Download - MHS Freshman Success Guide 2016-17



















High school may seem like a big change from junior high and you may be feeling a little nervous. If so, you are not alone – All freshmen are starting high school together and wondering how their high school experience is going to go. You are all in this together so relax and get ready for a fun and rewarding high school grade experience! Here are a few freshmen survival tips to remember as you get ready for your fi rst day of high school:

Be prepared for change. This is a brand new journey. You will notice a diff erence in what you’ve been used to in your friends, teachers and school. Change is diff erent but change can be good. Be ready for changes that lead you to be the best you can be.

Do not procrastinate. The sooner you get things done, the more time you will have to do the things you like to do. You will feel more relaxed and prepared if you get things checked off your to-do list early, rather than last minute.

Make good fi rst impressions, especially on teachers. Be prepared for class, on time and be an active participant. A positive fi rst impression with your teachers will go a long way and will follow you throughout high school.

Consider an extracurricular activity. High school is a great time to fi gure out what you are interested in. Follow your interests through clubs and sports. These activities are also a crucial part of your college application.

Eat breakfast and lunch. Whether you purchase food in the cafeteria or bring your food to school, your brain and body needs energy to perform. It is scientifi cally proven that high school students perform better if they have healthy meals and snacks.

Be organized. This will save you tons of heartache,headache and extra homework. Get a system for organizing yourself that works for you.




Keep a eye on Blackboard Calendar. Check this for daily homework and assignments. You can also customize it for your personal schedule.

Be yourself and be an original. High school can be a diffi cult time for everyone. Keep this in mind when approaching people: you’re all in the same boat. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone when talking to new people; you mightsurprise yourself!

Stay positive. Be realistic. Not every day will be problem free. Even on your worst days, try to keep a positive attitude. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need to.


Your teacher is the best person to give you specifi c study tips for his/her class. The teacher knows your progress in that class and can be the most eff ective person in advising you how to improve a grade or be a more eff ective learner.

Eff ective Study Habits

Use the labs at MHS! During study hall or lunch, students can go to labs for extra help with assignments. Go into a lab with specifi c questions or a draft to revise. The labs are there for all students, to use at anytime.

See your counselor if you would like to work with a peer tutor during a study hall or before or after school. National Honor Society students volunteer their time to work with students in peer tutoring. You don’t need to struggle through on your own!

Be aware of your best time of day. Many people learn best in daylight hours. Think about if this is true for you. If it is, schedule time to study during the day. If not, fi nd out what is best.

Use your waiting time eff ectively. Ten minutes waiting on a bus or fi ve minutes between class can add up. Also, in between school and extracurricular activities, use this time to your advantage..


Study diffi cult subjects fi rst! If a particular subject is hard or puts you to sleep, tackle it fi rst while you are fresh.

Use a regular study area. When you use the same place to study, day after day, your mind and body become trained. It should help you focus and concentrate quickly.

When studying, fi gure out what method works best for you, whether this means listening to classical music or taking eff ective study breaks. Also avoid other distractions such as the TV or phone.

Don’t get too comfortable. Easy chairs, the bed or a sofa can be dangerous places to study. If too comfortable, your body may be getting the message “time to sleep” rather than “time to study.”





Baas 25

Becksfort 7

Bell 4

Block 1

Briggs 23

Colaw 2

Colpi Library

Commins 19

Dixon 3

Ferry 35

Haney Gym

Hanley 17

Hayes 20

Hewitt 24

Khamis Band Room

Kuhn 22

Lair 27

Leatherwood 13

Long 26

Lowery 6

McGahey Band Room


Miller 11

Neumann 9

Oberschlake 14

Olds 14

Pelosi Riley Tutor Room (behind C-20)

Pontious Band Room

Radloff 21

Reilly 12

Richardson 32/34

Szabo 16

Thomas 28

Thompson 31

Timmerding 33

Valentine 36

Vanags 15

Wainscott 5

Weiss 10

Wiseman 8

Wolff ord 18

Yu 26



What time does school start and how long are the classes? The fi rst bell starts at 7:45am and school dismisses at 2:52pm. Students start arriving around 7:30am unless they have an early appointment with a teacher. There are seven (7) bells per day and each bell is around 52 minutes long with four minutes between classes. There is early dismissal for high school students the fi rst Monday of each month. For the class schedule, visit the district website under “Mariemont High School” or the Mariemont High School calendar on the calendar page of the website. The school operates on quarters and semesters.

When is the fi rst day of school?For the 2016-17 school year, the fi rst day of school is Wednesday, August 17.

Who is in charge around here? Dr. Jim Renner is the principal of Mariemont High School and Trevor Block is the assistant principal. Tom Nerl is the district’s athletic director.

Do we have a homeroom? No, there is no homeroom.

How will I fi nd my classes on the fi rst day? Once you receive your schedule at orientation, you can walk around that day to get used to the building and become more familiar with your schedule. You will have a paper copy.


Which door do I use in the mornings?Use the main doors or the second turn-around doors near the auditorium. The back door near the band room is okay too but that is used a lot by seniors because it is near the senior parking lot.

What if I get lost in the building?Mariemont High School can be a challenging building to get to know at fi rst. If you get lost or confused just ask a staff member to point you in the right direction. Students can give you a hand too. It won’t take long for you to know your way around the building confi dently.

The hallways are crowded in between bells so what is the best way to get somewhere quickly? Walk on the right side of the hallway and go with the fl ow!

How do we get to know the upperclassmen? You will meet many upperclassmen in your daily classes. A great way to meet people is to join an activity or sport.

What is your advice on homework?Don’t procrastinate! Missing assignments can really aff ect yourgrades. Be sure to do your homework and turn it in ontime for full credit. Find an organization systemthat works for you! Color-coded planners,folders and notebooks for each class can really help, as can staying digitally organized on Blackboard.


How do I print my schoolwork and assignments? Although we strongly encourage digital organization and being mindful of unnecessarily printing documents, we understand that sometimes there is a need to print so printing is available to you in the high school library using Citrix. Check with your teacher about other printing options.

Speaking of the library, is the library only for books?No way. The Mariemont High School library is more of a collaborative workspace. Ask our librarians to give you information on all kinds of learning tools and research resources available through our library. According to Mrs. Colpi, the library media & tech specialist, “change is happening at various speeds due to technology, and one of these changes is in the landscape of the school – and even public – library. The library is not just a warehouse anymore, it’s the place to get together, collaborate and create. It’s a community space.”

What do I need to know about my locker? Lockers are assigned to you. You will get your locker assignment and combination at Student Orientation in August. Freshmen lockers are usually on the lower level. Use them for storage. Lock up your jacket and lunch. Take the books you need for the fi rst half of the day and switch at lunchtime. You will not have time to go to your locker between every bell. If you forget your combination, go ask at the offi ce. If you have a class near you locker, that might be a good time to switch out a few things that you need.


How do I fi nd out my bus route and schedule?The district website is a great tool for this and for many, many other things. To fi nd your bus schedule, check the district website under “Parents” or call transportation at 513-272-7510. The bus schedule is usually posted in early August each year. Remember, all school rules apply on the busses.

What is the district’s technology policy? There is a district-wide one-to-one technology plan across all curriculum and grade levels with the option of “bring your own” technology or “rent” district-owned devices. If you would like to rent a device, visit Mrs. Emily Colpi in the high school library. Remember – Don’t get distracted by your laptop during class by visiting unrelated sites!

What is the dress code?No short shorts, no spaghetti straps, no hats, no holes in jeans.

What is the school’s policy about smoking, alcohol and drugs?Don’t do it and especially not on school property!

What if I have to go to the bathroom or leave the classroom for any reason? If you can, try to go to the bathroom between bells or ask your teacher for permission to go before the tardy bell rings. You will need to ask your teacher if you need to leave the classroom for any reason.


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Where do I fi nd out more information about summer reading and summer assignments? Each year, the high school reads one book together. The book changes each year. To fi nd out more information about summer reading and assignments, visit the district website > Mariemont High School > Summer Assignments. This is usually updated by late May each year. Added to that, your teachers might also give you a heads up about summer expectations before the school year ends.

Tell me about how lunch works at the high school.Students are required to have lunch on campus until 2nd quarter of senior year. Lunch is 30 minutes. It is served in the Commons, which is downstairs near the gym and pool. Food and drinks are not allowed in the classrooms.

You may buy or pack. There is a microwave but sometimes there is a long line. Not to mention, our cafeteria food is pretty good and we have Fusian sushi for sale once a week. You can use EZPay to buy lunch. Your parents or guardians will set up the account, which they can do via the district website under the “Parents” tab.

Does the district use social media? Yes! The school district uses Facebook and Twitter (@MariemontSchool). Mr. Estepp, the district superintendent, uses Twitter (@Estepp) as does Tom Nerl, the district athletic director (@mmontad). Following the district’s social media is a great way to follow what’s going on with the school and the community. The district also has a app, which is available for free to all Android and Apple users – Mariemont CSD.


I’m having a rough time, is there someone I can talk to?Of course there is! Never, ever feel like you are alone. If you are having a diffi cult time with your class schedule or classes, you can talk to your counselor or building principal any time. Don’t forget – everyone wants you to succeed!

You can also talk to your counselor or school psychologist if you’re having a diffi cult time and feeling overwhelmed, depressed or upset. Added to that, the district has partnered with Child Focus, Inc. to off er additional mental health services for students in grades 7-12. The high school has a licensed therapist, Nicole Woolery, who off ers a more intensive level of services for students and families, and can be accessed all year. We want every student to feel emotionally healthy and ready to learn. There is no shame in needing and asking for help.

How do I get involved in building the homecoming fl oat?Any freshman who is interested should reach out to the class offi cers, check the Blackboard announcements or ask Amy Leatherwood, the freshman class advisor. Each class starts building its fl oat the Saturday before Homecoming. This is defi nitely a fun way to get involved with this competitive annual tradition!




Our goal is that every person who enters our high school feels welcome and safe.

At the high school level, we maintain the lessons and themes from OLWEUS and have a school climate initiative, lead by Campus Life (see the Extracurriculars sections for more information about how to get involved with Campus Life). Campus Life does cool, fun things like organize Valentine’s Day events and activities, lead us through March Madness and just generally make the high school a more fun and comfortable place for everyone. Check out Elf Renner!

According to a study conducted by the National Association of School Psychologists, bullying is the most common form of violence in our society; between 15% and 30% of students are bullies or victims. This is unacceptable. If you need to report bullying or any other safety concerns, the district off ers an anonymous, 24-hour bullying reporting service through Public School Works. Everyone can access this service through the high school’s homepage on the district website or through My Mariemont Portal on the top of the district website.

As a sophomore, you will participate in Youth Frontiers’ Respect Retreat. The goal of the retreat is to bring your class even closer together to respect and celebrate your diff erences from one another. The district also participates in the Courage Retreat in 7th grade and the Kindness Retreat in 5th grade.

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Warriors BEyond is the Mariemont City School District’s fl agship program for student opportunities off ered beyond the traditional curriculum, including new enrichment experiences, travel opportunities, career exploration and service learning, giving students at all grade levels the chance to lead, reach and explore.

Travel Opportunities Exploring the world around you is great way to learn more about yourself and our global culture. Mariemont High School students now have the opportunity to participate in a variety of travel opportunities including: • Global student leadership summit in Europe • Service learning trips in Central or South America • Foreign language immersion trips in Europe We promise to keep you informed from the get go about how to make these opportunities a reality!

Master Class SeriesFrom Learning Lab and after-school enrichment at the elementary level to Expeditions at the junior high to the Master Class series at the high school – turn your interest into a passion! The Master Class series is NOT teacher-mandated work and it is NOT graded. It is off ered during various study hall bells a couple days a week. You can learn a language! Take your instrument and jam with your peers in Rock Band! Become a personal trainer! Get your percussion on in Steel Drum Band! Develop business and pitch ideas to a panel of judges, like on “Shark Tank”!




Last Name, First Name NUMBER 000000 GRADE 09 Street Address BIRTHDATE dd/mm/yy GENDER M/F City, State Zip HOMEROOM 0000


COURSE SEC COURSE NAME TERM PER DAYS LOC TEACHER3007 1 BIOLOGY CP Semester 1 01 MTWRF 0026 Jessica Long Classes3008 1 BIOLOGY CP Semester 2 01 MTWRF 0026 Jessica Long Classes2017 2 GEOMETRY CP Semester 1 02 MTWRF 0001 Lisa Block Classes2018 2 GEOMETRY CP Semester 2 02 MTWRF 0001 Lisa Block Classes5303 2 SPANISH II Semester 1 03 MTWRF 0031 Alexa Thompson Classes5304 2 SPANISH II Semester 2 03 MTWRF 0031 Alexa Thompson Classes4001 2 MOD WRLD STUD I Semester 1 04 MTWRF 0019 Kurry Commins Classes4002 2 MOD WRLD STUD I Semester 2 04 MTWRF 0019 Kurry Commins ClassesSH5 1 SH PER.5 Semester 1 05 MTWRF C-20 Bruce Miller Classes6307 3 INTRO 2D I Semester 2 05 MTWRF 0027 Julia Lair Classes6000 3 HEALTH Semester 1 06 MTWRF 0026 Theresa Thomas ClassesSH62 1 SH PER.6 SEM.2 Semester 2 06 MTWRF CAFE Eric Weiss Classes1007 4 ENGLISH I CP Semester 1 07 MTWRF 0012 Elizabeth Reily Classes1008 4 ENGLISH I CP Semester 2 07 MTWRF 0012 Elizabeth Reily Classes



Academic TeamFour-student teams compete at the varsity or junior varsity level against teams from other schools in a quiz-show style. Students answer questions in several formats on all types of academic topics. All interested students, grades 9-12 are eligible without tryouts. Practices start in October, on Tuesdays after school. Matches are held Mondays after school at Cincinnati State, with a Saturday tournament in early March. Outstanding students may be selected for the league all-star teams.

The competition is friendly and fun, not cutthroat. (Usually!!) All attending team members participate in matches. Have fun competing, meet kids from other schools, work together for the team, and get even smarter!

AFS Club The AFS International Exchange Club provides a network of friends and social events for Mariemont High School’s foreign exchange students. The club brings international experiences to all Mariemont students through local AFS student exchanges. Through its association with the national AFS Intercultural Programs Organization, the club provides a vehicle whereby Mariemont High School students can participate in international exchange programs off ered by this organization.

Students in grades 9-12 may participate by attending the business meeting in the fall to sign up. Membership is sustained by participation in club social events, and by volunteering to plan and execute club events and social projects. Meetings are held after school. Events are scheduled evenings and weekends.

Some of the activities typically scheduled are restaurant outings to help the student body get to know the current year’s AFS exchange students, parties featuring presentations by exchange students, and other activities, such as picnics and ice skating. Also part of the AFS Club’s service to Mariemont High School is the annual AFS International Day whereby the entire school is given the opportunity to host exchange students for a one-day overnight.

Join an extracurricular activity and get the most out of your Mariemont High School experience!


Anime ClubAnime Club, an off shoot of Book Club, meets weekly in the Harris Library to watch anddiscuss anime and share their interest in Manga, anime, and Japanese pop culture..

AthleticsMariemont students are well known for being excellent in athletics. For a school of our size, we are fortunate to be able to off er such a wide range of competitive athletic teams. Tryouts, practices and schedules are too lengthy to include here, so please contact the high school offi ce for further information on any team. Tom Nerl, the district athletic director, can help you by giving details or by putting you in contact with the coach of the team. NOTE: Incoming 9th grade students interested in playing sports must have passed 75% of their 4th quarter 8th grade classes. Go Warriors!


Cheerleading, Football (JV, Var.) Cross Country (JV, Var.)

Cross Country (JV, Var.) Football (JV, Var.)

Soccer (JV, Var.) Golf (JV, Var.)

Tennis (JV, Var.) Soccer (JV, Var.)

Volleyball (JV, Var.)

Golf (Var.)

Basketball (JV, Var.) Basketball (Fr., JV, Var.)

Cheerleading, Basketball (Fr., JV, Var.) Swimming/Diving (Var.)

Swimming/Diving (Var.) Wrestling (Var.)

Softball (JV, Var.) Baseball (JV, Var.)

Track & Field (Var.) Tennis (JV, Var.)

Lacrosse (JV, Var.) Track & Field (Var.)

Lacrosse (JV, Var.)





Art ClubThe Art Club’s mission is to increase awareness of the visual art in the school and the community. Any student of Mariemont High School is welcome to join the art club. Previous art experience and participation in visual art classesis helpful and recommended.

Art Club is a service organization with a primary purpose of raising funds for an annual Art Club Scholarship awarded to a senior who will pursue a college education in a visual art area. Our primary source of income comes from hand crafted and hand painted items sold at Holiday Fair. Fall participation is very active in preparation for this event. In the past we have also participated in activities such as: the Big Pig Gig, the Little Pig Gig, the Foundation “Charity”, Spring Fling and Sing Cincinnati. In May, Art Club members are responsible for Night of the Art exhibits and Scholarship presentations.

Book ClubMariemont High School Book Club meets every Friday morning starting at 7:00 a.m. in the lower library for food, fellowship and fun. We are a stress-free club welcoming anyone as a member with no requirements other than to keep an open mind. We typically choose two books at a time to read over the course of 6-8 weeks (you don’t have to read both), which we borrow from the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County and then discuss over breakfast.

Book Club sponsors activities and contests during the year such as “Dress As Your Favorite Character Day,” author visits, and summer reading picnics. We sometimes go on fi eld trips to other libraries and regularly invite special guests to come to our meetings to discuss their favorite books and their lives as readers. Whether debating the latest book-to-fi lm ad-aptation or playing a lively round of Harry Potter trivia, book club is always about making new friends over a shared love of reading.

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Campus LifeCampus Life works to create positive school climate by planning activities that are inclusive for all students at Mariemont High School. All students in grades 9-12 are welcome to participate at any time during a school year. And, meetings occur typically during both lunches and sometimes after school.

Activities that campus life sponsors are year-specifi c due to what the group chooses to plan and execute. Past events include: all school trick or treating, winter games, the activities fair, and fi nal four minute to win it games. New activity ideas are always welcome.

Chess Club/Chess TeamChess Club meets once a week during both lunches in the Harris Library for friendly competition in a relaxed atmosphere. Chess Club also participates in regional competitions with area districts and a year-end tournament. Seniors in Chess Club are eligible to apply for the Queen City Classic’s Chess in Schools Scholarship ($1,500). All are welcome to join – no experience necessary.

Creative Writing ClubCreative Writing Club is an opportunity for students interested in writing as a creative outlet to do so in an informal and friendly setting. Meetings (a half hour long after school every other week) are never mandatory and include group activities, voluntary sharing of stories, and snacks. Friends are welcome.

DECADECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, fi nance, hospitality and management. DECA provides students the opportunity to compete for local, state, and international Offi cer Roles, compete for events and scholarships, attend leadership conferences, and perform service-learning projects. DECA is co-curricular, meaning students must be enrolled in a High School of Business course to become a member. Membership includes 180,000 students and advisers throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Guam, China, Korea, Japan, and Germany.


Environmental ClubThe Environmental Club meets to learn about the natural environment. Anyone in grades 9-12 may join by coming to the organizational meeting in the fall. The club may travel to off site locations to hike and enjoy nature – or just walk to the local parks. We will be learning about topics such as local bird calls, frog calls, trees, fl owers, geology etc. We will also just enjoy being outside in nature!

Fall PlayEvery November, a play is performed with the purpose of getting students involved in the theatre. Students in grades 9-12 may audition for acting parts during September. Technical positions for lights, sound, backstage work, props, and set building are also arranged during September. There is something for everyone in the dramatic productions; not just those interested in performing. Students have fun while working together and while learning about the art of the theatre.

Rehearsals are held almost every day and some Saturdays between early September and late November. As the play is fully sponsored by Masque & Mime, being a member of that club is a prerequisite.

Green Envy Investment ClubThe Green Envy Investment Club (GEIC) is an investment club for students at Mariemont High School. The students contribute and invest their own money, and make all of the investment decisions. The club elects its own offi cers and is organized as a partnership (under Ohio and IRS regulations) and will follow the investing procedures and philosophy suggested by NAIC, a non-profi t corporation serving investment clubs nationwide.

GEIC meets twice a month during the school year, on Mondays, beginning at 8:00 pm. Each month, there are two meeting formats. One of the monthly meetings will be for all members, where the advisor will give a short educational presentation on investing, and the members can present potential stocks for the club to discuss and vote on. The other meeting will only involve about one half of the club (on a rotating basis) where the members will research potential companies for purchase. The all member meetings will end by 9:15 pm; the research meetings will end by 9:00 pm. In addition we may schedule trips to visit companies and attend annual meetings (which may require excused absences from classes).


Membership in GEIC is limited to 40 students based on timely application and interview (GEIC votes on each new member), and will require a commitment of both time and money. Attendance and participation at the meetings is important. Every member will have duties and responsibilities; every member will learn to investigate and evaluate companies to determine if GEIC should purchase each company’s stock..

High School BandThe Mariemont High School Band is a full year curricular course open to all students in grades 9-12 who demonstrate profi ciency and/or have a desire to play a band instrument. The Band participates in various activities throughout the school year.

Concert Band:The concert band performs in school concerts

and in OMEA District XIV sanctioned events.

Marching Band: The marching band performs in community parades

and at all home and away football games.

Pep Band:The pep band performs at home basketball games.

Color Guard:This auxiliary unit is the visual component of the marching band.

The color guard performs in parades and at all home and away football games.

Indoor Drumline:The indoor drumline is one of the sports of the arts. The drumline is an extracurricular,

competitive musical ensemble that is active through the winter and spring months. Auditions are held annually. Rehearsals are arranged at the discretion of the director(s),

and generally take place afternoons and evenings. Performances andcompetitions are held in the evenings and/or on weekends.


Key ClubKey Club is an international service organization affi liated with Kiwanis. Any students, grades 9-12, who are interested in performing community service, are invited to participate. Meetings are held once a month after school. The fall organizational meeting is the time for new members to join. $12.00 dues required.

To be considered an active member, students must perform 24 hours of community ser-vice (6 credits). One half of the credits must be earned in the fi rst semester. The Key Club sponsors approximately three activities per month. Some examples of these activities are: ushering at plays, working at the Mariemont Kiwanis Art Fair, attending Senior/Senior proms at local nursing homes, and the annual canned food drive.

Latin ClubMariemont Latin Club meets on Mondays. Students prepare projects for the annual Ohio Junior Classical League Convention held in Columbus in March. Students compete against Latin Club students from schools through-out the state in the following categories: club banner, club project, club scrapbook, club skit, costume, dramatic interpretation, English oratory, Latin recitation, Latin sight reading, drawings and paintings (charcoal, ink, mixed media, oil & acrylic, pastel, pencil, watercolor) ceramics, decorative stitching, games, jew-elry, models, mosaics, sculpture, textiles, metal & wood-working, illustrated quotations, charts, maps, posters, photo collage, single photograph and audio-visual. Outstanding projects are eligible for the annual National Junior Classical League Convention. Dues are $8.00 per year.

Latin Quiz TeamMariemont Latin Quiz Team practices on Thursdays. Students answer questions in a quiz show format on Latin language and vocabulary, classical culture and civilization, and Greco-Roman mythology. Students compete in teams against Latin Quiz teams from area high schools. Students compete according to their level of Latin: Level I (Latin I), Level II (Latin II), or Upper Level (Latin III, IV, AP). All matches are held on Saturday mornings at high schools in the Cincinnati area. The Latin Quiz team season begins in October and ends in March with the state tournament in Columbus.


Leadership CouncilThe Leadership Council exists to foster leadership, character and decision-making skills while improving the community environment. This may be accomplished through major projects or small acts of kindness. Teachers (including Jr. High teachers) can nominate students in grades 9-12 who have demonstrated potential or leadership skills. The membership is limited to 50 members, spread out over all four grades. Members who fail to participate in club activities or miss two or more meetings are dropped from the roster.

The Leadership Council generally meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month after school. One Saturday in the fall is the citywide Youth Conference. Some examples of typical activities are: support of a needy Cincinnati family at Christmas, Hamilton County Youth Conference, leadership speakers, and mentoring and tutoring junior high school students.

Mariemont High School Class Offi cersFour class offi cers are chosen by their classmates in an election held each spring: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Prospective candidates must register prior to the election with the current Student Council Advisor and attend an organizational meeting held with the current Class Advisor after school which defi nes the offi cers’ responsibilities. The primary function of the offi cers is to promote class spirit and provide leadership opportunities for themselves and their classmates. Specifi c responsibilities related to Homecoming (the class fl oat and parade), Holiday Fair, Spring Fling, the prom (junior year), and graduation (junior and senior year) are also involved. In addition, Class Presidents will serve ex offi cio on Student Council.


Masque & MimeThe purpose of Masque & Mime is to produce the Fall Play, fi eld the school’s Cappies Team and support the Spring Musical to further an appreciation of theatre performance and technical work. Anyone in grades 9-12 who has an interest in being involved in our drama program may be a member.

Most members are involved with the play and the musical, so there are no set meeting times. Members work together constantly at rehearsals. Masque & Mime is fun; people can participate at their own level of comfort and expertise; the group is made up of a diverse population of students.

While the Fall Play, Cappies Team and Spring Musical all require tryouts, everyone is encouraged to participate in these auditions. If a student is not awarded a spot on stage or on the team, then there are ample opportunities for “behind-the-scenes” work.

Mock TrialMock Trial is an opportunity for students to experience a realistic approach to law and government by playing roles involved in a mock trial. Students prepare for cases as plaintiff s, prosecution, and defense, and compete against other teams from other schools.

In late October/early November, listen for announcements about the startup of the Mock Trial team. The competition is held in late January/early February.

Musical Each spring a quality Broadway stage musical is presented to community audiences. In mid-December, auditions are held. Any 9th through 12th grade student may audition. Audition materials are provided by the directors. Students may choose to participate by working backstage on lights, sound, set, costumes, etc. instead of auditioning for a performance role.


Practices are held after school until about 5:30 and include some evenings and Saturdays. Groups break down rehearsals: chorus rehearsal, dramatic rehearsal, and choreography rehearsal.

It is helpful to get as much vocal and dramatic experience as possible before auditioning. Participate in junior high and high school chorus classes, and perhaps take private voice lessons, music reading, acting classes, etc.

National Honor Society NHS is an organization made up of juniors and seniors who are the highest achievers and most active leaders in our school. They provide service to the school and to the community at large.

To be eligible for NHS, students must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher. Then they must complete an application (by the required deadline) which will be reviewed by a committee of faculty and administrators. The application and accompanying documentation are very important in the committee’s decision to accept or reject the candidate and should be completed with great care as acceptance into NHS is based not only on grade point average and scholarship, but also on leadership, service, and character. Once chosen to be in NHS, students must maintain the 3.5 GPA and uphold the qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, and character throughout high school in orderto remain in the society. Meetings are held as needed and activities include a junior high school dance, service projects, and peer tutoring. NHS members pay yearly dues of $10.00.


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Students must work hard in their 9th and 10th grade years to acquire the background of leadership activities, community service, classroom leadership, and academic achievement that are the basis for membership.

Unlike a club membership, NHS membership is a highly coveted honor; therefore, participation in club activities is mandatory. Students unwilling or unable to make that time commitment should not apply.

Philanthropy ClubThe Philanthropy Club is made up of Mariemont students in grades 9-12 who wish to learn about philanthropy. Throughout the year, students will meet once a week before school to experience the power of philanthropy by reaching out to charities in the community. Through this process, the members will be divided into groups to decide on which local non-profi t agency they will invest the $1,000 grant from Magnifi ed Giving (the non-profi t organization that supports this). They will have opportunities to research and present their fi ndings about the social concerns and needs in the Cincinnati area. At the end of the year, an awards ceremony is given to honor those schools and their non-profi t agency that they helped.

Photography ClubThis club meets once a week after school in the photography room. Each week members will learn new photo techniques and present new topics relating to photography. In addition, members will randomly choose a thee, take photos that correlate to that theme, and then share the photos with the group the following week. This club is for anyone wanting to learn about photography or improve their photography skills while having fun learning how to express themselves more creatively through the lens of a camera!

Potterology LeaguePotterology League, an off shoot of Book Club, is a club for fans of the Harry Potter franchise. Members are sorted into Gryffi ndor, Huffl epuff , Ravenclaw, or Slytherin and meet weekly to compete at trivia, arts and crafts, sports, music, and more.


Service Projects AbroadService Projects Abroad is a club at Mariemont High School that allows students to travel, learn about diff erent places of the world, and support our community together. At meetings, about once a month, students of all grades will work together to fundraise for the ultimate goal of taking a service trip abroad their junior year. Activities include participating in the Kiwanis Art Fair in September, Holiday Fair, and other events created by the club. Along with fundraising students volunteer throughout the city together. We work with local nonprofi ts to better our own community by volunteering with Madisonville Education and Assistance Center, Ronald McDonald House, and Matthew 25 Ministries. Finally, Service Projects Abroad gives students a chance to take a service trip through EF Tours with their peer’s junior year. Destinations as of now are Nicaragua and Ecuador, with a choice of a total 7 countries to choose from. Service Projects Abroad is an amazing way for you to get involved in the high school, meet and work with other students of similar interests, and take an amazing trip dedicated to foreign volunteer eff orts and service learning.

ShowstoppersShowstoppers is a pop a cappella group, meaning all of the accompaniment is vocal! Using vocal percussion and a variety of vocal harmonies, voices only recreate the sounds of our favorite current pop songs. Each year we perform a variety of modern pieces, arranged by either a student(s), Mrs. McGahey, or another a cappella group, at the school concerts and community events. Showstoppers meets every Tuesday after school and n Thursday mornings. If you love to sing and perform, then Showstoppers might be the perfect fi t for you! Showstoppers is a select group and interested students must perform an audition for Mrs. McGahey at the beginning of the year. Students must display a strong, pop vocal style of singing, be able to hold their own vocal part independently, and sight read. Participants should have experience in vocal music performance, such as participation in the Jr. High or High School choir, or private instruction.


Spanish ClubThe Spanish Club promotes awareness of the Spanish language and culture at the local and global level. Activities and events refl ective of the Spanish/Latino culture are shared.

All students in grades 9-12 are welcome to participate by signing up in September. Meetings are after school. There may be optional events in the evenings or weekends.

Activities could include participating in the Hispanic Festival, music, fi lms, preparing foods, crafts, and investigating local Latino events.\

Spirit ClubThe Spirit Club is an organization made up of Mariemont students to promote MHSextracurricular activities. The Spirit Club is for students in grades 9-12 who wish to help build spirit within the school. The club has several promotional events each season to help increase the attendance, positive attitude, sportsmanship, and commitment to all MHS extracurricular activities.

STEM ClubOpen to students grades 9-12 who are interested in hands-on activities and projects which integrate science, technology, engineering, and math. Examples of projects worked on in 2012-13 included building electric guitars using materials featured on the website and the construction of underwater robots. Students work individually or in groups. New project ideas are always welcome.

Student Council The Student Council acts as the liaison between the student body and the faculty and administration. As the leaders of the school, class representatives organize student involvement and plan student activities.


Participation is by election held in the spring for the following school year. Interested students must see the advisor and submit a petition in order to be placed on the ballot. Meetings are held from time to time as needed.

Some examples of student council activities done in prior years include organizing the Homecoming ceremonies and dance in the fall, arranging the Snowball dance, and coordinating the Spring Fling in May. Student Council raises school spirit and, when appropriate, off ers new proposals to the administration on behalf of the student body. When students have questions or concerns at any point during the school year, they are encouraged to seek out their Student Council representatives and class offi cers.

Unifi ed for UGANDAUnifi ed for Uganda is a student run non-profi t organization that emotionallyand fi nancially supports the education of destitute children in northern Uganda through the empowerment of American youth. We work to put ourselves out of business. We hope that one day our children will no longer need our support, that they can make it on their own. Our chapter at Mariemont High School reaches out to you and hopes you will join us in our fi ght for education.

Wellness and You (WAY)Interested in learning more ways to promote a healthier lifestyle mentally and physically for yourself and others? Wellness and You (WAY) is a new club at Mariemont High School that focuses with helping students learn how to deal with the stress of school work, extracurriculars, sports, and outside activities by gaining an awaremess to one’s own health. Meeting during the confi nes of the school day so anyone can participate, the club is instilling life-long connections and values. It is a way for students to connect with one another, learn more about how to take care of themselves, and fi nd ways to bond through healthy eating, exercise, and activities to create friendships. Start High School the right way and join WAY.


World Aff airs Club The World Aff airs Club exists to increase student understanding of the world’s countries/regions and their “problems” both past and current. All students in grades 9-12 who have an interest in current events are encouraged to join.

The fi rst meeting is in September and meetings are generally held monthly after that. Meetings are after school unless there is a special event in the evening or on Saturday.

YearbookThe Chieftan, Mariemont High School’s yearbook, is a student-produced, award-winning publication. Students interested in helping with The Chieftain and being a part of the yearbook staff are welcome to do so by signing up for the class that meets daily all school year. Occasionally, this group meets after school and a few times during the summer.

This club and course is all about learning how to create a yearbook from start to fi nish, including: writing, editing, taking photographs, designing, organizing, selling, and distributing the book, itself. In order to be considered for one of the editing positions on the staff , a student must have one year on the yearbook staff under their belt.

Come show us what you can do and help The Chieftain as we pursue Gold Medal status from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association.



The MHS Student Handbook states: The following policy is in eff ect for all students in extracurricular activities.

In order to be eligible in grades 9-12, a student must be currently enrolled and must have been enrolled in school the immediately preceding grading period. During the preceding grading period, the student must have received passing grades in a minimum of fi ve one-credit courses or the equivalent which count toward graduation excluding physical education classes, and maintain a 1.5 GPA. Freshmen must have passed 75% of their 4th quarter 8th grade classes for fall eligibility.

The eligibility or ineligibility of a student continues until the 5th day of the next grading period. Exception: at the start of the fall sports season, the fi rst grading period is considered to have started insofar as this bylaw is concerned.

Summer school grades earned may NOT be used to substitute for failing grades.

A. Students enrolled in grades 9-12 1. In the immediately preceding grading period, a student must receive a passing grade in a minimum of FIVE one-credit courses or the equivalent, which count toward graduation, excluding physical education classes 2. The grades from the preceding grading period, excluding physical education classes, must, when combined, be a total grade point average of at least a 1.5 on a four-point scale. 3. Students enrolled in the fi rst grading period after advancement from the eighth grade must have passed 75% of those subjects carried the preceding grading period in which the student was enrolled, and failed no more than one of the following classes: math, English, social studies, science, Latin.

B. Students enrolled in grades 7-8 1. A student enrolled in the seventh grade for the fi rst time will be eligible for the grading period regardless of previous academic achievement. Thereafter, in order to be eligible, a student in grade 7 or 8 must have received passing grades in 75% of those subjects carried the preceding grading period in which the student was enrolled; and failed no more than one of the following classes: math, English, science, social studies, Latin, Spanish, Mandarin 2. Those grades referenced in B.1. must, when combined, be a total grade point average of at least a 1.0 on a four-point scale.



DISTRICT: The Mariemont City School District serves over 1,700 students in a suburb east of Cincinnati. The students reside in one of four small communities (Columbia Township, Fairfax, Mariemont, or Terrace Park). Although there is a cross section of all socioeconomic levels, most families are above average in both household incomes and in educational level attained.

Mariemont High School has been named a Blue Ribbon School four times. 82% of our students participate in our 32 clubs/activities. MHS complies with the NACAC “Statement of Principles of Good Practice.”


Director of College & Career Counseling:Amanda Leszczuk

[email protected]

11th & 12th grades: Brittany [email protected]

9th & 10th grades: Pam [email protected]

STAFF: 87% of teachers have Master’s degrees with an average of 20 years of experience. Pupil/teacher ratio is 16:1


AFFILIATIONS: College Board, NACAC, OACAC, North Central. Dual enrollment partnership with area colleges/universities through the College Credit Plus Program. ENROLLMENT GRADES 9-12: 532 (eight 11th and 12th graders attend classes at a Great Oaks Career Campus).

SCHEDULE: 7:45 a.m. - 2:52 p.m. with seven 52-minute class periods. The academic year is two traditional semesters.

GPA/CLASS RANK: All courses are used in computing GPA and all students are listed in class rank. Students have the choice of including class rank on transcripts. Honors and AP courses are weighted one additional point (i.e. A=5, B=4, etc.)

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Listed on the transcript as a course in progress, the 40 hour requirement becomes “P” once completed.

GRADING SCALE GRADING SCALE 2012-2013 2013-present

92-100 = A 90-100 = A

83-91 = B 80-89 = B

74-82 = C 70-79 = C

65-73 = D 60-69 = D



English 2/2 Math 6/3 Science 3/3 Comp. Sci. 2/1 Soc.Studies 1/4 Studio Art /1

Latin /1 Spanish /1*weighted grades marked “H” on transcript

No limit to the number of AP coursesa student may take

HIGHEST LEVEL COURSES OFFERED:AP English Literature Linear Algebra Honors

AP Physics C AP Biology AP Chemistry AP US Government & Politics

AP Computer Science A AP Spanish AP Latin Vergil AP Studio Art


Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016

Top 10% 4.533-4.674 4.364-4.653 4.523-4.638

11%- 20% 4.229-4.532 4.186-4.333 4.244-4.522range

21%- 30% 3.864-4.228 3.930-4.049 4.091-4.238range

31%- 50% 3.467-3.863 3.523-3.907 3.628-4.070range


2013 2014 2015

Class size 114 93 107

Four-year college 82% 94% 88%

In-state 63% 60% 70%

Out of state 37% 40% 30%

Two-year colleges 8% 3% 6%

Other 10% 3% 6%

HONORARIES Class of 2015

Cum Laude Society Members 21

National Honor Society Members 50

National Merit Commended 1

National Merit Finalists 5

National Merit Semi-Finalists 5

ADVANCED PLACEMENT TESTS% scoring 3 or better

Test 2013 2014 2015

Biology 100 100 88

Calculus AB 100 94 100

Calculus BC 100 100 100

Chemistry 100 100 89

Computer Science A 75 100 67

English Language 94 96 93

English Literature 98 93 82

European History 88 93 98

Govt. & Politics – U.S. 92 97 70

Latin – Vergil 50 50 N/A

Physics C Elec.&Mag. 86 100 77

Physics C Mechanics 100 100 100

Psychology N/A 77 74

Statistics 97 87 79

Studio Art 75 44 89

U.S. History 93 94 70

World History N/A 100 89


89% scored 3 or higher30% of all exams scored a 422% of all exams scored a 5




Class of ’15 Class of ‘16

% of 11th gr. tested 82% 84 %

Critical Reading mean 54.6 56.3

Math mean 54.7 58.4

Writing skills mean 51.8 55.7


Class Class of ’14 of ‘15

% tested 90% 93%

Mean Composite score – MHS 26.4 25.5

Mean score Composite – Ohio 22.0 22.0

Mean Composite score – National 21.0 21.0

Middle 50% Composite - MHS 23-31 21-29

SAT SUMMARY Class Class of ’14 of ‘15

% tested 72% 66 %

Mean score Crit. Reading – MHS 600 579

Mean score Crit. Reading – Ohio 555 557

Mean score Crit. Reading – National 497 495

Middle 50% Crit. Reading – MHS 530- 500- 650 640

Mean score math - MHS 590 568

Mean score math – Ohio 562 563

Mean score math – National 513 511

Middle 50% math - MHS 510- 500- 670 630

Mean score writing – MHS 577 547

Mean score writing – Ohio 535 537

Mean score writing – National 487 484


Classes of 2013, 2014 & 2015


Art Academy of Cincinnati

Asbury University

Arizona State University

Belmont University

Bennington College

Boston University

Bowdoin College

Bowling Green State University

Bradley University

Case Western Reserve University

Centre College

Champlain College

Christ College of Nursing & Health Science

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

Cleveland State University

College of Wooster

Colorado State University

Columbia University

Denison University

DePaul University

DePauw University

Duke University

Eastern Kentucky University

Elon University

Fashion Institute of Design Merchandising

Gannon University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Good Samaritan College of Nursing

Harvard College

Hocking College

Hollins University

Indiana University

Kent State University

Malone University

Miami University

Miami University - Middletown

Midway College

Montana State University

Morehead State University

Mount St. Joseph University

Northeastern University

Northern Kentucky University

Ohio Northern University

Ohio State University


Ohio University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Otterbein University

Rhodes College

San Diego State University

St. Mary’s College

Savannah College of Art & Design

Sewanee: The University of the South

Shawnee State University

Sinclair College

Southwest Minnesota State University

Texas A&M University

Texas Christian University

Thomas More College

Tufts University

University of Alabama

University of Cincinnati

University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College

University of Cincinnati Clermont College

University of Dayton

University of Denver

University of Indianapolis

University of Kentucky

University of Michigan

University of Mississippi

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

University of South Carolina

University of Southern California

University of Tennessee

University of Vermont

University of Virginia

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Wake Forest University

West Virginia University

Wilmington College

Wittenberg University

Xavier University

Yale University



Fight Song

Fight, fi ght, fi ght for Mariemont.We’re all behind you, So never mind you.

Win, win, win for Mariemont.Come on let’s roll up the score.

We’ll always be behind you,rooting for you,

helping you to win. We’re anxious for the fi nish

and we’ll cheer when you come in. Come on and fi ght, fi ght, fi ght

for Mariemont. You do your best team We’ll do the rest team

We’ll help you win this game hey!Alma Mater

Hail, Blue and Gold, to thee we will be true.

Where e’re we go,whatever we may do.

When years have passedand turned to memo

Dear to our hearts thou shalt forever be.







Holiday FairDECEMBER


Snowball DanceJANUARY

Spring MusicalMARCH

Spring FlingMAY

Baccalaureate& Graduation




Mariemont High School1 Warr ior WayCincinnat i , Ohio 45227513-272-7600