Download - Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Biological ...Methods for evaluating wetland condition #13 Biological Assessment Methods for Birds Principal Contributor Department of Fisheries

Page 1: Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Biological ...Methods for evaluating wetland condition #13 Biological Assessment Methods for Birds Principal Contributor Department of Fisheries

United States EnvironmentalProtection Agency

Office of WaterWashington, DC 20460

EPA-822-R-02-023March 2002

Methods for evaluating wetland condition

#13 Biological AssessmentMethods for Birds

Page 2: Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Biological ...Methods for evaluating wetland condition #13 Biological Assessment Methods for Birds Principal Contributor Department of Fisheries

United States EnvironmentalProtection Agency

Office of WaterWashington, DC 20460

EPA-822-R-02-023March 2002

Methods for evaluating wetland condition

#13 Biological AssessmentMethods for Birds

Principal Contributor

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State UniversityPaul R. Adamus

Prepared jointly by:

The U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyHealth and Ecological Criteria Division (Office of Science and Technology)


Wetlands Division (Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds)

Page 3: Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Biological ...Methods for evaluating wetland condition #13 Biological Assessment Methods for Birds Principal Contributor Department of Fisheries

United States EnvironmentalProtection Agency

Office of WaterWashington, DC 20460

EPA-822-R-02-023March 2002


The material in this document has been subjected to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)technical review and has been approved for publication as an EPA document. The informationcontained herein is offered to the reader as a review of the “state of the science” concerning wetlandbioassessment and nutrient enrichment and is not intended to be prescriptive guidance or firm advice.Mention of trade names, products or services does not convey, and should not be interpreted asconveying official EPA approval, endorsement, or recommendation.

Appropriate Citation

U.S. EPA. 2002. Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Biological Assessment Methodsfor Birds. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. EPA-822-R-02-023.

This entire document can be downloaded from the following U.S. EPA websites:


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Foreword ................................................................................................................... iv

List of “Methods for Evaluating WetlandCondition” Modules ................................................................................................. v

Summary ...................................................................................................................... 1

Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction: Why Survey Birds? ........................................................................ 1

What Can A Bird IBI (Index of Biological Integrity) Tell You? ................... 1

What Does a Bird IBI Estimate? ............................................................................ 2

Steps in Developing an IBI for Birds .................................................................. 3

Applying a Calibrated Bird IBI .............................................................................. 7

What to Measure ..................................................................................................... 7

Field Survey Protocols ........................................................................................ 7

Research Needs ..................................................................................................... 11

References ..............................................................................................................12

Other Relevant literature .................................................................................15

List of Figures

Figure 1: A Strategy for Locating Bird Point Counts and AreaCounts in a Diverse Wetland ....................................................... 10

List of Tables

Table 1: Candidate Bird Metric ...................................................................... 5

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In 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began work on this series of reports entitledMethods for Evaluating Wetland Condition. The purpose of these reports is to help States andTribes develop methods to evaluate (1) the overall ecological condition of wetlands using biologicalassessments and (2) nutrient enrichment of wetlands, which is one of the primary stressors damagingwetlands in many parts of the country. This information is intended to serve as a starting point for Statesand Tribes to eventually establish biological and nutrient water quality criteria specifically refined forwetland waterbodies.

This purpose was to be accomplished by providing a series of “state of the science” modules concerningwetland bioassessment as well as the nutrient enrichment of wetlands. The individual module formatwas used instead of one large publication to facilitate the addition of other reports as wetland scienceprogresses and wetlands are further incorporated into water quality programs. Also, this modularapproach allows EPA to revise reports without having to reprint them all. A list of the inaugural set of20 modules can be found at the end of this section.

This series of reports is the product of a collaborative effort between EPA’s Health and EcologicalCriteria Division of the Office of Science and Technology (OST) and the Wetlands Division of theOffice of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds (OWOW). The reports were initiated with the supportand oversight of Thomas J. Danielson (OWOW), Amanda K. Parker and Susan K. Jackson (OST),and seen to completion by Douglas G. Hoskins (OWOW) and Ifeyinwa F. Davis (OST). EPA reliedheavily on the input, recommendations, and energy of three panels of experts, which unfortunately havetoo many members to list individually:

n Biological Assessment of Wetlands Workgroup

n New England Biological Assessment of Wetlands Workgroup

n Wetlands Nutrient Criteria Workgroup

More information about biological and nutrient criteria is available at the following EPA website:

More information about wetland biological assessments is available at the following EPA website:

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List of “Methods for Evaluating WetlandCondition” Modules

1 ................. Introduction to Wetland Biological Assessment

2 ................. Introduction to Wetland Nutrient Assessment

3 ................. The State of Wetland Science

4 ................. Study Design for Monitoring Wetlands

5 ................. Administrative Framework for the Implementation of a

Wetland Bioassessment Program

6 ................. Developing Metrics and Indexes of Biological Integrity

7 ................. Wetlands Classification

8 ................. Volunteers and Wetland Biomonitoring

9 ................. Developing an Invertebrate Index of Biological

Integrity for Wetlands

10............... Using Vegetation to Assess Environmental Conditions

in Wetlands

11 ............... Using Algae to Assess Environmental Conditions in


12 ............... Using amphibians in Bioassessments of Wetlands

13 ............... Biological Assessment Methods for Birds

14 ............... Wetland Bioassessment Case Studies

15 ............... Bioassessment Methods for Fish

16 ............... Vegetation-Based Indicators of Wetland Nutrient


17 ............... Land-Use Characterization for Nutrient and Sediment

Risk Assessment

18 ............... Biogeochemical Indicators

19 ............... Nutrient Load Estimation

20 .............. Sustainable Nutrient Loading

Module # Module Title

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Birds potentially detect aspects of wetlandlandscape condition that are not detected by theother groups commonly used as indicators.Moreover, birds are of high interest to a broadsector of the public. When using birds as indi-cators, one must pay particular attention to is-sues of spatial scale. This requires an under-standing of home range sizes of the bird speciesbeing surveyed. The development of wetlandand riparian bird indices of biological integrity isstill in its infancy, but holds considerablepromise.


This module is intended to suggest study de-signs and data collection procedures that mightbe used when constructing and testing a regionalindex of biological integrity, using birds as indi-cators.

Introduction:Why Survey Birds?

n The public notices birds and often becomesconcerned when they die or disappear.

n Birds can indicate the integrity (health or con-dition) of a landscape in addition to the integ-rity of individual wetlands. Assessing integ-rity of landscapes (watersheds or other areasmany square miles in size) is vital to assessingthe cumulative effects of human activities.

nMost birds are easy to survey: there is no needto collect and analyze samples or struggle withcomplex taxonomic keys.

n A relatively large pool exists of interested datacollectors, many of whom are proficient at birdidentification or can be trained. They often

are eager to help with surveys, sometimes ona volunteer basis.

What Can a Bird IBI(Index of BiologicalIntegrity) Tell You?

In contrast to chemical monitoring, a bird IBIcan tell you, simply and directly, the condition

of living systems at a site (an individual wetland)or in a landscape of interest. Such knowledgeis more direct and more integrative than infor-mation merely about a site’s contamination sta-tus. A well-conceived, adequately validated birdIBI considers a whole host of natural and hu-man environmental influences to indicate if alandscape is currently supporting an integratedand adaptive biological system. Such an indexis of practical use in several contexts:

n Protection Priorities, Cleanup Priorities, andSection 305(b) Reporting: Are wetlands inwatershed “X” generally more degraded byhuman alteration than those in watershed “Y”?

n Restoration Progress: Have efforts to restorewetlands A, B, and D succeeded in establish-ing representative bird communities?

n Trends: Over a multiyear period, are we main-taining or improving the biological quality—not just the quantity—of our region’s wet-lands?

Though not a panacea, IBIs do embody the con-cept that biological condition, as represented bybird species composition and species character-istics, can reflect the relative degree of humanalteration. When used together with other assess-ment tools, IBIs simplify and summarize complexbiological information so it can be understood andused more readily by resource managers.

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The development of wetland and riparian birdIBIs is, unfortunately, still in its infancy. Thusinformation in this module is based mainly on ahealthy dose of ecological theory, monitoring ex-perience, and just a few studies (notablyO’Connell et al. 1998, Rottenborn 1999, Rich-ter and Azous 2001). In contrast to the few IBI-oriented studies of birds, agencies have eagerlysupported the development and testing of re-gional IBIs for fish and stream invertebrates forover 15 years.

What Does a Bird IBIEstimate?

C ollectively, birds are sensitive both directlyand indirectly to a variety of environmental

influences (Adamus and Brandt 1990):

n Vegetation extent, pattern, and structure, es-pecially woody and robust herbaceous veg-etation (Finch 1991)

nWater extent, depth, duration, and seasonalfrequency (Wakeley and Roberts 1994)

n Salinity (Halse et al. 1993)

nWater quality, i.e., nutrient loads, anoxia, wa-ter clarity, acidity, contaminants, sedimenta-tion (Hoyer and Canfield 1994, Rushton et al.1994, Savard et al. 1994)

n Disturbance by traffic, persistent human visi-tation, and associated predatory animals (Craigand Barclay 1992, Reijnen et al. 1995, Milleret al. 1998)

It is not always possible to establish with cer-tainty which of the above (or other) environmen-tal influences is causing a bird IBI to have a lowvalue. A bird IBI usually cannot prove cause-effect connections. However, once general im-pairment has been established using an IBI, moreintensive studies may be desired to diagnose spe-cific causes. Moreover, in many situations it is

not necessary to define specific causes of im-pairment. Birds are valuable as an indicator pre-cisely because they are integrators of the cumu-lative effects of multiple environmental influencesin a landscape. For example, based onregionwide surveys, one study (O’Connell et al.1998) quantified regional landscape integrity inavian terms as follows:

Among other distinct characteristics, asignificantly greater percentage of thespecies observed at these [highest qual-ity] sites are insectivorous, forage in de-caying tree bark, and migrate from dis-tant wintering grounds, than those ob-served at other sites. This partial profiletells us these habitats support upper lev-els of the food chain, trees in advancingstages of age and decay, and songbirdspecies with continental range. As such,these habitats exhibit important func-tional, structural, and compositional el-ements of biological diversity. At theother end of the spectrum, 27% of thesurvey sites exhibited low ecological in-tegrity. A significantly greater percent-age of species observed at these sites areomnivorous, non-native, reproduce mul-tiple times per season, and parasitize orprey on the nests of other birds. This is aclassic profile of opportunistic behavior,and is observed in both plant and animalspecies when habitats are disturbed byhuman or other events.

Blue-winged Teal

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Because many bird species are long-lived andmigrate annually between continents, it is likelythat the status of some species in a particulararea may be influenced as much or more by theconditions in their wintering or summering ar-eas as by the conditions in the study area (Finchand Stangel 1993). However, this factor’s ef-fect on a bird IBI may be lessened by surveyinga sufficient number of sites throughout a regionduring IBI development.

The boundaries of the “landscape” whose con-dition is being represented by a bird IBI will de-pend on characteristics of the particular bird spe-cies that are present (Hansen and Urban 1992).For example, bird IBI values for a site inhabited

2 Identify at least 10 sites of that class thatseem potentially to be the most altered1 byhumans, 10 that seem the least altered, and

10 with a potentially intermediate condition(these numbers are arbitrary and it is not essen-tial that they be equal or that 30 sites be selected).Eliminate from further consideration sites thatcannot be accessed because of ownership restric-tions or hazards. In some situations it may bepossible to predict fairly precisely the number ofsites that need to be surveyed by using prior es-timates of spatial and temporal variability from

mostly by particular small, strongly wetland-de-pendent birds that wander little during the breed-ing season (e.g., rails, some sparrows) may re-flect more the condition of the particular site thanthe condition of surrounding uplands,that is, thebroader landscape. The opposite is true for sitesinhabited mostly by particular large birds thatwander greatly (e.g., raptors, shorebirds, water-fowl). Thus, in most instances, a bird IBI shouldbe segregated into components that reflect thesetwo (or more) scales. Alternatively, the IBIshould use data only from species that charac-terize a particular scale, so that the area (or spe-cies group) whose integrity the IBI is represent-ing is clear to users.

Steps in Developing anIBI for Birds

1Within an ecoregion (a region of generally similar physiography, land use, andclimate) decide on what basis you will

group (classify) wetlands into types (classes).Wetlands may be classified based on vegetation,water regime, or a host of other factors. Choosethe factor(s) that best account for the naturallyoccurring, within-class variability in bird speciescomposition. To accomplish this, consider us-ing the classification of Cowardin et al. (1979,as used on National Wetland Inventory maps),Brinson (1993, the hydrogeomorphic or HGMclassification), or others described in the Classi-fication module. Then focus your sampling onone class, for example, flow-through riverinewetlands dominated by woody vegetation. Themore narrowly you define your target class, themore likely you are to find effective bird metrics(because you have constrained natural variabil-ity). However, the utility of the resulting metricswill be limited because they address only thatone class.

1 The criteria for prejudging which sites are least ormost altered necessarily will be subjective, and itmay be helpful to prepare and apply a standardized,semiquantitative checklist for systematically evaluat-ing potential impacts at all candidate sites (e.g.,Bryce et al. 1999). The inventory of alterationsshould include indicators of human disturbancethought most likely to have an impact on birds, forexample, densities of houses and roads, proximity tohouses and roads, percent of land that isnonvegetated or mowed lawn; and habitat patcharea, perimeter-area ratio, width, and connectivity tosimilar patches (Robinson et al. 1995, Miller et al.1997, Germaine et al. 1998, Helzer and Jelinski1999). See the Developing Metrics and Indexes ofBiological Integrity module for further informationon characterizing alteration.

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similar wetland types in the same region. Forsome wetland bird metrics, such variance esti-mates are compiled in Adamus and Brandt 1990(Tables 15 and 16 of that report) and Adamus1996 (Appendix N of that report). Visit the se-lected sites to confirm the accuracy of the eco-logical classification and apparent alteration.

Alternatively, you may select fewer sites but col-lect data both during prealteration andpostalteration years (e.g., Richter and Azous2001). Occasionally, it may be feasible to ana-lyze existing databases to identify assemblagesof species that are most sensitive to particulartypes of alterations (e.g., Burdick et al. 1989).For example, if you are aware that economic,legal, or policy factors resulted in a surge inwetland drainage, wetland restoration, land-clearing, or construction in a particular countybetween 1985 and 1990, you might determine ifBreeding Bird Surveys (BBS) or Christmas BirdCounts (CBC) were conducted in the county be-fore, during, and after that period (this determi-nation can be made by visiting <> for the BBSdata or <> for the CBC data). If so, you may be able todownload the data and look for trends in indi-vidual species and species groups, being carefulalso to examine the possibility that apparenttrends might be the result of interannual changesin the level of precipitation, the observers in-volved, the survey date, or other factors (Sauerand Droege 1990). From such a review, youmay be able to characterize species as “adapt-ers,” “exploiters,” or “avoiders” (Blair 1996) andthen use these designations as bird metrics in amultimetric index to be tested at other sites.

3 Conduct equal-effort surveys of birds,applying the same methods to all chosensites (see Field Survey Protocols, below).

4 During at least one site visit, estimate theextent and condition of structural attributes,both within and around the wetland, that

potentially constitute habitat for most expectedspecies (Morrison et al. 1998). If unsure, con-sult with local birders and ornithologists. At-tributes likely to be particularly important arethe acreages of standing open water (permanentas opposed to seasonal); woody vegetation (ri-parian as opposed to upland and various ageclasses), cropland, and unmanaged fields; prox-imity to similar wetlands and other natural habi-tats; the cumulative length of roads, ditches, andstreams; presence of fish; and the number of resi-dences and vegetation strata (layers) (Craig andBeal 1992, Lovvorn and Baldwin 1996, Weller1999). These features should be assessed bothwithin the site and, if possible, through aerialimagery in concentric zones at various distancesfrom the site, up to perhaps 1 mile away. Distri-bution of surface water should be assessed dur-ing both wet and dry seasons whenever possible.Suggestions for assessing many habitat featuresis provided by Bookhout (1994).

5 From the collected data, identify speciesand groups of species whose attributes(e.g., presence, abundance, frequency) are

clearly skewed towards the most—or least—al-tered sites, or identify the years with most andleast alteration. Do not rely too heavily on sta-tistical correlation; more important is the pres-ence or absence of particular species or groupsexclusively at either the least or most altered sites.Also important is the proportional distributionof abundances of species at these sites (i.e., birdcommunity “evenness”). When only one or afew species dominate a site numerically, it some-times indicates broader degradation of the site’secological systems. Such a diagnosis dependson the particular species and habitat type. Seethe Developing Metrics and Indexes of Biologi-cal Integrity module for further information oninterpreting data.

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6 Try creating “metrics” by pooling datafrom groups of species. Define the groupsbased on similar life history, home range

size, or other behavioral or demographic char-acteristics (Croonquist and Brooks 1991,Mulyani and DuBowy 1993, Bournaud 1994,Weller 1995, Wiens et al. 1996). Metrics areattributes shown empirically to change in valuealong a gradient of human disturbance. Examplesmight include those shown in Table 1 (these arenot comprehensive and most have not been vali-dated). Analysis of data from mainly upland land-scapes suggests that resident species may be lessaffected than migrants by habitat structure asmeasured at a landscape scale (Flather and Sauer1996).

Be sure that candidate metrics do not, as a whole,imply that sites are in better ecological conditiononly because they are wetter, or have closedcanopies. Some wetland bird species arenaturally adapted to dryer sites or sites with notrees or no vegetation at all, as in the case ofmany shorebirds (Rottenborn 1996). Prolongedduration of inundation, or invasion by trees oreven low emergents, actually may signaldegradation of their associated wetland class.Thus metrics that express only species richnesswithout accounting for the characteristics of thecomponent species, and thus which may reflectonly the area of habitat at a site and its naturalstructural complexity rather than ecological deg-radation (Findlay and Houlihan 1997, Warkentinand Reed 2000), may yield information that isless useful (Meiklejohn and Hughes 1999,

Attribute Hypothesized Relationshipto Environmental


Frequency of occurrence of species that are insectivorous aerial foragersdecrease

Percent of species that are long-distance (e.g., Neotropical) migrantsdecrease

Proportional abundance (%) of blackbirds and starlingsincrease

Ratio of juvenile to adult-plumaged diurnal raptorsdecrease

Cumulative frequency of occurrence of all regionally rare speciesdecrease

Number of species that typically feed on submersed aquatic vegetationdecrease

Proportional abundance (%) of the three most common speciesincrease

Frequency of occurrence of reputedly egg-predating or parasitizing species(e.g., corvids, cowbirds, marsh wren) (Rogers et al. 1997)


Number of found species that have shown statistically significant declines in the regionaccording to BBS data


Percent of found species that also are regularly present on >90% of the BBS routes inthe same region (“core” species, Collins and Glenn 1997)


Percent of the expected species (based on geographic range, wetland type, vegetatedarea, and other variables) that were found (e.g., “Avian Richness Evaluation Method”of Adamus 1995, “Index of Avian Integrity” of Schroeder 1996)


Genetic diversity among found species, as assumed from their phylogeneticrelationships (“functional integrity,” von Euler 1999)


Table 1: Candidate Bird Metric

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Whitaker and Montevecchi 1999). Moreover, avariety of wetland types, regardless of theirinternal heterogeneity, is essential to supportingbiodiversity at regional scales (Leonard 1994,Haig et al. 1998, Warnock et al. 1998).

7 Using data plots and statistical analysis,verify that the alteration category, ratherthan a wetland habitat feature such as acre-

age or seasonal duration of standing water, wasassociated strongly with the apparent affinity ofsome birds for most or least altered sites or years.If the alteration category is associated with spe-cies affinity, proceed to step 9. If not, go to step8. This verification step is unnecessary if previ-ously it was demonstrated that the correlatedhabitat feature’s condition is governed entirelyby human alteration. Ideally, it is best to exam-ine the relationship of bird metrics to alterationcategory and habitat structure over a multiyearperiod (Gibbs et al. 1991, Wilson et al. 1998).Many good sources are available for planningand conducting a statistical analysis of data, forexample, Verner et al. (1986), Ramsey andSchafer (1997), and Nur et al. (1999).

8 If your extensive review of data plots andstatistical analysis results shows that nospecies or grouping of species has a con-

sistent tendency to occur at the most or leastaltered sites, it may be because prolonged al-teration has eliminated all sensitive species fromthe local landscape (Freemark and Merriam1986). Or, it may be that human factors havenot yet begun to affect local bird communities.Either possibility is impossible to prove. You willneed to survey additional least-altered sites (ifthe first situation seems more likely) or additionalmost-altered sites (in the second situation). Toidentify these sites, you may need to expand thestudy region or broaden the wetland class youare examining and then repeat steps 6 through8. You also will need to survey additional sitesif the spatial distribution of all species and group-

ings seems related more to particular habitat fea-tures than to an alteration regime unrelated tothese features. An appropriate classification ofsites prior to sampling can avoid this situation.Alternatively, you may consider dividing thewetland class into habitat subclasses and cali-brating separate IBIs for each (e.g., for shallowand deep wetlands). This, too, would requiresurveys at additional sites, so it is best to antici-pate and address such factors during the studydesign phase, before beginning the surveys.

9 Propose a simple mathematical formula and try several ways of combining themetricsinto one or more “multimetric indi-

ces,” after first standardizing each metric withrespect to its numeric range. A multimetric in-dex might consist, for example, of the sum ofindividual metrics such as (a) the number of spe-cies that are long-distance migrants and (b) thepercent of total abundance consisting of aerialforaging species, divided by (c) the frequency ofthe European Starling. It is not necessary forthe individual metrics to be logically or mecha-nistically interrelated as in classical ecologicalmodels, but alone they should have a relation-ship to human disturbance of wetlands that issupported at least by ecological theory and ide-ally by experimental data. Separate multimetricindices may be warranted for different measure-ment scales (site versus landscape) and differ-ent seasons, depending on the particular regionalavifauna. Iterative experimentation and adapta-tion are important in identifying the most sensi-tive and consistently accurate indices. The bestmultimetric index will be one that responds mostsensitively to the human disturbance gradient,independent of habitat conditions that are unre-lated to alteration. A multimetric index thatcomprises at least six bird metrics, each measur-ing a unique type of avian response to humanalteration, is most likely to show adequate sen-sitivity in future applications.

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Applying a CalibratedBird IBI

Once a bird IBI has been developed, or an existing bird IBI has been calibrated for local

conditions, you will apply it during routine siteassessments by conducting bird surveys at a prob-ability sample of sites (e.g., a statistically ran-dom selection of accessible sites) whose degreeof alteration is unknown. The surveys should beconducted using the same methods used whendeveloping the bird IBI, and it may be possibleat this point to conserve effort by focusing on anarrower range of species or species groups—those found during IBI development to be mostreliable as indicators. Then organize the collecteddata according to the metrics in the bird IBI, andcompare the site’s values for these metrics withthe range of regional values embodied in the birdIBI previously developed from multisite ormultiyear data.

What to Measure

n Abundance of each species and number of spe-cies—appropriate for reconnaissance-levelsurveys (one-time visit)

n Frequency of occurrence, by species and sea-son—if additional resources are available formore frequent surveys

n Duration of wetland use by individual birds—feasible only if professional biologists can dis-tinctively band or otherwise mark individualbirds, but potentially the most diagnostic at-tribute

n Behavior of individual birds (e.g., feeding,resting)—feasible only where nearly all indi-viduals can be viewed

Many other features of bird populations can beindicative of wetland degradation, but they are

not described here because their requirementsfor specialized equipment, skills, or time makesthem unsuitable for use in routine regional-scalemonitoring programs.

Field SurveyProtocols

T he following are recommendations basedpartly on accepted bird survey protocols

from nonwetland habitats, for example, Ralph etal. (1993, 1995), Bibby et al. (1992), as well assome techniques applied specifically to wetlands(Ribic et al. 1999, Weller 1999). They have beentempered to reflect what we have learned so farfrom surveying wetland birds. These protocolswill not apply equally well in all situations andwill likely evolve as we learn more.

Birds in wetlands are best inventoried using areasearches or point counts.

Area searches (also called “direct counts,”Weller 1999) are appropriate for the parts ofwetlands where visibility is unobstructed, suchas open water areas, mudflats, and short-grassflats (e.g., Igl and Johnson 1997). Speciesare counted based on visual, not auditory, iden-tification.

Point counts can include all habitats within asite and are especially appropriate where vis-ibility is partly obstructed by trees, shrubs, and/or tall grasses. Species that are seen or heardare counted.

Area searches involve using a spotting scopeor binoculars to scan the open area from one ormore fixed points, generally viewpoints with thebest visibility of the site and whose fields of vi-sion do not overlap. Occasionally, area searcheswill involve canvassing an area by boat, aircraft,or by walking. Birds should be identified and

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counted until all individuals within the field ofview have been tallied. The time required tocomplete the count should be recorded and theexact size (hectares) of the scanned area shouldbe measured (e.g., from aerial photographs orfield sketches). These estimates of area searchedand time spent should be used as covariates inthe statistical analysis, or less desirably, used toderive variables such as “birds per minutessearching” and “birds per hectares scanned.” Tofacilitate later data interpretation, the search area(and associated data collection) may be subdi-vided into individual habitat types. Area searchesmay be used in wetlands of any size whereverviews are unobstructed. They are not effectivefor surveying most songbirds, which constitutethe majority of species in many wetlands.

Point counts also involve tallying birds fromfixed points, but require the observer to identifyall species by sound as well as sight. Standardprotocols for terrestrial point counts specify thatbirds be tallied for 5 minutes at each point (somebiologists prefer 10 minutes). Usually, no twopoints should be closer than 200 m to each other(Ralph et al. 1995). Thus the number of pointsallocated to any wetland will depend on wetlandsize. This requirement also implies that, if theobjective is to sample only the wetlands and notthe adjoining uplands, ideally, the wetlands mustbe no less than 8 acres in size (if perfectly round;much larger if not) in order to situate points morethan 100 m from the wetland-upland edge.

Some researchers also recommend that observ-ers estimate distance to each identified bird re-gardless of wetland size (Emlen 1971), or at leastdifferentiate between individuals detected within25, 50, or 100 m and those farther away (Hodgesand Krementz 1996). This step may be particu-larly important if an IBI is to include abundance(density) metrics or if the species that are beingsurveyed differ greatly with regard to their abil-ity to be detected.

Points may be located along a transect (e.g.,Dickson 1978, Niemi and Hanowski 1984). Withtransects, birds detected while the observer waswalking or canoeing between points usually arerecorded as well. There is no technical or statis-tical advantage to using transects rather thanpoint counts and area counts alone, and thereare significant disadvantages. Using transectsreduces the flexibility needed to situate points inthe full range of hydrologic zones and vegeta-tion strata within a wetland. Although sometransect protocols allow for including individualbirds observed between points, such observationsmust be analyzed separately from observationsmade at the points, because of the possibility ofdouble-counting of individuals located closertogether than the required 200 m separation dis-tance.

Data from area searches and point countsshould not be combined. Also, the need to situ-ate point counts no closer than 100 m from thewetland-upland edge is a significant constraint.Researchers who use point counts in smallerwetlands sometimes include upland habitats aswell (Smith 1998). Or they attempt to distinguishbirds heard from within a wetland from thoseheard only from the adjoining upland and ana-lyze just the within-wetland data. Surveys ofsmall wetlands also are likely to result in encoun-ters with few species: the usual tendency is foravian richness to increase with patch size. Lowrichness in wetlands that are very small or thathave very simple vegetation structure can dis-tort some of the candidate metrics, for example,calculating the percentage of bird species thatare nonnative, when only two species arepresent. To mitigate this problem, during thedata analysis phase it may sometimes be appro-priate to analyze data only from sites that meetminimum thresholds for number of species and/or individuals.

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Regardless of the methods chosen, all sitesshould be visited within a few-day period (nomore than 1 week). Otherwise, changing weatherand migration can make the data almost impos-sible to interpret correctly. If an IBI will be usedlater to monitor interannual changes in wetlands,it is preferable to use multiple years of field datato calibrate the IBI initially.

Unless you intend to survey the same micro-habitat (e.g., herbaceous plants in permanentlyinundated areas) in every wetland, point countsand area searches should be used in a comple-mentary manner to survey each of the followingzones if they are present, accessible, and surveypoints can be separated by at least 200 m: (1)permanently inundated areas, (2) seasonally in-undated areas, (3) areas saturated but seldominundated. Secondarily, point counts should belocated collectively so that they are within (orno more than 100 m from) each of the followingvegetation strata (cover types), if present withina site:

n Herbaceous plant communities (aquatic or ter-restrial) not under a woody canopy, if not al-ready covered by an area search.

n Herbaceous plant communities (aquatic or ter-restrial) under a woody canopy

n Shrub/vine stands not under a tree canopy ifnot already covered by an area search.

n Shrub/vine stands under a tree canopy

n Open-canopy stands of trees (both deciduousand coniferous)

n Closed-canopy stands of trees (both decidu-ous and coniferous)

For purposes of IBI development, within thesethree zones and six strata, points usually shouldnot be located randomly, but rather in a mannerthat the investigator anticipates will yield cumu-latively the most species. Often, this objective

can be accomplished by strategically placing pointsbetween adjoining vegetation strata (Figure 1).However, if quantitative metrics (e.g., relativeabundance) will be used later in multimetric indi-ces, then random or systematic location of sam-pling or observation points within zones may bejustified and a much larger number of samples willbe necessitated.

When comparing sites (separate wetlands), datafrom the sites should represent equal effort. Forexample, it is inappropriate to make compari-sons using seven survey points from a large sitebut only two survey points from a smaller site,or five visits to one site but only two to anotherduring the same month. In such situations, com-pare the sites based on a single point or date cho-sen randomly from those at each site, or includea log of the area as a covariate in the statisticalanalysis. Alternatively, you might select fromeach wetland the point or date you found to havethe highest counts of birds, or a point believedto be of exactly the same habitat type in all thesurveyed sites. Such practices are not recom-

Black Rail by Thomas J. Danielson

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mended for use when statistical confidence isneeded from monitoring a probability sample ofwetlands, but they may be acceptable in somesituations involving IBI development andtesting.

If possible, sites in a multiwetland survey shouldbe visited all on the same day, or on consecutivedays, unless severe weather conditions intervene.Concentrated visits are necessary because, es-pecially during migration, the numbers and spe-

cies composition of bird communities shift on adaily or even hourly basis. At the very least,date and time of day (in standardized units)should be included as covariates in statisticalanalyses. Additionally, sites that are accessed allon the same day should be revisited in a differentsequence on each successive visit.

Ideally, all sites could be visited monthly for anentire year and separate IBIs calibrated for eachseason. However, at a minimum, all sites should

Figure 1: A strategy for locating bird point counts and areacounts in a diverse wetland.

Point counts (P1, P2, P3) must be located no closer than 200 m from each other, and preferably at least 100 m from the wetland-upland edge, so point counts cannot be used effectively unless the wetland is at least 8 acres (if round, much more if narrow). Theyshould lie within (preferably) or within 100 m of each of the major hydrologic zones (H = permanently inundated; B = seasonally/semipermanently inundated; C = saturated only) and each of the major vegetation strata (FO = forest; SS = shrub/scrub; Em =emergent). Point counts are primarily intended to survey passerine species.

Area counts (A1, A2) should be located at the best vantage points for surveying birds on all bodies of open water (W-H) as well asin permanently inundated stands of emergent vegetation within the site. Area counts are intended to survey only the most visiblewaterbirds (e.g., ducks, herons, shorebirds). Area counts need not be a specific distance apart, so long as observers avoid overlap-ping the visual count areas. Area counts may be located next to point counts or in adjoining uplands. Abiding by these constraintsand considering physical access, observers should attempt to survey as many point counts and area counts as can be fit into awetland site.

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be surveyed at least twice per season, with atleast 2 weeks elapsed between visits. If data canbe collected during only one season, the breed-ing season (generally May-July) generally is agood time, because dispersal movements of mostspecies are minimal then (Morrison et al. 1998).By detecting species at the same point duringrepeat visits, probable breeding often can be in-ferred (Vickery et al. 1992). The same observershould inventory all sites, at least during eachsurvey period. If multiple observers must be used(as often is the case when volunteer birders areassisting), pretesting must verify that their skilllevels, especially with regard to auditory-onlyrecognition and identification of a wide range ofexpected species, are equivalent. If not, newobservers should be recruited, or at the very least,“observer” should be included as a variable inany statistical analysis.

Species detection (especially of most songbirds)is greatest during early morning hours so sur-veys should focus on the 4 hours beginning atsunrise. Night-time coverage may be warrantednot only for typically nocturnal species such as

owls but also for waterfowl and wading birds,which use different wetland types for roostingand for feeding, especially during the huntingseason (Anderson and Smith 1999). Secretivespecies (e.g., rails, some passerines) can be sur-veyed effectively by broadcasting tape-recordedcalls of the secretive species. A protocol fordoing so is described by Ribic et al. (1999). Also,during winter and other nonbreeding seasons,you can induce many species that otherwise donot vocalize then to reveal themselves by play-ing tapes of small owl, chickadee, and nuthatchcalls (in alternating sequence). Counts duringthe hunting season (generally September-Janu-ary) should be avoided or, if necessary, some es-timation should be made of hunting intensity ateach site.

If three points per wetland are surveyed, ap-proximately 100 easily accessible wetlands in alocal area or small watershed can be visited threetimes in a typical field season. Only a fraction ofthis number of wetlands need be visited to ini-tially develop and calibrate a regional IBI for asingle wetland class.

Research Needs

The IBIs that have been developed using fish,algae, and aquatic invertebrates have benefitedfrom field testing in several regions of the world.Similarly, the development of operational IBIsusing birds will require commitments to fundstudies in several types of wetland landscapes.Such studies should examine spatial changes inbird communities across multiple wetlands thatspan gradients of identifiable human disturbance,as well as interannual changes in altered and un-altered wetland landscapes. The aim of the stud-ies should be to establish which avian groups andattributes are most regionally suitable as indica-tors, and at which scales, because of their abil-ity to sensitively distinguish anthropogenic fromnatural background conditions.Least Bittern by Thomas J. Danielson

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Richter KO, Azous AL. 2001. Bird communities inrelation to watershed development. In: Azous AL,Horner RR (eds). Wetlands and Urbanization:Implications for the Future. New York: LewisPublishers, pp. 275-286.

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Other RelevantLiterature

(A Selected List)

Other Literature on BirdCommunities as Indicators of

Human Alteration

Cable TT, Brack V, Jr, Holmes VR. 1989. Simplifiedmethod for wetland habitat assessment. EnvironManage 13: 207-213.

Graber JW, Graber RR. 1976. Environmentalevaluations using birds and their habitat. Biol NotesNo. 97, Urbana: Illinois Nat. Hist. Surv, 39.

U.S. D.I. Bureau of Land Management. 1998. BirdsAs Indicators of Riparian Vegetation Condition inthe Western U.S. BLM/ID/PT-98/004-6635.

Other Studies of BirdCommunities in Multiple

Naturally Occurring Wetlandsor Riparian Areas

Anderson BW, Ohmart RD. 1985. Managingriparian vegetation and wildlife along the ColoradoRiver: synthesis of data, predictive models, andmanagement. In: Johnson RR, Ziebell CD, PattonDR, Folliott PF, Hamre RH (tech. coords.). RiparianEcosystems and Their Management: ReconcilingConflicting Uses. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-120, USDAForest Serv., Fort Collins, CO. pp. 123-127.

Brown M, Dinsmore JJ. 1986. Implications of marshsize and isolation for marsh bird management. JWildl Manage 50(3):392-397.

Edwards NT, Otis DL. 1999. Avian communities andhabitat relationships in South Carolina Piedmontbeaver ponds. Am Midland Nat 141:158-171.

Grover AM, Baldassarre GA. 1995. Bird speciesrichness within beaver ponds in south-central NewYork. Wetlands 15:108-118.

Johnson GD, Young DP, Erickson WP, StricklandMD, McDonald LL. 1996. Assessing river habitatselection by waterfowl wintering in the South PlatteRiver, Colorado. Wetlands 16:542-547.

Karriker KS. 1996. Effects of intensive silvicultureon breeding and wintering birds in North Carolinapocosins. Tech. Bull. No. 730. NCASI, ResearchTriangle Park, NC.

Laubhan MK, Gammonley JH. 1999. Density andforaging habitat selection of waterbirds breeding inthe San Luis Valley of Colorado. J Wildl Manage64(3):808-819.

Reinert SE, Mello MJ. 1995. Avian communitystructure and habitat use in a southern New Englandestuary. Wetlands 15:9-19.

Stauffer DF, Best LB. 1980. Habitat selection bybirds of riparian communities: Evaluating effects ofhabitat alterations. J Wildl Manage 44:1-15.

Swift B.L, Larson JS, Degraaf RM. 1984. Relation-ship of breeding bird density and diversity to habitatvariables in forested wetlands. Wilson Bull96(1):48-59.

Tango PJ, Terres GE, Brinker DF, O’Brien M, BlomEAT, Wierenga HL. 1997. Breeding Distributionand Relative Abundance of Marshbirds in Maryland:Evaluation of a Tape Playback Survey Method.Wildlife and Heritage Div., Dept. Of NaturalResources, Annapolis, MD.

Twedt DJ, Nelms CO. 1999. Waterfowl density onagricultural fields managed to retain water in winter.Wildl Soc Bull 27 (4): 924-930.

Selected Studies of BirdCommunities in Multiple Restored

or Constructed Wetlands

Ashley MC, Robinson JA, Oring LW, Vinyard GA.2000. Dipteran standing stock biomass and effectsof aquatic bird predation at a constructed wetland.Wetlands 20:84-90.

Brown SC, Smith CR. 1998. Breeding season birduse of recently restored versus natural wetlands inNew York. J Wildl Manage 62:1480-1491.

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Darveau M, Beauchesne P, Belanger L, Huot J, LaRueP. 1995. Riparian forest strips as habitat forbreeding birds in the boreal forest. J Wildl Manage59:67-78.

Delphey PJ, Dinsmore JJ. 1993. Breeding birdcommunities of recently restored and natural prairiepotholes. Wetlands 13:200-206.

Desrochers A, Rochefort L, Savard J-P. 1998. Avianrecolonization of eastern Canadian bogs after peatmining. Can J Zool 76:989-997.

Hanowski JM, Christian DP, Nelson MC. 1999.Response of breeding birds to shearing and burningin wetland brush ecosystems. Wetlands 19:584-593.

Hemasath L, Dinsmore JJ. 1993. Factors affectingbird colonization of restored wetlands. PrairieNaturalist 25:1-11.

Hoffman RH. 1979. Waterfowl utilization of pondsblasted at Delta, Manitoba. J Wildl Manage 34:586-593.

Lagrange TG, Dinsmore JJ. 1989. Plant and animalcommunity responses to restored Iowa wetlands.Prairie Naturalist 21:39-48.

Machtans CS, Villard MA, Hannon SJ. 1996. Use ofriparian buffer strips as movement corridors byforest birds. Conserv Biol 10:1366-1379.

Other Literature on WetlandBird Surveys, Data AnalysisMethods, and Conservation

Connors PG. 1986. Marsh and Shorebirds. In:Cooperrider AY, Boyd RJ, Stuart HR (eds). Inventoryand Monitoring of Wildlife Habitat U.S.D.I. Bureauof Land Management, Denver, CO. pp. 351-370.

Gibbs JP, Melvin SM. 1993. Call-response surveysfor monitoring breeding waterbirds. J Wildl Manage57:27-34.

Long Point Bird Observatory. 1997. World Wide Webpage describing the Marshbird Monitoring Program.Internet Address:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2000. EPAand Bird Conservation. Office of Water.

U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Services Division,Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Web pagepertaining to marsh bird monitoring programs.Address:

Weller MW. 1986. Marshes. In: Cooperrider AY,Boyd RJ, Stuart HR (eds). Inventory and Monitor-ing of Wildlife Habitat. U.S.D.I. Bureau of LandManagement, Denver, CO. pp. 201-224.