Download - Micro-Minis of Happiness


The Micro-Mini (lessons)

of Happiness

What happiness research into micro-determinants of happiness tells us will make you happier

Based on: Extreme bounds of subjective well-being: economic development and micro determinants of life satisfaction by F. M. Bhuiyan

and R. S. Szulga published in Applied Economics (2016)

Micro-determinants are interpersonal factors.

Micro-determinant examples

exercise, diet, nutrition

thought patterns, perspective

traditions, rules, habits

Macro-determinant examples

natural environment

government policy


What we already know about happiness & money…

More money makes you happier…up to a point.

After about a certain level, happiness levels do not increase.

In the US, 75K a year.

It varies by country.

It is called the Easterlin Paradox.

A macro-level policy could be “designed to reduce unequal consequences of illness experienced by disadvantaged

population…” (WHO, 2007)

A Theory

(Helliwell, 2015)

6 factors for macro-level happiness

Helliwell’s 6 factors for national happiness

(Helliwell, 2015)

logarithm of GDP per capita a measure of social support

life expectancy perception of freedom

generosity perceptions of corruption

The micro-determinates

In wealthier countries

highly valuing self-expression and autonomy

increases happiness.

What does the relationship between autonomy, self-expression and happiness mean?

Celebrate your individuality.

Choose work and relationships in which you have control over yourself.

And leave others to control themselves.(Don’t try to control other people.)

Saving money increases your happiness

As your savings grows each year…

…so will your happiness.

What does the relationship between saving money and happiness mean?

Even if its just a little bit, set aside money every month. Watching your savings accumulate gives you a double yield of satisfaction and wealth.

Changing a habit of spending to a habit of savings or putting money into increasing long-term assets (property, investments…) will increase your happiness.

A strong sense of the spirituality or religion

brings happiness.

What does the relationship between spirituality or religion and happiness mean?

Participate at least once a week in an activity that is spiritual to you.

Do your spiritual activity with others.

How you define religion or spirituality is up to you.

church, temple, mosque

mountain, water, beach

prayer, meditation, silence

Spending time with family, friends & people in your community…

brings happiness.


What does the relationship between spending time with friends, family & in community and

happiness mean?

Make the effort to spend quality time with the people you love.

Be active in your community.

Don’t just sign up. Show up!

If you live in a wealthier nation…

choose computers over television


Take care your screen time does not crowd out your time with people.

Be generous with your love to your loved ones.

Confidence and pride in your government and trust that all have the opportunity for economic equality & escaping poverty…

brings happiness.

What does the relationship between confidence and pride in your government, trust that all have the

opportunity for economic equality & escaping poverty and happiness mean?

Policies and programs that address social and economic inequality increase everybody’s happiness.

Participating in the democratic process in a way that feels meaningful to you will increase your happiness.

Whether and how you compare your economic and social status to others…

has a big impact on your happiness.

What does the relationship between comparing yourself to others and happiness mean?

It is not so much how much money you make

but how much you make compared to others.

but when comparing yourself to others…

be careful

it’s a slippery slope

and can eat into your sense of who you are.