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Adobe After Effect and Adobe Premiere

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1. Adobe Premiere is one of the popular software and widely used in video editing.A common interface with Adobe Premiere Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe After Effects is to provide convenience in use, image - image can be prepared with adobe photoshop and effect - special effects can also be prepared from adobe after effects.In this article will explain how to use Adobe Premiere Pro. Explanation gambat equipped with readers that make it easier to understand the contents of the article.

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Part On Tool

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Adobe Premiere is a program that is commonly used by production houses, television and practitioners in the field. The advantage to learn how to edit video usingAdobe Premiere is this program really easy to learn and within a short time you can reach the advanced level, although it is still a beginner. If interested, you can get fast guidelines on computer bulletin this edition.Computer bulletin this edition discusses how to quickly master the technique of video editing using Adobe Premiere. You will learn from how capture, video editing, creating effects and transitions, so making a video output in the form of VCDs. If you like to make videos and want to publish it yourself, do not miss the bulletin How Quick Editing Video with Adobe Premiere it.

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Main Function Premiere Pro

. Premiere Pro's main function is more to assemble pictures, video and audio, not for animation. In order for your multimedia look more attractive, should also learn animation and graphics software such as 3D Studio Max, After Effects, Adobe Photoshop and other multimedia utilities.

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Adobe premiere

Title is a term that is written in the video display. This title is usually given the background or background to the writing can be seen clearly and easily read by viewers. You would often see on television, usually on special occasions you find a title with an amazing background. How to manufacture in Adobe Premiere pretty easy. With a few tricks, you can make yourself to the beauty of your video display.

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Computer bulletin edition of Making Techniques Video Title Background in Adobe Premiere will examine how the title is interesting background on the video with Adobe Premiere. You will learn how to make a title and how to make backgroundnya, whether they are static or dynamic. This bulletin complements your understanding of the material on the issue of video editing sebelummyaObjectives: Familiar with Adobe Premiere; to enable participants to be able to edit, impose and make movie

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Adobe Premiere is a DV-editing tool that most adaptabel, you can work more productive thanks to his Real-time Preview, also benefit from the devices Adobe Title Designer, MPEG export, DVD authoring, powerful audio tools, and many post-production equipment from a video.

In this program you will learn about:. Technique editing in Premiere. Adding transitions, Title and motion. Superimposing. Adding special effects

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Adobe Premiere

When we have installed on your computer adobe premiere. We will membut projects that are often used in Indonesia, to set the settings more about the project that will be used click on the Custom Settings tab,- In the General frame, worn from us we will make a better video file we choose· Editing Mode Video for windows,· Time base 25 frames per second,- In the Frame Video we fill· Frame size 720h: 576v· Frame rate: 25 frames / second· Pixel Aspect Ratio: PAL D1/DV Wide Screen (16:9)- In the Frame Audio we fill:· Sample rate 44,100 Hz· Display Formats Audio Sample

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after that press the SavePreset, we fill the name and descristion, as an example we fill the information latihan1 PAL DVD settings. Description: PALNTSC / NTSC Film Video: 1150 kbit / sec MPEG1 352 x 288 pixels 25 frames / secondVideo: 1150 kbit / sec MPEG1 352 x 240 pixels 29.97 frames / second 23.976 frames / second NTSC Film Audio: 44100 Hz 224 kbit / sec MPEG1 Layer2Audio: 44,100 Hz 224 kbit / sec MPEG1 Layer2 · Preset will we call when the next project exactly settingnya current settings are used. · Save our project file with the profile name in the folder c: \ examples \ · Project will look like the following examples Audio Video Editing Guide

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To make editing a video, we first need to import our files, by clicking the File menu> Import (Ctrl + I) or right click on the windows project and select import, here we are biased to import video files, audio and image. All files that we import will go to the windows project as below:.1. Project window, a place to store project files2. Monitor windows, is the place to see the video, which we edit in the timeline3. Timeline windows, tenpat we do the editing process, basically, we can classify the folder that is used to perform special storage video, audio, titles and so on. By creating a new bin. Audio Guide Video Editing

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- Transition = transition from one clip to another clip in the editing known as transition. As an example we will insert a clip in the timeline we're doing with the easiest way to techniques that DROP DRAG or direct interest that we want the file to the time line, to video and image files you insert into the timeline in the video track while the audio files we put to the audio tracks.· Now we will try to create a Transition. This transition serves to make any changes in video 1 and 2 or any transfers between scene I and II became smooth scene. To open the command of our transition Window menu· Then click Effects, and the effect window will appear (by default windows have effect on the project window).

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· In this menu there are many choices, if you have selected an appropriate transition to the desire then we use the technique of DRAG and DROP then put into the Timeline between video 1 and video 2.• To see him drag the pointer so that through the transition, and saw on the monitor window.- Editing Editing Process 5· Here we will start editing video. The first thing we have to do is click on the file 2 times in the Project Window, then we'll go into the Source monitor (left monitor)

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Source Monitor

· Source Monitor can be used to cut the image, namely by first determining where the right frame we enter into the Timeline. Once we set the frame that we will take and click the button "Set In Point (()" then set up the next frame and press the "Set Out Point ())".· Then I put the frames into the Timeline select the first track that we want you to put video footage terdebut, then click the "Insert" on the monitor windows.· Frames automatically entered into the timeline. Or drag and drop monitor its source. Into the Timeline and the tracks that we choose.· At this stage is the continuation of the process of the insert on top. ie when we set the frame is another frame in the timeline involved, so join the frame should be discarded.· To do this: Click the triangle next to the video track,

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Click set display styles, and select the show frame, then the track will display the video files frame by frame, and we set the zoom in a 1 frame so that no frames are left, then do a cut with the Razor Tool found on ToolsBox, select frame that we will dispose of and press Delete on the keyboard- Opacity = At the next stage we will try to see the facility located on the Time line Video., The Opacity· Click the arrows that we have seen the video track Opacity facilities by clicking on Show Key Frame select Show Opacity Handles, where we will see the orange line, its position is at the top that indicates its 100% opacity.• To change its opacity, previously directed the video pointer on the video frame to determine its key and click the add / remove key frame, after we give keyframe then derive the key frames to change the Opacity.

- Note:· We can give a lot of key frames on these tracks to determine the opacity that we want

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Adobe Premiere

· Video & Audio Track we can add up to a few tracks. With how to right click on one track and select add tracks. Then fill the number of tracks that we want to add,.- Import Text and Templates = In this exercise we will try to provide text and templates in our practice, to provide text click on the File menu> New> Title or right click on your project window and select New Item> Title, it will appear Window Title Designer as below: We are a text content available in the layer,· And if we want to fill us with tamplate video, his way with the Template button on the windows tersebutt or pressing Ctrl + J,· The template window will appear, and select the template and press the Apply button

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· After that we'll be back on the window title, and edit what you want in the edit in accordance with desire, when you close the windows on the edit that title, it will show dialog box, then click the YES button is and keep the title.· And then the title will go to your windows project· And then Masukanlah file title to the Timeline us to provide text and templates,- Effect Video = now starting to give effect to our videos, to give an effect on a video, before we had to call the windows effect. To view click on the menu windownya Windows> effect, then the effect will be visible window.

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· Gambar diatas terlihat bahwa terdapat satu buah effect video, untuk melihat hasil dari effect video tersebut arahkah pointer yang di dalam Timeline window pada track video yang kita beri effect tersebut.

Apabila anda ingin memberi effect pada bagian tertentu pada track video yang diberi effect, perhatikan pada window effect control terdapat sebuah pointer yang menunjukkan posisi video yang sedang aktif pada track video tersebut. jadi untuk memberi effect pada bagian tertentu pada video tersebut kita harus membuat key frame pada video tersebut dengan cara klik add/remove key frame. dengan memberikan keyframe kita dapat mengatur effect pada bagian video yang kita inginkan. Pada windows effect diatas

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· Gambar diatas terlihat bahwa terdapat satu buah effect video, untuk melihat hasil dari effect video tersebut arahkah pointer yang di dalam Timeline window pada track video yang kita beri effect tersebut.

Apabila anda ingin memberi effect pada bagian tertentu pada track video yang diberi effect, perhatikan pada window effect control terdapat sebuah pointer yang menunjukkan posisi video yang sedang aktif pada track video tersebut. jadi untuk memberi effect pada bagian tertentu pada video tersebut kita harus membuat key frame pada video tersebut dengan cara klik add/remove key frame. dengan memberikan keyframe kita dapat mengatur effect pada bagian video yang kita inginkan. Pada windows effect diatas

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There is a Motion, the motion you can adjust the position, scale your video, it all depends on your creation.- Export File = At this session is the last session in a pengeditam a video, we present our work mengexport contained in the timeline window.For his mengexport click on the File menu> Export> Movie The dialog box will appear as below, and export video in AVI format then click the save for the export file, if you want to re-apply the settings click the settings button before you file mengexport .

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- Process = Process Recording audio recording will be done if we want dubbing voices can we put the video files. Certainly there for dubbing mic, speakers and sound cards work well. To make an audio recording the record button on the navigation like the image below: bitrate window will appear that we will audio tape please accordance with the display settings such windows.· That is we use the sample rate of 44,100· Channels, Stereo· Resolution is 16bitClick OK, then the recording process will run with the signal shown on the form contained in the main window

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· kita dapat melakukan proses pemotongan klip yang sudah terekam dengan cara menandai menggunakan drag pada mouse lalu tekan tombol delete.

· maka daerah yang kita tandai akan hilang. - Proses Editing = Proses editing ini dilakukan

untuk memberikan efek audio sesuai yang kita inginkan. Sebagai contoh kita menginginkan audio kita terdengar lebih jernih maka kita dapat melakukan proses menghilangkan noise yang mengganggu. Dengan cara:

· Klik menu Effect · Pilih noise reduction · Double klik noise reduction · Akan muncul window baru, silahkan klik get

profile from selection

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· Akan terlihat hasilnya berupa warna merah, kuning, hijau frekuensi audio

klik pada preview untuk mendengarkan hasil noise reduction. Untuk menambah mengurangi kapasitas reduksi gunakan scrool bar Noise reduction level apabila sudah sesuai keinginan silahkan klik OK

- Video Editing Lanjutan = DivX adalah kompresi file yang digunakan untuk memperkecil file Video. Kelebihannya apabila tedapat file video durasi 1 jam 15 menit yang biasanya dalam format VCD sebesar 800 MB, dengan kompresi ini file DivX didapat ukuran file sebesar 225 MB saja, tanpa pengurangan kualitas file video tersebut. Kekurangan dari kompresi ini, file tersebut belum dapat diputar pada VCD Player. Sehingga penyebarannya hanya terbatas pada pemakaian di komputer saja.

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· DivX Player used to preview DivX file format· VirtualDub is used for conversion from DivX to AVI format· TMPGenc program conversion from AVI to MPEG formatSo how to restore this DivX format into a format that can be used in ordinary player.

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How to Use Virtual Dub for conversion to AVI format DivX have 2 phases: open a DivX file formats into AVI format common standard. AVI format used to change the format of MPEG or VCD. For the first phase of change in use VirtualDub software. This software opens with Decoding system from DivX formats into AVI. After Decoding conversion stage, further processing AVI files, and restore the WAV files into MPEG formats. By using a 2GHz P4 processor can convert the movie 1:1 or 1 hour movie takes only 1 hour conversion.

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TMPGEnc is TMPGenc Software provides Wizard, to help us select the format of Video VCD / MPG, SVCD or DVD. Next input the name of the file from AVI format video and WAV audio Furthermore, we can perform encoding of the program to VCD or MPEG. Time required for this process, together with the duration of the film. Audio Video Editing Guide 16 To save the file encoding results, simply use the burning software, like Nero for burning to CD or VCD format to use this second way is much easier than the first way, because it is using a burning software. But the quality will be reduced compared to the previous way. Burning software that is used is Nero Express.

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Composition of VCD filesExplanationVCD INFO.VCDAlbum Files folder and the disc identification ENTRIES.VCDEntry point list for up to 500 entries PSD.VCDOptional Play Sequence Descriptor LOT.VCDOptional List ID Offset fileMPEGAVAVSEQnn.DATMPEG files, max 99 tracks, the main movie, trailers, extras, menus. .. CDDAAUDIOnn.DAT Optional CD Audio filesSEGMENTITEMnnn.DATSegment play items, max 999 segments, still pictures or still menus Optional Karaoke information filesEXTPSD_X.VCDOptional extended version of PSD, VCD version of LOT_X.VCDOptional extended list of LOT.VCD SCANDATA.DATOptional Iframes addresses CAPTnn.DAT Optional Closed Caption dataCDI (undefined) CDI programs and data files

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Here is a glimpse of the term often used in Video Editing:Capture = Recording video or images to computer hard drive.Clip = small part of the movie. Clip can be audio, video, image or titleCodec = From the word Compress and DECompress. All the videos on a computer using a special algorithm or program to run the video playback. This program is called a codecColor Clip = Background color used in the movie. Often used to give the title or text on video.Compression = Paving the file size makes the file size becomes smaller than actual sizeData Rate = Number of data per second that can ditranfer or read. Sample CD-ROM has a data rate lower than the hard drive.Frame = single image in the movie

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Frame Rate = Number of frames per second in video. Example NTSC video has a frame rate 29.97 frames per second (fps),NTSC / PAL NTSC = is the video standard in North America, Japan, Taiwan, and several other areas. While PAL is often used in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, China, Thailand, and several other Asian countries.MP3 = audio data compression format that approaches the quality of audio CDsMPEG1 = standard for video and audio compression used to make VCDs. Type NTSC, has a video resolution of 352x240 pixels at 29.97 fps (frames per second). For PAL, the resolution is 352x288 pixels with 25 fps.

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MPEG2 = is the development of MPEG1. Standard for video and audio compression used for DVD creation. Type NTSC DVD, have a video resolution of 720x480 pixels at 29.97 fps. For PAL DVDs, working on a resolution of 720x576 pixels with 25 fps.Project File = At Ulead VideoStudio project file (*. VSP) to load the entire data link information about the image, audio, and video files.Render = Rendering is the process of movie-making end of the file origin (source files) into MPEG files.

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C. Opacity, Import Text and Template A. OpacityIn the next step is to try to see the facility located on the Time line Video., The Opacity.1) Click on the arrows found the video and see track Opacity facilities by clicking on Show Key Frame select Show Opacity Handles, there's orange line, position it on top opacitynya indicates 100%. To change the opacity, previously directed the video on the video pointer to determine the key framenya then click the add / remove key frame, after we give keyframe then derive the key frames to change the Opacity.

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Note: these tracks can be

given a lot of key frames to

determine the opacity that we


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ADOBE PREMIEREB. Import Text and Templates

In the exercise will be discussed how to provide text and templates

created in earlier exercises.1) To provide text click on the File menu> New> Title or right click on the project window and select New Item> Title, it will appear Designer

Window Title as shown below:Fill-layer text provided.

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2) And if you want to fill the video with tamplate, his way by clicking the Template button on the window or pressing Ctrl + J, then the template window will appear, and select the template and press

3) After that go back to the window title, and edit what

you want in the edit in accordance with desire, when you close the window to edit

the title, it will display the dialog box, then click the YES

button is and keep the title.4) And then the title will go to the windows project earlier.

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5) Kemudian masukanlah file title tersebut ke Timeline, untuk memberi text dan template, lihat gambar.

5) Then masukanlah file title to the Timeline, to provide text and templates, see the picture.

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D. Effect Videos and Export FilesA. Effect VideoNow start by giving effect to the video.1) To give an effect on a video, previously had to call the windows effect. To view click on the menu windownya Windows> effect, the effect window will look like the image below:

Sumbangkan terjemahan yang lebih baik

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2) In the picture above, Adobe premiere provide various types of effects-effects that are inherent effect at the time of install. Now enter an effect into the video track will be given effect, do just drag and drop one of the desired effect.3) After inserting effects into the video track, which is given effect to the track yet seen anything, so from that to see the effect exerted on the video, should be in settings / terlebh first set. To configure or manage open windows effectnya effect control, to show the effect window click on the windows menu> effect controls. Then will appear a window like the following:

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2) In the picture above, Adobe premiere provide various types of effects-effects that are inherent effect at the time of install. Now enter an effect into the video track will be given effect, do just drag and drop one of the desired effect.

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3) After inserting effects into the video track, which is given effect to the track yet seen anything, so from that to see the effect exerted on the video, should be in settings / terlebh first set. To configure or manage open windows effectnya effect control, to show the effect window click on the windows menu> effect controls. Then will appear a window like the following:

4) Figure above shows that there is one video effects, to see the results of the video effects Navigate pointer in the Timeline window on the video track is given effect.

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5) Apabila ingin memberi effect pada bagian tertentu pada track video yang diberi effect, perhatikan pada window effect control terdapat sebuah pointer yang menunjukkan posisi video yang sedang aktif pada track video tersebut. Jadi untuk memberi effect pada bagian tertentu pada video tersebut harus dibuat key frame terlebih dahulu pada video tersebut dengan cara klik add/remove key frame. Dengan memberikan keyframe effect dapat diatur pada bagian video yang diinginkan.

6) Pada windows effect diatas terdapat Motion, pada motion dapat diatur posisi, skala video, semuanya tergantung pada kreasi yang diinginkan.

B. Export Video Pada sesi ini merupakan sesi terakhir dalam suatu

pengeditam suatu video, sekarang exportlah hasil kerja yang terdapat dalam timeline windows.

1) Untuk meng-export nya klik pada menu File>Export>Movie. Maka akan muncul dialog box seperti di bawah, dan video yang di export dengan format AVI.

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2) Kemudian klik save untuk mengeksport file tersebut, apabila anda ingin melakukan setting ulang klik-lah tombol setting sebelum anda meng-

export file tersebut.3) Anda meng-export file dengan format lain, dengan cara File>Export>Adobe

media encoder. Maka akan muncul gambar seperti gambar di bawah ini:

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4) Click OK, to do the rendering. Then will come the process of renderinglike the picture below.

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Compresi VideoCD with Adobe Premiere 6/7pro (codec: Main Concept) is more likely to blur, for sharper results can be used Panasonic Mpeg Encoder or TMpeg Encoder 2.5Many new capabilities in premiere pro, but a lot of sacrifices for the principals who is familiar with Premiere terdahuliu version (6.5).Track Matte in Adobe Premiere Pro can not lock the position of masking, track matte affairs earlier Premiere (Premiere 6.5) is still better.

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Transition in Premiere Pro is very simple and uninteresting. To add a transition premiere pro please download the file and extract burger to the folder C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Premiere Pro 1.5 \ Plug-ins \ en_USCareful dragging the video in Premiere pro, can-can in the next clip can be clipped! This does not happen in Premiere 6.5To get the Video CD / MPG best, you need to source high resolution / DV PAL (720 x 576) and then rendered to PAL VCD format (352 x 288)

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Adobe Affter Effect

The main display of this program consists of several panels, including

panels project is, the panel composition and the timeline panel. The panel acts

as a container project for import of media images, video and audio. Media is

then processed in the timeline panel location and timing in which each media can be arranged. A clock line that moves

horizontally, called the current time marker, can be removable media to

show what appear every time, look at the panel composition.

After Effects has a function that mutual support with other Adobe products,

especially Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Flash and Encore.

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Adobe Affter Effect

From planning to playback, Adobe provides a complete solution for creating and distributing video content. Combining unparalleled creative control with support for industry leading tapeless workflow - including the popular RED camera - and looked forward to a technology that allows you to submit your work to almost all screens, Adobe video solutions provide a competitive advantage.

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Creative professionals, Adobe   ® Creative Suite ® 4 Production Premium software offers everything you need to turn your ideas into compelling content for every screen. Of excellence in support tapeless  ® Premiere Pro and the industry-standard motion graphics and visual effects tools in Adobe After Effects  ® to the interactive authoring power of Adobe Flash  ® Professional, and integrated support for XMP metadata, Production Premium enables you to create any media you imagined. Production Premium combines Adobe Photoshop also  ® CS4 Extended, Illustrator  ®, and Soundbooth  ®. And to meet the needs of your professional audio, check out Adobe Audition  ®, an all-in-one toolset for recording, editing, mixing, and mastering audio.

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For content owners, Adobe Flash platform provides rich media solutions for issuing strong and send your content. From Flash Media Server family of products for encoding, protecting, and stream content to other innovative playback in Adobe Media Player software, based on Adobe ® AIR runtime, Adobe will help you reach a broader audience while enabling new ways to Get your media

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SynopsisAdobe After Effects CS3 is the program for editing and designing a film or video with animation. In general, Adobe After Effects CS3 is often used to create animation, but you can also use this software to create a digital ad design to meet the needs of audio-visual advertising. Where the processing system and the creation of high power, then you will be able to create a work of art shaped by digital advertising design, animation animated beautiful and exclusive.

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This book discusses the steps to operate the program Adobe After Effects CS3, and discusses the advantages Adobe After Effects CS3 as the newest versions of Adobe After Effects program. This book also describes the steps giving effect to a video or picture that will produce a good animation video. In his discussion, this book comes with instructions and pictures that will help you in studying and understanding the process of making an animated video.

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Adobe Affter Effect

Neatly dish and sample applications contained in this book are expected to be used as training material for readers to better understand and master the program Adobe After Effects CS3 well. The subject is presented in the book Complete Series:Adobe After Effects CS3 include: ÂKnow worksheet Adobe After Effects CSAHow do I work with ProjectÂKnowing the function of tool Adobe After Effects CSACreating animation TeksaKnow components animas settingsHow to use effects to manipulate videoÂLayer processing on compositionÂHow to use maskingÂRendering a true and familiar types of output files

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Adobe Affter Effect

Vodeo editing world today has evolved and some of the people are very enthusiastic at it. Many special software for video editing will be easier to cultivate and create animations. One of the newest is Affter Effects CS3 Adobe. You'll find plenty of knowledge about video editing in this book, starting from the basics and the processing and manufacturing techniques to the example application animation. Topic of discussion in this book include:Introduction to Adobe After Effects CS3Making CompositionImport FootageLayer SettingsMaking AnimationTransparency and MaskingMaking textThe use of effectsThe renderan ProjectMaking animation Project

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Adobe Affter Effect

After effects in the beginning is a software product from Macromedia which now has become one of the Adobe products.

After effects is a very professional software for the needs of the Motion Graphic Design. With the combination of a wide - Design of software that has been there, After Effects became one of reliable software design. Effects standard which reaches around 50 kinds of more, which is able to change and menganimasikan object. Besides, making animation with After Effects, can also be done by simply typing some script code that called Expression to produce a more dynamic movement.

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After Effects is more complete when we compare the facilities with other Video Editing software. In After Effects, there are several facilities owned by some other software. For example; In After Effects there are tools to make Shape (like those found in Photoshop). In After Effects Keyframe as there are in Flash (menganimasikannya way too much the same).Create motion graphics and visual effects with the industry standard With Adobe After Effects  ®  ® CS4 software, you can create exciting motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects with the tools flexible help you save time and provide the creative power unrivaled. Did you know ... You can find the elements of direct project

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Adobe Premiere

Quicksearch new, you will find elements in your project directly, while the nested comp navigation makes even complex projects to understand at a glance, streamline the design process significantly. Look for Read time-saving third-party report (PDF, 8MB) After Effects can import 3D layers from Photoshop Import 3D models from  Adobe Photoshop ® CS4 software, and then bring them into After Effects to composite them with other elements, set lighting, and much more. See top new features After Effects is part of the end-to-end solutions

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Adobe provides end-to-end software solutions to provide an interesting experience in film, video, DVD, web, and mobile devices. Learn more about Production Premium Highlights Prev Next The future is 64-bit

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Adobe Affter Effect

Adobe After Effects primarily used to create motion graphics and visual effects. After Effects allows users to turn, change, and composite media in 2D and 3D space with a variety of built-in tools and third party plug-ins, as well as individual attention to variables such as parallax and user-adjustable angle of observation. Both After Effects and some non-linear editing systems (NLEs) is a layer-oriented, which means that each individual media object (video clips, audio clips, still images, etc.) occupies the song itself. In contrast, other NLEs use a system where individual media objects can occupy the same path as long as they do not overlap

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in time. This track-oriented system is more suitable for editing and can keep project files much more concise. Layer-oriented system that After Effects adopts is suited for extensive effects work and keyframing. Although other compositing packages, especially those that employ tree or node workflows, such as Apple Shake, are better suited to manage a large volume of items in the composite, After Effects able to keep a bit messy with selectively hiding layers (using the Shy switch) or by grouping them into pre-composition.

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Adobe Affter Effect

The main interface consists of several panels (windows in versions prior to After Effects 7.0). Three of the most commonly used panels are the Project panel, the panel structure, and the Timeline panel. Project panel acts as a bin to import stills, video, and audio footage items. Footage item in the Project panel used in the Timeline panel, where layer order and the time can be adjusted. The items that appear on the current time marker is displayed on the panel composition

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After Effects integrates with Adobe's software such as Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Encore, and Flash. [edit] HistoryAfter Effects was originally created by the Company of Science and Arts in Providence, RI, USA. Version 1.0 was released in January 1993. Version 2.1 introduces the PowerPC acceleration in 1994. CoSA along with After Effects and then acquired by the company Aldus in July 1993; company was later acquired by Adobe in 1994, and with that PageMaker and After Effects. Adobe releases first new After Effects is version 3.0.

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After Effect

After Effects has an area of plug-ins that support, and various third-party plug-ins that are available. Various plug-in style, such as particle systems for realistic effects of rain, snow, fire, etc.With or without third party plug-ins, After Effects can give 3D effect. Some of the plug-in 3D using basic 2D layers of After Effects. Illustrator graphics can also be loaded and rendered in 3D using a plug-in such as Zaxwerks 3DInvigorator Pro. Some popular plug-in vendors are Automatic Duck, BorisFX, Conoa, Cycore Effects, DigiEffects, Digital Anarchy, Digital Film Tools, The Foundry, FXhome, GenArts, Gridiron Software, Noise Industries, RE: Vision Effects, Red Giant Software, Synthetic Aperture , Trapcode, video copilot, and Zaxwerks.

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Adobe Affter Effect

In addition to 3D effects, there are plug-ins to make video look like a movie or a cartoon; simulated fire, smoke, or water, particle systems; slow motion; create animated graphics, charts, and other data visualization; calculate 3D motion video camera in 2D shot ; eliminate flicker, noise, or the rigging lines; translate timeline from FCP or Avid; add high-end color correction, and other workflow improvements and visual effects. Donate a better translation

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Adobe After Effects CS4 moved to set the standard graphics and visual effects for film, video, DVD, and the Web.Offers unparalleled integration with Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Encore DVD, Adobe Audition, Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS and software, After Effectsprovide speed, accuracy, and power to be visually innovative as you meet the challenges of production and quality results.

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Adobe Affter Effect

Adobe After Effects CS4 Create motion graphic descriptions and visual effects with the industry standardAdobe After Effects CS4 software that will allow you to create interesting motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects with the tools flexible help you save time and provide the creative power unrivaled.

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Adobe Affter Effect

History After Effects was originally created by the Company of Science and Arts in Providence, RI, USA. Version 1.0 was released in January 1993. Version 2.1 introduces the PowerPC acceleration in 1994. CoSA along with After Effects and then acquired by the company Aldus in July 1993; company was later acquired by Adobe in 1994, and with that PageMaker and After Effects. Adobe releases first new After Effects is version 3.0.

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Date of Version cellular Codename Major features added in January 1993 CoSA 1.0-coated eggs with mask compositing, effects, alter, keyframes; Mac in May 1993 only 1.1 more effect in January 1994 Aldus 2.0 Teriyaki Time Layout window, multi-machine rendering , frame blending October 1995 3.0 Adobe Nimchow create queues, time mapping, multiple effects per layer, motion tracker, math motion, import Illustrator, Photoshop as import comp, the first version of the April 1996 Japan 3.1 file format, multiprocessing, advanced keying for the "Professional Image" in May 1997 3.1 (Windows) Dancing Monkey's first Windows version, context menu, the first version of the French & German

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Adobe Affter Effect

January 1999 4.0 ebeer tab window, several masks per layer, adjustment layer, RAM preview, Premiere imports; the first simultaneous release of Mac & Windows flowchart September 1999 saw 4.1 Batnip, watch folders, channel 3D effects April 2001 5.0 Melmet 3D, expressions, 16 bits per color channel January 7, 2002 5.5 Fauxfu advanced 3D renderer, some 3D views, the first OS X version in August 2003 6.0 Foodfite paint, script, text overlays, OpenGL support in May 2004 6, 5 Chambant cloning, animation presets, wheat management in January 2006 a new docking 7.0 Clamchop UI panel, 32 bits per color channel (floating point), the display color management, dynamic link with Premiere Pro, the first Spanish & Italian version

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July 2, 2007 CS3 (8.0) Metaloaf shape layers, puppet tool, exchange ideas, clip notes, full color management; first Intel Mac version January 22, 2008 CS3 (8.0.2) Metaloaf Panasonic P2 support; last PowerPC Mac version September 23, 2008 CS4 (9.0) Chinchillada Quicksearch & project timeline, the Mini-Flowchart, living PS import 3D layers, separated XYZ, Mocha January 5, 2009 CS4 (9.0.1) Chinchidotta RED R3D file support (via redcode v1.3 plugin) 29 May 2009 CS4 (9.0.2) Lottadotta repair some types of crashes, clip-Red R3D support level (through redcode v1.7 plugin), XDCAM HD (Avid MXF-style) duku

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Adobe Affter Effect

Plug-in After Effects has an area of plug-ins that support, and various third-party plug-ins that are available. Various plug-in style, such as particle systems for realistic effects of rain, snow, fire, etc.With or without third party plug-ins, After Effects can give 3D effect. Some of the plug-in 3D using basic 2D layers of After Effects. Illustrator graphics can also be loaded and rendered in 3D using a plug-in such as Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator Pro. Some popular plug-in vendors are Automatic Duck, BorisFX, Conoa, Cycore Effects, DigiEffects, Digital Anarchy, Digital Film Tools, The Foundry, FXhome, GenArts, Gridiron Software, Noise Industries, RE: Vision Effects, Red Giant Software, Synthetic Aperture , Trapcode, video copilot, and Zaxwerks.

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In addition to 3D effects, there are plug-ins to make video look like a movie or a cartoon; simulated fire, smoke, or water, particle systems; slow motion; create animated graphics, charts, and other data visualization; calculate 3D motion video camera in 2D shot ; eliminate flicker, noise, or the rigging lines; translate timeline from FCP or Avid; add high-end color correction, and other workflow improvements and visual effects.

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Publisher's descriptionfrom Adobe Systems:

After Effects CS4 software is loaded with new features and other changes that would make every working session more productive. Quickly discover, visualize, and navigate to parts of the project that you want to improve. 3D compositing expand your options by importing 3D layers created in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended,and composite in 3D with more precision thanks to separate X-, Y-, and Z-position key frame. Create the look of cell animation with live recordings of new Cartoon effect. Track even the most challenging images with 2.5D planar motion tracking in Imagineer Systems' Mocha for Adobe After Effects, which is now included.

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Export After Effects compositions as editable layered in projects to open the Adobe Flash CS4 Professional software. With After Effects CS4, it's easier than ever to transform creative ideas into reality. Whether you work in broadcast and film or give a job online or to the device appears, Adobe After Effects CS4 software must have tool.

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Adobe Affter Effect

Adobe After Effects are usually used to create visual effects and motion graphics. This allows users to turn, change, and the composite media in 2d and 3d space with a variety of built-in tools and third party plug-ins. This software is really amazing and powerful. That's even more interesting if you have some tutorials to start learning. In this post, we collect the best Adobe After Effects tutorials and features here. Here are 50 + Most Amazing Tutorial Adobe After Effects Need To Learn. Most of this tutorial is to promote the users but some of them are for beginners and intermediate.

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Adobe Affter Effect

After Effects software to create industry standard motion graphics and visual effects for film and broadcast. It is also widely used to increase the production of another video, to create motion DVD menus, and to produce animated web graphics and Flash Video.Take advantage of unmatched integration with other Adobe software, flexible 2D and 3D compositing, and hundreds of preset effects and animations.

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Our free tutorials are designed with all users in mind from the very basic to advanced effects and keyboard shortcuts. It's all here in video-tutes free video tutorials. Let's start now. Our free tutorials are designed with all users in mind from the very basic to advanced effects and keyboard shortcuts. It's all here in video-tutes free video tutorials.

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Adobe Affter Effect

After effects is a very professional software for the needs of the Motion Graphic Design. With the combination of a wide - Design of software that has been there, After Effects became one of reliable software design. Effects standard which reaches around 50 kinds of more, which is able to change and menganimasikan object. Besides, making animation with After Effects, can also be done by simply typing some script code that called Expression to produce a more dynamic movement.

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After Effects is more complete when we compare the facilities with other Video Editing software. In After Effects, there are several facilities owned by some other software. For example; In After Effects there are tools to make Shape (like those found in Photoshop). In After Effects Keyframe as there are in Flash (menganimasikannya way too much the same). There is also a similar expression with the Action Script in Flash, and many others.

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Adobe Affter Effect

Adobe After Effects are usually used to create visual effects and motion graphics. This allows users to turn, change, and the composite media in 2d and 3d space with a variety of built-in tools and third party plug-ins.This software is really amazing and powerful. That's even more interesting if you have some tutorials to start learning. In this post, we collect the best Adobe After Effects tutorials and features here.Here are 50 + Most Amazing Tutorial Adobe After Effects Need To Learn. Most of this tutorial is to promote the users but some of them are for beginners and intermediate.

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Adobe Affter Effect

After Effects CS4 software is loaded with new features and other changes that would make every working session more productive. Quickly discover, visualize, and navigate to parts of the project that you want to improve. 3D compositing expand your options by importing 3D layers created in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended, and composite in 3D with more precision thanks to separate X-, Y-, and Z-position key frames. Create the look of cell animation with live recordings of new Cartoon effect.

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Track bahkan yang paling menantang gambar dengan gerak planar 2.5D pelacakan dalam Sistem Imagineer 'Mocha untuk Adobe After Effects, yang sekarang dimasukkan. Ekspor After Effects komposisi sebagai berlapis dapat diedit di dalam proyek-proyek untuk membuka Adobe Flash Professional CS4 perangkat lunak.

Dengan After Effects CS4, akan lebih mudah dari sebelumnya untuk mengubah ide-ide kreatif menjadi kenyataan. Entah Anda bekerja di broadcast dan film atau memberikan pekerjaan online atau ke perangkat muncul, Adobe After Effects CS4 perangkat lunak yang harus dimiliki alat.

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Adobe Affter Effect

In a 30-minute tutorial you will learn techniques and workflow used in Adobe After Effects and Illustrator to create a dramatic effect shattering Batman icons reveal a bright light source behind. Plug-ins are used, including Knoll Light Factory and Trapcode Shine special. For 10% discount on these and other Red Giant Software products using Motionworks10 code. Thanks to Ko Maruyama and Jonas Hummelstrand for creative input. Watch Tutorial

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Adobe Affter Effect

Adobe After Effects primarily used to create animated motion graphics and visual effects. This program allows the user to animation, editing and merging media in both 2D and 3D space by using a number of internal tools and plugins. After Effects is a program that "layer oriented", meaning that each object occupies a media tracknya respectively.

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The main display of this program consists of several panels, including panels project is, the panel composition and the timeline panel. The panel acts as a container project for import of media images, video and audio. Media is then processed in the timeline panel location and timing in which each media can be arranged. A clock line that moves horizontally, called the current time marker, can be removable media to show what appear every time, look at the panel composition.After Effects has a function that mutual support with other Adobe products, especially Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Flash and Encore.

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Adobe Affter Effect

PluginsPlugins are special programs that interact and support the parent application specific tasks. Most applications in the world of IT, including computer graphics world, it is conditioning himself "open" to the possibility of additional functions / special assignment with a number of reasons, including: an opportunity for third-party software developers to participate and to develop programs; opening up to the features future needs, which at first may not seem prospects; reduce the size of the primary application; to separate the source code for programs such as licensing division.

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The popularity of After Effects along with many plugins created by third parties, such as particle system plugin to create realistic effects of objects rain, snow, fire, water and others. Another plugin supports After Effects in 3D space. There is also a plugin for the video resembles the movie or cartoons, plugins for color correction, plugin to minimize flicker and noise, a plugin to determine the camera motion (in 3D space) from the video of the shoot, and so on. Some well-known plugin for After Effects Zaxwerks 3D include Invirogorator, BorisFX, Cycore, DigiEffect, Digital Anarchy, The Foundry, Trapcode and Video Copilot.

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Adobe Affter Effect

CompetitorsThe program is similar to After Effects competitor is The Foundry's Nuke; Autodesk's Combustion, Flame and Inferno; Apple's Shake and Motion; Eyeon Fusion; Boris RED; Pinnacle commotion; and FXHome. Along with the increase in open source programs, the new CineFX Jahshaka present, and even then with a feature that is still far compared with After Effects.

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Adobe Affter Effect

Adobe After Effects CS3 is the program for editing and designing a film or video with animation. In general, Adobe After Effects CS3 is often used to create animation, but you can also use this software to create a digital ad design to meet the needs of audio-visual advertising. Where the processing system and the creation of high power, then you will be able to create a work of art shaped by digital advertising design, animation animated beautiful and exclusive. This book discusses the steps to operate the program Adobe After Effects CS3, and discusses the advantages Adobe After Effects CS3 as the newest versions of Adobe After Effects program. This book also describes the steps giving effect to a video or picture that will produce a good animation video. In his discussion, this book comes with instructions and pictures that will help you in studying and understanding the process of making an animated video.

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Adobe Affter Effect

Neatly dish and sample applications contained in this book are expected to be used as training material for readers to better understand and master the program Adobe After Effects CS3 well. The subject is presented in the book Complete Series: Adobe After Effects CS3 include:

a. Know worksheet Adobe After Effects CS3 b. How do I work with Project C. Knowing the function of tool Adobe After Effects CS3 d. Creating text animation e. Know components f. animation settings How to use effects to manipulate the

video g. Layer processing on the composition h. How to use masking i. Rendering a true and familiar types of

output files

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Adobe Affter Effect

The book is arranged with a discussion of simple patterns, light, and not long-winded, so that makes this book easy to learn and very fit to be a great friend of learning and fun. Each subject is accompanied by samples and examples of exercises that will help you understand the content of the material and application. Book computer Affter Effects Adobe CS3 for beginners is very suitable to be used by students and beginners who want to know and be able to use Adobe CS3 Effects Affter well. Although this book is more devoted to the beginner, but the content of the material covered is quite complex, including:Know worksheet Affter Effects CS3 AdobeCreating projectKnowing the function of tools Affter Effects CS3 AdobeCreate and manage 2D and 3D layersMenganimasikan layer and the textUsing video and audio effectsRendering and Render Queue and export

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Adobe Affter Effect

History After Effects was originally created by the Company of Science and Arts in Providence, RI, USA. Version 1.0 was released in January 1993. Version 2.1 introduces the PowerPC acceleration in 1994. CoSA along with After Effects and then acquired by the company Aldus in July 1993; company was later acquired by Adobe in 1994, and with that PageMaker and After Effects. The first new release of Adobe After Effects is version 3.0.

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Adobe Affter Effect

Plug-in After Effects has an area of plug-ins that support, and various third-party plug-ins that are available. Various plug-in style, such as particle systems for realistic effects of rain, snow, fire, etc. With or without third party plug-ins, After Effects can give 3D effect. Some of the plug-in 3D using basic 2D layers of After Effects. Illustrator graphics can also be loaded and rendered in 3D using a plug-in such as Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator Pro. Some popular plug-in vendors are Automatic Duck, BorisFX, Conoa, Cycore Effects, DigiEffects, Digital Anarchy, Digital Film Tools, The Foundry, FXhome, GenArts, Gridiron Software, Noise Industries, RE: Vision Effects, Red Giant Software, Synthetic Aperture , Trapcode, video copilot, and Zaxwerks. In addition to 3D effects, there are plug-ins to make video look like a movie or a cartoon; simulated fire, smoke, or water, particle systems; slow motion; create animated graphics, charts, and other data visualization; calculate 3D motion video camera in 2D shot ; eliminate flicker, noise, or the rigging lines; translate timeline from FCP or Avid; add high-end color correction, and other workflow improvements and visual effects.

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Adobe Affter Effect

Date of Version cellular Codename Major features added in January 1993 CoSA 1.0-coated eggs with mask compositing, effects, alter, keyframes; Mac in May 1993 only 1.1 more effect in January 1994 Aldus 2.0 Teriyaki Time Layout window, multi-machine rendering , frame blending August 7, 1995 Adobe 3.0 Nimchow create queues, bezier masking, time mapping, keyframe assistant, a layer multiple effects, graphics speed, motion tracker, the motion of mathematics, the first Japanese version, layer transfer mode, continuously rasterize files Illustrator, Photoshop as import comp with a layer / transfer mode / alpha channel support, 3:2 pull-down, non-square pixel support, proxy

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Adobe Affter Effect

January 29, 1996 file format 3.1, multiprocessing, advanced keying, wiggler, motion sketch, smooth; the last version of Mac 680x0 May 1997 3.1 (Windows 95/NT) Dancing Monkey's first Windows version, contextual menus, the first French & German versions ; 486 PC in January 1999 final version 4.0 ebeer tab window, time to move the column layout, a mask per layer, warping effects, particle playground, audio effects, change the effect, adjustment layers, align palette, rulers & guides, RAM preview, glow / blur no longer clips on the layer edge, Premiere imports, color labels in the timeline; first simultaneous release of Mac & Windows March 11, 1999 flowchart 4.1 Batnip see, watch folders, 3D channel effects, collecting files command, watch folders, auto deinterlacing, the order of layers, save your favorite effects (. Ffx), fill in a separate text / stroke, 30,000 Ã-image support 30,000

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Adobe Affter Effect

April 2001 5.0 Melmet 3D layers, 3D lights, dynamic previews, parenting, vector paint, expressions, pick whip, draw / edit masks in comp window, integration of Atomic Power plug-ins (foam, wave world, dance cards, shatter, vegas ), 16 bits per channel color, Illustrator transparency support, export SWF, mask, colors, motion blur mask, mask expansion, RAM Preview regions of interest, Photoshop vector masks 6 import, PDF import, solo switch, scrubbable property values, custom workspaces, Reordering effect, PAR correction, Reveal files on the disk, reduce project, trim comp to work area,> 2GB movie output of January 7, 2002 5.5 Fauxfu advanced 3D renderer, multiple 3D views, import camera data, colored shadows, projection layers, effects palette , post rendering actions, advanced lightning, lights adjustment layers, smart mask, looping via expressions, RealMedia output, expression controllers, Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator Classic bundled; first OS X version

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Adobe Affter Effect

August 2003 6.0 Foodfite paint, script, text animator, OpenGL support, new motion tracker, Rotobezier, Keylight, Liquify, Scribble, Dust & scratches, background rendering RAM Previews June 16, 2004 6.5 Chambant advanced clone tool, preset gallery, grain management, integration of Final Effects plug-ins, bundling proficiency Color, Photoshop & Illustrator layers of support, Photoshop editing text, disk cache, Firewire video output, 1/2/4 motion tracking point, the interface of light / dark control, motion track scale, bundling Grain Surgery, AAF & OMF support in January 2006 7.0 Clamchop new unified windows UI, timewarp, graphics editor, OpenGL 2.0 support, HDR BPC 32 color, 32-bit audio, Adobe Bridge support, color management screen , dynamic link with Premiere Pro, script editor, auto save, Photoshop file creation, smart blur, lens blur, a blur of text characters, the first Spanish & Italian version

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Adobe Affter Effect

February 22, 2008 CS3 (8.0.2) Metaloaf Panasonic P2 support; PowerPC Mac version last September 23, 2008 CS4 (9.0) Chinchillada Quicksearch in the project & timeline, mini-flowchart, breadcrumbs, live PSD import 3D layers, separate XYZ, Imagineer Mocha bundled, cartoon effects, XFL export, XML export, dynamic link, XMP metadata, December 10, 2008 CS4 (9.0.1) Chinchidotta support RED R3D files (via redcode plugin v1.3) May 29, 2009 CS4 (9.0. 2) Lottadotta fixes several types of crashes, clip-level support RED R3D (v1.7 redcode via plugins), XDCAM HD (MXF Avid-style) support

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Adobe Affter Effect

Comparable competitor products for After Effects include The Foundry's Nuke; Autodesk Combustion, Toxik, and smoke; Apple's Shake and Motion; eyeon Fusion; Boris Red, and entry-level FXHome. As far as open-source alternative to go, just as the Jahshaka is a special package set of features, but suffer in comparison with that of After Effects. [Reference?]

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Adobe Affter Effect

Adobe After Effects is a digital motion graphics and compositing software published by Adobe Systems. Its main purpose is to film and video post-production. Contents [hide]

* 1 Description * 2 History * 3 Plug-in *4 Comparable products * 5 References * 6 External links

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