Download - Microsoft Cloud Day Windows Azure platform overview and update Mario Szpuszta Platform Strategy Advisor EMEA Windows Azure ISV Team Microsoft Corporation.


Microsoft Cloud Day Windows Azure platform overview and update Mario Szpuszta Platform Strategy Advisor EMEA Windows Azure ISV Team Microsoft Corporation Application Services Storage Services Foundation Services Compute HPC Reporting Marketplac e Storage SQL Azure CDN Service Bus Connect Caching ACS ASP.NET MVC 3 integration (Sept. 2011) Profiling in the cloud (Sept. 2011) Cloud configurations (Sept. 2011) Project- validation (Sept. 2011) Generate cloud- service project (Sept. 2011) Startup-Tasks (Nov. 2010) Visual Studio Publishing (Nov. 2011) Azure libraries (Nov. 2011) Nuget integration (Nov. 2011) Windows Phone 7 Azure Toolkit (Mar. 2011) Toolkits for Android, iPhone (May. 2011) Official support Java/PHP (Dec. 2011) Full IIS in Web Roles (Nov. 2010) RDP into Web Roles (Nov. 2010) Azure Storage Analytics (Sept. 2011) Multiple Sites in Web Roles (Nov. 2011) GEO-Replication (Nov. 2011) Extra-small instance (Aug. 2011) In-Place upgrades (Nov. 2011) Service Management API (Nov. 2011) Import / export in SQL Azure (Nov. 2011) SQL Azure multiple servers (Sept. 2011) Co-administrators in SQL Azure (Sept. 2011) Full DAC 1.1 support incl. In- place upgrades (Sept. 2011) VM Role (CTP, Nov. 2010) Content Delivery Network (Mar. 2011) Caching Services & Cache API (Apr. 2011) Certificate Management (Mar. 2011) SQL Azure Reporting (CTP, Mar. 2011) Access Control Services WS-Trust (Apr. 2011) Azure Connect (Aug. 2011) Service Bus reliable queues, topics, messaging (Sept. 2011) SQL Azure increased to 150GB (Dec. 2011) SQL Azure Data Sync (CTP, Sep. 2011) SQL Azure Database Federations (Dec. 2011) HPC Scheduler & Scheduler API (Nov. 2011) Traffic Manager (CTP Nov. 2011) Azure Marketplace (Nov. 2011) Blob Storage X X Public container CDN X X Blob header determines time-to- live at the edge Few hops Possibly many hops or poor links Closest Point of Presence DNS name resolves to closest POP Traffic Manager Monitoring Policies DNS response Data Sync Agent Manage Windows Azure is enterprise-ready, and solutions built on it are easy to manage. Build Windows Azure provides an open and flexible developer experience. Start Getting started with Windows Azure is easy and friction-free. Full list of changes since November 2010: 20 Application Services Storage Services Foundation Services Compute HPC Reporting Marketplac e Storage SQL Azure CDN Service Bus Connect Caching ACS 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Microsoft , Microsoft.NET, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Windows Azure TM, Microsoft SQL Azure TM, MSDN TM, Microsoft BizSpark logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. All other marks are intellectual property of their respective owners. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.