Download - Message from Mrs Taylor · Governments must actively work to make sure children and adults know about the Convention. It is important that children and adults know about these rights

Page 1: Message from Mrs Taylor · Governments must actively work to make sure children and adults know about the Convention. It is important that children and adults know about these rights [email protected]

Acting Headteacher: Laura Taylor

Friday, 12th June, 2020

Sully Road, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan. CF64 2TQ

029 20702864

Jesus: in our hearts, in our minds, in our living,

in our learning.

Message from Mrs Taylor It’s so good to finally be planning for the return of our children! On the 3rd June, Kirsty Williams, The Minister of Education, announced that we could give the children an opportunity to ‘check in, catch up and prepare’ for summer and September. You can read some Frequently Asked Questions and answers here: According to the Minister this will mean that ‘in each school there will be a phased approach.’ Social distancing measures will need to be in place. This will mean that the school will need to work towards admitting only a maximum of a third of the pupils at any one time. Year groups will be split into smaller groups with staggered starts, lessons and breaks. This will allow all children the option to come into school and see their teachers and Learning Support Assistants, see their friends and prepare themselves for what school will look like in September. Schools have changed for the foreseeable future. The new norm will be a ‘blended learning approach’. This means, your child will have some time in school in which to get input, teaching and direction from teachers as well as a huge emphasis placed on activities to restore well-being and health due to the unbelievable events of the past few months. They then will continue their studies, independently at home. I understand that many of you and your children will be feeling very anxious. On Monday, I will be sending a questionnaire to pupils to find out what they’re looking forward to about returning, what their concerns are and some suggestions of who their closest friends are in the class. Please help your child to complete the form. When the school building is ready, we will be making a video for your child to show them a virtual ‘tour’ of what the playground and their classroom will look like, as well as an information booklet with photographs and advice on how to stay safe in school. Please be assured that the health, safety and wellbeing of every single person in our school community is our top priority. The Minister has stated that there will be no penalty fines for any parent who decides not to send their child for these “check in and catch up” sessions. The school will neither be judged nor penalised for attendance figures. She recognises that many children and adults are shielding and has taken this into account. If you are shielding or living in the same household as someone who is shielding, there is no expectation that your child will come to school, however if you wish to send them, they will be very welcome. Our distance learning provision currently in place through hwb and Google Classroom, will therefore continue alongside the school opening. We will review this provision with you before the end of the term, in order to make amendments to our plans for September. During the next few weeks the staff will be preparing the school for the children’s return. The details about which classes and which children are returning when, are still being considered. Thank you to those who completed the Vale survey indicating your intention to send your child back to school – this will certainly help us to plan. We will of course update you and send information including dates and times for your child’s return to school, as soon as possible. Stay safe and God Bless. Mrs Taylor

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Headteacher Challenge

Each week, I will set you a challenge that you might like to do at home. You will need to ask your parent/ carer to help you. Keep a record of some of your completed challenges e.g. a photo and bring it in when we return to school. Each pupil who provides evidence of at least 3 challenges will receive 5 house points and you will be entered into a prize draw!

This week’s challenge: Feeling Grateful!

There are lots of reasons to be grateful. When we’re grateful we appreciate the gifts and blessings we have been given. Create a poster of 10 things you are grateful for and, if you can, explain why.

Prayer of the Week

Last Sunday, the church celebrated the Feast of the Trinity. Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost. On this day, we celebrated the mystery of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We remember the Trinity every time we make the sign of the cross. Say at home together: In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. I believe in the God the Father, I believe in God the Son, I believe in God the Spirit, God the three, God the one. Amen

Pupil Profile

When you can be anything in life, be #eloquent and truthful

Eloquence is the ability to speak or write fluently, persuasively and appropriately. We aim to give our children the language to ask questions, express emotions, speak beliefs, talk about matters of faith and hope, debate points of view, and engage in conversation. Eloquence isn’t limited to speaking and writing. We can express ourselves in other ways like music, drama, painting or dance. We should use our creative gifts to say things in a way that is interesting, truthful, memorable and faithful. God wants us to be truthful in all we do. Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life’, so being honest and truthful means we are following in his footsteps and living life the way God wants us to. Being truthful is being faithful to ourselves and to Jesus. We should stand up for the truth.

Message from the Vice-Captain of St Teilo

Hi! I hope you are all safe and well. While we have been in lockdown I been exploring in my local park, which has been amazing. Maybe you could find some where local to explore on your daily exercise. As we could not attend Sports day this year, why don’t you challenge your family to activities around your house and garden? I wish you and your family the best of luck until we meet again! from Opal

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UNCRC – Right of the Week

During this unusual time, UNCRC rights are as important as ever. In particular, St Joseph’s School has been thinking about the following article: Article 42 - knowledge of rights Governments must actively work to make sure children and adults know about the Convention. It is important that children and adults know about these rights and there are a number of ways in which we can work towards this:

§ All schools should teach about rights. § Parents and carers should be helped to know about the rights their children have. § People should be able to talk about respecting each others’ rights.

Here are a few ideas to help you to think about the importance of knowing about rights: • Imagine that you didn’t know any rights and that all children everywhere have rights. How would you feel

about that? • Can you think of any problems children without rights might face? • Write a poem or story called “Child with no Rights”.

It’s time to THRIVE!

Music Festival! - Form your own band. - Make your own instruments. - Listen to music and dance along with the actions.

Thought for the Week

I have the power to make my dreams

come true.

Useful websites and online resources Each week we will list 5 useful websites and online resources that you could use at home. - Fun games and teaching resources about microbes and antibiotics - Free to use through Hwb, Adobe Spark makes it easy to create graphics, web pages, and short videos. - Part of the Hwb package, Just2Easy offers creative tools covering Maths, English, Computing, and Cross-curricular. - the site for the Natural History Museum in London, offering free Virtual tour of many areas and exhibitions. - Learn about the composers who influenced musical history on this interactive site.

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Page 5: Message from Mrs Taylor · Governments must actively work to make sure children and adults know about the Convention. It is important that children and adults know about these rights

A message from Friends and Family

Welcome to Friday again and a few words from your Friends & Family team. So here we are again another week and you've made it to another Friday. This week we are making our little article easy on the eyes for you with few words and more pictures. Some to hopefully make you laugh and some to make you think and some to make you feel good about yourself for still keeping all those balls in the air and juggling everything on your plates at the moment. Just remember this is week 82736578 🤪🤪🤪 and you're still here so you ARE SUCCEEDING. But take a little break for yourself when you can and remember that you need and deserve a little " chillax" time and that it’s OK to have this time out –

Children’s Challenge

Your task this week is to draw or paint or model a picture of your favourite teacher. No need to explain why you chose them just tell us their name. Then get someone to take a photo or video of you and then have an adult email it to [email protected]. If you're not already a member then get yourselves into the St Joseph’s RC School Friends and Family closed group and start having some fun In case of any questions about the competition or anything else regarding Friends and Family please contact us by emailing us at the address above or via our FB page.

Stay Home and Stay Safe Your St Joseph's Friends & Family Team

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Learning at home

A brief description of what the pupils have been learning at home this week. Nursery This week, Nursery's 'Where in the World?' domain took them to Africa. They completed

activities around the story 'Handa’s Surprise', practiced their number and counting skills and continued to develop both their gross and fine motor skills. In RE, children reflected upon what Jesus tells us about being a good friend and began to recognise the words and actions related to saying sorry.

Reception In Maths this week, Reception learnt about odds and evens to 20. In skills, they learnt the new phonic sounds of ch and sh. In our domain of Plants, we found out about flowers and seeds. In Religion we continued our topic of Friends and learned the special rule that Jesus taught us.

Year 1 This week year 1 have completed an assessment on time and have started work on money. They have continued work on key words and capital and lowercase letters in skills and in domain they have learnt about the impact of severe weather conditions

Year 2 This week Year 2 have learned about ordering and comparing fractions as well as counting wholes, parts and halves. In RE this week the children have explored what Jesus says in the Bible about forgiveness. We also explored Roman mosaics in Domain. In Skills lessons, we learned about effective use of punctuation, reviewed previous learning and continued developing comprehension skills.

Year 3 This week Year 3 have been continuing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, writing informal letters from the viewpoint of Charlie. In RE, they have been learning about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and created their very own reconciliation treasure chest! In maths Year 3 have started learning how to tell the time and in Domain they have been focusing on transparent, translucent and opaque materials.

Year 4 This week in Maths year 4 have been converting units of measure and solving word problems. In skills they have been studying the features of a non-chronological report and in domain they have written an opinion paragraph about National Parks.

Year 5 In our Religion lessons, Year 5 have been looking at The Beatitudes and thinking about how they can live like Jesus wants us to. In Domain, they have written a newspaper report based on the Senghenydd Colliery disaster and in English Skills they have been developing their story writing skills.

Year 6 This week year 6 have been developing ways to calculate area in Maths. In our study of the Renaissance, we have been learning about the power struggle of the Medici family and how it impacted the art world. We are now up to chapter 14 of the class novel Don Quixote and starting to feel really sorry for Sancho!