
METAPHYSICS FOR LIGHTWORKERSBy Max Steinberg, Reiki Master, Ph.D., July 2015This book should be of interest to lightworkers, starseeds, indigo children and adults, crystal children and adults - those who feel their strong connection with stars and star consciousnesses and star people.HOW DO I KNOW WHAT I KNOWI always felt energies and was interested in supernatural. No matter what subject I researched I was always looking for the spiritual component of it. If a deeper meaning wasn't there, I wouldn't be interested in the subject. Many years ago, when I was 16, I made a conscious choice as it seemed to me, I decided that I come from Pleiades. Now I understand that in one way or another we all come from Pleiades. All of us carry some Pleiadian genetics historically and many of us have spiritual history at Pleiades. And some of us have Pleiadian descendants. I should talk about that later.I came to energy healers because of pains - I have been going regularly to energy healers for over 15 years now. This is for me a constant reminder of spiritual nature of life. The energy used to heal is spiritual in nature, it is not material. Most of it can not even be traced with material devices, to interact with it, one has to have a soul, be conscious.My research brought me to a book of Lynn McTaggart called "The Field". It tells about scientific research of psychic phenomena and energy healing in scientific terms and makes a link between science and certain tangible levels of spirituality. When I finished the book, it came to me, very logically, that next thing I am to check out is star people. This was Feb 8, 1999. I started researching the topic and continue to this day. I gave my first talk about the star people in 2009. I was hosting a experiencer and abductee support group for several years, was active in an UFO interest groups, was an invited speaker in some groups, published the first book in 2011 and 2 more books since. My books are based on published accounts of experiencers and channelings of star people. Among others, my favorite source is Bashar, a prolific channel since 1983.I took my first Reiki class around 2012, and progressed to master teacher level by 2015. In 2012 I started my own conversations with star people via psychics and channelers. In 2013, I started an online channeling community "". This is active since producing regular live events online with hundreds of hours of channelings. The opportunity to speak to star people via channelers allowed me to get a unique insight into energy healing. During the years I gained some personal experiences with star people and started my own channeling in April 2015.When I do Reiki, some of the clients tell me that they became aware of the presence of star energies in the room. This is in part because I have invited star people and energies to help me in my healing practice. That is a continuation of the tradition of Adrian Dvir from Israel, which I should describe in more detail later.STAR PEOPLEThis is what I was told by star people in many channeling sessions and this is in good agreement with what other channels and sources are saying. Our Universe is very well populated. Most planets have civilizations at various levels of development. Our civilization is relatively young. Advanced civilizations don't have to fly, they are capable of jumping the space between the stars at ease using their ships. The Earth is not the only civilization under quarantine. Most civilizations live for a while under a quarantine until they are ready for the open contact. It is typical for a civilization to go through a period of wars and face a possibility of suicide, this is why advanced technologies are not given to civilizations like ours. Once a civilization learns to communicate via telepathy and unites, its suicidal abilities subside and it reaches a state of unity allowing it to shift to a higher dimensional level. Typically, advanced civilizations of the universe are altogether on a higher dimensional level, usually referred to as 4th density or 4th dimension. I should talk about dimensions in detail later. For now, just keep in mind that star people who reach us are from another dimensional level, they are not even from our material reality. That is why they appear to us as "energies" and not physically. They could materialize temporarily to be with us, but this is not permitted by the quarantine. They only are permitted to speak to us via channelers and directly in telepathic messages, dreams and visions. That is how things are. I wish very much to speak to them in person.The star people which are of our dimensional level, are similar to us and usually don't have a technology to reach us.THE ORIGINS OF THE UNIVERSEThe contradiction between the ideas of evolution and creation is artificial. Both take place and play side by side. Every species is both created and evolved - there are waves of creation and waves of evolution. Even the waves of evolution contain conscious creation idea and vice versa. Let me give you an example. Say a company creates a new project - hires people, gives them funding. Then it lets it alone and allows the project to evolve. Then it might merge this project with another one and create something new. And again give them time to evolve. This is a combination of creation and evolution ideas. It is a quite common thing. A teacher gives students a task - that is an act of creation. He creates a team. Then the team develops the idea on its own - this is an idea of evolution. The Universe and the life in it have been created from the spirit and evolved on its own in waves. The spirit world has also a history of being created from a higher level and evolving on its own. There are many levels of the spirit world and it is hard to get answers about its higher levels since these concepts are not easy to translate to our language. Bashar once said that as far as we are concerned the number of levels of the spirit world is infinite.Material life as we know it exists only in our level (called 3rd density or 3rd dimension) and a level up where advanced civilizations reside (called 4th density or 4th dimension). Higher levels can have a little bit of space and time, but more like a dream, not as solid as we have it here. Even 4th dimensional reality is more fluid and to us would look much more like a dream or a fairy tale.THE ORIGINS OF LIFEThe stars and planets are created by divine consciousnesses to serve as a playground for life. The life is seeded on planets and other places and is allowed to evolve. Special higher dimensional consciousnesses watch over the life development, guide it and cherish it. There is always cross-pollination of life between different worlds. Sometimes it is physical - the life is carried from one place to another, and often it is non-physical - the forms of life are copied from one planet to another non-physically. They could simply appear or seem to be created by chance.We are aware of some of the supernatural consciousnesses who are responsible for creation, development and support of forms of life in the universe - these are fairies and elves. There are other consciousnesses involved which are not as well known. Fairies and elves are not dimensional beings, they are the ones that exist outside dimensions and support the function of dimensions. TO illustrate recall human workers who are working in supportive function - system administrators, cleaning people, security guards, plumbers - they have all the keys, and walk among other employees almost invisibly.It is not clear to me whether the life in the universe developed on all planets in parallel or whether each planet goes through stages. I need to research that.THE ORIGINS OF MANOur universe has many galaxies. The Creation has multiple universes. The creation is created by a single Creator. The Humans came to our Universe from outside. Initially they were in spirit form, and later they populated lower levels and became material. First Humans in our Galaxy were Lyrans. They came from outside of our Galaxy. Lyrans lived on a planet in Lyra constellation. Then their home was destroyed and they fled and settled in different parts of the galaxy. Thus the human form was seeded over our Galaxy.Our planet was seeded with the human form many times. Our first ancestors were created by Annunaki by mixing their genes with the genes of native Sasquatch. With time, many other galactic people seeded their genes in our gene pool. This happened in two ways: technological and natural. Some of the galactic people sought refuge on Earth and mixed with our ancestors. Historically we carry the DNA of our native Earth hominids, Lyrans, Yahyel, Pleiadians, Arcturians and other species. The infusion of extraterrestrial genes never stopped. It continued all throughout our history and has increased in the last 70 years. People with more recent infusions are called starseeds, although every human is a starseed, since all of us have extraterrestrial ancestors.GODGod is everything. It would be synonymous to Nature, but the word Nature is usually referred to the material part of the Creation. The material part of the creation is only a small part, the spiritual part is much larger. God is everything including Nature and all the spiritual part. God created the Creator from itself this becoming The Creator and created our Creation. Everything in our Creation is created by God and made from God. The spiritual part of the creation is huge and our material Universe is only a tiny playground in it. It has been created to help spirits to learn and grow. An important understanding of God comes from the idea of a fractal. Fractal is a copy of something that can make another copy. These copies are usually bigger or smaller than what created them. Fractals can create infinite number of copies and produce complexity. Fractals are used in life - children are fractal copies of parents. Many biological structures are developing as fractals. It helps to understand that we are fractals of God. We are its copies made out of it and carrying much of its personality and some of its powers. This is how the saying could be interpreted that God made us in His image: we are copies of God not because God has human form, but because our essence is of being creators and our substance is made out of God.This is in part why we can heal using Reiki energy. Everyone has a direct communication line to God, we are made of it.THE VEIL OF FORGETFULNESSIt is not that the body has the soul but that the soul has a human experience. The spiritual world was created long before the material world. The spiritual world is very complex and has infinite number of levels. The material world was created by the spirits for them to learn and to grow. We are those spirits who came to Earth and temporarily forgot our spiritual nature. At least many of us forgot. The essence of Earth experience is to live a life in forgetfulness not having a solid proof of our spiritual nature.This experience is very invigorating for the spirits since they can obtain an experience of being lonely, being in charge of their own destiny thus re-living the experience of God - being the Creator. Compared to other planets, the experience on Earth is very unique - the majority of other civilizations don't forget their spiritual origins and therefore the experience of loneliness is not that strong. Also they are not as afraid of death since they understand that there is life after death. Thus, the Earth is one of the toughest study courses in the creation. Although it is tough, it became also a place where life and beauty are experienced by spirits more strongly providing better opportunities for growth.HIGHER SELFOur souls are parts of the Tree of Life. The combination of all souls in the creation is called Oversoul. Some souls are more related to each other, they are like berries hanging near each other on a branch of the Tree of Life. Not all souls incarnate in material world but many do. When the Oversoul sees an opportunity for learning and growth via incarnation, it invites volunteer souls to incarnate. These souls have very advanced personalities. These advanced personalities are called Higher Selves. We, down here are those Higher Selves although forgotten our higher memories. In a way we are fractals (smaller copies) of our Higher Selves. As copies we have free will, we are somewhat independent of our higher selves, but yet, we are made of them, linked to them and have their personalities. This is why they are called Selves - they are us, but wiser. They know about all their past and future incarnations.REINCARNATIONTo learn and to grow, the soul goes via a series of incarnations. The experience of past incarnations is not lost - it becomes the basis of our personality in the next life. As we go through incarnations, we learn more and more. This is often the reason, people have certain talents from birth - these often come as experiences from previous incarnations. Some things come easy to us because we learned them in past lives. Traumas of past incarnations are sometimes the reasons for pains and health problems in this life. For example, people who were killed by hanging might have a damaged throat chakra in this life. In general past life experiences are stored in chakras and healing of these past life traumas could be done by doing Reiki on chakras. Understanding specific past life traumas for a sick person could be a key step in healing the chronic health issues in this life. Usually to access the information about past lives, people do past life regressions, go to psychics and channelers or get revelations in meditations.INCARNATIONOversoul is a tree of life, all souls connected together. When an oversoul decides that there is an opportunity for learning via a specific incarnation, it invites volunteers to incarnate. Higher selves volunteer to go down. A contract is made in which Higher self creates a fractal copy of itself called soul, accepts temporary forgetfulness, chooses general life lessons, general life plan, invites and approves spirit guides. The soul is usually present during the romance of its parents and fuels the attraction between them, since it is an opportunity for it to manifest, that is to incarnate. It is present during conception fueling love. It enters its future body gradually, since there is very little space to enter in early stages. It is present in the embryo, but only partly and part time. An essential chunk of the soul enters the body with the first breath upon the birth. As the child grows, more and more of the soul enters the body. In a newborn, only the first chakra is activated and is dominant. As the child grows more and more chakras are activated. The soul is present and takes an active part in life of the person during the adult years. During the dreams and meditations it actively exchanges the information with the Higher Self. Sometimes people have out of body experiences (OBE), near death experiences (NDEs), and astral travel when they leave the body, observe things from outside. Often in near death experiences, people visit the higher worlds and learn about their spiritual life in other layers of existence. They often come back enlightened with additional energy and higher understanding of their mission. Sometimes as people get to a new stage of their life an additional chunk of their soul is added and they gain new features to their personality and new powers. This corresponds to additional activation of chakras. In Alzheimer's disease, the soul is not fully present in the body. The ego physical mind is left to its own and is not fully present and does not fully understand things. When people come closer to natural death, they are sometimes visited by the spirits of their discarnate (no longer living) friends and relatives to prepare them for the transition. These visits bring them peace and hope for the new life after death. These visits sometimes witnessed by other people. When a person dies a natural death, the soul is gradually disconnected from the body. The soul is connected to the body in many dimensions, and disconnecting it properly allows to avoid trauma of the soul. If the body dies suddenly with physical trauma, the soul is disconnected in a traumatic way and this may be passed to next lives.Once the personality soul leaves the body, it moves through the tunnel to the light. Experienced souls go there by themselves. Inexperienced or confused souls are often met by their discarnate dear ones who guide them to the light. On other side, the soul experiences a new birth and is met with a celebration party. It reunites with its soul kindred, and is assigned to a study group where a teacher and an advisory committee is guiding its own review of the past life. The review of the past life includes a self study in a secluded environment where the soul re-experiences key lessons of the past life. The lessons are reexperienced as virtual reality. Importantly, the soul re-lives the lessons not only from its own perspective, but also from the perspective of other people involved. Therefore, wrong or good deeds are experienced from every side. The life review also involves group discussions and the discussion with the advisory committee. The environment and the structure of studies resembles academic setting. Everything that the soul learns automatically becomes the knowledge of the Higher self and the Oversoul. The learning assists the growth and perfection of the soul.CHOICES AFTER LIFE REVIEWAfter the life review is completed, the soul usually has 3 choices:1. To incarnate again.2. To volunteer as a spirit guide.3. Remain in the spirit on the same level and be a teacher to other spirits.4. To move on to a higher plane of existence.There could be several typical reasons for the soul to incarnate again:1. Learning specific lessons such as for example, humility, compassion, resilience, perseverance, honor, art of living in a modern world, working in a team, finding own vibration, expanding creative abilities, finding spiritual meaning in life, taking charge, learning to be in a service roles etc. 2. Also one could take a role of a bad guy to teach lessons to others.3. Serving and teaching4. Healing5. Upholding the planet's vibration. INCARNATING TOGETHERUsually souls choose to incarnate together in many incarnations - they exchange roles of husbands, wives, children, grandparents, friends, coworkers, bosses, subordinates, all possible relationships to teach each other lessons and learn in different scenarios. In other words, a landing party is preferentially recruited from the same soul kindred. Not only soul kindreds incarnate together but also whole societies might reincarnate together, for specific reasons. Currently the West and the America are replaying the scenario of the destruction of the Atlantis - same people who incarnated in Atlantis during its destruction, came now to replay that scenario and get it right this time. Yet, typically people incarnate to different genders, races and continents to expand their experiences.Beginner souls take easy incarnations and life lessons. Their initial experience of Earth could be very short and simplistic. Some beginner souls might choose a very short incarnation to be born and die in childhood. This provides them only with a short sample of earth experience. Old souls know it all, know really well how to live on Earth and come here for serving, teaching and upholding the planet's vibration.SPIRIT TIME The layer of the spirit world where our souls come after death is called 7th density or 7th dimension. Although 7th dimension doesn't use our concept of time, there is some sort of substitute for time, a spirit time which is not linear. That allows spirits progress in their time. There is a very approximate coordination between our time and spirit time. Their time is much more transparent. The spirits can certainly see into our future. Our future of several days ahead is very transparent to them but our future farther in the future is very fussy because we have freedom of choice and create our future. Some major life events such as death, births, coming together and coming apart of people can be predetermined, but the rest is in the area of free choice. The spirit time is made so the spirits could continue learning. Although they have access to much greater knowledge, there are things which are in the future for them and which they don't know. Therefore the spirits continue to learn and continue to make choices, they also have free choice, although their free choice is limited by their knowledge and by spirit ethics, which is somewhat different from ours. The spirit personalities in the 7th density know of their past lives, but have very limited knowledge of their future lives, it is in the future for them.HIGHER SELF KNOWS IT ALLAs spirits go through the incarnations, they learn more and more. Higher Self creates as its own fractal copy from itself (soul personality) for each incarnation. Higher self is always connected to each of these copies although they are independent personalities with free choice. With each incarnation, these personalities learn, grow and become more powerful and more knowledgeable. All this knowledge and power belongs to Higher Self who contains all its fractal copies. As Higher Self grows, at some point of its growth it decides that it is not going to incarnate anymore and it will move on to a higher layer of the spirit world, leaving the 7th density. Before moving on to a higher level, this experienced and much knowing version of the Higher Self takes upon itself a function to serve as a Higher Self guide to all of its previous incarnations. From that point in learning it already knows all its previous and later lives and could guide each incarnation towards learning lessons which might be useful for its future incarnations. Higher self is very wise and loves all its incarnations. Your higher self has same personality as you, same character features, and your soul is a fractal copy of its soul, your higher self contains you and your soul, you are part of your Higher Self. It is a good idea for your meditations to your higher self to speak to you and to come into your body. You can send your prayers and your gratitude blessings to your Higher Self. You can find the name of your Higher Self by asking them directly or via psychics and channelers. Some people have an open communication line to their higher incarnations such as other dimensional star beings, for example Darryl Anka channels Bashar who is an other dimensional being and who has a body. THE BRAIN IS ONLY A RECEIVER-TRANSMITTERMuch of channeling, psychic work and telepathic communication happens via your connection to your Higher Self. Higher Self is partly responsible for your intuitive hints and ideas. Other spirits also can send you messages via your Higher Self or directly. When you telepathically connect to someone or when you are channeling information from an other-dimensional being, the information comes from that being to their Higher Self, then to your Higher Self, then back to you. Importantly, only the basic functions of your mind are in your physical brain. More sophisticated functions, such as creativity, talents, higher mental functions come from interaction of your physical brain with your spirit. Different spiritual body of yours are involved in higher thought process: etheric, mental, emotional, astral, and other bodies. The communication to these bodies goes from neurons directly and via some of your chakras. Heart has its own spiritual mind which is very intuitive and knows the future often better thank your brain mind. Integration of all your minds and all your chakras is a life-long process.People with Alzheimer's and dementia are often unable to communicate with their soul and partly lose the abilities to retrieve memories and information from the spiritual mind. You can see how their thinking is very superficial and lacks connection to the reality. Drunk people and ones under influence of psychoactive drugs might have these connections impaired or overly stimulated. Some drugs like coffee and nicotine ground the mind to this physical reality and block spiritual uplifting. This might help mindless physical work but blocks higher intuitive and creative thinking. This is why most of Reiki people, psychics and channelers exclude coffee and nicotine. Some psychoactive drugs and some of psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and manic depressive disorder distort brain chemistry leading to detachment of the mind from this physical reality - the mind would still be active and spiritually connected, but it would have trouble of staying grounded, its perception of this reality is weakened and it has trouble telling the difference between this reality, alternative realities and dreams. To us, their perception would be delusional, while in fact, they are simply telling us things which happen in dreams and parallel timelines. Modern psychiatric drugs rebalance brain chemistry to ground patients to this reality, this improves the ability of these people to live physical life but damages their ability to connect to spirit and slows down their spiritual growth. Understanding the spiritual part of psychiatric disorders is necessary for better way of helping the patients.REIKI FOR DISTURBED MINDSReiki is a wonderful way of naturally restoring the balance of the brain and rebalancing the chakras. Reiki calms the mind and teaches the patient to calm down. Many psychiatric and autistic patients have their chakras too open. Reiki can help them to normalize their chakras by bringing them to a more practically useful state of being optimally open. This would help them to communicate to other people better and make this communication more balanced and less traumatic. All this help should be with conscious agreement of the patient. It is not ethical to treat people against their will. Often treatments of disturbed people are very brief, if they want to stop it is appropriate to stop.In helping disturbed minds keep in mind that their parents and partners often could be helped by Reiki as well. In families with disturbed people, often parents, especially mothers are compensating by focusing on the control idea. Helping them to relax and feel energy might help, although keep in mind that they could rigid and reluctant to change their energies. In all cases it is ethical to keep offering Reiki help and five only as much as is accepted. Often it is not possible to give the people all the answers, so focus only on helping them to see their next step (Next step principle), help them see next door which could be open, next opportunity for their development. FREEDOM OF CHOICERespect the desire of people to learn on their own mistakes, respect their choices. The respect for free choice is fundamental for the spirit world, and is also fundamental for Reiki. Remember, that souls come to this world to make choices and to learn on their own mistakes. Many people insist on making their own choices exactly for that reason. Respect the right of others to make their own mistakes even if you know better. You always have the right to offer your help, it usually doesn't hurt to repeat your offer, especially if you feel balanced, positive and justified. Yet, if your help is refused, don't feel rejected, take it easy and express your respect for the right of others to make their own choices.SPIRIT GUIDESWhen the Higher Self decides to send its fractal copy into an incarnation, it invites discarnate spirits to serve as spirit guides. The work of spirit guides is tough - sometimes they have to give you lessons, that is bring you troubles. They do that because they understand the higher purpose of the lesson and because you asked them to do so before you dived in.Usually people have 2-4 spirit guides. These are often spirits from your own kindred, friends who incarnated with you many times. These are often your deceased relatives, some are the ones which died before you were born. Some spirit guides stay with you for the whole life, others are changing as your lessons change. The guides are recruited by your Higher Self to help you with certain themes and life lessons. Some of them might have expertise in the major area of your work. Keep in mind that all of our spirit guides died in the past, so most of them don't have experience with modern life, you are the first one with this experience. Often there is a competition for the right to incarnate, so do cherish your opportunity to be here and thank God and helpers for the experience. The spirit guides are with you most of the time but not all the time. Sometimes you are on your own. It is their work to keep you alive, keep you on the path conducive for the chosen lessons, and send you the opportunities for growth. If you learn well, the troubles on your way might be minimal. But if you are stubborn and refuse to grow spiritually, the troubles might become stronger. You play a big role in creating your own reality via the Law of Attraction. Spirit guides do much bargaining, logistics and favor exchange with other spirit guides, spirits, angels and other spirit workers involved in our world. There is many ethical and housekeeping rules and restrictions which limit their abilities. Their main power is in controlling seemingly random events. When things seem to be random, they are the ones who bring you a help, a trial, a present or an opportunity to nudge you in the direction which is chosen by your Higher Self and recorded in your life contract.Not every random event is due to spirit guides. Some random events just happen randomly without a reason. As Freud said "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar". In many cases you create your reality and the spirit guides let it happen if it doesn't contradict the learning path.FREE YOUR TIMEIn modern world some people are totally occupied by work and obligations, their calendar is full and they don't have any free minute. Keep in mind that it is beneficial to have free time for your contemplation and have free time so the spirit guides could bring luck to you. If you are busy, there is no space and time to receive luck, the luck receiving time is not planned. If everything in your life is under control, there is no space for positive surprises. So it is good to empty some of your calendar, to offload some of your obligations and plan for unexpected. Starseeds and people in contact with the aliens sometimes have star people among their spirit guides.THE MATRIX, THE HOLOGRAMOur reality is an illusion. Time is an illusion. The matter is an illusion. Yet it is a very well designed illusion. Try to walk through the wall and you will feel the great quality of this illusion. Try to be late for an airplane and you will witness a solid quality of the illusion of time. Our illusory reality has 3 dimensions of space (xyz) and one of time - total four dimensions. It has a property of an artificial template for our lessons, this illusory property of it is referred as a Hologram or a Matrix after the the 1999 movie The Matrix. The idea of the movie is that our world is a hologram, a computer simulation and in reality we are not what we think we are. It is even possible to hack the code of the Matrix and violate the laws of physics. Reiki in a sense does the same - it uses non-physical consciousness to transmute the reality to change sickness into health. Looking at our reality as a computer simulation helps to understand its nature. It is real and not real at the same time. It is a very well designed illusion, so it is not easy to transmute it and to bend its laws. It is pretty sophisticated and the more you learn it the more it becomes illusive - there is no way to learn enough to be in control, there is always much more beyond. It is only possible to learn the skills but not facts. Skills help to navigate it but facts don't hold, they change as we change.PROOFIt is also not easy to obtain proof, validation, evidence of spiritual phenomena. The Matrix is designed in a way, that there is always a place for doubt. Even if one gets a solid experience, there are almost no traces left to convince others. This is one of the most fundamental laws of the Matrix - it protects itself, it creates all sorts of excuses to protect the effect of illusion. For example among best proofs of spiritual phenomenon there is legacy of Edgar Cayse. Yet, he has done miracles daily, but still, the Matrix finds the ways to diminish the awakening of the society to its illusory properties. It is very intelligent and conscious in this action. In the movie, the workers of the Matrix were personalized as Men In Black (MIB). These MIB were conscious and smart, although not human conscious and not human smart. Same is the property of our reality - it is very intelligent in ways that protect its illusion. Therefore we suggest: cherish your personal proofs and don't think that individual proofs can awaken the masses. Even more, respect the right of masses to resist awakening. These are their individual choices: many people do not want to be awakened, and some, even knowing that the matrix is an illusion, consciously choose the illusion to the awakening. It is their choice. So cherish your awakening and share it only with those who accept it, those who seek it. Also, it is OK, it is absolutely normal to oscillate between the awakening and the doubt. It is the nature of the illusion - it is based in part of planetary cycles, the Astrology and sacred geometry are contributing to its function. So in some days and hours, the veil is thin and you can clearly see the spiritual nature of the reality. In other moments, you would look around and see nothing that would remind you of your awakening, everything would be solid and material. Keep in mind that you have Reiki in your hands. It only takes an invitation and it starts flowing, now you have a proof of spirit in your hands, at your fingertips. It is very handy at times of doubt. Remember your spiritual experiences, memorize them well, so you could recall them at the times of doubt. Doubt your doubt.BUBBLE REALITIESFor the Reiki healing work, it is important to understand that the Matrix is not homogenous - there are bubbles of higher and lower vibe in it. Your state creates a bubble around you. Basically, you have the power to fill the room around you with high vibration and uplift people around you. This is exactly what you are doing during the Reiki healing. Your patient, may be in low moods, in self-pity, anger, sorrow, fear, anxiety. It would be very difficult to heal them while they are in this vibration of sorrow. The procedure of healing always involves uplifting the patient to the higher vibration, so the healing could take place. You create a bubble reality around you. Although the world beyond the walls of the healing room remains materialistic and negative, you create a bubble of spirituality in the room and channel spiritual healing energy to the patient. Here is an analogy: when the river dries up, it becomes a muddy swamp and it is not possible to cross it. The rain fills the river with water and now it becomes possible to swim in it or to cross it on a boat. Elevating the water level makes it possible to cross the river by boat. Same with healing. In a state of sorrow, the sickness is hard to overcome. But if the spirit is elevated, sickness can be healed. This is one of the reasons, people go to healing resorts and sanatoriums. They get out of their sorrow and travel elsewhere to immerse in a bubble of elevated healing vibration.REIKI SHAREIt is very powerful for the lightworkers to unite - this way we bring our high vibrations together and small flames unite into a bigger fire. Seek the ways to find people of vibrations alike and socialize with them. One of the best ways to keep your Reiki vibe high is to participate in Reiki share events. To find these, go to and search for Reiki Share. Usually, there are several locations around which have regular Reiki share events, many of them are free or donation based. Another universal venue is to seek for a spiritualist Church or Unitarian Church in your area. They also hold regular Reiki share events. Their philosophy is very much a lightworker philosophy.ALIEN HYBRIDIZATION PROGRAM, continuedThe ways the aliens do hybridizations change with time. Many of them have very advanced gene manipulation technologies, but not many of them have understanding of humans. Contrary to common belief they don't read human minds and have very little understanding of human ways of life. Therefore their early hybridisation efforts were traumatic to many humans. In the last 20 years their knowledge of humans improved and now the interactions with the aliens are often happy. Since 2014, the hybridizations are done on voluntary basis with informed consent from volunteers. Yet, the prime directive is still in place and the hybridization program and developing contacts are known only to small circles of people.STARSEEDSHumans have both alien and Earthly origins. We are all from Earth and all of us are from the stars. Everyone is a starseed in a sense of ancient genetics. Since the first humans were created from Earthly hominids, we had infusions of alien genetics many times since many aliens were coming to Earth during the history and formed colonies. They enhanced human genetics with alien genes and gave the new humans elements of culture and social structure. Aliens from Orion created first Arian states in the areas of Armenia and parts of India. Star people from Sirius formed ancient states in Syria, India, Egypt and Dogon in Africa. Ancient Mayan state was a colony of Pleiadians from the planet Maya of Taygeta star in pleiades. Modern hierarchical structure of government and law comes from Orion culture. Ancient numbering systems based on numbers 12 and 60 have come from the stars. They are still used in astrology, geography and time measures. The prehistoric hebrews from the times before egyptian captivity were the colony of yahyel.It is important to understand that very few of the alien races were able to live on earth because the earth had a lower vibration, lower density. So the creation of human hybrids based on earth genetics and creation of human states was for them only an investment in a distant future with the hope that our species enhanced with their genes will develop, evolve and ascend. Once we ascend to the 4th density, our bodies will become suitable for the incarnation by star people souls.It is also a common practice in creation to seed 3rd density planets and help them in their evolution to 4th density. Most of 4th density civilizations were created this way - they started from 3rd density and evolved to the 4th. It is also the common practice to keep 3rd density civilizations under the quarantine, the prime directive, importantly, the aliens who seed new civilizations are under divine guidance and usually are in two bidirectional communication with creative divine guidance. The ascension is usually achieved by the development of telepathy by a civilization and uniting of the civilization into a coherent collective mind. This coherent bonding is the driving force of the dimensional jump to the 4th density.In addition to ancient alien hybridizations, there are new infusions. The seeding of alien genes never stopped. A new wave of infusions started in 1960s and continues to this day.FRIENDLY STAR RACESMany star races are currently involved with the Earth. Many are benevolent and enlightened, some are malevolent and wish to gain control over the earth. Currently none of the alien races are in the control of the earth, the earth is governed by humans, but some of the aliens are in contact with the humans in charge and some negative aliens manipulate some of people in power. But this control is not complete, when discovered, it is tamed.The humans are in privileged position as a race making an evolutionary leap and benevolent powers of alien all levels of creation ensure that free will of humanity is respected.PLEIADIANSThere are many pleiadian civilizations, some of them are involved with the earth very closely. Most connected to us are Pleiadians from Erran culture. Not all of them live on the planet, but Erra is their home planet. It is the 3rd planet of Taygeta star of Pleiades constellation. Taygeta is visible to naked eye as a tiny dot. Pleiadians have origins in human culture of Orion, they are related to Arians of Earth as brothers having common parents the humans from Orion. Currently the majority of humans from orion have negative relations to earth and are largely kept away from earth as much as possible. Most of erran Pleiadians have good intentions and are helping.Keep in mind that all aliens discussed are from a different plane of existence, 4th density and appear on earth only temporary using dimensional technologies. The aliens don't fly from star to star in their ships, they have technologies to jump from place to place, their ships just disappear in one place and appear in another.The ways our galactic friends influence the Earth are limited due to quarantine. They are channeling their messages to us via psychics and channelers, negotiate the plans for the Open Contact with human leaders, guard the Earth from invaders, prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction, minimize natural disasters, expand the contact with individual humans, study earth culture, continue voluntary hybridization program. Many aliens these days come to Earth as visitors in disguise to walk on the streets and gain initial understanding of us. Plans are proposed to the Earth leaders for the open officia' contact. These plans are being disci$ed for the last 60 years and recently more progress has been made. Normally, a planet at this stage would be already aware of the 4th density neighbors, but the humanity as a whole is against the awakening. Its collective will is respected. The main argument for the delay is that the open contact would cause the disturbance of minds and the market would crush causing economy breakdown, which is a real concern. Therefore it is likely that the first contact might happen after the economy breakdown and will assist its recovery in new more progressive ways.The pleiadians of Erran culture are from another layer of reality and usually come to us in dreams and meditations. As such they can choose the appearance.In their 4rth density they look as tall humans. They are most related to our modern Scandinavians. They are somewhat taller and slimmer than humans. Due to their ecological inclinations they modify their skin to be green or blue and synthesise energy from lighght. They look very much like elfs from The Hobbit, except their skin and hair color varies. They have very diverse fashions and color their skin and hair. Their typical clothes are loose one piece togas. When they come to humans in dreams, they adjust their appearance to look more familiar. When they come to our streets physically, they disguise themselves so well, that there is no easy way to tell them apart.Erran culture is well aware of the Earth's culture and follow our fashions and artistic developments with interest. Historically there are humans from Earth on Erra, they were taken as slaves from Earth in ancient times and since then gained their equality and integrated into the society. The whole Erran civilization is telepathic, including the humans. This illustrates that the humans are genetically capable of telepathy and it is only the environment that is needed for its development.Pleiadians have a developed medicine and have a knowledge of human body. Their medicine is both spiritual and technological, their medicine involves genetic manipulation and medications. They use dimensional and time manipulations as well.Although pleiadians at large are not our direct ancestors, they have common origins with us and they mixed in their genes into ours during the history.This happened in two ways: natural and artificial. Some pleiadians visited the earth, mated with humans naturally and some of them even settled on earth. The technological way used artificial gene manipulation to bring their genes to Earth. Pleiadian traits from recent infusions can be seen in the descendants: the descendants are tall, have lighter hair, psychic abilities and are driven to sciences and spirituality. Usually people from each star race keep an eye on their starseeds, come to them in dreams, offer them guidance, channel through them and protect them from negative aliens.VOLUNTARY HYBRIDISATION PROGRAMUntil recently, for the star races, to hybridize with humans, it was sufficient to get person's permission on the soul level. Since 2014, for all hybridizations it is required for a human to consciously agree in writing or vocally. You are now invited to apply to specific hybridisation programs. The details are available at are now offer their DNA and donate it to produce hybrid children in alien cultures. Pairs of people can donate their DNA to produce hybrid children in alien cultures. These children are born and brought up by alien parents and have a mix of DNA of several human and alien donors. The hybrids created this way live a fulfilled life in the 4th density and as they grow up, often volunteer to be helping the Earth. Since they are related to us, they will be among the first to come to Earth in person once Open Contact will occur. The donors have their star children visit them in the dreams, visit their children in other words in the dreams and speak to them via channelers. The children usually request their parents to give them names.Humans now request and obtain small infusions of alien DNA in their physical bodies. Typically Lyran, Pleiadian and Yahyel infusions are requested. Such upgrades happen gradually spanning months and are experienced primarily on spiritual level. HOW I LEARNED TO MEDITATEAlthough I am very intuitive and open to energies, it is hard for me to disconnect from the world, I am often anxious and alerted to dangers. My thoughts go in my mind non-stop and there is rarely a quiet time. I am always analyzing and daydreaming about the future. So in meditations, I had trouble quieting my mind and getting to the next level. My biggest breakthrough was to get earmuffs in a hardware store - the ones for woodworkers and a comfortable sleep mask. I am sensitive to outside noises and dangers so for me it was important to be in a protected environment - like in a locked car or in a room, with cell phone off (I use Mute Ringer on Android). So nothing disturbs me for the meditation. First 10 min of meditation I allow my thoughts to calm down, then there is a moment when I shift to a no-thought state. I often go to Reiki and other energy healers, as they treat me, it is like an assisted meditation, I learn this path. This higher no-thought state, I call it Reiki state is the state of meditation when you stop thinking in a way translatable to language. There is no words, and no images. You still have thoughts and do things there, but it is like a dream which can not be translated to our 3d language and imagery. It is all different. It is very much like a dream but it has a purpose. Usually my purpose by default is is healing. Initially I invited my higher friends - spirit helpers, alien friends and angels to come and heal me. So I was saying an invitation in my mind "I invite my higher friends to heal me." This is it. Now I don't even say that, it goes without saying. Nowadays, I often invite my higher self to visit me and enter my body. It is also healing. Sometimes I invite other friendly spirits and aliens to come and enter my body, but more often that would be my higher self - essentially, myself, the rest of my spirit which is normally beyond the veil. Or you can say, that my Higher Self is my spirit father-mother, and he is also a child, or a great-great many times child of God. And we are great-great many times children of God. Therefore, I am inviting my soul to come and be in my body more fully. It feels like a buss. It usually start from toes, and fingers and fills all the body. I can consciously help it to enter. The last thing which is still under my own guidance is the breath. I imagine that I am inflating my body with the spirit energy, like golden-silver-white energy, and with each breath I inflate more and more, so it fills with the spirit buss. Then I basically step aside and enjoy the trip. Sometimes I ask specific questions, or put in a specific intention. Meditation is a nap with intention.LYRANSLyrans are most ancient from humans in the galaxy. Ancient Lyrans are the ancestors of humans in our galaxy. Pleiadians, Yahyel and Earth Humans are the descendants of ancient Lyrans. Arcturians are not related to humans, although have a general shape of human body. Lyrans come from Vega, the biggest star in the Lyra constellation. Their home planet was destroyed by Reptilians long time ago and this caused Lyrans to flee over the galaxy and establish colonies. Lyrans are a feline human race - they are cat people. They are big, about 9 ft tall and very strong. They resemble somewhat Star trek Klingons in a way that both genders are covered with hair, are a proud race, which is proud of their ancient history and have high moral standards. They speak with inner strength as Klingons do in the TV series. They differ from Klingons in that they are highly spiritual, ethical, loving, educated and cultured. Their facial features are of cat humans, a bit resembling cat people from Avatar movie. They differ from Avatar's cat people in a way that they are much more massive and covered with facial hair. They notorious for speaking in a low voice, females even more so. They are telepathic and have developed profound emotions. Lyrans are proud of their emotionality and cherish it. Ancient Lyrans founded colonies on Earth tens of thousands years ago. Among Earth languages Basque language is most related to Lyran. Although Lyrans and Earth humans are not sexually attractive to each other, artificial hybridization is possible between the two species. Lyrans are also mammals, although their breasts are relatively small. They have family structure and are largely monogamous. Lyrans bring up their children in families and the parents have a strong connection to children.Lyran energy healing is somewhat similar to Reiki. It is an ancient art, in which movement of hands is used accompanied by prayers in low voice. The movements are straight or angular and done with passion as in Asian Martial Arts. Lyrans offer their DNA infusions to human volunteers. The infusions feel more spiritual than physical and could be referred as DNA activation. The Lyran traits that are brought by Lyran infusions include inner strength, more profound emotions, and improved psychic abilities. To apply for Lyran hybridization or DNA infusions visit or speak to them in your meditations or via a channeler. Lyrans are part of a star alliance Girk Fitneer which is preparing the First open contact with Earth humans and is helping with Earth climate and seismic stabilization and protects the planet from intruders. Girk Fitneer is governed by the Arcturian council and is in alliance with Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Command and Andromedan Council. The mission of Lyran is to expand, explore the Galaxy seed human life. The Earth project is staffed by individual volunteers.YAHYELYahyel also known as Shalanaya, is a hybrid species most related to Earth humans genetically. Yahyel race is diverse, some of Yahyel look mover like Earth humans and others look more like tall Greys. Yahyel are also related to Pleiadians, Lyrans and Zeta Reticuli Greys. Yahyel is the 5th of the 6 hybrid species. Earth humans are the 6th. The 3rd are Sassani - Shakani of Bashar. Yahyel are very technologically advanced and also advanced biologically. They are capable of such miracles as being present in multiple locations at once, habitually appearing and disappearing in different locations at will and more. They are highly telepathic. Their race have a hive mind as well as individuals have individual minds with much privacy. It is similar to our internet - you may have your own private phone or computer and also be connected to a network with its own cloud computing. The Yahyel that look more like tall greys, are about 6 ft tall, have whitish grey skin, no hair, they are skinny, big eyes, small nose and mouth. They are kind and caring. They are very good with children and animals. They love to hug. It is absolutely fine to hug a Yahyel. (Lyrans like hugging, but you have to ask them not to crush you, they are too strong. Pleiadians don't like hugging, they are of Nordic origin and dislike hugging strangers. They prefer spiritual contact and are very enlightened and refined.)Yahyel live primarily on ships. They are among main workers on Earth project helping with the stabilization of the weather and seismic activity. They are at the core of Girk Fitneer alliance. Yahyel are elected by the galactic Commonwealth to be the leading race to establish the first open contact with the Earth humans. Yahyel have advanced transdimensional healing technologies and have been helping many lightworkers in their healing practice. They are able to perform transdimensional surgeries and other procedures to help people. They are highly spiritual and are in good contact with the spirit world. Many Yahyel are visiting the Earth and walking on the streets in disguise with the purpose of learning Earth culture and preparing for the open contact. In your meditations you might invite Yahyel by their name and also you might use their symbols and . The Yahyel's mission is fostering of life in the Universe, they are devoted in helping other races to evolve.ARCTURIANSArcturians are not related to humans. They look like short humans of heavy orange color, wide and disproportionate. They are normally not present on or around Earth but can be seen in the Arcturian Council, which is a large assembly of representatives Star Races. Arcturians are private and formal. They speak from the position of authority and are not very familiar with Earth humans. Galactic diplomatic etiquette and formal language are good for formal communication with Arcturians. They rely on Lyrans, Pleiadians and Yahyel in communications with Earth humans. Arcturians are responsible and serious. They are guided by their responsibility in protection of peace and assisting the Earth Ascension. Arcturian language is very light, fast and of high pitch. Many lightworkers get downloads of Arcturian language. Some healers channel Arcturian Energy Healing aka Arcturian Reiki. Arcturian Reiki is characterised by quick hand movements, which is sending and sensing the energy with fingers, while walking the energy points on the whole body. This is accompanied by speaking Arcturian language. APPLYING GALACTIC REIKIThere are many ways to apply Galactic Reiki. It has been practiced by those lightworkers who are healers and channelers. Some of lightworkers are teaching their own forms of Galactic Reiki such as Starina in Australia and others. To use Galactic Reiki, you need first to connect to Galactic energies in your meditations. Choose which of the Galactic races appeal more to you and invite them in your meditations. Invitations could be spoken aloud or silently, but make sure to keep them clear and strong. Subtle messages may not reach the target. In the Galactic Reiki class you receive an attunement to Galactic energies and you are introduced to the energies of the star people. It is also helpful to visit the site and to invite star people to visit you in your meditations. After such initiations many people reported being visited in meditations and dreams by star people. Some of these visits were very spiritual and profound. Some of the lightworkers become very familiar with these people and energies and are guided in their life by extraterrestrial guides.To use the Galactic helpers in the healing practice, invite them in the beginning of the healing session. The invitation pronounced out loud can be very simple: "I invite higher friends to help in this healing session and to work via my hands". You may say "higher energies" "higher helpers" "higher consciousness" or "higher forces". As you do the session, keep in mind that they are working through you and alongside with you. Many patients who have developed psychic abilities have reported extraterrestrial presence during the sessions. Some of these patients have not even been warned about the extraterrestrial component of the healing before they reported the presence. Some patients reported that they felt an additional pair of hands touching their body during the session. Adrian Dvir in his book "Extraterrestrial medicine, X3", described wonderful cures produced by the extraterrestrial helpers during healing sessions. As you get more experience with extraterrestrial energies, you may begin to differentiate different types of energies and use assist them in healing in more sophisticated and efficient ways. Keep in mind that the extraterrestrial energies and helpers are very intelligent and know the spiritual component of the sickness. They are in good contact with higher self and they are aware what is permitted by the life contract. If needed they can invite more help including angelic help. So invite them and then listen to their advice. They let their advice known via energy flows and sublime messages. Often they could bring in a messenger such as a cat or another human who would give a suggestion. Sometimes if they need to stop you from doing something they can give you a cough or other interruption.FEELING THE ENERGIESYou can feel the presence of higher energies usually via physical and nonphysical senses. With time, they will become very familiar. Often certain spiritual presence might feel like heaviness in certain part of the brain, like right side, back side, top, tickling in a certain area, noise of high or low pitch, white noise of high pitch, mechanical vibrations, buzzes in different parts of the body. Sometimes you would feel a touch, or a sudden jerk. A higher presence could come as light in the forehead, a color, a certain light pattern. To see these presences and suggestions better, it helps to do healing with closed eyes. As you work with hands, it is nice once in a while to move hands gently and slowly in the air to feel the energies. It is called Reiki scan. Feel the chakras. Sometimes it takes one or more rounds of applying standard Reiki positions to warm up the patient and your hands to start feeling the energies in full. STEP ASIDEThe general rule of Reiki is to stay in place if the energies are flowing well and to move on when they are not flowing or stop flowing. It is usually not wise to force energies if they are not flowing. Reiki energies are intelligent so it is more appropriate to invite them and wait for them to come. Sometimes it helps to stop pushing and relax. It is very helpful to close your eyes and go into a meditative tance while doing the healing. It is more natural. You put out an intention to heal and to help the patient, you put out simple open ended questions how to best help the patient and then relax and trust the spirit to do its work. You go into playful trance, smile and accept what comes. Purify your thoughts, keep them simple, don't over-sweat the healing process. If something feels uncomfortable or painful, move on, shake off bad vibes, do a slow Reiki healing dance to bring in good vibes and make the healing pleasant for you and the patient. GIVING THANKSIt is a very good practice to give thanks to higher energies during and after healing. The state of gratitude is very healing for the healer and for the patient. At the end of the session you may say: " I thank higher energies for the healing". When the patient thanks you, thank them for the opportunity to be of service. ELEVATE THE MOODAs we said before, Reiki works best in an elevated mood. Before the session, do a meditation and invite highest good to come. Make the place sacred by intent and by making a sacred Reiki ritual before the patient comes. Clean up the space and intend this cleaning to be sacred. Between the sessions burn Sage if possible to clean the air. If possible use incense during the sessions (keep in mind that some patients dislike incense, always ask). Burning Egyptian Kyphi, Frankincense, Myrrh and natural wood and herbs is very good for Reiki. Electric incense burners called Bakhur are available on Amazon. Kyphi, Frankincense and Myrrh are available on If in doubt, smile, it lightens up the vibes. Ultimately you are not responsible for the outcome. It is not mainstream medicine. You are working with spiritual energies. They are in charge. You are only a channel. Intend good, and keep your fears and doubt down. Stay in meditative spiritual vibe and intend well. The rest will be taken care of by the spirit. This is the essence of the energy healing art. Intend well, do your part, invite higher energies and step aside. Let them do the work. If the patient shares with your their pains and fears, use your positivity to give their pains and fears a positive twist. Explain your position, that through the law of attraction, you are making a conscious effort to attract most desirable outcome. Intend everything to resolve in best possible way and relax about the outcome, it is not your duty to make it happen, trust higher forces to take care of things. Your best option is to do your Reiki work well. Use prayers and state of gratitude to attract the most desirable outcome. Choose to stay positive no matter what. NETWORKING AND BUBBLE REALITIESKeep in mind that it is much easier to keep an elevated state of being if you are surrounded by positive spiritual people. Use available ways to connect to healers of like mind. Use to find local groups who do Reiki, other healing arts and engage in meditative spiritual activities. Yoga centers, Spiritualist Churches and Unitarian churches foster Reiki share groups and spiritual events. Take advantages of Psychic and Healing fairs in your area to meet and connect with like minded people. It might feel awkward in the beginning, but overcome your fear and connect to people: it becomes very rewarding once initial awkwardness is over. Learn how to socialize with ease. Lightworkers are clustering around people who serve as connectors - they are easy to get in touch with and they introduce you to others. Track those connectors down and ask them for introductions. As with Reiki, keep in mind that you can be guided by the spirit, and choose to be guided. When people contact you, it is often through the guidance by the spirit, so be open to such contacts, don't dismiss them without giving them a thought. Don't be afraid to ask for the phone and email, intend well and follow up the introductions with follow up messages and meetings. Start your own groups and circles, this is the easiest way to attract people of like mind. As you connect to people, you will be given further guidance by the spirit. The general rule is: intend well, offer initiative, invite help and guidance, and then go with the flow - develop what comes easy and don't sweat over things that feel stuck and overly difficult. Some development require time and others are not meant to be. So trust higher guidance and follow your highest excitement. The more you go the path of Energy Healing, the more higher guidance you get. It doesn't negate your right to make choices and offer your invitations, but once you made a choice and invited help, the help comes and it is up to you to see it coming and to choose to accept it.Max Steinberg, ChicagoJuly 2015