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Messaging  Civil  Legal  Aid

Presentation  of  research  findings  from  eight  focus  groups  and  a  survey  of  voters  conducted  between  2013  and  2015

Celinda  Lake,  Daniel  Gotoff,  and  Dawn  HoffmanWashington,  DC  |  Berkeley,  CA  |  New  York,  NYLakeResearch.com202.776.9066

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Overview• Lake Research has conducted several phases of research on behalf of on

behalf of Voices for Civil Justice over the past several years.

• The initial 2013 research included voter focus groups and a survey, exploringbaseline attitudes toward Civil Legal Aid—including relevant institutions,program components, messages, and actors—as well as support forincreasing funding for Civil Legal Aid.

• Additional focus groups in 2015 further refined the language, messages, andmessengers that should be used in a message campaign seeking to advanceaccess to Civil Legal Aid, as well as to grow support for the Conference ofChief Justices’ resolution, “Meaningful Access to Justice for All.”

• More recent research confirmed the findings of previous research thatobserved low levels of awareness about Civil Legal Aid, but broad support forthe principles that underpin the program.


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The current climate suggests messages in support of civil legal aid may bemore relevant than ever:

• Notions of ‘fairness’ and ‘access’ extend beyond the justice system to other salientissues like access to healthcare and immigration. For example, amidst threats to repealthe Affordable Care Act, a recent Pew survey (January 2017) finds a growing share ofAmericans believe the federal government has a responsibility to make sure allAmericans have healthcare coverage (60% government responsibility, 38% notgovernment responsibility).

• In the wake of the travel ban, major news outlets around the country ran headlines andimages showing the rush of support from the legal community to offer their servicespro-­‐bono to individuals impacted by the ban.

• This may present an opportunity to engage Americans on issues related to civil legal aid– many groups have announced their intention to mobilize services and supports formarginalized groups negatively impacted by new policies.

• What’s more, proposed budget cuts impacting people with disabilities, seniors, andothers, might provide additional openings to talk about issues related to basic fairnessand the cause of civil justice.

• While Voices for Civil Justice has plans to further refine and test messaging movingforward, we should assume existing messaging continues to resonate and advance thecause of Civil Legal Aid locally and nationally.


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Overview  of  Findings


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Pro-­‐bono  lawyers

Legal  aid  self-­‐help  centers

Legal  aid  lawyers

Civil  legal  aid

The  justice  system


Civil  legal  services

Court  self-­‐help  centers


The  civil  justice  system

UnfavorableNet NO/NH

+53   22

Favorability  Ratings


+  4828





+24 8+22 21









Now  I'd  like  to  ask  you  about  some  terms.    For  each,  please  tell  me  whether  you  have  a  VERY  favorable,  SOMEWHAT  favorable,  somewhat  UNFAVORABLE,  or  VERY  unfavorable  impression.  If  you  have  heard  of  the  term  but  do  not  know  enough  to  have  an  impression  [5]  or  if  you  haven’t  heard  of  the  term  [6],  just  say  so,  and  we  will  move  on.  Have  you  heard  of  [READ  NAME]

Darker  colors  indicate  intensity.

The civil justice system and Civil Legal Aid are both viewed favorably, butimpressions are thin. “Pro-­‐bono lawyers” and “legal aid self-­‐help centers” elicitthe most positive responses.

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Majorities register dissatisfaction with the workings of both the justicesystem in general, and the civil justice system in particular.





Excellent  /good Just  fair  /poor Undecided

The  justice  system



63 19

Excellent  /good Just  fair  /poor Undecided

The  civil justice  system

Darker  colors  indicate  intensity.

How  would  you  rate  the  job  the  justice  system  is  doing?  Is  it  doing  an  excellent,  good,  just  fair,  or  poor  job?How  would  you  rate  the  job  the  civil justice  system  is  doing?  Is  it  doing  an  excellent,  good,  just  fair,  or  poor  job?

Job Performance

Negative  Advantage:  +43 Negative  

Advantage:  +27

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There is a large discrepancy between the perceptions of the importanceof access to Civil Legal Aid and one’s actual ability to access such aid.





1 1

Extremely  important

Very  important

Somewhat  important

Not  too  important

Not  at  all  important

Importance  of  Access

How  important  is  it  to  ensure  everyone  has  access  to  legal  help  or  legal  representation  for  civil legal  matters?  Is  it  extremely  important,  very  important,  somewhat  important,  a  little  important,  or  not  at  all  important?  On  a  scale  from  1  to  10  with  1  being  extremely  easy  and  10  being  extremely  difficult,  how  easy  or  difficult  do  you  think  it  is  to  obtain  legal  help  or  legal  representation  for  civil legal  matters?











Access  Difficulty



Increasing  Difficulty

Extreme  Difficulty

40%  Difficult82% believe it is important to

ensure everyone has access tolegal help or legal representationfor civil matters

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“It  just  depends  how  much  money  the  person  has  and  what  lawyers  they  can  

get.”  Richmond  man  -­‐ Whites

There is a consensus that the justice system is inherently unfair, failing toserve all people equally—with wealth a major factor.


“I  feel  like  it’s  a  second  story  window.    Access  to  justice  is  accessible  to  those  with  the  stilts.”  –

Denver  man  -­‐ Millennials

“Oh  I  was  gonna say  that  whether  we  want  to  believe  it  or  not  I  think  we  live  in  a  very  racist  society  and  I  think  it  

breaks  down.    I  mean  you  see  it  when  the  preponderance  of  inmates  are  95%  African-­‐American  and  they  don’t  have  any  money.    And  you  get  a  little  white  boy  in  there  that  has  a  lot  of  money,  he’s  not  going  to  jail.    It’s  not  fair  but  seems  to  be  the  way  of  the  world” – Richmond  woman  -­‐


“You  know  I  do  feel  like  a  lot  of  minority  people  do  get…prosecuted  for  things  that  

some  of  other  people  might  not  get  prosecuted  for.  I  do  feel  like  that  

happens.”  – Richmond  woman  -­‐ Whites

“I'm  more  of  a  conservative  but,  but  I  think  this  is  important,  when  they  say  justice  for  all  they  should  mean  it  including  for  civil  cases.”  – Denver  woman  -­‐


“I’m  black,  if  I  commit  a  crime  in  Texas,  do  you  really  think  I’m  going  to  get  a  fair  trial  in  Texas,  or  Kentucky?  And  I  would  have  to  say  no.”  Richmond  woman  – African  American

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The criminal justice system is the cultural ‘default’ for the ‘justice system’.

• “Well it just seems that there’s been an awful lot of focus on negativity as far as policeand brutality and that sort of thing rather than you know…obviously they do awonderful job. 99% of the police force is great but when you have certain individualsthat think they have more power than one individual that’s when it gets a little scary.”Richmond woman – Whites

• “The war on drugs backfired in a big way, over-­‐incarcerating in particular blacks suchthat a huge proportion of African-­‐Americans are behind bars for really minor offensesor what most people would call minor offenses but the law calls serious.” Richmondwoman – Whites

• “I actually did hear something good about, it was an officer just this week, there was afight going on at school and she just like hopped in the middle of them and starteddancing the nae nae. (laughter) And like the girl, the girl stopped fighting and starteddancing with her.” Denver man – Millennial

• “….Part of our society problems are that um people aren't really being punished howthey should be or you know they're, they're getting too many chances; whether it's likedriving under the influence,” Denver man – Latinos


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Voters have concerns about a glut of ‘frivolous’ lawsuits, including theimpact of such on their own finances. The tort reform movement—andits lexicon—has had strong traction.


– “But then if the problem with that is, okay, yeah anybody can start but then thattakes resources and time away from me and that I have to defend a frivolouslawsuit.” Denver man – Millennial

– Things you would do…. “Punish people who bring too many frivolous lawsuits.”Denver man – Latinos

– “Yeah frivolous lawsuits. There would need to be some rules laid down as to whatcould be brought to court. “ Denver woman – Latinos

– “I would just add one thing, that the case should be determined to be non-­‐frivolousfirst, you know just because a lot of people might take advantage.” Denver woman– Latinos

– “Everybody can file now whether it's frivolous, meaningless, whatever you can...”Richmond woman – African Americans

– “The courts are already backlogged with frivolous lawsuits as it is.” Richmondwoman – African Americans

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Provide  easy  to  understand  forms  that  people  can  use  to  file  their  


Provide  legal  assistance  so  people  can  know  their  rights

Provide  online  legal  assistance  so  people  can  know  their  rights  and  


Provide  legal  representation  to  those  who  cannot  afford  it

Provide  easy  to  understand  online  forms  that  people  can  use  to  file  

their  lawsuit


Services  Provided  – Tier  1

Voters  most  prefer  civil  legal  services  that  provide  access  or  assistance  to  help  people  know  their  rights.  ‘Online’  services  are  more  desirable  among  younger  audiences,  less  so  among  older.  

NetFavor  -­‐ Oppose


Now  I  will  read  a  list  of  services  provided  by  civil  legal  aid  organizations.    Please  tell  me  for  each  item,  whether  you  strongly  favor,  somewhat  favor,  somewhat  oppose,  or  strongly  oppose  each  service.    [REPEAT  PROMPT  AFTER  EVERY  3rd ITEM]    Do  you  strongly  favor,  somewhat  favor,  somewhat  oppose,  or  strongly  oppose  providing  this  service.

Each  asked  of  ½  the  sample.  Darker  colors  indicate  intensity.  





Under  50:  72/94Over  50:  73/93

Under  50:  72/94Over  50:  59/87

Under  50:  68/94Over  50:  70/93

Under  50:  69/96Over  50:  68/89

Top  service  in  previous  research

Strongly  Favor Total  Favor

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Provide  self-­‐help  centers  where  court  staff  can  help  people  learn  what  they  have  to  do  to  present  their  cases

Provide  self-­‐help  centers  where  people  can  learn  what  they  have  to  do  

to  present  their  cases

Have  legal  aid  lawyers  provide  legal  representation  to  those  who  cannot  

afford  it

Provide  guidance  and  advice  to  solve  civil  legal  problems

Reduce  the  number  of  court  cases  through  mediations  and  other  legal  assistance,  thereby  freeing  up  the  


Provide  free  legal  representation  to  those  who  cannot  afford  it


Services  Provided  – Tier  2

The  second  tier  of  services  that  voters  prioritize  emphasizes  self-­‐help  centers,  legal  aid  lawyers,  and  reducing  the  amount  of  court  cases  through  mediation.


Now  I  will  read  a  list  of  services  provided  by  civil  legal  aid  organizations.    Please  tell  me  for  each  item,  whether  you  strongly  favor,  somewhat  favor,  somewhat  oppose,  or  strongly  oppose  each  service.    [REPEAT  PROMPT  AFTER  EVERY  3rd ITEM]    Do  you  strongly  favor,  somewhat  favor,  somewhat  oppose,  or  strongly  oppose  providing  this  service.

Each  asked  of  ½  the  sample.  Darker  colors  indicate  intensity.  






Strongly  Favor Total  Favor

NetFavor  -­‐ Oppose

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For  children  and  parents  who  are  denied  child  support

For  seniors  who  are  denied  lawful  benefits  like  social  security  and  Medicare

For  seniors  who  are  denied  lawful  benefits

For  ill  or  disabled  people  who  are  denied  lawful  benefits

For  children  who  need  a  stable  home  or  special  education  

For  women  who  are  victims  of  domestic  violence  

For  veterans  and  military  families  who  are  denied  lawful  benefits

For  children  who  are  not  in  a  stable  home

Groups  That  Should  Receive  Civil  Legal  Aid  – Tier  1Very  Important  (10)


While  voters  would  like  to  see  Civil  Legal  Aid  available  to  all  Americans  on  a  sliding  scale,  they  nevertheless  make  distinctions  about  who  they  believe  is  most  deserving  of  these  services:  children,  veterans,  seniors,  ill  or  disabled  people,  and  victims  of  domestic  violence.    

While  positioning  the  program  in  the  broadest  terms,  we  can  draw  particular  focus  to  these  groups.    











On  a  scale  from  0-­‐10,  where  10  means  extremely  important,  0  means  not  important  at  all,  and  you  can  be  anywhere  in  between,  how  important  do  you  think  it  is  to  have  civil  legal  help  or  representation  in  the  following  circumstances?  If  you  are  not  sure  how  you  feel  about  a  particular  item,  please  say  so.  Here’s  the  first  one.  [READ  FIRST  ITEM.  PROMPT  EVERY  THIRD ITEM:]  How  important  do  you  think  it  is  to  have  civil  legal  help  or  representation  in  that  circumstance?

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For  tenants  in  landlord  disputes

For  consumers  wronged  by  businesses

For  immigrants  cheated  out  of  lawful  wages  or  denied  lawful  benefits  on  …

For  a  person  seeking  spousal  support

For  consumers  bankrupted  by  predatory  lenders

For  homeowners  facing  foreclosure

For  consumers  wronged  by  corporations

For  tenants  facing  wrongful  eviction

For  a  parent  in  a  child  custody  dispute

For  homeowners  facing  foreclosure  due  to  fraudulent  schemes

For  workers  cheated  out  of  wages  or  hours  abuses  or  denied  lawful  benefits

Groups  That  Should  Receive  Civil  Legal  Aid  – Tier  2Very  Important  (10)


Workers,  homeowners,  tenants,  and  consumers  are  all  lower  priorities  for  voters  when  it  comes  to  the  groups  they  believe  should  receive  Civil  Legal  Aid.    



On  a  scale  from  0-­‐10,  where  10  means  extremely  important,  0  means  not  important  at  all,  and  you  can  be  anywhere  in  between,  how  important  do  you  think  it  is  to  have  civil  legal  help  or  representation  in  the  following  circumstances?  If  you  are  not  sure  how  you  feel  about  a  particular  item,  please  say  so.  Here’s  the  first  one.  [READ  FIRST  ITEM.  PROMPT  EVERY  THIRD ITEM:]  How  important  do  you  think  it  is  to  have  civil  legal  help  or  representation  in  that  circumstance?











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32 25

Support Oppose Undecided

Increase  Funding  (taxes  mentioned)

Pluralities support increased funding of Civil Legal Aid, even if it requires anincrease in taxes, though that framing produces a narrower margin of support.



24 25


Support Oppose Undecided

Increase  Funding  (taxes  not  mentioned)

As it currently stands, the organizations that provide civil legal help and representation to those who cannot afford it are funded by both public andprivate sources. Public funding comes from federal, state and local governments. Private support comes from charitable donations and foundationgrants as well as from the volunteer services of private lawyers, law students and others. However, funding for civil legal aid meets only 20% of thedemand. Would you support or oppose SPLIT A: increasing government funding for this program SPLIT B:even if it means an increase in your taxes , orare you undecided? [IF SUPPORT/OPPOSE] And do you feel that way strongly, or not-­‐so strongly?

+24 +9

Initial  Ballots

Dem:  71%GOP:  33%Ind:  40%

Dem:  8%GOP:  38%Ind:  32%

Dem:  21%GOP:  25%Ind:  28%

Dem:  53%GOP:  30%Ind:  43%

Dem:  26%GOP:  48%Ind:  30%

Dem:  21%GOP:  20%Ind:  27%

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After voters hear both sides of the debate, support narrowly crosses the majoritythreshold. While there is little difference between the effectiveness of the two positivemessage frames, the best positioning places the cost-­‐savings argument within the broaderframe of assuring fairness for all, regardless of how much money you have.


Now,  I’d  like  to  read  you  two  different  statements  people  have  made  about  increasing  funding  for  civil  legal  aid,  the  network of organizations  that  provide  legal  help  and  representation  in  civil  legal  matters  to  those  who  cannot  afford  it.  Please  listen  to  both.  Sometimes  over  the  course  of  a  survey  like  this,  people  change  their  minds.    Would  you  support  or  oppose  increasing  government  funding  for  this  program,  or  are  you undecided?  [IF  SUPPORT/OPPOSE]  And  do  you  feel  that  way  strongly,  or  not-­‐so  strongly?


25 2139


Support Oppose Undecided

Heard  ‘Savings’




Support Oppose Undecided

Heard  ‘Justice’

+25 +27

Engaged  Debate  Ballots

Dem:  68%GOP:  31%Ind:  53%

Dem:  16%GOP:  47%Ind:  24%

Dem:  16%GOP:  22%Ind:  18%

Dem:  76%GOP:  37%Ind:  47%

Dem:  10%GOP:  41%Ind:  27%

Dem:  13%GOP:  20%Ind:  25%

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Text  of  Engaged  Debate  MessagesOURMESSAGE:  JUSTICEFor the millions who are facing a life crisis of some sort every day, the most powerful and effective response oftenincludes some kind of legal help. This does not necessarily mean a lawyer in a courtroom. In fact, with civil legal aid,most cases are resolved without a trial. But knowledgeable guidance through a complex legal system, even somethingas simple as using a self-­‐help center in a library, can provide the knowledge, advice and influence that means thedifference between winning—and losing everything. It’s not just about justice for children, seniors, veterans, or victimsof domestic violence. Civil legal aid makes the justice system fairer and more accountable for everyone.

OUR  MESSAGE:  SAVINGSPeople who represent themselves because they cannot afford an attorney are often unprepared and add thousands ofhours of extra work to court staff every year, crowding the courts. Civil legal aid empowers people to navigate andunderstand the legal system and cuts down on court costs. Most cases with civil legal aid are resolved without a trial.Civil legal aid gets a return of approximately $6 for every $1 spent in communities where it is offered. In Texas, itgenerates about $47.5 million in yearly fiscal revenues for the state and local governments. Moreover, across thecountry, civil legal aid has a major impact in terms of public costs saved – homelessness prevented, health benefitssecured, and domestic violence harms averted. Providing civil legal aid is a smart investment that saves us money.

OPPONENT  MESSAGECivil legal aid is an expensive, government-­‐funded welfare program that only contributes to our costly overreliance onbig government. We cannot fund everything, and government has basic responsibilities to the American people that itmust fulfill first and get the deficit down. There are better ways to safeguard rights without taking more of our hard-­‐earned tax dollars. Plus, the people who would have to pay the bill, middle-­‐class families, do not qualify for theprogram even though they may not be able to afford a lawyer and need legal help. We need to invest our tax dollars inbetter schools, safety, and other vital programs that benefit us all, not just a few. Civil legal aid already gets enough ofour tax dollars, it doesn’t need more.

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Equal  access

Justice  for  all

Level  playing  field

Protects  vulnerable

David  vs.  Goliath


Streamlines  courts/focus  on  services

Empowerment  w/self-­‐help  centers

Streamlines  courts/focus  on  costs

Increased  access  =  strong  communities

Helps  everyone  -­‐ self-­‐help  for  all

Supporter  Messages  – Tier  1

The  most  persuasive  messages  are  values  based  and  all  tend  to  operate  around  a  central  theme  of  fair  treatment—ensuring  all  Americans  receive  justice  regardless  of  how  much  money  they  have.  

NETConvincing  –Not  Convincing











+68Now  I  am  going  to  read  you  messages  in  support  of  increasing  funding  for  civil  legal  aid.  Please  tell  me  whether  the  statement  I read  is  a  very  convincing,  somewhat  convincing,  not  too  convincing,  or  not  at  all  convincing  reason  to  support  this.  If  you  are  not  sure  how you  feel  about  a  particular  item,  please  say  so.  PROMPT:  Is  that  a  VERY  convincing,  SOMEWHAT  convincing,  NOT  TOO  convincing,  or  not  AT  ALL  convincing  reason  to  support  increasing  funding  for  civil  legal  aid?

Fairness  Themed  Messages

Each  asked  of  ½  the  sample.  Darker  colors  indicate  intensity.   Very  Convincing Total  Convincing

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Guidance  system  w/o  GPS

Guidance  system  w/GPS

Cost  -­‐ public


Cost  -­‐ money  saved



Demand/Private  funding

Helps  everyone  -­‐ low  income

Supporter  Messages  – Tier  2A  second  tier  of  positive  messages  has  similar  reach,  but  includes  narrower,  more  technical  descriptions  of  the  program  which  do  not  test  as  well.    

Cost-­‐based  arguments  tend  to  evoke  more  muted  reactions  than  arguments  anchored  on  the  themes  of  fairness  and  equality.    The  best  positioning  might  place  the  cost-­‐savings  arguments  within  the  broader  frame  of  equal  access  to  justice  for  all  Americans.  

Messages  that  argue  for  greater  public  investment  to  balance  out  private  funding  are  far  less  compelling.  


Now  I  am  going  to  read  you  messages  in  support  of  increasing  funding  for  civil  legal  aid.  Please  tell  me  whether  the  statement  I read  is  a  very  convincing,  somewhat  convincing,  not  too  convincing,  or  not  at  all  convincing  reason  to  support  this.  If  you  are  not  sure  how you  feel  about  a  particular  item,  please  say  so.  PROMPT:  Is  that  a  VERY  convincing,  SOMEWHAT  convincing,  NOT  TOO  convincing,  or  not  AT  ALL  convincing  reason  to  support  increasing  funding  for  civil  legal  aid?








+48Each  asked  of  ½  the  sample.  Darker  colors  indicate  intensity.   Very  Convincing Total  Convincing

NETConvincing  –Not  Convincing

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Text  of  Tier  1  Supporter  MessagesEqual Access: Civil legal aid ensures equal access to justice under the law. It provides access to legal help forpeople who cannot afford it otherwise, especially when it’s necessary to protect their livelihood, their healthor their family. The quality of justice should not depend on how much money you have. Civil legal aid providesthe fairness and equal access to justice that all Americans deserve.

Justice for All:When we say the Pledge of Allegiance we end it with quote “justice for all” unquote. However,today, too many people are left without access to justice. Civil legal aid exists to make sure every American hasaccess to civil legal justice. We need programs like civil legal aid to ensure the very principle our foundingfathers envisioned remains alive: justice for all not the few who can afford it.

Level Playing Field: Civil legal aid levels the playing field for everyone. It provides access to legal help forpeople who cannot afford it otherwise, especially when it’s necessary to protect their livelihood, their healthor their family. The quality of justice should not depend on how much money you have. Civil legal aid providesthe fairness and access to justice that all Americans deserve.

Protects Vulnerable: Civil legal aid protects people with nowhere else to turn. Civil legal aid groups providelegal representation for victims of domestic violence, families dealing with threats or neglect from absenteelandlords, as well as children, seniors, and veterans who are denied access to health care or benefits. Ensuringthat civil legal aid is adequately funded means that we are not turning our back on the most vulnerable.

David vs. Goliath: Civil legal aid helps people without legal knowledge or resources stand a fair chance againstbig corporations, institutions, or the government. Too many times people are forced to live with their rightstrampled and their economic livelihoods put at risk simply because they cannot afford legal advice andhelp. Civil legal aid gives the little guy—and gal—the people without money and power, the opportunity todefend themselves against unlawful behavior.

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Text  of  Tier  1  Supporter  Messages  (Cont’d)Empowerment: Civil legal aid is not a free handout. Rather, it provides access to legal advice and resources to help peopleempower themselves. People who seek their help must do as much as they can to help themselves, filling out courtdocuments and gathering information to support their case. Civil legal aid points people in the right direction, so they canempower themselves to seek justice.

Streamlines Courts/Focus on Services: Civil legal aid is the answer to our backlogged civil court system. Civil legal aidprovides expert legal advice, mediation, negotiation, and problem-­‐solving techniques that streamline the court system andactually reduce the number of frivolous lawsuits. Most of the work done by civil legal aid is accomplished outside of thecourtroom. Properly funding this program is an investment that saves taxpayers money.

Empowerment w/Self-­‐Help Centers: Civil legal aid is not a free handout. Rather, it provides access to legal advice andresources to help people empower themselves. Some services are provided through self-­‐help centers where people go todo the work themselves, like filling out court documents and gathering information for their cases. The staff at the self-­‐help centers point people in the right direction, so they can empower themselves to seek justice.

Streamlines Courts/Focus on Costs: Providing civil legal aid cuts down on court costs, court staff overtime and saves us allmoney. People who represent themselves because they cannot afford an attorney are often unprepared and addthousands of hours of extra work a year to court staff. Civil legal aid cuts down on this by ensuring that when people go infront of the judge, they are prepared.

Increased Access = Strong Communities: Civil legal aid increases access to the civil justice system and provides a criticalreinvestment in the community. No community thrives when people are homeless, children are out of school, sick peopleare unable to get health care, families experience violence, or corporations take advantage of consumers. Equal access tojustice contributes to healthy communities and a strong, fair economy for all.

Helps Everyone – Self-­‐Help for All: Civil legal aid is a flexible, innovative network of organizations that makes sure peoplecan get help with their legal problems. New solutions like self-­‐help centers allow people at all income levels to representthemselves. By ensuring that everyone knows how to protect themselves in the complex legal system, civil legal aid makesthe system easier and simpler to use for us all.

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Text  of  Cost-­‐Based Messages  (Tier 2)Cost – Public: Besides the actual dollar figures civil legal aid saves, it has had a major impact in terms of publiccosts saved – homelessness prevented, health benefits secured, and domestic violence harms averted.Providing civil legal aid is an investment that actually saves us money. Civil legal aid is estimated to save ourstate and local governments millions of dollars each year.

Cost – Money Saved: Civil legal aid gets a return of approximately $6 for every $1 spent in communities whereit is offered. In Texas, it generates about $47.5 million in yearly fiscal revenues for the state and localgovernments. By preventing eviction and foreclosure, legal aid offices saved an estimated $116 million alonein shelter costs in one year in New York. Providing civil legal aid is an investment that actually saves us money.

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Strategies  for  Education  and  Messaging  Campaigns


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Message  Triangle

Increased  Funding  For  Civil  Legal  Aid

Civil  Legal  Aid  as  the  Remedy

Specific  Reforms  that  Bridge  the  Information  Gap

Lack  of  Fairness  in  Civil  Justice  System

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The  9-­‐Second  Sound-­‐Bite:  Raising  Awareness  and  Priming  Key  Values

• Public education efforts will be key to raising awareness of Civil Legal Aid. Indeed,once voters are familiar with Civil Legal Aid, they are more likely to support increasedfunding of the program. However, advocates cannot teach every voter every thingabout Civil Legal Aid, nor should they try.

• Advocates must first connect with, and frame Civil Legal Aid within, an existing set ofbroadly-­‐held values before delving into the specifics of the program.

• The value voters most associate with Civil Legal Aid is fairness and the mostpersuasive arguments in favor of Civil Legal Aid operate on the theme of

• 1) ensuring fair play in a system that seems complex and stacked against ordinaryAmericans and

• 2) making sure all Americans receive fairness in the justice system, regardless of how muchmoney you have.


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Our  Program  Is  Civil  Legal  Aid

We  Assure  Fairness  for  all  in  the  Justice  


What  to  Highlight

Civil  Legal  Aid  assures  fairness  for  all  in  the  justice  system,  regardless  of  how  much  

money  you  have.

The  9-­‐Second  Sound-­‐Bite:

How To Talk About Civil Legal Aid: The 9-­‐Second Sound-­‐Bite

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The 2-­‐Minute Message: Expanding from Values to Services

• While 9-­‐second sound-­‐bites are the main currency in today’s world, that in no wayeliminates the need for a more nuanced message in support of Civil Legal Aid (thefollowing page includes recommendations for a 2-­‐minute sound-­‐bite).

• For the 2-­‐minute sound-­‐bite, we recommend talking about a few specific servicesprovided rather than key populations that receive Civil Legal Aid. This goes againstrecommendations from previous research. With limited time, it is more importantthat voters understand what Civil Legal Aid provides rather than to whom thoseservices are made available.

• To highlight the best examples of what Civil Legal Aid does, showcase services thatincrease ease of access to information and assistance so that people can know theirrights. Self-­‐help services are perceived as broadly accessible and, beyond operatingon the dimension of fairness, also evoke another key value: self-­‐empowerment.


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Our  Program  Is  Civil  Legal  Aid

We  Assure    Fairness  for  All  in  the  Justice  System,  Not  the  Few  Who  Can  Afford  It

What  to  Highlight

Our  Services  Increase  Ease  of  

Access  to  Information  and  Assistance  to  Know  Your  Rights

Civil Legal Aid assures fairness for all in the justicesystem, regardless of how much money you have.It provides access to legal help for people toprotect their livelihoods, their health, and theirfamilies. Civil Legal Aid makes it easier to accessinformation—whether through easy-­‐to-­‐understand forms, including online forms; legalassistance or representation; and legal self-­‐helpcenters—so people can know their rights. CivilLegal Aid also helps streamline the court systemand cuts down on court costs. When we say thePledge of Allegiance we close with “justice forall.” We need programs like Civil Legal Aid toensure that the very principle our foundingfathers envisioned remains alive: justice for all,not the few who can afford it.

The  2-­‐Minute  Sound-­‐Bite:builds  on  the  9-­‐second  sound-­‐bite  with  additional  information  on  services  provided

How To Talk About Civil Legal Aid: The 2-­‐Minute Sound-­‐Bite

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RESPONSE:  Civil  Legal  Aid  assures  fairness  for  all  in  the  justice  system,  regardless  of  

how  much  money  you  have.    The  program  serves  Americans  of  all  backgrounds  and  ages,  including  families,  children,  veterans,  seniors,  ill  or  disabled  people,  and  women  who  are  victims  of  domestic  violence.  Civil  Legal  Aid  provides  access  to  legal  help  for  people  to  protect  their  livelihoods,  their  health,  and  their  families.  It  provides  access  to  legal  aid  self-­‐help  centers,  makes  it  easier  to  access  information  through  easy-­‐to-­‐understand  forms  and  online  information,  and  provides  legal  assistance  so  people  can  know  their  rights.    Civil  Legal  Aid  assures  

fairness  in  the  justice  system  that  all  Americans  deserve.


Responding  to  the  Attack  that  the  Middle-­‐Class  is  Excluded

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RESPONSE:  Civil  Legal  Aid  is  part  of  the  solution,  not  the  problem.  Civil  Legal  Aid  

assures  fairness  for  all  in  the  justice  system,  regardless  of  how  much  money  you  have.    The  program  serves  Americans  of  all  backgrounds  and  ages,  including  families,  children,  veterans,  seniors,  ill  or  disabled  people,  and  

women  who  are  victims  of  domestic  violence.  Civil  Legal  Aid  provides  access  to  legal  help  for  people  to  protect  their  livelihoods,  their  health,  and  their  

families.  It  provides  access  to  legal  aid  self-­‐help  centers,  makes  it  easier  to  access  information  through  easy-­‐to-­‐understand  forms  and  online  information,  and  provides  legal  assistance  so  people  can  know  their  rights.  Civil  Legal  Aid  provides  expert  legal  advice,  mediation,  negotiation,  and  problem-­‐solving  

techniques  that  streamline  the  court  system,  reduce  the  number  of  frivolous  lawsuits,  cut  down  on  court  costs  and  staff  overtime,  and  save  us  all  money.


Responding to the Attack that Civil Legal Aid is Ripe for Abuseof Tax Dollars

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The  do’s  and  don’ts  of  a  basic  education  campaign


DO:…talk  about    “values”  and  “American  values”  based  on  fairness  and  equality.    

Access  to  justice  should  not  be  dependent  on  wealth  or  skin  color

DON’T:…turn  this  issue  into  a  partisan  one.

DO:…talk  about  specific  features  of  the  system  that  will  help  everyone:    online  help,  fewer  forms,  paralegals  as  alternatives  to  attorneys  and  help  from  actual  attorneys  – and  that  it  will  save  money  by  keeping  many  cases  out  of  


DON’T:…assume  that  those  who  feel  the  

system  is  unfair  and  works  in  the  favor  of  wealthier  citizens  don’t  worry  about  

the  costs  of  the  program.

DO:…talk  about  how  specific  aspects  of  people’s  lives  create  obstacles  to  

obtaining  fair  representation:  long  work  hours,  etc.

DON’T:…imply  that  entire  demographic  groups,  such  as  single  moms  or  minorities,  are  not  capable  of  understanding  or  handling  the  

civil  legal  process.    

When  Talking  About  Values…

When  Talking  About  Services…

When  Talking  About  Specific  Demographic    Groups…

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The  do’s  and  don’ts  of  a  basic  education  campaign  (continued)


DO:…make  clear  helping  people  get  the  information  they  need  is  a  central  

purpose  of  Civil  Legal  Aid,  but  still  part  of  a  multi-­‐pronged  approach.  

DON’T:…only  invoke  economic  disparities  OR  assume  that  bridging  the  information  gap  will,  on  its  own,  strike  people  as  


DO:…note  the  consensus  of  state  Chief  Justices—

regardless  of  political  party  or  length  of  tenure—in  supporting  the  expansion  of  Civil  

Legal  Aid.

DON’T:…rely  only  on  the  voices  of  experts  regarding  the  successes  of  Civil  Legal  

Aid  in  ensuring  justice  for  all  Americans.  Empathetic  figures  have  a  role  to  play.

When  Addressing  Inequality  of  Outcomes…  

When  Elevating  the  Importance  of  Civil  Legal  Aid…

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The  do’s  and  don’ts  of  a  messaging/persuasion  campaign


DO:…mention  that  the  goal  of  Civil  Legal  Aid  is  to  combat  the  unfairness  of  the  way  

the  current  system  works.

DON’T:…say  anything  that  might  suggest  this  program  would  serve  as  a  jobs  program  

for  lawyers.

DO:…mention  that  one  of  THE  goals  is  to  

resolve  problems  to  avoid  going  to  trial.    No  one  wants  to  actually  go  to  court—

this  makes  that  less  likely.

DON’T:…suggest  that  reforms  depend  solely  upon  the  courts  to  execute  fairer  

outcomes  – it’s  the  process  that  should  be  more  fair.

DO:…talk  about  the  campaign’s  efforts  to    simplify  the  forms,  process,  and  access  related  to  what  is  considered  an  arcane  

legal  system  designed  to  confuse  people.

DON’T:…talk  as  if  people  are  not  smart  enough  to  understand  the  civil  legal  system,  even  if  it  is  true.    Stress  easier  online  access  and  fewer  forms  to  help  those  for  whom  time  is  tight.

Talking  about  Civil  Legal  Aid…

Talking  about  going  to  court…

Talking  about  a  more  streamlined  legal  system…

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Other  Lake  work  on  poverty  and  education  advises…


DO:…affirm  the  notion  of  

justice/access/equity  for  all  with  an  emphasis  on  “everyone  means  everyone  

– no  exceptions”

DON’T:…single  out  communities  of  color  or  the  

poor  as  the  neediest  receipients

DO:…mention  Americans/people  struggling  to  get  ahead  (when  talking  about  specific  

groups/places  that  need  it  most)

DON’T:…use  the  language  of  the  marginalized  

or  underserved

Talking  about  Civil  Legal  Aid…

Talking  about  going  to  court…

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Strategies of a messaging/ persuasion campaign

• Make it real: Use examples of local civil cases that help illustrate what civil law is that at thesame time, giving meaning to its importance.

• Make it personal: Civil law is often about quality of life issues. Making it real and making itpersonal is an effective way to bring some intensity to views and traction to strategy. It’s abouthomeowners having their homes taken away by fraudulent vendors. It’s about tenants beingevicted by landlords. It doesn’t get more personal than the laws relating to homes.

• Make it broad-­‐based: Voters are very sensitive to inclusion. Start with services that everyonecan benefit by and then move to descriptions of more targeted services.

• Make it about people: Not the courts. Not lawyers. They helped make the system what it istoday and are seen as benefitting from the convoluted legal system. Reform must come fromoutside the court system.

• Make clear it’s about helping people avoid going to court: Show that the goal is to keeppeople from going to court: This campaign isn’t about making it easier to sue people and takethem to court—it’s about being in a stronger legal position to avoid going to court and, moreimportant, unjust outcomes.


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Strategies of a messaging/ persuasion campaign

• Undercut the Tort Reform Lexicon: Future research should explore messages to see which aremost effective in making it clear that everybody benefits when there is wider access to CivilLegal Aid, as it will discourage needless lawsuits directed at the vulnerable and help unclogcourt dockets. See what can replace ‘frivolous’ as a modifier for ‘lawsuits’.

• Define what it means to be ‘engaged’ on this issue: We know what apathy and timidity looklike, but what is ‘engaged’ or ‘energized’? Willingness to call a legislator? Sign a petition?Donate money?


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Celinda  [email protected]

Daniel  [email protected]

Tracey  [email protected]