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SCHOOL GROUPMeeting Outlines

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Start-Up Meeting

* Theme: Let’s Go!

* Get-to-know-you game: The Name Game

The Name Game is perfect when starting a New Generation Group for the first time, or at the start of a new school year when new members join, because it helps ev-eryone learn each other’s names! Each person in the group has to pick a word that describes them as a person. The catch is, that the word must start with the first letter of their first name. For example, my name is Brad. I would say “Hello! My name is Brilliant Brad.” The person after me must say my adjective and name before saying theirs. So they would go, “Hello, Brilliant Brad, my name is Sweet Sarah.” Then the third person would go, “Hello, Brilliant Brad, and Sweet Sarah, my name is Easy-Going Evelina.” This continues on until all of the students have gone. Being last is hilarious in this game, because they have to remember everyone’s name AND adjec-tive before stating theirs!

* Bible Verse: Matt: 18: 19-20

* Prayer Idea: Pray for new members & favour

Pray for a good start of the year. Pray for your new group and each and every one of the members. Pray for new members to join. Don’t forget to also say a prayer for your headmaster/mistress to be open to your group and give you favour with everything that God has for your school the upcoming year.

* Outreach Idea: Matthew Muffins

Bake mini muffins and hand out around your school. With each muffin make a card with a Bible verse eg: Matt 7:7-8 (Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.) Add some information about the group on the card - where you meet, and any other relevant information.

Put up our Wanted: Christians posters around school with information on where your group meets.

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Christmas Meeting

* Theme: Joy to the world!

* Icebreaker game: Famous Christmas Things

Tape names of famous things linked with Christmas on your friends’ backs. They have to ask each other yes or no questions until they can guess who they are. For example: Am I a man? Am I a singer? Am I an animal? The trick is you can only ask one question to each person. (Ideas: Santa, Rudolf the reindeer, Christmas pudding, Christmas tree)

* Bible Verse: Isaiah 7:14, John 8:12

* Prayer Idea: Pray for a successful party

Pray for money so you can do your outreach. Pray that the true light of the season will shine through in every student’s life as they go on their holiday break. John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Pray that people will accept their invitations to come to your Christmas party.

* Outreach Idea: Christmas Lights Party!

Arrange a Christmas party on the day you’re supposed to have a group meeting. Pre-pare beforehand by making Christmas invitation cards and then hand them out a cou-ple of days before Christmas at your school. Tape a tea-light candle to the back of each one, and tell them to bring it with them.

Ask for permission, light some tea-light candles, and set the atmosphere in the room with cushions etc. Arrange a Christmas snack table (get everyone to bring something) and then share the Christmas gospel with them by reading from example Luke 2:1-20 and telling them that God sent a joy to the world. Talk about Jesus being the light of the world, that when we ask Him into our heart, the darkness has to flee away.

The reason these social parties are good is because people often want to feel like they belong before they believe. When you invite people and build friendships it helps them open up to hearing about your faith.

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January Meeting

* Theme: One God, one love!

* Icebreaker game: Knots

Have everyone join together and hold hands, then make them work out a circle without breaking hands.

* Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 13: 4-13

* Prayer Idea: A good response to the posters

Pray for money so you can do your outreach. Pray that God shows you those people at school who need a real demonstration of love. Pray that people’s hearts will be touched by God’s love.

* Outreach Idea: Love at Our School!

Decide to do a “Love Week” at school. Put up a series of posters advertising what the Bible says love is: i.e. “Love is patient” “Love is kind” “Love does not keep a record of wrongs” etc. from 1 Corinthians 13.

Get active during this week by being attentive to the different needs that the students or teachers may have and help them out. This could be anything from staying after class to helping the teacher tidy up the classroom or sitting with someone who is alone in the school cafeteria, to helping someone with their homework, or just saying a kind word to someone who really needs it.

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Easter Meeting

* Theme: The Greatest Gift

* Icebreaker game: Secret Lingo

No one can speak or hold up numbers with their hands, but everyone is given a number and they have to put themselves in correct order without communicating with words.

* Bible Verse: James 1:17, Romans 8:32

* Prayer Idea: Pray for your gifts to touch hearts

Pray for money so you can do your outreach. Pray that God touches the hearts of people who receive gifts. Pray that God will open doors and good conversations. If you have one student in mind beforehand pray that God will give you a great opportunity to connect with them.

* Outreach Idea: Easter Quiz & Lucky Dip

Do an outreach based around God giving His Son Jesus as His greatest gift to us. Ro-mans 8:32: He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Give away free hot-cross buns to demonstrate that God’s gift of Jesus was completely free to us, and open to anyone who will accept it. Write the Bible verse from John 3:16 or Romans 8:32 on a note and place it inside the bun (don’t forget to warn people!)

Prepare an Easter Jesus quiz, with multiple-choice questions e.g. What does John 3:16 say?. Go around in the school and give out to people. Everyone who returns their completed quiz gets to pick something out of a lucky-dip bag. This gives you all a chance to start some good conversation about Jesus and tell them that they are loved.

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Graduation Meeting

* Theme: Goodbyes!

* Icebreaker game: I Spy

The leader chooses a random object in the classroom. Students take turns asking ques-tions in an attempt to identify the object. Answers can only be in the form of yes or no. Students can ask questions to clarify colour (is the object blue?), location (is the object near the door?), size (is the object smaller than a baseball?), purpose (is it something you write with?) etc.

* Bible Verse: Isaiah 55:11

* Prayer Idea: Pray for your gifts to touch hearts

Pray for enough money to be able to buy Bibles for every single person in the gradu-ating class. Pray that people will read the Bibles and God will touch their hearts. Get a list of the students that are graduating and make sure you pray for each and one of the personally. Pray that people get good exam results. Pray for a new group leader if you’re leaving the school.

* Outreach Idea: Leaving Present!

Make sure that all the graduating students get something before they leave school! If you haven’t done a Bible Project yet this is a great opportunity to do one. To spice it up a little you could make a handmade graduation card with a good Bible verse they can take away with them when they set off into the world. You could highlight a specific verse in fluorescent ink in the Bible, such as John 3:16 or Matthew 14:6. To make the leaving present feel extra special, take some time to wrap all the Bibles in wrapping paper.

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