Download - membership... · as IDEAlliance, PIA-GATF, GAA, FTA, SGAI, NAPL • Keep up to date with changing environmental, health and safety regulations • Provide legal contacts in Washington

Page 1: membership... · as IDEAlliance, PIA-GATF, GAA, FTA, SGAI, NAPL • Keep up to date with changing environmental, health and safety regulations • Provide legal contacts in Washington

Page 2: membership... · as IDEAlliance, PIA-GATF, GAA, FTA, SGAI, NAPL • Keep up to date with changing environmental, health and safety regulations • Provide legal contacts in Washington

Member Benefits

NAPIM Member Companies Will Be Able To: • Access to member benefits for all employees • Address issues that affect the ink industry across the board • Participate in establishing industry wide testing procedures. • Interact with key organizations such as ISO, CGATS, and ASTM • Collaborate with others in the industry • Participate on technical committees, task forces and event planning committees • Influence and provide input to the development of environmental industry standards • Use of NAPIM’s logo on your website and your advertising materials • Be part of the Annual Environmental Summit with the National Environmental Health & Safety (NEHS) • Participate in an open forum for professional networking to advance common interests

NAPIM Member Companies Will Receive: • Support services available five days a week. • Help with technical, EHS, and business issues. • Onsite safety/regulatory audits are available for a nominal charge • Access to members only area of the NAPIM website • Member discounts rates for all NAPIM events and materials • All NAPIM Bulletins • Education and training through the well established Summer Course on Printing Ink Technology • A listing on the NAPIM website with a link to your company website • A listing under the “Find an Ink Supplier” • Free registration for the newly established Bio-derived Renewable Material Content (BRC) program

NAPIM will: • Act as a watchdog for correcting inaccurate printing ink information on the internet • Be a liaison with European associations, such as EUPia. • Keep abreast of technological advancements through the National Printing Ink Research Institute (NPIRI) • Direct reports from liaisons with other related trade associations such as IDEAlliance, PIA-GATF, GAA, FTA, SGAI, NAPL • Keep up to date with changing environmental, health and safety regulations • Provide legal contacts in Washington DC who work for the benefit of the ink industry on key governmental issues • Ensure that your concerns are represented in communications with government’s environmental agencies • Assist your customers with following sustainable practices through the SGP program


The National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers (NAPIM) has been the only national trade association for the printing ink industry since its founding in 1916. The overall purpose is to promote the general development and improvement of member companies by fostering greater understanding and knowledge of the printing ink industry as well as representing the industry as a whole on a national basis.

In addition, NAPIM provides seminars, conferences, publications, bulletins and consultation services to its member companies on an ongoing basis.

The association exists in order to serve its membership, which is accomplished by being both re-active and pro-active on key issues affecting the ink industry. NAPIM members include ink manufacturers, companies that supply raw materials and manufacturers of instrumentation and equipment utilized by the printing ink industry.

“Thanks for all your help making my job easier” -Quote from NAPIM Satisfaction Survey, August 2013

Page 3: membership... · as IDEAlliance, PIA-GATF, GAA, FTA, SGAI, NAPL • Keep up to date with changing environmental, health and safety regulations • Provide legal contacts in Washington


NAPIM membership is a company membership. Therefore, once your company is approved for membership, everyone will be able to utilize the NAPIM member benefits. When you fill out a membership application, you will have the option to add up to 10 people from your company. If you chose to not add any additional employees, they can add themselves at a later date. NAPIM membership is broken down into two groups, Ink Manufacturers and Technical Associate Members. Each group receive the same member benefits within NAPIM. Join at

“NAPIM does a great job.”-Quote from NAPIM Satisfaction Survey, August 2013

Membership adds value to companies in and related to the printing ink industry. NAPIM provides

its Ink Manufactrurer and Supplier/Technical Associate members with a wide range of

benefits including:

• Education & Training

• Information & Resources

• Technological Updates

• Networking & Committee Activity

• Promotion of your company

• Industry Political Advocacy

Page 4: membership... · as IDEAlliance, PIA-GATF, GAA, FTA, SGAI, NAPL • Keep up to date with changing environmental, health and safety regulations • Provide legal contacts in Washington