Download - Megan Clark Bio - IM4DC€¦ · Dr# Megan# Clark# is# Chief# Executive# of# CSIRO,# Australia’s# national# research# agency# and# one# of# the# leading# missionA directed,#multiAdisciplinary#applied#research#organisations#in#

Page 1: Megan Clark Bio - IM4DC€¦ · Dr# Megan# Clark# is# Chief# Executive# of# CSIRO,# Australia’s# national# research# agency# and# one# of# the# leading# missionA directed,#multiAdisciplinary#applied#research#organisations#in#



Dr  Megan  Clark    Chief  Executive  CSIRO    Dr   Megan   Clark   is   Chief   Executive   of   CSIRO,   Australia’s  national   research   agency   and   one   of   the   leading   mission-­‐directed,  multi-­‐disciplinary   applied   research   organisations   in  the  world.      CSIRO   aims   to   deliver   profound   impact   for   industry,   the  community  and  for  a  sustainable  future  from  its  science  and  is  well  known  for  developing  the  wireless  LAN  now  in  over  4  billion  devices  world-­‐wide.        Prior   to  CSIRO,  Dr  Clark   led  BHP  Billiton’s   global   efforts   in  Health,   Safety   and  Environment  and  Community  Engagement  after  heading  BHP  Billiton’s  Global  Technology  unit.      Prior   to   joining   BHP   Billiton   Dr   Clark   led   a   small   high-­‐tech   venture   capital   fund   with   NM  Rothschild   and   Sons   Australia   and   worked   in   a   corporate   venture   fund   with   Advent  International  in  Boston.    Dr  Clark   is  currently  Chair  of   the  Mining   for  Development  Advisory  Board   for  AusAid  and  a  principal   in  the  Global  Research  Alliance  which  brings  together  nine  global  applied  research  peers  to  support  inclusive  innovation  for  the  world’s  most  disadvantaged.  She  is  on  the  Prime  Minister’s   Science,   Industry   and   Engineering   Council,   Minister   Combet’s   Manufacturing  Leaders’  Group,  Member   of  National   Precincts   Board,  Member   of   Council   on   Strategy   and  Innovation  and  is  a  member  of  the  Advisory  Board  of  the  Bank  of  Merrill  Lynch  in  Australia.    Dr  Clark  is  a  Fellow  of  the  Academy  of  Technological  Sciences  and  Engineering  and  a  Fellow  of  the  Australian  Institute  of  Company  Directors.      Dr   Clark   is   a   geochemist  with   a   BSc   (Hons)   and   PhD   from  Queen’s   University   Canada   and  began  her  career  as  a  mine  and  exploration  geologist.