Download - MetLife Fundraising Kit

Page 1: MetLife Fundraising Kit


Thursday, April 10th, 2014| 6pm-8pm | Frames

Join 200 of your MetLife colleagues for a “Party with a Purpose!” Junior Achievement of New York (JA New York) is a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in a global economy. Through a dedicated volunteer network including MetLife volunteers, JA provides free in-school and after-school programs to over 67,000 NYC and Long Island students that focus on three key content areas: entrepreneurship, financial literacy and work and college readiness. The goal is to teach concepts through experiential learning bridging the gap between what students learn in school and how it can be applied in the real world.

One hundred percent of the proceeds from the Bowl-A-Thon will be used to help JA New York to reach 67,000 students during the 2013-2014 academic year.

Last year, MetLife bowlers raised over $40,000! That’s enough to provide 40 classrooms and over 1000 students with a JA program!

What’s included in this kit: JA New York’s 2012-2013 ImpactSteps to get started and build fundraising pages Promotion and fundraising tips Confidence buildersAsking for donations50 contacts in 5 minutes 10 ways to raise $100FAQ


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Thursday, April 10th, 2014| 6pm-8pm | Frames


Page 3: MetLife Fundraising Kit


Thursday, April 10th, 2014| 6pm-8pm | Frames

How do I get involved? Sign up online as a team captain or individual fundraiser, create your personalized fundraising page, start fundraising, and celebrate! All the information you need to be successful is included in this kit.

Thank you!Before we go any further, thank you for volunteering to be a fundraiser. We are here to help you reach your goal…and have fun doing it. We want to make this easy and even rewarding for you. Most of us aren’t professional fundraisers but we all know that people we care about will respond to the things we care about, so long as we have the courage to give them the opportunity.

Choose your role. Be a team captain or join a team as an individual fundraiser. The easiest way to raise money these days is online. Even your grandmother knows that. If you know how to send an e‐mail, you have the ability to support JA. Can you raise money by yourself? Sure. But will you and some friends raise even more money as a team? Absolutely.

Teams create a friendly, competitive spirit. Teams provide support and encouragement. Teams communicate with each other frequently and regularly. Teams use a variety of fundraising techniques, including online and events. Teams celebrate each other.

What’s the most successful form of team and individual fundraising? A personal ask through email or letter. Include a personal story and why you are passionate about JA. List your fundraising goal and how they can help you achieve it. Include information about JA and a link to Give a deadline for their response.


Page 4: MetLife Fundraising Kit


Thursday, April 10th, 2014| 6pm-8pm | Frames

Get Started. • Build your team or individual fundraising page. Personalize your page with the reasons why you care, why it’s important, and ask people to support you. • Identify potential team members. Team minimum is six bowlers and maximum is eight bowlers including the captain. • Invite teammates to join your team or support you. Email or telephone to explain what you are doing and why you need their help. Your teammates will help you because of JA’s mission, but mostly because of you. Tell them why you care. Tell them why you are sharing this opportunity with them.

o “I started a bowling team to raise $1500 for JA New York, enough to provide 15 JA kits that makes teaching career exploration, college prep skills and financial responsibility possible to 15 classrooms. It’s easy to register and fundraise. Then we celebrate with a night of bowling, food and fun!”

• Email the Link. All team members can join your team through the link to your page. Ask them to set‐up their own fundraising page as part of your team. • Ask for donations. E‐mail everyone you know or ever knew, ask them to donate. Everyone who donates online gets an e‐mail thank you and tax receipt automatically. • Send reminder e‐mails at least three times during the campaign. Even the people who want to support you receive e‐mails at bad times and then forget to take action. Statistically, most people need to receive your ‘ask’ three times before they respond. • Encourage your team members. Send emails to your team members to encourage them to reach their goal and remember the purpose.

Build your fundraising page. An online fundraising page allows for customizable Web pages for teams and individuals, email communication tools that send personalized messages to potential donors, all donations processed online, easy set up, fast and simple thank‐you messages to those who donate.

To register as a Team Captain and set up a team page: 1. Go to 2. Click the Register Here button 3. Select "Start a team” 4. Sign in or create a new profile 5. Create your team fundraising page and your personal page, personalize it, and invite anyone to support

your efforts!

To register as an individual fundraiser: 1. Follow Steps 1 – 22. Select “Join a team”3. Sign in or create a new profile 4. Create your own fundraising page, personalize it, and invite anyone to support your efforts!


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Thursday, April 10th, 2014| 6pm-8pm | Frames

Promote through Social Media Facebook status updates are a great way to build awareness about Junior Achievement of New York and the work you are doing to raise money to help you help students be successful.

Twitter lets you keep in touch by exchanging quick, frequent answers to one simple question: “What’s happening” in 140 characters or less. On average, the first tweet sent by a participant generates over 14 clicks back to the participant page. The audience extends beyond friends and family. The average Twitter user has 70 followers and the average fundraising participant sends 23.5 e‐mails. Sending one tweet can nearly triple the audience for an average event participant who uses Twitter.

YouTube is a great way to give folks a live view of the impact of the camp. Create a video about the power of financial and business knowledge and the impact on your life and upload it to YouTube. Include the web link to your video on your fundraising page, emails, and any letters to request support or team members. Ask them to pass it on to all of their contacts and watch it grow!

Fundraising Tips and Ideas Matching gifts While MetLife does not have a matching gift program, find out if one of your donor’s employers has a matching gift policy.

E‐mail signature Include a line in your e‐mail signature (at work and/or at home) letting your friends and family know about the JA Bowl-A-Thon. Include a link to your fundraising page.

Workplace giving Post a donation sheet in high‐traffic areas, take to meeting or send an e‐mail with a link to your fundraising page. Find out if your supervisor will match the money you raise. Be sure to check your company’s policies first.

Voicemail fundraising Add a line to your voicemail at home or on your cell phone letting callers know you are participating in JA Bowl-A-Thon and need their support!

Special occasions If you have a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion coming up, why not ask for donations instead of gifts?

Host a benefit garage sale or lemonade stand Clean out your closet, attic or basement, and generate funds. This is a great activity for your team! Your children can participate by setting up a lemonade stand.

Dinner party Cook dinner for your guests and ask them to donate what they would pay in a Restaurant for a similar meal.

Talk it up! Ask your doctor, dentist, hairdresser, grocer or favorite business owner to support you.


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Thursday, April 10th, 2014| 6pm-8pm | Frames

Be confident. As you engage in fundraising activities for any purpose, it’s important to have some master tools in place to ensure success. Most seem like common sense and we encourage you to print and keep as a handy reminder throughout the campaign. Refreshers are always important.

Believe in yourself. You are the most important contributor to success. Believing is the most fundamental element of successful fundraising.

Have a purpose. In order to maintain motivation (or even get motivated in the first place), you and your team need to be clear on why you are putting time, energy and effort into raising money. Then, you must keep this reason at the forefront. Many people want to make a difference but don't know where to get involved. Ask them to join your team and raise $200!

Set a goal. $150, the individual fundraising goal, funds a training session for a JA volunteer to bring their real world experience into the classroom. $1500, the team fundraising goal, provides materials and program support to an entire JA class.

Ask. Someone asked you to be involved, share that opportunity with someone else. Remember that you’re giving people a chance to do something that will make them feel good and help students in our community.

Don’t give up. How many times were you asked to participate before you agreed? Make sure you are prepared with responses for those that may need a little “extra” convincing.

Implement – FAST and OFTEN! Set up your page and send your first e‐mails now.

Don’t decide for others. Ask everyone. The reality is that people will want to help you for a good cause, and they will feel good about it. Many will be flattered that you asked them to be part of something important to you. Some might say no, but at least give them the chance to.

Get outside your comfort zone. Reach beyond your typical circles of family, friends and co‐workers. Tap into social media, personal or professional connections, alumni organizations, and other networks you can discover as you think creatively.

Celebrate. Every donation and new team member is cause for celebration! Don't underestimate what you can accomplish! Remember that you and your team will make a real difference in the lives of many.


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Thursday, April 10th, 2014| 6pm-8pm | Frames

Be prepared. Asking for support, whether financially or participation, you need to be prepared for those impulse responses. As I’m sure you recall, you likely had some of the very same responses below but were overcome with conviction to get involved. Below are some examples of what you may encounter and some possible responses.

Reason: “I don’t have time.”

Response: “Do you have one hour? The reality is this, setting up my page took me about 15 minutes, and the other 45 minutes is spread out over time when I get the chance to send emails. That’s it! This is the easiest fundraising I’ve ever done.”

Reason: “I really don’t like asking people for money. It makes me very uncomfortable.”

Response: “I know how you feel. Once I took a look at what Junior Achievement is doing to help kids be successful, I couldn’t say no. We are giving 64,000 students free financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneur programming to prepare them for the real world. I can handle a few weeks of ‘uncomfortable’ e‐mails.”

Reason: “I don’t know anything about Junior Achievement of New York.”

Response: “Perfect! That’s why I want and need you on my team. Not only are we raising money, we are also spreading awareness about Junior Achievement of New York. I’ll give you all the information so you are comfortable sharing the mission, history and impact of JA’s programs.”

Reason: “I just asked my friends for money last month for something else and so can’t ask for more.”

Response: “I get it, ask your friends to help you by emailing their contacts. Spreading the word is just as valuable as donating.”


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Thursday, April 10th, 2014| 6pm-8pm | Frames

50 Contacts in 5 Minutes Not sure who to ask to support you? All you need is 5 minutes, pen, and paper (or excel spreadsheet) and you’ll find you know A LOT more folks that you ever imagined….try this: . List 5 relatives

. List 5 friends

. List 5 co‐workers

. List 5 former co‐workers

. List 5 neighbors

. List 5 former neighbors

. List 5 organization contacts

. List 5 people that “take care of you” (hairdresser, doctor, dentist, mechanic, etc.)

. List 5 people who invited you to a party, wedding, anniversary, etc.

. List 5 spouse’s/significant other co‐workers or their spouses

. List 5 contacts through your children’s associations (niece, nephew, grandkids count)

So now what? It’s simple, through your online fundraising page send all these folks an email with the link to your page and make a donation to support you. And, we even give you a sample email to use to make it so easy and quick, how could you not do it?

Watch the donations roll in……….it’s easy!


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Thursday, April 10th, 2014| 6pm-8pm | Frames

10 Easy Ways to Raise $100 1. Donate $20 yourself and ask 4 friends for $20 each.

2. Ask 20 friends for $5 each.

3. Ask 10 friends for $10 each.

4. Send a letter to family and friends’ describing JA and ask for a donation.

5. Send a letter from your pet to family and friends. You might also want to send this out to your veterinarian.

6. Take a walk around your neighborhood. Knock on doors and ask your neighbors for their support.

7. Arrange a JA Jeans Day at work. We’ll even provide stickers! Anyone wearing jeans will have to pay. You could charge anywhere from $1.00 to $5.00 per person to dress down. You could arrange these on a weekly or monthly basis.

8. Arrange with the principal of a local school for baseball cap day. Usually caps are not allowed, however, for $1.00, once a month a student could wear a baseball cap in class. Be sure to have a sign ready that says, “You will see students today sporting baseball caps as a fundraiser to benefit Junior Achievement of New York’s free financial literacy programs.”

9. Host a bake sale.

10. Host a “Night Out” at a local restaurant that will give a % of sales back to Junior Achievement.


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Thursday, April 10th, 2014| 6pm-8pm | Frames

FAQWhat is a Bowl-A-Thon? 100% of the proceeds support Junior Achievement’s free financial literacy, entrepreneurship and work/college readiness programs to over 67,000 students in New York City and Long Island. Programs are led by more than 5,000 corporate and community volunteers. Teams of 6-8 people fundraise then celebrate with an evening of bowling, food and beverages.

How do I sign up? Visit the event website and click “Register Here”. Captains must first start a team then recruit teammates. See next question for team size.

How many bowlers per team? The alley can only accommodate eight bowlers per team/lane. We recommend between 6-8 bowlers including the captain per team. We can squeeze up to 10 people per lane but note:

additional bowlers will have to alternate turns additional teammates can fundraise and attend but not bowl

Do I have to bowl to participate? No, you don’t have to bowl, but you should still register on the site so that you can fundraise online.

Can my son or daughter or school start a team and participate with their friends? Unfortunately, no. This is a company event for its employees only. They are welcome to fundraise and support registered bowlers.

Do we have to raise funds in order to participate? No, but please understand that this is a party with a purpose and 100% of the funds raised supports JA’s programs to over 200 schools in New York City and Long Island.

What if we don't meet our fundraising goal - can we still play? Yes, but see answer above.

Who do I contact for any other questions?Lynnette Sorio, JA Special Events Manager, [email protected] or 212-907-0027