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Member Centric Decision Management

Identification/Stratification and Consumer Segmentation

BlueCross Blue Shield Tennessee

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

General Session 3

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Sherri Zink

VP, Medical Informatics


Email: [email protected]:423-535-3324

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Profile of Medical Informatics Team

• PhD and Masters level analysts

• 100+ publications between team members

• Experienced Technical professionals in the field of healthcare with backgrounds in finance, actuarial, statistics, nursing and information systems

• External market and competitive experience including BCBST, UHC, OptumHealth, Ingenix and CIGNA

• Tenured leadership team with an average of 15+ years in the healthcare industry

• Unique skill sets and experience leveraging Health Information Exchange , EMR, and Clinical Data


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Member Centric Decision Management (MCDM)

Vision: To reach the RIGHT person, the RIGHT way, at the RIGHT time, with the RIGHT message.

MCDM is:•Consumer Segmentation•Continuous Monitoring of Population Health•Personalized Approach to Consumer and Provider Outreach

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Painting the Consumer Profile Picture

Utilization Tracking• Medication Adherence• Biometric Results• Diagnostic Profiling• Health Assessment

Consumer Attributes• Demographics• Lifestyle• Geography• Risk Scores• Existing vs Prospective• Contact Preferences

Consumer Engagement• Nurse

• Health Coach


• Mail Campaign

• Email Reminder

• Text Message

Opportunity Assessment• Risk Profile• Program Selection• Contact Prioritization• Outreach Optimization

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Clinical, Financial, & LifestyleINTEGRATED DATA

• Supports Total Population Health Management Reporting

• Links consumer engagement to economic performance

• Showcases consumer behavior

• Empowers informed decision making

Anchored around the consumer

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Consumer Advisory Monitoring System (CAMS)

Offers a total population health monitoring system with the goal of understanding consumers holistically

Maximizes consumer outreach opportunities through customized solutions

Enables our business to meet people where they are and to capitalize on those teachable moments

Empowers the BCBST brand experience

Improves targeted marketing for retail sales

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Enabling a Personalized Approach to Consumer Engagement and Health Management

Personalized Messaging

Personal Health Opportunities

Clinical Program Referrals

Proactive Decision Support

Provider Engagement

The MCDM Process

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Flexing the Outreach Delivery Model to Meet the Unique Needs of Each Individual


Jill, Age 36• BMI < 20•Potential High Risk

Pregnancy•Young Married

Engage with a Case Manager and Send High Risk

Pregnancy Mgmt Tips

Joe, Age 20

• Smoker• BMI < 20• Young Single

Engage with a Life Style Coach; recommend an on-line Health Module; send regular SMS messages to track progress

Janice, Age 54•Diabetes•Frequent Usage of the ER•Non-Compliant with Meds• BMI > 35•No Established PCP Relationship•Married with Family

Engage with a DM Nurse

Jim, Age 60•Coronary Artery Disease• Post Heart Attack•Discharge Care Plan in Place• Compliant with All Meds•BMI < 25•Empty Nester

Engage with a Letter or Email

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The Importance of Segmentation

Clinical ProfileJanice, Age 54•Diabetes•Frequent Usage of the ER•Non-Compliant with Meds•BMI > 35•No Established PCP

Jackie, Age 54•Diabetes•Frequent Usage of the ER•Non-Compliant with Meds•BMI > 35•No Established PCP


Knowing Only Half the Story

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Knowing the whole story

Janice, Age 54•Diabetes•Frequent Usage of the ER•Non-Compliant with Meds•BMI > 35•No Established PCP

Jackie, Age 54•Diabetes•Frequent Usage of the ER•Non-Compliant with Meds•BMI > 35•No Established PCP

Jackie, Age 54•Suburban Style segment•Established residence•Family-centric living•Internet savvy•Employed

Janice, Age 54•Struggling Society Segment•Economically challenged•Unemployed•No access to computers•Transient

Clinical Profile

Lifestyle Segment

Knowing the Whole Story


Leveraging Segmentation

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MDCM: Empowering Integrated Health Management


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Members receive the right support at the right time

Chronic Conditions







24/7 Acute Conditions




Emergency Assessment

Preference-Sensitive Conditions





Major joints

Low Back Pain

Healthy Lifestyles



Risk mgmt

Complex care

Major trauma



Seamlessly integrated

BCBST Continuum of SupportLeveraging MCDM Capabilities to Strategically Position our Clinical Product

Portfolio for Existing and Prospective Clients

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Pre-Sale Analytics















Obesity and Overweight



Coronary Artery Disease



Congestive Heart Failure

Targeted Chronic ConditionPrevalence Rate

Prevalence Rate Book of Business Prevalence Rate






Percentage of Members Percentage of Total Payments

Distribution of Health Status

Healthy Acute Chronic











Non-Preventive Visit Wellness Visit





Wellness Visits and Other Office Visits

Percentage of Total Members Book of Business Percentage of Members







Breast Cancer


Cervical Cancer


Colorectal Cancer


Prostate Cancer


Cholesterol Screening

Wellness Screenings Compliance Rates

Percent of Members Completing Screening

Book of Business Percent of Members Completing Screening

MCDM: Empowering Pre-Sale Analytics

Chronic Conditions Prevalence Rate

Average Risk Score

Average Cost Per Patient

Book of Business Prevalence Rate

Book of Business Average Risk


Book of Business Average Cost Per


Obesity and Overweight 0.06% 1.80 $4,500.00 0.14% 1.80 $4,500.00

Diabetes 2.37% 2.30 $11,500.00 2.46% 1.80 $10,000.00

Hypertension 1.63% 1.40 $1,872.00 3.00% 1.20 $1,671.00

Coronary Artery Disease 1.08% 2.10 $17,898.00 0.76% 2.10 $14,558.00

COPD 0.18% 1.80 $8,400.00 0.42% 2.00 $8,400.00

Asthma 0.42% 0.86 $5,200.00 0.56% 0.86 $4,900.00

Congestive Heart Failure 0.32% 2.50 $20,000.00 0.19% 2.50 $18,000.00

Proactive approach to assessing population health status and member profiles to enable tailored solutions for

– Clinical Program Design

– Effective Consumer Engagement

– Incentives that Drive Positive Member Behavior

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• Target members for retention• Target members at risk for leaving

BCBST• Monitoring movement to the

Exchange and Medicaid• Target members at risk for potential

access to care issues

Persona Categorization • Persona categories by Federal

Poverty Level (FPL) Welcome Empty Nesters Not so Golden Years Making Ends Meet

Distribution of Population

Identifying At Risk Populations Due to Health Care Reform

MCDM: Empowering Exchange Analytics and Consumer Marketing

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• Empowers total population health management

• Brings BCBST to parity with key competitors

• Commissions a pre-sale analytics process that will highlight up-sale opportunities with existing BCBST clients and new sale opportunities with prospective clients

• Consolidates reporting and outcomes evaluation

• Positions a real-time predictive capability for alerts to consumers and providers

• Advances BCBST toward becoming a total health solutions company

• Prepares our business for retail opportunities in the individual market or exchange environment

• Streamlines dependence on vendors

Concluding ThoughtsWhy is this important to our Business?

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How to Make Micro-segmentation Work

Creating and Monitoring Your Segmentation Categories

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Micro-segmentation Mosaic Lifestyle Groups


A – Power Elite: Enjoying all that life has to offer

B – Flourishing Families: Living very comfortable, active lifestyles

C – Booming with Confidence: Prosperous, established couples

D – Suburban Style: Middle-aged, ethnically-mixed suburban families

E – Thriving Boomers: Upper-middle-class African-American couples

F – Promising Families: Young couples living child-centered lifestyles

G – Young City Solos: Younger singles living active and energetic lifestyles

H – Middle Class Melting Pot: Mid-scale, middle-aged and established couples

I – Family Union: Somewhat diverse families supported by solid blue-collar jobs

J – Autumn Years: Ethnically-diverse and mature couples living gratified lifestyle

K – Significant Singles: Middle-aged singles leading active city styles of living

L – Blue Sky Boomers: Lower- and middle-class baby boomer-aged households

M – Families in Motion: Working-class families with diverse household dynamics

N – Pastoral Pride: Eclectic mix of widowed and divorced individuals and couples

O – Singles and Starters: Young singles starting out in diverse urban


P – Cultural Connections: Diverse families in urban apartments and residences

Q – Golden Year Guardians: Retirees in settled residences and communities

R – Aspirational Fusion: Multi-cultural singles striving to make a better life

S – Struggling Societies: Economically challenged looking to make ends meet



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Micro segmentation Lifestyle Clusters


Money to BurnTend to be more affluent. Like to know how a product can elevate their status and are more willing to take risks with their purchases.

Stable SpendersYoung to middle-aged individuals that tend to be driven by how to get the most “bang for their buck.” However, they are very aware of how specific brands can reflect their lifestyle and tend to gravitate towards popular logos.

American Melting PotContains members from a wide array of income levels and ethnicities. They take pride in local and American made products and like to see a reflection of family when making purchases.

Middle-of-the-Road MixersMiddle-class, diverse households and have spending habits that are just as varied. These individuals highly regard how products affect their family when making purchasing decisions.

Single SaversMostly singles living in urban areas that tend to gravitate towards discounts when spending their hard-earned money. They aren’t as concerned with the newest products, but tend to focus on those that are tried and true.


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Micro segmentation Clinical Clusters


Mystery MembersMajority have no claims information and missing MEDai information

Barely BothersMembers in this cluster tend to do the bare minimum when it comes to maintaining their health. This is indicated by their infrequent interactions with the health plan and their low compliance rate and motivation.

Moderate MoversThese members value convenience when it comes to making healthcare decisions. When they do seek care from a PCP they don’t always have to see the same one. Their forecasted change is cost remains stable due to their inclination for maintaining their health.

Inclined IncreasersWhile extremely motivated and compliant, these members still seek a high amount of care. They are more chronic than the average cluster and are expected to far exceed their current year cost in the next year.

Unmatched UtilizersThese members are unmatched in cost and utilization. They are likely deemed highly motivated and compliant due to the increased frequency in opportunities for care.

New MembersMembers with less than 30 days enrollment


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Lifestyle by Clinical Cluster Analysis


Distribution of Lifestyle Clusters for VSHP, Commercial, and Company X Populations



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MCDM Outreach Campaign Plan

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Results of a 2012 Diabetes Call Campaign

Top 5 VSHP segments Dx:• Not very reachable• Not very impactible•Recommendation: Improve ability to contact members via phone, and consider different outreach modality, particularly for N & S (more rural segments)

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Campaign Evaluation Effectiveness and Mode of Delivery Analysis

• Multiple campaigns were conducted each month as part of the MCDM process with the aim of increasing member compliance with certain evidence-based guidelines

• We analyze the effectiveness of these campaigns, both quality and cost • This information is examined by each lifestyle segment to see how our unique customers

respond differently to outreach efforts• The results of this evaluation is fed back into the process to make the analytical process


Call campaign outcome

Breast Cancer

Screening Call 2011

Diabetes Care Call 2011Cervical Cancer

Screening Call 2012

Eye Exam

HbA1c Testing

LDL-C Screening

Nephropathy Screening

# of members called 56,861 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 89,670

% of members reached 76% 67% 67% 67% 67% 68%

Conversion Rate for Reached

members 11% 6% 21% 23% 12% 3.2%Conversion Rate for Not-Reached

members 8% 5% 18% 19% 9% 2.5%Additional

Conversion Rate relative to no intervention 3% 2% 4% 4% 3% 1%

# of compliant members gained

relative to no intervention 1,253 653 1,611 1,655 1,219 409

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ISM Governance Structure


Purpose: oversee the Identification/Stratification/Microsegmentation process to set the communication strategy and to drive standardization for the enterprise.

Scope– Promote and monitor enterprise wide standardization/centralization of communication– Develop and approve annual member communication plan– Oversee the Identification/Stratification process by approving rules for the analytics

engine– Drive standardization around the ID/Strat process– Determine prioritization of communications– Review evaluations/results and make recommendations to improve the process– Approve modifications to the process based on results/strategy– Oversight of the Contact Preference process

Membership: VP Medical Informatics (Chair), CMO’s, VP Performance Measurement, VP Strategic Marketing, VP Pharmacy, VP Product Development Onlife, Director Quality, Director Operations, Director Product Strategy, Director Brand Strategy & Director Clinical Programs

Connecting Organizational Processes

Breaking Down Departmental Silos