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Microsoft SurfaceMarketing Plan

Submission Date:2013-MM-DD

Prepared for: Richard Toker For Direct Marketing Course

Prepared by: By Group1Anne Marie Bourgeois

Dave MacDonnellDimitra Tsalpouris

Harsha KotianSchereene Outerbridge

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Microsoft Surface Marketing Plan


1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.....................................................................................................4

2. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS..................................................................................................42.1. Company.........................................................................................................................................................................42.1.1. Internal.........................................................................................................................................................................42.1.2. Brand Strategy..............................................................................................................................................................52.1.3. Brand Positioning.........................................................................................................................................................52.2. Macro Environment.......................................................................................................................................................52.2.1. Economy......................................................................................................................................................................52.2.2. The Competitive Situation...........................................................................................................................................52.2.3. Competitive Summary.................................................................................................................................................52.2.4. Emerging Technologies...............................................................................................................................................52.3. Product Situation...........................................................................................................................................................52.4. Distribution Channels....................................................................................................................................................5

3. TARGET GROUPS..............................................................................................................53.1. Surface RT......................................................................................................................................................................53.1.1. College/University Students.........................................................................................................................................63.1.2. Educational Institutions................................................................................................................................................63.1.3. Young Individuals/Families.........................................................................................................................................63.2. Surface PRO...................................................................................................................................................................63.2.1. Young Professionals.....................................................................................................................................................73.2.2. Individuals in Small/Medium Sized Businesses..........................................................................................................7

4. CONSUMER RESEARCH...................................................................................................7

5. SWOT ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................75.1. Strengths.........................................................................................................................................................................75.2. Weaknesses.....................................................................................................................................................................85.3. Opportunities..................................................................................................................................................................85.4. Threats............................................................................................................................................................................8

6. MARKETING COMMUNICATION PLAN............................................................................86.1. Business Objectives........................................................................................................................................................86.2. Target Groups Analysis.................................................................................................................................................86.2.1. Primary Target: NextGen - College/University Students............................................................................................86.2.2. Secondary Target: Power Parents - Parents of College/University Students..............................................................96.3. Offer Strategy.................................................................................................................................................................96.4. Marketing Objective #1.................................................................................................................................................96.4.1. Marketing Strategy.......................................................................................................................................................96.4.2. Marketing Tactics.........................................................................................................................................................96.5. Marketing Objective #2...............................................................................................................................................106.5.1. Marketing Strategy.....................................................................................................................................................106.5.2. Marketing Tactics.......................................................................................................................................................106.6. Communication Objective...........................................................................................................................................106.6.1. Communication Strategy............................................................................................................................................10

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Microsoft Surface Marketing Plan

6.6.2. Communication Tactics.............................................................................................................................................106.6.3............................................................................................................................................................................................116.7. Timing...........................................................................................................................................................................116.8. Budget............................................................................................................................................................................116.9. Metrics and Success Criteria.......................................................................................................................................116.9.1. Paid Searches.............................................................................................................................................................116.9.2. Email Marketing.........................................................................................................................................................116.9.3. Ontario University Fair..............................................................................................................................................126.10. Test and Learn..........................................................................................................................................................12

7. APPENDIX.........................................................................................................................127.1. Global Market Share by Tablet..................................................................................................................................127.2. Consumer Tablet Satisfaction Survey........................................................................................................................147.3. Services provided by Cornerstone Canada for Search Engine Marketing............................................................14

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Microsoft Surface Marketing Plan

1. Executive Summary

2. Situational Analysis

2.1. Company

Since its founding in 1975, Microsoft has grown to be one of the world’s largest software, services, and research companies, employing more than 90,000 people worldwide. Currently grossing more than $20,000,000,000, Microsoft has branched out into different divisions, including, but not limited to: Interactive Entertainment Business (Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, Kinect for Xbox 360);Microsoft Business Solutions (Microsoft Health Solutions); Microsoft Office (Office, Exchange, SharePoint, Lync, Project, Visio); Online Services Division (Bing and MSN portals); Server and Tools Business (Windows Server, SQL Server, Visual Studio, System Centre, Windows Azure Platform); Skype; Windows Division (Windows, Windows Live, Internet Explorer); and Windows Phone Division.1

On June 18, 2012, Microsoft unveiled Surface, a powerful PC that takes the form of a tablet that is designed and engineered by the company itself. Technology is at the forefront of this new tablet, emphasizing a USB port, HD screen, integrated kick stand, and a touch cover, all in one tough .65mm magnesium casing, which is thinner than a credit card.2 The Surface tablet is unique because of its functionality as a laptop and portability of a tablet. It is super-thin and has a spill-resistant keyboard that comes in a multitude of colours for personalization and allows for hands-free entertainment. It boasts cloud connectivity, HD video, Xbox Music, games, a USB port, a microSD slot, and can run Office Home and Student 2013.3

On January 22, 2013, Microsoft grew the Surface family and introduced Surface Windows 8 Pro4, which acts like the older version but is more sophisticated in its utilization of Microsoft software. This makes it the perfect go-to computer for personal, academic, or business use.

Hoping to surpass the success of Apple’s iPads, Microsoft’s Surface tablet is being deemed the all-in-one portable computer that is easy to use by people of all age groups. Starting at US$499, this piece of technology is available for purchase at all Microsoft retails stores in the US and Canada, online in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, United Kingdom, and the US. It is also available from many online retailers, such as Best Buy, Future Shop, London Drugs, and Staples.

2.1.1. Internal

Vision: Microsoft’s Surface Tablet has become the go-to computer that performs like a laptop but takes the form of a tablet.

Mission: At Microsoft, our mission and values are to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. The Surface tablet is meant to provide individuals with a multi-purpose computer that will suit personal, academic, and business needs.

Objectives: To become the superior tablet on store shelves that will seamlessly integrate technology into many aspects of everyday life and make information and entertainment more accessible.

1 Source: Source: Source: Source:

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Microsoft Surface Marketing Plan

Values: As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence, constructive self-criticism, continual self-improvement, and mutual respect. We are committed to our customers and partners and have a passion for technology. We take on big challenges, and pride ourselves on seeing them through. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, shareholders, partners, and employees by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving for the highest quality. 5

Promise: To provide people with a product that is easy to use and understand and can help them in all aspects of their lives.

2.1.2. Brand Strategy

Vision: Microsoft’s Surface tablet will become the preferred choice for a portable computer/entertainment station.

Mission: To help people and businesses achieve their full potential by offering a product that is simple and easy to use and can satisfy them in various aspects of their lives.

Values: As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence, constructive self-criticism, continual self-improvement, and mutual respect. We are committed to our customers and partners and have a passion for technology. We take on big challenges, and pride ourselves on seeing them through. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, shareholders, partners, and employees by honouring our commitments, providing results, and striving for the highest quality. 6

Promise: To provide people with a product that is easy to use and understand and can help them in all aspects of their lives.

2.1.3. Brand Positioning

Brand Personality: It’s inner advanced technology is meant to keep everything on the outside simple, sleek, and working efficiently. Its technology is meant to keep you connected, make information more accessible, and keep entertainment at your fingertips. It is ready for anything you may throw at it.

Brand’s Tone and Manner: The Surface tablet’s tone and manner should always be clear, simple, and concise, just like the product itself.

2.2. Macro Environment2.2.1. Economy2.2.2. The Competitive Situation2.2.3. Competitive Summary2.2.4. Emerging Technologies

2.3. Product Situation2.4. Distribution Channels

3. Target Groups

The following target groups represent the overall Microsoft Surface market segments for the Surface RT and the Surface PRO Tablets

3.1. Surface RT This is a tablet that will be marketed primarily to the following target segments

3.1.1. College/University Students

5 Source: Source:

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Microsoft Surface Marketing Plan

DemographicStudents studying in Colleges/Community Colleges and Universities across Canada aged between 16 – 24 years old

PsychographicLive an urban lifestyle, are always up to speed on the latest technology. They are inquisitive, social extroverts and purchase products to meet their social and educational needs like laptop, tablet, mobile phone etc. They are also frequent users of social networks like Twitter and Facebook and use electronic devices such as laptops and tablets for completing assignments, submitting presentations and sending emails.

TransactionalQuick learners and early adopters. They shop online for music, movies, clothes and books. They spend upwards of 35 hours online per week due to their online browsing and usage of social networks.

3.1.2. Educational Institutions

DemographicAll Colleges and Universities across Canada that have more than 5,000 students on campus and offer more than 5 computer based courses per year

PsychographicElite colleges/universities that have multiple computer labs and pride themselves on using and making available the latest technology to their students. They market the latest technology being used in their brochures to attract more students on campus and may charge students for using their computer facilities or renting it out to students for assignments, exams etc. They still work within budgets but may order in bulk for a discount if they have multiple campuses.

3.1.3. Young Individuals/Families DemographicAges between 24 – 39 years old

PsychographicThey are optimistic and tech savvy and are moderate users of social networks like Twitter and Facebook. They own and use mobile phones and other consumer electronics like portable DVD players, laptops etc.

TransactionalThey are early adopters and use computers for home/home office computing. Their computer usage is upwards of 20 hours a week and they are moderate or heavy internet users. They use the computer for shopping online for groceries, baby products and other household items

3.2. Surface PROThis is a tablet/laptop hybrid that will be marketed primarily to the following target segments

3.2.1. Young Professionals

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Microsoft Surface Marketing Plan

DemographicAges between 24 – 35 years old and earning upwards of 60,000 CAD

PsychographicThey have high value for education and knowledge. They work in a corporate setting and have purchasing power. They are always seeking the latest in technology and do not mind paying a slightly higher price for better features in a product. They believe that a certain status is associated with owning the latest products.

TransactionalThey normally shop online for electronic items, accessories and clothes and therefore usually have high speed broadband connections

3.2.2. Individuals in Small/Medium Sized Businesses DemographicCIO’s, IT Managers, Product/Sales Managers and other high level executives

PsychographicThey are budget and security conscious and therefore constantly research market alternatives to existing products used by their employees. CIO’s may see the benefits of getting their new employees a tablet/notebook hybrid instead of buying them a laptop and a tablet separately. Similarly, IT Managers may see the benefits of the Surface Pro providing productivity, security and manageability.

TransactionalThey have sales staff out in the field and/or may have employees working from home. Product/Sales Managers and other high level executives may therefore see the benefits of their employees being able to connect to a corporate domain and use features like Remote Access

4. Consumer Research5. SWOT Analysis

5.1. Strengths Strong brand presence and penetration in the consumer electronics market across multiple

channels o $62 billion in revenue for 20107

o 60 million active Outlook users 8

o 35 million active Xbox subscribers9

Large market share of users for both business and personal use o 92% of total market share from 2005-200910

Strong retail sales partnerships and logistic distribution networks Ability to heavily market products with big budget and infrastructure

o Microsoft spent 1.6 billion on marketing and advertising in FY 201211


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o Large internal resource pool (creative, product development, testing, etc.)

5.2. Weaknesses Product could be seen as another offering by company which has many products currently in

the market Marketing messaging confusion across product lines Lack of buy-in and support from all levels of organization Poor internal training on product (benefits, uses etc) sales team, support staff, customer service

staff has poor training on interface Inability to anticipate delays in production updates and shipping schedule Difficult to learn new interface

5.3. Opportunities Stands to gain market share in the growing and competitive tablet market

o See Global Market Share by Tablet Chart

Build a larger consumer base and grow brand loyalty by attracting new users with a unique product

Initiate a sample seeder program to generate strong buzz and reviews around product Compatibility with current family of Microsoft products could lead to additional sales

o Surface uses Windows 8 based OS

o Allows access to select Xbox Games and Windows Store

Additional sales revenue through tablet apps and accessories

5.4. Threats Heavy competition from other tablet makers in the heavily saturated tablet market

o See Global Market Share by Tablet Chart

Poor initial reviews by credible sources can hurt sales and stall growth Discounting and promo offers by competitors on their products Steep learning curve to users with new interface

o Windows 8 OS is vastly different than predecessors

Poor communication of tablet accessories could lead to customer confusion and dissatisfaction o The keyboard and other accessories which appear in the advertising are not included with

tablet purchase

6. Marketing Communication Plan6.1. Business Objectives

To acquire a total of xxx,xxx Canadian customers and establish $x million in sales for the Surface RT by the end of 2013.

Actual numbers to be filled in once the individual tactics are completed

6.2. Target Groups AnalysisFor purposes of this Marketing Communication Plan, we are focussing on the Microsoft Surface RT.

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6.2.1. Primary Target: NextGen - College/University Students DemographicStudents studying in Colleges/Community Colleges and Universities aged between 16 – 24 years old as well as students about to enter Universities across Canada.

PsychographicLive an urban lifestyle, are always up to speed on the latest technology. They are inquisitive, social extroverts and purchase products to meet their social and educational needs like laptop, tablet, mobile phone etc. They are also frequent users of social networks like Twitter and Facebook and use electronic devices such as laptops and tablets for completing assignments, submitting presentations and sending emails.

TransactionalQuick learners and early adopters. They shop online for music, movies, clothes and books. They spend upwards of 35 hours online per week due to their online browsing, music and movie downloads, searching for jobs, reading online and usage of social networks.

6.2.2. Secondary Target: Power Parents - Parents of College/University StudentsSince students are on a limited budget and may not have disposable cash we’re also going to target the parents who may have more purchasing power.

DemographicParents of Students studying in Colleges/Community Colleges and Universities aged between 16 – 24 years old as well as parents of students about to enter Universities across Canada and have at least one dependent child. Aged between 34-49 years old, they have annual income upwards of $60,000.

PsychographicPlay an important part in their children’s lives and help them with back-to-school shopping. They look for reasonable options price-wise before making a purchase.

TransactionalThey spend upwards of 10-15 hours online per week due to their online browsing, connecting to work from home and shopping online.

6.3. Offer Strategy

6.4. Marketing Objective #1Ensure that X% of our target audience is aware and knowledgeable of the Surface RT and acquire clients to secure Y% of sales within the target.

6.4.1. Marketing StrategyImprove brand awareness and increase sales by promoting the Microsoft Surface RT via multiple channels

6.4.2. Marketing TacticsThese tactics are targeted towards both our primary and secondary target audiences unless specified.

Online Marketing Paid Searches

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Both parents and students do a lot of research online before they purchase a tablet and therefore Search engine marketing will be used to increase visibility in search results and redirect prospects to the landing page where the offer details will be listed.AdWords ads will be purchased from Google and obtained from Bing(which is also a Microsoft service) at a cost per click basis.

Email Marketing This tactic is targeted to our primary audience only. All existing registered Windows 8 users will be targeted via an email campaign. This will be an internal list available from the Microsoft Operating System team. The email marketing offer will be customised to increase awareness of the Surface RT tablet and improve click through rates.

Mobile Marketing A mobile marketing campaign will support the product launch and will be broken up

into two sections 1) Students who already have a windows mobile

a. These users will be targeted with direct messaging leading up to and post launch.

2) Non-Microsoft Mobile Users a. These users will be targeted through mobile advertising options

including mobile banner ads on websites and mobile search engine marketing ads.

Direct Marketing Ontario University Fairs

As a test we will also be marketing at the Ontario Universities Fair (OUF) which is a unique opportunity to reach approx. 120,000 Grade 12 students between the ages of 16-18 years and their parents over a weekend (Sept. 27-29.) This program is designed to leverage this event to engage prospects i.e. students and their parents around product information and product demos related to the Surface RT. Products will also be available on hand for sale and everybody who purchases the product on-site will be eligible for entering a contest using the Surface RT to win 1 of 3 $5000 scholarships. Sales staff will also be handing out other product collateral for attendees to take away.

Out of Home Advertising – On Campus Colleges and Universities across Canada

To increase awareness and strengthen the visibility of the offer to students, billboards will be placed directly on campuses nationwide through the Zoom Media Network. Zoom Media has a well established relationship with over 70 campus locations. Reaching a captive audience can be achieved with the Classic Boards generally found in restrooms, waiting rooms, changing rooms and fitting rooms. (The Classic Boards may be outfitted to support on-frame postcard distribution should we want to increase the placements of the offer with a tangible call to action.) The Mega Lit Boards and Campus Banner Boards are great for high visibility areas where students are known to spend times in large groups. For example, cafeterias, the campus commons and sporting arenas. When students are in the mood to shop on campus, these ads will stand out in the hallways leading to their favourite shops and/or the campus bookstore.

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6.5. Marketing Objective #26.5.1. Marketing Strategy6.5.2. Marketing Tactics

6.6. Communication Objective6.6.1. Communication Strategy6.6.2. Communication Tactics

Paid SearchesAccording to Comscore research, Google has 67% of the market share and Bing has 16.5% of the market share. These two search engines are therefore being used for Paid Searches for this campaign12.

In order to be effective, Microsoft RT will be working along with Cornerstone to do the following

o Keyword Researcho Search Engine Optimisationo Data Managemento Online Success Testing

See Appendix 7.3 for details on services provided by Cornerstone

Targeted Email MarketingAll existing Windows 8 students will be sent a targeted triggered email that will continue our engagement with them beyond the Windows 8 and reinforce our value prop.

Ontario University Fairo Event (Sept. 27-29) – The event is our first touch-point with the target audience where

Event attendees will be encouraged to engage in conversation with sales staff on product information and product demos, purchase the Surface RT and enter the contest to win 1 of 3 $5000 scholarships.

o Direct MarketingThere will be a follow-up email sent to all leads who did not purchase a laptop at the event-site

Out of Home Advertising o On Campus – Our targets have been narrowed down to College and University campuses

with high enrolment numbers: 8,000+ for Colleges, 10,000+ for Universities. As this is our primary target audience, we know that having a highly visible presence on campus will be key to ensuring the overall branding awareness. Reiterating the offer within these ads using vanity URLs, a limited time offer should aid with increasing the propensity to buy a Surface RT should during the first few weeks of the school season (end of August through the first week of October). See Appendix 7.4 for specific institutions being targeted and their associated enrolment numbers.

6.7. Timing6.8. Budget

Marketing Budget Breakdown by ChannelPaid Searches(SEM)


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Cornerstone Canada(agency fee)Search Budget budgetGoogleBingTOTAL


$10000$0 ( available internally)$14000

Email MarketingList rental CreativeTOTAL

$0 ( available internally)$4000$4000

Mobile MarketingCornerstone Canada(agency fee)Search Budget budgetGoogleBingTOTAL

Included in Above

$5000$0 ( available internally)$14000

University FairBooth (Rental and Setup)Sales Staff and Presentation Equipment(includes follow up email to prospects)CollateralPrizes/ScholarshipTOTAL



Out of Home Advertising – Zoom Media (2009 Rate Card)

Zoom Media Classic Boards (ad space located in restrooms, locker rooms, waiting rooms, fitting rooms)

Zoom Media Campus Banners (ad space located in cafeterias, sports centres, entrances, stairways, hallways)

Zoom Media Mega Lit Boards (ad space located in hallways, cafeterias, student centres)

Cosmic Graphic Design AgencyCreative Design ($130/hr)


($250/board x 10 per school) x 46 schools$115,000

($2,500/board x 2 per school) x 46 schools$230,000

($1,600/board x 2 per school) x 46 schools$147,200




6.9. Metrics and Success CriteriaThe following metrics will be used to measure success of this campaign

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Microsoft Surface Marketing Plan

6.9.1. Paid Searches and Mobile Campaign

Number of Impressions Number of Clicks Click Through Rate Average Cost per Click

6.9.2. Email Marketing

Delivery Rate Bounce Rate Total and Unique Open Rate Total and Unique Click Through Rate Conversion Rate Opt-out Rate

All of the metrics listed above will be measured for both the Google and the Bing search engines

6.9.3. Ontario University Fair Net sales at Event Net sales via follow up email link and collateral info Measure channel success as No of contest entries vs No of event attendees All the metrics listed above for Email marketing will be used to measure the success of the

follow up email as well.

6.10. Test and Learn

Test effectiveness of paid searches and the online channel by measuring impressions and click through rate

Test effectiveness of email channel by conversion rates with respect to open and bounce rates

Test how well the engagement at OUF, incenting the prospects and leads generated drive client and product acquisition. We will measure this by client acquisition and product sales.

We will also continue to test how effective these leads are for prospecting in future student campaigns. We will measure this by tracking how these leads perform based on the goals of those future campaigns.

7. Appendix

7.1. Global Market Share by Tablet

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7.2. Consumer Tablet Satisfaction Survey

7.3. Services provided by Cornerstone Canada for Search Engine Marketing

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7.4. Canadian College and University Student Population Listed by Enrolment

Below are the top universities to target based 10,000+ students (combined full time and part time in some cases), and top colleges to target based on 8,000+ students.

University figures are in red.1

College figures are in green.2

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Institute Full Time Undergraduate

Full Time Graduate

Part Time Undergraduate

Part Time Graduate

College Totals

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BCSimon Fraser University

13,460 3,720 11,650 890  

University of British Columbia

33,280 8,750 12,090 1,780  

University of Victoria 12,870 2,940 4,280 230  Langara College         9,098Douglas College         8,944British Columbia Institute of Technology


 ALBERTAAthabascaUniversity 0 0 36,240 3,460  University of Alberta 29,140 5,930 870 1,410  University of Calgary

23,040 6,090 1,670 870  

Mount RoyalUniversity

10,040 0 2,220 0  

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology


SASKATCHEWANUniversity of Saskatchewan

13,560 2,420 3,410 490  

University of Regina 9,150 760 2,150 810  MANITOBAThe University of Winnipeg

6,400 150 3,220 330  

University of Manitoba

20,430 2,660 4,050 740  

ONTARIOBrock University 14,600 1,000 2,100 500  CarletonUniversity 19,100 2,850 4,000 750  McMasterUniversity 21,900 3,300 3,200 630  Queen’s University 16,400 4,400 3,700 300  RyersonUniversity 19,400 1,900 14,200 400  University of Guelph 22,000 2,400 2,300 250  University of Ottawa 28,700 4,900 6,300 1,500  University of Toronto

57,400 13,600 7,200 1,800  

 University of Waterloo






University of Windsor

11,700 1,700 2,400 120  

WesternUniversity 22,800 4,800 2,600 540  Wilfrid Laurier University

14,800 910 2,000 640  

York University 42,000 3,950 7,100 2,000  Humber College         16,000Mohawk College         11,500

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Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning


Seneca Collegeof Applied Arts and Technology


George Brown College


CentennialCollege         11,750FanshaweCollege         13,000QUEBECConcordiaUniversity 20,750 4,150 9,260 1,050  McGill University 22,160 6,630 4,790 2,260  Universite de Montreal

24,500 9,110 9,040 2,250  

Universite de Sherbrooke

10,450 4,250 3,090 4,350  

Universite du Quebec a Montreal

20,200 3,890 13,700 3,010  

HEC Montreal         9,942Universite Du Quebec A Trois-Rivieres


Universite Laval 22,830 7,670 6,870 4,150  NEW BRUNSWICKUniversity of New Brunswick

8250 990 1010 460  

NOVA SCOTIADalhousie Uni. 12,210 3,070 1,270 710  NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADORMemorialUniversity of Newfoundland

12,980 1,980 2,450 1,290  

1 Associate of Universities and Colleges of Canada (  This site displays the breakdown of numbers based on enrollment type at universities.  Despite the name of the association, college numbers were not included. This chart is from 2011 and based on comparison with sites from universities such as the University of Toronto, the numbers are accurate within +/- 2%.

2 College View (, provides a grand total which has been used to pull the College information enrolment figures.

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