Download - Messenger 02-25-16

  • 7/24/2019 Messenger 02-25-16


    WorshipServicesThree unique



    are offered on


    8 a.m.McMurryChapelInformal worship

    with a personal

    touch. Sharing

    prayer concerns

    is welcomed.

    8:50 a.m.SanctuaryWorship that

    includes a

    childrens time

    and musicfrom the Agape


    11 a.m.SanctuaryWorship with

    music from the

    Chancel Choir.

    204 S. Ninth St. Columbia, MO 65201-4818 573-443-3111 February 25, 2016 Volume 29, Number 8

    Try one of ourADULT SMALL GROUPS

    SUNDAYS AT 10 A.M.CLC 107-9 Adult Bible Study


    CLC 106-8 Covenant

    CLC 110 CrossWalk

    302 Seekers

    This Sunday, Feb. 28Worship at 8am, 8:50am & 11amThe High Places: Mountains and


    Rev. Kendall Waller

    Rev It Up at 10am

    Grace Notes Choir (2nd-5th grade) meetsin the Chapel at 6pm

    Our Gift to You:Each family unit orsingle person in the congregation will

    receive a Lenten devotional with 40 days

    of reection based on the book The Way.This is our gift to you - a way to connect

    and go deeper into the series daily. Drop

    by the bookstore table in the Connector.(Please note the devotional book willreplace the Growing Deeply Guide

    typically in the worship bulletin duringLent).

    New Worship ServiceDuring Lent, the Missouri United

    Methodist Church College-age Ministry

    (Ignite) is offering an additional service

    at 10:30am in the Chapel on Sunday

    mornings. We encourage all students to

    "come as they are" and bring a friend to

    this time of contemporary worship andteaching during the season of Lent.

    Welcome Amy CrousoreAmy Crousore joins the team as the administrative

    assistant for discipleship ministries. She will be workingwith Nancy Cooper, Kim Parker, Hank Jenkins and CharityGoodwin. She brings more than a decade of experience asan administrator. She is also an accomplished organist.

    Were so blessed to have her share her faith, gifts, andgraces with us in this position.

  • 7/24/2019 Messenger 02-25-16


    2 MISSOURIUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH February 18, 2016 -Vol. 29, No.

    MUMY MISSOURI UMC YOUTHSUNDAYS at 10 a.m. & 5 p.m.

    WEDNESDAYS at 6 p.m.

    CONTACT:Rev. Hank Jenkins

    [email protected], 443-3111Facebook group: MOUMY

    Twitter @MUMYHank

    Weekly Gathering & Bible StudyTuesdays at 7:30 p.m.

    Cornerstone Coffee ShopRev. Kim Parker at [email protected]

    Infants (Birth-18 months) W5

    Terrifc Twos W7

    Preschool W4

    Pre-K W3

    K-1st Grade CLC 103

    2nd Grade CLC 102

    3rd Grade CLC 104

    4th-5th Grade CLC 105

    Childrens Sunday School 10 a.m.

    Mission of the MonthWhen you visit the coffee shop in

    February your tips will support theMission of the Month: MozambiquePartnership.

    Make Missouri Your Church HomeIf you sense God calling you to join the church bybaptism, transfer, or profession of faith, we welcome youto do so. Simply, email Pastor Charity at [email protected] expressing your interest or ask questions you mayhave that will help you make a decision.

    Bring your own dinner & fellowship 5-6pm

    Pastoral teaching & experiences at 6pmMinistries for all ages

    Room at the Inn Winter ShelterDonations: payable to MUMCwith RATI noted.

    If youd like to volunteer, let

    us know:

    [email protected]

    PIE Volunteer OpportunityOur Partner in Education (PIE), Jeff Middle School, istaking their reading classes to Barnes and Noble onWednesday, March 23 and they would like our helpchaperoning the group. We need two volunteers for

    each shift: 8am-11am and noon-2:35pm. If you can

    help, please contact Ann Merrield, 573-864-1839 [email protected].

    Missouri United MethodistWomen ScholarshipIf you are a woman who is afliated with MUMC and hascompleted two years of study at an accredited college or

    University, you may be eligible for the UMW scholarship.Applications and criteria are available in the UMW mailboxin a folder marked UMW Scholarship or contact SondraFlaker, Scholarship chairperson at [email protected].

    Invitation: Mission Study TourHave you ever wondered how your mission contributionsare used in other lands?You are invited to join the Rainbow Network "Go andSee" mission study tour to Nicaragua, March 30-April 3.

    On Wednesday, travel to Nicaragua, and join others fordinner at the Best Western Hotel. On Thursday and Fridayvisit healthcare, education, economic development, and

    housing programs in numerous villages. On Saturday,return home or enjoy an optional day of sightseeing, and

    travel home on Sunday. Cost, Wednesday-Sunday, doubleoccupancy, is $575 plus airfare. For more informationand to register go to or call Rainbow

    Network, 417-889-8088. You may also ask Judy Parsonsand Cleo Kottwitz who were inspired and motivated by thetour last year, 573-446-0799.

  • 7/24/2019 Messenger 02-25-16


    WiFi password for MOUMC-PUBLIC: cornerstone

    Mozambique Mission NewsMissouri UMC has a long and deeply meaningful

    relationship with our brothers and sisters in Mozambique,and we now have an awesome opportunity for you to

    come and learn more about our partnership. Rev. NaftalOliveira Massela Naftal, Director of Institutional andProgram Development, Mozambique Annual Conferenceof the United Methodist Church and Ezequiel Nhantumbo,Representative in Mozambique, Mozambique Initiative,will be with us on Tuesday, March 1 from 6-7pm for a

    brief presentation followed by a question and answersession. This conversation will take place in CLC 103.Come and learn more about this important ministry atMissouri UMC.

    Upcoming American Guild ofOrganists EventsFeb. 27 at 3pm:Organ recital at Fayette with Dr. DelDisselhorst

    March 13 at 4pm: Lenten/Holy Week/Easter MembersConcert at Central United Church of Christ,118 W. Ashley

    in Jefferson City

    Open Door Meets March 17The Feb. 18th meeting of the Open Door Ministry hasbeen canceled as the group just met on Feb. 4 to discussissues related to the upcoming General Conference. The

    next meeting of the Open Door Ministry is scheduled forThursday, March 17 from 7-9pm in CLC 107/109. We hopeto see you then!

    Say HELLO to HospitalityIm so proud to work on the team that serves andgreets our members and guests. A dedicated group ofpeople with hospitality hearts are preparing to lead a

    hospitality workshop called HELLO. Our new vision isa simple but intentional approach to hospitality. Weenvision HELLO hospitality. HELLO stands for HelpingEveryone Learn and Love Others. Our purpose is tocreate a culture of hospitality that extends beyondthose wearing ofcial usher/greeter welcome . Truly,the privilege to be hospitable belongs to each of us ---yes you too!

    Imagine your smile, energy, and the welcome with

    which you greet guests to your home. Likewise, wewelcome guests who step through the threshold of

    Gods house.

    Hospitality is both welcoming and inviting. That is,welcoming those who show up at the door as well as

    inviting people to be in relationship with you and laterwith Christ. (Were starting with welcoming, for now).

    HELLO hospitality builds community, it builds up people,it builds up Christs love in and through us, and it buildslearning.

    Two things that might inuence my hospitality:

    Scripture: Welcome one another, therefore, just as

    Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans


    Ive learned that people will forget what you said,

    people will forget what you did, but people will neverforget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou

    If any of this excites or intrigues you we welcome you

    to participate in the hands-on HELLO workshop onMonday, March 7 at 6pm in Whittler Hall. Indicate yourpresence by signing up on our website or on the Sundaytear-off. Below is one way to identify ways to offer

    hospitality. Some of the ways have not been createdand we welcome your participation in creating a new

    method such as the parking greeter wholl consider allfour blocks we sit on as well as the parking garage aslocations where greeters smile, say hello and direct

    people into the church.

    We look forward to seeing you who are already servingin hospitality, those who are interested in serving, as

    well as representativesfrom various ministry

    groups all of you are



    The Hospitality Team

    by way of Pastor Charity

    HELLO Hospitality WorkshopMonday, March 7 at 6pm

    Whittler Hall

  • 7/24/2019 Messenger 02-25-16


    Missouri UMCTransforms into thePicturehouse forthe True/False FilmFestivalThis

    Week!March 3-6

    Missouri United Methodist Church

    204 S. Ninth St.

    Columbia, MO 65201-4899





    Columbia, MO

    USPS No. 355460

    The Messenger (USPS No. 355460) is published weekly except the last week of the year by Missouri United Methodist Church at 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO. Periodical postage paid at Columbia, MO

    POSTMASTER: for change of address, send to Missouri United Methodist Church Messenger, 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO 65201-4818, February 25, 2016

    Staff: Kathy Carson, Building & Office Administrator; Ashley Cooper, Nursery Coordinator; Nancy Cooper, Childrens & Family Life Leader;Amy Crousore, Administrative Assistant for Discipleship; Adriene Floyd, Executive Assistant; Courtney Gaunt, Director, Discovery Days; Teressa Gilbreth,Director of Communications; Charity Goodwin-Rosario, Pastor of Discipleship; Brad Hegemann, Financial Assistant; Marty Hook, Director of Music;Hank Jenkins, Pastor of Youth Ministries; Jo Lee, Events Coordinator; Trista Soendker Nicholson, Pastor of Worship and Leadership; Kim Parker,Pastor of New Generations; Karl Schnase, Facility Steward; Kendall Waller, Lead Pastor; Blake Ward, Facility Steward; Preston Williams, Tech & FacilitySteward; Anna Zacherl, Assistant Director, Discovery DaysMusic Staff: Craig Datz, Organist; Kaye Miller, Director of Wesleyan Ringers; Rochelle Parker, Associate Organist; Marilyn Rowe, Serendipity Choir;

    Rachel Blomquist, Grace Notes Choir

    The church provides bus transportation to the 11am Sunday worship service.

    Call 443-3111 before noon on Fridays. Bus service is available to all.

    Worship Attendance on Sunday, Feb. 21: 562Join us for Worship: Sunday mornings at 8am in McMurry Chapel & 8:50am and 11am in the Sanctuary.

    Sunday small groups and classes for all ages at 10am.

    Want to get the Church Newsletter via email? Have you changed email addresses? Go to: to subscribe or update.

    We exist to connect all people with Jesus Christ. We do this bywelcoming enthusiastically, growing deeply and serving courageously.

    Photo Disclaimer: Services and events hosted by the church are considered public. The church has permission to use images of church members for promotion, publicity and

    outreach materials unless advised through a non-consent form. The church will not attach names to the photographs of individuals or groups unless prior permission is given. To obtain a

    non-consent form, please contact the church ofce.


    For birthdays please contact TeressaGilbreth in the church ofce at 443-

    3111 or [email protected]