Download - Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

Page 1: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

Michigan Traffic Crash Facts

Michigan State Police (MSP) Metro Post 21 2013 Traffic Crash Data & 2009-2013 5-Year Trends

Reporting Criteria

Please pay particular attention to the wording when interpreting the three levels of data gathered for this report. Crash The Crash Level analyzes data related to crash events and returns one result per crash. Examples: Time, weather, and location. Units The Units Level analyzes the experience of the units in the crash and returns one result per vehicle, driver, pedestrian, bicyclist, or train. Examples: Vehicle type, driver condition, and unit events. People The People Level analyzes the experience of the people involved in the crash and returns one result per occupant/person/party. Examples: Age, injury severity, and seat belt or helmet use.


June 2014


The crashes in this report occurred on public roadways in Michigan and resulted in injuries, fatalities, or property damage (with $1,000 as a reporting threshold). The information was gathered from Michigan Traffic Crash Report Forms (UD-10) submitted by local police departments, sheriff’s offices, and the Michigan State Police. Other related information was obtained from the departments of Transportation, State, and Community Health.

Page 2: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

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Page 3: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

MSP Post 21 – Metro

2013 - Crashes and Injuries by Month


Crashes Persons

Total Fatal Injury

Property Damage Only


Fatalities Injury

January 9,061 20 1,593 7,448 24 2,194

February 8,599 14 1,500 7,085 14 2,058

March 7,808 17 1,588 6,203 17 2,170

April 7,606 16 1,605 5,985 18 2,179

May 9,090 21 2,076 6,993 22 2,885

June 8,666 23 1,941 6,702 25 2,672

July 8,281 35 1,873 6,373 37 2,630

August 8,186 20 1,997 6,169 23 2,791

September 8,613 31 2,022 6,560 35 2,791

October 9,825 18 2,084 7,723 18 2,943

November 9,210 22 1,846 7,342 23 2,535

December 10,406 17 1,857 8,532 17 2,470

Total 105,351 254 21,982 83,115 273 30,318

2013 - Driver Statistics

Statewide Drivers in Crashes

Age Group 2012*

Population Licensed Drivers

Drivers in Crashes

Per 10K Population

Per 10K Licensed

0 - 15 793,176 18,135 266 3.4 146.7

16 - 20 257,795 182,015 21,364 828.7 1173.7

21 - 24 203,316 187,118 19,083 938.6 1019.8

25 - 64 2,070,191 1,859,363 120,150 580.4 646.2

65 + 535,927 457,497 16,837 314.2 368.0

Other/Unknown -- -- 24,795 -- --

Total 3,860,405 2,704,128 202,495 524.5 748.8

*2013 Population of Michigan Counties (by single-year of age) not yet available from U.S. Census Bureau

2013 - Vehicles in Crashes

Motor Vehicles Fatal Crashes Injury

Crashes PDO


Vehicle Type

Number of Vehicles

% of Total

Number % of Total

Number Number

Passenger car & station wagon 165,103 81.5 282 67.8 35,556 129,265

Van & motorhome 8,499 4.2 17 4.1 1,797 6,685

Pickup truck 15,288 7.5 33 7.9 3,032 12,223

Small truck under 10,000 lbs. GVWR 2,892 1.4 9 2.2 624 2,259

Cycle 955 0.5 42 10.1 684 229

Moped 72 0.0 2 0.5 51 19

Go Cart 12 0.0 0 0.0 4 8

Snowmobile 6 0.0 0 0.0 3 3

Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) & All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) 16 0.0 1 0.2 11 4

Other 817 0.4 1 0.2 119 697

Truck/bus over 10,000 lbs. 4,265 2.1 17 4.1 744 3,504

Unknown 4,570 2.3 12 2.9 413 4,145

Total 202,495 100.0 416 100.0 43,038 159,041


Post 21 Experience

In 2013:

There were 202,495 drivers

involved in 105,351 Michigan

motor vehicle traffic crashes. Of

those crashes, 254 were

classified as fatal, resulting in

273 fatalities. An additional

30,318 persons were injured.

Post 21 experienced the highest

number of fatal crashes (35) and

the highest number of persons

killed (37) in July.

Michigan driver statistics

indicate 6.7 percent of licensed

drivers were age 16-20, and 10.6

percent of drivers in that age

group were involved in crashes.

In Post 21, motorcycles

accounted for 0.5 percent of the

total vehicles in crashes, and

were involved in 10.1 percent of

the total fatal crashes.

In 2013, the highest number of motor vehicle crashes was experienced in December.

Page 4: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

5-Year Trend - Crashes by Month


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

January 12,163 11 8,066 19 9,151 17 9,101 21 9,061 20

February 7,963 14 9,275 12 9,627 10 7,584 21 8,599 14

March 6,936 29 7,103 13 8,229 20 7,475 28 7,808 17

April 7,566 10 7,034 22 7,094 18 7,324 17 7,606 16

May 8,043 18 8,423 20 8,250 16 8,712 17 9,090 21

June 8,217 28 8,226 23 8,627 15 8,538 28 8,666 23

July 7,178 25 7,440 20 7,813 20 8,225 22 8,281 35

August 7,451 19 7,763 32 7,781 23 8,134 23 8,186 20

September 7,626 27 8,282 20 8,816 25 7,784 17 8,613 31

October 9,188 31 8,698 14 9,125 21 9,641 26 9,825 18

November 7,560 13 8,458 19 9,151 20 8,339 19 9,210 22

December 9,852 12 11,511 22 9,115 25 10,064 11 10,406 17

Total 99,743 237 100,279 236 102,779 230 100,921 250 105,351 254

5-Year Trend - Crashes by Day of Week


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Monday 14,242 31 16,172 33 14,971 29 14,722 36 15,540 28

Tuesday 14,947 24 16,424 27 15,678 32 14,915 30 15,672 29

Wednesday 15,303 25 15,260 40 15,983 31 15,449 28 16,457 30

Thursday 15,078 35 15,435 34 15,858 24 15,708 26 16,722 38

Friday 15,948 39 16,081 36 17,203 28 17,241 46 17,124 41

Saturday 14,379 40 11,495 27 13,464 50 12,830 45 13,920 50

Sunday 9,846 43 9,412 39 9,622 36 10,056 39 9,916 38

Total 99,743 237 100,279 236 102,779 230 100,921 250 105,351 254


Page 5: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

2013 - Crashes by Day of Week

All Crashes Fatal Crashes Injury Crashes PDO Crashes

Day Number % of Total

Number % of Fatal

A B C Number

Monday 15,540 14.8 28 11.0 170 681 2,315 12,346

Tuesday 15,672 14.9 29 11.4 185 723 2,266 12,469

Wednesday 16,457 15.6 30 11.8 206 811 2,375 13,035

Thursday 16,722 15.9 38 15.0 202 799 2,475 13,208

Friday 17,124 16.3 41 16.1 249 844 2,451 13,539

Saturday 13,920 13.2 50 19.7 225 810 1,949 10,886

Sunday 9,916 9.4 38 15.0 205 613 1,428 7,632

Total 105,351 100.0 254 100.0 1,442 5,281 15,259 83,115


Page 6: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

5-Year Trend - Crashes by Weekday and Weekend

Portion of Week

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Weekday 75,518 154 79,372 170 79,693 144 78,035 166 81,515 166

Weekend 24,225 83 20,907 66 23,086 86 22,886 84 23,836 88

Total 99,743 237 100,279 236 102,779 230 100,921 250 105,351 254


Page 7: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

5-Year Trend - Crashes by Time of Day

Time of Day

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Midnight – 2:59 AM 5,141 36 4,695 42 4,665 44 4,649 37 4,635 36

3:00 AM – 5:59 AM 3,062 25 2,931 21 3,241 24 3,043 21 3,267 28

6:00 AM – 8:59 AM 11,481 13 12,027 11 13,245 14 12,762 20 13,884 14

9:00 AM – 11:59 AM 13,551 20 13,555 23 13,416 17 13,188 18 14,083 19

Noon – 2:59 PM 19,049 17 18,881 34 18,590 24 18,704 30 19,060 30

3:00 PM – 5:59 PM 24,676 33 25,710 30 27,023 28 26,376 28 27,290 31

6:00 PM – 8:59 PM 13,992 49 14,383 44 14,751 35 14,508 44 15,205 47

9:00 PM – 11:59 PM 8,317 44 7,860 31 7,695 44 7,637 52 7,872 49

Unknown 474 0 237 0 153 0 54 0 55 0

Total 99,743 237 100,279 236 102,779 230 100,921 250 105,351 254


Page 8: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

2013 - Time and Severity

All Crashes Fatal Crashes Injury Crashes PDO Crashes

Time of Day

Number % of Total

Number % of Fatal

A B C Number

Midnight – 2:59 AM 4,635 4.4 36 14.2 132 357 655 3,455

3:00 AM – 5:59 AM 3,267 3.1 28 11.0 76 219 433 2,511

6:00 AM – 8:59 AM 13,884 13.2 14 5.5 141 493 1,926 11,310

9:00 AM – 11:59 AM 14,083 13.4 19 7.5 164 652 1,949 11,299

Noon – 2:59 PM 19,060 18.1 30 11.8 249 1,037 2,863 14,881

3:00 PM – 5:59 PM 27,290 25.9 31 12.2 283 1,279 4,039 21,658

6:00 PM – 8:59 PM 15,205 14.4 47 18.5 219 792 2,231 11,916

9:00 PM – 11:59 PM 7,872 7.5 49 19.3 178 450 1,162 6,033

Unknown 55 0.1 0 0.0 0 2 1 52

Total 105,351 100.0 254 100.0 1,442 5,281 15,259 83,115


Page 9: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

5-Year Trend - Deer-Involved Crashes by Time of Day

Time of Day

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Total Crashes

Fatal Crashes

Midnight – 2:59 AM 284 0 270 0 272 0 248 0 241 0

3:00 AM – 5:59 AM 308 0 318 0 276 0 290 0 306 0

6:00 AM – 8:59 AM 535 0 514 0 502 0 474 0 545 0

9:00 AM – 11:59 AM 168 0 142 0 148 0 138 0 133 0

Noon – 2:59 PM 127 0 130 0 116 0 118 0 135 0

3:00 PM – 5:59 PM 252 0 227 0 237 0 199 0 225 0

6:00 PM – 8:59 PM 761 0 693 0 627 0 617 0 639 0

9:00 PM – 11:59 PM 604 0 562 0 486 0 490 0 503 1

Unknown 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 3,041 0 2,857 0 2,664 0 2,574 0 2,727 1


Page 10: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

2013 - Reported Motor Vehicle Crashes by County


Crashes Persons

Total Fatal Injury Property Damage


US Route

State Route

Local Street




Fatalities Injuries

Macomb 23,215 49 4,898 18,268 2,494 0 6,159 14,562 743 196 516 52 6,745

Oakland 37,283 54 7,334 29,895 6,232 1,990 6,028 23,033 1,079 250 1,801 57 9,812

Wayne 44,853 151 9,750 34,952 7,388 2,755 7,628 27,082 1,440 343 410 164 13,761

Total 105,351 254 21,982 83,115 16,114 4,745 19,815 64,677 3,262 789 2,727 273 30,318


Page 11: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

5-Year Trend - Drivers in Crashes Coded Drinking by Driver Age

Driver Age

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Total Drivers in Crashes

Total Drivers Coded


Total Drivers in Crashes

Total Drivers Coded


Total Drivers in Crashes

Total Drivers Coded


Total Drivers in Crashes

Total Drivers Coded


Total Drivers in Crashes

Total Drivers Coded


0 - 15 308 4 297 1 318 7 417 2 266 2

16 - 20 23,111 285 22,937 294 22,383 288 21,360 259 21,364 249

21 - 24 15,420 547 16,202 526 17,279 496 18,008 537 19,083 534

25 - 64 111,490 2,491 114,240 2,247 118,175 2,295 115,306 2,310 120,150 2,270

65 + 14,440 99 15,086 87 15,550 78 15,813 103 16,837 106

Other/Unknown 25,053 21 23,476 20 23,915 32 23,488 28 24,795 33

Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194


Page 12: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

Note: * Indicates that the most recent year is the lowest number or percentage reported in the 5-year period in that column

** Indicates that the most recent year is the highest number or percentage reported in the 5-year period in that column

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

2013 - Bodily Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Results Among All Vehicle Drivers in Alcohol-Involved Crashes by Age

Drivers BAC Result Range for Drivers Coded Drinking

Age Group

Total Drivers in Alcohol- Involved Crashes

Total Drivers Tested in all


Total Drivers Coded

Drinking, Tested

Total Drivers Coded


BAC = 0.00

BAC 0.01 g/dL

to 0.07 g/dL

BAC 0.08 g/dL

to 0.16 g/dL

BAC 0.17 g/dL

and Above



0 - 15 3 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 0

16 - 20 400 286 213 249 6 31 69 63 80

21 - 24 714 524 437 534 12 38 131 163 190

25 - 64 3,473 2,264 1,852 2,270 52 145 485 702 885

65 + 227 124 90 106 6 11 31 27 31

Other/Unknown 626 9 1 33 0 0 1 0 32

Total 5,443 3,209 2,595 3,194 76 225 719 955 1,218

Note: Had-Been-Drinking (HBD)

5-Year Trend - Crashes Involving Alcohol

Year All

Crashes HBD

Crashes %

HBD Fatal


HBD Fatal



A Injury Crashes

HBD A Injury Crashes


B Injury Crashes

HBD B Injury Crashes


2009 99,743 3,501 3.5 237 78 32.9 1,695 200 11.8 4,484 458 10.2

2010 100,279 3,216 3.2 236 72 30.5 1,503 204 13.6 5,266 437 8.3

2011 102,779 3,250 3.2 230 63 27.4 1,502 197 13.1 5,179 440 8.5

2012 100,921 3,279 3.2 250 55 22.0 1,461 204 14.0 5,201 439 8.4

2013 105,351** 3,262 3.1* 254** 54* 21.3* 1,442* 209** 14.5** 5,281** 426* 8.1*

Alcohol-Involved Crashes

In 2013, there were 5,443 drivers in alcohol-involved crashes; 3,194 (58.7%) of those drivers were coded as had-been-drinking by the officer on the crash form.

1,674 (52.4%) of the 3,194 drivers had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 g/dL (grams per deciliter) or greater, and 955 (57.0%) of the 1,674 drivers had a BAC at or above 0.17 g/dL.

2,595 (81.2%) of the 3,194 drivers were coded as had-been-drinking and were tested for alcohol consumption.

Notes: BAC measured in grams (g) per deciliter (dL). BAC may not be reported if drivers are not tested or if the results are not available immediately (as in the case of a blood test). A driver may be coded by the officer as drinking even though no test is administered.


Page 13: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

Note: * Indicates that the most recent year is the lowest number or percentage reported in the 5-year period in that column

** Indicates that the most recent year is the highest number or percentage reported in the 5-year period in that column

Note: * Indicates that the most recent year is the lowest number or percentage reported in the 5-year period in that column

** Indicates that the most recent year is the highest number or percentage reported in the 5-year period in that column

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

Note: Had-Been-Drinking (HBD)

5-Year Trend - Crashes Involving Drugs

Year All

Crashes Drug

Crashes %

Drug Fatal


Drug Fatal


% Drug

A Injury Crashes

Drug A Injury Crashes

% Drug

B Injury Crashes

Drug B Injury Crashes

% Drug

2009 99,743 681 0.7 237 30 12.7 1,695 61 3.6 4,484 80 1.8

2010 100,279 824 0.8 236 35 14.8 1,503 69 4.6 5,266 99 1.9

2011 102,779 818 0.8 230 25 10.9 1,502 62 4.1 5,179 134 2.6

2012 100,921 802 0.8 250 23 9.2 1,461 73 5.0 5,201 103 2.0

2013 105,351** 789 0.7 254** 36** 14.2 1,442* 69 4.8 5,281** 103 2.0

5-Year Trend - Crashes Involving Alcohol or Drugs

Year All


HBD or Drug


% HBD or Drug

Fatal Crashes

HBD or Drug Fatal


% HBD or Drug

A Injury Crashes

HBD or Drug

A Injury Crashes

% HBD or Drug

B Injury Crashes

HBD or Drug

B Injury Crashes

% HBD or Drug

2009 99,743 3,927 3.9 237 94 39.7 1,695 234 13.8 4,484 501 11.2

2010 100,279 3,650 3.6 236 91 38.6 1,503 232 15.4 5,266 493 9.4

2011 102,779 3,671 3.6 230 72 31.3 1,502 228 15.2 5,179 501 9.7

2012 100,921 3,704 3.7 250 67 26.8 1,461 233 15.9 5,201 493 9.5

2013 105,351** 3,702 3.5* 254** 71 28.0 1,442* 243** 16.9** 5,281** 482* 9.1*


Page 14: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

2013 - Restraint Use Among Reported Vehicle Drivers and Injured Passengers by Vehicle Type

Total Occupants Fatalities Incapacitating Non-incapacitating Possible Injury No Injury

Vehicle Type Total

Used Restraint

% Total Used

Restraint % Total

Used Restraint

% Total Used

Restraint % Total

Used Restraint

% Total Used

Restraint %

Passenger car & station wagon 171,379 147,046 85.8 124 58 46.8 1,105 835 75.6 5,082 4,474 88.0 18,542 17,363 93.6 131,538 124,173 94.4

Van & motorhome 8,896 7,528 84.6 3 2 66.7 62 52 83.9 215 180 83.7 867 770 88.8 6,917 6,516 94.2

Pickup truck 15,599 13,108 84.0 13 9 69.2 83 58 69.9 352 281 79.8 961 877 91.3 12,530 11,868 94.7

Small truck under 10,000 lbs. GVWR 3,000 2,417 80.6 3 0 0.0 28 21 75.0 62 48 77.4 281 251 89.3 2,293 2,093 91.3

Cycle 1,010 690 68.3 40 23 57.5 145 100 69.0 334 236 70.7 232 170 73.3 224 160 71.4

Moped 78 20 25.6 2 0 0.0 11 4 36.4 30 8 26.7 14 4 28.6 16 4 25.0

Go Cart 13 9 69.2 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 2 1 50.0 2 2 100.0 8 6 75.0

Snowmobile 6 1 16.7 0 0 0.0 1 1 100.0 0 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 1 0 0.0

Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) & All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) 18 5 27.8 1 0 0.0 7 1 14.3 4 2 50.0 2 1 50.0 4 1 25.0

Other 838 477 56.9 1 0 0.0 9 2 22.2 23 8 34.8 37 18 48.6 566 448 79.2

Truck/bus over 10,000 lbs. 4,397 3,825 87.0 2 1 50.0 12 6 50.0 39 25 64.1 198 84 42.4 3,922 3,707 94.5

Uncoded & errors 4,580 159 3.5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 3 1 33.3 10 1 10.0 393 139 35.4

Total 209,814 175,285 83.5 189 93 49.2 1,463 1,080 73.8 6,146 5,264 85.6 21,147 19,541 92.4 158,412 149,115 94.1

2013 - Restraint Use Among Reported Vehicle Drivers and Injured Passengers by Age

Total Occupants Fatalities Incapacitating Non-incapacitating Possible Injury No Injury

Age Group Total

Used Restraint

% Total Used

Restraint % Total

Used Restraint

% Total Used

Restraint % Total

Used Restraint

% Total Used

Restraint %

0 - 15 2,031 1,725 84.9 3 2 66.7 60 31 51.7 357 292 81.8 1,361 1,192 87.6 241 202 83.8

16 - 20 22,516 21,323 94.7 20 8 40.0 173 114 65.9 865 731 84.5 2,374 2,134 89.9 19,013 18,326 96.4

21 - 24 19,859 18,522 93.3 14 6 42.9 193 125 64.8 824 679 82.4 2,231 1,991 89.2 16,544 15,714 95.0

25 - 64 123,158 116,430 94.5 121 55 45.5 896 687 76.7 3,480 2,990 85.9 13,073 12,214 93.4 105,254 100,436 95.4

65 + 17,437 16,700 95.8 31 22 71.0 135 121 89.6 609 570 93.6 2,068 1,993 96.4 14,570 13,988 96.0

Other/Unknown 24,813 585 2.4 0 0 0.0 6 2 33.3 11 2 18.2 40 17 42.5 2,790 449 16.1

Total 209,814 175,285 83.5 189 93 49.2 1,463 1,080 73.8 6,146 5,264 85.6 21,147 19,541 92.4 158,412 149,115 94.1


Page 15: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

MSP Post 21 - Metro (continued)

The following picture represents all 2013 alcohol-involved fatal crashes in Post 21.

In 2013, there were 3,262 alcohol-involved crashes within the Post 21 jurisdiction:

54 K - Fatal Crashes

209 A - Incapacitating Injury Crashes

426 B - Non-incapacitating Injury Crashes

605 C - Possible Injury Crashes

1,968 O - Property Damage Only/No Injury Crashes


Page 16: Michigan Traffic Crash · Total 189,822 3,447 192,238 3,175 197,620 3,196 194,392 3,239 202,495 3,194 9 Note: * Indicates

Office of Highway Safety


333 South Grand Avenue P.O. Box 30634 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Phone: (517) 241-2500 Fax: (517) 241-2501 Find us on the web: