotonic

• dystrophy

• Myotonic dystrophy

• DM


• trinucleotide repeat expansion

• kinase-encoding gene


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Qualification task: Q2


2. “Germline mutations in BRCA1 are responsible for most cases of inherited breast and ovarian cancer . However , the function of the BRCA1 protein has remained elusive . As a regulated secretory protein , BRCA1 appears to function by a mechanism not previously described for tumour suppressor gene products.”

• Germline mutations


• breast

• ovarian cancer

• inherited breast and ovarian cancer

• cancer

• tumour

• tumour suppressor

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Qualification task: Q3


3. “We report about Dr . Kniest , who first described the condition in 1952 , and his patient , who , at the age of 50 years is severely handicapped with short stature , restricted joint mobility , and blindness but is mentally alert and leads an active life . This is in accordance with molecular findings in other patients with Kniest dysplasia and…”

• age of 50 years

• severely handicapped

• short

• short stature

• restricted joint mobility

• blindness

• mentally alert

• molecular findings

• Kniest dysplasia

• dysplasia

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Qualification task results


Threshold for passing

33/194 passed 17% Workers

qualified workers

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Tagging interface


Click to see instructions

Highlight mentions

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Identify the disease mentions in the 593 abstracts from the NCBI disease corpus

• 6 cents per HIT

• HIT = annotate one abstract from PubMed

• 5 workers annotate each abstract

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AMT, how it really works





Aggregation function


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Increase precision with voting


1 or more votes (K=1)This molecule inhibits the growth of a broad panel of cancer cell lines, and is particularly efficacious in leukemia cells, including orthotopic leukemia preclinical models as well as in ex vivo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patient tumor samples. Thus, inhibition of CDK9 may represent an interesting approach as a cancer therapeutic target especially in hematologic malignancies.

K=2This molecule inhibits the growth of a broad panel of cancer cell lines, and is particularly efficacious in leukemia cells, including orthotopic leukemia preclinical models as well as in ex vivo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patient tumor samples. Thus, inhibition of CDK9 may represent an interesting approach as a cancer therapeutic target especially in hematologic malignancies.

K=3This molecule inhibits the growth of a broad panel of cancer cell lines, and is particularly efficacious in leukemia cells, including orthotopic leukemia preclinical models as well as in ex vivo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patient tumor samples. Thus, inhibition of CDK9 may represent an interesting approach as a cancer therapeutic target especially in hematologic malignancies.

K=4This molecule inhibits the growth of a broad panel of cancer cell lines, and is particularly efficacious in leukemia cells, including orthotopic leukemia preclinical models as well as in ex vivo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patient tumor samples. Thus, inhibition of CDK9 may represent an interesting approach as a cancer therapeutic target especially in hematologic malignancies.

Aggregation function

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Results 593 abstracts compared to gold standard

• 7 days

• $192.90

• 17 workers


F = 0.81, k = 2

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Inter-Annotator agreement among experts, NCBI Disease corpus

21Doğan, Rezarta, and Zhiyong Lu. "An improved corpus of disease mentions in PubMed citations." Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012.


Average level of agreement

between expert annotators (stage 1)

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In aggregate, our worker ensemble is faster, cheaper and as accurate as a single expert

annotator for this task

• experts had consistency (F) with other experts = 0.76.

• The turker ensemble had consistency with the finalized standard = 0.81


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Summary• Some members of the crowd can tag “disease”

mentions in PubMed abstracts with comparable accuracy to experts

• This was nontrivial to set up

• We can now generate disease mention annotations at a rate of about 500 abstracts and $150 per week

• Next step: mentions to concepts…


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The Future

• It looks like, if we want to, we can have access to much larger sets of annotated corpora than ever before

• The annotations are different

• New ways of using and evaluating IE algorithms are needed [1].

24[1] Aroyo, Lora, and Chris Welty. Harnessing disagreement in crowdsourcing a relation extraction gold standard. Tech. Rep. RC25371 (WAT1304-058), IBM Research, 2013.

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Max Nanis Andrew Su

Mechanical Turk Workers! @bgood [email protected]

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Try it yourself!• GATE crowdsourcing plugin.

• Or you can try our code at !

• And present your findings at the crowdsourcing session at the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing January 2015, Big Island, Hawaii


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• This is NOT a replacement for professional annotators

• This IS a tool that could be used by professional annotators


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Related work• [1] Zhai et al 2013, used similar protocol to tag medication

names in clinical trials descriptions. F = 0.88 compared to gold standard

• [2] Burger et al, using microtask workers to identify relationships between genes and mutations.

• [3] Aroyo & Welty, used workers to identify relations between concepts in medical text.


[1] Zhai H. et al (2013) ”Web 2.0-Based Crowdsourcing for High-Quality Gold Standard Development in Clinical Natural Language Processing” J Med Internet Res [2] Burger, John, et al. (2014) "Hybrid curation of gene-mutation relations combining automated extraction and crowdsourcing.” Mitre technical report [3] Aroyo, Lora, and Chris Welty. Harnessing disagreement in crowdsourcing a relation extraction gold standard. Tech. Rep. RC25371 (WAT1304-058), IBM Research, 2013.