Download - MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome

Page 1: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome

Data not available at this geographic level for farms with American Indian or Alaska Native Producers.a This race alone or in combination with other races.

Menard County, IllinoisFarms with American Indian or AlaskaNative Producersa

Page 2: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome
Page 3: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome

Data not available at this geographic level for farms with Asian Producers.a This race alone or in combination with other races.

Menard County, IllinoisFarms with Asian Producersa

Page 4: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome
Page 5: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome

Data not available at this geographic level for farms with Black or African American Producers.a This race alone or in combination with other races.

Menard County, IllinoisFarms with Black or African AmericanProducersa

Page 6: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome
Page 7: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome

Data not available at this geographic level for farms with Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Producers.a This race alone or in combination with other races.

Menard County, IllinoisFarms with Native Hawaiian or OtherPacific Islander Producersa

Page 8: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome
Page 9: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome

Data not available at this geographic level for farms with White Producers.a This race alone or in combination with other races.

Menard County, IllinoisFarms with White Producersa

Page 10: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome
Page 11: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome

Data not available at this geographic level for farms with Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Producers.

Menard County, IllinoisFarms with Hispanic, Latino, or SpanishProducers

Page 12: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome
Page 13: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome

Total and Per Farm Overview, 2017

Farms withFemale



Number of farms 159 386

Land in farms (acres) 61,457 168,059

Average size of farm (acres) 387 435

Total ($) ($)

Market value of products sold 33,234,000 89,656,000

Government payments 1,159,000 3,801,000

Farm-related income 1,953,000 4,411,000

Total farm production expenses 25,519,000 67,203,000

Net cash farm income 10,826,000 30,665,000

Per farm average ($) ($)

Market value of products sold 209,017 232,269

Government payments

(average per farm receiving) 11,826 13,872

Farm-related income 20,999 21,004

Total farm production expenses 160,497 174,100

Net cash farm income 68,091 79,442

Share of Sales by Type (%)

Crops 96

Livestock, poultry, and products 4

Land in Farms by Use (%) b

Cropland 84

Pastureland 7

Woodland 7

Other 2

Land Use Practices (% of farms)

No till 30

Reduced till 33

Intensive till 18

Cover crop 8

Farms by Value of Sales Farms by Size

Number Percent b Number Percent b

Less than $2,500 50 31 1 to 9 acres 15 9

$2,500 to $4,999 17 11 10 to 49 acres 55 35

$5,000 to $9,999 12 8 50 to 179 acres 28 18

$10,000 to $24,999 13 8 180 to 499 acres 25 16

$25,000 to $49,999 13 8 500 to 999 acres 18 11

$50,000 to $99,999 7 4 1,000 + acres 18 11

$100,000 or more 47 30

Total 159 100 Total 159 100

Menard County, IllinoisFarms with Female Producers

Page 14: MenardCounty,Illinois FarmswithAmericanIndianorAlaska … · 2019-10-01 · Marketvalueofproductssold 209,017 232,269 Governmentpayments (averageperfarmreceiving) 11,826 13,872 Farm-relatedincome

Page 2 - Farms withFemale ProducersMenard CountyIllinois, 2017

Market Value of Agricultural Products SoldSales($1,000)

No. ofFarms

Total 33,234 159

Crops 31,817 108

Grains, oilseeds, dry beans, dry peas 31,672 92

Tobacco - -

Cotton and cottonseed - -

Vegetables, melons, potatoes, sweet potatoes 8 3

Fruits, tree nuts, berries 24 5

Nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, sod 30 5

Cultivated Christmas trees, short rotationwoody crops - -

Other crops and hay 84 28

Livestock, poultry, and products 1,416 51

Poultry and eggs 12 6

Cattle and calves 1,336 41

Milk from cows - -

Hogs and pigs 10 3

Sheep, goats, wool, mohair, milk 44 6

Horses, ponies, mules, burros, donkeys (D) 5

Aquaculture - -

Other animals and animal products (D) 1

Top Crops in Acres d

Corn for grain 26,629Soybeans for beans 22,483Forage (hay/haylage), all 844Wheat for grain, all 478Vegetables harvested, all 5

Livestock Inventory (Dec 31, 2017)

Broilers and othermeat-type chickens -

Cattle and calves 2,805Goats 49Hogs and pigs (D)Horses and ponies 104Layers 394Pullets (D)Sheep and lambs 204Turkeys (D)

Percent of farms that:

Have internetaccess 81

Farmorganically -

Sell directly toconsumers 6

Hirefarm labor 27

Are familyfarms 96

Total Producers c 169

Age<35 835 – 64 10265 and older 59

RaceAmerican Indian/Alaska Native -Asian -Black/African American -Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander -White 169More than one race -

Primary occupationFarming 44Other 125

Days worked off farmNone 531 to 199 38200 + 78

Other characteristicsHispanic/Latino/Spanish 2With military service 4New and beginning farmers 44

Average age (years) 59.0

Demographic Data in the Census ofAgriculture

The agriculture census is a complete count of

U.S. farms and ranches and the people who

operate them. Demographic information is

available at national, state, and county levels,

and for classes of farm and congressional

districts. Results from the 2017 Census and

earlier are available through the searchable

database Quick Stats, the new Census Data

Query Tool, downloadable PDF reports,

maps, and topic-specific Highlights and


See also the video “What’s New in the 2017



See 2017 Census of Agriculture, U.S. Summary and State Data, for complete footnotes, explanations, definitions, commodity descriptions, andmethodology.aThis race alone or in combination with other races. bMay not add to 100% due to rounding. cData collected for a maximum of four producers per farm.dCrop commodity names may be shortened; see full names at e Position below the line does not indicate rank.(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (NA) Not available. (Z) Less than half of the unit shown. (-) Represents zero.