Download - Miana You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Page 1: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

The candy houseMiana

Page 2: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.


You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times so your eyes can settle in the light. Once they do, you see you’re in a basement. Not just any basement though, a candy basement. You were starving, but for some reason, you remember eating a huge meal before you, well, blacked out. You thought to yourself, should I eat now or wait until I figure out what is going on.

Eat Now

Don’t Eat and Investigate

Page 3: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Eat Now

You were so hungry, you didn’t even hesitate. You grabbed the nearest piece of food you could find, which in your case, was every single object in the room. The house was made of candy after all. You saw a chair in the corner. You rushed over to it and bit it like you’ve never eaten anything ever before. You heard someone open the upstairs door. You kept eating; you didn’t care if they saw you. Your stomach was a bottomless pit at the moment. The person was walking down the stairs. They were heavy footsteps. It was probably a guy, 6’4” or so. You’ve always been good at guessing people’s height. He came down the stairs and walked towards you. He had blue eyes and blonde hair. He looked like a total nerd and his suspenders weren’t helping. “Hey, I’m Luke. What’s your name?” You had to think. Should you tell this stranger your name?

Tell Him Your name

Don’t tell him your name

Page 4: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Tell Him Your name

“…Um, my name is Olivia…I think. Can you please tell me what I’m doing here?” Luke sighs “That’s one thing I don’t know unfortunately.” You were confused. Had Luke kidnapped you? Was he a psychotic serial killer in disguise? Did he really not know what was going on? “Wh-what do you mean?” Luke sighed again. It’s getting annoying. “I was put here like 1 month ago, and I have no idea why. Every month, a new person arrives and this month I was you. One thing we did figure out was that we’re all really smart in one particular category. You see I’m smart in geography. I can memorize maps and photographs and then I can draw them a month later. What are you goo…” You interrupted him. “What do you mean “we”? There are more of you?” Luke shook his head and smiled. “You have so much to see.” He extended his hand as in to help you up. Should you follow him?

Take his hand

Ask More Questions

Page 5: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Don’t tell him your name

Luke nodded. “Alright then, I didn’t care about what you’re name anyways. Let’s go.”

Take his hand

Ask More Questions

Page 6: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Take his hand

You took his hand. He was just a harmful little nerd, you thought to yourself. He led you upstairs. It wasn’t candy anymore. It was just, a regular house. “Where’d all the candy go?” you asked Luke. “I honestly don’t know. I think it’s just there to keep you calm. So as I was saying, what are good at?” he said. “Nothing.” “You didn’t even think about it! You need to think to live here.” You were silent for a while. Your dad is a football coach you thought. Well he was. Who knows what happened to him. You would always write plays for him. Football was like a war to you. The players were the soldiers and your plays were the attacking tactics. “I guess I’m good at putting people were they’re supposed to be. I used to write foot ball plays for my dad. We were undefeated district champions for 4 years.” Luke looked disappointed. “Great. Another sports girl. Just what we need here” Wow, you’ve always wanted to be good at sports and to think Luke thought you could be is awesome, but you lack hand-eye coordination.

Tell Him you’re not good at sports Tell Him You are good at sports

Page 7: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Don’t Eat and Investigate

I don’t think I’m supposed to eat this. It just doesn’t seem right. You stand up and look around. “Wait” you say to yourself, let me test my memory. What’s my name? It’s Olivia. Good enough, you thought. You contemplated going up the stairs or not. You looked around again. I’ve had enough of this room, but do I want to leave now, or wait a while?

Go Upstairs and Investigate Wait until the right time

Page 8: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Wait until the right time

You chose to wait. You were pretty lazy, so you didn’t feel like getting up. You waited, and waited, and waited. You were hoping someone was going to come down and find you, when all of sudden, you got a pounding headache. You tried to massage your temples, but nothing happened. Pretty soon you began hallucinating. You figured there were drugs in the candy. You saw a unicorn. It looked like it wanted you to ride it. You got up and walked over to it. “I KNEW YOU WERE REAL MR. STUFFINGS!” Someone must of heard you and they came downstairs. They waited until the drugs wore off. You felt normal again. They told you there was a maze, one you had to get out of. They had three days until it changed again. They said there were robots, that were always in the same formation, guarding the door. You used to make football plays for your dad, and you think you could defeat them with that. Should you tell them?

Don’t tell them Tell Them

Page 9: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Go Upstairs and Investigate

You decided to go upstairs. You’ve always been the adventurous type and you were prepared for a fight. Your dad was a football coach, so he taught you tackling tactics on a dummy. You ran up the stairs and burst through the door. There were 6 people there just staring. You said “Don’t come near me or I’ll tackle you to the ground!” They started laughing. This one guy who said his name was Ashton tried to calm you down. “Calm down girl, you were picked.” “You were confused. “Picked for what? Where’s my mom? Where are my parents? What’s going on?!?” They laughed again. They all introduced themselves. Besides Ashton, there was Luke, Calum, Michael, Rebecca, Nicole, and Ivy. They seemed nice, but you were desperate to know what was going on. Luke, the nerdy one with suspenders, explained that we were trapped. They knew how to get out of the maze (why they were here) because of these people called Sprinters. But there were these cyborgs that guarded the doors. We had three days to get out, because the maze changes every week. I think I can help, but should I tell them?

Tell Them Don’t tell them

Page 10: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Don’t tell them

You didn’t tell them, in fact you didn’t even speak for the rest of the day. You wanted to go home. You stole Luke’s maps of the maze and ran for it. You made it to the end, but the robots got you. They turned you into one. You were now, for the rest of your life, guarder of the maze. Good going Olivia. The end

Page 11: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Tell Them

You told them about how you write football plays for your dad. They were so excited! You were excited too. You just made 7 new friends, and you actually contributed to something. Today was a good day. THE END

Page 12: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Ask More Questions

“So how long have you been here?” He didn’t answer. No one talked, because everyone died. Some poisonous gas was leaked from the labs. No one was left alive. THE END

Page 13: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Tell Him you’re not good at sports

“I’m not good at sports, I’m terrible at them.” Luke smiled “Good, we have enough athletic people here.” You hesitate; you want to ask Luke what he does all day. “What do you do all day Luke?” Luke didn’t respond. Should you ask him again or just wait?

Ask him again Wait and see if he responds

Page 14: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Tell Him You are good at sports

“I’m good at sports, but I’m not awesome like most people.” Luke looked relieved. You want to ask him what he does all day, but he doesn’t respond. Should you ask him again?

Ask him again Wait and see if he responds

Page 15: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Ask him again

“ Luke?” “I have to memorize maps of the maze” You paused “What maze?” Luke shook his head. He seemed quite stressed. You guys are walking towards a group of people. 3 boys and 3 girls you see. All around your age. “There’s only one way to get out of here and it’s through the maze. The maze changes once a week. We have people that go through it, they’re called Sprinters and they sprint through the maze everyday and try to find a way out. Before the gate closes of course, they come back. We have three more days until it changes and we know the way through, but there’s some cyborgs that are there that block us. We have no way to defeat them.” You two approached the group of 6. They all smiled at you. Should you smile back?

Smile Back Don’t smile back

Page 16: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Wait and see if he responds

Nothing happened and no one responded. There was an earthquake. The sky fell from the earth. Everyone died. THE END.

Page 17: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Smile Back

They introduced themselves as Michael, Calum, Ashton, Rebekka, Nicole, and Ivy. They told you more about the maze. You kept thinking about the cyborgs. You asked if they’re always in the same formation. “Yeah, I think so. Why?” said Rebekka. You paused. “Hey Luke, you know how I said I make football plays for my dad?” Luke grinned so wide you thought his face was going to break. “WE FOUND A WAY OUT GUYS!” “Let’s have a party!” says Calum. “We have to see if it works first guys.” Said Ivy. “Yeah this is great and all, but we should be preparing to leave.” Said Nicole. “TELL THE OTHERS!” screamed Ashton. You all laughed. You just met 6 new best friends, and compared to the 0 friends you have back home, you felt pretty good. THE END.

Page 18: Miana  You hear someone talking. “HEY!” You sit up and look around. You don’t see anyone, especially no one speaking. You have to blink a couple times.

Don’t smile back

You didn’t smile, but they didn’t care. Luke told them how you wrote football plays and they all got excited. They said that they finally found the way out. They were really excited, but you didn’t care. You just wanted to go home. THE END.