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    Metabolic Aftershock [pdf]

    ATTENTION: Women and men over 35 who are FRUSTRATED with fat gain, struggling with no energy, like your best years are behind you...

    Revolutionary 45-Second "Intelligent Movement"Strips off Stubborn Fat and Tones Flabby Muscle

    Non-stop for 48-72 Hours... While You're Relaxing!

    PLUS: Unleashes a Cocktail of Youth-Enhancing Hormones Making You Look Younger, Feel Better, Relieving Pain And

    Bringing Back Your Energy, Focus and Drive!

    Boosts Youth-Hormone HGHxi352%

    Enhances Heart Strengthix


    Boosts Energy Productionviii


  • 138%

    Improves Lean Body Massvii


    Increases Calories Burnedvi


    Improves Belly Fat Lossiv


    Enhances Sluggish Metabolismi


    0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300% 350% 400%

    "The scientific research proves these ultra-short, equipment-free movements any woman or man can do at ANY age creates a powerful anti-aging effect, giving you a makeover from the inside out..."99.9% of fat loss programs contain ONE FATAL FLAW that makes you FATTER, damages your brain, weakens your heart, and speeds up aging... more below...



  • Everything youve been told about burning fat with exercise is flat out wrong!

    In fact, much of what youve been told might be causing the exact opposite to happen making you FATTER, aging you faster, DESTROYING your health and DRAINING you of energy.

    The truth is...

    Theres no need to sweat bullets on the treadmill or go for long runs... No point pulling muscles lifting heavy weights at the crowded gym... And no need to push yourself through insane infomercial workouts that stress your

    joints and ligaments and put you at risk of injuring your lower back, knees and shoulders...

    Theres another, easier, safer, MUCHfaster way... a way that allows you to...

    Get Your Body, Your Self, Your Energy Back...And In 90% LESS Time Than Regular Exercise!Youre about to discover a revolutionary new "intelligent" approach to whipping yourself into shape, turning back the clock and getting your old self back -- but in a FRACTION of the time previously thought possible.

    !!!!!!!You're NEVER too old, overweightOR out of shape to get started.

    Research shows the older, moreoverweight and more out of shapeyou are, the faster this "intelligent"form of movement will burn fat, tonemuscle, boost energy and improveyour health.

    What's remarkable about this newdevelopment is that it doesnt matter if...


  • You've skipped working out all-together because you weren't motivated enough... You started, but then got fed up because of long, boring exercise routines... You're frustrated because all that hard work isnt producing results... You're afraid to try because you feel you are too overweight, too out of shape, too old

    or have an injury... You've got barely a minute to spare in your hectic, stressed out day...

    This 45-second method is EXACTLY what you've been waiting for.Introducing A Better Way:"Intelligent" Movement...

    "Intelligent" movement is short, fun, thrilling and can be done anywhere WITHOUT needing weights or gym equipment.

    The best part is ANYBODY can do this regardless of their age, level of fitness, previous injuries and especially if theyve never even worked out before.

    "Intelligent" movement gets its name from a simple idea:

    More isn't better, BETTER is better.

    If it was possible to cut workout time by 90% but get 2x, 5xeven 10x the results, wouldn't you jump at the chance?

    Of course you would... that's why this new method --previously available only at an exclusive metabolic clinic in a small town in North Carolina -- is spreading like wildfire.

    Bonus:"Intelligent" exercisealso unleash a powerfulflood of anti-aging hormonesthat quite literally reverse theaging process.



  • (read below for more details, but first...)

    Men are dropping pant sizes, enjoying an improved sex drive and marveling at the new-found motivation they have...

    Women are lovin' seeing the fat FINALLY come off in those stubborn trouble spots around their belly, hips, waist and thighs...

    50, 60 and 70 yr. olds are re-discovering the energy they had decades ago, getting back out in the world, having fun, living life again...

    And those who are overweight and out of shape are calling it the best thing that has EVER happened to them....FINALLY something works!

    5 Ways the Wrong Exercise Makes YouFatter, Older, Sicker and Less Attractive...

    Getting results is what matters with exercise right? Wrong! Any exercise WILL produce results, but you want to get the RIGHT results.

    Recent research has shown that traditional, long, boring cardio like running, cycling, spinning or aerobics can actually damage your brain, heart, lungs and metabolism, making you sicker, fatter, older and more tired:

    1. Destroys Your Metabolism...

    The "Intelligent" Solution...

    "Intelligent" movement naturally enhances your metabolism by pushing it just enough to adapt to make it stronger -- but not too much that it fights back -- making you a better fat burner, toning your muscles and giving you a HUGE lift in energy.

    Exercising for too long (as almost everybody does) can actually cause major metabolic damage that makes you get fatter. And if youve ever run, cycled or done aerobics for 45-60 minutes or more only to get NO results... youll know EXACTLY what I am talking about.

    Why does this happen? When you push too long and too hard, your metabolism fights back... driving UP your appetite, grinding DOWN your energy and slowing your metabolism to a crawl leaving you fatter and more frustrated day by day.




  • 2. Wrinkles You from the Inside Out...

    The "Intelligent" Solution...

    But "intelligent" exercise increases your body's ability to produce antioxidants -- like the super-powerful glutathione -- that hunt down and NEUTRALIZE excess free radicals...leaving your skin smooth, protecting your organs and boosting your cellular health.

    Too much exercise literally RUSTS your body from the inside out resulting in wrinkled, saggy skin, a damaged brain, a weak heart and low energy.All types of exercise causes your body to release tiny molecules called free radicals. But too much exercise or the wrong kind -- as MOST people do -- unleashes a TIDAL WAVE of these molecules that OVERWHELMS your body, damaging your most sensitive cells especially your skin, heart and brain.

    3. Destroys Your Bones, Muscles and Joints...

    The "Intelligent" Solution...

    Cortisol is NOT the enemy -- it's only TOO MUCH of it that causes problems.When you trigger the release of just enough -- like "intelligent" exercise does -- it creates a POWERFUL fat-torching hormonal environment that leads to immediate, visible results, especially in trouble spots.

    Regular cardio releases an OVERLOAD of cortisol (the stress hormone), which triggers fat accumulation on your belly. Not only that, it also wears out your tissues, weakens your bones, destroys muscle and damages your joints.

    That's why people with stressful lives LOOK so terrible -- worn out, run down...and just older. The EXACT SAME THING happens when you do the WRONG type of exercise as most



  • people do!!!

    4. Dramatically Increases Risk for Disease...The "Intelligent" Solution...

    Researchers now believe that IL-6 -- a powerful molecule that cools inflammation AND instructs your body to burn fat and lower blood sugar -- is the long sought after reason why proper exercise has proven to be THE most powerful anti-aging therapy ever tested. "Intelligent movement generates a HUGE amount of IL-6.

    Inflammation is a key component of your immune system, helping your body to protect and repair itself. However, too much inflammation is EXTREMELY dangerous, putting you at risk of cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's.

    Typical long-duration exercise damages your body so much that a fiery inferno of inflammation spreads, causing more damage multiplying your risk of developing those deadly, damaging diseases.

    5. Weakens Immune System, Making You Sick...

    The "Intelligent" Solution...

    The answer? Shorter, smarter workouts boost levels of glutamine, an essential amino acid that helps to bulletproof your immune system against stubborn, nasty bugs and bacteria.A strong immune system also means a smart immune system, providing protection against developing auto-immune disease that attack your own body like the thyroid, joints and brain.

    Having a proper functioning immune system is critical to staying healthy, especially as you age and become vulnerable to sickness and disease.



  • And thats where chronic cardio can REALLY sabotage your health. Too much of the wrong exercises weaken your immune system, making you vulnerable to colds, viruses, bacteria and other bugs that may be lurking in or attacking your body. It can also turn your body against itself, causing auto-immune diseases.

    So dont leave your health to chance. Instead...

    Strip Away Stubborn Fat, Boost EnergyAnd Reverse Aging In Just 45 Seconds...This 45-second method is something ANYBODY can do at ANY age even if the thought of stepping into the gym fills you with dread!

    Unlike traditional exercise it actually delivers MORE results in LESS time. That's the essence of what the "intelligent" part of intelligent exercise means.

    It's all about working SMARTER, not harder. For example...

    It Takes Only Minutes...NOT Hours... Each sequence of 45-second movements makes up just 15 minutes of TOTAL workout

    time. Thats a measly 15 minutes, 3 times a week!!! And remember... the movements are carefully sequenced in a way that makes the workout

    not only FUN but fly by!

    Gives You a SEXY Body Shape... Whether you are a man or woman, young or old, the hormonal soup that's unleashed by

    this "intelligent" workout will automatically re-shape your body to be much more attractive.

    Women get more of that sexy, curved hourglass shape with a more narrow waist and more attractive hips.


  • And men more of that lean, powerful v-shape with a broader chest/back and narrower waist.

    Gets Results FAST, Keeping You Motivated... Were talking days not weeks. Youll see and FEEL the difference after only a handful of

    sessions. The first thing you'll notice is more energy. And getting more energy is incredibly motivating, making it a certainty you'll stick with

    the program... you'll become addicted.

    Youll Look and Feel Younger... You'll flood your body and brain with a powerful cocktail of anti-aging biochemicals that

    combat inflammation and oxidative stress -- two forces that dramatically accelerate aging. Men relish the surge in testosterone that increases sex drive, improves mood and

    builds muscle. And women enjoy a rush of HGH, the skin-tightening, muscle-toning, fat-burning

    hormone of our youth.

    It's Ultra-convenient...Hate the gym? Don't like being around muscle-heads? No problem! No need for ANY equipment or to travel anywhere!

    You can do this from the comfort of your home... and even in your hotel room when travelling.

    Perfect for busy executives, stay at home moms, those who travel a lot or who are just plain crazy busy!

    So what exactly is this anti-aging, fat-burning, energy-surging"intelligent" workout? Let me introduce you to...

    Metabolic Rest TrainingThe Answer for Those Who are Too Busy to Workout,



  • Frustrated with Age-related Fat Gain and Sick of Long,Boring Exercises that Produce NO Results...Why it Works so Well atBurning Fat, Shaping Muscleand Turning Back the Clock...

    Is customizable to ANYBODY at ANY age at ANY fitness level... even someone with injuries...

    Combines cardio and resistance training into a single workout, saving a TON of time... Keeps your body burning fat and shaping muscle up to 48 hours AFTER you exercise... Improves your VO2max, -- the #1 predictor of how long you'll live... Requires ONLY your body weight; NO equipment needed... Unleashes a powerful flood of ANTI-AGING HORMONES that boost energy, sex drive,

    and mood while strengthening bone, muscle and connective tissue...Why is it called Metabolic Rest Training? Because the BIG secret to long-term fat loss is, amazingly, TO REST. Whenever and for however long you want.

    Metabolic Rest Training is individualized. That means it caters to your individual needs, helping you sculpt the body you want at your own pace.

    Thats the beauty of being able to REST whenever you want. You work at YOUR intensity, YOUR speed, to get the results that YOU want.

    Your workout intensity is still high, but its YOUR type of high intensity... not what some super-fit, jacked up infomercial trainer says it is.

    Your intensity is only as high as your fitness level SAFELY allows.

    And achieving that high intensity is crucial because that's precisely what breaches what's called your "anaerobic threshold".

    That's when you exceed your body's normal ability to provide energy for your workout, triggering a metabolic alarm bell that tells your body to kick in its energy-producing afterburners to continue.

    When you pass this magic threshold, that's what triggers your fat burning hormones to start zapping fat, espetcially from those trouble spots on your belly, hips, waist and thighs.

    The Fat-Burning, Muscle-Shaping, Anti-Aging MagicActually Happens AFTER Your Workout, NOT During It...The Metabolic Molecules that AreUnleashed when You Breach thisAnaerobic Threshold...


  • Lactic Acid - Sends a powerful adaptation signal to build more energy-producing mitochondria and release the growth-promoting and fat-burning hormones like HGH (women) and testosterone (men).

    Nitric Oxide - Expands blood vessels, improving circulation, resulting in enhanced ability to deliver more nutrients and oxygen to all of your body's cells, especially your heart cells and brain cells.

    IL-6 - An extraordinarily powerful inflammation fighter that also acts as an energy sensor commanding fat cells to release stored fat to be burned for energy.

    IL-8 - Helps whip muscles into shape by signaling to build more blood vessels thus increasing the blood supply of nutrients and resulting in more toned, healthy and functional muscles.

    IL-15 - The "holy grail" of exercise-induced molecules because it signals to BOTH burn fat AND shape muscle at the same time -- something that's notoriously difficult for ANY exercise or workout to do.

    Another major problem of most conventional workouts is that they focus almost exclusively on how much fat you are burning DURING the workout itself.

    Seems reasonable right? Do a bunch of sweating, burn a bunch of fat and then you can slip into that pair of jeans you've haven't worn in a few years.Great idea, but that's not at ALL how your metabolism works!

    The key to burning the MOST fat possible is to trigger the release of powerful metabolic molecules DURING your workout.

    These powerful metabolic molecules then send the signals to boost your metabolism, burn fat, shape muscle and slow aging -- all of which happens AFTER your workout is complete.

    And that's exactly what intelligent metabolic training does.


  • It commands your body to replenish the hormones, intramuscular energy stores and other resources it burned up DURING the workout -- all so you are properly prepared for the next one.

    And guess where it gets the raw materials to replenish those resources?

    Thankfully straight from the fat that's parked on your belly, hips, thighs and butt.

    But what does the actual research say about this post-workout fat burn? Well, take a look below...

    What the Research Says About anIntelligent Metabolic WorkoutA remarkable study published in 2008 in the International Journal of Obesity shows just how dramatic the post-workout fat and calorie burn can be.xii Here's what you need to know:

    More Calories Burned - The intelligent workout burned 66% MORE total calories vs. regular

    Post-Workout Matters - Intelligent workout burned 484% MORE calories after the workout vs. regular

    More Results in LESS Time - Intelligent workout generated BETTER results in less than half the time of a regular workout!!

    Burns Fat MUCH Better - Shocking, the intelligent workout trimmed off 13% in total body fat while the regular workout actually forced a gain of 2.1% of body fat.

    The bottom line is that study after study has proven metabolic workouts are FAR superior at burning fat, shaping muscle and fighting aging.

    The problem has been that these workouts havebeen too intense or dangerous for most peopleto do, which is why "intelligent" metabolic resttraining has been a god-send for those looking tofinally find something that works.

    Who The Heck Am I And How Do I Know All This?

    Dr. Jade Teta

    BS in Biochemistry PhD in Naturopathic Medicine Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist Personal Trainer for 25 years


  • Over 10,000 Personal Training Sessions Inventor of Rest-Best Training

    Hey there, my names Dr. Jade Teta. I'm an integrative physician and run a metabolic enhancement clinic in North Carolina.

    My clinic helps people not only lose fat, but more importantly, helps them repair their damaged, sluggish metabolisms, helping them remove layers of unwanted fat, firm up those places that have gone soft and get the pep back in their step.

    I've been a health and fitness junky ever since I was a kid. And early on, I noticed something fascinating.

    The amount of effort people put into the gym didnt match up with their body and health.

    I would see all these people who ate healthy and worked out like crazy, yet their bodies STILL looked out of shape, they felt like crap and had no energy.

    At best, they looked skinny fat. Flappy arms, double chin, pudgy belly and a sagging butt. Not toned or tightened at all.

    The problem was far more obvious in women than men... but really hit those 35 and over the hardest.

    They looked totally burned out -- like their best years werebehind them.

    This ONE Change Boosted My Client'sSuccess Rate from 30% to 80%...At the time, I just thought they must be cheating on their diets or skipping their workouts.

    But I was wrong... and after much digging, I FINALLY discovered why.

    I identified 3 mistakes I and ALL other trainers were making at the time (and that most still do today):

    !!One thing that makes myclinic unique is that we aretrained BOTH in medicine


  • AND exercise science --something most doctorsdon't have, which is ashame, because BOTH areimportant to health.

    This integrated backgroundallowed me to dig throughthe research, understand itand pinpoint exactly whatI was doing wrong.

    Too Long and Hard -- Most trainers push their clients TOO hard for TOO long. This does burn a bit of fat, but it also burns muscle, destroying your metabolism and making you a worse fat burner -- this is WHY people don't see results.

    Too One-Dimensional -- The workouts were only focused on cardio OR resistance training -- it was either/or -- based on the now-proven-false belief that your body doesn't like to burn fat (cardio) and shape muscle (resistance) at the same time. Not only CAN it when done properly, but it also unleashes a powerful anti-aging effect as you'll find out below.

    Too Focused on Calories -- I like most others thought ONLY of how many calories were burned DURING the workout. I completely ignored the hormonal effect of the workout and how it can stimulate the metabo-lism to burn fat for days AFTER -- IF it's done right.

    So I devised an intelligent workout that solves all 3 of these problems.

    It is quick, efficient and triggers a powerful cascade of hormonesthat burns fat, shapes muscle and fights aging LONG after theworkout is over.

    It has you work SMARTER, not longer.

    As soon as I incorporated this into my practice, myclient success rate skyrocketed from 30% to 80%.

    But what about the remaining 20%? Why didn't it work for them?

    That's when the solution dropped right into my lap,thanks to my most frustrating client ever!


  • How Barbara, My MOST Frustrating Client Ever, InspiredA Breakthrough In Fat Loss...Study Results: WhyResting Burns MORE Fat

    A 2011 study in the journal Psychophysiology showed just how powerful taking strategic rests when YOU want are.

    Those who rested when they felt they needed, as opposed to at some pre-determined time, not only worked just as hard, but they performed better and in LESS total time.

    This phenomenon can be explained by an important psychological concept called self- determination theory.

    Although it may seem counterintuitive, when YOU are given control over workout para-meters, you end up working out much harder and more consistently than you EVER thought possible.

    Barbara was a private client of mine and when we first started working together...

    She was SO frustrating!

    Dont get me wrong, she was lovin' her slimmer figure, tighter skin and toned muscles that the workouts I had devised produced so rapidly.

    But she was taking breaks and resting ALL the time. I thought she was just slacking off, not pushing was a real head scratcher.

    So one day I decided to monitor her heart rate...and what I saw SHOCKED me.

    She was actually pushing herself HARDER than ANY of my other clients.

    And thats when it hit me like a ton of bricks...

    Barbara was getting such amazing, fast resultsprecisely BECAUSE of how much shewas RESTING.

    Surprisingly, Resting Enough is the Key toGetting The Results that You Want...The Inflammation Fighting Bonus

  • Inflammation causes heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cancer along with chronic pain. A study published in 2009 in the American Heart Journal showed a session of "intelligent" movement caused a significant increase in anti-inflammatory molecules such as IL-10 and a significant DECREASE in pro-inflammatory markers such as CRP.

    The Brain Boosting BonusMental performance suffers as we age, but "intelligent" movements have been shown to boost BDNF, which is like Miracle-Gro for your brain, because it spurs new brain cell growth, strengthens connections among existing cells, improving focus, memory and learning.

    The Youth Hormone BonusWealthy people go to great lengths to get injections of HGH, our "youth hormone", but there can be dangerous side effects. Fortunately, "intelligent" movement has been shown to increase HGH by nearly 400%, naturally, with no side effects, resulting in a leaner physique, stronger bones, healthier skin, nails and hair and a TON more energy to power your day.

    Resting allowed Barbara to recover just enough so she could push herself far enough to reach the point where all of the metabolic magic happens -- the anaerobic threshold that we discussed earlier.

    Hitting that anaerobic threshold is what unleashes the metabolic molecules -- like IL-6, IL-8, IL-15, lactic acid, nitric acid, HGH and more -- that boost your metabolism, torch fat, shape muscle and activate your internal anti-aging program.By having pre-determined rest periods, I had incorrectly assumed that everyone had the SAME fitness level, the same ability to push, the same ability to recover, when NOTHING could've been further from the truth.

    Allowing people to rest WHEN they want, not at some fixed, pre-determined time, automatically customizes the workout to their own fitness level.

    This is why Metabolic Rest TrainingTM -- what I call the combination of intelligent metabolic workouts that incorporate individualized rest -- works for EVERYONE.

    ...young and old, man and woman, those in shape or not... and even if someone has had an injury, heart problems or anything else that has affected their fitness level.


  • I was so excited about this discovery that I set out to package it together with my BEST intelligent metabolic techniques so I could help others who couldn't come visit my clinic to enjoy the same age-fighting,fat-burning benefits.

    Introducing Metabolic AftershockTM...The World's First Metabolic Training System that BurnsFat, Shapes Muscle and Fights Aging 24x7I am thrilled to now be able to bring to you the same amazingly fast,efficient, effective and FUN metabolic workouts that were previouslyONLY available in my clinic.

    This package of intelligent, rest-based video workouts is calledMetabolic AftershockTM.

    It contains 3 phases that systematically wake-up, over-hauland optimize your metabolism based on a special sequence ofmovements I developed at my clinic by learning from the thousandsof people I've trained.

    Think about it like this...regular exercise registers like a small tremorin your body.

    But the sessions in Metabolic AftershockTM act like a massive 8.0 earthquaketo your metabolism...a seismic jolt setting in motion a series of hormonalaftershocks that leave you burning fat, toning muscle and fighting aging for as long 72 full hours afterwards.

    Here's why so many of my clients love itand why you'll love it too:Permanently Upgrades Fat Burning

    The powerful metabolic disturbance created not only burns fat for 2-3 days after, but it also PERMANENTLY upgrades your ability to burn fat. That means when you are sitting on the couch watching TV, driving to work or fast asleep, you are burning MORE fat --it's like your body is working out FOR you!

    Extremely Short...


  • Each exercise is only 45 seconds and eachvideo workout is only 15 minutes -- it's literallyover before you know it. And you only need todo it 3 times a week -- ANYBODY can do that!

    Varied and FUN...

    You'll NEVER do the same workoutback-to-back. The workouts constantly change-- shredding fat in new ways, keeping youinterested, making it FUN. You'll actuallylook forward to the next session!

    Super Efficient...The 3-in-1 training -- cardio, resistanceand nervous system -- fortifies your heart, buildscore strength and improves coordination, bal-ance and flexibility all at once. Instead of slog-ging hours per week on each, you breezethrough them all in just 15 minutes.

    Gets Results Fast...

    The combination of 3-in-1 training, plusrest-based principles generates the results thatyou WANT, fast. It starts with an immediatesurge of energy, then moves on to VISIBLE fatloss and finally saggy, soft muscles begin totighten, tone and re-shape themselves.


    There's NO equipment needed whatsoever.All movements are done with just your ownbodyweight. That means you can do this athome, in a hotel while travelling oranywhere else you want.

    Incredibly Motivating...


  • The incredibly fast results provides its ownpowerful motivation for you to keep going.No need to rely on willpower when you seelayer upon layer of fat come off, and othersstart asking you "have you donesomething new?".

    Automatically Customized...

    Because you rest when you need to, you cancustomize the intensity of the workout to yourown fitness level. Plus, 3 different options foreach move -- easy, medium, advanced --allows anybody at any age of any fitnesslevel, even with injuries, to enjoy the benefits.

    Safe for Anyone...

    All of the moves use ONLY bodyweight, noheavy weights or expensive equipment.The moves have been tested on thousandsof people to ensure they don't strain joints,pressure the lower back or put you at riskfor pulling a muscle or worse.

    Turns Back the Clock...

    Breaching the anaerobic threshold is what sends the signal to your body to start releasingpowerful youth-enhancing hormones like growth hormone and testosterone (important for womentoo!). Inflammation cools down, pain subsides, your skin tone improves and you feel likesomeone stuck a new battery in your brain.

    Just Look at the Amazingly Fast ResultsTwo Recent Customers Enjoyed...

    You are NEVER too Old, NEVER too Out of Shape, NEVERtoo Busy to Enjoy the SAME Transformation...

    My pants are falling off...9 lbs. lost & 10 inches total


  • I started the Metabolic Aftershockprogram about five and a half weeksago and so far I've lost nine and a halfpounds and over 10 inches overall.My pants are falling off, I have moreenergy and Im getting stronger.Im loving it!

    Im a busy mother of four, workingpart time and coaching high schoolcheerleading so I didnt have time forany exercise until I found Aftershock.Its only 15 minutes, three times aweek with no equipment. I get resultsand it works for my life.

    Sheila PriemerHarrison Township, MI

    *Disclaimer: Results will vary from individual to individualIve lost 15lbs, 12 inches, 4%body fat and I shrunk from asize 37 to a 34 in just 5 weeks

    This program has been something Ivebeen waiting for, for a long time. Itsgiven me more energy, Im sleepingbetter at night and Ive discoveredthat my blood pressure has been inthe healthy range for the first timein years.

    Aftershock has been a game changerfor me. Five weeks ago, I started at207 and today I weighed in at 192. Itsunbelievable to be able to drop theweight like that in five weeks becausethis is the first time in 20 years thatIve been less than 200 pounds.

  • Jim DuboisCorona, CA

    *Disclaimer: Results will vary from individual to individual

    Bonus: The Anti-aging Hormonal CocktailEnjoy the All-Natural, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Aging,Youth-Enhancing Chemicals Released by Aftershock...Aftershock's mini-workouts aren't just about looking good -- they help you get your life back, brighten your mood and make you feel 10-20 years younger.

    They get you BACK into the game again, enjoying life to its fullest, by triggering a powerful cocktail of all-natural hormones that rebuild and repair your body and brain.

    Just look at the startling anti-aging findings from two studies published in 2008 in Circulation, The Journal of the American Heart Association, showing just how powerful Aftershock-style workouts can be at fighting aging, staying young and warding off diseasexiii, xiv:

    Slashes Risk of DeathBoosts your VO2max (a measure of your fitness level) by 118% more than regular cardio. That's CRITICALLY important because VO2max has been proven to be THE strongest single predictor of dying from ANYTHING, regardless of the cause.

    Strengthens Heart & LungsThe amount of oxygen consumed per heart beat during exercise is used to measure how strong your heart is. That measure increased by 29%, which was 215% MORE for the group that did


  • Aftershock-style workouts. Since a strong heart protects against heart attacks, this is a VERY good thing, especially as you age.

    Optimizes CholesterolHDL is usually thought of as the protective cholesterol and is notoriously difficult to increase. Aftershock-style workouts are far superior in this realm. HDL was raised 25% in the Aftershock-style group but was UNAFFECTED by regular exercise.

    Improves Blood FlowFlow-mediated dilatation, a measure of how well blood flows through your body, improved by 9% in the Aftershock group or 80% better vs. the regular exercise group. That's more life-giving oxygen and energizing nutrients delivered to the cells and organs in your body, boosting health all-around.

    Increases EnergyBoosts energy levels by creating more of energy-producing factories called mitochondria. Aftershock-style exercise created 138% MORE mitochondria vs. NO significant change for the regular exercise. That means shooting out of bed ready to take on the day and no more afternoon crashes.Lowers Blood PressureLowered systolic blood pressure by 7.6% and diastolic blood pressure by 6.3%%. That's important because high blood pressure stresses your heart and contributes to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), which dramatically increases your risk of heart disease and stroke.



  • The 3 Phases to AcceleratedFat Burning and Muscle Shaping...Metabolic Aftershock is designed to keep you totally motivated by changing up the workouts each time as you progress through 3 phases.

    Stop... Important

    Metabolic Aftershock is NOT sold instores or on TV, you can't get it on theinternet anywhere (not even Amazon) in fact, it's ONLY available right now,on this page...more on this below.

    That's really where this program shines compared to the usual boring, monotonous and motivation-KILLING exercise programs.

    Each of these 3 phases is specifically sequenced to PRIME your metabolism and get it ready for its ULTIMATE fat burning capacity:

    Phase #1: Create the Spark

    Phase 1 provides the spark to REAWAKEN your sleeping metabolism.Think of this phase like upgrading your metabolic spark plugs that bring your metabolic engine alive.

    You get...

    Full body movements that develop your fitness levels, producing QUICK adaptations towards coordination AND balance...

    A whole-body metabolic stimulus that IGNITES fat burning and muscle shaping in a way isolated exercises simply CANNOT achieve...

    And special metabolic finishers that naturally elevate growth hormone the fat-burning,skin-tightening hormone of our youth...

    Phase #2: Light the Fire

    Ok, get ready to turn UP the metabolic heat in Phase 2, that will crank UP your fat burning to the next level. It also has a special emphasis on toning, tightening and shaping muscle something that becomes INCREASINGLY difficult as you age. You get...

    Special exercises called rep chains that that tell your metabolism to build the infrastructure to BURN fat and SHAPE muscle...


  • A flood of special muscle molecules (myokines) that build blood vessels and mitochondria all pieces of an enhanced fat burning metabolic infrastructure.

    A special movement emphasized in eachworkout that delivers an extra punch oftoning, tightening and shaping to yourmuscles.

    Phase #3: Fan the Flames

    Ok, this final phase is like dumping GASOLINE on the metabolic fire you started in phase 2. Here you'll most visibly see AND feel the results of the exercise as the outlines of your muscles start to appear, your pants start fitting looser and your mind becomes sharper.

    You get...

    A series of exercises called "metabolic chains" designed to RIP APART fat at a frantic rate, while at the SAME time firming and tightening muscles...

    A strong boost in your catecholamines, which ARE the hormones responsible for burning fat....

    A combination of full body movements that creates so much HEAT, so much SWEAT, so much calorie BURN, you'll almost swear you'll see the difference the NEXT day.

    The Time for Excuses is Over...It Works for ANYONE at ANY Age, in ANY Condition!

    "I Don't Have Enough Time"

    Ok, seriously, if you don't have 15 minutes, 3 times a week... and if you think 45 second moves are too long... then this is definitely not for you! Just try it once, you'll be addicted!

    "I Can't Stay Motivated"

    Trouble getting motivated isn't your fault; it's the fault of programs that don't give instant results. But since you SEE and FEEL the results SO fast with Aftershock, your motivation skyrockets!

    "I Have a Chronic Disease"

    Research has shown these sessions are incredibly effective even for those who have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's, dementia and other chronic diseases.xv

    "I Don't Have Enough Energy"

    No problem here -- that's the beauty of "intelligent" metabolic workouts. The very first thing you experience is more energy, not just immediately after your workouts, but for days after.

    "I Don't Want to Get Bulky"

  • Women -- this is NOT about lifting heavy weights and building bulky muscles. There are NO weights, only bodyweight movements that result in a lean, tone and tightened physique.

    "I'm Too Old"

    Multiple studies have shown that it's completely safe for those in their 50s, 60s and 70s. Not only is it safe, but it's THE most effective type of exercise possible and dramatically reduces risk of death.

    "I Have An Injury"

    Whether a bad back, neck, knees, ankles, feet or shoulders, there are modifications to every move that make it possible for ANYONE to do. Do NOT let an injury rob you of this life-boosting fun.

    You're Not Going to Find This Intelligent Metabolic Program Anywhere Else - It's My Baby!

    Unless you've visited my clinic in North Carolina, you've never seen Metabolic Rest Training in action.

    And I can tell you from my unique combination of exhaustive research and 10,000 workouts training thousands of people... NO other program is as fast, efficient and effective at getting RESULTS as this.

    Sure you could try to string together a bunch of random exercises for 15 minutes, cross your fingers and HOPE you get the same results, but why take the risk?

    Did you choose the right metabolism-stimulating exercises? Are you putting yourself at risk of injury? Are you just making yourself bulky instead of lean and toned?

    And don't even think about asking your physician or personal trainer for advice!

    Your doctor MAY have the clinical advice. And your trainer the exercise advice.

    But NEITHER will have both the clinical AND exercise expertise and have worked with thousands of people in the real world to figure out what works and what doesn't.

    What makes Aftershock different is that it combines both. Not only is the research and scientific proof overwhelming, I've PERSONALLY proven it works with the people in my clinic.

    And isn't that what ultimately matters? Real results with REAL people?

    Now all you need is just 15 minutes a day, 3 times a week to trigger your body's metabolism to shrink your waist, re-charge your batteries and turn back the clock.

  • "I'm trimming the fat that jiggles in my arms"(Watch This Video)

    Losing weight for me has never been a problem. My problem has been keeping it off. And unfortunately, over the years of yo-yoing up and down I've destroyed my muscles leaving me with a flabby untoned body which I hated.

    Up until this point, I never found a program that actually deals with fixing a broken metabolism and that is why I'm so excited about Dr. Jades Metabolic Aftershock.

    I jumped in full-throttle and I am glad I did. The first week I lost 3 lbs. and the results have continued to come. So far I've lost 11 lbs, but more importantly I'm nailing pockets of fat in the places I needed to target. I can see my body toning.

    I'm trimming the fat that jiggles in my arms and my overall strength is increasing. Even my family recently commented that they see a difference in my muscle texture and tone and I'm absolutely thrilled.

    But the biggest benefit of this program is the 15 minute workouts. If I cant find 15 minutes three days a week, just pack it in. You know? There's really no excuse. Anybody can find 15 minutes a day.

    Tina Stuart -Southern CA*Disclaimer: Results will vary from individual to individual

    warning:Metabolic Aftershock is NOT for everyone...I've tried to make these workouts something ANYBODY can do, BUT if...

    You're not willing to push yourself AT ALL. Believe me, Metabolic Aftershock will push you... and then REWARD you...

    You think popping a pill is ALL you need to do to lose weight... You don't REALLY believe you can get the lean, toned body you dream about... You think the ONLY way to burn fat is with marathon running or extreme gym

    workouts... You're the type of person who likes to dream and wish and hope yet never takes action....

    If any of that sounds like you, I implore you... Do not buy Metabolic Aftershock.

    Save your copy for somebody who is going to USE it


  • "...the joint pain I had is gone.. my energy is through the roof."(Watch This Video)

    I started out this program weighing 237 pounds and now I'm down to 226 with 11 inches lost. When I started my waist was 44 and now it's slightly below 41 inches.

    Strength-wise, endurance has been a big thing for me. I've always been rather strong, but at age 47 I've been having a lot joint and knee pain, which has restricted me in the gym. However with Aftershock the joint pain I had is gone.

    My energy is through the roof and my strength is growing every day. When I started the program I could only do 10-12 pushups without resting and within 6 weeks I can do 30 without a problem.

    I work a job where I get up at 4:30 every morning so in the past I was exhausted when I got home at 5, plus having 3 teenagers and a 6 year old, I had almost no time to spend 1 or 2 hours in gym. With Aftershock, I'm extremely motivated for the first time in a long time because I know my workouts are only 15 minutes.

    John Moran -Downington, PA

    *Disclaimer: Results will vary from individual to individualMy Clients Pay Me $1,000 or More for This... But Now You Can Get it At a Fraction of the Price

    You COULD hire me privately to teach you this program, but, that would cost $400 PER HOUR, minimum.

    My typical client stays with me for at least 3 months, sometimes as long as 15 months, at least 2 times a month.

    So that's anywhere from $1,200 - $6,000 or more that it would cost to get my personal attention. Of course, it would be well worth it because my clients get results...and fast...and they have FUN while doing it.

    But instead of all that money and hassle, allow me to give you the same cutting edge "intelligent" program on your OWN terms, exactly WHEN you want, in the comfort of your OWN home, and at a FRACTION of seeing me in person.

    Metabolic Aftershock is a 3-DVD (video download option available) set worth at least $197. Its a steal at that price.

    However, I've convinced my publisher to offer you a special discount you'll see below.

    And there's ZERO risk to you as you'll see...


  • You're Totally Covered With MyPersonal 100% Risk-Free 90-DayTriple Money Back Guarantee...

    Look, I've done enough training over the past 25 years with thousands of clients and 10,000+ workouts to know that Metabolic Aftershock just flat out works.

    That's why I have no issue making you this triple guarantee that you'll SEE and feel the results -- the risk is ALL on me.

    Let's face it, all you care about is results, so if in the odd chance you don't see the results you want, you'll get your money back (less the small S&H fee)!

    Results Promise #1: You'll Find ANYBODY Can Do it...Men, women, young, old, in shape, out of shape, over-weight or under-motivated -- doesn't matter, it works for all, anyone can do it. I know I've said that a dozen times by now, but it's true -- that's what 10,000+ workouts have taught me -- how to make it work for ANYBODY.

    Results Promise #2: You'll See Results Fast...You'll quickly see results -- VISIBLE results -- like tighter muscles, a leaner tummy, reduced "trouble spots" and healthier skin. But also it's what you'll feel -- an electrical surge in energy, a mood that's on cloud 9, and sharp mental focus. And don't forget the huge age-fighting benefits of lower inflammation, lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure, a stronger heart and stronger lungs.

    Results Promise #3: You'll Stay Motivated...Finally, but most importantly -- because these routines are FUN...because they produce immediate RESULTS...and because they go so FAST and can be done ANYWHERE, I've removed every reason that destroys people's motivation to continue. You'll stay motivated, not through sheer willpower, but from the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction that, FINALLY, something works for you.

    Limited Copies Available at Special Price -- Hurry!...I'm fortunate to have teamed up with the fantastic folks at Natural Health Sherpa (The Sherpa) who have agreed to make

  • Metabolic Aftershock available to you today at the special grand opening discounted price you see below.Limited Time Grand Opening Special Pricing

    Inital Few Copies$37.00 (limited time)Next 500 Copies$97.00For all Others$147.00 (coming soon!)We share a mission to help get people the right advice that actually produces RESULTS -- quickly and easily. And that's why they've agreed to slash the $197 normal price down to the special discounted price you see below:

    There's just one hitch -- you must promise to share your success story with me! Those are incredibly motivating to others and help us spread the word as far as possible, getting people off the treadmill, out of the gym and into something that actually produces results -- quickly.

    I am not sure how long this incredible discount will be available, so I urge you to take action now, pocket the immediate savings and get your fat burning furnaces ready to start torching fat and leaning out flabby muscle.

    The Sherpa has been publishing world-class natural health experts for years and NOBODY does it better than them in my humble opinion; in fact, I wouldn't have agreed to do this program with anybody else other than them.

    They simply create the easiest to use, most effective natural health boosting products around, so reserve your copy now at this discounted price before someone else snaps it up!

    Order Today and Get These Bonuses FREE!

    When you order today, right now, you'll also get these extra goodies to help get you started as FAST as possible stripping off that troublesome, stubborn fat and unleashing that anti-aging cocktail of biochemicals that fight inflammation, clear out your arteries, get your blood sugar under control and optimize your cholesterol:

    BONUS #1: Rapid Results Quick Start Guide...

    If you want to start getting results the SAME day you get Aftershock, this rapid results guide is for you.

    It's a "cliff notes" tutorial that shows you how to get started torching fat, shaping muscle and fighting aging in 5 minutes or less.

    This is perfect if you are pressed for time, hate to read and just want to get to the "good stuff".

    Value $17



  • BONUS #2: Dr. Teta's Anti-Aging Secrets Interview...

    Discover how IL-6, a normally pro-inflammatory molecule, surprisingly turns into your most powerful ANTI-inflammatory molecule when triggered by Aftershock.

    For women, discover how Aftershock can trigger a surge in HGH, the powerful "youth hormone" that gives you a makeover from the inside out -- making your skin baby smooth, your bones strong and your hair and nails healthy and growing.

    For men, learn how Aftershock skyrockets your testosterone, packing on lean muscle mass, boosting your libido, and giving a huge boost to your mood and motivation -- this is ALL about getting your mojo back and getting things done!

    Value $27

    BONUS #3: Rapid Results Quick Start Guide...Get step-by-step instructions on how to do the special "intelligent" movements correctly to ensure you get the most powerful fat burning effects.

    Discover the 4 major biofeedback signals your body sends during your workout that tell you if you are doing things correctly to trigger the anti-aging benefits.

    How to do a state-of-the-art technique called vascular occlusion that floods your body with metabolism-enhancing molecules called myokines that permanently upgrade your ability to burn fat.

    Value $67

    BONUS #4: Bonus Fat Torching Burnout Session...

    Need better results sooner? Use these bonus sessions to torch even more fat and improve your body shape faster.

    Generates an extra surge in your "gas pedal" hormones that are like the first domino that falls when your anti-aging program is activated.

    This triggers the powerful cascade of anti-aging hormones that repair, upgrade and optimize your body and brain.

    Value $27

    Reserve Your Copy of Metabolic Aftershock


  • Check Below to See if the Grand Opening Discount is Still Available...Regular Price: $97

    wait!! Qualifying you for the grand opening discount...

    "Who doesn't have 15 minutes three times a week for results?"(Watch This Video)

    I started the Aftershock program approximately five weeks ago and so far I've lost 16 pounds and 25 inches. This is the best I've felt in years.

    I've got more energy. I feel better, I sleep better, my children tell me I have a better attitude and I can even see a difference in my skin and on my face.

    The speed and the convenience of the Aftershock program are wonderful because each workout is only 15 minutes plus you can do this anywhere. There's no excuse to skip exercise when it's only 15 minutes, three times a week. You can do itall you need is a DVD player or computer.

    Also, I love that they offer three different levels. There is the beginner level which I follow, there's the intermediate level and they demonstrate the advanced level for those who are in good physical condition.

    Metabolic Aftershock is a great program. I just can't say enough good things about it.

    Nancy Fee -Northern Virginia

    *Disclaimer: Results will vary from individual to individualYou Owe it to Yourself!JUST TRY THIS...It's my bet you KNOW you deserve to look better, feel better and have better health than you do right now. And you're ready to do something about it.

    You may THINK you've seen every fat-blasting workout program known to man... You may have tried eating like a bird and jogging until you're red-faced, gasping for

    breath and collapsing into a heap on the pavement... only to find your fat is still there... just mushier than before.

    You may even have tried doing some type of high-intensity program that "promised" to be ok for anyone to do, only to find out your joints couldn't take it, it put you at risk for injury, or you just couldn't keep up.


  • And if you've ever been duped by one of those "insane" home exercise programs that go on for hours... now you know the havoc it's wreaking on your metabolism...

    So it's totally understandable if you think this is one of "those" workout programs. A lot of effort for very little gain.

    However, this is different. This is a BREAKTHROUGH. I can ONLY say this confidently because of my work with thousands of clients in person, face to face. There's no arguing the actual results that I've seen.

    So start now, before it's too late.

    Because, frankly, not taking action right now just lets father time continue to damage your metabolism, sap you of energy, slowly torture you with rising pain and put you at increased risk for heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes and cancer.

    That stubborn, frustrating fat isnt going anywhere without a fight. Your energy will remain rooted to rock-bottom. And those all-too- visible signs of aging are only going to become more pronounced as you age.

    Yet, with Metabolic Aftershock, all of this can be reversed... in just 15 minutes a day, 3 times a week.

    Click Here to See if the Grand Opening 62% Discount is Still Available"I feel like my body is revved up" before

    afterI'm a working mom with three children. I lead a very busy life so getting stuck in the gym for 90 minutes, 6-days a week doesn't work for me. Plus with most of the home workout programs I was worried about injuring myself because the programs were so long and difficult. It happened to my husband. He was following one of the popular programs and during those crazy moves he tore his rotator cuff and hasn't been able to exercise since. That's why I love Aftershock because it's only 15 minutes. After you're done, you've pushed yourself very hard, but not to the point of injury.

    I've lost 10 lbs. and 10 inches so I see it working, but I also feel it working. I definitely feel more energetic and that happen quicker with this workout than others. In addition I feel like my body is revved up. I finished the workout this morning and even now my body temperature is elevated even while sitting in an air conditioned room. Something is going on. I worked out hard and it's


  • paying off and it's going to pay off until I work out again.

    Having three kids and a job, I need to have my strength and I definitely have it. I feel stronger and now I have more energy and power to get through my day.

    Jennifer Ring Sonoma County, CA

    *Disclaimer: Results will vary from individual to individualSounds Totally Crazy, But Just Imagine for a Second...

    Waking up each morning with the vibrant energy you had in your twenties.

    Jumping out of bed, pain-free, excited to see what the day has in store...

    Feeling alive, full of hope and optimism...

    And as you look in the mirror you smile because you look better and better each day. More shapely, more lean, more toned.

    Heck... you even LOOK happier!

    Your friends and family are noticing something "different" about you. And pretty soon they're asking what "your secret" is.

    You're getting a visible return on your workouts at last.

    Yes it's true that youve been LIED to in the past.

    You were told endless cardio was the best way to get the body you wanted... You were told sweating bullets at the gym for hours was the ONLY way to strip away fat

    and keep it off... And you were even told the more extreme, the tougher, the more pain-inducing the

    better... And then there are all the false hopes and the crushing disappointments when whatever

    you try just plain doesn't work.However, today is the day you take responsibility.

    Today is the day you take that first, crucial step towards something that will WORK for you -- something that allows you to turn back the clock, get back into life and enjoy the things you once enjoyed.

    Dr. Jade Teta

    P.S. Remember... every day that goes by, your aging, damaged metabolism piles on more fat to your body -- leaving you at risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Right now, you can win the


  • fight against fat with a system of short, fun, 45-second sequenced movements. Try it NOW while there's still time...

    P.P.S. And don't forget... you have 90 days to take Metabolic Aftershock for a test drive. Watch the DVDs and follow my lead. You've got beginner, intermediate and advanced workouts, so it's perfect whatever your level. If youre not thrilled at how quickly the fat falls off and how rapidly you begin to feel more energetic, vibrant and alive... simply drop me a line at the email address provided for a full, no hassles refund.

    Click Here to See if the Grand Opening 62% Discount is Still AvailableP.P.P.S. Listen... you may think you've seen every fat-stripping workout program known to man. For instance...

    Cardio. Running, cycling, or doing aerobics for hours on end not only drives up your stress and hunger hormones, but it does very little to burn fat... even worse, it makes your muscles saggy.

    Or Weight Lifting. If you are trying to become the next Mr. or Mrs. Olympia, great, but beware, most strength routines just make you look bulkier -- like putting a sweater on under a coat!

    Or how about Interval Training. Yeah, this is a step in the right direction in terms of fat burning, but what if you are 50, 60 or 70? Do you REALLY see yourself doing these crazy high intensity routines?

    Or maybe CrossFit. There's a reason why CrossFit is an orthopedic surgeon's best friend - TONS of injuries! Done correctly, it CAN be great, but most don't and that's when injuries to shoulders, knees and lower back can happen. Watch out!!!

    And Yoga. Overall fantastic at coordination, flexibility and functional strength, but for the tremendous amount of time put in, its not the best when it comes to fat burning.

    Reality is... while each of these exercises have some good qualities, they're all lousy at generating significant fat loss -- especially for women and men over 35.

    Instead, consider Metabolic Aftershock -- a fat burning, youth-enhancing system specifically designed to get the MOST amount of results in the LEAST amount of time:

    Fat loss not just during each session, but for days afterward. That's instead of burning fat only during strenuous exercise

    You're burning fat AND shaping lean muscle at the same time, not just doing one or the other

    The program is delivered on 3 short DVDs, NOT 60 plus There are only 3 sessions 3 times a week, not one every single every day of the week Each session is only 15 short minutes, instead of grueling 45-60 minute sessions an hour

    a day. You can rest when you need to, instead of being forced to push yourself longer and

    longer, harder and harder, beyond your physical breaking point No equipment, no expensive memberships, no fad gadgets You're burning off stubborn fat 24/7, instead of just while you're working out

  • You're burning fat for energy AND building lean muscle at the same time, instead of doing just one or the other

    You get the point. Metabolic Aftershock is designed to be simple and easy-to-follow through long term.

    Click on the button below and lets get you started with your metabolic makeover today...

    "65 years old, 14 lbs in 5 weeks and the best shape in years..."(Watch This Video)

    I'm 65 years old and a retired police officer. I started the pro gram about five weeks ago and within that short period I started out at 228 pounds and I am now 214 pounds.

    But more importantly are the inches I've lost. I lost about two-and-a-half inches on my hips, about two inches on my waist and I've gained inches on my chest and my arms. So, to me, that is also very important. I've got more to go, but I firmly believe this is the program that is going to get me where I ultimately want to be. One aspect of this program I have to brag about is the time. This program is only 15 minutes and when I'm done it feels like I've been in the gym for an hour and 40 minutes. I can't express what

    an asset that is to me because that offers me more time to spend with my wife and four-year old grandson.

    My life right now, as far as fitness level, is better than it has been in probably three years. However, that being said, I can really see with this program it's just going to get better. And, again, I go back to the timethe 15 minutes. I can do anything for 15 minutes. If you can't put 15 minutes aside for your health, then you don't deserve this program. It's easy and extremely convenient and I see the results because I am getting stronger and leaner every day.

    *Disclaimer: Results will vary from individual to individual"Lost 18 ! pounds...I'm taking charge over my health again..."(Watch This Video)

    Within the first 5 weeks I've lost 18 " pounds, and a little more than 16 inches in that timeframe. I'm definitely sleeping better. I have more energy. I'm just happier.

    I feel lighter inside and confident because I am taking charge over my health again and taking healthier care of myself, which makes me a better wife and a better mother.

    A few years ago I lost 110 lbs. and kept it off for years, but after an injury and a series of stressful times I allowed all the weight to come back which made me irritated and frustrated with myself for giving up. So when I heard about this program I knew this was my opportunity to start

  • over again and I am glad I did.

    I absolutely love this program. It's easy, fast and I can fit it in quickly before my kids get

    My joints don't ache anymore. I don't fight brain fog anymore. I don't crave sweets. I don't think about food. I eat for energy and fuel, and

    I go about my day. And it just makes me a happier person. All of those things, theyre all little individually, but they add up into this huge package of... Wow, Really?

    15 minutes, 3 times a week has made a huge impact on my entire life, all the way around. I look forward to continuing this and taking back control of my life.
